you are most likely to die at 11 a.m

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 You Are Most Likely to Die at 11 a.m


    You Are Most Likely to Die at 11 a.m.By Megan Garber | The Atlantic 22 hours ago

    Why? Because when technology steps aside, nature takes over.

    Shutterstock/Allies Interactive Services Pvt. Ltd.

    Particularly when you're older, you're 14 percent more likely to die on your birthdaythan on any other day of the year.

    Particularly when you live in certain geographical areas, you're 13 percent more likely to die after getting paid. And

    particularly when you're human, you're more likely to die in the late morning -- around 11 a.m., specifically -- than at any

    other time during the day.

    Yes. That last one comes from a new study, published in theAnnals of Neurology, that identifies a common gene variant

    affecting circadian rhythms. And that variant, per study co-authors Andrew Lim and Clifford Saper, could also predict the

    time of day you will die.

    Even death, apparently, has a circadian rhythm.

    For more on this, read Lindsay Abrams' great overviewof the study and its findings. What's fascinating about it from a tech

    perspective, though, is the role that technology -- or, more specifically, the absence of it -- plays in making the biggest

    biological determination there is: the time of our deaths. Circadian rhythms are physiological in origin, but they have

    structural analogs -- analogs that have to do with the highly mediated way we human animals live our lives. When we're

    younger, we impose schedules on ourselves. We use machines to wake us from sleep. We use artificial illumination to escape

    a mandatory night.

    But the circumstantial realities of old age change that, to a significant extent. " Social jet lag" -- the phenomenon through

    which our natural circadian rhythms are undermined by rigidly collective social schedules -- is less of a factor for people

    who aren't (generally) working and whose daily routines aren't (generally) governed by strict itineraries. It is less of a factor,

    in other words, for people who are relatively unreliant on technology. Retirees can sleep when they need to, wake when they

    want to, and generally obey the whims of their bodies much more readily than younger people can.

    And that change in the way older people live also affects -- potentially, probabilistically -- the way they die. Because, just as

    circadian rhythms regulate things like preferred sleep periods and the time of peak cognitive performance, they also

    regulate the times during which we're most likely to experience an acute medical event like a stroke or heart attack. As

    Saper -- who is also the James Jackson Putnam Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience at Harvard Medical School, and

    also the chairman of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Department of Neurology -- explained to me over email,

    there is a "biological clock ticking in each of us."

    So the technological freedom that comes with people's retirement can actually end up bringing a kind of cruel regularity to

    our deaths. What Saper and Lim realized through their research is that there seems to be one DNA sequence that

    determines, essentially, how each of us relates to time itself. And data analysis -- poring through 15 years' worth of sleep and

    death patterns collected from subjects in an unrelated sleep study -- helped them to make the realization.

    Saper, via email, elaborates:

  • 7/27/2019 You Are Most Likely to Die at 11 a.m


    What we found was a "single nucleotide polymorphism" or SNP where about 60% of chromosomes have an

    adenosine (A) and 40% have a guanine (G) in the DNA code. Because you have two copies of each chromosome

    (one from each parent), 36% of people have two A's (AA), 16% have two G's (GG), and 48% have one of each (AG).

    When we looked at a group of older but healthy people (all over 65, so mostly retired) we found that the AA's tend

    to wake up about 1 hr before the GG's, with the AG's in the middle.

    What we think this means is that the AA's have somewhat higher amounts of a protein called Period1 in their

    cells, which we think causes their biological clock to run a bit faster. On a daily basis, what this means is that

    they would tend to get up a bit earlier each day. If this persisted (getting up earlier and earlier each day) they

    would soon be getting up in the middle of the night, and going to bed before dinnertime. This obviously would

    cut down on their ability to socialize with other people. So, we think that the AA's adjust their timing a bit each

    day, to stay at a "socially acceptably early" schedule, which is on average about an hour earlier than GG's.

    That makes sense. And then, since circadian rhythms control wakefulness -- alertness, blood pressure, heart efficiency -- it

    stands to reason that the flip side could be true, as well: that the rhythms that stimulate human activity could also stimulate

    its end.

    But, then ... where does the 11 a.m. frequency -- and, for the GG group, a less-common 6 p.m. frequency -- fit into that

    framework? Why would we be more likely to die during those hours than at other times of the day?

    Genetics. Well, genetics and statistics. Again, Saper:

    During the time when a person is dying, social calendars are much less important. So, we think that in that

    period, the individuals let their own biological clocks shift further from the external world, and the GG's drift

    further apart from the AA's. Interestingly, the AG's stay closer to the AA's, so perhaps just one A is enough to give

    a fairly early phenotype.

    The result is that the different biological processes that lead to death occur earlier in the day in the AAs than in

    the GGs. For example, there is an increase in cardiac death from about 3 or 4am to about noon. This is thought to

    coinicide with the increase in hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, that increase heart rate and blood pressure,

    and may push someone with cardiac problems over the edge, causing cardiac death. Each type of death has a

    "circadian rhythm," tending to occur most commonly at a particular time of day, depending upon what types of

    physiological events tend to trigger it, and when they occur in the individual. Even these events must obey the

    biological clock ticking in each of us.

    So you have a higher percentage of the population who carry the AA gene variant -- and, phenotypically, they're resembling

    the group with the AG variant. And that group is, due to all the factors Saper listed, more likely to die earlier in the day than

    other groups. Around, on average, 11 a.m.

    That's not to say, of course, that 11 a.m. is also the most common time for getting hit by a bus, or bitten by a snake, or

    consumed by a ball of Mayan prophecy-fire. But for the population of people who have made it to old age -- the people who

    will die of natural causes rather than circumstantial ones -- there's a probabilistic element to the time that they will die.

    And that's because death by "natural" causes is natural in the fullest sense. Once we transcend our technologies, our

    biologies take over. The genetic messages that empower our lives will also, eventually, orchestrate our deaths.

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