an ayurvedic pharmacology of ricinus comunis & its pharmacognocy

Classical categorization :- Vedniya, swedopag, angmardprasaman, madhurskandha (c.) vidarigandhadi, adhovaghar, vattsansaman.(su.) Latin Name:- Ricinus communis Family Name:- Euphorbiaceae- P/08 s'n _ Sanskrit Name:- Erand, gandhrwahast, panchangul, vardhmaan, utanpatrak, vyaghrapuchha, urubak. Nepali Name:- c08L, c08]/, c/08L English Name:- Castor oil plant. Ricinus communis -P/08_

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Post on 14-Jun-2015



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Page 1: An Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Ricinus comunis & its Pharmacognocy

Classical categorization :- Vedniya, swedopag, angmardprasaman, madhurskandha (c.) vidarigandhadi, adhovaghar, vattsansaman.(su.)

Latin Name:- Ricinus communis Family Name:- Euphorbiaceae- P/08 s'n _ Sanskrit Name:- Erand, gandhrwahast,

panchangul, vardhmaan, utanpatrak, vyaghrapuchha, urubak.

Nepali Name:- c08L, c08]/, c/08L English Name:- Castor oil plant.

Ricinus communis-P/08_

Page 2: An Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Ricinus comunis & its Pharmacognocy

A perennial soft wooded plant growing on waste places, 2-4.5 mt. high. Leaves palmately lobed with seven or more serrate lobes, lobes oblong to linear, acute or acuminate. Flowers reddish or yellowish in terminal racemes with crowded male flowers on the upper half on the inflorescence and female ones at the basal half. Fruit globose in stiff prickles, splitting into 3 valves. Seeds oblong, smooth, mottled.

Flowering & fruiting occur almost throughout the year.

Botanical description:-

Page 3: An Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Ricinus comunis & its Pharmacognocy

It is of two varieties; i) Sweta & ii) Rakta.

Distribution in Nepal:- Naturalized, 150-2000 mt, east to west.Major chemical constituents:- seeds & leaves- ricine seeds coat- lupeol, lipids, phosphatides. seed oil- arachidic, ricinoluc, palmitic, strearic.


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Page 9: An Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Ricinus comunis & its Pharmacognocy

Guna: Snigdha, tikshna, sukshma. Rasa: Madhur. Anurasa: Katu, kasaya. Vipak: Madhur. Virya: Ushna.

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Erand(Guna):-

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Effect on Doshas : - By its ushna virya it is kaph-vatt saman. Systemic: External: Sothhar, bednasthapan. Internal: NS: Bednastahapan, medhya, & angmard-prasaman. DS: Dipan, vedan, krimighna, krimi nihsarak, snehan,

aamsodhan. CS: Hridya, sothhar. RS: Kaphghna. US: Mutrabisodhan. Res.S: Brisya, stanyajanan, sukrasodhan, garvasyasodhan. Skin: Swedopag, kusthghna. Tem. Jwarghna . Suitability: Balya, bayasthapan, bishghna.

Actions (Karma)

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Eranda in small doses useful in condition like loss of appetite, liver disorders and jaundice which are due to obstruction in balilary passages.

Eranda given in congestive cardiac failureit causes a watery diarrhea. Eranda is an appetizer, purgative and vermifuge and hence is useful in

abdominal diseases. Eranda acts on rakta dhatu, it reduces pulmonary disorders. Eranda is expectorant, it alleviates cough and dyspnoea. Eranda act as diuretic in diabetes. Eranda reduces burning and pruritus induced by improper secretion and

excretion of bile. Eranda purifies blood it reduces and palpitations. Eranda increases the heart strength and blood pressure. Eranda powder is one of the best Vata pacifier Ayurveda herb which also

nourishes the body. It makes Eranda very useful in Sciatica, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteo arthritis and gynecological disorders.


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Slipad:- Oil mixed with cow’s urine may be taken for one month white consuming diet of rice & milk.(

Parswasul:- Yavskshar is added to erand decoction and taken orally. (sa.san.2)

Kash:- kshar of erand leaves is mixed with trikatu, oil & jaggery is useful on on the oral administration.

Vattaj soth:- Regular use of erand & nisoth about 15 or 30 days is useful.

Katisul/gridhrasi:- Migi of erand bij is cooked in to milk and taken orally.

Sul:- Decoction of erand root & sunthi is made and mix hingu & saurchal lavan is useful.

Classical therapeutic uses:-

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Dosage:- Root paste 10-20 gm.

Seed 2-6 Oil 4-16 ml.

Important preparation:- Erand pak, erandmuladi kwath, eandsaptak kwath.

Parts used:- Root, leaves, seeds, oil.