an electrical utility application of gis. application of a gis for managing the assets of a water...

An electrical utility application of GIS

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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Page 1: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

An electrical utility application of GIS

Page 2: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

 Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Page 3: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Forestry management GIS

Page 4: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Microsoft MapPoint Europe mapping of spreadsheet data of burglary rates in Exeter, England using an adjunct to a standard office software package

(Courtesy D. Ashby. © 1988–2001 Microsoft Corp. and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved. © 2000 Navigation Technologies B.V. and its suppliers. All rights reserved. Selected Road Maps 2000 by AND International Publishers N.V. All rights reserved. © Crown Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. License number 100025500. Additional demographic data courtesy of Experian Limited. © 2004 Experian Limited. All rights reserved.)

Page 5: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

The classic Rogers model of innovation diffusion applied to GIS

Page 6: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

The changing use of GIS at different levels of government decision making.

“Top-down” edicts from the central government are increasingly supplemented by “bottom-up” initiatives arising from the contributions of local communities.

Page 7: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Clark County, Washington, U.S. tax assessment GIS:(A) tax map

(B) property attributes, sales history, and assessed market value



Page 8: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Housing market search using GIS

Page 9: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

The geodemographic structure of Nottingham, according to the OAC

Page 10: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Neighborhood profiling


ancillary data sources to the OAC classification


Page 11: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

(A) Hierarchical

(B) contagious spatial diffusion

Page 12: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

(A)The format

(B) the location of a new Tesco Express store

(Courtesy Alex Singleton)



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Use of GIS for school bus routing, showing school pupil home locations and elementary schools to be serviced

Page 14: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Systems such as OnStar ( allow information on the location of an accident, determined by a GPS unit in the vehicle, to be sent to a central office and compared to a GIS database of highways and streets in order to determine the incident location, so that emergency teams can respond.

(Large photo © Slobo Mitic/iStockphoto; inset © Vladimir Kondrachov/iStockphoto)

Page 15: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Satellite imagery of the 2007 Zaca fire, taken some five weeks after it started on a private ranch. Thick smoke blows nearly due north, and the actively burning areas are outlined in red. The settlements of Goleta and Santa Barbara were threatened by the fire, and plans were put in place to evacuate large parts of the area.

(Courtesy NASA)

Page 16: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Evacuation vulnerability map of the area of Santa Barbara, California. Colors denote the difficulty of evacuating an area based on the area’s worst-case scenario

(Courtesy Tom Cova)

Page 17: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Many in-vehicle navigation services now offer dynamic updating of routing information, in the light of real-time traffic updates or subscriber information about road blockages.

Page 18: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Growth in the American Midwest under four different urban growth scenarios. Horizontal extent of image is 400 km.

(Source: Paul Torrens, 2005 “Simulating sprawl with geographic automata models,” reproduced courtesy of the author)

Page 19: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

(A) Location of Sibuyan Island in the Philippines, showing location of the National Park and buffer zone

(B) typical forested mountain landscape of Sibuyan Island.



)Courtesy Peter Verberg(

Page 20: An electrical utility application of GIS. Application of a GIS for managing the assets of a water utility

Forest area (dark green) in 1999 and at the end of the land-use change simulations (2019) for three different scenarios.

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Deren Li, GIScientist (Courtesy Deren Li)