an affair to remember (ff)

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  • 7/31/2019 An Affair to Remember (FF)


    You're pregnant."

    The shock hadn't worn off yet, pregnant, the word resound in her head. She couldn't figure it ocouldn't understand it. How can one be pregnant when one has not slept with anyone?The WarPrincess idly listened to Gabrielle throw out people, but she honestly didn't know.

    Maybe Ares did a God thing," the blonde bard suggested sounding disgusted. Xena paled at this, hook her head no almost as a reflex but couldn't help but consider it. She had seen him right ahey'd been brought back. She'd been without her dark side, innocent, and her heart overruled

    head. She could remember every detail from that time and her heart had quite a few things to egarding the God of War. When she fused the chakram she hoped that when she buried her dark she feelings would be buried to, but so far she was failing. The War God and Warrior Princess had qhe history together, most of which no one knew a thing about.A child of Aresher thoughts haltedhis. He wouldn't do that to her, not after Solan, not after

    When was the last time we saw Hercules?"

    I never slept with Hercules," Xena said coldly. Gabrielle shut up and than it came, the shiver down Warrior Princess spine, and before she could react, HE was standing in front of them.

    That's not the version"

    What. Do. YOU. Want?" Xena demanded cutting of the War God.

    WE need to have a little chat."

    Ares, you have done enough damage, leave Xena alone," Gabrielle commented. Xena glared at hrying to decipher what he wanted.

    Xena we need to talk," he said again.

    Ares we have nothing to talk about," she replied defiantly. Gabrielle smiled at this. The God of Wwas trying to control his anger at his stubborn Chosen. He didn't want to push her too much, but whe'd found out, couldn't be ignored.

    Xena unless" he stopped. He couldn't do that to her, couldn't use this child as a chip, she'd nerust him again.

    Unless what Ares?"

    It's about your child." At this Gabrielle gasped and Xena tried to control her emotions. She had toldone but Gabrielle, Amarice, and Joxer, and none of them had breathed a word to anyone else.

    How did"

    Xena, I told you! He did this!" Gabrielle exclaimed coming to the most logical conclusion.

    Blondie, I didn't do anything," he snapped. Ares looked to Xena hoping for some sort of sign that believed him. He saw hurt and pain and knew he'd have to explain himself. "Xena I'm a God, anknow you. Now we can do this the easy way or"

    Shut up Ares, don't you threaten her," Gabrielle warned. Xena stood up to her full height. He been looking at her with a gaze she had not seen in nearly ten years, it frightened her that he knabout this child, frightened her that he might know how it came about.

    You have two seconds to give me one reason to trust you," She bit back. He wanted to hold her, he knew she'd run him through in this mood. There wasn't a single reason she should trust him, one, and they had both sworn never to speak of it.

    You don't want my reason," he said flippantly.

    Than we have nothing to talk about," she answered bitterly and turned away. He gabbed her arm.

    Don't make me break a vow sworn on Styx," he whispered. Gabrielle had not heard what he said he notice her friend's anger waver slightly and the slight nod she gave, than the War God vanished

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    Are you alright?'

    Fine Gabrielle. I need to go for a walk," the Warrior Princess responded flatly. Gabrielle nodded; considered following but knew her friend need space. Xena walked into the darkness, she had felt presence in this direction. As she came closer she saw him leaning against a tree.

    Did Blondie tag along?"

    No, and don't call her that."

    How long did you think you could hide it?" At this Xena snapped her head towards him.Ares, this child is none of your business, you are not taking it from me."

    Gabrielle seems to think I had something to do with it," he said.

    Did you? Because if you"

    Xena I don't go back on my word. Youyou uhcame back this way," he answered hesitantly.

    What?" She gasped staring at him in shock. He's gone insane, he must have.

    Look, I wasn't sure and I didn't want to say anything the last time I saw you, but whoever brouyou back made sure you came back pregnant."

    HowI can't deal with this," Xena breathed starting to walk away.

    You NEED to deal with this," he stated cupping her shoulders. Finally deciding he had no other chohe told her, "We need to go on a little trip, there's something you need to see."

    I am NOT" her voice was cut off as she felt the whirl of the ether around her. When it cleared was standing in a large with black marble and in the corner a bed with black satin sheets. No! here! Anywhere but here! Xena recognized the room as the Ares' bedchamber in the Halls of WarOlympus. She glared at him, not needing words to convey her rage. Doesn't he knowhe obvioudoesn't care.

    I know you're pissed, but I don't have a choice."

    If you weren't a God, I'd kill you," she spat. He turned his head from her at this.

    Yea, I know." Was that sadness in his voice?She shook her head to rid herself of the thought; was a path she couldn't travel. He let go of her and walked towards the corner of the room. Slowly ollowed. Along the wall was a panel that showed moments in her life, another piece was uncoveonce every few months or after something important happened. All the Gods received one for tchosen. He pointed to the newest image, she was tossing her chakram, it had happened in the Temight after she'd regained her dark side, along the bottom it read 'Xena and her unborn child not be

    of man.' As the words sank in Xena suddenly became aware of Ares standing close to her.


    I saw it after the whole thing with Kal. Look, it's a good thing only you and I can see this or yohave some serious issues, but I can't hide this forever. Athena, as the overseer of childbirth, is go

    o know soon and when she can't find a father, things are going to get ugly."What would Athena care?" She asked. Rather than respond Ares took her hand and placed it on

    covered piece of panel, the image that might be revealed next. Images immediately flew through mind but two phrases stuck out.

    "This child is the bringer of Twilight."

    "Xena's child not begot of man must die."

    At this Xena jerked her hand away. Ares wrapped an arm around her to steady her as she slowed breathing. No! Not another child!

    Xena?" Ares called bringing her out of the trance. She pulled her breast dagger out pressed it intohand. I can't do this, but he can.

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    Do it, do it right now," she demanded. She'd looked him in straight in the eye pleading with himend the unborn child's life. She was breaking, just as she had nearly a decade before. I am not goo do this to her again, Ares thought. He tossed the dagger out of her reach and with a thought

    other weapons vanished.

    No Xena, I won't do"

    Ares do it! Do it before I can feel anything, do it Aresor I will," she threatened. His grip tightenedher.

    You will do no such thing! You're always going on and on about how you shape your own fate, soTHAT."

    I can't fight all of Olympus," Xena replied trying to be practical, knowing she would at least try.

    You won't fight them all," he answered. "Now you listen, this child hasn't been detected yet, but will and you need to be ready. I don't know how long I can distract them," he explained. She looked

    up at him in surprise. She couldn't believe what she was hearing; he would go up against his famfor me?

    What?" She gasped. "You're going to betray your family?"

    I won't let you lose another child because of meor them." She'd barley heard his quiet response her heart leapt. She knew what he was talking about and suddenly things became quite clear. Thwhat he meant by the vow, all this timeno! It wasn't his fault! Emotions that she had tried to khidden suddenly broke free and she knew what had to be done. His guilt would be taken away and would have a second chance. Xena grabbed his arm and forced him to turn to her.

    You can't hold Olympus off, and I can't defeat them, so we need a new plan," she said in commanding voice. In that moment all the faades and defenses went away, all the barriers and Apulled her close to him and held her.

    We?" he questioned, he was giving her the option to leave, but before she decided, he need to be she understood what he would do. "I will take on Olympus if I have to, I am not letting this happ

    not to someone II love." She stepped back in surprised and eyed him warily. He hadn't ever said to her, even when they'd been together, not out loud.

    A Warrior Queen? I am not that person anymore," she said sternly. "You can't"

    Can't love you or shouldn't? I told you before I loved you, I told you long before you were Destroyer of Nations, and I thought you knew that," he confessed. She shook her head.

    I did know, I thought you meant it."

    I still do, I tried to get that into you when you didn't have your dark side." Ares watched her carefuhe stepped back into his arms and he held her. She believed him and that was enough for


    So were back at the beginning, what are we going to do?" repeating her first question. He took hand away from her and in it materialized a golden apple. "How is a golden apple going to help?"

    The prophecy says a child not begot of man, but it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we attack the chour worshipers turn from us, ending our reign, the child is temptation. Athena can't seem to grasp tconcept. If the Fates say the child is the bringer of Twilight, she will try to kill it; she can't see other options. So we make sure the child has a father, one night stand, an accident, whatever, claim a father and no one will know."

    That still doesn't explain the apple, unless" she faded off and he remained quiet. Why would he gme the apple, unless he means to claim paternity, damnit! "Oh you're good, I should have known o believe you." Her words came filled with malice but there was a hurt element in there and he coee the pain in her eyes.

    I haven't lied Xena, this is not a scheme. I know you don't trust me, but this is the only option I

    hink of. Your child is a target, if I were to claim paternity it will make people think twice and

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    protects you from Athena finding out you just made up a claim. A God's blood cannot be traced, ots essence. If I give you the apple I can transfer some of my essence into the child," he explainXena snorted, it was too perfect.

    I can't help but think you planned this all from the beginning," she said. Ares frowned, sure it wohave been a great plan, but that was just it, it wasn't. He was serious about this, and he wished would believe that, he knew his next piece of information might help.

    There is a catch, Gabrielle or someone else would have to another apple." Surprised at the use of

    riend's name and the very idea that he would consider making her immortal prompted the quesrom her lips.


    The Apple will give you a presence, the child's will be felt with yours unless a stronger one aegisters. I could convince Athena that I persuaded you into eating the apple when you were with

    your dark side and the deal was Gabrielle had to become immortal as well, than I delayed the effect

    You have one tiny problem, I would have to sleep with you. I wouldn't do that, no one would beliyou," she grinned. There was a way out for her to win this.

    True, you wouldn't not after all the schemes, but you were not exactly yourself than. You didn't hme than," he countered. Memories of her bath and him came rushing back to her.

    Gabrielle interrupted that."

    Whose to say you didn't call me back? It would be a very good reason not to tell Blondie who ather is, everything would be accounted for and on top of that the child would be protected and I ho brag but no one is going to mess with a child I claim."

    So that's the angle," she ground out. "Another warrior. No. I won't let you take this child and" placed his hand over her mouth.

    Sweet, in case you haven't noticed your child is peace incarnate. I wouldn't be able to train her evewanted to, which I don't. It's actually amusing, a child of pure peace from the Warrior Princess,"

    emarked cockily. Xena turned away from, she couldn't do this. He was acting like he had years a

    and she couldn't do it again. This is too much; we've been down this road before. It ended becauseme, and I can't do that again, not toSomewhere her own voice told her to consider the child, Awouldprovide protection, but he'd get bored and I can't take that pain ofOh gods! Her thougpanicked and she tried to halt them, tried to stop her heart from reaching its conclusion, but it canonetheless, I'm still in love with him.

    Ares I can't do this. Not again," she said softly. He knew what memories were floating through mind without even bothering to read them. He could feel the emotional pain she was in, she may hclosed herself off to him but some things still slipped through and this was pain he caused, pain could have been avoided. Ares had finally discovered his own weakness, it was Xena, and Xena in pwas something he couldn't handle anymore, so he would use his powers to fix it.

    Xena, sit. Let me bring Gabrielle here, I'll send her to Aphrodite, she'll be safe," he said knowing t

    would soothe her temporarily. He mentally called his sister and sent Gabrielle to her. Aphrodite hehim and he heard her promise to keep an eye on the bard. "I can't keep doing this," he muttered. ake the pain away."

    Ares you can't take my pain away," she hollowly answered.

    I can take away what causes it. I have told you so many times," he paused, knowing this waubject they'd sworn not to discuss, but he continued, "it wasn't your fault. You won't listen, so

    erase it."

    No!" Xena shouted pushing him away. "You're not taking that away, I have to live with it!"

    I wasn't" She placed her hand over his mouth finally meeting his eyes, begging him to see what believed.

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    It wasn't yours," she said and she pressed her lips to his. "Ares, it wasn't your fault. I" He gently her down on the bed.

    Sleep, my princess, please," he interrupted. He knew in sleep they couldn't say things they'd regThe Warrior Princess nodded and rested her head on the pillow. With a thought he dressed her inightgown and she smiled in response. Ares got up to leave when he heard her call him.


    Yes Princess?"

    Stay." He changed with a thought and went back to her, she'd moved over to leave space for him.ay on his back not attempting to touch her, as he so badly wanted to, but closing his eyes. She washer side facing him and she kissed his cheek and whispered, "I still love you too." At this his eyes fopen and he turned searching her blue orbs, he found what he'd seen so long ago, love and sadneHe moved his arm and wrapped it around her holding her close and tight as if she might vanish.

    I've always loved you." He pressed his cheek in her hair, he felt her smile against him and than frolightly.

    I'll never understand why," came the barley audible response. Many men had claimed to love her, he God of the War was the one she could never understand why. He could have any woman

    Goddess and he chose her. Ares studied her closely; he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

    I love everything about you. Your fire, your beauty, the way you always win, the fact that you caremuch, your courage," he answered as if it were the easiest thing in the world, which she knewwasn't. He trusted her.

    You're insane."

    Possibly," he laughed. She snuggled closer to him, suddenly realizing how much she had missed tmissed him, and her thoughts began to consume her, her guilt eating away. I have to tell him, havemake him believe.



    II wouldn't have gone that day."

    Xena," he said quietly, "You"

    Yes I do. I would never have gone into battle the way I did, I"

    You wouldn't have told me," he said bitterly. Xena looked up at him bewildered.

    I would have. Ares, everything was okay between us than. I wasn't the Destroyer of Nations yewould have told you," she defended. She had considered that she might not have told him but in end she knew she would have, she had loved him then. He ran his hands through her hair. "I dknow why I didn't know, I should have seen a healer, like you said."

    Xena, you said you would see one after the battle, I was okay with that. If I'd known" he faded of

    It wasn't your fault, it wasn't," she repeated kissing him softly. "I never blamed you." She felt arms tighten around her.

    I blamed myself, I should have let you get injured. I was supposed to protect you."

    Athena and Apollo were occupying you," Xena reminded. She thought back, digging up the painmemory from the recess of her mind.

    Apollo and Athena had been fighting over an area for a new temple. Ares was getting fed up with wo messing in his realm and he'd made is explicitly clear that he would act using his own army, ted by his young Warrior Princess. Xena remembered that she'd been feeling nauseous on and offwo months and she'd agreed to go to the healer of that battle. During the fight Ares had lured the

    Gods away from his Chosen to battle with fireballs. After he'd left a reserve force appeared wearing

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    colors of Apollo but no other markings. The leader had made a cheap shot and managed to stab hehe stomach. The wound went deep but she'd refused to call for Ares. Ares had felt the pain throuheir link and had gone to her side in an instant running through the man who'd injured her. She

    watched the rage rise in his eyes when Athena and Apollo had appeared, both refused to heal her

    Ares had blast them. Than he'd tenderly picked her up and they'd gone to the Halls of War. Aphrohad been waiting for them. Her thoughts were interrupted as Ares called to her.


    I'm still awake."Are you alright?"

    I was just thinkingAphrodite knew. She was waiting for us."

    Try to sleep," he said quietly soothing her. Ares watched as she closed her eyes and her breathinally slowed to her sleeping state, he'd let one tear fall from his eyes. He too had been thinking ab

    hat that day.

    Aphrodite had agreed to heal Xena with part of her power. Together the two managed to heal wound and than Ares had laid her down in their bed. Aphrodite had said she would stay in the HallsWar to keep help out and regain her strength. Ares had stayed by his princess' side all night. Xena hawoken the next morning in agony. She wasn't sick like usual but she was in terrible pain. Ares

    held her close trying to kiss away the pain from her face, something within him felt like it wdisappearing and than Aphrodite had come into the room crying. Xena had looked toward the LGoddess with a pain-laced gaze.

    "Dite what's wrong?"

    "There's something wrong, it's your bond, there's something missing,"The Love Goddess had snifout. Ares remembered the look of horror that had swept across Xena's face. She and Aphrodite hhan left to clean Xena up. The next thing he'd known was a heartache racing through him and Xen

    mournful scream piercing the air. His servants had come running and he'd flashed to her side. Ares caught her collapsing form and demanded answers from his sister.

    "It's the blood." Ares had looked down, blood had been smeared on Xena's pale white thighs and th

    he knew. He'd ordered everyone out and sent his sister away. He had than cleaned up his princebody and taken her back to their bed. That had been the first time he'd ever cried, in all his existenWhen she'd woken she'd pulled away from his embrace and broken down. Xena had kept apologizhe'd kissed her and told her it wasn't her fault.

    As he thought back now, that had been their changing point. It had been the reason she'd gone to she reason he hadn't known about Solan till it was over, the reason they'd never gotten close ag

    They had slept together afterwards but it hadn't been the same, she wasn't the same as emembered and he had changed to. They'd sworn never to speak of it again, but they both emembered. Ares soon fell into a restless sleep contemplating the fate of this new child.

    The Warrior Princess stirred as Helios' chariot went past the balcony doors. The light slipped in throhe crack in the curtains. She found a strong arm wrapped around her waist, the hand gently rest

    on the slightly swelled portion of her abdomen. The memories from the night before came back to and she tried to suppress her sorrowful smile. After all this time he still loved her. She gently trahe outline of his jaw and watched as two chocolate colored eyes slowly opened. She tilted her head

    and lightly pressed her lips to his before pulling back. He was slightly surprised but hid it well.

    Did you sleep alright?" he inquired.

    Yes." She tensed a moment and he glanced down to her rubbing her back till she relaxed.

    You feel okay?" She nodded. "You should eat something."

    Ares," she warned. She knew that voice.

    Sweet, I'm just looking out for your well being," he said in his usual cocky tone coming full awake.

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    My well being sure and Oh Gods! Gabrielle! I cannot believe I forgot about her!" Xena exclaimuddenly getting up in panic. Ares managed to grab her arm.

    I sent Blondie to Aphrodite for the night, and Argo is in my stables," he answered. "Aphrodite will lafter her." He pulled her back into his embrace, his arms snaking around her waist, careful not to pro hard.

    She's going to come looking for me."

    Yea I know, she doesn't trust me and I'm bad for you," he recited. "Well before she finds you,

    better have a game plan." With a thought he was dressed in his customary leathers and she in a dblue gown. He guided her to the table where food was set out. A golden apple sitting by itself did escape Xena's eye.

    Ares, II'm not sure I can do this. I've accepted my mortality."

    Xe, I am not going to pressure you into this, not matter how much I would love it. You have to kno

    would never harm your child, whether it's mine or not. Even if we don't do this, I won't turn agayou," he said surprising himself. He had admitted defeat, but somehow he didn't feel bad, he suddeealized that he no longer wanted to manipulate her into their eternal life. If all they had was

    mortal life, well than he'd just spend the rest of eternity searching her soul out and seducing her bo him.

    It's not just that. You wouldn't relinquish a child, not our child. Ares if we went through with thwould have to leave my family behind and what happens when you get bored or if another Callcomes along, what than?"

    Xena I know its not easy for you. As for another woman, it won't ever happen. You are the only onwant anymore, there hasn't been anyone else since the whole Callisto body swap thing." He bit ongue hoping she wasn't still holding a grudge for that one.

    I want to believe that, I do, but"

    But what? I know I screwed up trying to get you back; I handled you all wrong after you leftdoesn't change the way I feel. I love you Xena, and that love stretches to this child, to Solan, andour child." He watched as emotions swept over her. "Xena if I could I would bring that child back bu

    She placed her fingers to his lips silencing him; she'd made up her mind.

    Is your Fortress in Macedonia still sealed?" He nodded. "Good, call Aphrodite and tell her to brGabrielle there." He mentally relayed the message and Aphrodite acknowledged it. Ares watchedhe took the golden apple in her hand. His heart soared and he hoped she was going to do whathought she was. She placed her free hand in his. "Well let's go." They vanished and reappeared i

    beautifully decorated throne room where Aphrodite and Gabrielle were waiting.

    Xena!" Gabrielle shrieked as soon as her friend appeared. "Are you okay? I've been so worried abyou! What did Ares want?" Gabrielle had managed to grab Xena and move her away from Ares. Xhrugged of f Gabrielle's hands and glance from the Love Goddess to Ares.

    Gabrielle, you need to sit down," Xena began and she watched her blonde friend cautiously sit on

    edge of the divan so she could spring up at any moment. "Gabrielle, Ares wanted to tell me about uture of my child"

    So he did do it! Ares you no good"

    Gabrielle!" Xena snapped. Her friend glanced sheepishly toward her. "Gabrielle, I know you don't tAres, but you need to listen and consider what I have to say, okay?" Gabrielle nodded. "As I waying Ares wanted to tell me about the future of my child, it was a God thing, but I came back

    way, a child not begot of man." Aphrodite gasped and that caught Gabrielle's attention.

    Aphrodite, what's the matter?" The bard asked.

    A child not begot of man is considered the Bringer to Twilight," The Love Goddess explained.

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    It's self-fulfilling Dite!" Ares growled. Xena saw him fall into a tense stance, his presence becacloser and she realized he'd cast a shield over her.

    ArI know, chill Bro. I'm on your side, you and Xena, you know that," Dite replied quietly. The WGod nodded not removing the shield from the Warrior Princess.

    I'm sorry, Xena explain tot me what the Twilight is bad? I mean except for losing Aphrodite, it's hat bad right?" Gabrielle reasoned. They were always fighting against the Gods, the Gods being g

    was a good thing.

    Gabrielle I can't fight all of the Olympus," Xena stated.

    Who says it doesn't have a father?"

    Athena will know," Aphrodite informed.

    The Goddess of Wisdom"

    Hates me, Gabrielle." Xena looked towards Ares for support and he nodded. "Gabrielle the only wayave this child is to make her related to someone."

    How are you going to do that?" Xena held out the golden apple. "You're going to become immortal?

    No, Ares is going to make me immortal and than the child will have his essence"

    You're not serious are you?" Xena handed the apple to Ares. "Xena think about this! This is Ares!"Gabrielle in order for everyone to believe this we need another person to eat an apple. The stron

    presence will cover the baby's."

    Xena, no one will believe it! It would imply that you"

    Gabrielle what do you think would have happened if you hadn't interrupted my bath?" Xena askAnd seeing as I remember all that happened I would know, and I most certainly wouldn't have t

    you, right?"

    Xena you're nothing thinking now. I mean this is AreGabrielle, I am going to do whatever it takes to protect this child and I'm asking you to help. Now

    you eat the apple or not?"

    If only to ensure that he doesn't turn you back." Xena nodded and turned toward Ares. He held he apple and she bit into it. Serenity swept over and she felt at ease. Her bond with Ares wuddenly more prevalent and she could also feel her child within her.

    How do you feel?"

    Free." She smiled at him. He tossed the apple to Aphrodite who proceeded to give it to Gabrielle.

    I have to transfer the essence." She looked up at him and leaned forward wrapping her arms arohis neck. He pulled close with his arms around her waist and kissed her. She felt the power suhrough her veins and into her womb. Ares broke the kiss gently giving Xena a change to breat

    Their bond had strengthened again and was threatening to expose all their secrets to one another.

    was conscious of his presence, his power, and his emotions. The two turned towards Gabrielle who wooking refreshed but angry.

    Ares get away from her, you've done you're part," the bard demanded.

    Not so fast, I'm rather invested in this now and"

    ARES!" A thunderous roar interrupted him. A bright glow and the King of the Gods appeared.

    Uh Hi Zeus," Ares greeted glancing towards his father.

    What have you done? Two new immortals just registered and they're heHi Daddy!" Aphrodite greeted bubbly trying to subdue her father's temper.

    What are you doing here?"

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    Wellshe was helping me activate the immortality in these two," Ares answered quickly. "emember Xena, and this the Bard of Potadia and Amazon Queen, Gabrielle."

    And you made them immortal without my consent why?"

    Hey! I've always had permission to make Xena immortal, Gabrielle was part of the deal."

    Athena is not pleased," Zeus remarked. He like the Warrior Princess but his favorite daughter did n

    What a surprise," Ares mumbled. "Well Zeus if you have nothing else here"

    There is another presence, faint," The King of the Gods said and he glanced around the room focuson the Warrior Princess. Xena did something she had not done in years; she used her link to speakAres telepathically.

    Ares your father is going to get my chakram is he doesn't stop looking at me.'

    Sweet, I think we may have to speed up our plan.' His thoughts voiced his concerns and consented, what better way to start than with the King of the Gods.

    Tell him.'

    Well that would be mine and Xena's kid," Ares responded matter of fact.

    You're pregnant?"

    Don't looks so surprised Zeus," Xena answered with a smile.

    And Ares is the father."


    You understand that Ares cannot be allowed near this child," Zeus snapped. At this the War Gnearly launched a fireball.

    Daddy that's not fair!" Dite whined.

    Aphrodite your brother doesn't associate with children, he would just destroy it!"

    He would not!" Xena shouted defensively.

    Xena you should"

    Gabrielle stop!" Xena commanded.

    No Xena! You need to understand Ares is WAR, War cannot feel. He's just going to use this child, ychild," Gabrielle argued believing she'd finally found an ally.

    Now hold on a minute sweet cheeks, Ares is not all War, he has a warring nature, but he's not evDite chimed in.

    Aphrodite I will not tolerate this!" Zeus thundered. "Warrior Princess, Ares may have given you tchild as his Chosen, but"

    But nothing, he's the father and I think its up to me how much interaction he has with it!"

    Warrior Princess you are trying my patience."

    You can't do me harm," Xena remarked coolly. Zeus at this became infuriated.

    And just another reason why I can claim this child," Ares added giving a grin. Xena glared at himesponse.

    You don't own me Ares.' Her thought ran through with the force of one of her sword thrusts.

    I know, but if I have to enforce that law to keep you both safe from the others, I will.' Ares respocame as a surprise to her. He really does love me, she thought briefly.

    Ares, you are bending the rules to much and I cannot allow it to continue," Zeus said.

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    Zeus, I'll call Hera in here. You can't harm Xena it's our law that you set! Not even Athena will swith you!" Aphrodite snapped. Zeus was surprised at his usual ditzy daughter's outburst and it shochim for a moment. He also knew she would make good on the call to Hera, and Hera favored Ares his Chosen. He looked over the room occupants again. Xena was standing away from her blonde frie

    but not too close to Ares, not close enough to be a lover.

    I do not believe Ares is the father," he stated. To the surprise of the War God and Warrior Princeswas the Bard who defended the claim.

    Oh he's the father alright," she grumbled. "They slept together while Xena wasn't quite herselhought she had more sense than that, especially after he made us immortal, but no she had feeling

    When did this happen child?" Zeus said noticing the friend's annoyance with Xena's choice.

    After we came back from the dead," Xena answered. "I agreed to become immortal only if Gabricould to."

    Ares persuaded you?"

    Aphrodite helped, but it wasn't hard. Being dead isn't that fun," the Warrior Princess said sweetly.

    Ares you"

    No Zeus, this time you listen. Xena's child is my child, and they are under my protection and can

    be harmed. The child will not be a full Goddess but she better not be harmed or I'll take revengeHercules," Ares swore.

    Xena! You see he's just using you to kill Hercules!" Gabrielle exclaimed.

    If the other Gods come after our child, I won't stop him and I will go after the other Gods," Xeplied.

    Now that you're immortal you cannot kill other Gods," Zeus explained losing patience.

    Than the other Gods can't kill our child, it will be immortal too." Ares had moved closer to Xena managed to wrap an arm around her. Xena allowed it for the moment and gave a look to Gabrielle wglared.

    Xena I believe, that you and Ares believe he's the father, but you were in another God's underwobrought back by their power. May I examine your child's essence?" Zeus questioned. Xena triedmaintain her composure; she knew it might be possible for him to sense her fear.

    It will be all right; I can feel the child inside you. We're connected, he'll see that link.' Ares voesounded through her head.

    You and I were always connected! You already said' Her thoughts stopped as his broke through.

    Don't be stubborn. He'll feel my essence; he'll see how the child strengthened our bond. Xena doback down, I can hear Aphrodite's curses, she'll back us up.' He gave a light squeeze to her side aeleased her. She walked carefully towards Zeus and watched him cautiously. She stopped a few n front of him, he reached out and Ares tensed waiting. Zeus placed his hand over the War

    Princess' abdomen. He hadn't been surprised to find that the child indeed had part of the essence ofon; he had been surprised to find that the child was of Peace.

    The child's father is the God of War, but Ares you should be unhappy to hear that this child is peacen nature."

    Xena did not have her dark side when the child was conceived, the child will balance out its motand father," Aphrodite explained. "This child was also conceived through love, I should know, I felt i

    Ares cannot love."

    He learned to love through Xena! I think the two should decide the father of THEIR child. Ares wrain it to kill, his conscience won't allow it nor will Xena," Dite defended. This is my last shot for wo, the love Goddess prayed.

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    And for educatioGabrielle can teach the child a nonviolent path, I'll look after the child, and maybe Athena." At b

    Xena and Ares glare the Love Goddess changed her mind. "Well maybe not Athena, but"

    Aphrodite your case is heard. I will allow this to continue for now, but mark my words Ares, you dollow these rules and there will be dire consequences."

    Okay, but you come after Xena or our child or if any of the other Gods so much as threaten her twill go to Tartars!" Zeus nodded his acceptance and flashed out to inform the other Gods. Dite let

    breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. The Love Goddess looked towards her favorite couAres had moved back to Xena's side and had placed his hand on her arm.

    Bro, I promise I won't say a thing, I'll keep the little tyke away from Athena if that's what you waShe said.

    Thank you Aphrodite," Xena responded.

    Well Xena, we should probably be going," Gabrielle suggested. The Warrior Princess didn't move. own words coming back to her. If I had knownbutI do know now. Who knows how fast people find out? How many people are going to want to kill it?Xena did not notice Ares curious gaze focuson her. He could feel her uncertainty and worry but as for her thoughts they were protected. As farAres was concerned both child and mother were now his responsibility and worrying was not good

    he mother to be.Aphrodite would and Gabrielle leave us for a moment," Ares said in a voice that left not room

    debate. Before Gabrielle could muster a word Aphrodite had taken arm and they'd vanished. Agently squeezed the Warrior Princess' arm. "Xena?" he called hesitantly. She glanced at him anoticing he'd gotten that close for the first time.

    Where are Gabrielle and Dite?"

    I told them to leave. Look Xe, I won't interfere with your child if you really don't want me to."

    Our child," Xena clarified placing his hands on her abdomen.

    Our child okayI"

    Ares the only way this will work is if you help. If our child has powers I won't be able to teach howcontrol them," she replied rationally. Inside she was terrified. Having this child was going to complicheir already complicated relationship. Gabrielle wanted to leave and Xena could understand that,

    her friend had known of the God of War was schemes and nearly fatal plots but that was just a parhim.Ares didn't kill me when he had the chance; he's kept Gabrielle alive, he even made her immorA memory of her darker days had come back to her. The Amazon Queen Cyan had told her tometimes you had to risk everything. Risk, maybe we can have what we both always wanted.

    Xena if you want to go back to Gabrielle, I'll take you to her and than wherever you want to go."

    Ares, people are going to find out that I'm pregnant and I have a lot of enemies, maybe"

    I'll keep an eye on you, like I always do, and"

    Maybe it would be easier I was in one place, I mean" Ares finally caught on to what she was sayand sighed.

    Xena, there's nothing I would like more than for you to stay with me, but you have your wh

    edemption, fighting for the greater good, thing. I can't ask you go give that up, just like I can't gup War, even if I want to."

    I'm not giving it up, but I do know I can't fight as well pregnant and being immortal won't hmatters," Xena concluded. Ares was surprised she was fighting this so much. He would have thouhe wouldn't want anything to more to do with him. He had accepted it however much it had up

    him, but this was something he hadn't counted on. He knew they would fight, but he also knew thatwas going to make sure she had everything she wanted and needed. There's also the rest of

    family, like

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    His thoughts never finished as he felt someone enter his Olympian residence. The chaotic presence wrashing his Halls of War. Xena watched as his expression changed and put her hand on his.


    Discord is trashing the Halls of War," he said trying to control his rage. Xena reached for her chakraYou're staying here."

    Try again War God. I have a score to settle with Discord," Xena remarked.

    You can't kill her, but any other injury is encouraged." They vanished in blue light, reappearing in Halls of War where Discord was launching fireballs. "DISCORD!" The scantily dressed Goddess turmiling, her smile dropped slightly as she was the Warrior Princess.

    Hello Ares," she greeted sauntering over to him trying to be seductive but failing.

    Discord you have thirty seconds to explain yourself," Ares commanded. He was not falling for her a

    I was just trying to get your attention so I can help you waste the Warrior Princess' bard," Discweetly answered running her hand up the front of his vest, pretending to ignore Xena. As the War

    Princess' hand tightened on her chakram she watched Ares eyes darken in anger.

    Discord, I warned you about coming near Xena, now there are going to be consequences."

    Oh Ares, I wouldn't kill her, just the blonde," came the sweetened answer.

    Discord, you can't touch me, you know I'll wipe the floor with you," Xena challenged. Her words he desired effect and Discord launched an energy ball which Xena deflected using her chakram.

    Goddess screeched and dodged the returning sphere. Xena let out her war cry and flipped towDiscord. The two quickly got involved in a hand-to-hand fight, which Ares was debating whether or o break up. Discord was about to kick Xena in the stomach when Ares launched a fireball;

    unsuspecting Goddess was thrown into the wall. Ares kept an eye on her as he helped Xena up. wrapped an arm around her waist and turned to her.

    You all right?"

    We're both fine," came the breathless response. "Ares I" She was feeling guilty the past suddecoming back to her. I have to be more careful.

    Sweet, she had it coming." Discord's angry shriek drew them back to reality. Ares concern quicurned to rage. "DISCORD!"

    Ares you're going soft!" the Goddess snapped. The War God formed a fireball.

    Don't tempt me Discord," he warned. "You have become a pest and I will finish you off if you haXena again, or any of her friends." The Goddess shrieked at the scolding and vanished. "Well that wwell." Xena laughed. "So my dear, you were talking about staying?"

    Well maybe not here," she said looking at the damaged room.

    I know somewhere we could finish this conversation," he whispered leaning into her. She nodded hey were swept into the ether appearing on a beach next to a lagoon. Glancing around Xena felt

    memories of this place returning.

    Nothing's changed," she announced. He just shrugged.

    The last time I was here was with you." She looked away from his probing eyes. The beach agoon had been their hideout; he would take her there when they wanted to spend time together. TGod of War and the Warrior Princess had spent many nights lying together in the soft sand watchhe stars and waves. After she switched sides Xena was sure he'd either destroyed it or taken so

    other girl there. She felt his arms snake around her waist caressing her stomach. She placed her haover his gauntlets and leaned back into his chest.

    Discord isn't going to give up so easy," she said.

    I'll take care of Discord," Ares replied. "She'll think twice after Zeus has a little chat with her."

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    And the otheMost of the Gods like you, Athena may be a little stiff but she won't try anything, least not r


    And if she suspects?"

    Aphrodite can be very convincing, besides Athena would have made a fuss already if she knew,"explained squeezing her slightly. Xena turned in his embrace and went to say something when he goar away look in his eye that she recognized all to well.

    Who is it?"

    Aphrodite, Gabrielle is becoming impatient." Xena sighed, she knew she would have to returnGabrielle, but at this point she wanted to stay where she was. Maybe this is my hormones or ma'm just tired of fighting with myself. The Warrior Princess looked towards her God, he'd saved

    child, called it his own, and out of all the women and Goddesses he wanted her, he loved her. Swould go back to her friend, but not right now.

    Tell Aphrodite we'll be back later," Xena said simply. Ares looked at her in surprise. She was willinefusing to go back to the bard, he wasn't sure what caused this change of heart, but he certa

    wasn't going to argue.

    He said what?" came the shocked yell. The Love Goddess sighed dramatically.

    Ares said that Xena will be back later, I guess they're working out stuff," Aphrodite repeated.

    What stuff?"

    The baby?" came the Goddess' irritated response.

    What about the baby? Ares is NOT going to be involved!" Gabrielle firmly stated.

    Isn't that Xena's decision?"

    Aphrodite, Xena is clearly to affected by the pregnancy to think clearly." Xena can't possiblyconsidering allowing HIM into our lives. A voice in the back of her head began to suggest that v

    dea. Gabrielle was well aware of her friend's tendency to fall for bad boys, but she had alwassumed Xena would never settle down. As long as we're together, she won't need anyone else, bard rationalized.

    Gabby, I think you should support Xena's decision no matter what she chooses," Aphrodite suggestGabrielle had either not heard or not cared.

    Hercules! He'll be able to stop Xena from Ares' corruption and if Xena's so desperate for a fatigure for the baby well who better than a hero." Aphrodite gave an exasperated sigh, the blonde bmay be a friend but she could be aggravating.

    Back on the beach Ares had Xena had seated themselves in the sand. The God of War had removed

    eather vest and leaned up against a smooth boulder his Warrior Princess resting against him. The had watched the flow of the waves as they attacked the shore. They had been discussing where Xhould stay during her pregnancy, both carefully avoiding any other topic such as eternity. Ares wtill reveling in the fact that he had Xena back in his arms, something he thought lost forever when

    Roman bastards had crucified her, unconsciously he squeezed her tighter, and she glanced at him.

    What's wrong?"

    Nothing, just glad to have you back," he replied nuzzling her neck.

    Ares" she drifted off in her warning as his lips pressed to her neck in a feather kiss.

    I know you're not leading any armies, that's not what I meant, and you know it." He pausemoment running his hands up her arms. "Doesn't we can't have the occasional fight." Her laughter w

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    contagious and her smile melted him. He was under her spell all right and there was nowhere else hather be.

    You're going to make sure I staying in shape while I'm lounging around?"

    Well maybe not if you're lounging around," he answered slyly. She gabbed him with her elbow. "Yhould rest occasionally you know." Came his quick response.

    You're incorrible."

    I know." He kissed her cheek and was rewarded with a faint smile. "So where will I find you?" Sohey had not agreed on a place.

    What about my mother's? I'm going to have to tell her eventually. I could stay in Amphipolsis, no would be dumb enough to attack there," Xena said. Maybe Mom could even help a little.

    Cyrene's not my biggest fan."

    Neither is Gabrielle, but my mom can be convinced." Ares chuckled at this.

    Well if Amphipolsis is want you want, it's what you'll get," He answered. He wasn't entirely thrilled he knew Cyrene would watch out for her daughter and at least he wouldn't have to deal with Gabriall the time.

    You could take me away every now and than," She hinted. Xena watched as Ares digested this poShe was going to accept him into her life, but she didn't want to jump into anything to serious. Twere going to have to work together and it was important that they not drift to far apart again. Twas their second chance and she was going to make sure it worked."It's almost dark," he noted hinking of anything to say in response.

    I suppose I should go back to Gabrielle." He nodded and pulled her closer vanishing into blue spaWhen the world solidified again Xena found they were lying on his bed in the Macedonian Fortress.

    Aphrodite is waiting with Gabrielle in the throne room." She moved to get up and found instead of blue gown she was back in her leathers. He followed her out into the throne room and managed to

    his arm around her as they entered finding a pacing blonde bard and a relaxing Love Goddess.

    Xena, where have you been?" Gabrielle demanded stopping her pacing.

    We were talking, Gabrielle," Xena replied flatly.

    Warrior Babe, Bro, just thought I'd tell you that everyone on Olympus has been informed. 'Polrritated, but Arte's keeping him on a short leash and is way happy about it. 'Thena's being her snoelf, Poseidon's a little miffed, Discord's really angry but Dad just diminished her power and Heraeally, really happy about it. Annoyingly so," the Goddess informed. Ares just nodded. Usually he to ignore his family, but at least he knew he had more support in regards to Xena.

    Thank you Dite," Xena responded. At this the bubbly Goddess jumped up and hugged the WarPrincess and her War God brother.

    I'm so glad you guys have this chance! This child is so lucky to have you two," she whispered

    han vanished within their grasp rose petals falling down. Ares gently plucked one of the petals ouXena's hair.

    Xena." Gabrielle's voice cut through their trance. Xena turned her attention to her friend makingeffort to move from Ares' side.


    Xena, you don't have to stay with him! He has no right"

    He's the father."

    Xena he's just a stand-in you"

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    Ares is this child's father Gabrielle." The 'Gabrielle' was stressed and the blonde bard knew by teely look that any further argument on this point was moot. Fine Ares is the father, that doe

    mean we have to obey his whishes.

    Xena, he can't force us to stay heHe's not. We're going to Amphipolsis until the baby is born," Xena said. She was tired and Gabri

    was too angry to reason with. "Can you bring Argo with us?" She asked Ares. He nodded and wavhis hand Gabrielle vanished. "I said Argo."

    Argo's in your mother's barn, Gabrielle is with her. I thought you'd want to see your mother befGabrielle gets to her." Xena nodded and they were soon standing in the kitchen of the tavern. Cyr

    urned as the blue light flashed behind her and to her surprise saw her daughter on the arm of the Gof War.

    Xena, darling how are you?" Cyrene greeted as if her daughter dropping in like that was an everyoccurrence.

    Mom I think you should sit down." Cyrene sat watching her daughter and the War God carefu

    Mom, I know you don't like Ares, but I want you to try and get along."

    Xena, he tried to get you to kill me."

    And I'm sorry about it, I was just trying to get Xena back."

    As the Destroyer! You wanted to destroy her!" Cyrene accused.

    Mother, that may have been part of the reason, but it wasn't the only one," Xena interjected tryingkeep her temper. Cyrene saw Xena's pained expression, it's almost like she wants me to forgive, he did apologize. "Mother I think its time to tell you what happened after Lyceus died." Cyrenurprised couldn't be hidden but as she glanced towards Ares she saw him just as shocked.

    Xena, you don't have to tell me," her mother voice kicking in. "Why don't you just tell me why yohere now. I got Gabrielle's message about your trip to Rome. You past is just that, if you don't wantell me"

    Xena, listen to your mother. You don't have to talk about it, just" Ares faded off. He could feel

    pain in reliving their past and he didn't want her to have to go through it again.

    Ares, she has to know, she won't understand"

    What won't I understand?" Cyrene asked. She saw her daughter's face fall. "Xena I'm your mothewill understand."

    I'm pregnant," came the quiet response. Cyrene stood at this new revelation. She saw Ares watchher move and gently pulled Xena closer to him.

    I'm guessing you're the father, Ares?" The War God nodded, more surprised she hadn't yelWhen?" Xena looked up at her mother, keep to the story.

    When I was brought back, I didn't have my dark side. Kal a forigen War God captured me, Aescued me and he came to visit me later. I know what I was doing Mother, I initiated it,"


    So you're baby is a Demi-God," Cyrene assumed.

    Yes, but she's a child of peace," Ares answered. "Zeus tested her."

    Well I suppose that's a good thing."

    Mo-om," Xena warned. Cyrene looked toward her daughter and it hit her. She didn't understand hhe'd missed it. She's in love with him and hecan War love?

    So what are your plans?"

    Plans?" Ares echoed. Xena elbowed him.

    I was wondering if Gabrielle and I could stay here until the baby is born, we'd help out of course."

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    You two"

    Xena needs someplace comfortable to rest but she wants to be active and to be honest my sisters oo bothersome," Ares responded.

    Look Mom, Gabrielle is with Argo in the barn and she's really not happy but"

    Xena, I may not like Ares' methods, but as long as he takes care of you and your child I cacomplain," Cyrene stated, turning to Ares she added "And you will be taking care of them, yes?"

    Yes, anything my princess wants, she'll get."Well than I can't complain." It would be an adjustment but Cyrene wanted the best for her daugh

    He is a God, and perhaps he does love her.

    Damn you Ares!" Came the shout from the door. Cyrene turned to see Gabrielle standing thuming.

    Gabrielle, so nice to see you again," Cyrene greeted trying to subdue the blonde. Ares and Xena stby silently watching.

    Hello Cyrene, I'm sure Xena has told you why she's here. Ares you can leave now," the blonapped angrily. Ares tightened his grip on Xena.

    Gabrielle," Xena warned. I know she's not happy but would she rather the Gods kill us all?A pink flignaled the arrival of Aphrodite.

    Warrior babe!" She greeted and than turned to Cyrene. "Oh you must be Warrior Babe's mom!"

    Mom this is Aphrodite," Xena said thankful for the Goddess' interruption. Cyrene just nodded; clehe missed a lot of her daughter's life. Two of the twelve, Xena just what kind of warlord were y

    Cyrene turned her attention to Gabrielle who was still glaring at Ares.

    Sorry to barge in and all, but Ar if you don't get up there pronto Daddy's gonna flip," Dite sweordered. Xena heard the War God sigh.

    Stupid monthly meetings.'

    What?' Xena channeled her thoughts through their link. Ares looked surprised, obviously he had

    ntended for her to hear that.

    Well I'm afraid I have to leave," Ares said noticing Gabrielle smile. Time to stick it to the blonde.kissed Xena's cheek to her surprise and whispered, "I'll see you later princess." She didn't respond hivered at his voice. She watched as he turned towards his sister and they vanished, X

    desperately trying to calm her heart had no clue the War God was attempting the same.

    The two Gods flashed into their thrones barley on time for the meeting. Ares noticed the glare frApollo and a smile from his mother, Hera. Zeus glanced between Ares and Aphrodite glad thatwouldn't have to actually punish someone this time.

    Gods and Goddesses, at this meeting our first order concerns the God of War and his Chosen, Warrior Princess," Zeus began. "The Warrior Princess and her friend the Bard of Potadia, an Ama

    Queen, have been made immortal, both are now protected from the wrath of other Gods. The WarPrincess is also with child, a daughter."

    Who is the father?" Athena inquired.

    Yea Xena was in another God's underworld, and if she came back that way" Apollo faded off atwin, Artemis, glare.

    It's my child," Ares announced controlling his rage.

    What did you do Ares, rape her?" Athena laughed.

    That's outta line 'Thena! Ar would never do that to the Warrior babe!" Aphrodite defended noticing brother's rage grow.

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    The child was the product of a consensual union after Xena became immortal," Zeus clarified. Athmay be his favorite, but he had no doubt Ares would blast her if nothing was done.

    I just don't believe that father," Athena stated.

    Athena I tested the child, there is no doubt she is Ares'. The child is also of Peace and will not under his War realm. Aphrodite will be in charge of her education and she shall remain with parents."

    Gabrielle is an Amazon Queen and Xena should have been an Amazon, I request permission

    participate in this child's education as well," Artemis declared. Zeus nodded his acceptance.

    The punishment for threatening the Warrior Princess or her child will be decided by Ares," Zeus addAt this glances were thrown towards the War God. They were all aware of the War God's rages aknew better than to tempt fate. They did not like him, but the majority did like Xena. Zeus continhe meeting, Ares drifting out using his mind's eye to keep watch on his Chosen.

    Xena you cannot seriously be considering allowing Ares to take part in this child's life!" Gabriaccused.

    He is the father," Cyrene commented. "Xena knows what its like to grow up without a father."

    Cyrene I can't believe you are actually agreeing! Ares tried to kill you!"

    Gabrielle, it's the past, let it go!" Xena snapped. How was she to explain this to her friend? TWarrior Princess knew the God of War beneath his title, why couldn't anyone else see what she did?

    Xena a week ago, you would have agreed with me! What's changed your mind? I know he saidcares about you but his actions"

    His actions?" Xena exclaimed. "Gabrielle you know what happened. He could have let us face consequences on our own!" Cyrene watched curiously, she was sure there was more to this story or whatever reason her daughter wasn't going to say. Perhaps to protect the child.

    Xena why don't you rest, your old room is vacant and I'll show Gabrielle to another room," the olwoman suggested. Xena nodded, fed up with the conversation and more than a little upset with

    best friend. Gabrielle and Cyrene watched her form disappear up the stairs.

    Xena doesn't know what she's thinking. I'll make sure Ares stays away, Cyrene," Gabrielle sighed.

    I wouldn't do that Gabrielle. Xena wants him around, it's her decision."

    Cyrene, you can't be serious?"

    Ares is going to take care of her Gabrielle. I think" She paused. "When they showed up togethewas shocked. She said she was going to tell me what happened after her brother, Lyceus, died. I her she didn't have to go through it. He was trying to comfort her. Xena told him that if she didn't tabout it I would never understand. I convinced her I would understand and so she didn't tell me, ooked relieved, Ares looked relieved.

    Maybe he did something to her," Gabrielle suggested.

    He was being protective of her, I trust Xena to do what's right. He has the right to be involved, hhe father," Cyrene concluded. Gabrielle sighed. She didn't want to be in debt to Ares. Xena and I co

    care for this child on our own, it's almost as if Xena wants a child with him. Gabrielle said she too going to rest and went upstairs. The blonde bard paused outside the door to her friend's room apeeked in.

    Xena was resting on her bed fiddling with something in her hand. Gabrielle couldn't see much debut it was some kind of necklace with a pendant. Xena appeared to be relaxed and the bard couldemember ever seeing such a smile on her face. She wasn't going to attempt to understand the bo

    between the Warrior Princess and the God of War, but she also couldn't deny that something w

    here. Ares had said something that had gotten Xena's undivided attention and it seemed to h

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    omething to do with their past. Not for the first time, Gabrielle wondered what exactly the naturehe relationship between the God and Warrior Princess was. Gabrielle was about to leave when she he pale blue flash. She glanced again to find the God of War lying alongside his Warrior Princess.

    You told me you got rid of this," he reminded gently.

    I wanted to." He pressed a kiss to her temple.

    I'm glad you didn't." Gabrielle watched closely as Xena wrapped herself in Ares' arms and he held close.

    How was your meeting?"

    Oh you know, petty squabbles, the official announcement about you and Blondie. The baby was highlight. Artemis got permission to educate her as well."

    Artemis isn't so bad, better than Athena," Xena remarked. Ares nodded not saying anythiGabrielle is trying to convince my mother you're bad for me."

    Not surprised."

    I don't think she's succeeding. Mom is always trying to get be to settle down. At this point I think ust wants to see grandchildren," Xena answered. He nuzzled her neck and with a thought her swas changed into a short sleeping gown. From the doorway Gabrielle heard Xena sigh and the b

    was not sure if she should remain in her spot and so she decided to leave. Inside the room Xena olled so she was facing Ares and could curl up in his embrace.

    Aphrodite says the baby might be born sooner because you're immortal now," Ares said hesitantly.

    I know; things are going to be different soon," came Xena's response. He ran his hands down back soothing her. Xena soon fell asleep to his heartbeat. Ares watched her sleep and ran his finghrough her silk hair. He rest his other hand on her abdomen and tried to connect to the baby. The G

    of War could feel the unborn child's peaceful aura and it relaxed him.

    You're going to your mother's light," he said aloud. "But you know that, and you know who I am. I

    your father." There was no response, not that Ares expected one, but still it was nice to think about.

    Dawn found the Warrior Princess encased in warmth, slowly blinking sleep from her eyes she glan

    up. The God of War was sleeping soundly; something Xena had only seen a handful of times. Smiled a catlike grin and remained perfectly still. It was so hard to think of him as vicious

    manipulative when he looked so calm and peaceful. Her mind replayed the last few days. When he hmentioned a vow sworn on Styx, she knew he was serious about whatever he had come to tell Once she was in the forest away from her blonde friend she had allowed her mind to drift o

    memories of Ares. Now again in his arms she let herself remember in detail.

    He had been her mentor, confidant and lover, her first lover. She had been attracted to him the fime she'd seen him, she couldn't remember when she fell in love with him, but she recognized it o

    night when she'd been laying in his arms, much like now. She had been falling asleep and whispered that he loved her. He must have thought she was asleep and for the longest time sh

    hought she'd dreamt it. It had happened again a few nights later and in response she had snuggcloser to him, trying to make it seem natural, and through their link responded her love. He'd neaid anything about it and they'd taken their feeling in silence.

    She glanced up at him again and watched him sleep for a few moments. Slowly she titled her headand pressed her lips to his. Apparently that had woken up him and she felt his arms tighten around pressing her into him. He deepened the kiss, pouring his love into it. She managed to wrap her araround his neck pulling closer. Their bond was being pulled taut and they could feel the othemotions. Ares tightened his grip and with breaking the kiss rolled them so Xena was on top. He his hands up and down her back caressing her. They finally broke the kiss both gasping for breath at was than Xena noticed her new spot. She was laying on top of his body her face barley a handsrom his. Ares pressed another feather light kiss to her lips.

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    I thought it was a dream," he said. Smothering any taunting comments that might start banter mirked.

    I thought you might enjoy being woken up that that way." His chuckle vibrated through his body esonated into hers. He kissed her neck right at her pulse.

    I did." He kissed up her neck to her jawbone finally reaching her lips.

    You let me be on top," she whispered against his lips.

    Didn't want hurt the baby."Guess that means sword fights are out," she replied in mock sadness. He pondered this for a momehe was trying to protect the baby, but Ares knew the village life would get to her. Rationally

    considered this, exercise was good and if she was fighting him, he'd make sure she didn't get hurt.

    I wouldn't rule them out just yet," he finally said. She met his eyes her surprise clearly showed only to him. He felt it than; all her barriers were gone. She'd let him in and opened up their link all way. He responded by kissing her fully. The kisses soon became more urgent, clothing vanishing, pleasure becoming more powerful.

    She slid onto him reveling in the fullness. He felt like he was finally coming home. He was gentle ierce, demanding and sharing, and she felt whole for the first time in a very long time. The relecame and she collapsed onto of him and he pulled her close and just held her.

    Xena for her part waited for the regret to come, but it never did and that was how she it was rightwas meant to be. They were going to be together and everyone else was going to have to get usedt. As for the God of War, he too waited for her regret. He knew her friend would give her an earful ao he waited for it. It never came.

    nstead she placed a kiss on his chest and settled there, her head resting perfectly against houlder, one hand on top of his heart. He ran his fingers through her hair his arm encased h

    holding her never to let her go.

    A candlemark later it was a knocking at the door that awoke the two still tangled in their embraXena glanced around trying to see what it was that had invaded her senses. Ares looked toward

    door and using his Godly vision saw who was knocking.

    It's your mother," he said. Xena sighed knowing she had to get up and not desiring to move.

    Xena are you alright?" came her mother's voice. "You never sleep this late."

    Be down soon Mom," Xena called sliding off the bed to her feet. Ares dressed in a flash and watcXena look for the rest of her armor. As she slid on a gauntlet she realized she was no longer in eather but brown pants and a blue flowing top. She looked to Ares and he smiled innocently.

    Your mother would rather you wear a dress." She laughed and kissed him lightly before heading he door down for breakfast.

    And so it continued for the next four months. The Warrior Princess and her God of War would spheir nights together and occasionally their days. Xena and Gabrielle helped out around the tavern

    Cyrene was incredibly grateful. Ares occasionally joined them but more often than not he stayed awrom Gabrielle. Xena noticed this and tried to get the bard to be nice but she maintained her posit

    The only time she was heard to defend Ares was when some villagers made some choice commeabout her friend's condition.

    The whispers were nothing new. Everyone did not welcome the Warrior Princess and some still saw as the Destroyer of Nations. Most of the women made comments about her single status and called a whore, never to her face. Gabrielle had been haggling with a merchant and Xena had wanderedwhen the bard had finally lost patience.

    Cyrene's tramp daughter is knocked up," a woman said to another.

    No husband I presume," the other replied.

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    Probably doesn't even know who the father is." At this Gabrielle became irritated, they had no respor who her friend was now. However much she despised Ares, Xena did not deserve this slander.

    The father is away at war," Gabrielle interrupted. She reasoned that is was possibly the truth, gihis position. The women, however, were not appeased.

    Thought she reformed, what's she doing around wards?"

    Stopping them," Gabrielle answered looking around for her friend.

    Not a woman's place, when will she learn? No wonder the father's gone."The father is very much involved, and when he gets back" Gabrielle faded off noticing her frien

    expanded form. Gabrielle watched curiously as the Warrior Princess turned around surprised aooking for something. She saw a figured approaching on a black stallion. Gabrielle and the two womwatched as Xena approached the figure and he got off his mount wrapping his arms around expanded for and leaning in to whisper something.

    That's the father!" the one woman exclaimed eyeing the attractive man.

    That's the father alright," Gabrielle muttered in agreement noticing the God of War's sword. whispers however didn't stop. Instead the story changed and spread like wildfire. The Warrior Princwas pregnant and the father, tall, dark, and handsome, was paying visits.

    Xena tactfully ignored the whispers and glances. She was not bothered too much and made it perfeclear to her Gabrielle and her mother that the father's name would not be mentioned. She didn't wher child to become a target and she really didn't want anyone using her to get to Ares. That time happeared on horseback they'd strolled together and he'd created an illusion around his appearanThey'd wandered around on the outskirts of town and Ares made sure she got some rest and properly. The villagers kept up their gossip but at least the name-calling had stopped. A few weater however a new tale was being told and Gabrielle was monitoring it from the edge of town.

    The blonde bard was still not entirely convinced Ares should be involved with this child and mpending arrival forced her hand. She'd been watching the God and Princess of War carefully and ttill fought as though they hated each other, but the words seemed to cut more and would resul

    one or the other storming off only to apologize a few days later. Gabrielle also knew that the two

    been avoiding conversation about what happened after the baby was born. The bard had overheXena saying she wanted to travel again but that she also wanted a home, perhaps with a certain Gof War. Ares hadn't brought it up, but Gabrielle suspected that he wanted the whole deal with Xena.he'd done one last thing to try and keep her friend from evil.

    Gabrielle?" The bard turned to see the larger figure.

    Hercules! It's great to see you," she greeted exchanging a hug.

    Good to see you too. I got your letter about staying in Amphipolsis for a while and thought I'd visheard you and Xena were killed in Rome as well."

    We were, but we were brought back. A lot has changed since than," Gabrielle responded leading

    hrough town to Cyrene's tavern.

    Where's Xena?" the hero inquired shifting underneath the villager's stares. Gabrielle grinned.

    Oh she's around, she's got news to share as well."

    Oh?" Gabrielle nodded; she caught a flash of her friend's hair as she disappeared into the barn.

    She's probably in the barn looking over Argo." Gabrielle gestured and the two walked in. Hercules wurprised to see Xena in something other than her leathers and when she turned around he noticea

    paled. Xena had turned at the door opening and her best friend standing there with Hercules. Thinot good. She felt a wave of nausea sweep over her.

    Hello Hercules," she greeted trying to restrain any and all emotion. "Gabrielle." Xeacknowledgement caused the bard to momentarily rethink her plan. Xena's blue eyes had steeled o

    with the look that said she'd be in for it later.

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    Xena, you're pregnant," Hercules stated when her regained his speech.


    The father is not involved I take it," Hercules remarked not having seen any wedding jewelry. Secrehe was pleased. Xena smirked as she felt Hercules eyes wander over her.

    Oh no, he's involved alright. I'm surprised Aphrodite hasn't told you," Xena responded. Hercules fell, but at the mention of his divine sister his mind went into overdrive trying to figure out whmight be relevant. A burst of flower petals broke his thoughts.

    Someone talking about moi?" Before Xena answered Aphrodite giggled and hugged the WarPrincess. Than she noticed her half brother, "Hiya Herc!"

    Hello Aphrodite," he replied.

    So how's it going?" The Love Goddess asked. "She treating you okay?" Dite added to Xena.

    She likes to kick in the middle of the night, but other than that she's treating me just fine."

    So Dite, what do you know about Xena's child?" Hercules questioned. Dite turned to him with usually cheery smile and in her bubbly voice said:

    Why she's my favorite niece of course!" The Love Goddess watched the hero's jaw drop and than urned to Gabrielle. Gabrielle nodded her head and chanced a glance at her friend. A flash of greght filled the barn and Artemis stepped from the ether.

    Hello Xena, Aphrodite, what's this about my niece?" The huntress inquired.

    We were just talking to Hercules," Dite informed.

    Oh, well Hercules, Gabrielle, a pleasure as always," she greeted. Gabrielle bowed slightly to honor Amazon Goddess and Hercules said hello before falling silent trying to determine why two poweGoddess' were calling this child niece. I mean unless one of the Gods is the father, but Xena doeget along with any of the Gods. The only one she may have slept with wasAres.

    So whose the lucky God?" Hercules asked trying to stay cheerful.

    Ares." Came all four women's voices and as predicted Hercules fury took over.

    Xena, what did he do to you?" At this a golden light filled the room to reveal Athena.

    That's what I keep asking myself, but it appears half-brother, that this was consensual," The Goddof Wisdom announced.

    Athena," Artemis warned, "you know the rules, don't tempt his patience."

    He's not here."

    Do you really want me to call him?" Xena inquired with a feral grin. Athena muttered something unher breath but moved no closer.

    Xena he doesn't own you. I can help you keep this child away from him. You can give it the life want it to have," Hercules explained assuming his beloved friend was trapped. Xena glared at him.

    This is my choice, Hercules. Ares has changed." Xena glanced towards her bard friend assuming worst. "Gabrielle I would hate to think you were behind this."

    Xena, I'm just looking out for you and the child. I didn't tell Hercules about the baby."


    So maybe I invited him to give you another option," Gabrielle snapped losing her patience.

    Gabrielle I thought you were happy that I was happy!"

    Xena how can you be happy with Ares?" Hercules demanded.

    Because I love him!" She shouted finally losing control. Hercules went speechless at her confess

    Athena and Artemis eyed each other carefully and Aphrodite gushed. Gabrielle just sighed. She kn

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    her friend was in love; she was trying to come up with an excuse for her actions and to her hoound none. She'd felt betrayed and this was payback, pure and simple. Now to make amends.

    Goddess Artemis, could you take me to the Amazons, I would like to see Amarice, and I have to maure everything is ready for this child's initiation." Artemis smiled at her favorite Queen and saw Xoften slightly at the hidden apology and reluctant acceptance.

    Of course Gabrielle." She took the bard's hand and they vanished. When the light cleared Apollo appeared in his sister's place alongside Athena. Seeing him there caused Xena's senses to go

    overdrive. She had no proof that Apollo and Athena had known about the past incident, but she walmost positive. The warrior glanced to Aphrodite who had a knowing look on her face. The L

    Goddess moved closer ready at any moment to cast a shield or take on an attack.

    Hercules, I see you've heard about your niece," Apollo said sarcastically.

    Apollo. I suppose you think Ares did something as well," the hero answered. Apollo shrugged.

    No not exactly. See, Ares is in Persia supervising some war, I'm just trying to clean up messes, jke the last time." Xena caught his words and to everyone's surprise a name fell from her lips.

    Ares." She was not one to call for help but this was something she needed him for. A secafterwards a blue light filled the area and the God of War stood in all his glory beside his Chosen.

    A family gathering?" He said his eyes not leaving his siblings.

    Hi Bro!" Aphrodite greeted. "Arte and Gabby went to go take care of the Amazons and we were jelling Herc about his niece!" The Love Goddess had diffused the situation as best she could and n

    waited apprehensively for her brother's reactions. Ares nodded toward his blonde sister and for irst time noticed her close proximity. She would be in any direct line of attack against Xena. He wurprised at this, but grateful.

    You called?" He said to Xena carefully turning toward her.

    Apollo and Athena came for a visit. I thought you'd want to see them," Xena answered sweetly witone that made Ares carefully look her over. Her eyes bore into his and he noticed the fear hidd

    within. Resisting the urge to pull her into his arms and kiss it all away he wrapped an arm around

    enlarged waist and felt her lean into him. As she pressed slightly closer he heard her thoughts.

    Apollo knew.' It went through him and he stiffened. Ares glanced at his siblings, occupied wHercules tossing obscenities around.

    Knew what?'

    He said you were in Persia and that he was could clean up a mess, just like last time.' Her anurfaced in this and she knew she was playing dangerous telling him these things. Ares didn't ans

    her thoughts.

    Apollo, Athena, you wouldn't be bothering my Xena would you?" Ares asked his voice deathly claHis eyes conveyed his true emotions and the other two Gods carefully shook their heads no. Athewho was not in the habit of surrendering to her brother, knew that she should leave. Her brother w

    unpredictable in rage when his Warrior Princess was concerned.Of course not," She answered. She and Apollo flashed out, Ares glare not leaving them. He waited

    he couldn't sense them anymore before refocusing all his attentions on his heavily pregnant WarPrincess.

    Where's the bard?"

    Artemis took her to the Amazons."

    Ares what have you done with her?" Hercules demanded.

    It's not entirely his fault Hercules," Xena defended.

    I can't believe you! Ares playing Daddy, how long with that last?"

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    Xena it's best if you don't," Gabrielle answered quietly.

    NO!" Her voiced carried through and the two Goddesses who had been waiting came rushing Artemis quickly moved to Gabrielle's side, Aphrodite to her brother and Xena's. Artemis took a lookhe bundle and Gabrielle's tears.

    I'm so sorry," The huntress whispered. Ares was finally recovering from his shock and stood up,moved away from Xena and sent a fireball through the window.

    HADES!" He roared. Artemis and Aphrodite watched hesitantly. If the God of the Underworld did

    appear the War God might go into one of his famous rages, thankfully he did.

    You bellowed nephew," Hades remarked. Ares gripped his uncle by the collar. Aphrodite enfolded Xn an embrace so she wouldn't see what might happen.

    You are going to restore my child's life. NOW." Ares commanded.

    Ares this child is"

    The child was not meant to die! Now you are going to take her from Celesta and restore her! OWILL." Hades glanced around trying to see if anyone would calm his nephew down. Aphrodite still Xena in tight embrace and had cast a spell so that she wouldn't be able to hear the conversatiArtemis was standing protectively near Cyrene and Gabrielle who held the small bundle. He wurprised with the fury in the War God, but he knew he couldn't restore the child. Another flash of li

    distracted him and Persephone stood among them.

    I believe this belongs to you and your Chosen, Ares," She said holding a golden light. Her eyes mhat of her husbands begging him to understand, Hades nodded slightly. She released the light

    Ares watched it fall into the deathly still infant. The child's body glowed and than a cry pierced the Ares released Hades almost immediately and quickly walked to Gabrielle. Artemis nodded to the bwho gently placed the child in his arms. Ares cradled the infant who quieted slightly and crossed oo the bed. Aphrodite vacated her place at Xena's side and Ares took it releasing her spell.

    Xena," he called softly. She looked up at his eyes expecting to see disappointment and hate nstead saw only love and tears. A cry reached her ears and she looked to his arms where there wachild. Her pain vanished as he handed her the baby and she cradled it tightly to her. Ares sat next

    her on the bed running his hands over her arms soothing her. Xena looked around the room and he other Gods including the Underworld rulers and pieced together what must have occurred, than urned back to her daughter.

    Alright everyone, let's leave Mom and baby for some shut eye," Aphrodite ordered. Hades Persephone smiled and vanished followed by Artemis. Gabrielle and Cyrene left to find Hercules explain, both incredibly moved by what they'd seen. Aphrodite remained and stepped closer to hree. She was rather invested in this child and it was time they knew. "This child is one of us, noull fledge Goddess, but she's a Messenger of Peace. The missing part of your bond has been filYour bond is now stronger that it has ever been before, and stronger than any I have ever seThere's also someone here, an old friend of both yours," The Love Goddess informed. Ares and Xurned their gaze to the Goddess as a golden light filled the room and an Angel appeared.

    Callisto," Xena whispered. She put her hand over Ares letting him know she was a friend.

    Hello Xena, Ares. Michael wanted your child to be a Destroyer in the name of Peace. I know twasn't what you or Eli wanted. I've made sure Michael cannot harm your child. I'm the one tbrought you and Gabrielle back, Xena. I had to make sure you were without your dark side so that and Ares might have a chance to strength your bond. I also changed the image upon your futpanel. I'm glad you two came together for this. This child truly belongs to both of you; you hadendure your past so that you could fully learn to love one another. I thank you Xena for bring peace, and Ares for watching over this child. Aphrodite, I thank you for helping me come here to maure all is well. The future will not be easy, but you two will be okay, Goodbye," the angel faded aw

    and Aphrodite vanished shortly after. Xena watched the space where two beings had once been turned to Ares.

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    Our child," she said with a smile. Ares smiled at this and traced the baby's cheek with a finger. He enthralled with her.

    She's beautiful, like her mother," he replied. He leaned down and kissed the baby's forehead, thkissed Xena's cheek along a tear path. She turned her head and her lips met his. The baby startedcry again breaking their kiss. Ares looked down unsure and Xena just smirked at him. The child whungry and so she released part of the dress and let the child feed. Ares was entranced, sure he'd swomen nursing babies before, but they were not Xena and he placed another kiss on her chwanting to touch her. "You're beautiful, and I love you."

    I love you too." She whispered tears falling from her eyes at his confession. He kissed them a

    wrapped an arm around her as she nursed their child. "What do you think of Amora?"

    I think its perfect," he responded completely absorbed in watching the new being. She had eyes Xena's bright blue ones, although Ares knew all babies had blue eyes, these were such a shade thatknew they wouldn't change. War was the farthest thing from his mind as he watched Amora fall asln her mother's arms. He got up to leave, not wanting to disturb the child but Xena called to him.

    Stay with us." She pleaded. He nodded, carefully removing the child from her arms and placing ihe cradle made by Aphrodite along with the soft blanket from Artemis. He kissed her forehead urned to find Xena's eyes had closed. With a thought the Warrior Princess and the room were clea

    and he settled down next to her drawing her close to him. Ares didn't want to sleep but soon fou

    himself drifting off, with a last thought he sealed the room protecting his two girls while he rested.

    Xena awoke to the cold sweeping against her skin and immediately knew Ares was missing. He almalways stayed till she woke up, but she reasoned that perhaps something had come up. However ight that greeted her was not what she expected. Ares was asleep in the chair against the wall, Amesting against his chest. Xena felt her heart flutter and smirked at the thought of the big bad God

    War looking perfectly natural with a baby in his arms. As quietly as she could, still a bit sore from abor, she tiptoed over to the sleeping pair. She kissed Amora's forehead still not quite believing was really there and than kissed Ares lips softly. He opened his eyes to see her blue orbs staring bat him.

    Morning," he greeted kissing her back.

    Good morning, you have quite the armful," she joked.

    She woke up in the middle of the night, but I didn't want her to wake you." Xena just stared at himhock. She had been fully expecting to deal with the midnight wake up calls but he'd done it all


    Thank you."

    Hey, it's what I'm here for. I don't need sleep so she won't keep me awake and even though yommortal you still need your rest. Besides we had a good time." Xena nodded and a knock interrupher. She went to get it and to her surprise she saw Hercules standing on the other side along wHermes. She let the two in and they both were momentarily shocked at seeing Ares holding the bab

    Okay so Aphrodite wasn't making it up! So what's the tyke's name? Gotta go make announcemeyou know," Hermes informed.

    Amora," Xena supplied.

    AwwShe's cute. Gonna be a heartbreaker, I can just"

    Hermes, she's too young for you," Ares warned making his point perfectly clear.

    Righttoo young, got it. Late babes." And he took off.

    Did Hermes just try to hit on our daughter?" Xena asked in disbelief.

    He got the message, she's off limits," Ares responded. Xena laughed, Hercules cleared his throHello brother."

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    You want to train your daughter, groom her powers, how am I being unreasonabI told you I didn't want to train her, I told you I wouldn't train her."

    And I'm supposed to believe you." Her words cut, this was the all out fight that there little ones inally led to.

    Damnit Xena! If you think for a moment"

    NO. You are not going to hurt her." And that was it, his temper snapped.

    I would never hurt our child, you're the one who is hurting her." And he stormed off disappearing he ether, Xena cursing him as he left. Amora was crying having sensed the disturbance and wano be soothed. Xena tried to rock her to calm and eventually the child quieted.

    Xena looked around, she knew it couldn't last, but that didn't make it hurt any less. They'd foubefore and usually one or the other would storm off, but they'd be okay by nightfall. Yet there womething about this fight, sorry wasn't going to fix this one. Her insecurities stubbornness

    efused to let her see that maybe Ares had been right. She picked up the blanket and packed itaway in the basked and than picked up Amora and began her walk back. As Xena looked to daughter she could still see tears in her eyes.

    He'll be back Amora," she whispered. "He'll be back." But he hadn't returned by nightfall. Xena wgetting ready for bed. Gabrielle had taken Amora off her hands when she'd gotten back. Her mot

    had managed to corner and had spent an hour trying to get the fully story. Both Gabrielle and Cyrcould understand Xena's anxieties but they also saw Ares's point, untrained Amora could do seridamage if her powers were anywhere near her father's. Xena had privately confided in Gabrielle tAres wasn't the only source of the powers and surprisingly Gabrielle had agreed with Ares that a hould most definite be administered.

    Xena lay down in the bed. It seemed too big without Ares. They'd basically been together since Amwas born, even when he was at War he'd spent his nights with them. With Amora around tho

    hings hadn't been incredibly passionate and Xena was willing to admit that she missed his touch. was also getting restless, this village life was not for her, but she never seemed to get the courageask his opinion about a change of scenery. They'd have sword fights and that was really their oalone time. He had wars; she had Amora and a thousand other things to do. She almost wished

    would take her away, maybe to thei