wra 210 april 26th powerpoint

Post on 21-May-2015






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TODAY1)Reminders2)Course Evals3)Usability Test 2 Info4)The Final Tumblr (ba-da-da-da)5)Vague Homeworkish Thing

Grading is up to date other than the Tumblrs for the last few weeks. I will be grading those this afternoon, along with any make-up Tumblr posts.

There’s one last Tumblr to post today, in-class, and then that part of class is over.

We have one more meeting, on Thursday, and I have open lab hours from 1-6 pm on Friday right here in 317.

Your final projects will be due– either live on the web via link or in a COMPLETE zip file– by 11:59 PM on May 5th.


COURSE EVALSI would like for you to do your “official” course evals now. Some brave soul needs to volunteer to gather them up and take them downstairs to the WRAC office (and tag me back in from the hallway).

Info you might need: WRA 210 Section 002 Spring 2010Instructor: Phill Alexander Shoe Size 11remember: 1 is good, 5 is bad (apparently last year people inverted them for some classes).

As part of your final project, you will need to complete a second usability test. This should be done as late as possible (not so late that it causes you pain, but you should be as done as possible), and unlike the first usability test, I will leave all of the questions and procedures up to you.

What you want to accomplish is to find out how well a user can navigate and use your site.

You should write up your findings in a one page (no more than one page) memo to include with your final project (or email to me with the link to your final project site if you choose to go live for the final).


LAST TUMBLRFor your last Tumblr, I want you to live-blog responses to the questions I’m about to pose. I will cycle through them giving you what seems like enough time to answer. If you cannot keep up, it’s okay to go back later (or to not go back and just leave it where you were).

The idea of these is for me to get feedback so I can better teach the course next time.

I just want to remind you, before I give you these questions, that as much as I tried to incorporate the teaching of software and code into the class, that’s not the PW program’s primary goal (this is a class on practices and theory first and foremost), so try to remember that as you offer suggestions. That’s not to say any suggestion you might have wouldn’t be valid, just realize that spending whole class periods on code, or on Dreamweaver, wouldn’t quite mesh with what the class is meant to do.

And with that, here we go…

Before we start…

Question 1What was the absolute best thing about class? Why?

And the yang to the yin– what was the absolute worst part of class, and why?

Question 2

Question 3What is one thing you learned in class you will never forget?

What is one thing from class you do not currently understand?

Question 4

Question 5If class was a car, it would be “Xmodel” because of “Yreason.”

Ignoring his physical presence (so you don’t all say John Goodman!), what celebrity would you cast to play Phill in “WRA 210 the Series” and why?

Question 6

Question 7“I wish we had done more…” (what and why?)

“I really could have done without so much…” (Same)

Question 8

Question 9Class felt like (pick one):

A. ClerksB. TitanicC. Breakin’ 2: Electric BoogaluD. Season 5 of Family TiesE. The episode of Brady Bunch where Marsha takes a football in the nose.F. Black SwanG. Chicago (the movie or the city, IDK which)and why?

“If class had a flavor, it would be _____ because…”

Question 10

Question 11I want to continue to learn about web authoring because:


I am not interested in more web coding, because …


Me and the web, man, it’s complicated because…

You have to sum up class in one Charlie Sheen quote. You choose:

A. Winning! Duh?B. My mistake was that I thought I would instinctively know how to handle

it. But there's no manual, no training course.C. I got tiger blood, man! D. Winner winner chicken dinner? More like winner, winner Sheen dinner!

(what?)E. I have to tell them that last night was a shameful train wreck filled with

blind cuddly puppies. F. I still don't have all the answers. I'm more interested in what I can do next

than what I did last.

And, of course, why?

Question 12

Question 13Anything you want to say to me about class? Good, bad, indifferent?

This is just your space.

If you would like to share something else, but you didn’t feel comfortable putting your name with it, you can submit anonymously through the “Questions for Phill” link on the right side of my tumblr at Phill210 dot Tumblr dot Com.

That’s all. Told you it wouldn’t be too painful.

Question 14

Next classWe shut this puppy down.

I’ll be around if you have questions before then, and remember, marathon work session on Friday for those who need the help.

The rest of today is question time/work time/thinkin’ time.

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