wps sponsor kit 2014

Post on 01-Apr-2016






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Westchester Photographic Society Sponsor Kit


Who We Are

The Westchester Photographic Society is the oldest, the largest, and the friendliest camera club in Westchester County, NY. Our mission is to support your interest in photography at any level members desire. Membership is open to all photography enthusiasts, from beginning novices to professional photographers. Our members work in black-and-white, color prints, video, and computer imaging. We are renowned for our unique "open mind" photography, which stretches the boundaries of our imaginations. We meet every Friday evening, 12 months a year (except on holidays and during college weather closings). The meetings feature diversified programs: talks by experts, workshops, demonstrations, model shoots, member showcases, critiques, and monthly competitions. While visitors are welcome at almost all of our meetings and events, only members are allowed to enter competitions, exhibits, model shoots and critiques. We also hold frequent exhibitions, go on field trips, and have great parties (we've been nicknamed the "Westchester Photographic and Eating Society). Our weekly meetings are on Fridays at 8:00 P.M. in the auditorium in the Technology Building of the Westchester Community College, Valhalla, NY.

Some Featured Program Speakers

Ron Wyatt Eddie Tapp Rick Sammon

Vincent LaForet Lindsay Adler Parish Kohanim

Monthly Member Newsletter

inFocus is the monthly newsletter of the Westchester Photographic Society and is distributed, free, to all members via email and through the WPS website. Sponsors are provided with a complimentary listing, prominently featured on the back cover of the newsletter. Sponsors of the annual dinner in November receive a full year of listings.

News, comment, meeting schedule and member ads.

Photography competition winners. Sponsor listing.

Westchester Photographic Society Website The WPS website provides members and visitors with information on program schedules, photo tips and techniques, field trip opportunities, competition and exhibit rules, and links to the back issues of the monthly newsletter and sponsors. The WPS website averages approximately a half-million hits per year and over 56,000 actual visits. It is a great place to be seen.

WPS Sponsor Listing

Why Sponsor the Westchester Photographic Society

Westchester County, located immediately north of New York City, is one of the nation's most affluent counties. The county's wealthy tax base benefits from the strong regional economy, and high resident income levels rank well above state and national averages.( Source: Fitch Ratings May 5 2014)

Our membership, which numbers over 120 regular members, spends over $100,000 annually on photography and photography-related purchases.

The Westchester Photographic Society is a fully registered 501(C)3 charitable corporation and your contribution in support of the WPS may be fully tax deductible.

The Westchester Photographic Society invites members of the public to attend all meetings, free of charge. Frequent visitors include college-age students and new retirees with a beginning interest in photography. Your sponsorship allows you to reach these individuals, along with our regular members, through the newsletter and website sponsor page.

22% of WPS members claim income from photography sales and services each year.

Within 24 month period: Within the next 24 months:

25% have purchased a DSLR camera body 45% will purchase a DSLR camera body

53% have purchased a DSLR lens 35% will purchase a DSLR lens

13% have purchased a Mirrorless camera 8% will purchase a Mirrorless camera

22% have purchased an external flash 17% will purchase an external flash

88% have purchased memory cards 89% will purchase additional memory cards

22% have purchased a tripod 10% will purchase a tripod

29% have purchased a camera bag or backpack 2% will purchase a camera bag or backpack

78% have purchased photography software 39% will purchase photography software

65% have purchased books on photography 29% will purchase books on photography

61% have purchased courses or workshops 53% will purchase courses or workshops

27% have purchased a photo-quality printer 12% will purchase a photo-quality printer

100% have purchased printer ink or toner 100% will purchase printer ink or toner

100% have purchased photo paper 100% will purchase photo paper

78% have purchased matting and framing mtls 60% will purchase matting and framing mtls

Will WPS members purchase from your business?

Be a part of the Westchester Photographic Society and participate as a corporate sponsor.

Contact us at: webmaster@WPSphoto.org

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