an outline of a partnering process in nigeria dr haruna adamu berlin, 14 nov 2010

An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010

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An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010. Background information. Nigeria Stop TB Partnership (NSTBP) launched in April 2009 by the Minister of Health. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010

An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria

Dr Haruna AdamuBerlin, 14 Nov 2010

Page 2: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010

Background information • Nigeria Stop TB Partnership (NSTBP) launched in April 2009 by the

Minister of Health.

• A Protem Executive Committee was formed with the endorsement of Government and was composed of 16 members. Among them Academia, WHO, USAID, ILEP, civil society, professional associations, National HIV/AIDS control , NTP, private sector and the affected community.

Chair - Nigeria Thoracic Society Vice-chair - Private sector Secretariat - WHO.

• Achievements: Development of draft constitution, strategic plan in line with the country NTP plan and costed, legalisation of the partnership with constituted authorities, formation of a functional website, engagement of the media and resource mobilisation from the GF round 9 and TA provided to strengthen the partnership.

Page 3: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010
Page 4: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010

• Lack of proper understanding of the vision and shared common goal of the

partnership. Individual partners focused on individual interests (eg National TB conference, training of chest physicians etc).

• The common goal of the partnership, as the main motivating factor in establishing a collaboration and addressing the related challenges, was not yet recognized as the founding principle to guide discussions and decisions.

• Lack of clarity on role of partnership: contrasting perceptions such as some partners worrying about a controlling attitude of the NTBLCP and the NTBLCP itself worrying about the creation of a parallel body which may empty its institutional mandate.

• No clarity about a roadmap for the completion of a partnering process.

Initial challenges

Page 5: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010

Global Stop TB Partnership Mission to Nigeria, May 2010

Page 6: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010

Follow up on the mission recommendations

• A special meeting of the executive committee of the Nigeria stop TB partnership was convened on 4th August 2010 to discuss the report of the mission. At the end of the meeting, there was a consensus among all the executive committee members to move the partnership forward in line with the Global Stop TB mission recommendations.

• Accordingly, it was agreed to implement the clear road map for the partnering process as recommended by the mission.

This is very important to be underlined - as for the first time all members achieved consensus.
Page 7: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010

Partnering process – exploration:identifying partners and resource mapping

• The NSTBP secretariat has obtained and circulated the finalized version of the New National TB strategic 2010-2015 to its partners for information and comments. Comments have been compiled and forwarded to the NTBLCP for possible incorporation into the plan.

• The NSTBP secretariat has compiled the list of key partners working in TB in Nigeria together with their e mail addresses and telephone numbers

• The NSTBP secretariat has circulated a form to all the listed key TB partners in the country and collected information on TB services they provide

• The NSTBP secretariat has carried out a detailed mapping of who does what and where (summary sheet).

Page 8: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010


Service Service/Task North West North East North Central South West South East South South  

HIGH QUALITY DOTS Identify TB suspects

1. HDAI Kano 2. DRC Kaduna 3. MF Katsina 4. CSI Kebbi 5. MDC Gusau

1. NCDF Yobe 2. NMA Jalingo

1. AA Kontagora 2. OF Nasarawa Eggon 3. HAF Ilorin 4. CfDC Abuja 5. PHMI Makurdi

1. FOCHRID Ado Ekiti 2. PLAN Ibadan

1. CTF Awka 2. DDN Abakaliki 3. SLSG Enugu 4. CEYFD Owerri 5. SOPAT Enugu 6. TGN Obowu 7. LPF Enugu

1. AFHO Asaba 2. PDF Calabar 3. BDI Bayelsa 4. PLCGI Akwa Ibom  

  Collect sputum samples GAP GAP1. OF Nasarawa Eggon GAP

1. SLSG Enugu 2. SOPAT Enugu 1. PDF Calabar  

  Do smear microscopy GAP GAP1. OF Nasarawa Eggon GAP GAP GAP  

  Do HIV test

1. DRC Kaduna 2. CSI Kebbi 3. MDC Gusau 1. NMA Jalingo

1. AA Kontagora 2. DHC Abuja 3. OF Nasarawa Eggon 4. HAF Ilorin 5. PHMI Makurdi

1. FOCHRID Ado Ekiti 2. PLAN Ibadan

1. SLSG Enugu 2. LPF Enugu 1. PDF Calabar  

  Diagnose TB (and HIV) GAP GAP1. OF Nasarawa Eggon GAP GAP GAP  

  Treat TB GAP GAP1. OF Nasarawa Eggon GAP 1. LPF Enugu GAP  

ACSM Conduct advocacy

1. HDAI Kano 2. DRC Kaduna 3. MF Katsina 4. CSI Kebbi 5. MDC Gusau

1. GEEED Damaturu 2. NCDF Yobe 3. NMA Jalingo

1. AA Kontagora 2. DHC Abuja 3. OF Nasarawa Eggon 4. CEPAT Lokoja 5. HAF Ilorin 6. CfDC Abuja 7. PHMI Makurdi

1. FOCHRID Ado Ekiti 2. K&TRC Akure 3. JAAIDS Lagos 4. PLAH IJOKO-LEMODE 5. PLAN Ibadan

1. CTF Awka 2. DDN Abakaliki 3. SLSG Enugu 4. CEYFD Owerri 5. SOPAT Enugu 6. TGN Obowu 7. TEEPAC Awka 8. LFP Enugu

1. AFHO Asaba 2. PDF Calabar 3. BDI Bayelsa 4. PLCGI Akwa Ibom  

 Train health staff on IPC and counselling skills CSI Kebbi GAP

1. DHC Abuja 2. CEPAT Lokoja 3. HAF Ilorin

1. FOCHRID Ado Ekiti 2. K&TRC Akure 3. JAAIDS Lagos

1. CTF Awka 2. DDN Abakaliki 3. SLSG Enugu 4. CEYFD Owerri 5. SOPAT Enugu 6. LPF Enugu 1. PDF Calabar  

 Train treatment supporters and volunteers

1. HDAI Kano 2. CSI Kebbi

1. GEEED Damaturu 2. NCDF Yobe

1. AA Kontagora 2. DHC Abuja 3. CEPAT Lokoja 4. HAF Ilorin 5. CfDC Abuja 6. PHMI Makurdi

1. FOCHRID Ado Ekiti 2. K&TRC Akure 3. JAAIDS Lagos 4. PLAH IJOKO-LEMODE 5. PLAN Ibadan

1. CTF Awka 2. DDN Abakaliki 3. SLSG Enugu 4. CEYFD Owerri 5. SOPAT Enugu 6. TGN Obowu 7. LPF Enugu

1. AFHO Asaba 2. PDF Calabar 3. PLCGI Akwa Ibom  

Page 9: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010

What has changed? Initial challenges addressed

• The NSTBP understood and agreed that there should be only one plan to which every partner will buy into, including the NSTBP . Every partner, including the NSTBP will identify which part of the plan it will implement based on its competencies. Therefore, individual interests of partners that are not part of the National plan are null and void.

• The role of NSTBP became very clear. It is to support the NTBLCP implement the National TB plan. The NTBLCP has the ownership of the programme and co-ordinates and work with all partners buying into the plan, including the NSTBP.

• Partnering process became very clear to NSTBP. By launching the NSTBP at the very beginning in April 2009, it became obvious that some basic steps (exploration and building) were missed hence the reasons for the initial challenges. This was why the NSTBP executive committee decided to restart the process from the very beginning as recommended by the mission.

This last sentence is too strong and not true. In the sense that all partners can in principle contribute, they just need to see the value added of that. I would take it out. Unless I misinterpreted.
You can make reference to the initial challenges mentioned above.
Page 10: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010

Immediate future plans• A partnering agreement will be prepared highlighting vision, goal,

and objectives of the partnership. Proposal for governing bodies and mechanisms of representations are to be developed as well. The end product will be circulated to all stakeholders for endorsement. Timeline is end of December 2010.

• Organization of a National Workshop: A National Workshop shall mark the transition of the NSTBP to operational phase. It will be expected to present and endorse the finalized national plan, mapping of partners’ roles and responsibilities and related costing, partnering agreement, including all the guiding principles that partners chose as foundation of their collaboration. Proposed period is January 2011.

No absolute need to mention this slide for this presentation, especially if with the other slides you are already over the 10 minutes.
Page 11: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010

Global Stop TB Partnership Mission to Nigeria, May 2010

Page 12: An outline of a partnering process in Nigeria Dr Haruna Adamu Berlin, 14 Nov 2010