an open window...december

England, Poland, Romania, Spain The magazine of the Looking for news!eTwinning project December 2013 An open window towards knowledge project magazine

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  • 1. England, Poland, Romania, SpainThe magazine of the Looking for news! eTwinning projectDecember 2013 An open window towards knowledge project magazine

2. Hello, dear friends! Hola! Cze! Ciao! (as we say in Arad) We are the pupils of 3rd class C from Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 5 Arad, Romania. Our story began in September 2011 with 32 little kids united by the same will: to become good studentsand till now, we really did it!We go to the Olympic swimming pool two hours, three days a week. We participate in lot of local, national and international competitions.We are Andra, Maya, Sonia and Ira with our teacher, DianaWe are Sebi, Victor and Andrei, and we love swimming 3. Hi, dear friends! My name is Diana Ladariu and I am a teacher at Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 5 Arad. I teach pupils from 6 to 10 years old. I teach them primary school subjects including English. I am the coordinator of international projects from our school, thats why my pupils have the opportunity to get in touch with pupils from other countries. They have participated in exchanges with Hungary and Italy, and this year we intend to do it with Austria and Greece.Here we are with our PE teacher, Mr. Radu Gheorghe. We love him very much She is Mrs. Emese Lanevschi, our PE teacher who prepares the swimmers for performance. She also teaches us modern dances.In BudapestChristmas timeBy Arad, ROMANIA 4. Our school is called "Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua" Primary and Preprimary school. "Antigua" is the name of a chapel which is situated a few meters from the school. We have adopted this chapel (another day we will talk about what means to adopt a monument) The neighborhood where is situated our school is called " Antigua", too. Obviously for the same reason. 5. the direction and management team.The school library.Music class.This is our class and our teacher, Pilar.P.E. classThe playgroundI.T LabBy Mrida, SPAIN 6. This year, the town of Oradea celebrates 900 years from its first documentary certification VARADINUM 1113.The legend of the townOnce upon a time there was the King of Hungary, named Ladislaus, who went hunting for stags. As he got tired and there came the night, he decided to take a rest. So he went to sleep on a river bank. Two angles appeared in his dream and advised him to build a church on that place. When he woke up, he told his courtmen his dream and ordered for a church to be built. Later, the fortress of Oradea was built near the church.The church is there today, in the city centre, on the Crisul Repede River`s bank. 7. Oradea, the capital city of Bihor County and Criana region, is one of the important centers of economic, social and cultural development in the western part of Romania. The city is nestled between the hills that separate and unify in a harmonious way with plain Criana. Located on the banks of Criul Repede river, that divides the city into almost equal halves, it is the gateway to Central and Western Europe. Here are some of our town beauties and curiosities!The ancient fortressThe Black Eagle PalaceThe Town HallNymphaea lotus thermalis The Moon Church (unique in Europe) The Roman Catholic CathedralThe Criul Repede riverBy Oradea, ROMANIA 8. Our Local Hero Sir Robert Peel Robert Peel was born in 1788 in Bury. He was educated at home until he was 10 years old. He was the prime minister of Great Britain twice. Robert Peel created the police force. They were also known as Bobbies and Peelers.Robert Peel statue in Bury town centre. By Christopher OBrien 9. Peel Tower Monument on Holcombe Hill, Ramsbottom.Inside the towerPeel Tower Collage Created By Leo HardmanBy Bury, ENGLAND 10. Typical Polish dishes SoupsRos - clear chicken soup Barszcz - beetroot borscht served with dumplings called uszka with mushroom filling urek - rye flour sour soup with a sausageMain coursesPierogi- Polish dumplings with different fillings Bigos - hunter's stew Gobki - stuffed cabbage with mashed potatoes on the sideSide dishesMizeria - traditional Polish salad made from cucumbers in sour cream with dill Ogrek Kiszony - Polish pickled cucumber Kapusta kiszona - sauerkrautDessertsPierniki toruskie - Polish gingerbread cookies Faworki - light fried pastry covered with icing sugar Sernik - Polish cheesecake 11. How to make pierogi Ingredients 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons butter, melted 2 cups sour cream 2 eggs 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 8 baking potatoes, peeled and cubed 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese 2 tablespoons processed cheese sauce Directions In a large bowl, stir together the flour and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the butter, sour cream, eggs, egg yolk and oil. Stir the wet ingredients into the flour until well blended. Cover the bowl with a towel, and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes. Place potatoes into a pot, and fill with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain, and mash with shredded cheese and cheese sauce while still hot. Season with onion salt, salt and pepper. Set aside to cool. Separate the pierogi dough into two balls. Roll out one piece at a time on a lightly floured surface until it is thin enough to work with, but not too thin so that it tears. Cut into circles using a cookie cutter, pierogi cutter, or a glass. Brush a little water around the edges of the circles, and spoon some filling into the center. Fold the circles over into half-circles, and press to seal the edges. Place perogies on a cookie sheet, and freeze. Once frozen, transfer to freezer storage bags or containers. To cook perogies: Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Drop perogies in one at a time. They are done when they float to the top. Remove with a slotted spoon.How to make mizeria Ingredients 3 medium cucumbers, peeled and thinly sliced 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 1 tablespoon dill Directions: Place cucumbers in a medium bowl. Add salt. Mix lightly until salt adheres evenly to cucumbers. Cover and refrigerate for one hour. Drain juice from limp cucumbers. In a small bowl, combine the remainder of the ingredients. Add to cucumbers, mixing gently. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.How to make faworki Ingredients: 250g flour 5 egg yolks 2 tablespoons sour cream 1 tablespoon sugar 1tablespoon vinegar, lemon juice or pure spirit 500g of oil for frying icing sugar to sprinkle Directions: Mix flour, egg yolks, sour cream, sugar and vinegar together. Knead the dough until it is as hard as if you were making a dough for dumplings. Beat it with a rolling-pin so it blisters and leave for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough thinly and cut into stripes (about 10-12 cm long and 2-3 cm wide). Cut a small slit in the middle of each stripe, pass one of its sides through it and afterwards pull it through (to make a shape of a twisted ribbon). Start frying faworki in hot oil (on each side) until they gain golden colour. After taking Faworki out from the oil, place them on the kitchen roll (to drain). Put them on the plate and sprinkle with icing sugar.By Lubsko, POLAND 12. PINOCHIO KINDERGARTEN BACAU ROMANIA Traditions in RomanianWinter Habits CHRISTMAS- Feast of the CHRISTMAS, first attested in 354, was set on December 24 in the fourth century by Pope Julius. V-VI century inscriptions prove that Christmas was celebrated in ancient Dacia.Who is Santa Claus? Romanian legend of Santa Claus says that the Mother of God, looking for a place to give birth, asked shelter's Christmas, a wicked man, who chased her. Crciunoaia but good heart, take shelter hidden in the fold, where he served as a midwife baby. Upon hearing that, Christmas, rage, cut off your hands, but the baby Jesus, touching it with her hands and stuck them back. Seeing this miracle, Christmas worshiped the Lord and became the first believer, reaching a merciful and generous man. A wandering means going from house to house with different wishes galore, health and fulfillment. Carols are songs that people encounter Christ on earth. It narrates the tumultuous life of Jesus from birth to crucifixion. The singing group. Helped to perpetuate the spirit of unity and Romanian. Vicleimul sau Irozii it is a kind of religious drama depicting the story of the three wise men who saw the star sky prevestitito are the Nativity scene bringing it cruel Herod ordered the killing of infants, not to lose the kingdom with the star. These carols remember the life of God.In Romanian mythology, the tree is considered the tree of life, of marriage and childbirth, fertility and auspicious tree.They come from various sources: the Orthodox Byzantine world, the medieval Between Christmas and Epiphany colidtorii walk Catholic church tradition or cultural creations of our nation. New Year is a specific carol. Talk about ancient agricultural rituals related to the cult of the sun and the Geto-Dacian hero mythical Trojan. It's probably a god of winter, whose name has left Romanian language word showing piles of snow around New Year. Trojan has the powers of a god of winter, and the character of the rebirth of nature, the rich fruit of the fields. Plow is usually generating a general cheerfulness, optimism dagajnd atmosphere, atmosphere enhanced by the bells, bells and other musical instruments. Urarea cu sorcova Bearing in his hand a branch of apple or pear, adorned with colored paper, through people's homes, children wish them many years of health, strength of the iron, the beauty of roses. Costumes and played by a boy imitating animal walking two or four legs, hidden under sheepskin, it gives rhythm game, wooden acting bot chatter.December is a month with deep meanings for Romanian is the month with the national and Christian holidays.We have the most beautiful Christmas carols. Nobody beats. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas! Realizat de: prof. Gabriel TudorBy Bacau, ROMANIA 13. made by pupils in primary school from Lucian Blaga High School Oradea .Objects made with Origami techniqueWinter watercolor paintings, drawingsSnowmen made out of yogurt bottlesPainted plaster figurinescChristmas cards Carol singers made out of toilet paper roll By Oradea, ROMANIA 14. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTSharpaccordionSPORTS IN OUR SCHOOLcycling volleyballfootballswimming basketballtable tennis 15. C is for the Candy trimmed around the Christmas tree. H is for the Happiness with all the family. R is for the Reindeer prancing by the window pane. I is for the Icing on the cake as sweet as sugar cane. S is for the Stocking on the chimney wall. T is the Toys beneath the tree so tall. M is for the Mistletoe where everyone is kissed. A is for the Angels who make up the Christmas list. S is for old Santa who makes every kid his pet. Be good and he'll bring you everything in your Christmas Alphabet.Snow is falling, all around me Children playing, having fun It's the season, love and understanding Merry Christmas everyone !!!CHRISTMAS IN GREAT BRITAIN Christmas is probably the most popular family holiday in Great Britain. All preparations for Christmas are usually complete by 24 December. By this time Christmas greeting cards are exchanged and a Christmas tree is decorated. On the Christmas tree you can find colourful baubles. On the top of a Christmas tree there is a beautiful, big, yellow star. Under the tree you can find a lot of fantastic presents but only if you were good during the whole year. Late in the evening people go to church to attend the so-called midnight mass. When they come home, children hang up Christmas stocking for presents. They believe that Santa Clause arrives in a sledge drawn by the reindeer, enters every house through the chimney and gives wonderful presents to children. The most popular reindeer is the red-nosed reindeer called Rudolph. All children in Great Britain love Rudolph and sing a song about him. When the first star appears in the sky the family starts Christmas dinner. The most popular course is roast turkey and Christmas pudding. After Christmas dinner the whole family gathers together to sing Christmas carols and tell jokes.greeting cardChristmas tree baubleChristmas stockingSanta Claus starreindeerroast turkey Christmas puddingchimneysledge 16. The project team Teresa Snchez - Merida, Spain - fondator Sandor Traier Oradea, Romania - fondator Casey Lynchey Bury, England - member Diana Ladariu Arad, Romania - member Dorota ukowska Biaystok, Poland - member Elena-Gabriela Atnsoaie Reghin, Romania - member Gabriel Tudor Bacu, Romania - member Maria Ury Lubsko, Poland - member