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Post on 08-Sep-2015






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Almost every village and monastery has someone with a detailed knowledge of astrology. These experts are paid to consult with clients on a great number of matters. People travel from miles around to consult with astrologers, both lay and monastic. Clients pay fees or give gifts worth anywhere from 20 to 500 Srang.

Astrologers give clients information on the best times to begin a risky endeavor, the causes of misfortune, the compatibility of a couple for marriage, the proper way to dispose of a body (see p.12) and the physical location of one's life force spirit. Astrologers can also discover bubbles of bad karma from previous lifetimes that may suddenly interfere with the client's life. Astrologers are also paid to draw up a life chart for a client. These charts are a calendar of the clients future, showing upcoming periods of good luck and bad luck and telling what type of luck it is (I.E. luck in business, luck in love, etc.).

Professional astrologers do not use just one form of astrology. Their predictions are a careful deduction based on information provided by the newer system of zodiac astrology (imported from India) and the older indigenous elemental system of astrology. Most astrologers know non-astrological forms of divination which they can also use to supplement their readings. Through careful detective work, the astrologer can piece together these streams of information into an incredibly accurate picture of the future, present or past.

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