an spdm approach presentation for oss bss -by biju m r

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Post on 10-Jun-2015




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A SW product management presentation from a telecom OSS BSS perspective. References a) TMForum b) I. van de Weerd, S. Brinkkemper, R. Nieuwenhuis, J. Versendaal, L. Bijlsma, “On the Creation of a Reference Framework for Software Product Management: Validation and Tool Support“, Utrecht University, Netherlands,, 2006


  • 1. Product Development & Management Approach & PhasesOperations & Business Support System for Wireless Broadband

2. Agenda Objective Setting the Background O/BSS for Wireless Business Portfolio & Product Line O/BSS for Wireless Broadband Theme & Roadmap Planning O/BSS for Wireless Broadband - Requirements Management O/BSS for Wireless Broadband Planning, Development & Launch 3. Objective A Product Management Case Study OSS BSS for Wireless Broadband SPM aspects from an OSS BSS perspective Product Standards Referred & considered : E TOM & TAM Representation of OSS BSS portfolio identified & touch base on majorfeature functions of the OSS BSS solution. 4. Product Management Stages & InterfacesInternal Resources, Budget factors & Portfolio Management Time LinesProduct Road mappingCompetitor Key decisions on the product strategy Market,Product / Solution Identify Themes and Roadmap featuresAnalysis Trendsexpected to be part of the Product based on theManagemefrom Market Trendsnt Productexternal Will have input on Resources, Budget ,product Line Strategy stake Strengths & Weakness holders and Helicopter view of Product roadmap withBudget Approval marketProduct Line identification - Functions & anticipated budget, resource and releaseanalystsModules timelines Release planning Requirements Management Requirements prioritizing; release planning; Gathering, identifying and revising functionalconstruction & validation of release requirementsrequirements and organizing them with respectdocument; and scope Roadmap , product lines and themes finalized Involve requirements Management for next releases Internal ResearchUnderstand market, identifyInputsthe opportunity, develop and Contracts Related factormarket an appropriate piecefrom Partnerof softwareInputs from Sales, Feedback from CustomersRequirements gathering and Forums & Standardsidentification,prioritizing Engineering & Delivery & SupportrequirementsbasedonQAbusinessneeds, drivingschedules and functionalspecificationswithdevelopment. 5. OSS BSS for Wireless Portfolio Management & Product LineIdentification Invest in OSS BSS for WirelessInternal SWOT Analysis Revenue ForecastStakeholders Strategic PlansStrategic & Background in OSS /BSS SpaceProduct ManagementMarket Inputs Resource Competencies Sales Intelligence PortfolioManagement & Market Trends Product Line Time to come is of Big Data Industry moving towards LTE & 4G which Identification is Data Centric Mobile Internet via broadband, which reached 1,190 million subscribers in over External Market 160 countries at the end of 2011. Data traffic doubles every year and in 2015 Research &will be 95% of total mobile traffic analysts Inputs CSP Priorities Customer self care Billing and Account management Catalog Product Portfolio :OSS/BSS for Wireless Broadband Real time Charging & Policies Dynamic discounting Product Line: CSM, Catalog, Inventory, Fulfillment, Real Multi channel support Partner Settlement Time Charging , Billing & Payment Management 6. OSS BSS for Wireless Broadband Theme & Roadmap Planning Market Research Document providing the guidelines for O/BSS Roadmap & Theme Finalization Discussions with various Stakeholders : Management , Sales, Marketing, Engineering, Delivery & Support to arrive at the Theme & Roadmap vis a vis O/BSS for Wireless Broadband Reference Models : E-TOM & TAM 4.0Plan to Product Theme : NG-Integrated Revenue & Customer Management includes Scope Roadmap Plan : NG-ICRM - Roadmap for 2 Years with Interim Release Milestones , Risk, Mitigation, Effort, Re Interim Milestones to cover up functional features across modules identifiedsource & MilestoneProduct Roadmap : NG-ICRM E2E Release Product & Service Life Define Service specifications & management of service Design , Develop and launch new products Cycle Management Ready to market products by operations Team. E2E Customer & Subscription Management Product & Service Catalog Operations & Support Management Device Inventory Management Partner Management Multi Channel Customer Interface Management Order Management & Order Management & Handling Service Configuration & activation Fulfillment Inventory/Device Provisioning& Tracking Partner request Management Trouble Ticketing Service Assurance & SLAs Device complaint Tracking & resolution Partner /Dealer Problem reporting & Management Real Time Collection & Global Billing Mediation Convergent Rating Engine Revenue Management Billing , Invoicing & Payments Management Partner /Dealer Invoicing/Commission & settlement 7. OSS BSS for Wireless Broadband Theme & Roadmap Planning e TOM Mapping of NG-ICRMOperations Support &OperationsFulfillment AssuranceRevenue ManagementReadinessCustomer Interface Customer Interface ManagementManagementCustomer Interface ManagementChargingCustomer Relationship CRM Support & readiness Selling Problem Handling Bill Invoicing Management Order HandlingCustomer QOS/SLA ManagementBill Payments Retention & LoyaltyService Configuration & SM & OperationsSMO Support & Readiness Service Problem Management Billing Mediationactivation Resource Data Collection & RM & OperationsRM & O Support & ReadinessResource Provisioning Resource Trouble ManagementDistribution Supplier & Partner SP Request ManagementrelationshipSPRM Support & ReadinessSP Interface ManagementSP Settlements & Payments Management SP Interface ManagementInfrastructure Life cycleStrategy Infrastructure & productStrategy & CommitProduct Life Cycle ManagementManagement Marketing & Offer Management Product & Offer Development & Retirement Service Development & Management Service Development & RetirementResource Development & ManagementSupply Chain Development & Management 8. OSS BSS for Wireless Broadband Roadmap For Release v.1 Operations NG-Integrated Revenue & Customer ManagementFramework Customer ManagementService Assurance & FulfillmentCustomer OpenPOS Partner ChannelsPortalOrder EntryWorkflow AccountManagementTrouble TicketingManagement EBPP Web Customer Inventory PortalInteractions Real Time Collection & ChargingBilling and FinancialsProduct & Service Catalog Promotions &Bill CalculationPayments Balance ManagementLoyaltyServicesProductsCross Discounts QA Bill DunningRecharge / Top-Up VMSTaxation Credit LedgerCollectionOCSMediation Contracts PromotionsNetwork InterfacesDiameter Collection Correlation TransformationCORBASOAPValidationEnrichmentTarget Solution for Phase-I release to include the .Effort Estimate (Req. Mgmnt, Rel. Mgmnt stages) X Man Days 2013 Q2Anticipated Time Line Q2 2013 Release) Resource Estimate X Resource 9. OSS BSS for Wireless Broadband Roadmap For Release v.2Operation NG-Integrated Revenue & Customer ManagementFramework Service Assurances OpenCustomer ManagementTrouble Ticketing& FulfillmentCustomer PartnerPOS ` ChannelsPortalAccountOrder EntryWorkflowProvisioning ManagementManagementMobil Self Workforce EBPPCareWebCustomer Interactions Inventory PortalManagement Real Time Collection & Charging Billing and Financials Partner Dealer ManagementBalance ManagementBill Calculation PaymentsPartner ManagementPromotions & LoyaltyCross Discounts QA Bill DunningCommissionInteractionsRecharge / Top-VMS Up TaxationCreditLedger CollectionOCSInvoicing SettlementMediation Network Interfaces Product & Service CatalogDiameterRADIUS Collection Correlation TransformationServicesProductsCORBASOAPValidationEnrichment Active Mediation Contracts PromotionsTarget Solution for Phase-II release to include additionally .Effort Estimate (Req. Mgmnt, Rel. Mgmnt stages) X Man DaysAnticipated Time Line Q4 2013 2013 Q4 Release) Resource Estimate X Resource 10. OSS BSS for Wireless Broadband Roadmap - For Release v.3 OperationsNG-Integrated Revenue & Customer ManagementFramework Customer ManagementTrouble Ticketing Service Assurance &Customer Open POSPartner Fulfillment ChannelsPortalAccountOrder Entry WorkflowProvisioning Management Management Customer WorkforceEBPPMobil SelfWeb InventoryCarePortalInteractions ManagementReal Time Collection & ChargingBilling and Financials Partner Dealer ManagementPromotions &Bill CalculationInvoice DesignPaymentsPartner Management Balance Management LoyaltyRecharge /Cross DiscountsQA Bill DunningInteractionsVMS NotificationsCommission Top-UpTaxation Credit LedgerInvoicingSettlement Collection OCSPCRF Mediation Network InterfacesProduct & Service CatalogOSA /ParlayDiameter RADIUS CollectionCorrelation TransformationServices ProductsIPDR CORBA SOAPEnrichment Active Validation Mediation ContractsPromotions Target Solution for Phase-III release to include additionally . Effort Estimate (Req. Mgmnt, Rel. Mgmnt stages) X Man Days 2014 Q2 Anticipated Time Line Q2 2014 Release) Resource Estimate X Resource 11. OSS BSS for Wireless Broadband Requirements ManagementObjective : Research & prepare the Product Research Document with functional , Non functional, &operations requirements against the Roadmap published Core product group formed with involvement from Design & Engineering , Sales ,Marketing and lead by productmanagement will identify functional requirementsPRD Preparation based on High Level blue print of functional requirements from TM Forum Telecom Application Map (TAM)Supplemented & Detailed based on Research done by Product Team Marketing /Sales Team InputsProduct Management Analysts Reports RFP/RFI from salesResearch & Product Customer Feedbacks Requirement Requirement Document : NG - Forums & SpecificationsIdentification ICRMEg: Mapping ofOperations Support Vertical Group of e TOM against TAM functionality Index 12. OSS BSS for Wireless Broadband Development , Release & LaunchObjective : The phase in which the Product Requirements will get materialized with filtering & sign off followed byhand over to engineering & design team to start development and deliver the products to Product Management Product Management to share Product Requirements after necessaryfiltering and prioritization.Product ManagementPrior to that , the release definition & Release validation business use casesto be prepared Product Requirement set to Includes Design Suggestions (SID, TM Forum Phased PrioritiesDevelopmentRequirementInterface spec) as well as per plansThe interim milestones will be applicable in this phase with prioritizedrequirements across functions identified based on e TOM & TAMframeworkx Track andRequirement Validate theAnalysis- Product Management to monitor and track the development of product andDevelopment; Phase x+1will perform the validation of the QA completed product with respect to theProduct Requirement set.Requirement analysis for subsequent phases to kick start during this phase 13. OSS BSS for Wireless Broadband Development , Release & LaunchRelease Process - FlowRoadmap Roadmap PrioritizationBusinessFinalize RequirementsBusiness Cases CasesRelease Definition for thephase under development Release validation for Scope Changescheduled productLaunch Release Design &DevelopmentDelivery/Support/ Customer/Sales 14. OperationsNG-Integrated Revenue & Customer ManagementFrameworkCustomer ManagementTrouble TicketingService Assurance Customer Partner OpenPOS & FulfillmentChannelsPortalAccountOrder EntryWorkflow Provisioning ManagementManagement Mobil SelfCustomerWorkforce EBPPCareWebInventoryPortal InteractionsManagement Real Time Collection & Charging Billing and FinancialsPartner Dealer ManagementBill CalculationInvoice DesignPaymentsPartner ManagementBalance Management Promotions &LoyaltyRecharge / Top- Cross DiscountsQA BillDunning Interactions VMS NotificationsCommission Up TaxationCreditLedger Invoicing Settlement CollectionOCS PCRF MediationNetwork InterfacesProduct & Service Catalog OSA /ParlayDiameter RADIUSCollectionCorrelation Transformation ServicesProductsIPDRCORBA SOAP ValidationEnrichmentActive MediationContracts Promotions 15. Portfolio Management Product Road mapping Key decisions on the product strategy Identify Themes and RoadmapMarket, Product / Solutionfeatures expected to be part of theBudget Approval Will have input on Resources, Budget Product based on the product Line, Strengths & Weakness Helicopter view of Product roadmapRelease planning identification - Product Line Requirements Managementwith anticipated budget, resource andFunctions & Modulesrelease timelines Requirements prioritizing; release Gathering, identifying and revisingplanning; construction & validation of functional requirements andrelease requirements document; and organizing them with respect toscope management.Roadmap , product lines and themes finalized Involve requirements Management fornext releases NG-Integrated Revenue & Customer ManagementFrameworkCustomer Management Trouble Ticketing Service AssuranceCustomer Open POS Partner Portal & Fulfillment Channels Account Management Order Entry Workflow ManagementProvisioningMobil Self CareEBPP Web PortalCustomer InteractionsInventory Workforce ManagementThank You Real Time Collection & Charging Billing and Financials Partner Dealer Management Bill Calculation Invoice Design PaymentsPartner ManagementBalance Management Promotions & Loyalty Cross Discounts QA Bill DunningRecharge / Top-Up VMS Notifications CommissionInteractionsTaxationCreditLedger Invoicing Settlement Collection OCS PCRFBiju M RNetwork InterfacesMediation Product & Service CatalogCollectionOSS BSS Consultant & Functional Architect OSA /Parlay DiameterRADIUSCorrelationTransformationServicesProductsIPDR CORBASOAPEnrichmentValidationActive Mediation Contracts [email protected]+ 91 9447006924