xmgt230 week 4 assignment

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Management Planning Presentation

Kayla D. Cloud


June 8,2013


bp’s 3 Organization methods

• Our Upstream segment is responsible for our activities in oil and natural gas exploration, field development and production, and midstream transportation, storage and processing

• Our Downstream segment is the product and service-led arm of BP, focused on fuels, lubricants and petrochemicals

• Sustainable energy - sustainable business. We have a single aim - to identify and grow low-carbon businesses in which we have core skills and advantages and which can offer a material contribution to - and strategic fit with - the growth agenda of BP. BP Alternative Energy may be focused on the newest forms of fuel and power, but it draws on the traditional strengths that BP has built up over a century of finding, producing and delivering energy to its customers.

bp now focuses on preventing accidents of any kind. Their new code of conduct is built solely around keeping them from happening, with a contingency plan in place, in the event of an emergency.

To be a trusted company, year after year, we need to work

to a consistent and higher set of standards and follow them in everything we do and say, every day, everywhere we work. (chief executive, Bob Dudley, 2012 Code of Conduct Report)

bp’s goals and strategies

The Culture behind the Organization

The BP story, from first oil to tomorrow’s energies

Our history is full of discoveries, starting in 1908 with oil found in a rugged part of Persia after a long and difficult search. Since then, discoveries large and small (and sometimes just in the nick of time) have fuelled our progress.(© 1996-2013 BP p.l.c)

In our story, you may make a few discoveries of your own. Winston Churchill gives a rousing speech. The Smurfs cause a traffic jam. Our employees help construct a giant spool, build the world’s largest deepwater pipeline and bring solar power to remote villages in the Philippines.(© 1996-2013 BP p.l.c)

The Legal Standpointhow we handle concerns or issues

• Employee and contractor safety.• Asset management and integrity.• The geopolitical context affecting BP’s operations.• Climate change and BP’s operational greenhouse gases.• How BP is transitioning to a low-carbon economy.• Drilling in deepwater environments.• Our contribution to society.• Operational governance.• Oil spills: prevention, preparedness and impacts.• Sensitive areas.• Gulf of Mexico: accountability, liability, incident investigations and lessons learned.• Risk assessment and management processes, including risk management in non-operated joint ventures.(.(© 1996-2013 BP p.l.c)

Community Awareness

• Safe working environment

• On site core value

• Providing positive results

• Effective planning

• Efforts put back into the community

Organizational Plans Strategic




Strategic Planning

Environmentally friendly

Considerable Actions to ensure accident

New Code of conduct & mission statements to ensure the public that necessary precautions are being made this time

Tactical Planning

Goal & Strategy Timelines

Employee Accountability & Tactical Planners

Delegation of Authority to Mid Level Managers

Operational Planning

Implementing & following through with Policies & procedures.

Working & Understanding the Plans

Continuing Education

In Service training for employees

Community awareness seminars for the public

Contingency Planning

Faster Response times

Handling situations, not avoiding them

Giving correct, precise & honest Information



References• http://www.bp.com/extendedsectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9039352&contentId=7072114

• http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9038306&contentId=7006600

• http://www.bp.com/sectionbodycopy.do?categoryId=9036140&contentId=7066938&nicam=vanity&redirect=www.bp.co/mappingtool#/World%20View/waste

• http://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/pdf/code-of conduct/Code_of _Conduct_ 2011.pdf

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