
Post on 11-Nov-2015






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Analyse des digitalen Marketingplans von Yankee.ie


  • Contents


    Group Case Study



  • Contents



    1 Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 The Macro-Environment analysis: SLEPT or PESTEL ...................................... 1

    1.1.1 Social ............................................................................................................ 1

    1.1.2 Legal and ethical ........................................................................................... 1

    1.1.3 Economic ...................................................................................................... 2

    1.1.4 Political ......................................................................................................... 3

    1.2 The Micro-Environment analysis: Porter five forces .......................................... 3

    1.2.1 Power of suppliers ........................................................................................ 3

    1.2.2 Bargaining powers of customers ................................................................... 3

    1.2.3 Threat of substitutes ...................................................................................... 4

    1.2.4 Threats of new entrants ................................................................................. 4

    1.2.5 Extent of rivalry between competitors .......................................................... 4

    2 The Marketing Mix.................................................................................................... 5

    2.1 Product ................................................................................................................. 5

    2.2 Price ..................................................................................................................... 6

    2.3 Place .................................................................................................................... 6

    2.4 Promotion ............................................................................................................ 6

    2.5 People .................................................................................................................. 8

    2.6 Physical evidence ................................................................................................ 8

    2.7 Process ................................................................................................................. 9

    3 Recommendation and Future Outlook ..................................................................... 10

    3.1 SWOT analysis .................................................................................................. 10

    3.1.1 Mobile App ................................................................................................. 11

    3.1.2 YouTube ..................................................................................................... 12

    4 Appendices .............................................................................................................. 13

    5 References ............................................................................................................... 15

  • 1 Analysis


    1 Analysis

    1.1 The Macro-Environment analysis: SLEPT or PESTEL

    1.1.1 Social

    In 2013, 54,10% (2,583,806) of the Irish population was between 25 and 64 years old.

    The median age was 35.1 years for male and 35.8 years for female. The population

    growth rate was 1.16 %. 1

    According to a study made by Eurostat in 2013, 82% of Irish households have access to

    the Internet, which is used of 62% of the population every day.2

    1.1.2 Legal and ethical

    In Ireland, both Irish and European laws protect consumers rights. Those laws try to

    ensure minimum information about the price and the quality of a product or a service

    before buying it. The Sale of Goods and Supply of Service Act, 1980, protect the

    consumer contracts. The Consumer Protection Act 2007 protects consumers from false

    or misleading claim about goods. 3

    The European directive about online business (2000/31/CE)4 rules online commerce.

    Companies have to provide the consumers with a lot of information like name, address,

    email address and company registration number.

    The Distance selling Directive (Directive 97/7/EC) protects the consumers from online

    fraud. Consumers have the right to change their mind, to have clear information, to ask

    to refund for delayed or non-delivery as well as to redress in case of faulty goods. The

    sale of Goods and Associated Guarantees Directive 99/44/EC assures that the goods are

    in conformity with the contract of sale. 5

    1 Cf. CIA World Factbook

    2 Cf. Urhausen 2013, S. 1

    3 Cf. National Consumer Agency

    4 Cf. Official Journal of the European Communities

    5 Cf. European Consumer Centre Ireland

  • 1 Analysis


    1.1.3 Economic

    The unemployment rate dropped from 12.4% in December 2013 to 12.3% in January


    Figure 1 Ireland unemployment rate, percentage of the labour force 6

    In 2013 the Irish GDP rate was 1.5%, 0.50% higher than in 2012.

    Figure 2 Ireland GDP growth rate 7

    During the second semester of 2013, Irish consumers have spent 21 EUR million more

    money than during the first semester. 8

    6 Cf. Trading Economics

    7 Cf. Trading Economics

    8 Cf. Trading Economics

  • 1 Analysis


    Ireland business confidence is 14% higher in the fourth quarter of 2013 than in the third.

    This is a helpful tool to anticipate the future consumption.

    Figure 3 Ireland business confidence 9

    1.1.4 Political

    The ministry for jobs, enterprise and innovation launched on Friday, 31 May 2013, a

    175 million Seed and Venture Capital Scheme 2013-2018. 10 The idea of the plan is

    to help Irish companies to create export sales and to generate jobs.

    1.2 The Micro-Environment analysis: Porter five forces

    1.2.1 Power of suppliers

    Candles are composed by wax, a wick and for some of them of a glass jar. Yankee

    needs several suppliers to produce those parts of the candles. The row materials used for

    the candles are not subject to high increases of their prices. Therefore suppliers have

    limited power over Yankee.ie.

    1.2.2 Bargaining powers of customers

    The power of the consumers is higher than ever before. Consumers can both, visit

    online and offline stores, to compare the products and the prices. They can try and smell

    the candles in the offline stores and buy it on the website, if it is less expensive.

    9 Cf. Trading Economics

    10 Cf. Eileen Banks

  • 1 Analysis


    Moreover consumer can easily compare the Yankee candles with candles from the


    1.2.3 Threat of substitutes

    If the threat of substitutes has significantly increased online for some products as books

    or films, it is not really the case for candles. No digital technology is able to replace the

    smell or the light of a Yankee Candle yet. The substitutes might be lamps, perfume

    diffuser etc.

    1.2.4 Threats of new entrants

    Thanks to Internet, there are less and less barriers to entry. Companies do not need

    physical stores to sell physical products.

    1.2.5 Extent of rivalry between competitors

    While searching for Candles on Google.ie, Yankee.ie is the first result of the list. The

    second company is Thecandleshop.id. The following are Amazon.co.uk, Ikea.com,

    Candlesonline.ie, Torccandles.com, Keepsakecandles.ie and Kerrycandle.ie.

  • 2 The Marketing Mix


    2 The Marketing Mix

    The marketing mix is a helpful tool to plan a marketing strategy as it gives a checklist of

    decisions and points, marketers must beware. The 7Ps of the marketing mix, Product,

    Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical evidence and Process serve to concrete

    implement a companys marketing approach (see figure 4 of the appendix).

    In the following section, the digital marketing strategies of Yankee.ie shall be analysed

    and assessed with the help of the 7Ps marketing mix framework. This includes the

    companys steps while handling the key challenges of an increasing digital

    environment. Digital marketing can be defined as: Achieving marketing objectives

    through applying digital technologies.11

    2.1 Product

    The first P Product is all about adding value to the customer in order to give them the

    experience of Yankee Candle products. In the wide range of candles and accessories,

    customer can order products in various colours and sizes. Apart to the traditional

    candles, Yankee.ie also offers car fragrances as well as wedding and other event


    The website enables free delivery of their products with orders over 39 in 2012 and 49

    in 2014. The charges for European delivery service are dependent on the destination

    area and starts with charges from 9.95 . The returns policy so called no quibbles

    guarantee allows the consumer, to return the product within 30 days if he isnt satisfied.

    Defective Items can also be returned to Yankee.ie.

    To generate digital value to the customer, Yankee.ie focused primarily on immediacy,

    interactivity and faster delivery for the customer, who buys online. Furthermore, the

    visitor and potential buyer gets more information online, not only from Yankee.ie but

    also from other clients experiences, which are listed under the field Testimonials. As

    the shop of Yankee Candles isnt situated directly in Dublins city centre, the online

    store provides a simple way for collecting information as well as buying products, not

    only for Irish, but also for all European consumers.


    Chaffey und Ellis-Chadwick 2012, S. 10

  • 2 The Marketing Mix


    2.2 Price

    With a high price transparency, Yankee.ie publishes all of their prices including

    delivery fees and product price-list on the website. Since buyer compares prices, the

    company has decided to offer same prices in offline and online stores.12

    Retail prices for

    small jars are starting from 11.50, for medium jars from 21.50 and for large jars from

    26.50. The promotional offers, weather online and offline are adjusted to each other to

    maintain the uniform business model from Yankee Candles. In order to integrate new

    pricing models, Yankee.ie uses the payment tool Realex payments to generate a

    securely and easy payment for the customers.13

    2.3 Place

    In connection with the P Place, it should be mentioned, that the company currently

    opened their fifths offline store in Killarney. The stores are open 7 days a week.

    Of major significance for an effective digital strategy is the alignment to the companys

    business strategy in the way of same initiatives, goals and priorities. Online and offline

    stores, so called multi-channels for distribution, serve to enlarge the companys

    awareness level to as many ideal customers as possible.14

    There are the offline stores for

    the traditional purchasing consumers, who prefer to go in a real store and having a

    social interaction with the staff while looking for goods. On the other hand, the

    opportunity to have a quick look on the online store to make a fast shopping, often

    appeals the younger generation.

    The company is responsible for a warm, inviting home and a personal relationship to

    their customers.15

    However the people favour to shop offline or online, Yankee Candles

    are widely represented to be available for different groups of customers.

    2.4 Promotion

    While visiting Yankee.ie, the customer receives a coloured, user-friendly design which

    operates self-descriptive (see figure 5 of the appendix). The navigation goes across the


    Cf. Chaffey und Smith 2008, S. 65 13

    Cf. Unlimited Fragrances Ltd 14

    Cf. Chaffey und Smith 2008, S. 71 15

    Cf. Yankee Candle Europe Ltd 2014

  • 2 The Marketing Mix


    top and left of the page and includes an interactive postcard banner, which presents new

    season products and offers. The open search field, as well as the customers personal

    account and shopping card, are placed at the upper right of all pages. The utility

    variation, at the very bottom of the pages, constitutes the lower end. According to Jakob


    , a user prefers to work with a page in the same way, as all the other sites he

    already worked with. 17

    The difficulty in this approach lies in the point, that companies

    want their websites to be unique, to stick out of the mass. On the other hand,

    standardized functions and a recognition factor are hugely important. Yankee.ie not

    only infuses the norms of standardization, but also gets personalization with constantly

    product and service updates. Moreover the customer can make evaluations in a live chat

    on the webpage, or changes to Twitter and Facebook, where Yankee Candle is already

    represented. To be eligible for a free newsletter of Yankee.ie, the visitor has to sign in

    online with his email address and can therefore stay informed about new offers, events

    and discount campaigns.

    Yankee.ie entered into Facebook in March 2011 and has over 25.985 Likes, as well as

    962 ratings.18

    Besides their website, the company uses this social media to promote their

    products and services in the same way, as it informs the customers about their shops and

    opening hours. While analysing the page, it comes up that Yankee Candles posts weekly

    newsletters, short stories as well as videos on their page to awake and hold the

    customers interest. The target is to grow the audience online while appealing the crowd.

    Yankee.ie is also well represented in Twitter, with over 99 Tweets and 176


    One way to build the customers loyalty is to reward them. Yankee.ie makes use of the

    Yankee Points Loyalty scheme, which gives points to customers at each time they

    purchase from the website. For 1 spent, the customer receives 1 point and is able to

    exchange the minimum of 200 collected points for a 12 gift certificate.


    web usability consultant born 1957 (five quality components of "Usability Goals") 17

    Cf. Chaffey und Smith 2008, S. 259 18

    Cf. Unlimited Fragrances Ltd 19

    Cf. Unlimited Fragrances Ltd

  • 2 The Marketing Mix


    2.5 People

    30 employees strive daily to improve the business of Yankee.ie, especially 3 of which

    working on the online store. Twice a week, one person is in charge of doing Search

    Engine Marketing (SEM) as well as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The need of

    optimization arises from the constantly increasing competition for the companies to

    present their products and services more easily, visible and frequently. In addition,

    Yankee.ie replaces their banners on the website every 2-3 weeks to keep them up to


    On the other hand to import a digital marketing strategy, it is necessary to know exactly

    who the audience is and how they use digital media. With the help of customer traffic

    patterns and site usage, the company is able to improve the concepts of the stores to

    create more value for the customer and respond to their demand. In this context, web

    analytics software like Facebook insights and Google Analytics, are often used to get a

    detailed overview about user performances on different websites.

    2.6 Physical evidence

    The signs of a serious website can quickly be recognized. First main characteristics are

    a high quality design as well as an easy handling of the website. The terms &

    conditions, the company registration number or the privacy policies are all integral parts

    of the websites physical evidence. To provide reassurance, Yankee.ie uses the secure

    payment tool Realex payments (see above) as well as it provides support via phone,

    email or directly in store, not only for their customers, but also for anyones questions

    about the Yankee Candles.

    The customer value proposition needs to be internalized as well as communicated to the


    Therefore the company offers product back-up, the guarantee that an item

    can always be exchanged if it no complies with the customers requirements. The

    consumer can rely on the value of the candles, as well as on the service he will get

    before, during and after the sale. Moreover he can check the comments of further

    consumers directly on Yankee.ie, Facebook or Twitter.


    Cf. Chaffey und Ellis-Chadwick 2012, S. 14

  • 2 The Marketing Mix


    Besides the price and the picture, a prospective customer gets a review of the selected

    candle in terms of a maximum of five stars which can be scored for the product.

    All of these points provide the visitors of Yankee.ie the impressions, of a comfortable

    and secure variation to shop online. As a further cue for reassurance, Yankee.ie was a

    finalist in the Retail Excellence Ireland award 2012 in the category website of the


    2.7 Process

    Contrary to the most popular policies for hybrid companies, Yankee.ie is specialised in

    online sales. To generate availability of products the concern practices picking systems,

    as well as it has separated stocks for online and offline products. This policy enables to

    have 95% of the 800 items listed on their website in stock. Through Yankee.ie, the

    customer can check availability and the exact number of the selected item in stock.

    Unfortunately it is not possible to find out when a product will be available again if it is

    out of stock.22

    The default carrier for deliveries in Ireland is An Post with the advantages of the

    drivers local knowledge. Cross border deliveries are handled by DPD, which enables

    customers to track the location of their order all the way from ordering to delivery.

    Orders are usually shipped within 24 hours to their customers. As a result of the web

    server updating, Yankee.ie can now handle 20,000 orders in one day.



    Cf. Retail Excellence Ireland 2013 22

    Cf. Unlimited Fragrances Ltd

  • 3 Recommendation and Future Outlook


    3 Recommendation and Future Outlook

    The business concept of Yankee Candle, selling premium priced candles and

    accessories, is easy but successful. The reason is the specialisation in online sales as

    well as their high motivated staff, picking-systems and separated stock to the stores.

    Nevertheless the company must be further improved and developed to keep operating

    effective in the competitive marketplace. The recommendations take place in the

    opportunities part of the following SWOT analysis. Two main opportunities will be

    described in more detail in 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.

    3.1 SWOT analysis


    - Peter Mc Auley : 20 years

    experience in the gift and

    online/offline retail trade

    - Dedicated Yankee Candle site

    - Premier online retailer of

    Yankee Candle products &

    - accessories

    - 2011: 1,2 million euros in

    turnover. 1,6% of Yankee

    Candle European sales

    - Website updated on a daily


    - The mixology (consumers can

    create their own fragrance)


    - Underrepresented in

    different social media

    channels like social

    publishing zones or social

    entertainment zones

    - Few or no traditional,

    printed marketing

    - Excessive delivery fees

    - No overview when out of

    stock candles will be

    available again


    - Population growth

    - Purchasing power growth

    - Entry in new digital markets


    - The barriers to enter the

    market are low

    - Competitors like Dunnes

  • 3 Recommendation and Future Outlook


    and social networks like

    Flickr, Pinterest, YouTube,

    LinkedIn, Google +

    - Create an Mobile App

    - Making posts on different

    platforms more frequent +

    reply to individual comments

    on Facebook more

    interaction with customer

    stores, Penney, Ikea also sell

    candles cheaper candles

    - Increasing power and claims

    of customers as they have an

    extensive selection of online

    as well as offline shops

    offering candles

    3.1.1 Mobile App

    One new tactic to entre in the zone of social blogging is to build a Mobile App of

    Yankee.ie. Nearly every website has a separate mobile and tablet app to response to the

    customer needs. These days consumers want to have it as simple as possible in the

    way of purchasing new goods. According to the market research The state of the global

    mobile consumer, 2013 of Deloitte Touch Tohmatsu Limited, more than 2 billion

    smartphones and 300 tablets are expected to be in use globally by the end of 2013. 23

    The potential is tremendous for implementing a Yankee.ie App, which is still available

    from the American counterpart Yankeecandle.com.

    To achieve a uniform public appearance and to increase the recognition value, the

    mobile/tablet App should be work and look like the online store. The customer, who is

    familiar with Yankee.ie, can handle the different steps from the first visit to the final

    purchase easier. He would be able to have access from anywhere, even without a

    computer. Besides the offerings, the consumer could get information about Yankee

    Candles offline stores locations, as well as create his own account and wish list (see

    figure 6 of the appendix).

    In order to transfer these from theory to practice, the company has to take decisions

    about their internal resources, responsibilities and personal skills.24

    As in previous

    challenges shown, Yankee.ie has the industry expertise and can draw on their digital

    marketing experiences to develop independently a Yankee.ie App. To promptly


    Cf. Calugar-Pop und Lee 2013, S. 3 24

    Cf. Chaffey und Ellis-Chadwick 2012, S. 199

  • 3 Recommendation and Future Outlook


    establish the App, the company has to start as soon as possible with the developing and

    the following marketing.

    Following the introduction, it is of great importance for a successful market presence to

    monitor the performance. This includes researches about how well the App is accepted

    by the market, as well as how competitors react to them.

    3.1.2 YouTube

    Another tool to win additional customers is YouTube, according to Dave Chaffey, a

    photo and video sharing platform which enables social streaming.25

    Currently Yankee.ie

    neither has uploaded videos, nor does it have its own individual channel. But especially

    videos can give customers the feeling of a cosy atmosphere, which they will get with

    Yankee candles.

    The videos dont have to be in long length, as well as produced in a perfect high quality.

    It is all about being present in different digital marketing platforms. Once again,

    Yankee.ie can take another Yankee website as an example. Yankeecandle.co.uk has an

    own channel with 228 followers and 20.084 views.26

    Twice a week, Yankee.ie could give a quick overview about their new offers, events

    and special sales campaigns in the form of short clips. This could be compiled from

    pictures, customer interviews or short extracts from offline stores. Furthermore, new

    product campaigns can be spread much faster, as YouTube is almost known all over the


    A number of features allow user to give a feedback, not only to each video, but also to

    the candles in general. With direct connection to Facebook and Twitter, the videos can

    be shared with other consumers and friends.

    The success of an own Yankee.ie YouTube channel can be easy measured with the rise

    in the number of followers.

    This provides an ideal opportunity to develop a cheap and promisingly new digital

    marketing strategy, as well as it generates new jobs.


    Cf. Chaffey 26

    Cf. yankee.co.uk

  • 4 Appendices


    4 Appendices

    Figure 4 Keys aspects of the 7Ps of the classic marketing mix 27

    Figure 5 Yankee.ie 28


    Cf. Chaffey und Smith 2008, S. 51 28

    Cf. Unlimited Fragrances Ltd

  • 4 Appendices


    Figure 6 Mobile App Yankeecandle.com 29


    Cf. The Yankee Candle Company

  • 5 References


    5 References

    Calugar-Pop, Cornelia; Lee, Paul (2013): The state of the global mobile consumer,

    2013. Divergence deepens. Hg. v. Deloitte Touch Tohmatsu Limited.

    Chaffey, Dave: Digital Marketing Radar. Hg. v. Smartinsights.com. Online verfgbar

    unter http://www.smartinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Digital-Marketing-


    Chaffey, Dave; Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona (2012): Digital marketing. Strategy,

    implementation and practice. 5. Aufl. Harlow: Pearson Education.

    Chaffey, Dave; Smith, P. R. (2008): eMarketing eXcellence. Planning and optimizing

    your digital marketing. 3. Aufl. Amsterdam, London: Butterworth-Heinemann

    (Emarketing essentials).

    CIA World Factbook (Hg.): Ireland Demographics Profile 2013. Online verfgbar unter


    Eileen Banks: New 175 million Government Seed and Venture Capital Scheme targets high-growth Irish companies - Minister Bruton. Unter Mitarbeit von Enterprise and

    Innovation. Online verfgbar unter www.enterprise-



    minister-bruton.html, zuletzt geprft am 23.02.2014.

    European Consumer Centre Ireland (Hg.): Shopping Online. Online verfgbar unter


    National Consumer Agency (Hg.): Your rights as a consumer in Ireland. Online

    verfgbar unter


    /consumers_and_the_law_in_ireland.html, zuletzt geprft am 23.02.2014.

    Official Journal of the European Communities (Hg.): DIRECTIVE 2000/31/EC OF




    zuletzt geprft am 23.02.2014.

  • 5 References


    Retail Excellence Ireland 2013. Hg. v. Retail Excellence Ireland 2013. Online verfgbar

    unter http://www.retailexcellence.ie/, zuletzt geprft am 20.02.2014.

    The Yankee Candle Company, Inc: Mobile App.

    Trading Economics (Hg.). Online verfgbar unter www.tradingeconomics.com/ireland,

    zuletzt geprft am 23.02.2014.

    Unlimited Fragrances Ltd. Hg. v. Unlimited Fragrances Ltd. Online verfgbar unter

    www.yankee.ie, zuletzt geprft am 10.02.2014.

    Unlimited Fragrances Ltd. Hg. v. Facebook Inc. Online verfgbar unter

    www.facebook.com/yankeeireland, zuletzt geprft am 10.02.2014.

    Unlimited Fragrances Ltd. Hg. v. Inc Twitter. Online verfgbar unter

    www.twitter.com/yankeeireland, zuletzt geprft am 10.02.2014.

    Urhausen, Julia (2013): Internet access and use in 2013. Hg. v. Eurostat Press Office.

    Online verfgbar unter http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STAT-13-199_en.htm,

    zuletzt geprft am 23.02.2014.

    Yankee Candle Europe Ltd (2014). Online verfgbar unter

    www.yankeecandle.co.uk/en/uk/page/about, zuletzt aktualisiert am 11.02.2014.

    yankee.co.uk. Hg. v. L. L.C. YouTube. Online verfgbar unter

    www.youtube.com/user/yankeecandlesuk/about, zuletzt geprft am 21.02.2014.

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