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" W ^ M g a U " ^ m o ^ upon V5SV „ worke immWlatoly."

Raptiblidan ijriiloa N6minatlons. VO% PlUWIDKKT,

O n V Of Illlaoto. Ton VI«»-1>JUUHDKHT,

H P — I ' "

l.:i t« ,(y0.

A A W X<

i nifcip! «wfl rln»n ily».', ')3,,u

ro^iiiin*»t*6» <*fr B W T ¥ * W M ^

MKNRV % B A R * i n , Of Onondaga. JUMeji

K»K Ci.tttk ©rflrib 06U*r cor A M * A L « , 4 ! A N P H i ; i . L H . V 4 H i W U V


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SnmH iffl::*JtfiK*Bte-


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....WIIHBBVO. fcrown.

^ r . « » o :

'•^•VfWhmr.tfiiJ uu* d tol {

PP, I 11 «TB^*'rj'fli*)W*i ^ W T l W R *7 W i ' « "

The final 0 * , $ , ^ ^emc^ic,)

tio &vu»oujr ip, nomination,..was ft** surprise to uio political xtrate " i l l X>u,'yL' WWftoWPni*?

i'tf-iia,«;ro trailers, "I'd bod y-sollorH; am I w«owan'WhippeW m th#hcllM/olwbW volition. • Most Of tfcoeo beilisjnlfclfi men breathed *fOtil atntdsphWe IWttn thoir very Mrthji Their frttt*fltoli»*&<* tro.u infancy to manhitol, wertf calcic lftt«4tO'-d»tolop»irit»i«m "all that w*» devilish, ami to repress all tlrat wfts ilivino. lint tlio Knglish lai»Kuagdln not cdpians i tmough toi represent the! iiHli^ctatian and contempt with which srieiry beHev^nki the truths embodied u the Declaration of Independence

must nceosdarily look upon the men of nortlieru birth and training, tho grad­uate* 'ftotni the froo schools of tho Northern States, such men especially Ui owe their present prominence to tho. operation of the g j ^ principle*! ivliich tho 1 lepublican party is. now mduaYorJus! ;to »ation»li;s«, ami who !ia.vj»,YQl*wtonly gen* into the TftMihAr lyMU-hvhM help t\m* bnuighted •elails t P t l i s soyer the. b o n d s o f t h i s g l o ,

ions llni.m. Theso virulent copper-leads avo nflt/naoreJlx .traitors, ,-f o.,*$e

*>¥»#*• P**? :WJ» ffflff .MV rWpR o'.buD^^y^ .Russia, fcas ^e ly^maif t

"smwMij*1*. NM»n^i-w«rdp» . u s ^ H j ^ ^ ^ w a ^ ^ p . t K o o o ^ d jpajjr..

o the American Declaration of ludg-,

l«tf> :",

t h ^ w a ^ ^ ^ o a e ^ f , the parjy-r-a,?. a.nl

the efforts rf^he tfe.tiQiml,; r\JW#?7! nieiii to put down the rebellion. The S o & h W ^ g ' r t l i & w 'jofliiiawtth'the rtbHthfern', tonV-flie Wtive, fighting rofteThaH'MWW*'haiidfi <wttH'fits''Won-fighting WrbtWe*.' WlW/se1 •"QW1' rfpeod'

•twigfii*.'"' *• • : l "" ^ar,",Y0 w"{< •' "TtitaHioniliiirtfiloh1 tt'ttoW feWttttnt1

ed by"<HorkUolfeejliViduK"iii IH"^^ tliat thef,fHbnMhytio'h' $"* 'aistinotrve oWAH' Tnbt"(s«fefe': l••'Meai•ly, flfefined. «r*h't 'and WeV?"ni( ;nHo/<), ^pfo^mteft the loyal and di.-dnyal elements tlnxii do i/ow Orant and Seymour. Tim cdirt«W!wtr*tt«fBTrfoa f r o m ^ fl«ld of arm* to the l.id lot'box. Trreeiaenl'tO the rrontl1 - • ;

S i i IK < ' iHIMm' ic i c : -Tho l i i l l o w i m ;

are Hi«< BepnUioian State ('ommittee el#oUd- at the Htkte Coil vent ion lAst WodiloasW/sm/l " I i •nu .v.l.:>. - '••!-,: >J

la»(DI»WWI^J*mok'». ^ttoiyf." "

ad '•»,i->iim»mm4tmmiiohdK-' >^>«

' . Waldo Uutcbins. ,

' ' ' ^ ^ . M M i k ' ^ .'•'•" • ,ii«iW«iflPv!EstertwookJ..e'.

,s-io *** ^« Wloiy . i ; I,; Jr>. ,t

l l th ." . .Henry B , Law.

Mtftok •••'•«^6M(IJS EBPflrya ''0

HHW "•*' ,!" •^loHbil*'Fiero,'Ji'. ,1"'f;" llth « ... j Hamilton Harris. Il.-.l 16<U «i :i.,1A.,»»JlwF*it»(„.'io.„M| 18tH 'U '•'• Heh4"'M."CrMn*."1" ""'' mht"«i'- Hitfutfaftiiwyirl1! "r!

20tk .M .,[] i, Edward H Livingston. 21st " Levi Blakeslee. 1(>J

28thl '"'"• "'Tlkbmalj Hmhoiia*" 2sHh(iM lod-«Ph«taiu»Ot'H»tt, • "(

aoth' »'" " O e o r ^ O . l7oV|nWii^,',

3**>'*'t'il""«'«fenVy <0."UakoVf »<;5!){. » i — si — I i • y | l if •'! «i i l

A NJJW FIKM.-T-,Tho (5hiea«o 7W-AMWH.oontaiiiM tks »dv»rtis«»Mnl of * iK«filfifB»« which wis* established, i« thut City on tlm UUt of May last, and is ttakhtg oKteiniro •rrangomeut* for e»rryia|r oh w Uwg« bisMuesa foi .»*>• ensuing,totir yaam. Tho members of tho houso arc gonorally known to heltueoessial businsM* iiveti, with,large eapital, exeelleat: MMMMCtioda, apd«Q> pariot. iategrity. - Tkor* is no domb* they will do wojk to universiil satis-faction* especially' in,regard to thor-ongitisMs and»panotasaliljM The fol» toaring k* ;eopy.of their «ard but sin!

llmiit A Colfav, tanners, Washimc-Wo, fi.dy reepeotmUr in tin in the peo­ple of tho. M«ifod *Ht*». that, thoy w i l l b e e n g a g e d ill t a n n i n g BOJDW) o l d rotten democratio hides, until after tli*; ttth 'day o f "Rovembe*, 1869:: The senior member of the firm having considerable eaperssasn in the busi-uoss, think* that by tho help of his

srttlsfuetory manner. Ueferences; Gen­erals liimkner, TemWrton, U. K. Leo un.l nthM distinguished person* of tho sHHie'persnasiOu. ' • • ' • • . '

If. S. GKA..VI\ SdiuxuekCQUAjc. <.,\lf , i i i l l i i ' ) i i .P f> i» 'a 'M't ,.!•!' g a r ,1>» blUM teguMto the jrepre-

sontation of certain States in the Klee-tftr4,CvJ|egnWW KMtp.bA^aia.bi*-. foro the PreiildttfltLyw»wrdAy,i,!,jn»« tConstitutional limit will nspiio on the iH "M».t * C'ongroas will not ad­journ «irt# fa qntil >he bi|* eUH: i b«. oon*e a Jh>iT|Jt»|t!t*(e reqiu/ed AsrorBkifda vo^ovejr[th)».lVeaideui'» veto, «hied

tJI l,'>Jtii 'vf toil i>}»»0->

i^?«^wifi«»»v » Trailiknipim Demooratlc fjo)^#ajv. w,hilo,Md|«g

^ph^^^JevJjB. i^^he Central (Mb ii^Pff^j. )!»•>#< *M,. Mwoim

, , # « # » aiid.Uiatantfy iUted. r. Dovlln f s i seriously injure^,,,,,,


spqiitUm uly I), 1808

, byUftil cony I coppme

letter.' I nfoan that no nomina­tion has been made. The difficulty with these people seems to bo that

-tkey-h»»e. n^-pwtelpleft *he « » l r - K ^ * * " - * t^rft a .a lilffl ihood thing that binds them together is o p position to the Republican party, to human progress, to universal liber­ty,, and universal education. I can overlook the treason of nogro-trador Forrest, subsequently ex-Contodcrato

1 and murderer of Fort I'illow y—I can oyerlook tho treason

to the United 8trtt«S'tff ^IPIvlW other

-thq, •' News Miscellany.

Tho hardships of the ocean iron-olads. uiu uu1 uui'i'm uioaitmm-I LovQ.a*i41)a g<x>d>iJiniior are said to

,'utm a kwoffi t'iv»n not

iWWal UaIp6nt©Fs Shdp^r • • * , ,

b e i ^ f e W r a to the hottest placo-'iliW e W w W ' r * • W all monarohs, iratu'co is'tlip most i^^«l^l,t*^*^Ma««^em6TlMW,''«ll\r,tfc6,

most' rigorous i11 pnnlMhiiig the viola-tftmrott than.! uoftiAoq TOO t>i oino-> s«i

It is said that kerosene, applied by moans of a moistened oloth to stoves will effeotually keep them ^ n > » p » t

W\ ff! W » l i W i

ihi" ' ' he ind he'Vinlt 1

itrodlbuii ,1 bi'iv'a'r^ a j r ftbing. j»tto:e. TiV Ki'tio' n^tiob8,*,J,herOl8nou'lot tei'fti'tfii: loiinWy. and' In tlfi Wost 4nliahtone<. >*« of V f c t f o^u^iob i 'anAt .6"

la'v-i'beei1 %mWh i&yffiW eifow oltize'ii's'. read^'and- oagor [to!'_ iiind themselves. t'ogetn'o(r' for' the; iv?s-c' oiaiVonl.pt41 Ipe!' sy'stem'.o^ njumaii'sla. rery.'ajiSYho' 'rb-fistabilshment'' of an instooraoy. based upbn tho ownoi^hlp if':man''oy his follow nian ?

ill! V Mill: it AND in.Am NOkUNATKD.

Jiily to—The laboring mountain has at last bro'ngh^ iori% a' pair o f mli'^— Very aiHail .bnejs, howeviV: DflL afl a'

rien'a at fif ffl®*^'tt* «WooAfcj;

iircuni'staniies, ac ept ' the noininStion,' tnow^n'a ntailooa to'M Wiirted With"

i... r.'"™ r—»..• 11 '*f ,c *» > i J »t«* ii v'iJ. wilTi nsui11ty. His mother,,it Is said. died. i1s:nie; nnd the disease runs in the amiiy. I cannot 'se^th^'tHfiB is ajijr-, tbjectiou to Mr. ^eymour^l Mhg' a1

wiidldateoftttbiiiHyilHkt'tomltiateid nifii.'';% VdolJ ^aVi' bertiiiiiy'ieen nofo appvoprlato if thoy had chosen i gtad^ate of t\U pisniteTrtia;ry as theii' itatidard-ftiaroV; tut14' ^ufe<4i0uii*ry


, .... .. IftJspfi .iiHftne asylum is not, alter nil, a bad leloct^W/ Tlio 'people' <rf'the-tWflteVf Slate*., h o w e v e r , Will s c a r c e l y ' l ook a t

Afe'-hpmMiitiotf of Mir. Seymour with' ts much favor AS do the copperheads who hjlVi 'W hfiri !forWatrd; 'Loyaf »o'n Hyr'str%i"<lr cburseip-lb-asod with ih*e[pr08p 't,bi<ftle'W8yVla 'VM fi,

llrant will achieve in the coining cm. test.'' All they '"are afraid of is that Scyttcw'kWiaeWm*. ' " ''' •-•' »«

Senator Itamsey 'of Minnesota has i IniWdttc** air tOlportaVrt'WIl 1b- tnl» 3<$btatelto'like^«lfi«b o\\t conMnevotsl te*' lations with the I >ominion of Canada. This Clear Blgh^^atbsmarf seen that the interests of both countries uliki, re.piire that the <Governments should jdeki Hbe^y; . ^ Ibu^l fy ' , '^W jo^'ej,'.a^;tfcui'a$; a gBfifW^^L to their respective citizens. We are

«WC| W gl?V«i«„ rlMdVl \W£, ftftBtr*r

line, and it is dQ«^|e,fr>^,we/abp,4^| llvelWli»iu^in l«W|Ld»e«i9f ^saxi^e,,

jfanvly as joa lblOf ,,^nator Ramsey >, bjlldjoea ft9tooiXt«mpja>o afly, mpa -^rf^WHMi.H> ItrWMWwMlftfeSi i • J M P * m M M P i y w KM 'W.fli01* ! IKUS. K'.ss deeAgnedj to jrcinjift^ th«, national ln^re|^p)Ctbe^pfti,pf b o ^ , countries, principally .the, , b^UStrin^ classes. Tho lishcrmen, lumljeuuen, coal miners, agricultural is ts and man utaotiirers of tho, V n i^ lS ta tps are all i nturested b , 11^^ ,R#ipaey'a, W* WK apft.fuUy fwawofj^s imjipft|Anoe tp their wollfaro The, bill contemplates among other,things advantageous tp tho Unifcad Stafces,,,^he ftei Ofcv|igatf,on.

of tlfo Sitt t»WJWfi«» V^l«r) i^eVftrtfel luto liocoasity to, tho lotmv prosperjjy. of the northwest, even now the north-wostern States h*y,e, nojti^^filoipntt o«M|e^ ,&r (their j i H ^ B e ^ M ^ , iVcv

WVlgMion,pf tfo fat^m/mM} some of them M ^ s ^ ^ a t . ^ ^ a ^ «a,vigativn of-, tbpoMJa^iupkfofJo, ptb«, ^t«*,l,Thei^ll ),«lao ip^»ivi^fi| for tho freedom of the fisheries, which is pf in»nv«a»»e importauce to, tho fish-, ejrjma* of ITpw Bughtnd^,^ ,h ,, ,,(.

ves the postman Mr. Johnson has

Cho name of W. W. issor of Mr. B<

ro.BtTTvtoibiit democrat, and i, t- ol^eonfae, be conllrmod : an President will not nominate an actiyo

of the post office hero being without a head for 8omo%t#,r | ! |^! |Ar j f r t j j will givo in. P . O.

In^ffeovtWtroaly^With EuWa of March 10th, 1867, being under dissua­sion, Hon. Dennis McCarthy said:

-^tdesire,-eir^to gtvo a*few reasons for opposing this appropriation for tMipaoffljentof Alaska, ., I ujujerstand, tTtoTOTaxy-maMfig power bftnis otmn* try exists in.the executive and the Senate branches; and while I concede lk%i *,aY°»y<'rV*9 ,°rOJiviiip§ myself, Wroiio^eVtio $>mti <Sif tjio (iovcrn-ment can override a • co-ordinate

,^j|«lH*»i»ia^> A s v Mapresentattve in this H o u s e I a m c a l l e d u p o n t o v o t e an

j,oTMiWWgWm of,ith^,1wo|ds '^Qte,y pr«eii(t&'MeessUy for okfrytng oUi fo5nW^*fR-^fli00^]1?," W^.yfiu.ffti the treaty at that timrfby takingpoe ^i!^/l°&i^<TwUL^h ?ww<>m<>: ^Witoryt Tl»*rwU« ii... i.i.n.ii''iiviiet.it/• i.nf.iiii.tr IIYOI'.I j>e -"-^oultv. of this • ar"""~* " ""™* «*«*«,


i n p°Tdrr-s:

J oA»Wnt,'sii*plhy a'CBb»iieti6*oaJ', da'ri

tW4mf}&M\fy'iiotlAnir'iti6k> of MMs|n^0fW| Blq*f \if>v yuUnni otfl '> /J

penvbd to h w i i i R^iimolld, recently^ rcq«M»tiqa idiek>*oi pot Ms .paper biU, ftWhfe*ifW8h*t1W*itl MWHW'«*.4eU»-» W W modi oovst O» pud* novi mnl ; i!NNn«%As)i%ftMhi " f a ? ? ™ lV "• '"!" too : TR6 Pem< , t h » ^ \ ) « « ( f e i W o f * N i » ^ tie'VoagHt }o be inaugurated to-irtorrowii savrw i I "A'WWttHi^Httof f«'rei««dnlSel,:t^a su'bsoribflR ivhotifg^BmWes* thaf'-liltf morning paper is always intolerably

put us in a false position with Russia, i ov, wjUhj other,M«tlP»», ;b,y.Sfhick »i»dpr

to pay money pr, go to war. It is hOt'a qfoeBtlWl as'tft the' raJflllmtlht; of a treaty, bocause I liclieye n majority pf„tbi» r«oUW>, «pi matter ihttw? theyi Vote, agree mUyMpJfct ,Kar»P iMMl kpl and, SoorHary SewaBd lproed tbjs tn iVer 'HloJfgaA.a t'ook possfeBsipii vof AW«k»*r,<hO' pttr¥»6se,of 'trafctlilk this lliniso 'into the -position in which it po.w• stamlu, \u\ apparent necessity to yote„tha,Wpfiey,,, JBm ^ ^ ^hf fan

yotif aCtlO;is upon arpnnolp.le:,pi'e-&o^« ,y^urmg^^o/'«HafaWei', , h=h'fl in doing this, noveV reckon thii cost."

000-against #100,that tti«aiit; would bo

Gin. Grant »Ma oe ahve at the next inttaffWkttM?W» xlblwow .ifnoiom

The following celfiWap'oh'a^ao^rs' ar'e'ofypwed to^enV GTfafit iA Wortdcll l'billipai.r^koH ,Kllsbuwj!C.-.I. psi.l»*#kcH.l»illBbwBy,-:C. |a«4iP«n»Jftf»- ,l^y li.Sta^iij,.J^;Wk,

P ' « . "


i th s u c h u . c o m l i i n -• baj i . . i f f i ^aldW'!HiW^tlnittr b^piupHgl

' Judgeotermai). of ike United State's'

Ohio, has decided ulmt tlic;i(loin<sstie wheelfoedl sewing. msielUnojf itnainifiuj*

1 .The Unioiji haso'bali club pf ^[or^is-aii ia, c h a m p i o n s of t h e 11 iiit.ut S t a l e s , took possession of their new •club house and groukids of I ton lanve^ I ioo' t lie 4th OfeJtyfXIw Tri«j»r«WW^ft»W»v4 <P,be, the

cess'bf ffittranigW WrtiflcatWii;' W both the Kreiiclr and Cernmn-Hide,

force and the severance pf her rcceiit jyo^NgtoTttei-atea BVAtm •'"*>' '••'•vfV

WWMiiU' tyouMatkik tne ^KoW ng'i» '""Tort tttoMMfd "dolhrs W^ard s ofterdd for proof that 'any' one man shouted 'Hurrah for .Seymour and I Hair, m Hoston on Thursday evening, and the same amount will be paid for a sight of the person wjio nad the ghost of an id<to 61 dofng flo."

An ninoe.eiit Ohio delegato inquired Thursday night, how it was, if Siiiy-rjofeBrt na*it«atiftrt' tva* erttlrely'"iin!dic> peeled, that a finely executed por­trait of the WrtwilHrtg' Oartdldato was (ready for the banner, baraded in the Streets within an hour• after the iiomi nation 1 Will tho Soymourites Ax-plain. ,,)»W i.ii.lyi.V biO moil •««••> 1

President Bri«tBWl1ir!r'oir}«g^ 1S set-tirttf 'du«'orte"buhdi'Jte1l aWd'Wty1 Wortti iti' mulberry trees, and the faithful arc about to i*Jllo»W"hfe {focautple) Tho sWprt.andiiUleiUills^pflCwtiral Utah, »^ff»%lsjto,ifell. adantod t a ^

,interMt:'",*!'> X9"' .I'uUo ml nnif

. T e " pVttUe^"w1i^0Mr' , iTWUk' Brown1' lately muvdered iti''Hampton Fnlls, Mass., inheritiid fVoin \\U father Wfts » pair of steers given to him when.

W W i S a * ^ ! & tylMt" ^

the time if'Tils'd&ttijMlYfeabhed the suin 6f frt-.ttbo.'"""" ' "&0" t"'"1"' Jt •'•,,(1

» . . » - . « •'»'4 >o\ yllu«l L>ttlo ferank was taugpi that eywy .

one was made of cust. One day he

Nfc afrtMjjffyN J t j i m k as the wind was whining it in. eddies. his mother. " Oh *» Sajq FraUt with a serious face, '* I thought tho 'dust

A VVestevu widow, liandsomo and learned, manages a large, &rnfe, and

l,'200 of corn; has a large stook.of hogs, sends fa^ OAttle to the New Yofk market, has abundance of flow­ers, apples, pears, strawberries and currants, kceps^ip witk nurront litera­ture dons not want to •mjniy. ,, r .

Canadians' lire growling, and with some reason, because so many emi-graiitR, MfcMftWX. J^8*,, .wro11^11 *h« country, but abtually oxpcob tho Cajiai dtan" a!tithoritie«f its Wt- theft-' Vaf to the I) n i ted Statu*.' Til is is general­ly' done by tho Canadians as,*JBatter of;n«o^ity».foriifw»Juldi qpa^ more


louso i am called upon to vote an PlMfpHuttMi "tor"the' Wtibiii of

m*sfey* <6 ftilflft- 8,,ti'e«jt^i Ih-which I' havo not beeii (loustdted, in which my P<*mM Jp4g"«eflt has. boon oomplet^ |y Ignored. ,(|J]

$ & & & & * & & ! & , ii lent, by an agreenient with the head ^MMMM JPbwferi '<**tt bV rrtde this House In it's action and destroy our conii^tu«iWis)LibbHgatioh?.l) We aren *°¥hlWS0 *.9iP9rf9W ^ e K ^ t i v e aots,i and one, of tnoso ,v|iidor tlie Constit^-tion'w'tb: vbi'e1 iipOn aH'tlie rfbprppria-tions of money. I am compelled to usk what makes .the necessity for this appropriation? admitting that these gentlemen composing tho two branch es of thri Government, had tho power tovtt[ako: tlio treaty. ' What M as the,

, „ ^ ; , . » . i w u u t i t , , f,.l- t-oi'itriilil- Ollt

absorbed Canada and all tl of ifJreat Britain contigiK own. Then, and not till t W d need Alaska. Then wo can take it a sues far less than $"?,!JOO,000; have the assurance of a friena of thT0 Seoretary of-Btato that Alaska could havo been had for #5,000,000 at the timo tho treaty was made if tho Secre­tary' had" fiEowii a little Yankee shrewdness. ,Now, \yhilo I am not opposed to «Jbs6n>tl()ift when dirty ana

necessity demands it, I am opposed to acquiring territory not contiguous, of littio or no valuo, frozen and barren, utterly USOJOBB<|O ItjnssbjK *Itia»itti\

'to5 nsorrtallUfg the o^htrbl tfiift Jcki of thousandapf « a igreat' expense at" a time when wo cannot afford^it, our bttrdens how be­ing heavycak^enbrBiewaV i" vii 'I

We have got to settle the question le power of this Mouse over ap-

suss this question; that they Had'hotK* ng to. do but to vote tho money; in ithor words,• more iiiuoluncs without

N i r f P ^ r ^ L W« »rr ^I'H ' • '-" rhear gcnviemen say it puts ns in, a h*e"«ot»ltThtrstl»y'«*vinittf, » f tl . i i potttioW of MM in ioghhl to Russia.

• • - & • -;Hs!tf,"««sirtsVv1«/Va' 'frtoiSdly itiim.V'i'1

ask this I louse where this friendship poipas, ftiopqi l{i^qoinosjfwm solfiittfeor-1 est. Slie is tlio absorbing I'pw^r pf iho Eastern oontineut, and, she recogr hizoBs'Mh'o'atisorMh^poW'of'tn^v' Western consilient, ft«d through friendship with rtft: s'hd desires to ovor-rido aiW overdialawootheGovernmefits of •Eui»p'o!wbAch'lafr/biet,weeu her and

»rin us. Look ait. the principles, of tlm two

er, a despotism; ours, a Republican fiWeViinfent; ^^Govornmenr'of the people. CanthoreCltt roartrfendsliip, can there tie. •-ti'iicifttereat here f Mot at all; only thatkind ojf.intere^t Upon

broken reod,, which to, peud js to depend upon a, M . » W . 1 T V * i.'Vfp are not obliged tov court,.touch loss buy, th^ frion^ship-of Russia" ^r aiiV 6th,or GpVerpmout. Let us bo juBt'Vo lliimanity and free­dom, and ever tho onemy of o^brttU sion and despotism. No man can look at Poland, poor, decapitated, wipe'd^ out Poland, without vomemboring the gtruggles of her sons and daughters or national existence. .No man can brgot tlm,p*ra«cutiiw of.tUatpeoflfl^ low sufffll'tfigyHprs.epu.tjpus tliAA di*< ^race tb,Q,, pkgptMiv, rpllgio.p and, eiyii,

" ^ ^ { • m : lun J -i Ui-Oi* V I ' •I"i"< "':"1

And horo I am obliged to depart a ittle from .mmpM,,ftttW^I ^ 4 ,

ask, what usejiaa: liussta, lp,r. ^Ins terr

w w w m rss •' oonia Use oi niitkV proflt'ajilb. Her te'tl,eir

t policy is absorption not of dlstaiit bvlt ff!!?*_5ty pf obtitigMbus toryitory. '' Sh» is rapid'-' ' iy adding to her possession, without justice'!©* imeWyVnatibflf after riatiob' lying contiguous, Na'polebh said tjhe' 4 '""•' ' '• " Europe'


NO. 2

of the power propi iations pf money under treaties. Voting tho money' ahrf^protesting is m e w ^ i l d ' a i ^ y . l<et us now estab­lish a precedent that for all tiinp will compel a repognitjou^f pur, vpipo1 in the' treat^-iM(«in& poVer iipon; alf questions when tno Coiistitutipr '""" mamtn it, and We shall have add-Ourttyotonttttotetuw ) * e » 4 i V " o r ^ l o o k b u t a ^ n t 0 l e a n

9UiiWJ\ :«IVIIV/I| .-ow«\vi\ il-Ki/; V':»4pa

of'ihe1* from1 Btoatic'ello, Woridi

! - % m g f a f ^ ^ p o r t ^ e L . . ^ Slio'wersVKralhey'wetei moWWfiJme: * Corhirf*bw«»Wdeandodt »f«be ira.fi Until timotogathor fodder the labor

or "aVroy •wprmf* .netvertneless there lsJWt !Wme^for'vtri68e', de9tr6y%rWTt6'

. aw Jmotions between right and wrong, ,nd leaves tlupn, ifl fho eagerness of

'""•* bver-selfish desires, to beoome a prey of bad ime«u I have for years felt thsjC'lN, Uaiase's ambition was consum­ing the better elements of his nature.

I have liked Grant from the first. ard, sue-»?»&«1*«ff

make^heipjjl^a^Awattd^lotfnsume' j ^ 8 8 . w i s e » disoerning men, skillful many a fine cotton patch, which thoy can do ifl,,* Jtinglo...pjgbV JffepW ;b*8 peen18pnje,lbaU Tu.pe^|dn por^o^ ,ef

feMV'*ftoff'pf ST such reports are greatly exaggerated.' No eomplaiat about grass, and tho la­borers JM&jJ? MAWB.MWUvM,

» « H A g*orf« dial»of'ftfW f>r»Vaini '«bthl

ansMgOlie whites!ahd blanks,)'Iheard1 1 a (w41k)iow*j.e»4iek^erienoed pbytW; ' ¥?» m^JwM W'i^*Vf'™»fV* his thirty-Beoond Junenn Middm Ida, and he never knew of so mucl

, v^aVthissba'smi bf thVybkr. • * bcrs of peopk wbdM a-itiil (themselves!

Of the SulphiUvSpiiiigs, «ml thoi Su ; wanee river, .bnt, ,/pf MttM/^,^

V crreenbaeks " to pay thp high chi es^Wittfe^Rtlfi-batfyrft^ tffl?*%f§£

, great roiisoil that the Bpi'lngR: in Flor­ida are not patronised .more." • lou -n

Another, ^Writing from. Suwannee county, F^oortda, • of) the i>aatae.' date(' Safy»sj'< !/;•! inell-v'wnol'A ,<J:I (''i" '!••

"Up to .within thd past six days great ap'preb wouflijiye,i;e arowsed m

' deuce his favored' us with copious and refreshing showers, which started Veg-

infused new life Into man and boae},. The crops on tho Suwannee riVOf jtfe In a splendl* condltiOtt '• ' t h e SeSsorts tluiro havo been mora pi'opitioOB than in this immediate locality, and. if. noth­ing mlcrvonfy} to, Mast.the wpspoots, sufficient oorn'WiU be raJse/I to snip out of tho cbtfntrv^' instead Of having It shippedfn, mspenslng thoreforo with a ivecesfflty whwh,tn my'of ntbn, Should not exist. Vegetables havo been and are daily being shipped to Savannah, aftd, j/orthern markets,

au lem -ookiyn on ^londa' nW offbrovthe jforld ..

Ushed tliat I had, on Sunday morning, in a political sermon, come out for Chase for the Presldeuoy, aud against Grout; and I have seen.the story ev­ery day since, racing through the pa-

i i a i i ? f t * M o a r f w l

The sermon was not political, and it made no allusion either to Grant or to Chase. The application of some of

'" ' '' ' ' in,was World,

Its paragraphs, in'elther direotion, was tho work of the reporter of the

I have never ljeen a Chase man. " I have for years,1 a s 7 * 1 fetOMrln public affairs, deemed him, liko .gseenbanks, as pro|iiisi|tgi WOre on tho. fac* than they wore worth in gold. : While the New York Independent was lauding him as a demigod, and

Grant, I heart! with both of liked Grant, and thoroughly mutrost-edOh«se?^«e'<fea s MHfiM'Wuft W

Ambition lifts some men towards

things noble and good; makes them ar rge and generous,

bition blurs the shai

gift n

in using them, wltb the rare which Washington had iiuui ,om:

egree) of wisdom j'n gettiii[ pm., other's councils—I confidently

ailtlen>tb that, great as his military success has been, he will hereafter be known even more favorably for the



UtMKlUlOliJf BLOCK, •irilib lwisppy W r»a!tv#Uie te41«»pr OorltauS

T f i S l "cUVflyi ~«1 e*<>">n 10 ttKUii« «).olc..i.»H Hon of the


Awv*c. wM*bM ***** ncxb«i to

Mrs. C. 8 . D O W N E 8 Who li»« • sploodld ««..rtinciit of nil good* aicMHty to the c»rryfetf oq of . . .

MILLINiSBI & DBESS-ltAOTO, «i, .1 Urn •xocuUon of

C u s t o m W^orli:

»£»»» a Mrt. OOWNH littn •


M.WmMfSr£r«rT Tarlety, TRIM:


itaftifctl i*im' i AaeraeciitMtllwork

enmufwl lo ar. MUtfwtorjr

In the Me-Banger Mali Oleok, . CORTLAND N V.



^dwmUtrsUoo, •„. imiliations and ra-

Jcquired to go for a Democratic nomi-

our looking benignly down upon his Bt estatter Ras W"QSN«eT e)cbep«" Hi

hen.immortal history of Beineke •" he.

There will now be no third oandi-at«.)i»i wfiwGfW f»»4,Soyi»<>i«»,, Ifc

will bo a fair fight between rugged honesty and plausible craft.

JMK&W^WW" *»» um} i.ni uw.K-

The New Basis of Representation - I t s Effect.

From tlm .Albany .Tomniil. , | Ther!Wift^wn#tatto, lnmsM'' o n 4 e joto of 18ftfl,,shpW8,,fche„effeeli„of the resolution in regard to representation in future Conventions, adopted at the Republican, ^ a t o Cpr^ejstip^ /The apportionment will be made on the vote cast next fall, and, of course,

Shanges may and probably will be

about as follows: Ubany Ulogany >tlsraugus. iayuga Imutfttupm \

Cboinung... Chenango...., Clinton . . . . . Columbia... I JuiMiiiul ] lolinvtire .


Ciiltui'o bf peaches and grMpes, ; '* ThMiit tsjkersy as><« igeuj|rat tnaapA (big*

hum,/w,«nlq ,«pino;wbjBn all.Eulope 1)01

iioan, would be come Cossack or

Look a^aiii at this m'avtef. Kussia had heldf^ossessioti of Alaska for "a lojig period- ot t.ime.' It had never' boe« m&mjtiato, hm< itAad. alwaya^

thorbfore, of tho opportunity to .trans­fer it to another Power. It gave her' no jyower"bV mftuenOe oVpr the etrra'-moico oi the Pacifio ocean. No5 na­tion on earth needed aw aflditloh to'tne number Of her harbors and ports more' than Hussia horsolf for commercial and miyal use; and yet she dlsposeW of this vast extent or oo»st, this .per­fect I£blo»ado'in im*B*natlon,"ft)r<'a"i pitiful sum, if only a hundredth part of what is said be true, M „»..., itikxU, *

It appears by some of the reports t u # every ( ifop t of .the,, soil,of'Alaska., w.fWSflifflWfiya to.aj* feuvin depths and only during a few summer months

ast, thp M l ^ws,9ut<iyo,tUp :depth ; ten or fifteen inches,,,and, bears

solne poor voatotation. It also appears that few minerals

had neon discovered there up to the time .of the purchase by this Govern­ment, and that no coal bad been found auitable JQT\ ,supnlyuig .vpsaela,,, ,-I,,MM iipv»; dbMi.jilljthisse telegrams; and newspaper items which have come to

CO! of

t l 9 " i

eye single' tb*'thwjpfoat! and montiil prineiplo Of solf-prasei'va-,

¥ .W;,th*e1r 'fldppttes. , Of 'course Borne" articles>.they-4r«. compelled 'too-pur-pha,se, a», they, arc incapable oL being raised in this climate." ,..,.,

yuePrfon Orleaiw, Moilfbo and WayueWouittles barley is looking admirably.,;! The prospepts wf|te .never. to%Ua-y,fart* argeyiphl ;,uWhpat i4;fair; % r « viW

be an average orop. The prospect for' frnit1 Wmt' ^ ^ ' ^ a f r M blossomed:very fiilh but owing, to the injury infliotexl by tlm late severe wins

» f i k ^ i W » W i » l


|this'is ooin^eto«| yo^., 1 j?ee .othp'r, ipurohasM and addj,tiQps cqmmg,iatp ??h«-. , , ^ 9 . > l i ) * ¥ .r^iiMBflWi,*** Denmark is ready to accept Seward's [proposition for tno'safe bl R, 'Thonlas And when sho has settled II little dif­ficulty VioW under negdtlatibn betweeii

ters,!,thprn,«ja«^Qlt| the trees to mature soiiod "them and tl veVy'.ligmoV^:''!*' havo be^ri oreatiugi sad'ha'voo t«moHg/

the apple frees. Whole .orchards

Youno; orchards have geHerallv es-oanedT libwtryef;' arM t h P ' w l l l W a ' fair quantity ©« s»Wes prbduceiS. Phuns ka*e, oeea mofltfy destrb Vcd i kyl t l i a t /p^t^ /Aqf^g l f twpryrr t^ onu,;

look woll. The vines fiave a vigorous look1 a«d < fHW^wteife l o^ A,Tfirie bro i? Oats 'promisV an abundant, ha*vest^ while corn, though backward, is mak-

S9WaVwJ&7Wtt been' hOod for tlui sccoiwl 'time, and iire caloiilating. how many the culti-vatorflishall fi*diima M11.I. '!«../ ui •„ „

% e %aSre ftpw, nearly seventy tbW-' , sands Chinamen in this country, and yfaflfbmia thoirt numbers stud grow"-* wtgt wiMOtihnWgisltttt/makfc rwm Mb

tp China aiul;Japai| nearly ten foiiVin bam.^htWSahJVancis'

co shipped only four and': *' qWftner' millions. In •*&•• 4»n«r» Britain ship ped but a million and a third, while

! postmaster of Washington, ( ft, ttjp ! million*

herself and Franco sue will soil us St. lOroiiO' Thett'iyou wHlf hear' that Greenland and Iceland are in tho mar­ket ; and I know not where this ac­quisition of territory will stop. ,,

Now, while .1 apt jhii faypr of an ab­sorption of territory, J want that ab­sorption to be contiguous in aooor-dance with the ^bHciTof Itu'ssla; Wo have now a thousand million acres of unoccupied land, far surpassing any-tWag »joture4 by,thp,y]\iid,faney;of the chairman of tho committee. In my.upwni State we have from fifty to seventy-five miles square of land, and though we have (^population 0 f about

i four million that tract of land is al-I most entiiely uninhabited. It is not . frozen territory like Alaska. It has a heavy growth W forest, it contains

'numerous lakes and streams,, and is oapaljloof n^t.jyattpn.for somp kinds of jgrftin, Yet thp people pass i t by,

: aiio: sjeelc'inoW pVodu^tiWfleTds iii oth­er \sectifJHfV 6i "the' eWlbWyv '" "" "!

Npjrf •*,.•!» aaytfWd 'timcUae ne4J

in anoi give us «yno wes 01 .» • ©bnv' ^H^'^H^teWW^ilbiithei^wp, »; ,Thp Dally wtmdard thinks that, n^inon%bcrats''Wbmse(veii may


'. )utcbess 7 trie

: CDSOX . . . .

' i i inklln. . 'niton and 1 IinnTii

.19 Ontario 6 0 Orange 8 ^ l g s m j M , * . , , * : ! *

iwogo v 7 OtMgo SPiitnamv. 8 Ouoens.... 8 HejwBplaer . . . . . . . . 5 ROckfaiid .'•.....'.'.! 6 Richmond 2 4 8t. Lawrence 9 6 Saratoga .

i fenesee ilreeae^y lerkufabr:

, of I'm son..

lew' Niagara

i )neTda , Onondaga.

1 ft

8 Sullivan 8 4 Tioga 4 8Tou»"kliw 4 » Ulster...,„ f t„..,M 8 Warren...

:-.?:*:iSH 4otif/.

NOTE.—Tho House then wenl| j W )Gmg^m, (fa/jIm whole on the private calendar. A 4i0cu»sfonj urose ^n)^hf j|>i|L dor the*f- ( lief of certain oontraetoita.for building Ironclads, during Which Mr. Butler said the country was under the great-

VandsdAfae mQttey>i|Mfyihgiith*aili(>M exponso out of his own pocket, in or-

! Several members said — " Name him." LJfc B ^ i W ' i f ^ ^ ^ ^ r T t o Mr. Gnswold. ,r

Mr. Butler—" Lbeg tke.gentjsmaiv'l 'tfojbJ^&AfUjM0* be was here.* The" ^^rVSRmra aside, to be re-


ported to the mondation tin

House with it


ibmil ill

San Franpisofl, alone, shipped, Rvwnuie I opine yrhjm w* need Aiaaka i b«t that

jleMra'ra i mW'Lon'dotf ap-nbunbb 'thtf^«eisj^tWd,%ert"of'ihrfj' news of Horatio Seymour's nomina­tion and give .u»nynop»es of the i«i»ov' mpnts on;

welf ion«f % ftiriti^ ' ^ t r i o W defeat the most jwpular American. Th0iDa% ^ws.iwyB the,radical par­ty will eiult ,over the-democratio d«-feat, which is certain to follow the se­lection7/* Bti'wSak i o a h a l t o % W ratio Seymour. The Mice thinks the country needed a stronger, f mid more healthful opposition than it is likely

gent Americans 'Win soon acknowl­edge this with regret. The Morning" Herald trosta the coming contest ns a foregone cojujltisioii. i The JUmdd is »<$ »n«if f i W . W i M R i l W l l *

lion of keeping faith with'tho era'States and the bondholders, but Grawtfo frejrs^l iwnmMsiM and pops |ularity woulj probably, e|epjtyhjm # ,

Hob. AusA^nTlQiSnc,'th6 ChV ' ueso plenipotentiary, says one' af tho regrets he feels at leaving MB country-is that he cannot take tho stump tov Genoral Grkjskit. .He-was (oito or tVie ablest of Aha! Wwpubliean/ *ratbs»\ in ipM,M\lVm« .u i-iiT TO) ifw H'jK.n1

I YIBI.DKD A* LAST.—By letters re­ceived from the proprietors of Coe's Cough Balsam, we' are informed that the*/ havwaa la/rtiyiajskal kwakajsaaiai

have consefite««'tof(»rMal(,ilifew lar remedy (Coe's Cough Balsam) in ••TWWW. W 7 ,^^1% wh,<?b will be, in this country for #1,—ana which is Unequalled as a H«IC aud,«poodv reme-

pomplaints. Bktk «foa»Y-oan now be found lit all drug stoics. n46yl "

'Mafi ^>Hi i r than £


xou£ enatt-

A few rods north of the Pnaaannar

| | AVK coMUttly OB h*'"1


Coal , ,.7 w.aKAaTaoo I JF$MfltP*>h Jy »«l MJH-**- '• '-1 '

Water Lime,


W * r i * » , i


• •, A»»M » l

Defy a U lr"Ts»,TrW * l^ fW.

'jf •. .(! •,..(

which will b* MM, both


feo«iJttob -•»•»-! LOWEST g a y \ 4 «


I rarFoiv-^Ai'iiijBi •1 U70UM IIAf.B.


Tanner BrotlWf^,'<| ^'^imSr^^^, No. 2MsiSWMt#fNoussv



>., ' .- . THIMMiNGS,

HEAL THKKAl> LAOKHI uri A ipHMOW BMMrtiatpl of uu ,.,,<

l B a l m o r a l AMD

H o o p Skirts! L i n e n GrooApHC>oc



dc, Ac, «*e. r&Tlh* .4.111 A V.

Thty *Uo «*r B BiiSTaWHT"- u'v>' "*

MM#;f'*VWk s t

,H4fl.44M*-* TTAYM I iisiuri'.aisi'v-.rf mjgvaaii aP'mno metrmu

laoiinjiA ft i M ^ ^ i ^ ^ ta#JBta£^i i i r FANCY GOODS, ~"n m^'m* §55555 b nuiwata tB^VtfBhlWanf Jt ta* IBMNC

, l >M IMfflirsil! <»»v • • m w ly».(/'l !...» \viU> } -.,'.,•.,"^' ' K«- r.,.,.. iwtU. >I*I tlivu vurtl*; , 1J .~^flMfr.

.taift'B t 'Bjiq ;i .',vBi ,;,«*r'p«»tiai



i*A T

A^SP^^*^" 1 »»rl«B«MtefAjtyttf A*santkwi1 ,„


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F U R N I S H ^ «00DSr rnrW/ f l j i /


:m i. 'HIU.1.IB '.'

liillft mil mumt »*>!» •

KW-li I iitf.

.Biunata^^A^f v.n,;.<-; am ./r

hy'Sntrer nil BoousmedWii cofttflw, obi

bf Wild Cherry a remed

fng^SfiMlf^ ant remedf ^

remedy; it is a remedy that cures. .... r,i,c£_j«

j •<«. tS bm»v A"'B*e«th"'»f*|,

Tho sword we've drawn

i «Yaa~~3roj*A«* Uiddle Store,—

lW>IH'rt KOXI/ .W T B i ' t VO -K<M»I


as agr bV^ hi *5m&

pur f i :

I, Wirt jftrtl tejim n(ui

is more disgusting, Or to taa-af

ten's Gold Medal Sale:

yellow oread, reeking V of «o«Ua al l ies . l j»e IMMk MM mmmmmm

* * ' •^^•p^Mwaw** »".B^

m w * pitbmOBBj antwftn*et> «h% cratio nominations. "Seymour

!M,.if,.i'ii/.> :> A


T ^ n U T I H I I U ^ I L L L ! HOOTS 3CMM XMM ^nifrnTff.TffSraaiHr^l •

.ovan «o T»rior>o/. no .U v/i wrthl • I f l M a i t

> J | | l r 4 t l f < ••> •:•. i

bonnets* Ladies' '"* Children's a $ | ^ ^ " v Misses'Hate

mirt all the novelties of tho lowotl ID

T r i m m i n g " II ml Or iin»i*)» *»'

B L l E A C H l N <* KJJSOI O ft A soresnoM MAM^I ,)>'


**«MC«i . * , (t«<« e*rt«»»V


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AWWimo-mozfJMa' OMOCMMT .M< aTtWr*, QQ8TULXD, mm.it ii »

. - j :« l l . »•> mm kWr«, 4 •

Hon.B, »;• Y ; ; . ^ ' ;„• ^ i • • !5*" *'' *' ' '' i i . (w •



uality Japan Tea at $1,


MitttA •mimmm T-i ft^^^1^'%-' ^ l u V U & ^ g W l A t (,, , ..*J»ll,^'.il M* 1,C;

. -lis.


,i„yiii,KI LIAMTIBB . ' fttf

BABBEE'S GBEAT Au«att | , istT.


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