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Alternative Education Equivalency Scheme (AEES)


Practice TestVersion 01

Alternative Education Equivalency (AEE) AssessmentsYear 10 General Mathematics - Version 01

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Practice Test Instructions 1. Thereare30questionsinthisPracticetest(and30questionsinthefinaltest).

2. TherearefivealternativeanswersmarkedA,B,C,DandEforeveryquestion.

3. EveryquestionhasonlyONEcorrectanswer.

4. Enteryouranswerselectionontheanswersheetprovidednexttothequestionnumber.


Question 1. 4 + 3 =

a. 8b. 6c. 9d. 7e. 5



Question 1. D

Question 2.

5. Makesureyoumarkyouransweragainstthecorrespondingquestionontheanswer sheetprovided,especiallyifyouskipbetweenquestions.

6. Giveyourself30minutestocompletethePracticeTest(asthereare30minutesinthe finaltest).

Wesuggestsettingupatestenvironmentandtimingyourselfsoit’ssimilartothefinal test.

7. Donotwastetimeifyoudonotknowtheanswer.Moveontothenextquestionandifyou havetimeattheendofthetest,gobacktothequestionsyouskipped.

8. Workasquicklyandaccuratelyasyoucan.

9. Westronglyrecommendusingasilent,batteryoperated,non-programmable scientific calculator.Toobtainanaccurateresult,no other resource or device should be used for this Practice test. 10. FormulaeareprovidedatthestartofthePracticetest(andinthefinaltestbooklet).

11. Diagramsarenotnecessarilydrawntoscale.

10. Afteryoufinishthetest,usetheAnswerKeyprovidedtocheckyouranswers.

11. ThescoreyouachieveonthePracticetestisanindicationonlyofhowyoumayperform onthefinaltest.

12. ThePracticetestscorecannotbeusedinplaceofsittingthefinaltest.

13. ThetopicslistedontheAnswerKeycangiveyouanindicationoftheareasyoucan improve.

Alternative Education Equivalency (AEE) AssessmentsYear 10 General Mathematics - Version 01

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FORMULAE SHEETThefollowingformulaemaybeusedinyourcalculations:

Area and volume• Areaofrectangle=length x width• Areaoftriangle=½ base x height • Volumeofanyregularprism=Area of base x height

Theorem of Pythagoras• Inanyright-angledtriangle:c2 = a2 + b2

Temperature conversion formulaDegreesCelsiustodegreesFahrenheit:

• ºF = (ºCx1.8)+32







Growth and decay formulae• Simplegrowthordecay:A = P(1± ni)• Compoundgrowthordecay:A = P(1± i)n Where:




i=interestrateperyear,r% = r


c b


Opposite side Hypotenuse

Adjacent side


Alternative Education Equivalency (AEE) AssessmentsYear 10 General Mathematics - Version 01

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Question 1 Whichlisthasthenumbersinorderfromgreatest to leastvalue?

a. 2.58 2.5 2.08 2.8 2.508 b. 2.8 2.508 2.08 2.5 2.58 c. 2.5 2.58 2.508 2.08 2.8 d. 2.8 2.58 2.508 2.5 2.08 e. 2.8 2.508 2.58 2.5 2.08

Question 2 Writtenasamixednumber 329


a. 3 59

b. 3 29

c. 4

d. 5 13

e. 932

Question 3 Asapercentage 512


a. 48.5% b. 41.7% c. 45% d. 58.3% e. 36.5%

Question 4 Thelabelona600mlshampoobottlestatesthatthereisenoughshampoofor 80washes.Approximatelyhowmuchshampoohasbeenallowedforeachwash?

a. 7mlb. 9 mlc. 48mld. 70mle. 80ml

Question 5 1.3km+200m+200cm=

a. 1322mb. 1502mc. 1520md. 1401me. 1700m

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Question 6 Thefloorofarectangularroom12mx6mistobetiled.Thetilestobeusedare rectangularwithdimensions60cmx30cm.Thenumberoftilesrequiredis:

a. 200 b. 300 c. 360 d. 400 e. 720

Question 7 Ifa = 5 and b = 6 then 3ab =

a. 30 b. 14c. 90 d. 105e. 33

Question 8 Danamultipliedanumberby5.Thenshemultipliedtheresultby3.Thenshemultiplied thisresultby2.Herfinalanswerwas

a. twicetheoriginalnumberb. 10timestheoriginalnumberc. 16timestheoriginalnumberd. 20timestheoriginalnumbere. 30timestheoriginalnumber

Question 9 If10workersplantoutagardenin3days,6workerswillcompletethesameplantingtask, workingatthesamerate,inhowmanydays?

a. 6daysb. 1.8daysc. 5daysd. 7dayse. 3days

Alternative Education Equivalency (AEE) AssessmentsYear 10 General Mathematics - Version 01

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Question 10 is notequalto

a. b. c. d. 8e.

Question 11 (3 × 1010)×(2.4×1012)=

a. 5.4 × 10120 b. 7.2 × 1022

c. 7.2 × 102

d. 7.2 × 10120

e. 5.4 × 1022

Question 12 Thenumber0.000000617writteninscientificnotationandroundedto2significant numbersis

a. 6.1 × 10-7

b. 6.17 × 109

c. 0.62 × 10-6

d. 6.2 × 10-7

e. 6.17 × 10-9

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Question 13 Determinethevolumeofthegiventriangularright-prism.

a. 460cm3

b. 960cm3

c. 240cm3

d. 272cm3

e. 480cm3

Question 14 Ifanathleteisabletosprint100metresin10seconds,theaveragespeedoftheathlete is:

a. 36km/hb. 36m/sc. 6km/hd. 60km/he. 38km/h

Question 15 Abushwalkerwalks3kmsouththen2kmeastandfinally5kmnorth.Thebearingofthe bushwalkerfromherstartingpointis:

a. Nb. NWc. NEd. N30°We. SE

Alternative Education Equivalency (AEE) AssessmentsYear 10 General Mathematics - Version 01

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Question 16 The distance (sinkm)ofacarfromMelbourneasittravelsontheM31toAlburyisgiven

bys = 60t + 46 (tinhours).Ifittakesthecar4 14

hourstoreachAlbury,howfaris AlburyfromMelbourne?

a. 255kmb. 295kmc. 300kmd. 316kme. 301km

Question 17. Theformulathatdescribestherelationshipbetweenthevariables,x and yinthetable,is:

x 0 1 2 3y 2 3 6 11

a. y = x + 2b. y = x2 + 2c. y = ½x2 + 4d. y = 3x + 2e. y = 2x2 + 2

Question 18. Ifthetotalcost$CiscalculatedasC=13 n,wherenisthenumberofitemspurchased,


a. Line 1 b. Line 2 c. Line 3 d. Line 4 e. Line 5

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Question 19 Ralphandhisbrother,Charles,havetoshare$140inthesameratioastheirages. DetermineCharles’shareifRalphisexactly15yearsoldandCharlesis13yearsold.

a. $70.00b. $68.50c. $60.00d. $62.00e. $65.00

Question 20 FromNovembertotheendofFebruary,theaveragewaterconsumptionofafamilyis 56.46kLpermonth.FromMarchtoOctober,theiraverageconsumptionis43.78kLper month.Calculatetheiraveragemonthlywaterconsumptionforthatyear.

a. 48.01kLb. 50.12kLc. 49.99kLd. 57.61kLe. 100.24kL

Question 21 Ifyouinvest$500.00atafixedrateof10%compoundinterest,compoundedyearly,how muchinterestwillyouhaveearnedafter3years?

a. $150.00b. $665.50c. $165.50d. $155.50e. $160.50

Question 22 Theworkastudentdoesinclasscontributes75%tohisfinalmark.Atestcontributesthe other25%.Thestudentgetsamarkof52%forhisclasswork.Whatmarkmusthegetin thetestsothathisfinaloverallmarkis60%?

a. 68% b. 80% c. 96% d. 81% e. 84%

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Alternative Education Equivalency (AEE) AssessmentsYear 10 General Mathematics - Version 01

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Question 23 Ifthe‘originalfigure’shownbelowisreducedinsizebyafactorof 34

thentheresulting figureis:

a. Figure1b. Figure2c. Figure3d. Figure4e. Figure5

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Question 24 WhichoneofthefollowingtrianglesissimilartotriangleABC?

a. triangleDEFb. triangleGHIc. triangleJKLd. triangleMNOe. trianglePQR

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Alternative Education Equivalency (AEE) AssessmentsYear 10 General Mathematics - Version 01

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Question 25 Thegraphshowsthedistanceanobjectmovesduringatimeinterval.Whichstatement aboutthemovementoftheobjectiscorrect?

a. BetweenAandBtheobjecttravelsat150km/h.b. BetweenDandEtheobjectisslowingdown.c. Theobjectisinmotionthroughouttheentiretime.d. Thetotaldistancetravelledis200km.e. BetweenDandEtheobjecttravelsat100km/h.

Question 26 Davecycledfor30minutesat24km/handthencontinuedtowalkfor20minutes.Inall hecovered14km.Atwhatspeeddidhewalk?

a. 6.8km/hb. 4km/hc. 6km/hd. 2.5km/he. 2km/h

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Question 27 Acable,50mlongfromthetopofawind-turbinetoweris30mfromthefootoftheturbine onthesamehorizontallevel.Determinetheheightofthetower.

a. 36mb. 48mc. 45md. 40me. 44m

Question 28 Afairdiceisrolled6timeswiththefollowingoutcomes:1,1,3,4,2,1.Thelikelihood ofrollinga6withthe7throllis:

a. 16

b. 14

c. 23

d. 13

e. 12

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Alternative Education Equivalency (AEE) AssessmentsYear 10 General Mathematics - Version 01

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Question 29 Thisgraphisshowingtherainfallinmmperdayforaweek.Thetrendcanbedescribed as:

a. anincreasingdecreaseb. anincreasingincrease c. a constant increase d. adecreasingincrease e. adecreasingdecrease

Question 30 ThestrawberriesintwopunnetsAandBareweighed(ingrams)andtheresultsare showninthetablebelow.






a. ThenumberofstrawberriesinPunnetAisgreaterthaninPunnetB.b. Thereare10strawberriesinPunnetA.c. ThecontentsofPunnetAweighlessthanthoseinPunnetB.d. ThemeanweightofstrawberriesinPunnetBis194grams.e. ThemeanweightofstrawberriesinPunnetAis16.67grams.


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Year 10 General Mathematics Practice Test: Answer Key

Question # Answer Topic AreaQ 1. D workingwithnumbers

(fractions,decimals,percentages)Q 2. A workingwithnumbers

(fractions,decimals,percentages)Q 3. B workingwithnumbers

(fractions,decimals,percentages)Q 4. A workingwithnumbers(computations)

Q 5. B calculatemeasurements

Q 6. D area(shapes)

Q 7. C patternsandalgebra

Q 8. E patternsandalgebra

Q 9. C ratioandscalefactors

Q 10. A workingwithnumbers(computations)

Q 11. B applyindexlaws

Q 12. D scientificnotation

Q 13. E volume

Q 14. A workingwithnumbers(rates)

Q 15. C workingwithnumbers (location&direction)

Q 16. E patternsandalgebra

Q 17. B patternsandalgebra

Q 18. A linearandnon-linearrelationships

Q 19. E ratioandscalefactors

Q 20. A workingwithnumbers(computations)

Q 21. C moneytransactions

Q 22. E workingwithnumbers (fractions,decimals,percentages)

Q 23. C ratioandscalefactors

Q 24. C space:symmetry

Q 25. E patternsandalgebra

Q 26. C workingwithnumbers(rates)

Q 27. D pythagorasandtrigonometry

Q 28. A chance

Q 29. B datarepresentationandinterpretation

Q 30. E datarepresentationandinterpretation

© 2011 Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services - Level 5, 478 Albert Street, East Melbourne Victoria 3002.

All rights reserved. No part of this test may be reproduced without written permission from VETASSESS.

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