wummin house virtual tour

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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Your Sacred Self is a space for sisterhood + a vehicle for internal exploration.


The Wummin House

The Wummin HouseA virtual tour


A virtual tour


“Your Sacred Self” began with two wimmin who had a deep, burning desire, to offer other wimmin a safe, sacred space to be completely, authentically, no-holds-barred, themselves.

We wanted to offer a place where they had to be real… raunchy real. Real with themselves first. Real with their aches and hurts and insecurities. Real with their beauty and their magnificence and their divine yumminess.

We wanted to provide a sanctuary and teach wimmin to priestess themselves. We’re talking extreme self-care, soul-touching reflection, raw expression, intense gratitude, and sacred surrender.

When you walk up onto the front yard of the Wummin House,

you enter into safe, sacred space.

The Wummin House and the rooms within it offer a means of positive communication and connection with other women in a safe and sacred setting that encourages authenticity, respect, compassion, and so much more.

Each of us is the heart and soul of our community.

The Wummin House is where authentic, self-lovin’, magical, unique selves are explored.

This is an evolutionary experience.

The Wummin House could look like any one of these....

The Front Porch

If there was one of those super groovy ‘You Are Here’ signs, this is where you would be right now.This is where you get to check us out, see what we are abut and talk to us.

FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/YourSacredSelfTwitter https://twitter.com/YourSacredSelfPinterest http://pinterest.com/yoursacredself/

The Front DoorA special place, this front door is.

This is where we greet each new wummin as she creates a her membership with us.She gets her own Key to the Wummin House!

Before a wummin kicks their shoes off and runs to their room to hang wallpaper and decorate, they go check out the quick details of journaling + privacy. Once that bit is done, they are free to head deeper into The Wummin House.

Yes. Each wummin has their own space to enjoy and make the most of. A space of our own to decorate freely and tac pictures to the wall and play our music as loud as we want!

What Nessa’s room looks like (this week..LOL!)

A Room of Ones Own

The Journaling Room

We created a nifty secret passages for each wummin to journal!

Bonus on this is that only your entries show up in Your Room, which makes it easier to see your chit!

Also, all wimmin can visit sisters in their rooms and read/ respond to their journals –or- you can simply click on Journaling Room see everyone’s journal posts and respond as you like.

Cool, ‘eh?

The function of the journal is to safely reveal ones self in sacred space with women who share the similar path of exploration and who are able to witness, participate and celebrate your journey. These same women do not seek to judge, condemn, or shame you...but make every effort to encourage, inspire, and support you.

This requires presence, openness and honesty. It has been our experience with journaling and journeying in this manner that no one sees us as we see ourselves. That being truly known in such a way has proved time and again that we are fabulously limitless.

Journals are in a secure space. No one from outside of its registered members will be able to read or respond to entries. This will enables ease of use in the posts for journey-sisters to witness, participate, celebrate and support your journey.

This is where we sit and relax and get to know each other. We can slip our shoes and bras off, grab a couch or a cushion, pick up a glass of yumminess and get cozy. 

Yep, you can share who you are, your background, what you want from this membership, hell, you can even tell us about the kiddos, your grandpuppy or how you do ritual.

Living Room

Great Room :: Ritual + Celebration

Smell the incense? 

See the candles burning? 

This is Wummin Space.  Ritual Space.  Honoring Space.

Feel how your body relaxes and says "YES" in this room. 

Come.  Join our circle.  Lay flowers at Her feet.

A place to read, research, and recommend.


Do amazing things like:

Share links to informational and inspirational websites. Post your research findings. Recommend books.

And so much more!

Workout Room

This ain’t for just losing weight & gaining a  J-Lo Bootie!

This is where we pump our spiritual muscles & here is where we have theopportunity to choose an internal discipline or two or seven hundred...  *grin*

S'mores, vino, magical masseuses.... whatever it takes!

Come on in and enjoy.

Sacred Social Space

Created cuz who can NOT love a room with a fireplace AND a jacuzzi with space enough for any and all of us to simply hang out

and *be*.

Reach on up and pick something luscious from this spectacular tree!

It's all freely given with l-o-v-e.

The Giving Tree


Share. Explore. Recommend.What's on your playlist?


Sacred Sexuality, Explorations and Celebrations of the Body. Resources, experientials, and much more!

The Boudoir

Many of the theories and practices that will be discussed have been found to be enlightening for women in many cultures, lifestyles and spiritual paths.

Nature's rhythms are sacred, and as the seasons turn, we can explore all nature has to offer.

The special gifts of the season awaits you!

Seasonal Room

Come in, sit down.... see what motivates your ass to get creative!

Thinking Chair

Deep under the Wummin House, we are sharing ideas, information,

and everything else to do with crystals and gemstones.

Crystal Cave

Experience all things tarot and oracle related.

Participate in any experiential offered!

Wimmin may also share their experiences in their journals, or at the table.

Heck- even do the experientials on your own and never show them to a soul! 

We are all happy to share in your experience and offer feedback.

The Tarot Table

Pic’s ~ cuz we all enjoy sharing!

Event Calendar ~ so we can share upcoming awesomeness.

Chit-Chat Room ~ Live chat !

Super-Kick-Ass Extra Goodness

The Wummin House is always growing....

Magickal Attic

Sacred Pool

Red Tent

And no matter what.

We Promise to....

•be willing to get to know the real you – without judgment or a superior attitude.

•be willing to work on my own shit instead of telling you how I think you should fix yours.

•ask you for support when I need it and give you support when you ask for it.

•keep your personal life private.  Forever.  Period.

•be present with you and listen to you.

•speak only kindness about you – or keep my mouth shut.

•take responsibility for my own soul-nourishment and self-care, so I don’t take my feelings of overwhelm out on you.

•offer you compassion, friendship, celebration and sisterhood.  No strings attached.

•interact with you from a place of integrity and love instead of defensiveness and judgment.

•honor the magnificent wummin that you are, knowing you will do the same for me.

•light candles for you.

•stand in alignment with your guides and guardians.

•celebrate the Divine in you.

•honor your authentic expression and your emotional and spiritual growth.

Thanks fortouring with us !



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