ana andrejc in nina Černilec 9.b. we are ana and nina. we are 14. we live in a town called...

Ana Andrejc in Nina Černilec 9.B

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Ana Andrejc in Nina Černilec 9.B

We are Ana and Nina. We are 14. We live in a town called Radovljica and va illage Ljubno. We will describe Radovljica because there is nothing much to say about Ljubno.

Between the vast fields on the northeast side and the river Sava on southwest lies a quiet town Radovljica. The population here is about 6.000 inhabitants.

Radovljica is also the birthplace of the first true Slovenian playwright Anton Tomaž Linhart, who lived at the end of 18th century and can be easily put aside the most prominent drama names at that time with his comedy Županova Micka (The Mayor’s Micka).

Linhartov trg

Museum of ApicultureŠivec house art gallery

OŠ A.T.Linhart

Here you will not find luxurious hotels and overpriced stores nor heavy traffic. Instead you will meet welcoming people in a peaceful atmosphere.