¿ysjÇxv ¦tr-hn-lliwfe. s«. im^i^l^&'' -zetiblttii*taren',tr-tr · nu u in...

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¦Tr-Hn-lliwfe. s«._IM^i^l^&'' -ZEtiblttii*"¿ySJÇXv flgRPtrlsr "Ys^masi^im^^stSM- taren', tr-tr nsyeu-kva'

vol xXaXI.It* 9,455. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1871._ _PRICE FOUR CENTS. ,


ata of THF- PmurnBBBBttNM statut pt-

niM>Ki.i» um* "-'.¦i,,«,,,,»!, rsusdsj. July 28, wi*

ne ïtAtuthml of t<-(...y pttldnoeo Um de4_üs,f »«rta.M terriM. ¦«arina."*- ehoc-* v.liH'1. rec Mi

Ïf.mdtnone..fturW»r|.«n- I _¦» Men* Il.i.i.^

-r^n-wen- -Ilk-. man,«* ASM*- «P

ST*. Stat* «1 ii".!, ,-m

The«,.,, of...« iii:»..l'lMnta bave fled from tbcU.-uul.

¦rtt-nt-aniii .HU11'11,, n»j»..n i-r_ ¦¦_¦ _*_.;J^dLt"us-art-q..s-o. «re over UM ta MB»«

and are sttaMed « "<".>- ¦**¦¦*...... 6° ^'^_. "f __

__*¦* UT is.I'-*-, i. They HeMMS north of BtO»

no _u- ïïlllî'l .»¦.** SSSBS-MS a widely Ulli III Ml hi-

., !»,ro in tlie -r. .it Malaysian ijetlM The entire groap¿.»ui'l-o al ' M parts of it auMnented continent.

..vdlci.ii:« wmmm. hiutterc.ltliii.n-'ti'.iit the l'Util

WDy vol. um., »um. of n hi. h ure alwaya active. Th« M

»ft. I ure ti. t¦<¦« iiAiou of «.rent devastation, the tler-truc-

WU tOOUhUO hstag m UUptUmi hy cartrupi ikes, mnd-

lorr. nt-, i.tiit .'Hier terrii-ie phenomena. The City ef

H-riila. MtMSei ou Lulen, the largest of the i»!.t'al». WSI

-Ut- d Ly a vi cut eartlMiiiitM in 1SSS, « -lei left neat-1 jj «

I; Hint in ISM im.'tlu r ttttt ti lgKail. «It.*ir«; til the Miine tlt.v. In 1»«54, au oi.rttn|iia-e

pr«*trat«.l every lic-n-e In the province of BUthUOtO,in tho iHlaud t«i Mui.laiiiio, one of the souihcnuiit.»! Mtfce jrioui'. ir «eml »niall WhUEt» «'.«*BfpeSafTornadoe». laiim-aiie», aud utoruis of »m«l BB_I MMin. iitiy «i« rapteM Ils ssasMThe i-;.iiil« PHUto to Hpaln, thou«*- a'«out onr-

fourt- of tlie population retain their I ml«-pendence anti

tie iroi«nine »f native princes. The populnti"ii «ii

tlic.ToiiplriC-tiiiittt.'.lat MSStSSS, hut >'f mimi of Hie

leaner laii.i ds Saraaal BOtklBW '* known. The Muffte. »,

Uii'U-'b uffl a ti Mill IkSM gn at foiiviilsliiiisof nutiire.

.vc a '.unite, a soil of wonderful 'utility,and are r.ih m ass h proiaota a-o-tlce, m>I<1. MflM* hen.).,tot*, to, ruc, ti*, i n-».aU.-, ¡«lal hilt ».

nUNCE.jim- viv''» Krsi(.vin«>v ian »in hy

M.Ttlll li- .riK.UAHLH IMi'N «'I Tilt MODEB-in II ri SLIC-JU 4MD i: um als.

I-AIM. Tu« .»ilay, July M, 1871.

rnsiilint Thiers li.is refused to aiT«pt thopseflmi fMtfBBtloa of M. Jules Tai re as Min,.»ter ofFmi i-rri A-.1rs.The Moana*«' Btfablleaaa la the «.««eini.iy ai«- n. «bo¬

ttait, us-for .. union with the Ilinlniil ly it.

T: a «'.nu mi tu ¦'¦ M Ml Asm-m I.)y upon the B.itlr-et pro»-<o»< » to raise ftish ilutles to the HMMM M C"0 ono/OO

Unexpected that the recular sitlinirs of ilioaine on Montey ii.-xt. The

aaari'.billie» tin MUM iiiartial li- po-nivi ly .«niiotiucedtor July 31.


LOS-MM, Tile-.lay, Juli- 'li, 1871.

The dfap-.te_.es from pudrid, in relation toÜ> r. i, :';.:..-; lull, ii-,*, liúTe l-teu soinewLat eon-*fuse,I, for it n.'iv appears that the .cmliers of tho OEM»Mttasraoi a** Msnkal St-tano kort taken the oath of.Hl««. The Minister of War act* M Mim-i' i »1 BtaM (.'t*biteriin. Many of t_0 Bpunir»- o Iii. lal» lune ti lid. iel

theil resignations.

criu.¦W11 I Mill I KUI ¦lllll-HIS Of rii"MiMM

C1 HAN*».

Havana, July 25..Alvarez and Hernandez,tofi'uiKtii ssataaariaa from Chapeées, *»» he mon recentlye_r.turfd."*-«-re executed at Matanr-as ie»t» itay. «'..pt.lasaeMaaS 1.1 i Boee, eeeneodof cooapUetty with the

soiaKplrac) tormed in santiago do Cuín», ha\e boen IHmt-

BM(»»¦M re SMMB-ei li:"-'' hOOfl laVen l»v the nut limit .. - of

Banii'.iK«.'i' Cahaasataal ragnurts»aar/aaal paienMkav-In/» hSM flii.'l f"r ». "W',',1* their r-on-i t<» hail an

k1., ir.. CMIaa I-"r«t Mel», Minister oftie Tr(a»iiry ol the ( U".m (.oi.-rmneiit, QaftSfBUart, r A'piHero. BneoM Ia..a<e», J.'»«' (iiu-i-i a. Manuel

Qu-Nulu, hii .' is of the It. taiicoii'f fniuili,tape run«! ¡en'i MIks i"],,iiiiaiii» al Paarte Friaetee»Tia- laaargi al Ort n til. wtn MHoateMd al Haaaaallle,baCahaa, and is t m An.«iiian. h has h ean peeled.

1 anon of the hit'- Ciiu'l",» *.:.ir--.i. n -1.'i', ¡.i Oayo Oma, hroasta i«. Pnerte

M B '¦. Sa, M the (.'lilianann', .. i.Th»re > i-i, h *i:mety iiitinlfe-te.l t} ti"- fSOfM :md

t_«>(, to know th- result of tke tain-lateiiai ci.-i» in flfala

THE Nl.w DOMUnOM.lill 11-«.»H1N..-I.IS Tlll.MV P01 IN l-'l.'l II

ntlNCI n.iiMth'-* 1-l.lM).Tilt 1.1 (ilSLA-Tl i'l. lOHOU Da

Halifax. N. >.. .Tilly »"..The nesben <>fth. i-*-.,, l.-iv '-r-1-:«ini i/(.-! liifii- I'n'ii. Hai,ii Bowesf a -v m my. i». .,- an oppeei .1 t«> the Bom i easinl. haï.-BK-iii -riullied Hie laieiu.'iiiint (.m. riicr, aaklaa an extr.i

»>-. i toeoaatdet tke ~aaklastoalVeat**!The Ielii 11 ihr, ii (ion I iiliiciit oij-.m, »t iii.-«»t.» ¡ail.W.ml the r. .ni. -t ««iii not I- ac- ii I t-> a'i,i in n irard f..ti» Tri- ity, w'.li li i- vu w. -1 w ith aOSOC ?¡\"i tli.ro, tin-tlj> it te the I'liiUd iMattrt Ihíiii; Ii»!t and paget, Thehlahdei »ii- ti- lataM l.-'I'-rilllielit, I'l III. Utilice oftie (...v. rnnx at of I »..ken¦sssari the Ti eat.speru' . at walting f"i the fomiitroiai ure.

IIB J«.UN 1IMImN1l.li Mil «..»IM. ft» 1N(,I \\|».

Oi-t.\v.\, july PS..The Titeu, nQoTenusartp»i«r, «/i » mi iii'.th..i,t> th ii in it titi- «n juhn a. Mao¬

ta * ii m am- Idee "f*1*'" *..'«- r la reference to tin- Waaklnc-Uin ii»n>.


n » i a.,., T'-dihRt «iiri;. .ra/.-E Oartlsrli ikontMntlr' '.- 'ml r..cn. ,,it ImperialappolntrS ¦'¦ "' *"":' Mr -anseTlB.lt la «IrTwIll >ne**e«*dBlina« .a,i ,,f 11»«- I/.uer Canada party. Hir Fran.-i«Hin.k»ai..r.lii-,-,. t .tali, the position Ol .'resident ofttf.M- tr.ij.,11,.., f.,,,1: He will i». ru.eeileila'.Miiii-«tOl III, -I e, >,-. t.. _|0n Mr T|||,Th« H.,,, M ,,,,. ,,,. .... twon jn fmM )i((f)it M

?' "¿T1'.'.'"»-i"i." of 1.- foi i.iil.ui,,, anti nie

iirtstrir.' 1';l':,r"- » -.'"¦'ii.ia! -««retaiy and

THI MOCTBKaU .i BAS I XI'K1»ITI«»N. nu \<»I.-" "ni. Kiu ni sv ali. KNowunmi

MOMIUII, .lilli NL. TtM HlCII.tlCIr. Of tilt-I*** that Um Hen Totti papera.s». pi.1,1,,1.,,1 ,;. . Ii;iIU,. m pmrhuijenoi tie . thoa

Ksw'.' 5T5_".** tim aiichteal trntkla¦MommS..; '' "' '' M.' *¦.¦""".'. Red Riverau ¿_.n» V "."',"".>«" ."" '-r two -ounty, nut. inaamsjaeaa.at-tewi ioabtfat.

¦KAHLmi.w riTU at l'AKA-..i:i a MOBT-UIT

AM.'N'. lOBXiamtRs.Avívate lett« i.«-.-iv."l!,.i the UM -.1,;,,,,,.*

J»M iMartiM real lent at i-ara. is.../ , Sat. July t,

Ël*-2i_kL5r_-_!! *,""u'": ' V,!V totthmtui tasas**** MM h Va",,'"'«I4 "w df__ '"-'". ""' Ih'.'rt.-Q-Bdn»/.,,', ,

"'' ". (1.-*lu'f* 1>t>* Lam..., Welchera_______í L.*. -'". b» 'l.e othei Braz llau _hVaiJ»j-_jataj nmriy all .f thei, AntawitMCÍ."I 'neatti^iTl,':' ."¦,,J l"k' toe i. ve. ,. i-..,.,

._-C':,;,:;^iil1;ill^L::i;:;;:ri-'l,',1'jr4oZ ZTmt? íü U" l0Wir UJ hu' tod ** eu nutuTmnmmtJ"^ to ""h L'1 to^Onutnhott

*,-_ __, ¦¦¦_¦ mab» -nratAirn.". ******** BBBWM OAUMM Ot mi. i MBCB

¿5£*_5 \*?tuP just in,,, pimehMkssi»l,-.k.i '"".'"-¦.*« "ont_-eaus,-*«,l our detent.iT-_ I '."*.**"¦« »s aa eaaaas i

^¦'WMi-h, .:it,Íi'^u l* too», rtudenu |.-*»>..'.«.*ad f.?. mVi a.

f *.."-¦¦«. i'~.üli,e ¡.ml lil»

J*"-«* Freden,In ,! f. lM,*"d>u, t_u, kes-'.us^Anniof tia;Í2u 'if".it'' 'UW:iil'' -'", ¦.¦"."¦.»£***** " Um Ano> .", J' A,* "-*. "¦, ür-'1 *"- ****. And.StBIUn, p.^0'' " ".¦." i:,»"'K the w.,11 k.ioiv,,..,,,,***^*_sa-_2___ ÍJk<1 *¦''"' «ta-aaaeitkatttataalna-Ost s_rt..«t_ wt4, y.^,, . .i-fBií-üh^

baa Baa» aaaynaert Knayot the North might with-out tent hil-lo !»« Overwhelmed lu nins-» s if lri|'l. its

numbers, han operated between Um Bowna andPal la. ni it be Pi ,i--ini '[»»in ti,civ previatona In Nor-in nid« end threatened tin ir ornum til. allon« with tho¦net. In that eaar it is possiiiie thal the war being _<ti»-l. aged until! h.i\. tañed to o.ir advantage and the

lory of M «i uni»« ttu, wini wa« the «nul uf tbodefenae, end who» ri nt fuüh in tbe ewan lad Bins togu li kui mia nritiy to another to exelti» thr Hrdiir if thelast dot« mil rs of inn unfortunate « oiiutry. Thl« WUO riotto ., .lilli ( ,.ililli« ''.til's Iii II,Kill IlllMTSlirlfa hill'' it Uthiirown »iiv Minti they tilt.lue hi« »ondú» I mid re-

tau» lo .lo him iii-Ii.c suth itikTiitltiKli« I« ever lol..expected from political papatona. What ure now. hi.dvin! ure liii.i.% tobe, the ooneeqnenoee of. our defeat IWc :,|.j.reliemi that the result ol our «mr with Prnaala la!lr. .!. I. at t.f it«>n m-1 m v In l'iira.»«. »lillie ii« intn li a-» «if theIt,,., h (»»»ni r, mi»! hat Ti'» ti, li »Innot ra» y liatl In en \ an-

qnlsbed because It hail maord lobe »orthy, pa», andestimable) had lo--1 it« expansive and propegandiitfoi.. loot provoked the mistrust of great «nil honestnu u in its s. muí ii<u,- in, nee, tot found Itaall thereforeIsolated nuil a!.anti nuil Lithe aristocratie l'omi-of1 ,.»..|>. i h h on« i vii iz« d people it, the world Is em.-in

etpated, tn regard toeoetal (natmittona, to the oarae de¬al aaoureelvea. lepeakof the Bepablicof the Unitedfütatos founded hythe Puritans. Hut !«> say nothlnirofih»- i r«.ulih of the Atlantic whh h «<"i»arat«"« ii«, w»« wero

'< d from th« li. by the Sympathies Of Hie y itiiuro furti,, ilave owners, and bl ii«, hostile designs, eii.lrucedi.\ ii- |Me\i. .n expedition. DniKw-rney aaema. there¬fore, ranqulahed in Europi.and vet a<««ial!ty ti« f«»r«' thelan, and ilu- Ht.oi ii» ii «if privilege« aud favoritism.uro lustice, right, iimi progresa, snail w<«-ii tli-ni thal humanity is getuu backward .«nHu- ..'ti (out i,.n! I No! Deaaoueey i* donn fur impmoment, because H lin« bataaoa iinnioral, and conse-

nuenUj powerh ia. True dciuocrui i ii« Dial vi in» li seek»t.. aieral o- v, in.e Instructing th. people (JusWtbe oppe-sit« of »bat in don«- in Prance), and t«i m4 al »mm ex-ample. Um this eanao aUgUI lie purified, »ven in rran. ..«,ali i»«, «i. h »t have but hule hopea of it muí. _»«aovar,»« me Irmlj ia r.-.li.h »l thal u ir oonquarora, tb« «,«rii.i.i:-. lu..ml in the sneeeaeea obtained al the pnoeeliii. ir ni« »ni, mil lu nu f..i ih lum a greater aeatliaant ofin. i, u. ir ii m,,! dignltj. muí m iii shortly claim th«- rlichisi»r freemen in Hun «um country, innte»d ofeini_rr.it-i; g to -iimi i, a ti.tioii fur t Ikm. And if w. on our aidashould litnl our-, lit-* r« gea« r ita anil free also, the lui»I >. j» » s M j I sii i. I lu n -mi in lu. 11, ».»¦ of (heir olil Mars In a

>l linton I hell Tin- Kimi, li li nu ¡nugi |< la a IV-

eted and often bloody frontier, bul a vivifying aiIf/, aauai Ung ¡lah, aad Marapa miii eejay a teal i* a« o


t'roxxi The Lorutii» .K,v, .hiIliad Constable Talbot, well known in »'»m-

necl .iiMiih the Penlan tríala,aerean] of tin Fenlanihaving m in mu ii ti-«l on his evld« ace, vao Bred al und»ouuded the 19th mst. He »as pas-inn along UpperTeiujilr st , in lie in»! 'li si.li ol luntl. uli.'llt len ililli-ates past 13 o'clock -it iiii_'!i!. »hen a man, ejaculating.You-rim- ,1." tin .1 al linn, the -l.ot taking th t be-hind the hit »ar. a « in musían» o ilue lo Hi» fa» I thatlal no1 ob i-« mt si«.u« u i., lortuiiuteiy tan »i round. Ii».'.< .1 against ih. rail.n».'-, inn recoveringhlmaelf,fallowedbia assailant, and »aa abonl t»» graap him bj the ».»,.t,«lion two ni tlin-.' un m limped out, and saul thi-vWould silt ot Ililli lill,li.-Ii lu.» «»lill. 111. II ii.III. Il(l tv-

i m r, als., fuiii,we,I linn, aa nail ,,1-u iMo policemen. Toon 14(» I), he shoiiteil that if he attempted lot'., aeuIlilli hi¦ ivmllal nh,tot Ililli. He did til« Slid Miiuiided Hu-lio.i, nulli in Du- kiioiii. The oth« r polk .niau oaught theruffian ronnd the waist« Be again tired, tun tho flintnasecderer tho potteemaa'i sbonlder, lD|urlng ae one.Tinman Mas tin n senired and laken to the nearestpolio» station, a »oak which required ih<- anltod effortsof aerea peraona. Hi gtveo bia name aa Boberl Pember¬ton. Th«- revolver.a Ive-ebatabered «mi.wa* tait« nfrom him. Three chambers vere fonnd unloaded. Tni-bot, Muiked lo the jioli. .». station, iihcr.- hil Mounds»er< di..- «i. lie wa- in. n removed to hospital, »benhe iiuiv i.is ¡ti a i»r, 11,r.»ms state Tin- poUcemau'owound is DOt s. i kotta. P« lulu i ion ivas brought up al i beI'.- a i-I on: in Hie ali. nu. .n, .liai,...I w it 1» tin.it at.. tot with Intent to kill, and ming »ith similar Intentai i onstabtoo Mulila and Grimes. Talbot'! depositionswen ink« n tim« ufteru.joii a! tin« haanttalj the prisoner,»ho»aa nreaant, »ms clearly i.i.i.titini bj linn. Bolatal re-nit is apprehend« »1 din-, Hy from tho wound, i.utli i- u an d that i r;.-ipi ;.is it iiitlaiiiiiintioii ____s_y < li-u»«aad cnuse death 'Hie onlv canne coniccdiied for Hieoutrage leTalbofa oooneeooa witt» the Penlan tiiii",altlii-ugb lhere uri rumors tim! he waa it. emly in V. -i-meath endeavoring to obtain Information for tin- Guv»eiiimcnf. Theprimmerwaae-aaMlj dreasid, bal is hu

lliti l,i_,i uti' vi» in-, lii'li. Ile i- said to be a MolkiUKiiiil- nter, alii one «.«I those at j»i. s. ni ,,. .-ihm iu the,4.i.V.

THK nnvM.r \vnm\ i Bl ki n - IB IUELAKH.In MS t'' I 111 ''. '.¦'¦. li

The Oraii-rc uBWTenuriea linn yeag will lie« ».lum. morai« .1 Mill» ali the parado flmi naawrtcalNtrength vhtcb the " breth/eji can iiisj»i.iy. Prepara¬tions nave been malle foi having Meetíngí and pro «-

»lons at variouspoints in Ulster, and H i- t<» be bopedIk.ii the »Ihv m ill pa.-s mer wilhotit any violation ««f thepeace. The Roman CatboU« jnuti last jrear manifested.. -oint of great forbearance, ami th( desire to »fin overth«_Orangemen t»> the Repeal .»use will probably Induceih.*fli iin- i «u i, ..i-.». t.. ht tn. in imiu lue in thi-n pm riledemonstrations Miiiiout offrnutr uni opposition, ile(ion ruinent, howei.r, has thought ii nifht ti»draft lar««« lio.lie* of poliee and mr dary Into listerfioiu «»iii»t parts «.i lu-lai..I. ,.i »i tin real iaawn» places¡a that then a I be a ol Is,» a «mi ih« m,-,.,

than w.tti tin populace There »aa aa extraor¬dinary exhibition on fUIKt IV (HKll ¡list.) Mt Kel!, nan

t i.ur» h. i .'miii oi Monaghan, »han the annual sermon»as preached b) th« Ki John Flanagan, Grand Chap¬lain of the Orange ."-oi'iefv. Tin- linn«!., ai describedby a --oin ipondent of ..o* Hotly hoi nts, »aa profuaelj.ornamented m.;i» banners, arenes, and laatoouaof «»raiiKf. blue, purple, and arlataau- Iho"brethren" »ore oaahea of the same colon, audflu ladies who Mile pn-en! -hownl Heir -IJIi-j.iti.t 1.1 »eartngthi tovorlu emblem. Over Um pulpitthere »aa a banucr, »itb ilu »ord» So lurrender!"and behind th» n > 'me .'. ¦'- »a» di-rpla.v«»d t tn tto.V »ni» v: im-1. v. 1.1 d_.'««mi'min. «.. i'- n :.. -i giJeremiah v., f, and delivered i Hero pbUlwpi« again«!thi British nat..»n I!» tribut» d i ... Iwhi li the iiropbct enumerated, enarging II »Ith being¡.« inn .i, corrupt, ..ml abominable, full «>f aattomdanlmositj from the iiinin -i i«» Iho ¡on.-i. lie ...

u-, »i ii..' ii».»i - if Parllamenl and ii.« Prenof having broken their oaths, complained thallil-!. Protestante bad kean ioMm i im everything,and the (I.an.«-.m n subjected lo !.. - v..n h m...». ernment »ould not attempt t« Pa r|E.udoiBrotland. He reproached the Leaded gentri lol their.. wa. . and »i thi Umi »ould «»lue »hm theilv.,!. a,,».»,I sL.» i. "'in. -M...»i.,i u.« Lord and ol(.ni ..i." He vs,,i m ,1 ii.« ti, that J-'.»; ...¡.»I »i aid concedefir «. iiole L'ltramontan» programme, oi it thal Ibeii only-xi«i-» waa m throwing themselves ou ti. «tal»art .du-ofiia Orangemen li» referred to Un pendinic» i-ction.aud li.ru. Id ... !.-i Mi. Madden, the brother ofii.»- Grand Master.HIL UBI» DOMIlflOB PBBftf «'N' THE Bl M< HOB

01 HU ABMT BILL./- /«< ¡i .-¦

Tlie i-lu»!-¡«»ne Ministry Iii i>« . >i rcpe-atcdl>a». .--. timlditi. li- itroke »I,toredeem ita chara ter In tblt resneci I.. abolitton IIhe \n.iv pur. !...-(. s.-i.in haï i.» n proposed bj theGovi mun t,i. i>i ii i nilli. ,i «, ii Ki-it nu. »a« given toil bjia large »section ni th» extrem« Conaerva ,, »i ¦ ,,

fe» of the descendante of the old finn v,').'.,»iv,.,.r. liberal »hen they Bad ootl las i.. l. « i

and always economical winn tliej had auythtnn .,

their disposai, 'im lions«, »»t Lords, al a mail ....

Insulted» .»inmon aeaaahj refualna to agree »Itb the«h)li.erat-n ex|ii.h-«ti ndi'ii.« n t of i he House ol Commons,and maundered ovei anttqui poins »! ii «ii o»u, mearing »bethel thecountr. »aj pi ingt lint« th tiuu uot a general el« tlon i subjected to tbe »o* «I.sion of riots. Mr (iladstoiu unal'le lo bring thla bodyof effete maniaca to a aaaaa af the reaponslbilitj of Ihcupo-iti.n,executed a very adroit Dank movement up.u.them, aud routed them, u- Dr. Tnppei was Moni t», say.-iioi-e.foot,and artillery,and tent ih. in covering i,,the Mall."

front The IWaaU !««r -/'_ It.Th« re can in aodonbtthat the Cro»n has the most

iio-oluta right to make what ii_.';.ia!ia.ns || pleases loltin ( .1,1 lol ol UM .illili Ii .1«a-.- M». (.1 ,. ..l-l OU I..« ..:.

rice of responsible Ministers »bo an ansveratdi li I rliaineiit mid inns! stand m lall bj the counsel», they givetin n teveratgn. lu bairn lentlnstanc. ih Kuy al »arraathaaalreiuli boen laid upon th» table,and thai avot« i-» hail» nired »bleb i- practh ally one ol oi fldeu. e In IbeMinistry. Will Mr. DiaraaH i«k« up tin glove I Wef.-.s.-;. not. That nhicnum «s lor which bia party bave¡i'ik. followed and ha:»d bia (¦ r yenni io no1likely t<> forsake lim.at thi" irion.int ad eadiiim t.. ..mniii au .o t thal mi nut n n.i t., Mr. Gladstone»me m bis greatest triumphs. AuU what ana the Lardodot thal »aa the otu tlon pul to tblmoi.ia um n-oíanle «k. asioi ,'iiitl Hu- sj.i.-kir Iil:n-el' supplied tb<um-,i-Mair My f."i.:», >, «i «a:. »I», nothing. Te baltolly.oi «-ours«', ih«- ixiids can thro» pal ¡i blQ»blcbprovides compensation foroflli . Lobavi already nur-chas» I their eonimisaioni«. /'.' Time» fella them to tunkof the rttei t of lb» ii aition on th' ofli. ers, rather Han !

their own dignity. Thla la good advice. Ps-s tb» bill,and Hie oftlieis »ni -'et theil compensation;n,ion it out, and Mini. ih. j.ur. has. systemis at an end, aid the Crown nun promole merit laen ad ol money, tbe offirers will getnothluir . ¦ . The nine ton. »¡tai, inth presentnisiaiee i« »trtamiv ill t-boaeu. Booethtag mon thann j n «enUitive iunti1utlon» is j:i-t now i u it- tri i Hepuiui. .»iiium is au Infectious diaordei In th» ol it-1!:'«.:tunipe ami lhaac m ho like ourselves, believe then .- mm. lum ao great and complete ai ti »i which Is enjoyedumi.. a coastitu'on ii monarchy, bave na Ueohn toae»m iiium ati put into tbe mouths ol mero kvelera, or antb [pate the right -ind proper moment foi the brrednnryiii..u.i»ei u» undergo th« grot mot toni The i^.r.!».v.i do w.-.i ta i", k». the afton i ..- tb« bul, uu-: keepu..-n tempers »arm oi cool s- th« _, plea» loi a maiaoiiiei.ioui aaaaau»

FCiKl.R.N NOiI>.Tlic !{«wp8tiar-(J( ucial of En__.uti(l st.it«y.

Haul IhO |0talalina «'f Ibe luilm Kiüüdoin u o. i« urn.gal Ih» tate of 1.17-i » da) But eiiiiur..'mi laki», »i»ay<«,< of thO llllluher, iuavili).' 7ui S <l¡»> to «M» li Ihe IKpulaMoll at Ii4ili.e

It ia wtid in l'arifi, both by L'ifitimii-t»» .nil<_.!». M'list*, that the pr.M l.iii::it,».ii ni tin r«»u!i!di ( i.i.m

ixiid has ruined l»y far the baal ili-ii' the Mwarrhlaalparty lias had «im « in», and thal the hopeo ot itu «m« ibl an« li luis! you It Mt al I es1 in! Ml » .«. i »-11 '" "«a-«

'Hie In,inn, lu Zeitung BAT-t tli.it ni gut ia! urns

auagapáuag wBh th» «,eriuaii r.» mt. o B__pBgluBiulfor | ullin lion g| tin. hjiigli- rat» ol | .ia'4'r on i«!t«-r««

lion» m iiiiuii) t«i Ainerii'M na J; gunn lind Knitlaud,liol. ti ii m m len 11 nts, ti is mai,,ni; I'n 1,1a I » 1 thalroule, which Is in nea thOTtCT, 'lu a..n.« M 41.1 lueui li or

Hai.iiaurg.Ihe /.cede Mrrrury at li»«- lilli Hi«t., rejxirtinK

.uiiL_«jr-»s«t inoiiH« is inibe iMjith of l_.._.itiud. sara thal

the »-.«-eral tone of the «faiemetit» mipplic«* 1», perhap»,a« (iifouri>a:lti('aa under tlie eirciinistaiieea could be an-

ttelpMed. All kimi» of fiirmlnK operations hnve he-»niit.inleil t.y tlie lung runtiii.imu-,, 0f cold weather, andHarvest vr111, in conm-i'-encc, |.u couipli tod later than firn.uni ¡rears past; bat, with a »p,-o,fy return of »rentalwintrier, the report*, «urtu»!,. <| Ino,rale that nearly, Ifnot «unte, un ¡,win it, yield in nearly-all demnptious ofaifTictiltiu.il pi.»iin, e u,i,y be iiiiticipated.

The Jlulifox Citiien Payn, in riiYrcnce to thoTreaty of WushliiKton : " It I» a well-known fact that theTu my mum i.. ratified hy the Canadian Parliament, or1». MM un h remedy forthin flia"ul«.,| Htanip Aet munt

1m- tiiK.ii 1,1 Can idlani, a» ih.t t.ik. . _,- .,._. Anuri«-....("OiiMli.R xtben thor made a ir-lcantl.' teapot of HentonHarbor. Hu llrttir-h Parliament hue ratified It. Prrstdenttirant han in a pr.'i l.iu.ti.n, announced that the Treaty»a ix-,,1 tact. Wko m th.- Dominion le fool enonjtk totliilik thal the cinliliied exertions of nil the kryal nt-jut»of iiei Mai.-rti. n*r.i,i,*iiT in Canaia, eooldekaaseone provision oi the WaeklBJ-tOB Cap Hill, itioul"About '¿Oil uicnibcrn of tho National Awwm-

hly, representiii« 3J departments Invaded hy the Prus¬sians, have declared them* Ive* anxious to know th«Intention*, of Thiers reapertlua tlte Indemnity claimedI» thiHiiiihappv portion of France, The, aiiiount ankedfor i.i tl.ci.cilipiii.f6 ia |1i>i,üou,0(jü; iiKAUimiiK that thoi ruHfiiaiiH fr.nn flr»i to lan kent an army of ,vm oari men

jp Franee, tke anrege eoM or ¦nppMtian the oermnnfltililliir« men loin.ern ami soldiers reckoned toatethei) for«Mart*, a rear, amonóte to JMS. on-.*mali>- tin* snm de-mande- i y the In« aded provlnees wet tun. h rreater, theDepartment of tke Beáne-H-Oist ¡mine hailne appiit»«lfor MMySMyNh *

The iullaiiiranU.ry Unj-uAire wo ii I»- a por¬tion of tht Ii r i.i h pri as against the (lennans, and the sim-ultiineoiia -wau»» up.in Orman »oldl.'ra. ha» led the Feil-« lal Government to demand, In the most poMtlve man¬

ner, ti rrm« dy from the French Government. To leave,that Uoieriiineiil iiiider nu do,.ht that Germany wa-» de-t« i iimi. .1 to ¡nlopt -..i .-M' m« .»»ure» lu cane nf a ret ur-i. -i e of «m h ho*tllltle«, O.-n. von Manf« ut'cl, the, chiefommaniln*. officer of th.- Qmrmaa taaopa in France, ha*

lieen tlirt.i lid to «¿ive «--.penal .ii.pli.i-i-. to the mallet ina personal interview with TliierH. Ah a re»ult of tii.ru»r.'i-ii ». iitatimiH the Fi.iieh Cherté g'ABtWt In Berlin.Marqnla de Oabrlae, has giran the Oerman MlalaMi-ofState foi I-Ki .n AJalra, lit ii inn 'lit.,., tke meM ps>

lu* au»iir..iit

lu the An Mian flcli'pntion, OB the 12th inst.,the Mlnlr.t.r <¦'. Mar stated that ho had effected all pos-rltile savliiK», hat the equipment of WKi.ooo men, requiredl,.i the m « aim« law, BMSSMMMiM -SBVSSS-Bg expen¬diture. Be announced that, at the present time, he was

In a p.»»iiii.:i to place SMUSM men on a war footing.CoiiiiiBeast, al mi mude a Hpe.ch, In w hu li lu-said thattin armament of a Hint«- leaeeemary ta erin t«.r<_i>eiam iiiiuniii c lu in. an« of one's OB n mil larv power. Tin»I r.-. nt ijuiet tln.e un* preeiaet] the rl.lit moment fatcarrying rat iii-mi orfanlmtions, beeanae that cour««,'bow waa not luiiie to runes niiHtru»t. ii" aided thatI'.'tii tin- anuí and the people ure convinced Ikal war i*a mlafertnne, bul in the aim« tkere aleta a fe. Ung that.-iii»tr.i Mini»...ry, if forced Into a nar, must not muk«another luiau. oi-ful campaign.A Urge meeting of *.Mirkin«.mrn, «it which

the Icitlltiir iiuiiilaeii. of the Itirminirham LskM Repre¬sentation I.enf-ne mid the Kepulilltan cluh were»

pie»! ut, wan he'nl lu Iiiriiiiu.a-h.iin on the l-l ti tatt to

pri.it »t np limit the (frantinir of an annuity to Prince»Arthur. Tlie chair was occupied hy Mr. JeremiahThomas, the President of the i_-.f»or League. About |,S0S).. raoBs af,,. j re»-> nt. The followlna meehrtioa waa utied with enthusiasm ; " In the opinion of thin meeting,th. nation, tiimti-rh it« narHameatar** repreaentatlrea,l.a- a'ro.uly lu nie ample previHioii*for the re I till li jrfamily, ii provlHlon *o prndlirally liberal a» to amount towaste of public atóse*, and m udjcnantl) denounce anyfurn.er attempt ta foul another Beyal penetra on thepublie pui»." Republican se-ttmenta were loudlycheered, and the namee ol some members of the Bo/iu(an.iii wer. rn neil with Khoiits of derifion.Viscount Stratford de Riuli'litlt-, the fotsifB

lliiti»h Aiiii,a»A.tt}or at Coiintantlnople, ami a eou»l*t«ntBBtagimtM of UM ¡nllut n« «. M Hu» -ia li. the Raaf, mm intit. House of I.i-i ti» of .ireat Hrituln on the nth ln*t., audreferred to the «tatt inent* he had «cen lu the publicpre*.» that the Porte had given |x rmlsMn to a Basstasmnadron to j».' »fin UOgh the l>BSBBMBOI ami Bo«ptioru*ra Ita way to Odeeaa. That na» a v« r> ala-aatag »t .!.¦

ment, ami he wlaltc I to know, if it were true, how fartin ai t wa* in «««-ofdnne«. «*ith exiatinK treatl«'» bit woe..

UM PerteaniOtkef jiovi'.i». Earl (¡ranvllle mMi "Iii11 ii»wi li» the i.otile Vi»« «"II.t. I hale to »lule Unit I hainno mi» i m..i:»'!» whatever to the i d', ci implied in thotint »tittil, anil I ll.llir. It exi el dliijrl.V luipi ni,a Lie ,1 lu r

tfl.it the Ril-r.i.111 Oki ei nun nt r-li<>iilil hale lu,nie the apI'li atl n or the T«i.ki-h lioieriuneiit baie mated it. I»m tin» tin- nu.r<- poattlT« li because au aiipUeatlon wasii. I. th«' oth-r ¡jay hi Uie cap«ajji of iff. Am~ici.iifriir.-ite to pac tfiri-'igli t&< li.ir.l.iTii lit-», and it waa lin-inedlatelv r»-fni-í-.l l».i* the Tur-l»h Om« minent." Thoin..-1 pi ol.nl. lee tola nat ion of the ei.»e It- that the Hu*.-ia ii

(... wi linn-lit requ« »ted and ree. It. «i permission tb it the«.I al al lillie Al. .el- witch v o'.Id 1.uni al (Kit ef.it with li

rerj amall leal <»t Ire aalmportaal véasela Untierti,», ,11,11111-iai»,'-, the matter allika to .» nure mt ofpn'ii. n. -a. Th.- Poi ii o il.i ii"t have refaeei th<- reqaeMwithout maklaa aa imple .».tut eontrnel rrltk tke r«*a<ii-aemwllhwklehaatmltaf prlrUefle na* maatoitotkeEmperor of Austria upoa the oeeaislon of li I ¦* louraej todru i v. hil. Un l'.ii i-ireaiy n-a«-In full opeiation.The Cutunltier Freie Piesse nix tit ¡in n,'-

unlit el a m«-' Ung of werklacweame koli M Ckeasnltaa »imii time.,-.... Munit SB peroonewen pteeeat AsSrM speaker waa Mulela RMlUe ¡flseelnlla she ap-

p« ai« ti to her i.« eren t.. leettfj ta the gnmmét Meeas-pi ,ii,i tkej :»ii i».ni n. en-, 'le. m i ot law wages, asees-»n.- tin« v, ami inn aetiiai iii ii»afc'e. Ikeasssttsi tli;»t

tin (.million Ol their livrp. urireiilli re«|iiire«l (til. ration,anil that it wii. tl.< ir sailed tint} lo take part in the

struggles ol nun, with i\ ii«.m tin i »tumid ptaes them-

..lie» «>n an «'iiial font in-r. The pinn ipa! male «.p.-ak. r

mus lien I'|-. it, who. whil«- repr.'M-nlini.' the po.»ition of\\ ¡liiii-u, nu li in I i" i"il» li-'ht», endi a iori .1 Io pel -U idehis bearers to organlz. themselves u they eoaüd i»<-

help. <i ..ut of Di« ir mleery, Be particularly«allied tin in nut to plTS ear to the proinptiiiir-ii-f the ti.ii.-i. wke_ lu- »aid, lau.hf linn

nt ni-Hon and pNtters-e fr--n» ehlldhood, aadia, lehed thal ever* one should be In subjectionto authority (bal capitalists ure no1 Ineladed In thinI. iiin: anti iliei fiiith.i toil 1'iopli linn when a «hiltltil. .1 It «ah a ii sp« li».it-".- o' Gad. Ill' Sp« ..i», then «x-

luiil. I the .11.-1 ii.I.li tot.'ki the ainellor.ilioli of their l.o-»ii uti mi., ih» ii ."An banda Instead of . sen lain« patience.1 n »imiatinu; to I.« wat« k1 letting Heir Iiilili.-n Im-

riful p-findlcea. andto i- persuaded In cases oftin- ii. ,.:ii of. in.-ii'« i. thal their waul and misery saikilled them. Hering eonsldered tke rlwaraetanem ..ft .i.i. with regard to the poattloa >'f women aaiaasmt¡ei,,I -|M, al i.e. .Ii. BOTlaed lu» f«male h. aiei-loi III. ¦: ', ii» '.--te lain-TI. lui ICi ellina nile,I agitationi... lulu iii«' » ,i.,c >>.¦>' » for women aa fi m t

Ml' I II li VI ItM*- llltllifTKl UT- ( «.MMI.IH IAIaA(-1 Bl Y.

M.IaOi."-. «Tulv ...*...Jinl^c l.inillcy of HieOr. ii.I « «nu t. m 'I" eaMOl Millier \er»-iiv Itiadntreet's('nu.m« i. ai Agi my, ti. I idei! to-day nott«. <li»-««»lie the

,i.,i ii. n a- a»k..! hi ti," «I« f< n.laiiT, on the gTOui that

tin pi.iintiff kae BO ail.'i.uati- uni«.'j in a »un for dam-

air. », .1. feii.laiil I.« ins* in i-oiu i.f. aid nie pinn ip.il a nou-

.i.. .i. i,*..,! ita Btate.

ih«-(0\thy «-»F a M.w PLANET.Vik t,JulyÄ.PWf. C. EL T. IVt.rsof tlie

I.ift hil« u! OkeeteatotJ Hamilton ( 01)000, aiinoiince« lb«)

ineeveryM a small ptaaet,tke iisti» ta m»tttomoi¦Steroid«, at 3 ocio, k Hu- uionnii«:. It was olia, ried In

21 hours, «ii miiiiiter nxht «leclenaion, and 10 tlegreea, U

in aatl ». BSatk «1«¦«. I< iir-ion,'' haï iiiK nun« d iu 34 hours. 4S

ne, i.de in Ita f.nil. r «oonliuai«'. and four minutex and

u i- tuuin towaria ih« i-outh. it« magMSaAi is esti-

nistn: la tWttll li lllld 13.

(MMi:!- ASH I AMAI.IH>-liY TULKI.KAPH.I 'i.t!. liSt WUtOBt <i)l«'i««l- »I«« -"liol ami kill.il

it, Hal. m '- n BSBS-1 Ira BBjaBS-MJS-BM «I« lia» MM »'

r»«:> a

Kaiiii.il An.-i«lor. w-licmnidereil Henry RisOSek,al- ¦-. a ike'i-ru.« is sslsriB|sapssaBBBB*aMaSm B-B*_ ka» liíra

r-Bbn f.-. -, i»i,,

Fr« «leii« k HejMonr. ferfnul ..file« r of tin" N« iv-

Toí» .'«.»i" i I'»i"««» S 'I .«»ti« .rai »d »a» (!ra'»*«i«(l un ih* leih ,nat

off Imiiik r»ia Mmala.Joliii Iaiilotoiii', h unxiifer. age '.At. B native of

Tr-L.. I l*».'.''i IslaB- '.llli.-H. . .!»+ if »t BW*aM «'-«¦»', jeal»»-Caá I, -I, r.tai.'l» I -'I

A vi..lent liHil-stt.mi MSBSSl .*"__" S fSlllsa ofI-,.at J-iHH,ar ab..u a wf.lt »yo. mUUytmm} «1«*Iiu)»l(. lb»

cur» »i., ¦"" mon Pt pah.I »t i ick silas John Collins died iu Baltimore

M, ÜÓ.Ait 'r-rr. I". eX.n,M . I, US Ibr Yeta -JttBS|kB-B* llu*"»a

i.H.ir. i.i bl as r-l-ar-m Ub-sSb Baa baa- sst-OM

At laiverpool. Nom« S. otiii. B eonnl.il.le namedI r«^i.'-_lk«i_WB»ai-_«W<_»Usi^lBB».as »I ni Um*, «aa »t»u*.

t» .,. a I . («I u b 11 n Au.« ." »a filien-, araoos». K»»irr ia kui 11|^<ta»i :<. i...

A T4--n.ni atfa«lie«l to a Huge ran awsy at thoLSBS Britrh -rp"' .«..tri-..»» iflrr.ia.« »ral .'«..»phua J«-«-»*« m

i'l. i, :.», t«, .'-p «>«¦». .». a»_<»««I -u-a aod r«a o.et he «-J fra.

b.» iiijunr. twa boat, »ft*,.

Ji-e« ph K. Turner, a member of the Bar fromTia_*i:i* ro-vtftsd «Ifa rrat r'n-ion p.prr, »ii .«-»'»J*1».» .*_£»',_I« Jod-.. M-l'aodi*.' "i I re Ptsu to p»r * *«* ut O',"*"' «-«1 "»rr 14

«..**¦- ImmUmaUl .» asi Waal*rB l'«-»»l*»(lar.T.

Eil»Sid OslSMSn I. Hawley, l'eiin., a r.rak«;-»... -ia tb» Hr.r BaOa-Sf, «Bii« »i,ppiB# frBBi .-»' «» ." aL«ia.r »I Mut

lattin n i Mis-Sai an t« u« >«.<.¦ *^ *¦.*» .»»i«i«.ir »m-J.«w.,.,.p*M,nru.r,b.ii. BssmlMaa «. I"»ri J*ni». wa*-» a» ia

i,ua.l «a. a*>!.l

Benjamin All.ott. an Kii-lislimnii, ami[AlfredH»-,. »Fr*ürb.-..»(. «t. -'ti*« »ri»»'r-.a BatSaO aa la* r.J.l-ra

i-U.n:i,i Kail il I, ru.', ., ti» «'B J*.-» Tin 1-4 -A,,

«lu.ra ..».-ai -' !.. il , l-nad, tttt «ai>. »d4 ia thru Iraak» -». ra

fosa M-r. ..._i.tti.A«.f iL,r»r» iM.i' IsMsme-MMSSSBB-pBI

Ili.iruu. Kenth «¡*> ««uiuiitted t » j. 11 at Hones-,'... l-.ai -...n,:.. u, a.a t Hal on a -_*-**_ 'I BBl «.¦.«. mAtOtmtmmtrl ..t Jli, H .u.r.r«i.»_ t».i«b».i U.iy bl.-e, ,pa t», a

tattam .>. i»-r^ b» i»»,<i v. rta».*» ... t,».. inn w» m «. ram.r.. r.i. -.i...i.u *i.. ut,.. t... bossblassassasl .*.». tsun .-.¦»».,.»»

..i U.IHI u- u .1 tir alan »I l. ...n«




Nkw-Haven, July 25..Tho third annualsession of the American Philological Association beganIn Hie Bute-House to-day. The members aro present In

full for« e, and large accessions aro announced from

among tbo most prominent college, xneu In the

country. The Executive Couunltteo havo determined onhurd pracilcal work, and the machinery Is In motion to

that end.Rii.orr's srnoi-ASTic cxaims.

One Interesting i»oliit promises to bo settled in thisConvention.KiilotT« scholastic claims. It seems that

tbo criminal, the very day before his execution, sent vo¬

luminous manuscripts to Prof. Taylor Lewis, with theearnest entreaty that he would examino them carefullyand give Judgment thereon rxforo the learned Societynow In session, and before whom Ruloff himself came

ihre« years ago Accompany.lug theso manuscriptscame a letter of almost passionate entreaty, Justifyingtbe great new method that the scholastic umnomaniacImagined be had discovered." Jfoeemenl," he contends, " Is the very basis of lan-

guage. The distinction hat»« ame at once part of myself,and entered Into all my thoiiKbts. It determined me t«Srenew my philological efforts. Whether I should lind itor not, I tx-came convlnc«»d where there was such a

principle In theory there was som») method In thocxpr»-»_slon. I have labored on the subject fromthai day to this. At first entirely lu the dark, Ho»I andnu salf only know how fearfully "I have had lo wrestle,lint in the end I triuiiii'h. Without Any vain or Idleboast, I stand this day fully Imbued with the spirit of ii

long lout ait, mid requiring ouly tho means to restore it

_>. Ile. Hy."It is tho general conviction of those who have cxam-

ln« ti the theories of Rulotr, so far us published, that he

studied and brooded over the mysteries of words nntllhis brain became overtaxed and Incapable- of distin¬

guishing words and their uses. His mind, bewilderedby the resemblance in sound!, foil into an un-

reaionlng enthusiasm, and he confused eonndsand ideas as well as words. Kui,»IT «truckupon a deceptive hybrid system, whichis knnwh to all students of language who aro familiarwith L and R In words Indicating an easy and flowingmotion.obstructed, irregular,or broken, when combinedwith mutes. Kubill happened on this formation, omi

tried to en et it into an Imposing system, which should(iplaln and ru count fur all language |J steins and diw-r.-l-

ties. That his theories wi re Imth false and shallow can¬

not lie doubted.I'rof. Lewis has not yet .»»und time to examine the

inaniisiript cliisely, but. from a ha-ty glauco here andth. re, he affirms that tin« work »rives Indication of geniusas well as insanity, and that they could only havo been

prepared hy a man earnestly and enthusiastically InUm n ith the theme.

TÜR CONVF5TIO!. AT WOHK.The format work of Hie Convention begun this after-

no'ii t y s pullte and cordial address of welcome to theConvention by the Hun. Francis Wayland, which was

respond»-»! lu by Dr. Howard Crosby, the President,aft.-r which Prof. Hadley read a paper on "The Historyof the Anabasis," by l»r.»f. Brewer, which related mainlyto ceiialn rachat Both) Bl thought to be inconsistent witha )iolui«lilp. The paper provoked no discussion.

Ml II..I..... or TOE DAKOTAS.Tlie net! pn|ier was a curious treatise on " Hakotnn

li» lu f-," by the Bar, Stephen R. Riggs of Dakota. A

fi-w i.oinl* will reveal the beliefs and illustrate thenature of Iho-»«« Indians, With tho Dakofnm, the greatobjects lu the firmament are known as "We." The sun

Is the "d«y we," iii«- moon the "night we," and the stars

ure Hie "ballin eyes of wo." The tuornljig star Is the" night shooting star," the evening star tho " large star."and the nillky-way the " spirit road." To a«"count forthe ÉlaappeUfUaao of the moon, the I).»koi.n bold« that a" great ..nipan) «if mice" eat the «nb hw.iv. The sun Isthe " great we," and Is prayed to as the dispenser ofgo.»I and evil life, and death. Again, they call it" grandfather," and the moon " grandmother, both ofwhich are san itic.-.l to. When lu e« lipse the mu is" -Li;." and g.I IIrikotttns m inlt.-st a decent sorrow.The lightning in sltrlbilteil to !|,e sun. and !he thunder isthe " prim« of birds," and is represented hy

D.kkotau boy'ssud drawing


ofiiiiiiu ion bud, which sinai

» a practice of carving»ui the par.-iital wl_.-v.anis and barkIhe four windi sre Ood'o oateDtteaof tho sun, goingand ciuiiiiig at his mail,lute. The earth la the greatestmi-iii i to tin- simple Dakotaii. Its ImntfUOfl bowldersbe .Ins-, s gally in fantastic feathers, red paint, and»nan'sdown, and this Illustration of ..urth be «-.»Us the"gold god." The Water god is a,. opted ii« the crèatdrof earth, who wa- labed from the aaaaa i»> this a!»<>rglu__lNeptune. Men meal 1- the "god of moving," and on theiiar-puth 8|M«cially WBlaBOO mer devout warriors. " Ha¬jo ka" Is ih. god of fun, or the DahatUU "Punch."Young Dakut.iii.s ulm a-pire to be " uiiru yuiiug men,"|oln a secret society and take paltara by moro civilizedoigiinizalions hy making death one of the pcnal'lei«, amiIts semblance a part of tua initiation. Tho noaiphvte isshut ii|» in a " mystery sack," feigns death, anil his rir-

sii-, it .iiiuii coii-titiit» s him a candidat»« for the "WhiteCrown." The paper rapidly nunmaiii-rtl tiwi whola su-

l»i rsiin, (»ne of Dukutati theology, but met with noi..iiiinini.

o- THF. mi-En. Frr TEXsr.s.Tile battle royal of the day and OMUtoU wa« opened hy

I'mf. Whitney, who read au elaborate paper, bristlingwith ilatloti' ,iiul references tilt, rly «-conting the theory»,f ih»' pn-.'h e fnriu of Hie vi rli in su. h exprcsilons as

"is luul.ling," "is burying,"' etc. The PUPUI was writ-

tell by Fitzgerald Hall of Oxford, England, and deals. xhati-tlvely with the suti]ect. Mr. Richard GrantUlule« .ligaments are met by ex.imples ami illustra-t...i - from I_amh, Macaulay, and the whole school of

English classics. lu defense of "is being done," the

payai says :

lu the grammar of Mr R. 8. flkillem (to be found Inth«¦ Hiiti-b Museum), published iii Ittt, I Bad tin» pas-siie i .»u e tim. illusirale«! : "To In- being on.|ii. i. ti ,"" ( .»m being eonanared ;" " I waa being. onqaered ;" " Inli.»'l or will lie lielng coii.|ui red ;" " I »an, may, or mustbe lu ilig cniuiuercd," eli. Kol.elt Molltb.y writ»'« : " Afellow wlinse uttermost upper grinder ii being torn outby th.« reato by »i mutton bather." Repauta, laaOaaaaaof tin- same kind are ne«'ii lu Honthey'a graver writings,lolendge wrote i " While my baud was licliig iln-.-t hyMi. Young, 1 spoke," etc. «.'burles Lamb «peaks «if" realities which an» being actrd before us." WalterSavage Landor, In hi« imaginary conversations, repre-wnt« Pill as saying, "'lue mun who posse-sis them i,.uyread Swedenborg or Kent while he U Map to««.-<l in ablank« I." Di« «Quincy »peaks of the brido that "wau be¬

il.g u ,u i » «1 to bim."Further on, the paper says :

Having convicted Mr. (Irani White .»r mistaken analy¬sis, I am not .on. ern.d at tin- observations which befounds on his mistake. "I- being built," he repeseiit.-»li tW» irilifleaiae tst ne tlie siipi»»»«« d correspondingLatin phrase. The Li»tin Is illegitimate, and he infersthat iherofore the English Jls the same. But ordifieamret a traiislallon on the model which be offers of the.-. ( .i .¦ i» building Is i|iii(.' as iilegifiiii.it.- a- ene ocdifUa-tunrst. By parity d non sequilo,u we are, therefore, t«ilui 11 pilaff the active is building. Assume that a phraseIn a given language is iinlisiicnsabi«', unies« it has It«aoaaterpert In some other language from the very con-

oepUon and »Ii tinitioii of au ulioui, every Idiom is illegit¬imateThe paper was of some length, and vivaciously argu

inenintivo throughout. A brisk debate followed, in

which the »»-ntlment of the majority sustained the "is

liebig done" form. Indeed, no one made u direct apiaalfor the "is building" style, save to explain its probableoi igin and usage. Professors Kendrick and Hatdemannihouglittii.it tb»« people wera responsible tor it, .mlacboiarH had only to adopt or reject as It appeare»! ser

M»« able.Hg. »KOSBï'S AÜDBEM.

Tlie evening session was «>i»<'ned by Dr. (rosby'i Presi¬dential .»»!.li .s«, of which tbe following li a brief abstract.

All science Is one, but mau lu his culture of science is

not always equally impressed with this unity. He maywork in aooao fields which appear distant from ihe »«»un-

mon. enter. But the linguistic explorer Is at the veryheart and nucleus of the varied sphere. He is inemu. ellon vi ith «very portion of tbe extended«ir» umfennoe. The words and verbally expressedthoughts iti which he deul» form theeoln in use through-oot tlie whole realm of Investigation, »ud each depart¬ment of tlie realm brings Its treasures to his feet. Heknows, no parties lu theology, philosophy, or naturalselene«; but every foro» of creed and scbi>ol In .m I.

brings its grist-to his mill; and not only does he rec« Ive

front all, but he lie-tows upon all. He bold« tbe key of

pi ogres««, and unlocks the truth for all. Bach, In brief, is

the .«..ii i..ii, ehunicter, aud va-Uie of Philology m a

seien» «, slid lunn thro-) eotue ita powerful claims uponthe attention and study of man.Tlie hint« that lay in the «.ratvltii of Plato were not

iippi-i ciated by his generation, and later general!.ms»inly iegard»"«l the bl unit« rs ot that liugulstio trestisr.

H was left for modera times to mate the science dimlyfor, shadowed by Plato. The old schoolmen's theory of

lauginge was eiplo<led by Lu hnltx lu the licgtnuiug of

Hie laut century, and we may Justly regardthat old Hanoverian aa the father of philo¬logical science. Many af the great scholars have goanlu-fin i «I the direct scleiitlUc . i.«i-iiii_»ti.»ii of Ungnsg, s,

and have Uko Heirnimi. coiis)der«-d llngalstiis aa a

,,h»r..«ophy. ?. a phllosmiby. Philology studies no1 onlythe reísimo of langua«" i° mlud, butaUo ihe relation of

»uind tai language, aud so drUrnii»«» the HOBBan of lin¬

guistic« In the nnnsnieutof kuowlodge. k weighs Us

.aJur us »oraptved with the mind's iieoda, discovers its

limiti.tloits aU'l provid» « for IU d. tlcien«-i.«.. A sclem-e

exiilore«; aphlliu-onbi s|wcul»trs. A sole nee places its

every loot on hard fact , a pbllosopbv takes wing aud

soars It is from a want of cnusideratlou of

tli«> distinction betv,«i-ii the uttnati.es of a»-leiice,and those of soeeui-iUve philoMiph>, that

th«- fiMilish hostiHiica bav»4 be««n provoked between

wtauv tbousnirul lulnaJs and the earnest «.-ruiine mp,

plorera of the day. Science is always trne; philosophyi« frei'ut miy taino. Philology, as a Ktanoc.is the un¬

rolling of th« .neat volume of the past; philology aa a

EhiioHophy may u»e an artist's m»i>ir«tioii, and paint theKilree *>( tte futnre.The oltl theory that language as a perfect thing was

Riven hy God to man han minc to contend for It la tkepresent stage of philological study. Man h««s wroughtout language according to his wants, lust as he ha» <le-vi-l«»ped the thousand niceties of mechanical Invention.H<« has wrought not arbitrarily, hut according to thefitness of tilinda, ami umW the guidance ofa dlscrlmlnatluif perception aud a contndllng reason.Music la a supplement to language, and expresses emo¬tions that language falter« before. Even gesture (pan¬tomime) must come to the aid of that clumsy servaut ofth« suhtle power of thou«rht. Our conclusion *j;omalltills Is that man, In hi* development, must have a deafereipresston for his mimi* i rfohli-r language than anyfound to-day. Tho new language to which our specula¬tion look» must contain the -junie orluiMples us ourpreeentWe have In a philological society rtvmi for a larg* vsrl-

ety* of laborers, fcvery sopara.« language U an «orp-lrt'd,which can lu- worked indepi-ndnntly, ami yet can mt healworked In .*'.»iijui¡ctlot*> with soverul other*. The re¬duction of all languages to one, sp far as ultimate britt,clples go, th«. gathering of all*»arit-tles hy_c«>un<*A*tlonwith one common um len*) the < ar.-ful mapplug-out ofthe varied elHoreneenco of human speech; the grasp of thewhole SOlenee as a unit.this certainly Is the grandestpheeu of the science It»« If. On the other nana, thephilological »o. i« tv ne.-.u its clasalÛer« andarranger« of results; Its thinkers over scien¬tific solutions ; its philosophical lii«|uirers luto the originand destiny of language, and It« examiners Into the con-motions of philological dl.coverles with paycbologlealand ethnological problems. The lexicographer, thegrammarian, and tin» poet, are all philologists And tothem the Philological Association opens Its doors and¡»lil» them reeoarni/." their common brotherhood/Of this Association, Dr. Orosbv said: It does not pro

temi to t».- -m am iioiit in»«» academy, nor 1s It a societyfor mutual admiration. It is «imply a guild where stu¬dents of like tasto and aims eau best rooiarato fur thecultivation ami general advancement of tho cause ofscience. The learm-d of the world bave a right to expectearnest work from ua in thin importai.' ti« 1<L.Among other Important hints. Dr. Croiiby suggested a

system of local associations throughout the country to

carryforward the main society Into a more extendedprovince of investigation.


ah KMCM car uonriFaD OVTWBHTf lUOUtk-TDHOLLA Itr*.

Sr. laOti«, July 2.Î..A daring BiptBBI rob¬bery was committed on the Mohile and Ohio Rallro*»d iuHicl-maii County, Ky., last Satunliiy night. Three m«*n

got on the tralu at Union «City, and at Moscow, win n

the train stopped, two of the robbers got on", and a con¬

federate remained on .Ino platform. As the train movedout from the depot the two Jumped into the exprc»s car,overpowered the messenger, robtied the safe of WO.OOO,stopped the train hy signalizing tho engineer and Jumpedoff and disappeared in the darkness. Twenty-five citi¬zen» of Moscow turned out to hunt for the r«ii»l>ors, butthey have not yet been found.AN EXIT.ES3 W.K.O.N' RdRBFD IN »T. LOUIS AT

MIDUAT.ivr. Loci«, July 25..About noon to-day ono

of the dcliverj' wagons of the United f-tatc» ExpressCompany, in charge of a driver and uiesscuger, stoppedat the mouth of au alley, between Fourth aud Fifth-nts.,to deliver a package addrosaed to a person In the alley.The messenger left the wagon in charge of the driver,and, whilo absent, two men jumped luto the wagon,gagged the driver, and drove off. After taking severalpackages from the raufe, they threw the driver backwardinto tho wagon and escaped. A policeman captured thewagon and driver. A man and a boy stated at the poltrastation that they saw two mon Jump ont of the wagonwith pa« kagee, and that the drli cr told Until he hadbeen robbed. They offered to remove the gag, but thedriver would pot let them. The amount taken Is ti.U' o

lu money anil tSd.OuO lu railroad bonds, directed to theKansas Pacific Hallroad Company. The i villiers left a

number of small packages untouched, contalulns; nearlytl.OQOln gold.Lateb..Further developments to-day In relation to

the expressrolil'cry lead to the UOgt lou that it was a

"put up Job," and that the driver, ami pssfcSfS the mes¬

senger, were Implicated.When the driver was taken to the police station, lils

eyes showed no signs of having had pngtU or snuffthrown Into them, as he had claimed bud been done ; thsgag lu his mouth too, was so loose, that he easily pushedit out with his tongue; his hands had not been tKHind.A pistol was in tim wagon and no attempt was made

to use it, neither did the driver attempt to attract atten¬tion while the thieves were rifling the safe. Both menare in custody. _



Pan Fiuncisco, July 85..Advices from Tuc¬son, iinil.ni.tte of July l8, state that a supply train, inShBBBB "f OtpA II. Is iirulth, and a company of soldiers,en route for Camp Hotvle, when 20 milos oai»t from Tuc¬son, was attacked by a band of 100 Indians. The Cap¬tain and n.-arlv all the company were a mile ahead ofthe « aiaToiis. As soon as the rear wagons were attacked,woid was »eut forward, and Lu-ut, TheLler r. turuedwith half the Company. With these and tbo wagou-meuhe engaged the Indians, and hud a spirited fight, killing1 i tramore, aad losing one soldier killed, three wouuded,and three lim .... killed.Gea. Crooke, wita kia command of snides and scout»,

and aiOO soldiers, are In the imuintain* eastward, andhave not been heard from for several days.THE 09AOE3 SAID TO BE ON THK WAR-PATIt.Little Rock, July 25..A gentleman who

(.mud at Foil »Smith, July It, from tho Indian oonnfrv,saj s th« usages are on the war-path. On the l-tth in*t. a

pani* started ou an expedition ostensibly for ínflalohunting, but returned a couple of days aft. r with threehcalps of white men, and will, their bomas loaded downwith plumier. It is supposed the.i had attat ked someti am. and «Aere successful lu thulr raid.8ANTANTA AND RIC, TREE STILL ALIVE, BUT

rOOBD ..ULTY OK MLIU'KK.St. LOOTB) July 'ii..The Republican leans

from Ja« kslmro', Texas, that the repcrt.th.it tho IndianChieis Hantauta and Big Tree had Iveet. killed while at-fempting to escape Is untrue. They were l»oth tiled atJatkslaoro, and found guilty of murder in tin-flint ,1,gre«, Jnii|/-A »lew-ir!, -*!..> presided. aUhotr trial, thoughttheir punishment ought to I.« imprisonment Mf li?.», andMr. Taturn, the Indian Agent, abo BOOi his influence toso« mo tins result den. nkermafl bad ordered that tke*be held uutll ¡. final order from the Prer-nlc ut should tiereceived. It w probable, therefore, that thev will trot e

executed, .»..iiii.iii'a feel«, his imprisonment paiiifullt.says that his raid on Wilson'* trata ia kia Irai .»m- LnTexas, and If the whites will releaos liliu he will BOTO.make anotherTHE KIt-KAPi'OS IN MKXIC«! «*< »VI '.MI'I MINC. »,


Washington, July 2.-5..The IBfOttS l-ec.-ivcrllit the Indian Bureau today show that the Bettie« of the i

Klckapoo Indians now in Mci leo are divided .-.mon-

tío-mache* ahoiit returning to th.« .oniitrv; lint themost Influential chief, with a delegation of their breth¬ren, will visit the tritie lu Kaiis.i*. who. taCOtker, «silllook foi a réservation for all their people la tke Iud.nuTerritory,!«» be located at a distance frote tin» Texasinn.i.i. The ugeut v. In. was .1; -pat. lied to Mexiio|lnorder to induce the i.-tinn of the Kn hap.*»*», »ays the»«»Indians are near Santa Besa, in ( (»ubinia. Slid mention«aa a singular fact that a Mexican l oiniiiissioii had ar

rind at that place bul one Week in advance of«nu »».(.iii ami his parly, ami bad lain Issuing atti«' SBdcorn to th« ki« kupoos. The Mexicain, are anxious i" n-

taiu the Klsfcapooe, fat tin- reason that if lliev sluilileave t-he couiuuiiuti »111 lie invaded BJ the Mechalard,Apache«, laipuus, and other marauding Indian"»; thatthe Klckapoo* are theouly dele..«*: of the Mexltan», audtba' their labor and trail«* are as-ttew of no mraii lui-

fertaaee t» them. The report aliKi «ho-* » that one of theudh»u chief* was bi.l»e«l by the Mexuaus not tai eotiaent

to the removal, after some «>f the KiekaiM><>*. e»i>«*< lallythe s.-uaws, hadmaile arráng«un-ni* for departure. Theotijectt.f our Ooveruuient, in desiring the return of theKickap«*»*, aud their loiatlou ou a lOMirStlea, is tobreak up their depredations on ih« Texas fion tier, luwhich they tare encouraged by tlieir -»isau fri«_ds.


Reports from Northern Ohio state that therewa» » »i.-Vl ft»-»» kbtn «a Baa-»« aad Maa-»- _*r»'n-a

_The Supreme Court of (î«-«.rgm. m the Mat-ontad il/ut. ru Ka.li-*.i injaacliua ,»a». ha* SeriaUt.1 ia fane uf lb« 1-aaeni.

_The str«*et car « «»mpanies of San Fran« imo have¦SMI Ue (.»Mrafltr fM frost U) U 4 e««t», owing to iba abvl>i.»u oflia* K« ». »a- tU.

....TheNew-Orleans City Council removed from»*r» K»rortl«r BUat'il tka- Sf..i»«ll-t»trTt .daJ hrA'i.riri lluiao»,.! oilbaM (Ik l'i»ii..-i MotrM wa» ataal to Ht*. M'araMtli ol lb« titi e,

¦Maka_A Quoit A ¦>.«< n ¡..lion from \V..¡i-.-(. r. Ma»*.

aialrim. i.-» p*noa». »miad a. Hamio« r*a»»r<.i. awd aabarbral ub

tbr »t .».r fir» It. una* ita. for a tt p of li ill a I«, tb. Iraarta uf M » ta«

aaS .ka- h- eo. l'i-. ... .

_St. John's Kpi««<>pal Churcli «a* ouse, ulled»ll'iarlil,* J, aa liaa-i». br Bl.hop «M. nl,r.,m-r. Ih» Ka».Ulf tua I «>lriii. .irrarbrii Um »raoi Du Si '«Jc *»a »ul.Krilrtsl to

p»7 off lb« rl«l.t.l tb. ibun-b.

....The K-iciitiv«- ( oiiiMil tiflt4iHt4.il I.ave iof«*<l ti»MT Bil 00U l»»»r«l «aal'liac Ihr ra.tr*. .,( IS» IWim.. ll«ilf..nl a tulKrU R.ilr,*al I., ol.-a.u |.aa.Hlal»l (be MM Thi. ,. In ...-ral.lir»

wilb . plaa Saruaal Mtirral n*ot ha .1*,, », M.u>r I il,, i r nriul I*...*

h««*.» aa,l Ila a'«.r .aaaal I. Ino fe, nral »¦ Ihr .ada of Ihr r.aaal

torn l.rkl », Um, Mair (Sa *.h*r Im.mi1 allia .ui'iiliuiiiaa thru )-.o '»to

tktn »a sha aaxam.



luí TKtFGBAPH TO TÜR TBIBCÜIIVA.BB-BBVBB. Tuesrtay, July as, \ka.

The report on tbe tariff. Just prepared at the lltireaii olStatistics, contains «4 acts relating to tariffs. They sr«so digested that each law bas all ibe articles «numeral, Aand arranged in alphabetical ord» r. The^rugre,«« of \ff.lalatiou Is shown In a scries of comparativo tal«!««, .nutthea'rrangeaient of tho table, will ihow at a glan««« iletariff history of every article, as first introduce»! m a law,and subsequently amend» »I. There were but few erin-nierations in the early tariff laws commencing m i>«j,never exceeding»», while the enumerations lu ii», vrm-ent laws amount to over l.soo.An ltnportAnt question has arisen rc«rx ting Mata si a

municipal taxes on the capital of a bank, ile .»ül.o,of a bank In Louisiana have written t., laaroterj Bate»wc!i, stating thal the city authorities in w11« li the bankis located have assessed n tax of three mills on the dot-luron their capital. They claim exemption from thepayment of this tax on tho ground that their capital is

represented bjr the bonds of the new fundid lorn» amiaro consequently exempt from taxation. The mannhas been referred to the Attorney-General, and hi- d«cisión will set at rest the numerous I___jlilrtes up« u thesubject which are dally received at the Treasury.Tho Acting Secretary of Mt «to hin addresses! a r.ot« t.»

fW 'ary lloutwell, inc'.o-iug a copy of a -lopalnh addressed to his department by (,corgi« F. Marsh.«United States Minister to Italy, in relation la tin lacrease of duty on petroleum imported to Itali (niMinister states that, lu conversation with th« iuii.niMinister of Finance, he has received an explanation olthe views of that Uovemment in regard to the ia.sing althe duty on petroleum, which, In the practical i.nat ra¬tion of the treaty between Italy a'id France, ha» I»-.ahitherto conildered as luui by that instrument. At Ituperiod of the negotiations of tho treaty solid asphalt umand mineral tar, and p»-rhapo other flunl amisi mi fluid bituminous* products, were iu»|»ort< »Iinto Italy and France in considerable quanti-iles, while the substance now known m Umlangu.ig.» of commerce as "petro.cuni"' had not >itfound its way to general us«>, and was »can elyrecognlzod us an article of Iniernational traille. Theword used by the regulations of the Treaty »as biiume,and when the trade in petroleum «pi ung up,tho importers contended that bitume, aa a

generic term, embraced all bituminous substances,whether solid or fluid, including, of course, petroleum.Tho tirst importations of petroleum in any considérai i«

quantities were from Franco, and the influence of theFrench Government secured a construction of the Treatyhy which petroleum was received as a bituminous pro-ilu» t. Tue Italian Minister contends that his don in

nu nt is at liberty to treat js troleum me

a now article of importation, not embraced In the tanti

established by treaty, ami that the duty ii|H»nIt is a fair subject of legislativo regulation. Ile thinksthe Increase of the duty is not strictly a retaliatorymeasure, but und<)uhtedly tho dissatisfaction of the Ital¬ian dealers In marble with our high duties on that pro¬duct, has tended to promote the passage of the bil). « mr

Minister thinks that the Government's'views up««u tho

question will bo adhered to. and the Minister of Finan» e

has suggested that tbe duty of five francs per hundredkilogrammes on crude petroleum,while the lucres«- ou therefined article is only three, will operate favorably toAmerican industry by promotiug the retiuement of ibatproduct at home.The Mobile C«»llect<>r.-hlp Is still agitated by the Ala¬

bama politician«. Heiiatair Spencer continues th<- pres¬sure for Collector Warner's removal. He had an luter-vie ir with Bectctary Boutwtll this morning upon the

subject. It Is reportcóT t__at, ifl casa Warner _B r«»n-ov«.«|from the pfllco of Collecter, ho will be offered tboCommtsslonership of Indian Affairs.Nearly all tho National Banks have sent in their semi¬

annual payment of the tax ou dividí uds, circulation,etc. By law all these taxes must be paid by tin l-t of

August. The cash In the Treasury will be lucreats-d frnuithis source about .2,S0(ywo.About a week ago, the Sheriff at Rockford, III., In¬

formed the Commissioner of Pensions thal L. II. B »iiIork,allai Frank W. Morgan, conv icted of forg» ry, had escapedfrom prison (here, last Septemlx-r. To-day he appearedat the Pension Bureau, and claimed about a y« ar'« pen-sion «lue bim, and was arrested. H«r li r« present««! to leau expert aud successful count, if.ii. r.

GENERAL PRESS DISPATCHThe lei r.-tary of the Treasury to-day made a tl<«<-i«i«iri

of which iho following Is the substance: A .at.il u-< Ifor the piupo-.es of trade cannot be treaf»-«l as a naii_..t-lile water of the Unit««»! States, even though It mai ex¬

tend lu r..nd tho limits of a single State, ami continence

or terminate with navigable waters of the United Htat« s.

Canal-bouts, theiefore, as long as they remain exclu¬sively within the termini of the canal, are not sub.»-» t t.»uavlg.itlon la««, .»ml, if found trading betwima «Ti-atri»ami dlstrtot, or between differ« nt p_MNM In the «ami- dis¬

trict, they must bo navigating naiiiral iiavigiil»'. waiorato t>e subject to the enrollment and iliense ians, turnif th»»s 1. »»ve a « ana. and oi»t<._ Into navigable wakT-'-fthe ITnte«! State« for purpo«. s nf trade hii»I «minn t.

that moment thei become liable lo all the provision« ofthe mu ¡gallon Ians, and to the payiu. al "f bl al.« 0 IUU»nage tax, If without the proper inarim« papers.Tno following are the n«»«-ip!s from CustoBM for the

wiwk ending Jinv ti: New-York, tJ,.-votf,TSi ; Philadelphia,.15'1,U3«; Ho.mi BnaiMj Baltmior., _l'....i'. Vii".-l.i.iis, we« k .-tiding Milli Jim. , |i i.«'«', total, i.iiy/i.iCommissioner Pleasonlon has issued a »peel 1 cireul.ip

einliriiclugili»' lelt»-r of the -<«. n-larv of MO Ti. astiri amiSolicitor of ih»' Treasury relatiag to thi coUecUouof a

tax .»n eonponi ..f »»i por liions, for the information andguidance of all Infernal Ken nue oflcere,

Be« retnry Bontwell lo preñarlos a ipedal oiuiiion.which will probably be promulgated to-fciorrow, r* latiráio the Reiitu. ki war tndemaltj lain..

a teinporarv injunction hm u.g be« a granted bj .lu I« e

Wylie, (Datrainlng th» board ol Public \s«.iks froia aalagthe appropriation made bl tho Legislative Aweibly,the Board of Public Works ana mapeaded all m.rk on

the st re,!«, ai.eiiu. s, aud alleys in tee District of < .lumbia. This, »>iîse»|ii« lilly, Ila ii« « a large nun»'.«« r of mci»oui of employment,a steam» r irom Philadelphia brought to Georgetown

to-tlay a moiiiini.iit !r..in ihe iii t-» i« placed over ihe,remains ol B. retain Btaatoa ia Oal Hill «.meter«, TheB-onument la of the Doria order, procured bj his widowand hii, gecnfwe, au.,, o<t txmk It bean tb« nunn of111. »le. ea-".l. »Isle of l.lt-tli, an«l deatli, nul is niade oflill "tinged giauite from Com oui, N. li. t

IMMK.RATION Bl A 11»» I K >.

\V .shin»,ton, July 23..From th«- gwatttu re-

luina mad.» to the Bureau «*f IM.itistn ¦» it OOJOJO-Ofl that

dining tiV ipum-r endeI,lune M. IKI, then- arrive«! atthe port of Boston from foreign countries li,««» pa*»-» n-

gi is, of whom 10,142 ".-rr !;. ^«IgranU. si-12 males, and4.410 female«, whose ages were as follow.« Under lft yearsal ace. -*¦_¦.. 15 and under 40, 7,(KIO; 40 ami over, 1.not«.The pun« Ipili nationalities of th« Immigrants w««r» Irv-latnl .1131; Eugl.ind.'l.iw«; Nova I« olia. I.JM I; «orman»,r-ó, »v.>tlund, WS; Ar-Ti-e, ïis. Bwedea, Ia**, Ftiee» Bd-«ard s Island, ISO; Italv.lt«; -Newfoundland, 1.11; Wale«,ali; Denuiai'k, .11. Holland. 29; BotWtJ, 1'. Ben Bruns¬wick, I'.* The i «tie to this country or thl« aeeesOUM tomar populatlea may be approximately e-ilmated byane .aiiiin «lum of tin ir <>< .opalton, « bl« Ii were as follow«:Ai «. untan!, np'ii h» an artist. bloek-maLer, » ebta.eaah-1er, hiuiisf, cn ii eiigim cr, dyer, hu» kui.in, ln»n found« r,msrlile worker, nur*-, »ijitician. physician, plmnlier,sal. «niaii, s-iw miller, s-uriini. shipbrokcr. tele¬graph operator, tinsmith, OOM «-.»eli ; bakers,Karte ro. brick-maker«, carriage aMhwa, clergy.men, gnrdeiiei >», harness-makers, planier». print¬ers, saddei-. stevediires, tanner«, two euch; coopers,pi,i-i.-i. r«, «ton.m uifen», tailor», teeasetaia. wat«-h-mak.'i«, three eat h ; drapets, agin« era, lawyer-, teaii.-ara, troñeltro. Ihnr tweb i OMehtoloB^ MwOat mariner».ort!.. i-,-üiileiits, Uve each; masons, trailers, »ix each ;sister» of BMCcy, WToa¡ honseheapara, eigkt; idaek-nuiitli-., nine ; i lerks. painters, ten «a» h ; carpen.ers. lir_;rarraer»,*i>(» Ash« rm.-n. 01 ¡Jeteen, U ¡ isli«»i»-rs, .94! jmstroiu«, i:», mechanics, lit; merchants,,,':; mt»««rs,14 MUMU. MO s«'aiiist-v-_-4.s, 81 ; servant», 724 ; »bo«-makers, 13 without occupation and not ipeciflcd, monlywomen and children, 4.142.»mTiie offlcls! return» from San Fran«'tseo show ibst thereai ii.« i.- during the «_uurter ending June 30, 1171.

MUI iiuiiiigrnits¡ of whom lhere ^ere from Viugiand.tóí; flinn Ireland, Î24 ; Scotland, sa ; France, S3 j; Ocr-Uiany, »1 s Mexico, li ; Chilla, lot». Of the total from

«bina JO nere female! ; the niales were sü labor»»».There arrived from Japan, during the iiuarter, U u-an.«,

not umaigTants.

EBBHWAmt oi the minimi nMBMBBEB ¦ « ALI-

HjKMA.San IW-BCBBOa, July -«.-Tbe Minera' lMgnts

ha. begun a reign of terror i- Amador «ouü.y and

rang, of men wesHng p..--ks wef -.;"0**;0'" ,.M«Light arching fur tb. '***» ot tbe dllfcn»»t -inln*

cooipanlM. with Intent to »_tr,l»-r meta thU BRtmgJtAmador County, and » for« of MU not MOOUBUN «o tb.

lieague.areuowl-Miegod; **___*** f'.L1' "»hold out to the utmost. Fa. K. Hatch, the Insikk, e,«,-r of.« . _..»., ...mu wa. ____«-iK«iliiaU«d by ibe u»agtu rs, but'"' Äfel hei-J^'«1 "' suooll.iK .,e M, M.-iioi.iy.',' ! ,f ,'- l-.ann.i-. The extant of lu« t,..,..l,- ».

k wi «sci'niuiiiiileation with the o|K«rafor» U »liB»'^»."¡ne^ii-ea-"'"«-'4>. th.« proreedlliK» of meiul r» -I'. o » .íta' tr.M.p- »di U ..r.lereil to Ibe c c ot UM,1 -lórli-iiic-"» traen i»»«-r_a«« r_».l>,»_, tntiom¿mm.tal*

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