ana isabel faria ribeiro - · ana isabel faria ribeiro ... paula batista santos ......

Curriculum vitae Ana Isabel Faria Ribeiro Lisbon, July 2012

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Page 1: Ana Isabel Faria Ribeiro - · Ana Isabel Faria Ribeiro ... Paula Batista Santos ... Biotechnology, Instituto Piaget de Almada 1. Sílvia Maria Cotrim Alves Characterization

Curriculum vitae

Ana Isabel Faria Ribeiro

Lisbon, July 2012

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1. PERSONAL DATA ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

2. ACADEMIC DEGREES ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

3. AREAS OF SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY ...................................................................................................................................... 4

4. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................................. 4

5. TEACHING EXPERIENCE .................................................................................................................................................. 5

5.1. Masters .................................................................................................................................................................. 5

5.2. First degrees .......................................................................................................................................................... 6

5.3. Other courses ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

6. SUPERVISING EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................................................................. 7

6.1. Post-docs ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

6.2. PhD Theses ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

6.3. Master theses ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

6.4. First degree students.............................................................................................................................................. 8

6.5. Capacity building and specialized training .............................................................................................................. 9

7. PARTICIPATION IN PROJECTS ....................................................................................................................................... 11

7.1. Coordination (principal researcher) ...................................................................................................................... 11

7.2. Coordination of IICT teams ................................................................................................................................... 11

7.3. Collaboration ....................................................................................................................................................... 12

8. PARTICIPATION IN JURIES ............................................................................................................................................ 13

8.1. Theses .................................................................................................................................................................. 13

8.2. Job applications ................................................................................................................................................... 14

8.3. Projects ................................................................................................................................................................ 14

9. SCIENTIFIC COLABORATION WITH PEER-REVIEW JOURNALS ......................................................................................... 15

10. PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP’S COMISSIONS .................................................................................... 15

11. PARTICIPATION IN INSTALLING COMISSIONS ............................................................................................................. 16

12. IMPLEMENTATION OF LABORATORIES, NETWORKS AND CONSORTIA ........................................................................ 16

13. PUBLICATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 16

13.1. Theses ................................................................................................................................................................ 16

13.2. Book chapters .................................................................................................................................................... 17

13.3. Articles in peer-reviewed international journals ................................................................................................. 17

13.4. Articles in peer-reviewed national journals ........................................................................................................ 18

13.5. Articles in conference proceedings ..................................................................................................................... 18

13.6. Other Publications ............................................................................................................................................. 20

13.7. Impact of Publications (International Science Index) .......................................................................................... 21

14. COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 21

14.1. Oral communications by invitation ..................................................................................................................... 21

14.2. Oral communications by selection ...................................................................................................................... 22

14.3. Posters/Abstract books ...................................................................................................................................... 24

15. PRIZES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 29

16. PARTICIPATION IN NETWORKS, ASSOCIATIONS AND CONSORTIA .............................................................................. 29

17. PARTICIPATION IN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT POLICIES ............................................................. 29

18. ACTIVITIES WITH CIVIL SOCIETY .................................................................................................................................. 30

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Full name

Ana Isabel Faria Ribeiro

Institutional address

Plant Ecophysiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology Unit (Eco-Bio)

Center for Environment, Agriculture and Development (Biotrop)

Tropical Research Institute (IICT)

Quinta do Marquês

2784-505 Oeiras



Phone: +351 214544685/7

Fax: +351 214544689

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

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Doctor - Plant Molecular Biology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Classification: not applicable


Master of Science – Biotechnology, Option: Plant and Microbial Production, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Classification: 8/10


First degree – Agronomy, Option: Crop Production and Protection – Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique

Classification: 4/5


Molecular Biology of Plant-Environment Interactions

Plant Genetic Resources



Since 2009

Invited Professor, Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), Faculty of Agronomy (since 2009) and Biotechnology Center (since 2011) (Mozambique)

Since 2007

Senior Adviser for Plant Biotechnology, Biotechnology Center, UEM (Mozambique)

Since 2006

Secretary of the Portuguese Representative, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Member of the European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) and the ARD European Coordination Group (ECG)

Deputy Director, Eco-Bio/Biotrop/IICT

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Since 2001

Invited Researcher, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (ITQB/UNL)

Since 2000

Researcher, IICT


IICT Representative, Biosafety Group, European Consortium for Agricultural Research in the Tropics (ECART)


Deputy Director, Department of Natural Sciences, IICT


Food Engineering Course Director, Instituto Piaget de Almada

Directive Council Member, Instituto Piaget de Almada


Assistant Professor, Instituto Piaget de Almada

Post-doc, ITQB/UNL and Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (IBET)


5.1. Masters

Since 2011

Bioethics – Master in Biotechnology, Biotechnology Center, Eduardo Mondlane University (CB/UEM), Mozambique (4 credits or 100h/year, coordination)

Genetic transformation – Master in Biotechnology, CB/UEM, Mozambique (4 credits or 100h/year, coordination)

System’s biology – Master in Biotechnology, CB/UEM, Mozambique (6 credits or 150h/year, teaching and coordination)

Techniques of genetic characterization – Master in Biotechnology, CB/UEM, Mozambique (6 credits or 150h/year, teaching and coordination)

Cell interactions and pathogenesis – Master in Biotechnology, CB/UEM, Mozambique (4 credits or 100h/year, teaching and coordination)


Introduction to Plant Biotechnology - Genetic material and associated processes and mechanisms, Master in Rural Development, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering, Eduardo Mondlane University (FAEF/UEM), Mozambique (Lecture, 4.5h)


Sustainable management of plant genetic resources, Master in Rural Development, FAEF/UEM, Mozambique (Seminar, 1h)

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2004 and 2006

Molecular responses of plants to environmental constraints, Master in Tropical Crop Production, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Technical University of Lisbon (Lecture, 3h/year)


Biology of plant-microbe interactions, Master in Life and Earth Sciences, University of Madeira (Lecture and Practical Course, 8h)


Plant genetic engineering, Master in Tropical Animal Sciences, Faculty of Medical Veterinary, Technical University of Lisbon (Seminar, 3h)

1996 and 1997

Biomolecular techniques, Master in Biotechnology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands (Practical course, 40h/year)

5.2. First degrees

Since 2009

Molecular genetics and genetically modified organisms, discipline of Genetics, Degree in Agronomy, FAEF/UEM, Mozambique (Lecture, 4h)


Molecular diagnosis of plant diseases, discipline of Integrated Pest and Disease Management, Degree in Agronomy, FAEF/UEM, Mozambique (Lecture, 4h)


Genetics, Degree in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Instituto Piaget de Almada (90h/year, teaching and coordination)

Microbiology, Degree in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Instituto Piaget de Almada (100h/year, teaching and coordination)


Food production and technology, Degree in Food Engineering, Instituto Piaget de Almada (100h/year, teaching and coordination)

5.3. Other courses


Genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms, course to high school teachers from the Portuguese School of Maputo, CB/UEM (16h)


Genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms, course to university teachers and researchers from Mozambican institutions, CB/UEM (25h)

RAPD analysis using the program NTSYSpc2.0, practical to researchers from CB/UEM, Mozambique (3h)

Plant biotechnology: principles, applications and risk-benefit analysis, lecture to researchers from Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Mozambique (2h)


Agrobiotechnology: biodiversity, diagnosis and genetically modified organisms, open course to students and teachers, UEM, Mozambique (15h)

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Biotechnology in the classroom – genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms, course to high school teachers, Eco-Bio, IICT (35h)


Basic molecular biology techniques, open course to students and teachers, CB/UEM (15h)


6.1. Post-docs

9. Paula Batista Santos The impact of salt stress in Casuarina glauca – since January 2012 (Main supervisor; co-supervisor: J. Cochicho Ramalho, IICT)

8. Ana Sofia Fortunato Impact of drought on the photosynthetic apparatus of Coffea sp.: an integrative approach – since July 2009 (Co-supervisor; Supervisor: J. Cochicho Ramalho, IICT)

7. Patrícia Conceição dos Santos Casuarina glauca-Frankia nitrogen-fixing root-nodule symbiosis: functional analysis of three stress-related genes, CgChi3, CgChi1 (encoding class III and I chitinases) and CgHIN1 (encoding a homologue of Hairpin Inducing Protein 1) – September 2008/August 2011 (Main supervisor; Co- supervisors: K. Pawloski, Stockholm Univeristy and B. Day, Michigan State University)

6. Jingsi Liang Characterization of biodiversity in miombo woodlands from Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique – July/December 2009 (Supervisor)

5. Maria Manuel Romeiras Biodiversity in the Macaronesian region - September 2006/August 2009 (Co-supervisor; Supervisor: M. C. Duarte, IICT)

4. Jingsi Liang Functional analysis of defense-related genes during symbiotic nitrogen fixation - July 2006/June 2009 (Supervisor; Co- supervisor: C. P. Pinto Ricardo, ITQB&/UNL)

3. Ana Sofia Fortunato Identification of molecular markers for cold tolerance in Coffea sp. - July 2006/June 2009 (Co-supervisor; Supervisor: J. Cochicho Ramalho, IICT)

2. Patrícia Conceição dos Santos Role of defense-related genes during the establishment of root-nodule symbioses - April 2005/May 2008 (Supervisor; Co- supervisor: K. Pawloski, Stockholm Univeristy)

1. Maria João Rijo-Johansen Molecular alterations during Casuarina glauca nodulation – October 2002/September 2003 (Supervisor)

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6.2. PhD theses

6. Inês Maria Graça A proteomic approach to study the impact of salt stress in nitrogen-fixing root nodules of Casuarina glauca – since July 2008 (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa – FCT/UNL) (in co-supervision with A. Pereira, FCT/UNL and J. Cochicho Ramalho, IICT)

5. Paula Eichler Molecular responses of Coffea sp. to low positive temperatures – concluded 2011 (Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Technical University of Lisbon – ISA/UTL) (in co-supervision with J. C. Ramalho, IICT and M. M. Chaves, ISA/UTL)

4. Jingsi Liang Heterologous gene expression in Medicago truncatula nodules – concluded 2006 (Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa – ITQB/UNL) (in co-supervision with P. Fevereiro, ITQB/UNL and M.M. Gouveia, Universidade da Madeira, UMa)

3. Ana Sofia Fortunato Involvement of defense-related genes during Casuarina glauca nodulation concluded - 2006 (ITQB/UNL) (in co-supervision with C. P. Pinto Ricardo, ITQB/UNL)

2. Ana Maria Bessa Genetic diversity of wild Helianthus populations – July 2001/July 2005 (discontinued)

1. Patrícia Conceição dos Santos Molecular aspects of coffee leaf orange rust – concluded 2005 (Departament of Biology, UMa) (in co-supervision with M. M. Gouveia, UMa and D. Fernandez, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement)

6.3. Master theses

2. Ivete Maquia Provisional title: Molecular characterization of forest genetic resources from miombo woodlands in Niassa National Reserve: development of genetic barcodes and ISSR markers – since December 2011, Master in Biotechnology, Biotechnology Center, Eduardo Mondlane University (CB/UEM), Mozambique (Main supervisor; Co-supervisor: Luis F. Goulão, IICT)

1. Elias Militão Provisional title: Genetic diversity of pod mahogany (Afzelia quanzensis Welw.) in the Michafutene collection – since December 2011, Master in Biotechnology, CB/UEM (Main supervisor; Co-supervisors: Luis F. Goulão, IICT and Mauro Durante, Pisa University, Italy)

6.4. First degree students

11. Inácio Mulhelho Genetic characterization of local peanuts varieties through SSRs – September 2009/August 2010, Degree in Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering, Eduardo Mondlane University (FAEF – UEM), Mozambique (in co-supervision with I. Muocha, FAEF/UEM)

10. Arlindo Macie Effects of oxygen in stored rice and peanuts – September 2009/August 2010, Degree in Agronomy, FAEF/UEM (in co-supervision with I. Muocha, FAEF/UEM)

9. Nuno duro - Development of barcodes from miombo tree species – March/July 2010, Degree in Agronomy, ISA/UTL

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8. Vando Silva Development of molecular markers to characterize species and populations of the genus Hypoxis – March 2009/February 2010, Degree in Biology, Faculty of Sciences (FC), UEM (in co-supervision with F. Barbosa, FC/UEM)

7. Alexandra Ferreira Genetic diversity of wild Helianthus populations from Mozambique - October 2002/October 2003, Degree in Chemical and Environmental Sciences – Biotechnology, Instituto Piaget de Almada (in co-supervision with A. Bessa, IICT)

6. Eda Rita Machado Chitinases gene expression in response to coffee leaf rust - October 2002/October 2003, Degree in Chemical and Environmental Sciences – Biotechnology, Instituto Piaget de Almada

5. Bruno Antunes Genetic characterization of Hemileia vastatrix, the causal agent of coffee leaf rust – May/December 2002, Degree in Biotechnological Engineering, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias

4. Alfredo Tomás Magumisse Morphological and molecular characterization of wild Helianthus populations – April/July 2002, Degree in Agronomy, FAEF/UEM (co-supervisor; supervisor: T. Faria, FAEF/UEM)

3. Renata Ferreira Cloning of peroxidase coding genes from root nodules of Casuarina glauca – March 2001/May 2002, Degree in Chemical and Environmental Sciences – Biotechnology, Instituto Piaget de Almada

2. Inês Castelhano Graça Cloning and characterization of coffee genes involved in the response to Colletotrichum kawawe e C. gloeoporioides – March 2000/January 2001, Degree in Chemical and Environmental Sciences – Biotechnology, Instituto Piaget de Almada

1. Sílvia Maria Cotrim Alves Characterization of a lupine (Lupinus albus) hydrolase – September 1999/September 2000, Degree in Food Engineering, Instituto Piaget de Almada

6.5. Capacity building and specialized training

21. Vando Silva (Researcher, CB/UEM, Mozambique). Genetic diversity in miombo woodlands tree species – April 2010/March 2011

20. Celestino Uamusse (Researcher, Center for Research and Development in ethnobotany, Mozambique). Basic methods of molecular biology and bioinformatics – December 2010

19. Vanessa Santos (Initiation to Scientific Research Grant – BII). Molecular characterization of the germplasm bank of Jatropha curcas from IICT through microsatellite markers – October 2009/September 2010.

18. Alessa Silva (Initiation to Scientific Research Grant – BII). Gene cloning and bioinformatic analysis. – October 2009/September 2010

17. Madylene Quintas Faustino (last year student from Lab Technician’s Course, Casa Pia de Lisboa). Lab management and training in molecular biology techniques. Abril/June 2010

16. Ivete Maquia (Researcher, CB/UEM, Mozambique) Development of microsatellites markers from miombo woodlands tree species – May/December 2009

15. Fernanda Bessa (PhD student, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Technical University of Lisbon) Molecular biology techniques for taxonomic purposes – June 2009

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14. Michelle Abreu (Research Grant, Project FCT/AGR-AAM/64078/2006) Molecular evaluation and characterization of tolerance mechanisms to adverse environmental conditions in Coffea sp. - central role of the oxidative stress control at leaf level – May 2008/May 2009

13. Inês Graça (Research grant, Project FCT/POCTI/AGR/55651/2004) Molecular biology of Casuarina glauca – Frankia symbiosis – April 2006/June 2008

12. Ivete Maquia (Researcher, CB/UEM, Mozambique) Molecular characterization of sweet potato germplasm by RAPD - November 2007

11. Elisabete Carapuça (Public Administration Trainee) Genetic stability of in vitro and cryopreserved plants by RAPD - April 2006/March 2007 (co-supervision)

10. Sofia van Harten (PhD student, Technical University of Lisbon) RT-PCR with degenerate primers - November 2005/January 2006

9. Sandra Martins (Young researcher grant, Project FCT/POCTI/BME/36191/1999) Cloning and characterization of defense genes from Casuarina glauca nodules – January 2001/December 2003

8. Gabi Monteiro (Assistant, CB/UEM, Mozambique) Techniques for isolation and purification of Taq polymerase – April 2003

7. Edin Orozco Miranda (PhD student, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil) RAPD and MSP-PCR markers for genetic diversity studies – January/March 2003

6. Andreia Sofia Loureiro (PhD student, Universidade Nova de Lisboa) RAPD and MSP-PCR markers for genetic diversity studies - May 2002/May 2003

5. Ernesto Salcedo (Agronomist) Use of RAPD markers for genetic diversity studies in Coffea sp. – June/October 2001

4. Hilário Magaia (Assistant, FAEF/UEM, Mozambique) Biomolecular techniques and applications – July 2001

3. Ana Isabel Carvalho (2nd

year student, Biotechnological Engineering, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias)

Biomolecular techniques and applications - March 2002/March 2003

2. Paula Pigozzo (2nd

year student, Agronomy, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil) Biomolecular techniques and applications- January/February 2003

1. Eda Rita Machado (4th

year student, Chemical and Environmental Sciences - Biotechnology, Instituto Piaget de Almada)

Biomolecular techniques and applications - October 2001/May 2002

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7.1. Coordination (principal researcher)

9. Advanced training in Biotechnology Funding: Portuguese Institute for Development. January 2012/January2014.

8. Bridging the divide between natural resource conservation strategies and the role of key forest genetic resources in Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique Funding: Bioversity International (Proj F06). November 2008/December 2011.

7. Role of defense-related genes during the establishment of actinorhizal symbiosis Funding: Departamento de Relações Europeias Bilaterais e Multilaterais – DREBM (PESSOA 2009-Proc 441). January 2009/December 2010

6. Role of defense-related genes during the establishment of root-nodule symbioses between higher plants and nitrogen-fixing bacteria Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia – FCT (POCTI/AGR/55651/2004 and PTDC/AGR/55651/2007). June 2005/August 2009

5. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: common features between actinorhizal and legume root nodules Funding: FCT (POCTI/BME/36191/1999). January 2001/December 2004

4. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: common features between actinorhizal and legume root nodules Funding: Gabinete de Relações Internacionais para a Ciência e Ensino Superior- GRICES / Égide (Proc 616-C2). January 2002/December 2003

3. Capacity building to promote sunflower cropping in Mozambique Funding: Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento - IPAD (Proc. 0136/MA/01). April 2002/December 2003

2. Genetic variability of wild Helianthus populations from Mozambique Funding: GRICES/UEM (Proc 4.1.3/UEM). January 2001/December 2001

1. Molecular aspects of coffee leaf rust and coffee berry disease Funding: FCT (ARIPIPI 439-05). July 2000/June 2003

7.2. Coordination of IICT teams

6. Establishment of a suitable fire monitoring and plan for the sustainable management of Miombo Woodlands in Niassa National Reserve Northern Mozambique Funding: RUFORUM - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (RU/CGS/GRG/15/11/09). January 2011/December 2012.

5. Village-level market-driven rice intensification - developing a sustainable model in the Zambezi province of Mozambique Funding: International Rice Research Institute (DPPC 2008-52). March 2008/December 2012

4. Sustainable management of miombo woodlands in northern Mozambique: an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to understand fire resistance Funding: FNI/MCT proj 35 and Fundo Aberto/UEM (Mozambique). October 2008/October 2010

3. Genetic analysis of drought resistance in peanut through molecular markers Funding: FNI/MCT proj 25 (Mozambique). October 2008/October 2010

2. Iron detoxification and stress response in bacteria. A mechanistic study

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Funding: FCT (PTDC/QUI/67142/2006). October 2007/September 2010

1. Structural and mechanistic studies of fatty acid desaturases Funding: FCT (POCTI/QUI/37413/2001). July 2002/June 2005

7.3. Collaboration

14. Development of molecular markers for sweet potato breeding towards drought and virus tolerance Funding: FNI/MCT (Mozambique). October 2011/October 2014

13. Sustainable production of biofuels in Africa Funding: Geocapital. October 2008/October 2011

12. Evaluation and molecular characterization of tolerance mechanisms to limiting environmental conditions in Coffea sp. - central role of oxidative stress control Funding: FCT (PTDC/AGR-AAM/64078/2006). October 2007/September 2010

11. Cork oak ESTs consortium - abiotic stress: heat and cold stresses Funding: FCT (SOBREIRO/0035/2009). October 2009/June 2010

10. Plant growth under controlled conditions for studies on plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses at the genomic, physiological, biochemical and structural levels Funding: FCT (REEQ/374/BIO/2005). June 2006/July 2009

9. Evaluation of genetic diversity of sweet potato germplam by RAPD analysis Funding: Fundo Aberto/UEM and Centro Internacional de las Papas - CIP. July 2007/July 2010

8. Genetic diversity of tomato mites (Tetranychus spp.) and its natural enemies by means of molecular techniques Funding: Fundo Aberto/UEM (Mozambique). October 2007/September 2009

7. Studies on genetic and physiological characterization of sheep and rabbit adaptation to food restriction Funding: FCT (POCTI/CVT/57820/2004). January 2005/December 2008

6. Stress physiology and gene expression. Acclimation of Coffea sp. to low temperatures and high irradiance Funding: FCT (POCTI/AGG/43101/2001). January 2004/December 2006

5. Molecular and cellular physiology of coffee leaf rust resistance Funding: GRICES (Proc 714-C2). January 2003/December 2003

4. Resistance mechanisms of coffee to orange rust and coffee berry disease Funding: FCT (ARIPIPI 439-05). July 2000/June 2003

3. Project pinus for technological development Funding: Programa Específico de Desenvolvimento da Indústria Portuguesa (PEDIP). September 1998/September 2000

2. Differential gene expression in Casuarina glauca nodules Funding: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research - NWO. January 1994/April 1997

1. Gene expression in Alnus glutinosa-Frankia symbiosis Funding: EU (SC1 0388 MA). May 1990/May 1994

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8.1. Theses

17. September 2011: Instituto Superior de Agronomia / Technical University of Lisbon – ISA/UTL – Carlos Aragon Abreu – PhD seminar (pre-defense) - «Propagation of C4, CAM and C3 tropical crops in Temporary Immersion Bioreactors (TIB): physiological characteristics as analyzed by hormone profile, metabolic pathways and expression of specific induced genes» - Main opponent

16. July 2011: ISA/UTL – Paula B. Santos – PhD thesis in Biology - «Molecular responses of Coffea sp. to low positive temperatures» - Supervisor

15. January 2010: Faculdade de Ciências / Universidade do Porto – Catarina Santos – PhD thesis in Biology - «Oxidative stress response in free-living and symbiotic frankiae – molecular and phylogenetic studies» - 1



14. April 2009: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia / Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT/UNL) – Márcia Cristiana Guilherme – PhD thesis in Biochemistry - «Mechanistic and structural studies on iron oxidations by ferritins» - 3

rd opponent

13. December 2008: Faculdade de Ciências / Universidade de Lisboa – Ana Rita Morgado – Master thesis in plant biology and biotechnology - «Partenocarpy in Olea europaea L.: gene identification and expression analysis» - 1

st opponent

12. May 2008: Faculty of Veterinary / Eduardo Mondlane University – Joelma Santos Leão – First degree in Veterinary, Eduardo Mondlane University - «Identification of ectoparasites and molecular diagnosis of Babesia caballi in Equus asinus from Maputo province» - 1

st opponent

11. September 2007: FCT/UNL – Américo Duarte – Master thesis in Functional and Structural Biochemistry - «Biomineralization in anaerobic bacteria. Identification of catalytic intermediaries» - 1

st opponent

10. June 2006: Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica / Universidade Nova de Lisboa (ITQB/UNL) – Jingsi Liang – PhD thesis in Molecular Biology - «Heterologous gene expression in legume nodules of Medicago truncatula» - supervisor

11. June 2006: ITQB/UNL – Ana Fortunato – PhD thesis in Molecular Biology - «Involvement of defense-related genes during nodulation of Casuarina glauca» - supervisor

10. April 2005: University of Madeira – Patrícia Santos - PhD thesis in Molecular Biology - «Molecular aspects of coffee leaf orange rust» - supervisor

9. November 2004: Instituto Piaget de Almada - David Jorge Martins Brás – First degree in Chemical and Environmental Sciences – Biotechnology - «Identification and characterization molecular markers from quercus» - 1

st opponent

8. October 2004: Instituto Piaget de Almada - Sónia Patrícia Pais dos Santos - First degree in Chemical and Environmental Sciences – Biotechnology – «Molecular characterization of selected genotypes of Pinus pinaster» - 1

st opponent

7. December 2003: Instituto Piaget de Almada – Eda Rita Machado - First degree in Chemical and Environmental Sciences – Biotechnology - «Gene expression studies of coffee genes involved in the response to coffee leaf rust» - supervisor

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6. July 2003: Universidade Federal de Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil –Edin Orozco Miranda - PhD thesis - «Morphological, biochemical and pathogenic characterization of Colletotrichum spp. isolates from Minas Gerais coffee and comparison with C. kahawae» - 1

st opponent

5. April 2003: Instituto Piaget de Almada – Renata Ferreira - First degree in Chemical and Environmental Sciences – Biotechnology - «Cloning of peroxidase coding genes from Casuarina glauca root nodules» - supervisor

4. December 2002: Institut pour le Recherche et Développement, Montpellier, France – PhD thesis (pre-exam) - Sergio Svistoonoff – «Characterization of Cg12, a subtilase expressed during early steps of Casuarina-Frankia symbiosis» – 3

rd opponent

3. December 2002: Institut pour le Recherche et Développement, Montpellier, France- PhD thesis (pre-exam) - Carole Santi – «ENO40 and auxin-related genes in actinorhizal symbiosis» - 3

rd opponent

2. July 2002: Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique - Alfredo Tomás Magumisse - First degree in Agronomy – «Morphological and molecular characterization of wild Helianthus populations» - co-supervisor

1. September 2000: Instituto Piaget de Almada – Sílvia Maria Cotrim Alves – First degree in food engineering - «Characterization of a lupine (Lupin albus) hydrolase» - supervisor

8.2. Job applications

7. July 2009: Four Research Initiation Grants (IICT-DCN-Eco-Bio 1, 3, 4 and 5), Tropical Research Institute - IICT

6. January 2009: Research Grant (PTDC/BIA-PRO/67105/2006), IICT

5. October 2008: Researcher under the Program Compromisso com a Ciência 2008 (C2008-CQFB-04), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia / Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT/UNL)

4. December 2007: Research Grant (PTDC/AGR-AAM/64078/2006), IICT

3. October 2007: Researcher under the Program Compromisso com a Ciência 2007 (C2007-418-CQFB-2), FCT/UNL

2. March 2006: Research Grant (009/BI/2006), Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica / Universidade Nova de Lisboa (ITQB/UNL)

1. December 2000: Research Grant (028/BIC/00), ITQB/UNL

8.3. Projects

2. July 2007: RFLP study of mtDNA from human populations (Ministry of Science and Technology, Mozambique)

1. July 007: Analysis of STR loci from human populations (Ministry of Science and Technology, Mozambique)

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9. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, Referee (2012)

8. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Referee (2012)

7. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, Referee (2012)

6. Omics Group, Guest editor, Special issue: Plant medicines: applications in therapeutics (2012)

5. Agricultural Science Research Journal, Referee (2011, 2012)

4. African Journal of Agricultural Research, Referee (2011)

3. African Journal of Biotechnology, Referee (2011)

2. Functional Plant Biology, Guest editor, Special issue: Actinorhizal plants (2010-2011)

1. African Journal of Ecology, Referee (2010)


9. 2012: International Congress - Tropical Knowledge in Mozambique: History, Memory and Science, October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, organizing committee

8. 2012: Annual Conference Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed - COST FA0905, November 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, organizing committee

7. 2012: International Congress Tropical Knowledge in Mozambique: History, Memory and Science, October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, organizing committee

6. 2011: International Conference on Ethnobotany, November 2011, Maputo, Mozambique, scientific committee

5. 2009/2010: 16th

International Meeting on Frankia and actinorhizal plants, September 2010, Oporto, Portugal, co-chair of the organizing committee

4. 2008/2009: 8th

Plant Genomics European Meeting, October 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, local organizing committee

3. 2008: Research for Development in Portuguese-speaking countries, an ancillary meeting of the Annual General Meeting of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, November 2008, Maputo, Mozambique, organizing committee

2. 2008: Workshop Committing Science & Technology to Global Development – Biodiversity & Agricultural Research, September 2008, Lisbon, Portugal, president of the local scientific committee

1. 2008: I Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Fixação de Azoto, Estoril, Portugal, June 2008, scientific committee

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Master in Biotechnology, Biotechnology Center, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique

Since 2008:

National Program of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Mozambique



Plant Biotechnology Platform for Portuguese Speaking Countries (PBP-CPLP)


BIOPOLIS Consortium (collaborator, genetic resources group, in progress)

Research and development networks in Portuguese-speaking countries (collaborator, in progress)

Association for Scientific Research from Mozambique (AICIMO), institution to represent Mozambique at the International Council for Science (collaborator)


National Platform for Plant Functional Genomics (PNGFP), Portugal (representative of Tropical Research Institute - IICT)


Biotechnology Center, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique (collaborator)


Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology from IICT (coordinator)


Laboratory Pinus, Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (collaborator)


13.1. Theses

3. Ribeiro AIF (1997). Plant genes involved in the establishment of an actinorhizal symbiosis. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, ISBN 90-5485-666-1, 108 pp.

2. Ribeiro AIF (1993). Cloning and characterization of cDNAs corresponding do genes from Alnus glutinosa nodules induced by Frankia Thr. Master of Science thesis, Wageningen University, 63 pp.

1. Ribeiro AIF (1990). Biometric characterization of 3 varieties of Carica papaya. First degree thesis, Eduardo Mondlane University, 50 pp.

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13.2. Book chapters

3. Várzea VMP, Rodrigues Jr CJ, Silva MC, Gouveia M, Marques DV, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A (2002) Resistência do cafeeiro à Hemileia vastatrix. In: O estado da arte de tecnologias na produção de café. L. Zambolin (ed), Universidade Federal de Viçosa, pp. 297-313.

2. Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A, Guan C-H, Berry AM, Bisseling T (1997) Actinorhizal nodules. In: Biological Fixation of Nitrogen for Ecology and Sustainable Agriculture. A Legocki, H Bothe, A Pühler (eds), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 267-270.

1. Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A, Bisseling T (1996) Nitrogen fixing root nodule symbioses: legume nodules and actinorhizal nodules. In: Biotechnology Annual Review Part II. MR El-Gewely (ed), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 151-184.

13.3. Articles in peer-reviewed international journals

23. Ribeiro A, Berry AM, Pawlowski K (2011). Actinorhizal plants. Functional Plant Biology 38 (9), iii-v (corresponding author).

22. Pawlowski K, Bogusz D, Ribeiro A, Berry AM (2011). Progress on research on actinorhizal plants. Functional Plant Biology 38 (9), 633-638.

21. Ribeiro A, Graça I, Pawlowski K, Santos P (2011). Actinorhizal plant defence-related genes in response to symbiotic Frankia. Functional Plant Biology 38 (9), 639-644.

19. Batista-Santos P, Lidon FC, Fortunato A, Leitão AE, Lopes E, Partelli F, Ribeiro AI, Ramalho JC (2011) The impact of cold on photosynthesis in genotypes of Coffea spp.—Photosystem sensitivity, photoprotective mechanisms and gene expression. Journal of Plant Physiology 168 (8), 792-806.

18. Ribeiro A, Romeiras MM, Tavares J, Faria T (2010). Ethnobotanical survey in Canhane village, district of Massingir, Mozambique: medicinal plants and traditional knowledge, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 6: 33 (corresponding author).

17. Ribeiro A, Gouveia M, Bessa A, Ferreira A, Magumisse AT, Manjate M, Faria T (2010). Population structure and genetic diversity of wild Helianthus species from Mozambique. Russian Journal of Genetics 46 (8), 967-975 (corresponding author).

16. Santos P, Fortunato A, Graca I, Martins S, Gouveia M, Auguy F, Bogusz D, Ricardo CPP, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2010). Characterization of four defense-related genes up-regulated in root nodules of Casuarina glauca. Symbiosis 50, 27-35 (corresponding author).

15. Fortunato A, Lidon FC, Eichler P, Leitão AE, Pais IP, Ribeiro AI, Ramalho JC (2010). Biochemical and molecular characterization of the antioxidative system of Coffea sp. under cold conditions in genotypes with contrasting tolerance. Journal of Plant Physiology 167, 333-342.

14. Santos P, Fortunato A, Ribeiro A, Pawlowski K (2008). Chitinases in root nodules. Plant Biotechnology 25 (3), 299-307.

13. Fortunato A, Santos P, Graca I, Gouveia M, Martins S, Ricardo CPP, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2007). Isolation and characterization of cgchi3, a nodule-specific gene from Casuarina glauca encoding a class III chitinase. Physiologia Plantarum 130, 418-436 (corresponding author).

12. Gouveia MMC, Ribeiro A, Várzea VMP, Rodrigues Jr CJ (2005). Genetic diversity in Hemileia vastatrix based on RAPD markers. Mycologia 97 (2), 393-404.

11. Pinto MP, Ribeiro A, Regalado AP, Rodrigues-Pousada C, Ricardo CPP (2005). Expression of Lupinus albus PR-10 during root and leaf development. Biologia Plantarum 49 (2), 187-193.

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10. Fernandez D, Santos P, Agostini C, Bon MC, Petitot AS, Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A, Nicole M (2004). Coffee (Coffea arabica) genes early expressed during infection by the rust fungus (Hemileia vastatrix). Molecular Plant Pathology 5(6), 527-536.

9. Svistoonoff S, Laplaze L, Liang J, Ribeiro A, Gouveia M, Auguy F, Fevereiro P, Franche C, Bogusz D (2004). Infection-related activation of the cg12 promoter is conserved between actinorhizal and legume-rhizobia root nodule symbiosis. Plant Physiology 136, 3191-3197.

8. Chen ZJ, Ribeiro A, Silva MC, Santos P, Guerra-Guimarães L, Gouveia MMC, Fernandez D, Rodrigues Jr CJ (2003). Heat shock-induced susceptibility of green coffee leaves and berries to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and its association to PR- and hsp70 gene expression. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 63(4): 181-190.

7. Vleghels I, Hontelez J, Ribeiro A, Fransz P, Bisseling T, Franssen H (2003). Expression of ENOD40 in tomato plant development. Planta 218 (1): 42-49.

6. Santi C, von Groll U, Ribeiro A, Chiurazzi M, Auguy F, Bogusz D, Franche C, Pawlowski K (2003). Comparison of nodule induction in legume and actinorhizal symbioses: the induction of actinorhizal nodules does not involve ENOD40. Molecular Plant Microbe-Interactions 16 (9): 808-816.

5. Laplaze L, Ribeiro A, Franche C, Duhoux E, Auguy F, Bogusz D, Pawlowski K (2000). Characterization of a Casuarina glauca nodule-specific subtilisin-like protease gene, a homolog of Alnus glutinosa ag12. Molecular Plant Microbe-Interactions 13 (1): 113-117.

4. Guan C-H, Ribeiro A, Akkermans ADL, Jing Y, van Kammen A, Bisseling T, Pawlowski K (1996). Nitrogen metabolism in actinorhizal nodules of Alnus glutinosa: expression of glutamine synthetase and acetylornithine transaminase. Plant Molecular Biology 32 (6): 1177-1184.

3. van Ghelue M, Ribeiro A, Solheim B, Akkermans A, van Kammen A, Bisseling T, Pawlowski K (1996). Sucrose synthase and enolase expression in actinorhizal nodules of Alnus glutinosa: comparison with legume nodules. Molecular and General Genetics 250 (4): 437-466.

2. Ribeiro A, Praekelt U, Akkermans A, Meacock PA, van Kammen A, Bisseling T, Pawlowski K (1996). Identification of agthi1, whose product is involved in biosynthesis of the thiamine precursor thiazole, in actinorhizal nodules of Alnus glutinosa. Plant Journal 10(2): 361-368.

1. Ribeiro A, Akkermans A, van Kammen A, Bisseling T, Pawlowski K (1995). A nodule-specific gene encoding a subtilisin-like protease is involved in early stages of actinorhizal nodule development. Plant Cell 7: 785-794.

13.4. Articles in peer-reviewed national journals

3. Ribeiro A, Leitão AE, Neves L (2010). Agrobiotechnology and food security. Ciência e Tecnologia, in press.

2. Partelli F, Eichler P, Ribeiro AI, Ramalho JC (2007). Frio como barreira. Cultivar 97, 30-32.

1. Várzea VMP, Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A, Gouveia M, Azinheira H, Rodrigues Jr CJ (2004). Coffee leaf rust: a brief review, Revista Portuguesa de Biologia Vegetal e Agro-Industrial, vol 1, 87-102.

13.5. Articles in conference proceedings

23. Fortunato AS, Goulao LF, Rodrigues AD, Jackson P, Partelli FL, Ribeiro AI, Ramalho JC (2011) Sistema antioxidativo de Coffea sp. na capacidade de aclimatação a estresse simultâneo de frio e seca. VII Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil, 6 p.

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22. Batista-santos P, Lidon FC, Fortunato AS, Leitão AE, Pais IP, Campos PS, Partelli F, Ribeiro AI, Ramalho JC (2010). Coffee Cold Acclimation Ability and its Relation to Oxidative Stress Control. 23

rd International

Conference on Coffee Science, in press.

21. Batista-Santos P, Goulão LF, Fortunato AS, Pais IP, Campos PS, Partelli F, Ribeiro AI, Ramalho JC (2010). The

effect of low temperature on metabolism of membrane lipids in coffea spp. and associated gene expression. 23

rd International Conference on Coffee Science, in press.

20. Moura IR, Clemente AS, Ribeiro A, Simões-Costa MC, Rodrigues JC, Garcia-Fernandez C, Ribeiro NS (2009). Germinação de sementes de espécies do miombo Moçambicano. Actas de Hoticultura, in press.

19. Maquia I, Gouveia MM, Moura I, Rodrigues JC, Ribeiro N, Ribeiro A (2009). Isolamento de microssatélites de espécies florestais das matas de miombo. 2

as Jornadas de Ciência e Tecnologia de Moçambique, in


18. Eichler P, Ramalho JC, Partelli F, Fortunato A, Chaves MM, Ribeiro A (2008). Sensing low temperature in Coffea sp. through photosynthesis and gene expression analysis. 22

nd International Conference on Coffee

Science, 852-858.

17. Partelli FL, Vieira HD, Pais IP, Quartin VL, Campos PS, Fortunato A, Eichler P, Viana AP, Ribeiro A, Ramalho JC (2008). Chloroplast membrane lipids from Coffea sp. under low positive temperatures. 22


International Conference on Coffee Science, 891-898.

16. Moura IR, Simões-Costa MC, Carapuça E, Ribeiro A (2008). Studies on in vitro preservation of root and tuber crops genetic resources at the JBT/IICT. 10

th Triennial Symposium International Society for Tropical

Root Crops –Africa Branch, in press.

15. Ribeiro A, Bessa A, Ferreira A, Magumisse AT, Manjate M, Gouveia M, Faria T (2007). Avaliação da diversidade genética de acessos selvagens do género Helianthus presentes no litoral da costa moçambicana em cinco distritos das províncias de Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane e Sofala. V Seminário de Investigação da UEM – A investigação científica e o seu papel no desenvolvimento de Moçambique, in press.

14. Loureiro A, Várzea V, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A, Silva MC, Bertrand B (2006). Characterization of Colletotrichum kahawae variabilty. 21

st International Conference on Coffee Science, Montpellier, France,

8p (CD-ROM).

13. Eichler P, Santos P, Gouveia MM, Lidon FC, Chaves MM, Ribeiro A, Ramalho JC (2006). Cold tolerance evaluation in Coffea sp. Impact on the photosynthetic apparatus and the control of oxidative stress assessed by gene expression analysis. 2

st International Conference on Coffee Science, Montpellier, France,

4p (CD-ROM).

12. Ramalho JC, Leitão AE, Eichler P, Santos P, Pais IP, Campos PS, Lidon FC, Rodrigues AP, Chaves MM, Ribeiro AI (2006). An integrative approach to study environmental stress tolerance in Coffea sp.- from leaf to gene. 21

st International Conference on Coffee Science, Montpellier, France, 10 p (CD-ROM).

11. Ramalho JC, Rodrigues AP, Pais IP, Leitão AE, Ribeiro AI, Silva MJ, Chaves MM, Lidon FC (2005). Maintenance of respiration activity and sugar balance account for chilling tolerance in Coffea sp. XII Congresso Latino-Americano de Fisiologia Vegetal, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, 5 p (CD-ROM).

10. Santos P, Machado E, Gouveia M, Lidon FC, Nunes MA, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro AI (2005). Expression analysis of chitinase coding genes in response to low non-freezing temperatures. XII Congresso Latino-Americano de Fisiologia Vegetal, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, 5p (CD-ROM).

9. Ganesh D, Petitot A-S, Alary R, Santos P, Ribeiro A, Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Fernandez D (2004). Characterization of the early response of coffee to Hemileia vastatrix using real-time quantitative RT-PCR. 20

th International Conference on Coffee Science, Bangalore, India, 8p (CD ROM).

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8. Santos P, Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A, Fernandez D (2004). Identificação de genes envolvidos na resistência do cafeeiro à ferrugem alaranjada. 4º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Fitopatologia, Faro, Portugal, pp 20-23.

7. Ribeiro A, Bessa A, Magumisse A, Faria T (2002). Avaliação da diversidade genética de populações selvagens do género Helianthus: resultados preliminares. 1º Simpósio Nacional de Investigação Agrária, Maputo, Mozambique, pp. 125-133.

6. Fernandez D, Santos P, Bon MC, Agostini C, Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A (2001). Construction of libraries of coffee cDNA sequences early expressed during the hypersensitive response to the rust pathogen Hemileia vastatrix, using subtractive suppressive hybridization. 11

th Congress of the

Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Evora, Portugal, pp 196-198.

5. Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A, Guan C, Berry AM, Bisseling T (1998). Comparison of nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbioses. In: Biological nitrogen fixation for the 21st century. 11

th International Congress on Nitrogen

Fixation, Paris, France, Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 199-201.

4. Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A, Guan C, van Kammen A, Bisseling T, Berry AM (1996). Sequential gene induction during actinorhizal nodule development. 8th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. G Stacey, B Mullin, PM Gresshoff (eds), International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St. Paul, Minnesota, pp 417-422.

3. Ribeiro A, Akkermans A, van Kammen A, Bisseling T, Pawlowski K (1995). A nodule-specific gene encoding a subtilisin-like protease is involved in early stages of actinorhizal nodule development. In: Nitrogen fixation: Fundamentals and applications. IA Tikhonovich, NA Provorov, WE Romanov, WE Newton (eds), Kluwver Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, Boston, London, p 509.

2. Pawlowski K, Guan C, Ribeiro A, van Kammen A, Akkermans A, Bisseling T (1994). Genes involved in Alnus glutinosa nodule development. 1

st European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, GB Kiss, G Endre (eds), Officina

Press, Szeged, Hungary, pp 220-224.

1. Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A, Guan C, van Kammen A, Akkermans A, Bisseling T (1993). Differential gene expression in root nodules of Alnus glutinosa. 6

th International Symposium on Biological Nitrogen Fixation

in Non-Legumes, NA Hegazi. M Fayez, M Monib (eds), The American University in Cairo Press, pp 185-190.

13.6. Other Publications

Ribeiro AI (2002 - 2004) Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira - Século XXI, Ed. Verbo, Lisboa, S. Paulo. Textos de Biologia e Bioquímica (72):

Vol. 29: Vector de clonagem (p. 151)

Vol. 28: Tetraplóide (p. 100), Ti (plasmídio) (p. 138), Topoisomerases (p. 410), Totipotência (p. 490), Tradução (p. 536), Transcrição (pp. 591-592), Transcrição (factores de) (p. 593), Transcrição reversa (p. 593), Transcriptase reversa (pp. 593-594), Transcripto (p. 594), Transdução (pp. 595-596), Transformação (pp. 609-611), Translocação (pp. 628-629), Transposição (p. 650), Transposões (p. 651), Tripleto (p. 836), Triplóide (p. 837), Trissomia (pp. 854-855), tRNA (p. 866), tRNA metilases (p. 866)

Vol. 27: Síntese do DNA (p.10), Síntese do RNA (p. 16), Somaclonal (variação) (p. 396), Somática (mutação) (p. 402), Somática (recombinação), Southern (análise) (p. 490), Splicing (pp. 520 – 521), Taq polimerase (p. 1002), TATA (caixa) (pp. 1036 – 1037), TATA (proteína de ligação) (p. 1037), T-DNA (p. 1092), Telofase (p. 1228), Telomerase (p. 1228), Telómeros (p. 1228)

Vol. 26: Satélite DNA (p. 394), Segregação independente (p. 610), Self-splicing RNA (p. 674, Semi-conservativa (replicação) (p. 706), Sequência de Intervenção (IVS) (p. 826), Silenciamento genético (p. 1132)

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Vol. 25: Reparação do DNA (pp. 126-127), Replicação (pp. 131-132), Replicão (p. 132), Replicases (p. 132), Repressão (pp. 147-148), Repressor (p. 149), Restrição (enzimas de) (pp. 325-326), Restrição (fragmentos) (p. 326), Restrição (mapa) (p. 326), Retrotransposão ( p. 365), Ribonucleases (pp. 525-526), Ribonucleoproteínas (p. 526), Ritmo circadiano (p. 650), RNA (ligase, maturase, polimerase, replicase, sintetase) (p. 671)

Vol. 24: R (plasmídeos) (p. 681), Rab (proteínas) (p. 683), Ras (genes) (p. 861), Ras (proteínas) (p. 861), Redundância (código genético) (p. 1094-1095), Regulação da expressão genética (pp. 1264-1265),

Vol. 23: Poliadenilação (do mRNA) (pp. 60-61), Polimerases (de DNA e de RNA) (pp. 101-102), Pré-mRNA, -rRNA, -tRNA (p. 1151), Primer (pp. 1246-1247)

Vol. 22: Plasmídeo (p.1307)

13.7. Impact of Publications (International Science Index)

Citation number: 323 (15.12.2011) Average citation number per article: 15.38 Average citation number per year: 20.19 H index*: 9 *J.E. Hirsch. 2005. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102: 16569-16572.


14.1. Oral communications by invitation

19. Ribeiro A, Goulão LF (2012) Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability, Workshop in Tropical Biology and Medicine, AITEC, Maio 29, Oeiras, Portugal (presented by the second author).

18. Ribeiro A, Santos P (2011) Actinorhizal Symbioses, Plant-Microbe Interactions Meeting, October 12-14, Braga, Portugal (presented by the first author).

17. Boulangé A, Colombo M, Ribeiro A, Pereira R, Neves L (2010) A new Master of Biotechnology proposed by CB-UEM (Mozambique) aimed at the sub-region, Cape Biotechnology Forum, March 24-26, Cape Town, South Africa (presented by the first author).

16. Ribeiro A, Leitão AE, Ramalho JC, Neves L (2010) Biotechnology for development: the partnership between Eco-Bio/IICT (Portugal) and CB-UEM (Mozambique), Internacional Workshop: Challenges & Innovative Processes for Capacity Strengthening In Agriculture for Development; march 26-27, Montpellier, France (presented by the first author).

15. Ribeiro A (2009) Agrobiotechnology for development, 1ª Conferência Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia, October 20-21, Luanda, Angola

14. Ribeiro A, Leitão AE (2009) Food security: the contribution of ECART and IICT, Workshop Cooperação num Quadro Internacional de Desafio Energético e Alimentar, June 18, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by the first author).

13. Ribeiro A (2009) IICT contribution for the monitoring and research plan of Niassa National Reserve, Workshop Research and fire monitoring plan for the Niassa National Reserve, May 21-22, Maputo, Mozambique.

12. Ribeiro A (2009) Agrobiotechnology for development: the case of Mozambique, Workshop A Agricultura na redução da pobreza: o caso do Tropoeiras, Development Days, April 28-29, Lisbon, Portugal.

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11. Ribeiro A (2008) Portuguese best science award, Workshop Committing Science to Global Development, September 29-30, Lisbon, Portugal.

10. Ribeiro A (2008) Plant Biotechnology: applications and sustainability, International Biotechnology Seminar, September 22-25, Maputo, Mozambique.

9. Ribeiro A (2006) Functional genomics: principles and applications, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, June 9, Monte da Caparica, Portugal.

8. Ribeiro A (2005) The Biology of actinorhizal symbiosis, University of Madeira, April 4, Funchal, Portugal.

7. Ribeiro A (2003) Molecular strategies to study the main coffee diseases: orange rust and coffee berry disease, Universidade Federal de Lavras, July 7, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

6. Ribeiro A (2003) Molecular aspects of the coffee-rust interactions, Instituto Piaget de Almada, April 28, Almada, Portugal.

5. Ribeiro A (2003) Heterologous expression of actinorhizal nodulin gene promoters in Medicago truncatula, Plant Cell Biotechnology Lab, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica - ITQB, February 26, Oeiras, Portugal.

4. Ribeiro A (2002) Comparison between actinorhizal and legume root nodules, Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Cellular, November 27, Oporto, Portugal)

3. Ribeiro A (2002) Evaluation of genetic diversity of wild Helianthus species: preliminary results, 1º Simpósio Nacional de Investigação Agrária, July 31 – August 2, Maputo, Mozambique.

2. Ribeiro A (2002) Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: common aspects between actinorhizal and legume root nodules, Plant seminars, ITQB, May 27, Oeiras, Portugal.

1. Ribeiro A (2002) Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: common features between actinorhizal and legume root nodules, Faculty of Agronomy and Forest Engineering, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique.

14.2. Oral communications by selection

27. Ribeiro A, Muocha I, Maquia I, Goulão LF, Melo AMP, Senkoro A, Barbosa F, Ribeiro N, Saide J, Neves L (2012) Research & Education in Agrobiotechnology: a partnership between IICT & UEM, II Cooperation and Education (COOPEDU): Africa and the World, July 5-6, Lisbon, Portugal

26. Ribeiro A, Muocha I, Maquia I, Goulão LF, Melo AMP, Senkoro A, Barbosa F, Ribeiro N, Saide J, Neves L (2012) IICT (Portugal) & UEM (Mozambique): a consolidate partnership in agrobiotechnology, XXII Encontro da Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa, June 18-20, Maputo, Mozambique (presented by the first author).

26. Neves L, Ribeiro A (2012) Post graduate training in Biotechnology: the master in biotechnology and the PhD in biosciences from Eduardo Mondlane University, XXII Encontro da Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa, June 18-20, Maputo, Mozambique (presented by the first author).

25. Ribeiro A, Goulão LF, Melo AMP, Palos I, Ramalho J (2012) Colaboração interinstitucional para promoção da biotecnologia em Moçambique, Ciência nso Trópicos, January 5-7, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by the first author).

24. Leitão A E, Duarte M P, Silva MMA, Maçãs B, Coutinho J, Almeida AS, Fernando AL, Scotti-Campos P, Pais IP, Ramalho J, Goulão LF, Ribeiro AI, Simões F, Costa AR, Matos J, Reboredo FH, Lidon FC (2011) Simultaneous biofortification of Zn and Fe in Triticum aestivum L. – seed nutritional evaluation, First

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Annual Conference Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed – COST FA0905, November 23-26, Venice, Italy (presented by the last author).

23. Silva V, Maquia I, Muocha-Chimene I, Barbosa F, Ribeiro A (2011) Development of molecular markers for genetic diversity studies in the genus Hypoxis, International Conference on Ethnobotany, November 23-25, Maputo, Mozambique (presented by the last author).

22. Ribeiro A, Romeiras MM, Tavares J, Faria MT (2011) Ethnobotanical survey in Canhane village, district of Massingir, Mozambique: medicinal plants and traditional knowledge, International Conference on Ethnobotany, November 23-25, Maputo, Mozambique (presented by the first author).

21. Ribeiro A, Graça I, Pawlowski K, Santos P (2011) Actinorhizal plant defence-related genes in response to symbiotic Frankia, Plant-Microbe Interactions Meeting, October 12-14, Braga, Portugal (presented by the last author).

20. Ribeiro N, Bandeira R, Ribeiro A (2011) Linking research to management: establishing a fire monitoring and management plan in Niassa National Reserve, Northern Mozambique, Wildfire 2011 – The 5


International Wild Land Fire Conference, May 9-13, Sun City, South Africa (presented by the first author).

19. Batista-Santos P, Lidon FC, Fortunato AS, Leitão AE, Pais IP, Campos PS, Partelli F, Ribeiro AI, Ramalho JC (2010) Coffee cold acclimation ability and its relation to oxidative stress control, 23

rd International

Conference on Coffee Science, October 3-8, Bali, Indonesia (presented by the first author).

18. Pawlowski K, Rashidi B, Mehrabi S, Plaszczyca M, Persson T, Demina I, Jingsi L, Santos P, Svistoonoff S, Franche C, Plaszczyca M, Ribeiro A (2010) Activity of nodule-specific promoters in heterologous nodules: implications for the evolution of infection pathways, 16

th International Meeting on Frankia and Acinorhizal

Plants and International Symposium on Frankineae, September 5-8 Oporto, Portugal (presented by the first author).

17. Santos P, Graça I Rashidi B, Liang J, Fortunato A, Melo A, Ramalho JC, Pereira A, Days B, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2010) Functional analysis of defense-related genes involved in Casuarina glauca-Frankia

symbiosis, 16th

International Meeting on Frankia and Acinorhizal Plants and International Symposium on Frankineae, September 5-8 Oporto, Portugal (presented by the last author).

16. Graça I, Liang J, Pinto Ricardo CP, Melo A, Pereira AS, Ribeiro A (2010) Defense-related genes involved in the Casuarina glauca-Frankia actinorhizal symbiosis, XIII National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Nitrogen Fixation and II Portuguese-Spanish Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, June 15-18, Zaragoza, Spain

15. Ribeiro A, Leitão A, Silva MJ, Santos MR, Pinto M, Domingues AM, Melo A, Goulão L, Santos P, Batista-Santos P, Fortunato A, Graça I, Silva S, Sousa P, Ramalho JC (2010) Agricultural research for development: a contribution of Eco-Bio/IICT, 1º Worshop do Programa Interdoutoral – BioPlant, March 29-30, Oporto, Portugal (presented by the first author).

14. Gouveia M, Maquia I, Moura I, Rodrigues JC, Ribeiro N, Ribeiro A (2009) Isolation of microsatellites from miombo forest tree species, 2

as Jornadas de Ciência e Tecnologia, August 12-13, Maputo, Mozambique

(presented by the second author).

13. Fortunato A, Oliveira M, Eichler P, Ramalho J, Ribeiro A (2009) Identification of molecular markers for cold-tolerance in Coffea sp., XXXIV Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética, April 28-30, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by the second author).

12. Graça I, Liang J, Fortunato A, Santos P, Pereira A, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2009). Characterization of a chitinase III encoding gene from actinorhizal nodules of Casuarina glauca. XXXIV Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética, April 28-30, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by the first author).

11. Santos P, Fortunato A, Graca I, Martins S, Gouveia M, Auguy F, Bogusz D, Ricardo CPP, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2008) Characterization of four defense-related genes expressed in root nodules of Casuarina glauca.

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15th International Conference on Frankia and actinorhizal plants, October19-23, Bariloche, Argentina (presented by the last author).

10. Eichler P, Ramalho JC, Partelli F, Fortunato A, Chaves MM, Ribeiro A (2008) Sensing low temperature in Coffea sp. through photosynthesis and gene expression analysis. 22

nd International conference on Coffee

Science, September14-19, Campinas, Brazil (presented by the first author).

9. Partelli F, Vieira HD, Pais IP, L. Quartin V, Campos PS, Fortunato A, Eichler P, Viana AP, Ribeiro A, Ramalho JC (2008) Chloroplast fatty acids and lipid classes from Coffea spp. under low positive temperatures. 22


International conference on Coffee Science, September 14-19, Campinas, Brazil (presented by the first author).

8. Santos P, Graça I, Rashidi B, Söderholm N, Wikmark Y, Fortunato A, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2008) Novel insights about two defense-related genes, CgChi3 and CgHin1, during nodulation of Casuarina glauca, 8


European Nitrogen Fixation Conference/11th

International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes, August 30 - September 4, Ghent, Belgium (presented by the first author).

7. Ribeiro A, Graça I, Santos P, Fortunato A, Liang J, Gouveia M, Pawlowski K (2008) Plant genes involved in actinorhizal symbioses, I Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Fixação de Azoto, June 1-4, Estoril, Portugal (presented by the first author).

6. Ribeiro A, Bessa A, Ferreira A, Magumisse AT, Manjate M, Gouveia M, Faria T (2007) Evaluation of the genetic diversity of wild Helianthus accessions present along Mozambican coast in 5 districts of Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane e Sofala, V Seminário de Investigação da UEM – A investigação científica e o seu papel no desenvolvimento de Moçambique, September 17-19, Maputo, Mozambique (presented by the fourth author).

5. Pawlowski K, Zdyb A, Grzeganek P, Göbel C, Hause B, Liang J, Ribeiro A, Feussner I, Demchenko K (2006) Jasmonate biosynthesis in root nodules, 15

th International Conference on Nitrogen Fixation, January 21-

26, Cape Town, South Africa (presented by the first author).

4. Ramalho JC, Leitão AE, Eichler P, Santos P, Pais IP, Campos PS, Lidon FC, Rodrigues AP, Chaves MM, Ribeiro A (2006) An integrative approach to study environmental stress tolerance in Coffea spp.- from leaf to gene, 21

st International Conference on Coffee Science, September 11-15, Montpellier, France (presented by the

first author).

3. Fortunato A, Santos P, Graça I, Gouveia M, Martins S, Ricardo CP, Pawlowski K and Ribeiro A (2006) Molecular characterization of cgchi3, a nodule-specific gene from Casuarina glauca, 14

th International

Conference on Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants, 15-18 July, Umea, Sweden (presented by the last author).

2. Santos P, Fortunato A, Graca I, Gouveia M, Auguy F, Ricardo CP, Franche C, Bogusz D, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2006) Identification of a NDR1 homologue from Casuarina glauca nodules, 14

th International Conference

on Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants, 15-18 July, Umea, Sweden (presented by the first author).

1. Liang J, Gouveia M, Fevereiro P, Ribeiro A (2004) Activation of actinorhizal nodulin gene promotors in legume nodules of Medicago truncatula, XXXI Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética, Oeiras, Portugal (presented by the last author).

14.3. Posters/Abstract books

58. Scotti-Campos P, Pais IP, Ramalho JC, Leitão AE, Almeida AS, Maçãs B, Coutinho J, Silva MMA, Duarte MP,

Fernando AL, Ribeiro AI, Goulão LF, Simões F, Costa AR, Matos J, Reboredo FH, Lidon FC (2011) Simultaneous biofortification of Zn and Fe in Triticum aestivum L. – seed fatty acids composition, First Annual Conference Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed – COST FA0905, Venice, Italy.

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57. Lidon FC, Ramalho JC, Scotti-Campos P, Pais IP, Leitão AE, Almeida AS, Maçãs B, Coutinho J, Silva MMA,

Duarte MP, Fernando AL, Ribeiro AI, Goulão LF, Simões F, Costa AR, Matos J, Reboredo FH (2011) Simultaneous biofortification of Zn and Fe in Triticum aestivum L. – kinetics of photochemical reactions inisolated thylakoids fractions along the life cycle, First Annual Conference Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed – COST FA0905, Venice, Italy.

56. Ramalho RJ, RibeiroAI, Goulão LF, Scotti-Campos P, Pais IP, Maçãs B, Coutinho J, Almeida AS, Fernando A L.,

Duarte MP, Silva MMA, Leitão AE, Simões F, Costa AR, Matos J, Reboredo FH, Lidon FC (2011) Simultaneous biofortification of Zn and Fe in Triticum aestivum L. – implications on the photosynthetic machinery during the life cycle, First Annual Conference Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed – COST FA0905, Venice, Italy.

55. Reboredo F H, Fernando AL, Simões F, Costa AR, Matos J, Leitão A E, Ramalho JC, Almeida AS, Scotti-Campos P, Pais IP, Maçãs

B, Coutinho J, Silva MMA, Duarte MP, Goulão LF, Ribeiro AI, Lidon FC (2011)

Simultaneous biofortification of Zn and Fe in Triticum aestivum L. – nutrients accumulation in the seeds, First Annual Conference Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed – COST FA0905, Venice, Italy.

54. Fernando AL, Simões F, Costa AR, Matos J, Reboredo FH, Leitão AE, Ramalho JC, Almeida AS, Maçãs B,

Coutinho J, Scotti-Campos P, Pais IP, Silva MMA, Duarte MP, Goulão LF, Ribeiro AI, Lidon FC (2011) Simultaneous biofortification of Zn and Fe in Triticum aestivum L. – a transgeneration survey, First Annual Conference Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed – COST FA0905, Venice, Italy.

53. Goulão L, Fortunato A, Jackson P, Rodrigues A, Ribeiro A, Ramalho JC (2010) Differential responses of the antioxidant defense system to chilling and drought stresses in Coffea sp. genotypes - gene expression and antioxidant reinforcement, XVII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Porto.

52. Duarte MP, Abreu da Silva MM, Maçãs B, Coutinho J, Almeida AS, Lidon F, Ramalho JC, Leitão A, Ribeiro A, Fernando AL (2010) A bread wheat zinc biofortification project: chelating action of food additives in fortified flour and technological development of alternatives to potentiate Zn bioavailability, 1

st Annual

Conference Cost Action FA0905 “Mineral Improved Crop Production for Food and Feed”, November 1-5, Antalya, Turkey.

51. Svistoonoff S, Kopp G, Santos P, Bogusz D, Franche C, Ribeiro A, Hocher V (2010) Defense-related events in the early stages of Casuarina glauca – Frankia symbiosis, 16

th International Meeting on Frankia and

Acinorhizal Plants and International Symposium on Frankineae, September 5-8 Oporto, Portugal.

50. Leitão AE, Ribeiro A (2010) Agrobiotechnology and food security for development: Mozambique case study. International Workshop Challenges & Innovative Processes for Capacity Strengthening In Agriculture for Development, March 26-27, Montpellier, France.

49. Leitão AE, Ribeiro A (2010) Food security: converging the strategic plans of CPLP and IICT. International Workshop Challenges & Innovative Processes for Capacity Strengthening In Agriculture for Development, March 26-27, Montpellier, France.

48. Moura IR, Clemente AS, Ribeiro A, Simões-Costa MC, Rodrigues JC, Garcia-Fernandez C, Ribeiro NS (2009). Germinação de sementes de espécies do miombo moçambicano. I Colóquio Nacional de Sementes e Viveiros, October 29-30, Coimbra, Portugal.

47. Graça I, Santos P, Liang J, Fortunato A, Pereira A, Day B, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2009). Defense-related genes from nitrogen-fixing nodules of Casuarina glauca. 8

th Plant Genomics European Meeting, Lisbon,


46. Gouveia M, Maquia I, Moura I, Rodrigues JC, Garcia-Fernandez C, Ribeiro A, Ribeiro N (2009). Sustainable forest management of miombo woodlands in Niassa National Reserve, northern Mozambique: a multidisciplinary approach of fire resistance analysis. 8

th Plant Genomics European Meeting, Lisbon,


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45. Ribeiro NS, Rodrigues JC, Moura I, Garcia-Fernandez C, Ribeiro A (2009). Sustainable forest management of miombo woodlands in Niassa National Reserve, northern Mozambique: a multidisciplinary approach of fire resistance analysis. World Forest Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

44. Santos P, Liang J, Graça I, Rashidi B, Fortunato A, Day B, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2009). Functional analysis of defense-related genes involved in Casuarina glauca-Frankia symbiosis. XIII International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Quebec, Canada.

43. Ribeiro N, Rodrigues A, Almeida B, Moura I, Costa C, Bessa F, Quilhó T, Rodrigues JC, Snook L, Ribeiro A (2008). Sustainable management of miombo woodlands in the northern part of Mozambique (Niassa Reserve). Workshop Commiting Science for Global Development, Lisbon (Best Science Award).

42. Zandamela C, Menete Z, Otília MO, Rodrigues JC, Leitão AE, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro A, Rickman J (2008). Village-level market-driven rice intensification - developing a sustainable model in the Zambezi province of Mozambique. Workshop Committing Science for Global Development, Lisbon (Best Science Award).

41. Santos P, Graça I, Rashidi B, Söderholm N, Wikmark Y, Fortunato A, Pawlowski K , Ribeiro A (2008). Novel insights about two defense-related genes, CgChi3 and CgHin1, during nodulation of Casuarina glauca. 8


European Nitrogen Fixation Conference/11th

International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes, Ghent, Belgium.

40. Graça I, Fortunato A, Santos P, Liang J, Ricardo CP, Tavares P, Pereira A, Ribeiro A (2007). Production of Casuarina glauca recombinant proteins involved in root nodulation by Frankia bacteria. Congresso Micro’07-Biotec’07-XXIII JPG, Lisbon, Portugal.

39. Liang J, Gouveia M, Fevereiro P, Ribeiro A, Pawlowski K (2007). Activation of an actinorhizal nodulin gene promoter, Pdg282, in legume nodules of Medicago truncatula. Congresso Micro’07-Biotec’07-XXIII JPG, Lisbon, Portugal.

38. Fortunato AS, Eichler P, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro AI (2007). Identification of molecular markers for cold-tolerance in Coffea spp. Congresso Micro’07-Biotec’07-XXIII JPG, Lisbon, Portugal.

37. Moura I, Simões-Costa MC, Carapuça E, Ribeiro A (2007). Studies on in vitro preservation of root and tuber crops genetic resources at the JBT/IICT. 10

th Triennial Symposium International Society for Tropical Root

Crops –Africa Branch, Maputo, Mozambique.

36. Eichler P, Partelli F, Ribeiro A, Ramalho JC, Lidon FC (2007). Estudo do impacte de baixas temperaturas positivas no transporte tilacóidal de electrões em diferentes cultivares de Coffea sp. X Congresso Hispano-Luso de Fisiologia Vegetal, Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

35. Eichler P, Fortunato A, Gouveia MM, Partelli F, Chaves MM, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro A (2007). Molecular and physiological impact of cold stress on Coffea sp., World Congress of Stress. Budapest, Hungary.

34. Fortunato A, Santos P, Graça I, Gouveia M, Auguy F, Franche C, Bogusz D, Ricardo CP, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2007). Defense-related genes during nodulation of Casuarina glauca by Frankia. XIII International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Sorrento, Italy.

33. Loureiro A, Várzea V, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A, Silva MC, Bertrand B (2006). Characterization of Colletotrichum kahawae variability. 21

st International Conference on Coffee Science, Montpellier, France.

32. Eichler P, Santos P, Gouveia MM, Lidon FC, Chaves MM, Ribeiro A, Ramalho JC (2006). Cold tolerance evaluation in Coffea sp. Impact on the photosynthetic apparatus and the control of oxidative stress assessed by gene expression analysis. 21

st International Conference on Coffee Science, Montpellier,


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31. Liang J, Gouveia MM, Svistoonoff S, Laplaze L, Auguy F, Fevereiro P, Bogusz D, Franche C, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2005). Activation of actinorhizal nodulin gene promotors in legume nodules of Medicago truncatula. XVII International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria.

30. Santos P, Machado E, Gouveia M, Chen Z, Rodrigues Jr CJ, Fernandez D, Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Lidon F, Ramalho J, Ribeiro A (2004). Gene expression analysis of Coffea spp. exposed to biotic and abiotic stress. XIV Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Vilamoura, Portugal.

29. Fortunato A, Martins S, Ricardo CPP, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2004). Expression of PR genes during nodulation and (a)biotic stress in Casuarina glauca. 6

th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, Toulouse,


28. Svistoonoff S, Laplaze L, Liang L, Ribeiro A, Gouveia M, Auguy F, Fevereiro P, Franche C, Bogusz D (2004). Infection-related activation of the cg12 promoter is conserved between actinorhizal and legume-rhizobia root nodule symbiosis. 6

th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, Toulouse, France.

27. Fortunato A, Martins SM, Ricardo CPP, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2004). PR gene expression in actinorhizal nodules of Casuarina glauca. XXXI Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética, Oeiras, Portugal.

26. Liang J, Svistoonoff S, Laplaze L, Gouveia M, Auguy F, Fevereiro P, Pawlowski K, Franche C, Bogusz D, Ribeiro A (2004). Activation of actinorhizal nodulin gene promotors in legume nodules of Medicago truncatula. XXXI Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética, Oeiras, Portugal.

25. Santos P, Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A, Fernadez D (2004). Identificação de genes envolvidos na resistência do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica) à ferugem alaranjada (Hemileia vastatrix). 4º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Fitopatologia, Faro, Portugal.

24. Loureiro A, Várzea V, Ribeiro A, Rodrigues Jr CJ (2004). Caracterização morfocultural, patogénica, bioquímica e molecular da variabilidade de Colletotrichum kahawae. 4º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Fitopatologia, Faro, Portugal.

23. Fernandez D, Santos P, Agostini C, Bom M-C, Petitot A-S, Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A, Nicole M (2003). Early expressed coffee genes in the hypersensitive response to the rust fungus Hemileia vastatrix. 11

th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, S. Petersburg, Russia.

22. Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Nicole M, Loureiro A, Fernandez D, Ribeiro A, Santos P, Rodrigues Jr CJ (2003). Involvement of peroxidases in the hypersensitive reaction of coffee (Coffea arabica) plants to orange rust (Hemileia vastatrix). 8

th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Chirstchurch, New Zealand.

21. Fortunato A, Martins SM, Ricardo CP, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2002). Chitinase gene expression in actinorhizal nodules of Casuarina glauca. 5

th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, Norwich, UK.

20. Schubert M, von Groll U, Ribeiro A, Bougusz D, Chiurazzi M, Sonnewald U, Santi C, Franche C, Pawlowski K (2002). Carbon portioning in nitrogen-fixing root nodules and during nodule induction. 5

th European

Nitrogen Fixation Conference, Norwich, UK.

19. Faria T, Bessa A, Magumisse A, Ribeiro A (2002). Avaliação da diversidade genética de populações selvagens do género Helianthus: resultados preliminares. 1º Simpósio Nacional de Investigação Agrária, Maputo, Mozambique.

18. Fernandez D, Santos P, Bon MC, Agostini C, Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A (2001). Construction of libraries of coffee cDNA sequences early expressed during the hypersensitive response to the rust pathogen Hemileia vastatrix, using subtractive suppressive hybridization. 11

th Congress of the

Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Evora, Portugal.

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17. Várzea V, Gouveia M, Rodrigues Jr CJ, Ribeiro A, Marques D (2001). Caracterização patogénica e molecular d isolamentos de Hemileia vastatrix virulentos em derivados do híbrido de timor. XI Congresso Latino-Americano de Fitopatologia e XXXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, S. Pedro, Brazil.

16. Chen Z, Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Ribeiro A, Rodrigues CJ (2001). Heat shock makes green coffee berries and leaves susceptible to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. 19

th ASIC Conference, Trieste, Italy.

15. Gouveia MM, Fortunato AS, Martins SM, Ferreira R, Ricardo CP, Fevereiro P, Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A (2001). Common features between actinorhizal and legume root nodules. 12

th International Meeting on Frankia

and Actinorhizal plants, Carry-le-Rouet, France.

14. Pawlowski K, von Groll U, Fricke F, Ribeiro A, Chiurazzi M (2001). Comparison of legume and actinorhizal ENOD40 genes. 12

th International Meeting on Frankia and Actinorhizal plants, Carry-le-Rouet, France.

13. Pawlowski K, Rogalla von Bieberstein U, Fricke F, Ribeiro A, Chiurazzi M, Santi C, Franche C (2000). Enod40 in Legumes and in Actinorhizal plants. 4

th European Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, Seville, Spain.

12. Vleghels I, Ribeiro A, Bisseling T, Franssen H (1999). ENOD40 homologues arepresent in tobacco and tomato. 9

th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Amsterdam, The


11. Laplaze L, Duhoux E, Ribeiro A, Franche C, Frutz T, Svistoonoff S, Auguy F, Bogusz D, Pawlowski K (1998). Actinorhizal Prenodule: missing link of root nodule symbiosis. 3

rd European Nitrogen Fixation Conference,

Lunteren, The Netherlands.

10. Laplaze L, Ribeiro A, Heidstra R, Franche C, Duhoux E, Bouguz D, Pawlowski K (1997). Early events in actinorhizal symbioses: molecular study of the prenodule stage. 11

th International Congress on Nitrogen

Fixation, Paris, France.

9. Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A, Guan C, Berry AM, Bisseling T (1997). Actinorhizal nodules. 11th

International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, Paris, France.

8. Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A, Guan C, van Kammen A, Bisseling T, Berry AM (1996). Sequential gene induction during actinorhizal nodule development. 8

th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe

Interactions, Knoxville, TN, USA.

7. Ribeiro A, Akkermans A, van Kammen A, Bisseling T, Pawlowski K (1996). Expression of a subtilisin-like protease in actinorhizal nodules of Alnus glutinosa and Casuarina glauca. 8

th International Congress on

Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Knoxville, TN, USA.

6. Pawlowski K, Guan C, Ribeiro A, Akkermans A, van Kammen A, Bisseling T (1995). Gene expression in Alnus glutinosa nodules. 10

th International Conference on Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants, Davis, CA, USA.

5. Ribeiro A, Akkermans A, van Kammen A, Bisseling T, Pawlowski K (1995). A nodule-specific gene encoding a subtilisin-like protease is involved in early stages of actinorhizal nodule development. 10

th International

Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, S. Petersburg, Russia.

4. Ribeiro A, Guan C, van Kammen A, Akkermans ADL, Bisseling T, Pawlowski K (1994). Differential gene expression in actinorhizal nodules of Alnus glutinosa. 6

th Conference of the African Association for

Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Harare, Zimbabwe.

3. Pawlowski K, Guan C, Ribeiro A, van Kammen A, Akkermans A, Bisseling T (1994). Genes involved in Alnus glutinosa nodule development. 1

st European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, Szeged, Hungary.

2. Pawlowski K, Guan C, Ribeiro A, van Kammen A, Akkermans A, Bisseling T (1994). Analysis of the functions of actinorhizin cDNAs by comparison with their homologues in legumes and Arabidopsis thaliana genes

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involved in Alnus glutinosa nodule development. 4th

International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Amesterdam, The Netherlands.

1. Pawlowski K, Ribeiro A, Guan C, van Kammen A, Akkermans A, Bisseling T (1993). Differential gene expression in root nodules of Alnus glutinosa. 6

th International Symposium on Biological Nitrogen Fixation

in Non-Legumes, Cairo, Egypt.


2008 Best Science Award (CGIAR) for the projects (in ex aequo) Sustainable management of miombo woodlands in northern Mozambique: an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to understand fire resistance and Village-level market-driven rice intensification - developing a sustainable model in the Zambezi province of Mozambique.


Plant Biotechnology Platform for Portuguese Speaking Countries (PBP-CPLP)

National Platform for Plant Functional Genomics (PNGFP)

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD)

ARD European Coordination Group (ECG)

International Society of Molecular-Plant Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI)

Royal Dutch Association of Agricultural Sciences (KLV)

European Consortium for Agricultural Research in the Tropics (ECART)



Participation in the CGIAR Funders Forum as a donor member in order to discuss issues related to the CGIAR reform process (Montpellier, April 2011)

Member of the Project Management Team of the Food Security Thematic Programme (FSTP) - EIARD Project: "Fostering European aid effectiveness for ARD"FST (financed by the EC) that coordinates European ARD policies.


Participation in the CGIAR Funders Forum as a donor member in order to discuss issues related to the CGIAR reform process (Rome, July 2010)

Participation in the Working Group Meeting of the European Initiative on Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) to prepare the GCIAR Funders Forum (Brussels, July 2010)

Member of the Project Management Team of the Food Security Thematic Programme (FSTP) - EIARD Project: "Fostering European aid effectiveness for ARD"FST (financed by the EC) that coordinates European ARD policies.

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Participation in the reform process of CGIAR

Participation in the elaboration of EIARD Strategy 2009-2013

Participation in the elaboration of the FSTP - EIARD Project: "Fostering European aid effectiveness for ARD".


Participation in the Annual General Meeting of CGIAR as a donor member (Maputo, Mozambique, December 2008)

Participation in the CGIAR Executive Council meeting as a donor observer (Lisbon, November 2008)

Since 2006

Participation in the annual meeting of the European Coordination Group (ECG) of the EIARD to align European ARD policies and prepare European positions for CGIAR. The meeting is held once a year( October / November) in an European city (ECG 12: Dublin, November 2006; ECG 13: Florence, November 2007; ECG 14: Lisbon, November 2008; ECG 15: Eschborn, November 2009; ECG16: Upsala, October 2010; ECG 17: Montpellier, December 2011)



Fascination of Plants Day (under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation - EPSO): Tropical Plants Tour, Oeiras Campus event.


Coordination of training programs for last year students from Lab Technician’s Course (equivalent to 12

th grade of high school), Casa Pia de Lisboa (under a collaboration protocol established between

Casa Pia de Lisboa and Eco-Bio/IICT)

Science and Technology Week – open day to civil society


Study visits of high school biology students (12th

grade): biomolecular techniques

Science in Summer (Programa Ciência Viva) – 6 high school students (1 week)- «Plant genetic engineering»

February/March 2006 and March 2009

Course to High School Teachers «Biotechnology in the classroom – genetic engineering and GMOs»