ysgol gynradd...

Post on 22-May-2020






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Ysgol Gynradd Llanfair-ym-Muallt

Builth Primary School

Adroddiad Blynyddol y Llywodraethwyr

Governors’ Annual Report



The Governing Body will not be presenting the report at a meeting with parents. Copies of the full report are

available on request from the office.


School Staff / Staff Yr Ysgol

Headteacher: Mr Gareth Cornelius

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Catherine Rogers

Senior Leadership Team: Mrs Rachel Jones, Mrs Michelle Davies, Mrs Gillian Williams, Miss Bethan


English Stream Mrs Rachel Jones Dosbarth Llyn y Fan (N/R/Y1)

Class Teachers: Mrs Catherine Rogers Dosbarth Preseli (Y1/2)

Mrs Nichola Davies /

Mrs Rhian Joseph-Morgan Dosbarth Llyn Tegid (Y3/4)

Miss Elizabeth Bowkett Dosbarth Cadair Idris (Y4/5)

Mr David Lewis Dosbarth Tryfan (Y6)

Mrs Charlotte Goode Specialist Centre

Ffrwd Gymraeg Teachers: Miss Bethan Williams Dosbarth Irfon (N/R)

Mrs Michelle Davies Dosbarth Gwy (Bl1/2)

Mrs Nerys Coyle /

Mrs Rhian Joseph-Morgan Dosbarth Elan (Bl3/4)

Mrs Helen Davies Dosbarth Epynt (Bl4/5)

Mrs Gillian Williams Dosbarth Pen-y-Fan (Bl6)

SENCO: Mrs Rachel Jones

Mrs Pauline Bevan Welsh Stream Support Teacher/PPA

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Josie Anthony-Richards English Stream

Mrs Hayley Eggerton English Stream

Mrs Nina Evans English Stream

Miss Laura Gittoes Ffrwd Gymraeg

Miss Heidi Lewis English Stream

Mrs Cheryl Meadows English Stream

Mrs Elaine Price Ffrwd Gymraeg

Mrs Shan Price English Stream

Mrs Angela Slatcher Ffrwd Gymraeg

Miss Emily Thomas English Stream

Miss Eryl Davies Ffrwd Gymraeg

Mrs Kerrie Morgan English Stream

Mrs Anne Williams Specialist Centre

Visiting Teachers: Mrs Bethan Barlow Welsh Second Language

School Secretary: Mrs Sarah James

Senior Mid-day

Supervisor: Ms Heather James

Mid-day Supervisors: Mrs Angela Lennard, Mrs Julie Gwillim, Mrs A Slatcher, Miss Hannah


Cleaner in Charge / Cleaners Mrs Gail Norris / Mrs A Casey, Miss Hannah Wightman


Governing Body / Corff y Llywodraethwyr

As of the 1st December 2017 the composition of the Governing Body was as follows:-

Chair of Governors

Cllr. David Price, The Noyadd, Llanddewi'r Cwm, Builth Wells Powys Phone: 01982 553229

Clerk to Governors

Mrs. Coralie Gittoes-Blower, c/o, Office, Builth Wells Primary School, Hospital Road, Builth Wells.

County Council Appointees

Term of Office ends

Cllr. David Price (Chair of Governors) Oct 2019

Mr. Gwynfor Evans Sept 2021

Rev.Brian Reardon Nov 2019

Community Governors

Mr. Lee Price May 2019

Mr. Andrew Jones November 2020

Mrs. Karen Probert November 2020

Parent Governors

Mr. Robyn Lewis May 2021

Mrs. Laura Shewring July 2021

Mrs. Anita Thomas Oct 2018

Mrs. Katie Williams May 2019

Town Council

Mrs. Aimee Powell November 2020

Teacher Governor

Mrs. Michelle Davies Oct 2019

Staff Governor

Mrs. Ann Williams Sept 2021

Builth Wells Primary School has a maximum of fourteen governors. Three are appointed by the County

Council and one by the Town Council. Four parent governors are elected by ballot and one teacher and

one other staff governor are elected by the school staff. In addition we co-opt three members from

the local community. All governors serve for four years, then they must be re-appointed or re-elected.

The next opportunity for an election for a parent governor will be in October 2018.

The Headteacher is also a governor and the Deputy Headteacher also attends meetings as an

observer. Parents have access to minutes of governors meetings and all school policy documents.


School Calendar 2017-18 Calendr yr Ysgol

Autumn Term 2017 Monday 4th September to Friday 27th October

Dydd Llun 4 Medi i ddydd Gwener 27 Hydref

Half Term - Monday 30th October to Friday 3rd November

Hanner Tymor - Dydd Llun 30 i ddydd Gwener 3 Tachwedd

Monday 6th November to Wednesday 20th December

Dydd Llun 6 Tachwedd i ddydd Mercher 20 Rhagfyr

Spring Term 2018 Tuesday 9th January to Friday 9th February

Dydd Mawrth 9 Ionawr i ddydd Gwener 9 Chwefror

Half Term Monday 12th to Friday 16th February

Hanner Tymor—Dydd Llun 12 i ddydd Gwener 16 Chwefror

Monday 19th February to Friday 23rd March

Dydd Llun 19 Chwefror i ddydd Gwener 23 Mawrth

Summer Term 2018 Tuesday 10th April to Friday 25th May

Dydd Mawrth 10 Ebrill i ddydd Gwener 25 Mai

Half Term—Monday 28th May to Friday 1st June

Hanner Tymor—Dydd Llun 28 i ddydd Gwener 1 Mehefin

May Day Bank Holiday: 7th May

Gwyl Banc Calan Mai: 7 Mai

Monday 4th June to Friday 20th July

Dydd Llun 4 Mehefin i ddydd Gwener 20 Gorffennaf


2016-17 Attendance Information /

Gwybodaeth Presenoldeb 2016-17

Our average attendance for the 2016-17 year was 94.8%.The percentage of authorised absences was

4.19% and unauthorised absences was 1.04%. The target for the year was 96.5% and attendance was

actually down on 2015-16 (95.8%).

Curriculum / Cwricwlwm

In the autumn and spring terms we concentrated on implementing the ‘Big Write’ approach to raise

standards in writing across the school. We also continued to develop ‘Big Maths’ and introduced

the ERW Maths scheme and ‘TT Rockstars’ to improve standards in Maths. New schemes for ICT

and Science were introduced to try to ensure greater consistency, provide more challenge and

ensure we were meeting the demands of recent changes to the curriculum. Foundation Phase

teachers introduced ‘Pupil Voice’ to increase engagement in learning and improve continuous and

enhanced provision.

The focus of curriculum development was adjusted following Estyn inspection in March in order to

focus on the recommendations in our inspection report. The Post Inspection Action Plan has been

drawn together to reflect these priorities. All staff and governors have been involved in setting

the 3-year plan and reflecting on how we are to achieve these objectives. We will provide a

progress report to Estyn at the end of the summer term 2018. Our progress will be evaluated with

ERW on a half-termly basis leading-up to that point.

In 2017-18 we are focusing on raising standards in reading and writing in the English stream, and

writing in both languages in the Welsh stream. We are also aiming to improve the consistency of

teaching and learning between classes and to ensure work is suitably challenging for all abilities

and levels of participation are consistently high. Improvements in the pupils’ use of Welsh outside

Welsh lessons also needs to be secured.

The senior leadership team are working to a planned programme of improvements and have a

timetable in place to monitor progress in all areas at half-termly intervals. The Governing Body is

actively involved in the process and play a full and active role in monitoring activities.

A shared understanding of assessment and moderation is very important to the development of all

pupils in order to raise standards. We have used INSET days and twilight sessions to work on joint

moderation of all core subjects. We have continued to work with other cluster primary schools to

ensure that our teacher assessments are robust and accurate. We have introduced an electronic

assessment system to track pupil progress and help teachers to plan the next steps in learning.

Pupil progress meetings take place on a termly basis to try to ensure that all pupils are on target.


Sporting Activities / Gweithgareddau Chwaraeon

The School has continued its tradition of sporting achievement over the last year. After school clubs

have included Rugby, Football, Netball, Hockey, Running, Tennis, Cricket and Forest Schools. All have

been well-attended.

Pupils took part in a range of sports within the cluster, including cross-country, indoor athletics,

golf and cricket.

Shane Lewis coached all classes in tennis.

The school rugby team took part in a rugby tournament at Ysgol Dolafon. The Urdd team reached

the regional finals of the Urdd competition and finished second overall. We also took part in the

Urdd football and netball competitions. We took 3 teams to the football competition at Crossgates

School in the summer.

The Infant and Junior Sports were held on the same day again this year. Pupils competed strongly

and enthusiastically in all events and the day was well attended by families. It was commented on

by parents how well the children spurred each other on.

The Swimming team won the Mid Powys Large Schools Swimming Gala for the twelfth year in

succession. This was quite an achievement! Pupils went on to represent the school and South Powys

in Cardiff. Pupils also took part in the Urdd swimming gala in Brecon.

Maisy Wilcocks and Lydia Webb were awarded the school sports award, donated by Mr Eurig

Towns for his contribution to sport in the school during the year 2016/17.

Sport is important to us at Builth Wells Primary - not just for the successes that our star players have

achieved but also as a vehicle to promote self-confidence and co-operation for all our pupils.

We place a high value on sport and its contribution to the physical, educational, social and emotional

development of all our children. We try to provide a range of sports so that all pupils’ tastes can be

catered for.

Community Links & Visits

Dolennau Gymunedol ac Ymweliadau

Harvest Festival was enjoyed by all at Alpha Chapel.

Remembrance Concert.

All KS2 classes visited The Regimental Museum at Brecon as part of their WWII project.

Tesco Stores Education officer worked with all classes as part of their Farm to Fork Project.

All pupils took part in ‘Shwmae Sumae’ day to encourage the speaking of Welsh as part of the

school day.

The school held a very successful Scholastic Book Fair.

Sports Activities Day organized by The School Council.

Children in Need Day- pupils and staff dressed up to raise money and

Red Nose Day - the School Council made and sold biscuits.

Welsh Bird of Prey Centre visit

Year 6 pupils attended three skills days at the High School.


Welsh Stream attended Pantomeim Cymraeg.

The choir sang at the Remembrance Concert and at the Concert to raise money for Urdd

Gobaith Cymru 2018.

Groups sang Christmas songs at Caer Beris and Brynhyfryd.

KS2 trip to see ‘Gangsta Granny.’

Foundation Phase trip to see ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’.

Christmas performances were very well received. KS2 presented a Christmas concert at Alpha

Chapel. Foundation Phase performed ‘The Grumpy Snowman’ and ‘Yr Anrheg Orau’.

Welsh Schools Tens Rugby Tournament

Indoor Athletics Day

Very successful school Eisteddfod, including chairing ceremony.

Many pupils went on to compete in the Urdd Eisteddfod at Llandrindod and Brecon and we

were very well-represented at the National Urdd Eisteddfod in Pencoed (Mrs Elin Ennis

assisted the choir).

FfG5/6 Book Quiz

Outdoor Storytelling with Aimee Corbett.

Reading buddies- run by Mrs Michelle Davies. These buddies are volunteers from the

community who come into school to hear children read (having the same children for a term so

that they build up solid relationships). We currently have 11 reading buddies.

PC Mark Davies came into school to talk to pupils about a range of issues, including online

safety and cyber-bullying.

Karen Lynch school nurse came into provide a sex education talk with Year 6 in both streams.

Many of the Infant classes have taken part in Welly Walks around the town, meeting members

of the community and finding out about their roles in the locality.

During the year, the Friends held a successful Halloween Disco, Race Night, Valentines

Disco and Easter Bingo, Matchbox Challenge, Bags4School and a Leavers Disco. Funds raised

by the Friends have purchased Christmas presents for all pupils and contributed to hoodies

for the Year 6 pupils. They have also purchased the adventure play equipment and paid

towards the lease of the new Clevertouch boards.

Community use of the hall continued with Builth Wells Young Farmers using the hall for

pantomime practices. Dance classes were also held regularly in the school hall.


School Comparative/Validation 2017

(END of Foundation Phase Outcomes)

The table below shows a summary of the end of Foundation Phase levels for the school and compares our school performance with national averages:


School Comparative/Validation 2017


The table below shows a summary of the end of Key Stage 2 levels for the school and compares our school performance with national averages:


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