your paddington - reasons to renew 2013-2018

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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Established in 2005, and renewed in 2008,it is time once again for local businessesto vote on renewal of Paddington BID for afurther fi ve-year term to 31 March 2018.This proposal sumarises:• The work that has already been done onyour behalf by the BID• Plans to build on the BID’s achievements• How Paddington BID will deliver evenmore for you and your business during thecourse of the next fi ve years.


Reasons to Renew2013-2018

the Paddington aRea contains an abundant mix of oveR 400 businesses, including offices, hotels, shoPs, cafés, RestauRants, Public houses, and health, Residential and community uses. it also boasts a Rich, diveRse and valuable heRitage. thus, Paddington deseRves a business imPRovement distRict that miRRoRs its dynamic and diveRse natuRe.

the bid Renewal PRoPosal in summaRy

Established in 2005, and renewed in 2008, it is time once again for local businesses to vote on renewal of Paddington BID for a further five-year term to 31 March 2018. This proposal sumarises:

• Theworkthathasalreadybeendoneonyour behalf by the BID

• PlanstobuildontheBID’sachievements

• HowPaddingtonBIDwilldeliverevenmore for you and your business during the course of the next five years.

this aRea needs a body like Paddington bid to RePResent businesses and PRoPeRty owneRs. a gReat deal has alReady been achieved by the team, and it’s made such a diffeRence to all asPects of life in Paddington. this good woRk must not be taken foR gRanted. we must make suRe it caRRies on.Rob Jewell land secuRities, eastbouRne teRRace

the Paddington aRea contains an abundant mix of oveR 400 businesses, including offices, hotels, shoPs, cafés, RestauRants, Public houses, and health, Residential and community use aReas. it also boasts a Rich, diveRse and valuable heRitage. thus, Paddington deseRves a business imPRovement distRict that miRRoRs its dynamic and diveRse natuRe.

What will a renewed BID for Paddington deliver?

ThecoreprinciplesoftheBID’sactivities, as defined by you, its members, fall into five categories:

Following consultation with a wide range of businesses in the area, across all sectors, you have told us that these principles remain critical to Paddington, so will remain the focal pointoftheBID’sactivitiesduringthenext five years.

1. a moRe attRactive Paddington

2. a safeR Paddington

3. a ‘gReeneR’ Paddington

4. a betteR maRketed Paddington

5. a RePResented Paddington


a moRe attRactive Paddington• Securedextensivepavingand


• Jointlyfundedmajorre-pavingandfootwaywideningschemeswith2,800newpavingstonesand25newlampcolumnsontwomainstreets(LondonStreetandPraedStreet)

• Improved,restoredandreplantedpublicgardens

• BroughttheLegibleLondonpedestrianway-findingschemetoPaddington

• Producedthe‘PlanningandDesignGuideforBusinessesinPaddington’

a safeR Paddington• FundedaPoliceCommunity


• Made20,000businessvisits

• Installedafullymonitored,five-cameraCCTVsystem

• EstablishedandsupportedaneffectivePubwatchgroup

what the bid does foR you

Paddington bid has continuously PRovided a wide vaRiety of PRoJects and seRvices to local businesses, seeking to cReate an attRactive location foR living, woRking and visiting. since 2005, youR bid has deliveRed the following Results.

60,000 houRs of bid Police team activity

a ‘gReeneR’ Paddington • Introducedafreecommercial


• Trialledandlaunchedaglassrecyclingscheme,andlaunchedafoodwastecollectionscheme

• Managedarecyclingschemethatregularlyservesover200localbusinesses

• Recycledover1.4millionkgofpaper,plastic,aluminiumandcard

• EnabledPaddingtonBIDbusinessestorecycleenoughmaterialtosave16,836trees

a betteR maRketed Paddington• Createdabrand,website


• ProducedlocalpedestrianmapsbasedontheLegibleLondonsystem

• EnsuredPaddingtonwaspreparedforLondon2012

• InstalledChristmaslightingalongkeystreets

• Managedbi-annualeventsthatattractmorethan6,000visitorsperyear

• Offeredaseriesoffree,guidedwalksthathaveattractedover7,000people

a RePResented Paddington • PetitionedParliamentinrespect


• MaderepresentationsonbehalfofBIDbusinessestonumerousconsultativepolicydocuments

• Broughtaboutthecreationofadditionalparkingspacesaswellasareviewandrationalisationofyellowlinesinthearea

• SupportedalargenumberofBIDbusinesseswithplanningapplicationsandlicensingissues


what youR bid will do foR you

A More Attractive Paddington

• PaddingtonParks.TheBIDplanstosupportthefutureofNorfolkSquare,TalbotSquareandSussexGardens,reviewingandimprovingfacilities,renewingplantingandseekingadditionalinvestment.

• Greeningschemes.Wewillupgradethevisualappearanceofthearea,addingcolourandseasonalvariety.

A Safer Paddington

• PoliceCommunitySafetyTeam. TheBIDplanstocontinuetofundadedicatedpolicecommunitysafetyteam.

• CCTV.Wewillcontinuetofundthe24/7monitoringandmaintenanceoftheCCTVandradiosystem.

A ‘Greener’ Paddington

• CommercialRecyclingandWasteReductionScheme.TheBIDwillcontinuetoofferitssuccessfulcommercialrecyclingschemeandseekwaysofexpandingit,whilealsoexploringgeneralwastecollections.

• Exchange.Wewillmatchbusinessesdisposingoffurnitureandequipmentwithlocalcharitiesandcommunitygroupswhoneedit,andmoveitemsforfree.

• Smarttravelplanning.Wewillseektoincreasewalkingandcyclingjourneysaspartofthedailycommuteandduringthedaybyworkingtoaddcyclelanesandincreasecycleparking,offeringlocalemployeesbikeservicingandtraining,andpromotingtravelplanningtomemberbusinesses.

• GreenTourism.Wewillaimtoofferafreeservicetohelpbusinessesimprovetheirenvironmentalperformanceandpractice,savemoneyandmarketthemselveswithinalocalgreentourismbanner.

A Better Marketed Paddington

• ChangingPaddington’simage. TheBIDwilluseavarietyofmarketingandpromotionaltoolstoboostPaddington’simage.

• Informationkioskorvisitorinformation hub. WewillexplorethecreationofatouristinformationserviceintheareaclosetoPaddingtonStation.

• Promotingthelocaloffer. TheBIDwillcontinuetoofferpopulareventsforpeoplewholiveinLondonorarevisitingthecityfromelsewhereintheUK.Inaddition,www.inpaddington.comwillbeexpandedtoincludealocalspecialofferssection.

• Audioguidesandtrails. WewilldevelopandlaunchaudioguidesandtrailstoencouragepeopletoexploretheareaandlearnmoreaboutPaddington.

A Represented Paddington

• Voiceforbusinesses.TheBIDwillcontinuetorepresentbusinesseslocallyandnationallyonissuesofcommonconcern.BIDbusinessescontinuetomeetandconsultdirectlywithCrossrail.

• Jointprocurement. Wewillofferdiscountedcoursesformemberbusinesses’staff,includingFirstAid,FireMarshals,FireSafety,andHealth&Safety.

• Corporatesocialresponsibility. Wewillfacilitateandreferemployeevolunteeringandteamchallengesforcharitiesandcommunitygroups.

• Professionaldevelopment.Wewilllaunchaseriesofbreakfastbriefings,talksandseminarsontopicstoaidcontinuingprofessionaldevelopmentandengageemployees.

• BusinessForum. Wewillcontinuetorunourregularseriesofnetworkingeventsforbusinesses.

• AdvocateforPaddington. WewillpromotePaddingtonwithexternalagenciesandensuretheinterestsoftheareaarerepresented.


bid teRm, levy and budget

Details of the BID term, levy and budget are included inthefullRenewalProposal.However,theycanbesummarised as follows:

• Term–fiveyears

• Rateablevaluethreshold–maintainedat£15,000

• Levypercentages–retainedat1.5%forhotels,0.8%forImperialCollegeHealthcareNHSTrustand2%for all other businesses

• Notindexlinked–saving£188,000acrossfiveyears

• Budgetestimates–£609,500perannum,£3millionacross the five-year term.

being able to buy into seRvices like the Recycling makes it so much easieR foR ouR business. we don’t have to woRRy about Renewing the contRact oR how much it is costing us, oR use diffeRent suPPlieRs foR diffeRent things, it all comes in one seRvice and is alReady Paid foR thRough ouR bid levy. it has changed ouR staff aPPRoach to Recycling and made eveRyone moRe awaRe of the imPact ouR business has on the enviRonment. it has incReased what we Recycle and Reduced ouR waste.megan Johnson, fRontline club & RestauRant, noRfolk Place


£188,000savings to Paddington businesses due to new bid teRms

youR bid teamthe Renewed bid will be deliveRed by Paddington wateRside PaRtneRshiP (PwP) ltd (a comPany limited by guaRantee), undeR contRact with the bid comPany. staff will continue to be undeR contRact to Paddington wateRside PaRtneRshiP ltd and aRe aPPointed undeR Paddington wateRside PaRtneRshiP’s teRms and conditions of emPloyment.


i’m imPRessed with how the imPRovements in talbot squaRe, sussex gaRdens and london stReet have lifted the aRea and imPRoved the customeR exPeRience.John o’neill shaftesbuRy metRoPolitan london, sussex gaRdens


Paddington BID Team BridgeHouse 63-65NorthWharfRoad LondonW21LA Buxton ChiefExecutive, (centre) PaddingtonWatersidePartnership 02031451200 kay_buxton@inpaddington.comAnn Hunter Paddington BID Manager(right) 02031451213 ann_hunter@inpaddington.comChris Peers Paddington BID Manager(left) 02031451212

1,400,000kgPaPeR, Plastic, aluminium and caRd Recycled by bid businesses

fuRtheR infoRmation

coPies of all the bid’s Publications and RePoRts can be obtained by contacting the bid team, oR they can be downloaded fRom the bid’s website

if you have any questions about the bid’s next teRm, foR fuRtheR infoRmation oR to set uP a meeting, Please contact us.

Paddington bid team bRidge house 63-65 noRth whaRf Road london w2 1la

020 3145 1212/3

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