year 11 first lesson back

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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Where we stand so far

International relations Exam – 40% of course

Our results:A – 4 studentsB – 10 studentsC- 3 studentsD – 7 studentsF – 1 studentG – 1 student

Grade Boundaries:A* = 81A = 72B = 63C = 54D = 45

However the more important facts :

A = All 4 were predicted A’s

B = 6 of them predicted a B. 1 predicted a C. 3 should

have got A’s

C = 1 predicted a C. 1 predicted a D. 1 should have a B

D = 1 predicted a D. 1 predicted an A. 3 predicted B.

2 predicted a C

F = Predicted a D

G = Predicted a C

14/26 have achieved what the Academy expect of you and 12/26

However, I don’t care about what the Academy say…Have you achieved what you wanted to achieve???

We have 9 school weeks to put everything right!

O you have done your coursework but you will not receive your marks yet – worth 25%

OI will be putting on revision sessions after school – starting this week!

OEveryone who is retaking MUST attend!

Its time to take responsibility for yourselves!

Congratulations to those that got what they wanted on the exam and you also need to focus for this term as I am sure you want to get what you deserve in your final exam

Change to how we will approach the lessons!

O Every lesson you will sit in pairs rather than groups

O Every week we will have an exam practice section which will be done in silence (this will only be 1 or 2 questions)

O If you do not complete the work I set you will stay on Friday afternoon until It is finished

O We will have 2 mock exams this term and if you don’t pass you will retake after school

British Depth Study 1939-1975

O Lets have a recap quiz on what we covered at the end of last term

Who and how many came to Britain during WWII and


Why did each group of Immigrants come to Britain?

O Each pair will be given a particular group of Immigrants and you need to write an explanation of the reasons why you ended up in Birtain.

How were immigrant treated?

O As we saw last term – some African Americans felt that their time in Britain was the first time the ‘belonged’ and were treated as equals

O However – was this the case for all black and all immigrants?

O Look at source 16 on page 456 – as you can see some immigrants have different opinions

Find out how Immigrants were treated in the following areas

O In housing

O At work

O In society

What did all of this hostility lead to?

O Immigrants tended to stick together! O Immigrant communities emerged

throughout Britain as immigrants tended to go to areas where there was already similar people to them as they didn’t want to face the hostility from Brits.

O Use the map of Britain to highlight where immigrant communities were created in Britain. Use page 458 to help you

What is this Cartoon all about?

How far does the source 30 contradict the ship source? (7 marks)

O We will create our own plan to the answer before we start

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