year 6 get back to you. meet the teachers

Post on 17-Mar-2022






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Meet the teachersYear 6

We hope that you find our video helpful in bringing the information from these slides to life and that any of your questions have now been answered.* If you have any further questions, please note them in your child’s homework diary and we will

get back to you.

Miss Hodge Mrs Foley Miss Meredith Mr Rodwell

* Going forward, the best way to reach your child’s teacher is via their homework diary. These are checked every day by the teacher so it is the quickest way to contact them.

* Alternatively, you can use the diary to help set up a phone call from your child’s class teacher, should you wish to discuss a more confidential or complex matter.

* Currently, a face to face meeting with your class teacher would only take place under extenuating circumstances, usually following an initial phone call.

You will also have received the dates for this year, including parents’ evening dates, which are going to take place using Google Meet on the following dates this term:* Wed 7th October (15.45-18.30), Thurs 8th October (15.45 - 17.00)* Wed 14th October (15.45-18.30), Thurs 15th October (15.45 - 17.00)

This year, these appointments are slightly earlier in the academic year and will be 15 minutes long (rather than 10), so that we can let you know how your child has settled into the new year and meet you ‘properly’!


Helen Sedgwick

Mrs Sedgwick is the school's Family Support Worker, which means she is able

to support the whole family, if needed. This can be an informal chat over a

coffee, if you have any concerns regarding anything to do with your child's life

at school. Or it might be working with parents to obtain support from

organisations outside of school. Do get in touch via the school reception if

you would like to set up a meeting.

Mrs Sedgwick is also a qualified ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant),

which means she is able to support with the emotional development of your

child. Last year St. John’s established a Nurture Room, where Mrs Sedgwick

supports children at lunch times - talking to children who are finding the long

break overwhelming or just want a quiet space to be.


Coronavirus: What to do if…● Your child develops symptoms at home or school (temperature, new continuous cough,

new loss of smell or taste) ● If they are at school, you will be contacted to collect them and be advised to follow the

staying at home guidance: ‘stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection’.

● Following the onset of symptoms, parents must:○ Arrange for their child to have a test:;○ The child should self-isolate for 10 days from symptom onset;○ Family members should self-isolate for 14 days;○ The family should inform the school of the test result:

■ if positive, they should remain in isolation as above;■ if negative, the child may return to school and the family do not need to continue

with their self-isolation.● If any family member becomes symptomatic, your child should not attend school for 14 days

or until that family member receives a negative test result. Children will be provided with online learning on Google Classroom during any absence.

Keeping your child safe...

ClubsWe have delayed the start date of our school clubs to focus on embedding and evaluating our current safeguarding measures for during the school day. We will then look at opening clubs with similar measures in place. They will not resume until at least after October half-term. The school office will write to you later in the term with details.

Technology★ During lockdown, many children (and adults!) became more confident and independent with

technology and were grateful to find new, incredible ways to stay connected to friends and family during this challenging time.

★ Although technology is brilliant, please do closely monitor your child’s use of it at home; particularly games which have ‘chat features’, Youtube, and of course social media sites. We regularly have to manage incidents involving children of all ages who have experienced harmful content or communication.

★ Socialising online brings up many challenges for young children and now that your child is back in school and playing with their friends daily, we would encourage you to restrict the amount of time they spend online.

Keeping your child safe...

‘Closing the gaps’ in class, following school closures

* We will be identifying gaps on a topic by topic basis and building in extra

lessons and support where needed.

* We will not be ‘testing’ the children on all of last year’s content at the start

of this year.

* Instead, at the start of and throughout each topic, we will identify where

particular children may need additional support or teaching and tailor our

provision to close these gaps.

* Additional home learning may be suggested for your child, if we identify

particular areas of need, in discussion with you.


* English* Our topics are structured using the St John’s Writing Journey: * Read and Engage - activities that help children to engage with and

understand the text type * Skill Development - a variety of activities that develop specific skills

needed for this genre of writing.* Write, Edit, Repeat - the opportunity to put the newly acquired skills

into practice. Following the teacher’s lead in creating a piece of writing they are proud of, that incorporates their targets and the key features of the text.

* Maths* Covering and revising KS2 National Curriculum objectives* Singapore Approach of ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’* Focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving in all maths lessons


* Every morning begins with a 10 minute ‘soft start’ session, where children have a chance to talk with their teacher if they have any news or worries and start the day in a positive, calm way!

* On Wednesdays, Year 6 children have two specialist teachers for the following subjects:

Computing – Mr NichollsPE – Miss Smith

Wider Curriculum

Wider Curriculum Planning

As a school, we are moving on from ‘Big Picture’ topics to allow us to focus more on subject-specific skills learning. Year 6 will cover a wide variety in the Autumn term alone, including the following:

The Big Green Draw! (Art)

How is climate change affecting the world? (Geography)

The Battle of Britain (History)

Living Things and their Habitats (Science)

Christianity: How has the Christian message survived for 2000 years? (R.E.)

Being me in my world (PSHE)

We have lots to look forward to over the rest of the year, including…

Vikings & Anglo Saxons; Benin and West African Empires; Why is Fair Trade fair?; Evolution; Music Appreciation; William Morris and print-making!

And of course at the end of the year, we are looking forward to our residential, at PGL, and hopefully an End of Year Production, too!

* We want to promote a love of sport and better enable all children to find a sport that they love. These lessons will also enable all children to develop their teamwork skills and build up their resilience.

* PE kits are needed in school on Wednesday and Thursday. Across the school, all children have two PE lessons a week.

* Our PE timetable (one sport each half term): Cricket / Netball / Football / Tennis* In line with our risk assessment, both of these lessons will take place outside,

whatever the weather (within reason!). Therefore, it is very important your child has warm, black tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Please include a carrier bag in their PE bag so that muddy shoes can be kept separate.

* Please provide a note in the communication diary if not participating.


* How do we promote this as a year group?

* In Year 6, we encourage independence and responsibility for choices

* Choosing appropriate material, both fiction & non-fiction (we have a class

library and an emphasis on discussing & comparing books, and recommending

them to others)

* English topics centred around texts, both fiction & non-fiction

* Whole class daily reading - enjoying challenging class books & analysing


* Formal reading comprehension skills once a week

* Key texts this year are: Stay Where You Are and then Leave; Holes;

Shackleton’s Journey; Wolf Hollow.

A love of reading

* Purpose: To support and reinforce skills and concepts explored at school.

* How will I know what homework my child has? All homework will be set on

Google Classroom each week. This will also enable us to easily set remote

learning for your child, should they be absent from school due to current

covid-related guidelines.

* Weekly homework will usually consist of:

* MyMaths

* A spelling & grammar rule to focus on

* Reading, to be recorded in the homework diary daily

* Homework will be set on Thursdays & due in by the following Wednesday

Home learning


A reminder of our school behaviour ladder and


A closer look...

Trips & other activities❖ Trips: In line with measures to keep school open during this pandemic,

we are not currently planning any offsite trips. We look forward to

reintroducing these as soon as is appropriate.

❖ Residential: As mentioned, this is now in June and we will be in touch

with further details in due course.

❖ SATS: The key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 10 May to

Thursday 13 May 2021. We believe Year 6 is much more than a set of

results at the end of the year and while we will make sure the children

are as prepared as they can be, they are certainly nothing to worry

about: their mental health and wellbeing is paramount.

❖ Bikeability: This will take place in January.

* Use the homework diary to pass on any information

* Maths - tables, money, telling the time & other practical maths

* Discuss your child’s reading material & read with your child

* Homework - encouragement & help with revising spelling rules

* Working closely with us, for instance by helping your child get a

good night’s sleep! Here are some useful tips:


How you can help

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