x- ray extremitas

Post on 11-Apr-2016






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X- Ray Extremitas



Lateral X-Ray of the Skull

1. Hypophyseal fossa 2. Axis 3. Odontoid process 4. External occipital protuberance 5. Temporal bone

Sinus Paranasal Posisi Lateral

Water’s Position

Caldwell’s Position

Towne’s Position






Cervical Oblique

Vertebrae Thoracal




Lumbar Myelogram

Lumbar Myelogram

1. Spinal cord 2. Contrast material in subarachnoid space 3. 12th Rib 4. Nerve rootlets of cauda equina 5. Intervertebral disc

Lumbar Myelogram Lateral View

Lumbar Myelogram Lateral View

1. Spinal cord 2. Contrast in subarachnoid space 3. Intervertebral disc 4. Nerve rootlets of cauda equina

Upper Limbs

Upper Limbs: Wrist Hand X ray:

• Joint Between Trapezium and First Metcarpal Bones (carpometacarpal Joint).

• First Metacarpophalangeal Joint. • Interphalangeal Joint of the Thumb. • Second metacarpo-phallangeal joint. • Proximal inter-phallangeal joint. • Distal inter-phallangeal joint.

Wrist Bones

1. Trapezoid bone 2. Trapezium bone 3. Capitate bone 4. Scaphoid bone 5. Lunate bone 6. Hook of the Hamate bone 7. Hamate bone 8. Triquetral bone 9. Pisiform bone

Lateral Forearm X-Ray

1. Ulna 2. Olecranon 3. Radius 4. Radial tuberosity 5. Trochlear joint • 1234

Forearm X-Ray 1. Styloid process of radius 2. Radius 3. Radial tuberosity 4. Radial head 5. Lateral epicondyle 6. Styloid process of ulna 7. Head of ulna 8. Ulna 9. Olecranon 10.Medial epicondyle 11.Humerus

Elbow Extended

1. Radius 2. Radial Tuberosity 3. Lateral Epicondyle 4. Humerus 5. Ulna 6. Medial Epicondyle 7. Olecranon Process of Ulna

Elbow Flexed

1. Humerus 2. Medial Supracondylar Ridge 3. Coronoid Process of the Ulna 4. Head of the Radius 5. Radius 6. Olecranon Process of the Ulna 7. Ulna

Shoulder Bones 1. Clavicle 2. Upper Border of Scapula 3. Spine of the Scapula 4. Coracoid Process 5. Glenoid cavity 6. Lesser Tubercle 7. Surgical neck of humerus 8. Scapula 9. Lateral border of scapula 10.Medial border of scapula 11. Inferior border of scapula

Foot Dorsoplantar Projection

1. Proximal phalanx 2. Sesamoid bones 3. 1st metatarsal bone


Lateral Chest X-Ray

1. Diaphragm 2. Sternum 3. Heart 4. Lung

Chest X-Ray 1. Right Lung 2. Heart 3. Right (acute) margin of heart 4. Diaphragm 5. Trachea 6. Left lung 7. Left (obtuse) margin of heart 8. Apex of Heart

Scout Film of Trunk

1. Liver 2. Ascending colon 3. Sigmoid colon 4. Heart 5. Transverse colon 6. Descending colon 7. Small Bowel

Small Bowel Follow Thru

1. Stomach 2. 1st part of duodenum 3. 2nd part of duodenum 4. Jejunum 5. Ileum

Pelvis 1. Ilium 2. Bladder 3. Pecten of pubic bone 4. Pubic symphysis 5. Iliac crest 6. Gas bubble in colon 7. Iliopubic eminence 8. Acetabular fossa 9. Head of femur 10. Superior ramus of pubic bone 11. Obturator foramen

Kidney Intravenous Pyelogram

1. Minor calyx 2. Major calyx 3. Ureter 4. Bladder

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