an extremely powerful guided meditation practice by · 2020-02-04 · an extremely powerful guided...


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Page 1: An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by · 2020-02-04 · An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by Davinder Ojalla - Founder of MedYoga School & Channel for
Page 2: An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by · 2020-02-04 · An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by Davinder Ojalla - Founder of MedYoga School & Channel for

An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by Davinder Ojalla - Founder of MedYoga School & Channel

for Quan Yin - the Divine Feminine


The “7 Keys Meditation” is an extremely powerful meditation practice suitable for all individuals regardless of gender, background, religion, experience or training. Developed and practiced by Davinder Ojalla on hundreds of clients since 2005 for its impact on Mental, Emotional, Physical & Spiritual health & well-being. It has been shown to reduce anxiety levels, combat depression, lower blood pressure, support the healing of trauma, many diseases and chronic stress levels on clients over long term committed & consistent time periods.

The practice was created by Davinder Ojalla through channelled sources: Spirit Guides, Healing Spirits, Quan Yin & Ascended Masters. Having left the corporate world as a Director for Hays PLC, she has so far committed over 2 decades of her life to the art of transformation, deep cellular body repair & subconscious/ unconscious reprogramming, energy healing, yoga, CBT, raw & plant based nutrition, counselling, mindfulness, spiritual teachings & meditation.

The “7 Keys Meditation” & “MedYoga” were the tools that allowed her own healing - overcoming severe PTSD, acute Childhood Trauma, Eating Disorder, Smoking Addiction, Lower Back injury after a car crash that threatened to take away her longer term ability to walk, Mental Pain/ Suicidal Crisis & paralysing Social Anxiety… healing this through purely holistic and natural methods over 15yrs.

Opening the 3 key chakras; crown gateway, earth star & heart portal creates a foundational force field of divine light in and around the aura & energy field of the human. The 7 Keys is all encompassing & unites all minds as one in unity consciousness. This Higher Consciousness/ Divine light/ Source energy can be directed around the cells of the body, to positively influence energy, people, animals, specific locations, countries & worlds as a group meditation or for personal healing, empowerment & liberation. Slowing down the brain waves to the Alpha, Theta & Delta states we access Higher Dimensions/ God Consciousness, tap into greater Heart Power & connect much more deeply into the Earth.

Page 3: An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by · 2020-02-04 · An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by Davinder Ojalla - Founder of MedYoga School & Channel for

The process invites us to fully awaken as a powerful channel for the Divine to work through us either as a receiver, patient, healer, activist, entrepreneur, parent, care-giver or voice for creating positive change. As a nation we’re under greater pressure in these turbulent times seeing a rise in mental health conditions, anger, difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, eating disorders, self hatred, breathlessness, loneliness, low energy, conflict, insecurity, comparison, fear, disease, chest pains, work/ peer pressure, divorce, it’s something that we all must exercise priority over and take leadership of. People have reported feeling more engaged in their life & work, more energised, less anxious, as well as sleep better and have fewer physical symptoms of stress, after engaging in a course.

Some of the benefits people have experienced: > More joy, happiness & ease, > More love, intimacy & connection, > More inner peace, calm & confidence, > Reduced anxiety & stress reduction, > New opportunities, success & synchronicities, > Kinder, more compassionate & empathic, > More creativity, ideas & inspiration, > Better sleep, harmony & patience, > Less irritability, mistrust & fear, > More able to face life’s challenges, > Healing mentally, emotionally & physically, > Improved energy, reverence & bliss states, > Improved clarity, concentrations & focus, > Dissolved brain fog, lethargy & depression, > Pain relief, inner resilience & self trust, > Relief from excessive worrying, thinking & compulsions, > New sense of inner peace, calm & stability, > Empowerment, greater vision & purpose, > More consideration of animals, world & others, > More stable connection to Source, Spirit Guides, > Greater intuition, psychic ability & presence, > More grounded & in the present moment, > States of bliss, joy & love more frequent, > Forgiveness of the past & self forgiveness, > Peace of mind, self liberation & enlightenment, > Freedom from pain & suffering & negative karma,

Page 4: An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by · 2020-02-04 · An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by Davinder Ojalla - Founder of MedYoga School & Channel for

Testimonials… Having learned how to access a deep meditative state with Davinder using her “7 Keys Meditation” the results were a considerable & immediate lowering of my blood pressure. Also a key tool to help me manage through cancer recovery. I’m not sure I could have got through it without. I continued to meditate after the operation, started a plant based diet & I can say 3 years on I'm still cancer free. This work changes your life. Andy Taylor

Davinder is truly unique. I have dipped in and out of depression for a number of years, and as part of this have seen various medical professionals, with minimal impact. I have seen Davinder for a small number of sessions and have been able to challenge and change some of the negative aspects of my thought process and lifestyle in a way I have not done before, having much more of a significant impact than in the past. Susannah Coleman Davinder is very intellectual & a truly extraordinary teacher. Having practiced self-development for more than 10yrs, I find Davinder & her work so unique. Her teachings have a deep healing power that helps me transform my thinking, attitude & behaviors in many ways. Now being a working mum of two little children, my regular practice with Davinder brings more power, energy & confidence in daily life" - JingYing Davinder is just amazing. I had a healing with her and attended her retreat. My healing was very effective; with her gentle guidance, I learned how to observe my emotions and body sensations. I had an immediate shift in my being. It is very obvious that Davinder has years of experience and understanding of the human body and energy. Eda Hardy After a breakdown, I tried Davinder’s meditation course, and was encouraged to take 1-2-1 coaching. This continued on a regular basis until we both felt that I had come out of the other side!, now better able to deal with life’s issues. Her obvious care for my well-being helped to put things into perspective for me. I still do MedYoga and the 7 Keys Meditation, and my best sleep is always after a practise. Ken Morris Thank you, Davinder! This was just what was needed. Expertly lead, deeply therapeutic & challenging! I know MedYoga & The 7 Keys Meditation is going to help the team Mentally & Physically. We can't wait to have you back for more! QPR Football Team

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Chapter Page

The “7 Key”s Meditation - Where do I start? 16

Key 1: Stillness/ “I Am” Presence 18

Key 2: Loving Kindness / Heart Chakra 20

Key 3: Crown / Earth Star 21

Key 4: Scanning & Yoga Nidra 22

Key 5: The Observer Self 24

Key 6: Samskaras / Purging 26

Key 7: Om / Mantras 28

Appendix 32

Your Brain Wave States 6

Higher Self Code 33

Disclaimer 3

Page 6: An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by · 2020-02-04 · An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by Davinder Ojalla - Founder of MedYoga School & Channel for

The 7 Keys Meditation 

Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Practice 


Where do I start?

The 7 Keys Meditation is available to all individuals seeking healing, transformation & higher potential. Options include:

1). FREE introductory 30min guided meditation - Request via website: 2). 1 Day Open Workshop - 7 Keys Introduction (Beginner’s) 3). 4 Night Retreat - 7 Keys Foundation - (Beginners - Intermediate) 4). 12 wk Training Course - 7 Keys - Level 1 (Intermediate) 5). 100hr Teacher Training Course - Level 2 (Advanced)

Meditation actually changes your brain’s neurological pathways, and with it, the way your body responds to stress. Understanding how to practice the 7 Keys Meditation & apply it to everyday life allows you to navigate life’s challenges more harmoniously, unlock your soul’s true purpose/ potential & access slower brain wave states which are usually beyond your standard meditations, guided visualisations & mindfulness practises.

Please ensure you read our T&C’s/ Disclaimer & ensure approval from your GP when undertaking any practices with MedYoga School.

Page 7: An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by · 2020-02-04 · An extremely powerful guided meditation practice by Davinder Ojalla - Founder of MedYoga School & Channel for

The 7 Keys Meditation 

Key 1: Stillness / “I Am” Presence 

        The first step is to simply learn the art of being physically STILL without all the external distractions or voices within the Mind pulling us into habitual action, conversation, or away from our heart centre. This anchoring allows us to feel safer to be in the presence of stillness, disidentify from the mind’s ramblings & allow uninterrupted flow of pure consciousness. This alters the mind’s unconscious reactive or fearful conditioning to conscious responsiveness & love. I suggest practicing this KEY for a sitting of 10 minutes a day initially for the first week and building up to 10-30mins a day for 1 month. Stay with Key 1 for at least 4wks before progressing to other keys unless you are taking part in a workshop, retreat, immersion or 121 coaching direct with MedYoga School. It’s always best to practise first thing in the morning &/or last thing in the evening. You enter the subconscious state when you fall asleep so set it up with an air of calm. The benefit of mastering Key 1 is no matter how busy or chaotic life gets - you can always find 10minutes to escape! - You can do this anywhere- park bench, toilet, bath, shower, bus stop, queue, waiting room, etc However, as you evolve I recommend creating an altar or sacred space to use each time you meditate, self reflect, journal etc - a go to space free of distractions. We want to create a mental link to a safe, sacred & inviting space for your “beingness”.

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You may wish to place a few items on the altar that are “triggers” to happy feelings, good memories & invoke your core desired states/ feelings. Perhaps photos of loved ones, himalayan salt lamps, incense sticks, buddha statues, gratitude journal, mala beads etc... Even if you stay here at Key 1 for the whole year & don’t move onto the other keys, you have gone so much further ahead than many would ever accomplish. Sitting in the stillness of your own being-ness is no easy feat when first practising. The mind is quite a monkey! Jumping from branch to branch, not allowing you to rest. You will start to experience just how much havoc the mind has been creating, notice more of it’s antics & craziness when you become still. Don’t worry! - Don’t give up as it’s part of the resilience training towards self liberation. There are many obstacles to overcome at this KEY 1 stage. Don’t let the mind distract you into believing this is a waste of time, that you are bored or you’re not getting anywhere or achieving immediate results. Meditation is not a quick fix, this is a journey and requires skill to safely & masterfully enter the subconscious mind, pull out weeds from the root & create lasting change. Remain alert as it will convince you, sleep is a good option right now! Stay awake! This starting point in fact is also the completion point of the “7 Keys Meditation” as this is where we experience our home coming & re-connection to our true nature. This is enough, many in fact may have no need to move into the other keys unless they are specifically wishing to work with the “Pain Body”, “Healing” & “Transformation” or desire Self Liberation/ Enlightenment.

1. Sit comfortably either on a chair or the floor with the spine gently upright, 2. Close the eyes to remove any visual distractions that keep the mind active, 3. Bring your awareness into this moment, breathing deeply into the belly, 4. Surrender the past, future, identity, concepts, beliefs, expectations, 5. Try not to move the body at all unless there is pain. Discomfort is okay, 6. Relax into doing nothing, there should be no trying or effort involved here, 7. Allow your awareness to sink into your body, your breath & become still, 8. Explore the nature of stillness inside you & around you, 9. Let yourself rest fully as this stillness/ be/ become the stillness itself, 10. There is nothing you need to do, nowhere you need to go, 11. The body is still, the mind is still, stillness pervades, 12. Now become aware of the sounds in the distance, notice them arise & fall away, 13. Notice the sounds inside this room, allow them to rise & fall away, 14. Move your awareness closer, notice the sound of your own breath, 15. Relax, release, surrender, Relax, release, surrender, Relax, release, surender

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16. Place both hands palms facing down onto your heart chakra or gently tap onto the heart allowing your full awareness to rest deeply into this sacred portal,

17. Now affirm to yourself or out loud: “I call upon the Divine Mother, Divine Father, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Spirit Healers, Saints & Angelic Beings. I invite you to support me in fully awakening my deep heart and activating my highest potential for light. Help me to open my heart and to illuminate myself as a light being of the highest vibrational frequency now. I call in the light, I see the light, I feel the light & activate now. I ask this, according to Divine Will, for the highest and greatest good of all. And so it is.

18. You can now place the hands to rest palms facing up on your laps, 19. Stay here in stillness, be receptive & allow this invocation 20. Remain here in silence for 10-30mins simply allowing stillness to pervade.

(Now use Your Meditation Diary - See Appendix) **Week 1: 10mins, Week 2: 15mins, Week 3: 20mins, Week 4: 30mins

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The 7 Keys Meditation

Key 2 - Loving Kindness / Heart Chakra 

Key 2 - Having mastered KEY 1 with a strong consistency for 1 month you are ready to develop through the next phases of this practice. Key 2 is focused around the practice of loving kindness (metta), forgiveness, (ho’oponopono) & opening the Heart Chakra. This anchoring, prayer & blessing creates an expansion of energy within the heart chakra and allows a much more effective & stable inner foundation to flow Source/ Light through the Crown chakra, receive the love of the Divine Mother & also manage the turbulence & purging of the shadow/ pain body as sensations, emotions & thoughts move from unconsciousness to conscious awareness during a more advanced practice.

1. Keep your eyes closed, shoulders, tummy & body relaxed, 2. Tongue rested gently on the roof of the mouth, 3. With your left hand gently tap your heart chakra or place the palms of the hand

over the heart & take 3 deep abdominal breaths into your heart chakra, 4. Keep your awareness rested in the heart chakra but now rest your hands onto

your lap with the palms facing upwards, 5. Breathe into the heart brilliant white light, Breathe out of the heart dense heavy

grey clouds, 6. Now clearly see within your heart space a portal opening & expanding outwards

revealing an illuminescent emerald green light, 7. Allow this emerald green light to extend like a funnel out in front of you & behind

you as far as it is willing to extend - to the room, town, country, planet, universe,

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8. At the core of your heart centre you notice a beautiful soft pink light pouring into your physical body filling every cell, tissue & muscle,

9. Allow your Mind, Body & Spirit to flood with this divine feminine love of the Mother,

10. With each inhaling breath you see your aura being bathed in a pink hue & with each exhaling breath you’re able to extend the love of the Divine Mother out into the world touching every corner, person, animal, home, land & location. As we deepen in this practice, we cultivate loving kindness. We all have within us, this natural capacity for loving kindness. Loving kindness is a natural opening of a compassionate heart…to ourselves and to others. It’s a wish that everyone be happy & well.

11. Allow your heart to open with tenderness, visualise a soft pink lotus flower resting on the surface of your heart,

12. With each breath a magnificent petal opens & expands outwards to the world, 13. As each petal gracefully opens it radiates divine love & light like a laser beam to

the planet and all those that need healing, 14. Your heart reminds you of your basic goodness. Recall your natural desire to be

happy, grateful or joyful and not to suffer. Look at yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you. Allow tender feelings of kindness to flow more & more effortlessly & easily towards yourself & your own body…

15. As you experience this love flowing through your entire being…notice how you feel in your body. Maybe you feel some warmth…or heat in the face. A smile…a sense of expansiveness. This is loving kindness, a natural feeling that is always accessible to all of us…always.

16. Resting with this feeling of open, unconditional love for a few minutes …(Pause) Letting yourself bask in the energy of loving kindness…breathing it in…and breathing it out…inviting feelings of peace, forgiveness and acceptance… Now repeat silently or out loud: May I be filled with loving kindness, May I be happy… May I be free from pain & suffering, May I know the natural joy of being alive…May I know love, May I know peace. May you be filled with loving kindness, May you be happy… May you be free from pain & suffering, May you know the natural joy of being alive…May you know love, May you know peace. May we be filled with loving kindness, May we be happy… May we be free from pain & suffering, May we know the natural joy of being alive…May we know love, May we know peace. I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me thank you x 3

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The 7 Keys Meditation

Key 3 - Anapana / Crown & Earth Star  Key 3 - Having mastered KEY 1 & KEY 2 with a strong consistency you are ready to develop through the next phases of this practice. I suggest marinating in these first 2 keys for a couple of months before progressing further if you are looking to advance to intermediate & advanced levels. Key 3 is focused around anapana breath & opening 2 further chakras to allow a greater flow of Source/ Light/ Love through the Crown & Root Chakra - ensuring we create resilience & stability as we activate our awakening & ascension. This strong foundation with the breath allows us to manage & stay present to gross & subtle sensations that will arise in the physical body. A sharpening of presence invites Mental, Emotional & Physical turbulence within the Lower Self/ Shadow/ Pain body to awaken from an unconscious state into conscious awareness deliberately & safely. Anapana breathing allows us to master the skill of focus & concentration enabling us to stay as higher consciousness through any storm/ unpleasantness/ discomfort for longer and longer lengths of time. The more we build this quality of presence the speed at which we heal/ transform is quickened. Focus on Ānāpāna breathing is now common to Tibetan, Zen, Tiantai and Theravada Buddhism as well as Western-based mindfulness programs. Simply defined, Anapana/ Anapanasati is to feel the sensation caused by the movements of the breath in the body as is practiced in the context of mindfulness meditation. The practice of opening the crown gateway, earth star & heart portal together creates a powerful protective force field of divine light in and around the aura & energy field of the human. This Divine light/ Source energy can be directed into any trauma, diseased cells or pain & used to positively influence ALL energy, other people, animals, specific locations, countries & worlds as a group meditation or for personal healing, empowerment & liberation. Slowing down the brain waves using the breath to the Alpha, Theta & Delta states we access Higher Dimensions/ God Consciousness, tap into greater Heart Power & connect much more deeply into the Earth.

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1. Sit in either lotus or a comfortable sitting position that encourages the free flow of chi/ prana & take 3 x deep abdominal breaths,

2. Bring your awareness to the spine & allow it to lengthen creating space between each vertebrae,

3. Visualise a golden light flowing up & down the spine with each breath, 4. Follow that golden light up to the top of the head & see a golden ball of light at

the crown - 5. Breathe into the golden ball to activate the crown gateway, 6. From the crown send out beams of golden light 360 degrees like a lighthouse to

the whole planet, 7. Now flow your awareness down the crown lighting up the third eye, throat,

heart, solar plexus, sacral, root & about 1 FT down into the Earth Star, 8. At the Earth Star see a golden ball sending a cord deep down into the soil of

mother earth sinking all the way down to the earth’s core. 9. You are plugged in & the divine Mother is flowing golden light back up through

this cord into your Earth star, 10. Allow this to be received fully from the Divine Mother with gratitude, self worth

& appreciation, 11. Golden light flowing up through the Earth Star from the Divine Mother, Golden

light flowing down through the Crown Gateway form Divine Father 12. Allow both energies to meet at the centre of the heart, 13. Allow this flow from the Earth Star & Crown to build & activate the Deep Heart

as this chakra gently rotates like a spinning wheel in a clockwise direction facing you sending sparkles of light into the space around it,

14. Bring your full focus to the limited space inside the nostrils, 15. Observe the sensation of breath/ air entering & leaving the nostrils, 16. Feel the flow of air enter the nostrils up to the 3rd eye & exhaling away, 17. If the mind wanders, bring awareness back to the sensations in this limited area

with loving kindness as you would teach a child, 18. Using Anapana Breath (concentrated breath), breathe in while mentally saying

the number ‘20’ in your head, then breathe out and mentally say the number ‘19’ in your head. The next inhale is ‘18,’ and the next exhale is ‘17.’ Keep counting backwards all the way down to ‘1.’ If you lose count, begin again at ‘20

19. Now let go of counting & simply feel the sensation of air inside the nostrils only for the next few minutes

In just one or few words how would you describe this experience? What did you notice, feel & sense? Was it comfortable/ uncomfortable? What were the challenges you met? What else did you notice?

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The 7 Keys Meditation

Key 4 - Scanning & Yoga Nidra 

Having mastered KEYS 1-3 you are now ready to progress to INTERMEDIATE level where we start to prepare the Mental, Emotional & Physical body to allow deeper sensations & samskaras (mental impressions) to start their journey of awakening from unconsciousness to consciousness. The aim here is to try & stay awake through this entire process keeping your awareness with the physical body & observing any sensations and phenomena that arise without falling asleep or moving the body.

1. Visualise your body resting on the floor/ chair/ seated position, and become aware of your own deeper physical presence.

2. Allow your awareness to travel through your body now on a journey of sensation. Simply feel each part as it is mentioned, and without moving, remaining still. Welcome all sensation, just as it is.

3. Begin with the mouth, feel your mouth, feel sensation in your mouth. Also, feel your jaw, lips, upper lip, lower lip, notice where the lips touch, feel the inside of the mouth, roof, under the tongue, upper teeth and gums, lower teeth and gums, tongue, roof of the tongue, center of the tongue, tip, notice sense of taste in the mouth. So, feel the left inner cheek, right inner cheek.

4. Now, feel all the parts together now as a whole, feel your mouth as sensation, as energy, as radiant vibration. We will now begin a systematic journey of sensory awareness throughout the body. You will move your awareness to different parts of your body as soon as you hear them named. Please say the name of the part to yourself and feel that part of your body but do not move any part.

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5. The practice begins on the right side. Right hand thumb … 2nd finger … 3rd finger … 4th finger … 5th finger … palm of the hand … back of the hand … wrist … forearm … elbow … upper arm … shoulder … armpit … waist … hip … thigh … knee … calf … ankle … heel … sole of the foot … top of the foot … right big toe … 2nd toe … 3rd toe … 4th toe … 5th toe. Left hand thumb … 2nd finger … 3rd finger … 4th finger … 5th finger … palm of the hand … back of the hand … wrist … forearm … elbow … upper arm … shoulder … armpit … waist … hip … thigh … knee … calf … ankle … heel … sole of the foot … top of the foot … left big toe … 2nd toe … 3rd toe … 4th toe … 5th toe.

6. Now go to the back of the body … right heel … left heel … right calf … left calf … right thigh … left thigh … right buttock … left buttock … lower back … middle back … upper back … the entire spine … right shoulder blade … left shoulder blade … back of the neck … back of the head.

7. Top of the head … forehead … right temple … left temple … right ear … left ear … right eyebrow … left eyebrow … middle of the eyebrows … right eye … left eye … right nostril … left nostril … right cheek … left cheek … upper lip … lower lip … both lip together … chin … jaw … throat … right collarbone … left collarbone … right side of the chest … left side of the chest … upper abdomen … navel … lower abdomen … right groin … left groin … the pelvic floor.

8. The whole right leg … whole left leg … whole right arm … whole left arm … the whole face … the whole head … the whole torso … the whole body … the whole body … the whole body.

9. Now take 5mins to scan the body up & down from head to toe for any sensations as if you were x-raying the body. Move up & down, in & out, side to side or weave through the body with your consciousness. Use a pace that feels good for you.

In just one or few words how would you describe this experience? What did you notice, feel & sense? Was it comfortable/ uncomfortable? What were the challenges you met? What else did you notice?

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The 7 Keys Meditation

Key 5: The Observer Self

Having mastered KEYS 1-4 you are now ready to progress to Key 5 (Intermediate) When cells are being watched they change form - always towards greater health. This has been scientifically proven by the “Observer Effect” We use the power of The Observer to allow Higher Consciousness to flow into the cells of any disease, toxicity or pain within the physical body which starts to break down the old structures & return to flow. The key to using the observer self effectively is to activate the part of yourself that is able to bring awareness to what’s happening in & around you without being pulled into the drama. Yet remaining alert and fully present to any phenomena. Start by noticing any thoughts, memories, feelings, emotions or images that might arise, being totally nonjudgmental about whatever comes up for you. Perhaps you notice a belief, thought or a judgment about this practice, the teachings or self judgement. Perhaps you notice an ache, sensation, memory or emotion arising. Simply pay attention, observe & allow all things to arise & fall away in their own time. As we practise more consciously we release more & more resistance. This release of resistance invites the natural flow of life/ consciousness to move to its own rhythm without the mid/ ego controlling, resisting, manipulating or suppressing. This then opens up more & more of the doorway to the subconscious mind in a safe way.

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This creates an empowered state, builds confidence & self trust as we increase the gap between what the mind says/ believes to be true (causing a REACTION) to what we choose to be true (creating a new RESPONSE)

1. Keeping your attention in the nostrils with anapana breathing, 2. Continue to observe the sensations of the breath in this limited area, 3. Start noticing any thoughts, emotions or sensations that start to arise, 4. Watch any phenomena as the observer self with a kind compassion, 5. Notice & label any stubborn thoughts that keep arising, let them pass by, 6. If any thoughts get very loud practise turning them down like a dial on a radio, 7. Place them on a leaf & allow them to drift down the stream & away from you, 8. Keep returning back to the breath again disidentifying from thoughts, 9. Keep the mind equanimous, non-reactive & stay as the observer to any feelings,

thoughts or emotions that are passing through, 10. Keep strengthening the observer muscle as you release resistance to what’s

showing up, allowing it all the space to arise & fall away in it’s own rhythm & time. Do not get caught up in the story, the drama - stay objective.

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The 7 Keys Meditation

Key 6: Samskaras & Purging

Having mastered KEYS 1-5 you are now ready to progress to ADVANCED level where we are prepared to sit for longer lengths of time in meditation practice (60mins) & allow more intense sensations, deep samskaras (mental impressions) & ancestral and collective karma to purge through the physical body. This stage is really a game of sensations. The more you are able to stay at ground level - the body & not go up into the mind the more purging we allow. The art here is learning to stay present with all subtle & gross sensations without labelling them right/ wrong or good/ bad nor trying to get too involved/ making up stories about them or becoming identified with the emotions. Best practiced at the same time every day & ideally in the same place.

1. Pay attention to any physical sensations that arise on or within the body, 2. Now choose one area of the body that most calls for your attention. Remain with

your attention here as the observer for the next few minutes, 3. Try not to move the body at all during this time and stay alert as if you were a

security guard ensuring no sensation escapes your attention in this area. 4. Pay close attention to the physical sensations that arise ie: numbness, tingling,

heat, heavy, light, Perhaps: warm, cold. hot, full, empty, dull, ache, pain, pins & needles, knotting, tightness, dark, light, flowing, stuck, piecing, pulling, vibrating, queasiness, lightness, heaviness, numbness, dense, solid, chaotic, fire, heat, warmth, cold, pulsating etc

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5. Pierce the nucleus of any sensations you are watching with the light of your consciousness and again observe what happens. You may start to notice deeply buried sensations & samskaras coming to the surface which dissolve immediately or start to dissolve with this level of consciousness.

6. Repeat the above process for any of the following parts of the body, (Root Chakra (base of the spine), Sacral Chakra (hips, pelvis, sexual organs, lower back, lower abdominals), Solar Chakra (whole area of stomach, mid Back), Throat Chakra (Inside throat, sides of neck, back of neck, front of neck), Third Eye (between eyebrows size of a penny piece), Crown Chakra (Top of the head)

7. You can choose all areas & stay for 2-3mins at each or choose just 1 or 2 and stay for anything upto 60mins.

8. Finally start to sweep your awareness up & down, in & out weaving through the cells, muscles & body without rushing, yet not getting stuck in one place for too long - unless working 121 with a “7 Keys Trainer/ Healer”

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The 7 Keys Meditation

“Key 7: Om & Mantras”

Key 7 is the final key & a return to key 1 - stillness. We end where we started yet able to perceive from a very different reality. Best practiced at the same time every day & ideally in the same place.

1. Remain in you comfortable sitting position & allow ease of breath, 2. Invite your loving awareness to rest at the crown gateway (approx 1 ft above the

top of the head), 3. See a beautiful pulsating ball of golden light hovering in this area, 4. Allow this liquid golden light to flow down into the crown showering through the

whole body, 5. Allow this golden liquid light to fill up the heart & radiate through your aura, 6. With every breath allow you Mind, Body & Spirit to flood with golden light, 7. With every exhaling breath allow this golden liquid light to flow into the space

around you, the environment, to all people, children, animals, all of nature & the whole planet,

8. Flood everything & everyone with this love, joy & peace spreading to all those in conflict, distress or pain & suffering,

9. See the divine love moving through each & every sentient being liberating all those that inhabit this world & have inhabited this world,

10. Clearing any trauma, wounds & unconsciousness within the collective, personal & ancestral lines of all,

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11. Stay here for a few minutes as this golden liquid light increases the vibration of the planet & all it’s beloved beings to align with unity consciousness,

12. Trust this divine light has chosen to manifest through you to heal relationships, disease & conflict at this time

13. Welcome your gift & give thanks to all the Divine Mother, Divine Father, Spirit Helpers, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Spiritual Teachers & Healers,

14. Take 5 deep breaths into this space & chant the Mantra Om x 3 Well done on completing your 12wk meditation challenge! Well done & congratulations for creating the time & space to invest in your future! By completing this guided process, you have not only just dipped your toes in but opened up a vast world of potential & self discovery. This is only the beginning & make sure you print this off every 3 mths, return to your workbook again & again. Make sure you schedule “BLOCK TIME” in your diary to ensure you prioritise this process for self development. By committing to this process, you can accomplish what only few accomplish - self reflection, self enquiry & self awareness are KEY.

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The 7 Keys Meditation Diary

Use this as reflection after your meditation practice either daily or weekly.

In just one or few sentences how would you describe this experience? What did you notice, feel & sense? Was it comfortable/ uncomfortable? What were the challenges you met? What else did you notice? What questions do you have about this KEY?/ your practice?

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Your Brain Wave States

We easily forget that we are the controllers of our reality — and that “our reality” is not made up of outside influences, but that it actually consists of our thoughts, beliefs and mindset.

The 7 Keys Meditation is a step by step process that moves you into higher states of consciousness so that you can tap into & unlock your greater potential.

To do this, the first step is understanding your different brain frequencies…

There are five (Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma) brain waves states - each frequency is measured in cycles per second (Hz) and has its own set of characteristics representing a specific level of brain activity and a unique state of consciousness.

So what are these different brain frequencies and how can you alter them to take control of your life?

1. Beta (14-40Hz) — The waking consciousness and reasoning wave

Beta brainwaves are associated with normal waking consciousness and a heightened state of alertness, logic and critical reasoning.

While Beta brain waves are important for effective functioning throughout the day, they also can translate into stress, anxiety and restlessness.

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The voice of Beta can be described as being that nagging little inner critic that gets louder the higher you go into range. Therefore, with a majority of adults operate at Beta; it’s little surprise that stress is today’s most common health problem.

2. Alpha (7.5-14Hz) — the deep relaxation wave

Alpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation and usually when the eyes are closed, when you’re slipping into a lovely daydream or during light meditation. It is an optimal time to program the mind for success and it also heightens your imagination, visualisation, memory, learning and concentration.

It is the gateway to your subconscious mind and lies at the base of your conscious awareness.

The voice of Alpha is your intuition, which becomes clearer and more profound the closer you get to 7.5Hz.

3. Theta (4-7.5Hz) — the deep meditation and sleeping wave

Theta brain waves are present during deep meditation and light sleep, including the all-important REM dream state. It is the realm of your subconsciousness and only experienced momentarily as you drift off to sleep from Alpha and wake from deep sleep (from Delta).

A sense of deep spiritual connection and unity with the universe can be experienced at Theta. Your mind’s most deep-seated programs are at Theta and it is where you experience vivid visualisations, great inspiration, profound creativity and exceptional insight.

Unlike your other brain waves, the elusive voice of Theta is a silent voice.

It is at the Alpha-Theta border, from 7Hz to 8Hz, where the optimal range for visualisation, mind programming and using the creative power of your mind begins. It’s the mental state which you consciously create your reality. At this frequency, you are conscious of your surroundings however your body is in deep relaxation.

4. Delta (0.5-4Hz) — The deep sleep wave

The Delta frequency is the slowest of the frequencies and is experienced in deep, dreamless sleep and in very deep, transcendental meditation where awareness is fully detached.

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Delta is the realm of your unconscious mind, and the gateway to the universal mind and the collective unconscious, where information received is otherwise unavailable at the conscious level.

Among many things, deep sleep is important for the healing process — as it’s linked with deep healing and regeneration. Hence, not having enough deep sleep is detrimental to your health in more ways than one.

5. Gamma (above 40Hz) – The insight wave

This range is the most recently discovered and is the fastest frequency at above 40Hz. While little is known about this state of mind, initial research shows Gamma waves are associated with bursts of insight and high-level information processing.

Using MedYoga & 7 Keys Meditation on a regular basis trains the mind to access these higher states of consciousness at will. You have much more power than you might currently ever have conceived.

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The benefits to practising meditation, mindfulness & medyoga are endless!

Here’s a reminder of what you can expect…

● Improved mental, physical & emotional health,

● Areas of your life feeling much lighter & more enriched,

● Improved sleep, increased memory & more clarity,

● Improved ability to focus, concentrate & stay present,

● Confidence to deal with whatever life throws at you,

● Improved relationships, intimacy & connection in life & love,

● Healthy & alive sexual intimacy/ pleasure with life/self & others,

● Increased self image/ healthy relationship to body,

● Ability to make better choices & intuitive decisions,

● More calm, peace, ease, flow, purpose, passion & fulfilment,

● Improved relationship with self & less inner conflict,

● Improved self love, self nourishment & self care,

● More socially interactive, community focused & whole hearted,

● Increase in capacity to give & receive love, joy, pleasure & wealth,

● Inspired to consciously create & take empowered action on your dreams,

● More physical, emotional & mental energy for creativity,

● More enthusiastic, surrendered & trusting of life,

● Renewed excitement, passion & purpose for living,

● More compassion, stability & balance,

● Deeper connection to your soul, insights & higher consciousness

● Potential spiritual path to freedom, enlightenment & self realisation,

All this is possible. - Courses, Coaching & Workshops

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Higher Self Code

“7 Essential Habits To Maximise Your Potential For Success”

A Powerful System To Unlock Your Greatest Potential & Create The Life You Really

Want Through A Journey Of Self Discovery, Mind Mastery & The Emergence Of

The Higher Self”

1. Correct Breath & Relaxation

2. Deliberate Presence & Mindfulness

3. Unique Vision & Purpose

4. Mental & Emotional Mastery

5. Body Awareness & Physical Exercise

6. Natural Superfoods & Hydration

7. Greater Mission & Contribution

The Milestones To Higher Self Mastery…

● Get Honest About Where You Are Now & Who You Are Now.

● Get Clear About What Is It You Truly Want & Who You Need To Become.

● De-clutter & Create Space Emotionally, Mentally & Physically.

● Ditch The Limiting Mindset & Harness Your Growth Mindset.

● Resolve The Distance From Where You Are Now To The Next Step.

● Create Step By Step Soulful Goals & Milestones For The Greater Vision.

● Build Up Your Support Network With Like Minded Uplifters/ Lightworkers.

● Master The Higher Self Code To Keep You Lit Up, Inspired & Thriving.

● Hire A High Level Mentor & Coach To Keep You Accountable & On Track.