yellow sapphire pukhraj gemstone for long lasting relationships

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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Yellow Sapphire is a Gemstone for Planet Jupiter. Which is the Planet of Positivity and Connection. Yellow Sapphire acquires the blessings of Jupiter and remove all the obstacles in relationships of its natives with spouse, childrena nd elders as well.To know more About Yellow Sapphire Relationship Benefits Check this PDF.


Yellow sapphire is the gemstone of the biggest visionary planet, Jupiter or Brihaspati, otherwise called Guru or the Teacher, which is emphatically connected with interpersonal connections of people. Additionally, this is the planet connected with shrewdness, insightfulness, favourable luck and well being. Wearing this valuable yellow sapphire gemstone can hence pacify this influential planet and enhance the general personal satisfaction.  

Yellow sapphire is a gemstone which gets amicability and soundness conjugal life and enhances the association with the mate, because of vicinity of positive and big-hearted energies inside itself. It brings the positive impacts of Jupiter and upgrades your marriage with adoration and common comprehension. Wives can get uncommon consideration from their spouses by wearing this extraordinary gemstone. Additionally, it is known to be compelling for avoiding defer in marriage. Youngsters are suggested to wear this gemstone for discovering a suitable match as ahead of schedule as could be allowed

Yellow Sapphire for Better Relations with

Elders Jupiter is the planet which means the educator or the senior of the crew. When you wear a yellow sapphire, you attempt to summon the favours of Jupiter, which supports a superior connection with the older folks of your gang. Therefore, you will make certain to get the endowments and co operation of the senior citizens.

Yellow Sapphire and Relations with Children

Yellow sapphire is a gemstone, which reinforces the position of Jupiter in the horoscope of the wearer. This planet must be assuaged if one needs to hold up under a male youngster. Hence, wearing yellow sapphire as a gemstone guarantees increment of the heredity of the family by the conception of a male youngster for the wearer. Moreover, being the gemstone of the planet of information and shrewdness, it brings the endowment of keenness and training for the wearer and also his youngsters.

Yellow Sapphire and Love Life Yellow sapphire expands

your shots of discovering the adoration for your life as it is known to prompt surprising gatherings. Young people can discover their life accomplices by conjuring the gifts of Jupiter by wearing this gemstone. It can make the wearer alluring to the inverse sex by giving a positive emanation to them.Along these lines, it is valuable to wear yellow sapphire to enhance your general connections, and fortify the power of profound devotion. It brings concordance to your wedded life and makes it excellent. 

Yellow Sapphire should wear in the Index Finger of hand on Thursday morning at dawn. Minimum weight of Yellow Sapphire Stone should be 3.25 Carats. Its effects grows with weight.  Before wearing Yellow Sapphire Gemstone, dip it into cow milk or Gangajal for atleast 10 minutes. While wearing Yellow Sapphire Ring, recite “OM GURUVE NAMAHA”. Yellow Sapphire Gemstone should be cleaned regularly with a soft brush as dust deposited at bottom reduce the gemstone effect.

Yellow Sapphire signifies devotion, children, distant travel, spirituality, truthfulness, fortune, justice, education, future, religion, philosophy, prosperity, knowledge, wisdom, virtue, and charity. The planet of Yellow Sapphire is ‘Jupiter’ or ‘Guru’. The Guru guides action in the most harmonious and uplifting manner and balances inner and outer input while simultaneously performing and monitoring action. If Yellow Sapphire does not suit you, it will not harm you. If u think you want to experiment then I think one must go for it.

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