www.stat.gov.kz agency on statistics of the republic of kazakhstan a strategy for the dissemination...

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Graph of dissemination of statistical information: - more convenient for the users - combination of the indicators developed by all organs carrying out the statistics - statistical information will be posted on the web sites of all bodies which are included in the system of state statistics - easier to navigate in a large volume of information Graph of dissemination of statistical information



Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A strategy for the dissemination of statistical information:

the Kazakhstan experience


Expert of the Division of dissemination of statistical information

Interaction with users of statistical information is the strategic direction

A/ Graph of dissemination of statistical information B/ Publishing activities

C/ A special unit “Division of dissemination of statistical information”

D/ Training users of statistical information

Graph of dissemination of statistical information:

- more convenient for the users

- combination of the indicators developed by all organs carrying out the statistics

- statistical information will be posted on the web sites of all bodies which are included in the system of state statistics

- easier to navigate in a large volume of information

Graph of dissemination of statistical information

B. Publishing activities

2009 year in order to improve the publishing activities, the following standards were developed :

• "Operational Manual of Corporate Style"

Old logo New logo Corporate colors

• "Publications Design Guide of Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a detailed elaboration of the rules of design (brand-book) in order to maintain a uniform stylistics of design"

• "Design Standards for Bulletins and Express Information"

• "Guide for Writing Press Releases”

B. Publishing activities

Since 2008, publications are issued for a wide range of users:

- 20 booklets by sectors of the economy

- statistical digests with dynamic series for more than 15 years

B. Publishing activities

C. Dissemination of statistics in electronic format

Some problems of the dissemination:

• Dissemination of statistics in hard-copy form has rather limited nature; the number of copies of publications is ranging from 300 to 1000 units; and it depends on state budget funding, as well as on the state bodies that demand statistical publications

• On payment basis, the paper based statistical publications are not realized. The community is under the impression that statistics is too little.


• Since 2008, all produced statistical publications have been posted on the official site

• Database of subscribers for the electronic dissemination of statistical information has created and is constantly updated

Department of publications and information technologies

Division of preparation of statistical information

(7 persons)

Division of dissemination of statistical information

(4 persons)

Dissemination in electronic format

Supporting of the web site

C. Dissemination of statistics in electronic format

Dissemination in hard-copy form

On the site www.stat.gov.kz are posted:

• collections

• bulletins

• express-information

• booklets

Format: PDF, word, excel

C. Dissemination of statistics in electronic format

2009 2010 (6 months)

Number of subscribers for the electronic dissemination

140 400

Number of visitors of the web site June5200


Number of requests from foreign institutions

140 70

C. Dissemination of statistics in electronic format

1. Integration of the regional sites of the territorial bodies on a single Web portal of the central office

2. Publication on the site of statistical data as interactive analytical reports containing selected indicators with the possibility of constructing graphs, charts, maps, and providing online access to statistical data

C. Dissemination of statistics in electronic form


IS «E-statistical reporting»


Web sites of 16 territorial bodies

D. Training users of statistical information

In accordance with the Strategic Development Plan for 2009-2011, the activities to train users were provided that take press annually for at least 3000 people.

The main audience are :• representatives of state bodies, national holdings• teachers, students• representatives of private sector

The training provides information on statistical publications, information on industry statistics, as well as explanations on the methodology of calculation of statistical indicators.

D. Training users of statistical information

Special attention to relationships with the media, journalists

Press service conducted trainings and seminars for journalists and for agency staff on the topic:

- "Basics of writing press releases"

-"Questions of media coverage of demographic processes and socio-economic situation in Kazakhstan"

- Monthly briefing with media

- Organization of “Open Day”

It is important that the journalists can understand and correctly interpret statistical information to the society. Every journalist needs the skills to find statistical data and to use the data in their work.

Further work to achieve a high level of trust in official statistics:

2010 year - not less than 75%;

2011 year - not less than 80%



















We would like to know more about:

-successful experience of international policy of dissemination

-other methods of dissemination

-effective means of attraction more users

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