an iso 9001:2008 certified company android · certified advanced web educational training...

Android Training AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY

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Page 1: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals



Page 2: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Who we are:

WebLiquids is an ISO (9001:2008), Google, Microsoft Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals and 2270+ Students from then.

We are not just a Training organisation, But Also a Company where we work on Live Projects that helps Our Trainers to give Practical Training to the Students.

With this We also have a Consultancy that provides 100% Placement assistance to our trainees.

TM, [email protected]


Page 3: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Our Aim is to Provide High Quality education and to Train as much

Students as we can.

TM, [email protected]


Page 4: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals




“1569+ Professionals,142+Batches, 4.95 Ratings”


Page 5: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

✓ Get the right career exposure.✓ To Enhance your technical skills with Practical learning.✓ Get advanced technical & 100% practical knowledge along

with hands-on training.✓ Learn from highly experienced and professional experts.✓ Flexible Timings with Weekdays & Weekend Batches are

available.✓ Free first demo Class before Joining.✓ Doubt resolution sessions available.✓ Get 10+ (Internationally valid) Industry recognized

certifications.✓ Stay Updated with latest digital marketing strategies.✓ Get theoretical and practical classes.✓ Learn how a professional company works.✓ Improve your business communication skills.✓ In house 100% placement opportunities for outstanding

trainees.✓ Job interview preparations.


TM, [email protected]

Page 6: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

What you Learn:

❖What is Android Application Development?

❖Why Android?

❖ Scope of Android Application development

❖ Objectives of Android Development

❖Android Versions

❖ Software for Android

❖What you will learn in Core Java

❖What you learn in Android

❖ Certifications

❖ Placement Companies

TM, [email protected]

Page 7: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Android is an open source and Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.

Android was developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies.There are many code names of android such as Lollipop, Kitkat, Ecliar etc. The latest version is Oreo.

Unlike Apple's iOS, Android is open source, meaning developers can modify and customize the OS for each phone. Java language is mainly used to write the android code even though other languages can be used.

What is Android Application Development?

TM, [email protected]

Page 8: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Why Android?

One of the main reasons for this is that software as a service is highly cost effective. We can take other primary notions into consideration:

❖ Revenue –Mobile application development can also be taken up as a part time job, where you can create your own applications and submit it to the Google Play store which can be downloaded. Google AdSense ads can be displayed in your application which again provides monetary gains.

❖ Ease of use – Learning Android Programming is fairly easy and app development is cost effective. Any software developer who can think out of the box will be able to put Android into extraordinary use.

❖ Support – The most important attraction of Android is backing by Google.

TM, [email protected]

Page 9: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Scope of Android Application development

Usage of mobile phones has increased in the past year. India stands second in the world, in the number of active mobile phones. Today, out of the 6 billion mobile phones in the world, close to 1 billion is being used in India Every month sees an increase of around 6 million subscribers. That, in fact, is a lot of numbers.

With the increase in the number and make of mobile phones, there comes a demand for better applications. And in turn, huge scope of android mobile application development in India.

Samsung and HTC phones powered by Android have taken over the mobile phone reign in India. When technology develops, there comes an urge to explore unseen depths. In essence, Android is a choice at the best for exploration in India.

The average pay for a Android Developer is Rs 302,100 per year.

TM, [email protected]

“Mobile is the future of Software Development” – Google’s Eric Schmidt.

Page 10: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Objectives of Android Development

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

❖Build your own Android apps

❖Understand how Android apps work, their life cycle, manifest, Intents, and using external resources.

❖Design and develop useful Android applications with compelling user interfaces by using, extending, and creating your own layouts and Views and using Menus.

❖Take advantage of Android's APIs for data storage, retrieval, user preferences, files, databases, and content providers

❖Tap into location-based services, and create rich map-based applications

❖Utilize the power of background services, threads, and notifications.

❖Use Android's communication APIs for SMS, telephony etc.

❖Secure, tune, package, and deploy Android applications

Android Application Development course is designed to quickly get you up to speed with writing apps for Android devices.

TM, [email protected]

Page 11: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Android Versions

TM, [email protected]

Latest Version of Android:

Android "Oreo" (codenamed Android O during

development) is the eighth major version of

the Android mobile operating system. It was first

released as an alpha quality developer preview in

March 2017 and released to the public on August 21,


Page 12: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

TM, [email protected]

SoftwareAndroid Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Google's Android operating system.It is available for download on Windows, macOS and Linuxbased operating systems. It is a replacement for the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) as primary IDE for native Android application development.Android Studio was announced on May 16, 2013 at the Google I/O conference. It was in early access preview stage starting from version 0.1 in May 2013, then entered beta stage starting from version 0.8 which was released in June 2014.

The first stable build was released in December 2014, starting from version 1.0.

The current stable version is 3.0 released in October 2017.

Page 13: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Contents for

Core Java

Page 14: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

What you learn in Core Java?

Introduction:Programming language Types and ParadigmsWhy Java?

Flavours of JavaJava Designing GoalRole of Java Programmer in IndustryFeatures of Java LanguageJVM-The heart of JavaJava’s Magic Bytecode

The Java Environment:Installing JavaJava Program DevelopmentJava Source File StructureCompilation & Executions

Basic Language Elements:Tokens/Identifiers/Keywords/Variables/Literals/CommentsDatatypes Operators AssignmentsUsing Scanner(java.util package).

Control Flows:BranchingLoopingJumpingnesting of all(branching/looping/jumping)

Array and String: Defining an ArrayInitializing & Accessing ArrayMulti–Dimensional ArrayMutable & Immutable StringOperation on StringCreating Strings using StringBuffer and StringBuilder Regular expressions.

TM, [email protected]

Page 15: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Object Oriented Programming: Class FundamentalsObjectObject Life timeCreating and Operating ObjectsConstructor & initialization code blockDestructorsConstructor overloadingAccess ControlModifiersUse of Modifiers with Classes & Methods.

Inheritance and Polymorphism:DefinitionTypes of classes (base and derived)Design of AccessorsExtending Classes and InheritanceUse and Benefits of Inheritance in OOPTypes of Inheritance in JavaInheriting Data members and MethodsRole of Constructors in inheritancePolymorphism in inheritanceOverloading/Overridingdifferences of overloading and overriding

Abstraction and encapsulation: What is abstraction?Ways of abstractionAbstract Class & Interfaces Defining MethodsImplementing interfacesArgument Passing MechanismWhat is Encapsulation. Why and how?

More Modules..

TM, [email protected]

Page 16: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

More Modules..

Four main Keywords: This/Super/Static/final

Package: Organizing Classes and Interfaces in PackagesPackage as Access ProtectionDefining Package CLASSPATH Setting for PackagesImport and Static Import Naming Convention For Packages.

Exception Handling:The Idea behind ExceptionExceptions & ErrorsTypes of ExceptionControl Flow In ExceptionsJVM reaction to Exceptions Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling In-built and User Defined ExceptionsChecked and Un-Checked Exceptions.

Thread:Understanding ThreadsNeeds of Multi-Threaded ProgrammingThread Life-CycleThread PrioritiesSynchronizing ThreadsInter Communication of ThreadsCritical Factor in Thread-DeadLock

The Collection Framework: Collections of ObjectsCollection TypesSets, Sequence, MapUnderstanding Hashing, Use of ArrayList.


Page 17: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Contents for


Page 18: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

What you learn in Android Development

Overview of AndroidOverview of the AndroidApplications (Apps) DefinedAndroid ArchitectureRole of Java

Android SDKIntro to IDE(Android Studio/Eclipse)Device EmulatorProfiling ToolsHello World ApplicationApplication fundamentals & user interface

Android Application FundamentalsAndroid application building blocksActivating componentsLife Cycle of ApplicationDevelopment tools, Manifest FileLife Cycle of Activity

Overview of XMLIntroduction to XMLCreating XML documentsDesign Apps

Basic UI DesignForm widgetsViewsView Groups(Layouts)Relative Layout o Table Layouto Frame Layout o Linear Layout o Nested Layout

TM, [email protected]

Page 19: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

MenusOption MenuContext MenuSub MenuMenu from XMLMenu via code

Main Building BlocksActivityIntentsServicesContent ProvidersBroadcast Receivers

Data StorageShared PreferencesInternal Storage (Files)External Storage(SD Card)SQLite DatabasesSQLite ProgrammingIntroduction to SQLiteSQLite BasicsDatabase ConnectivityData bindingUsing content providerImplementing content provider

Device ConnectivityWorking with WiFiWorking with CameraConnect app with other apps(Whatsapp etc.)


More Modules.., [email protected]

Page 20: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Location APILocation API FundamentalExample of Android Location APIWorking with Google Maps

MultimediaPlaying AudioCreating Audio PlayerPlaying VideoAlarm ManagerGallary

Speech APITextToSpeechManaging speed and pitchSpeech To Text

Android ServiceAndroid ServiceAndroid Service APIAndroid Service Life CycleAndroid Service Example

XML & JSONXML Parsing JSON Parsing

PHPBasic of PhpLoop ,Array ,block in phpDatabase connectivity with mysql in php

Android Web ServicesWhat is web serviceStoring data into external MySql database using PHPVerifying data in android with external MySql database


More Modules.., [email protected]

Page 21: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Facebook IntegrationAndroid Google Map

• Android Map V2 API• Adding Map• Customizing Map• Android Google Map Application

MY SQLSection 1: Relational Database Basics1.1 Brief History of MySQL1.2 Relational Databases and Popular Databases1.3 SQL Statements2.1 INSERT2.2 UPDATE2.3 DELETE2.4 SELECT

Publishing Applications• Testing application• Signing the application• Versioning application• Publishing in android market

Firebase Database


More Modules.., [email protected]

Page 22: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals


TM, [email protected]

Page 23: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals

Placement Companies:, [email protected]


Page 24: AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Android · Certified Advanced Web Educational Training Organisation. WebLiquids was established in 2013 and We have Successfully trained 1569+ Professionals