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Ebook by elliot hulse.


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The Anabolic

AdvantageA Mans Guide to Optimizing Hormones

for a Stronger Body and Healthy Sex Life!

By Eric Hulse HHC, FDN

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Table of Contacts

The Male Brain 4

The Catabolic/Anabolic Balancing Act 8

The Fight or Flight Dilemma 10

The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Response 12

Hormones Every Guy Needs To Know About 16

Cortisol: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly 18

Stress and the Three Body Systems 24

How to Get Your Mojo Back! 28

Final Thought 33

Quick Guide Check List 34

About the Author 35

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The Male BrainOk Gentlemen, I’m going to cut right to the chase here.

There are two things that MOST men think about on a daily basis: their bodies (whether they want to admit it or not) and sex (now that’s just a given!)

It’s estimated that men think about sex at least 19 times a day, almost as much as they think about food which averages about 18 times a day. Sleep comes in third place at about 11.

From an evolutionary standpoint, these statistics are quite natural. Sex, food, and sleep are three very primal instincts.

They are hardwired into our brain to insure our survival!

Sex insures that the human race will continue to exist through procreation.

Food is needed for nourishment, growth, and life energy - without it we’d croak after a few short weeks.

Sleep is essential for repairing the body and keeping the mind sharp and focused.


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So naturally, we focus on these instincts, particularly sex, several times a day!

The benefits of sex are just as important!

• Less stress, better blood pressure• Immunity boost• Improves heart health• Better self-esteem• Better sleep• Lower risk of prostate cancer

That being said, sexual dysfunction (decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, low testosterone) affects about 30 million men in the U.S. alone.

Now I don’t know about you, but that statistic seems quite outrageous and honestly, very heartbreaking!

Guys in their 20s and 30s hopped up on Viagra doesn’t seem too promising for the continuation of a STRONG, VIBRANT human race, does it?

Also, it’s just sad when your man parts aren’t working optimally.

As for our bodies, once we get a handle on the egos attempt to keep how we really feel about our physiques at bay, we realize that too is something that is becoming increasingly more prevalent in our minds.

A recent survey showed that only 18 percent of men are happy enough with their physiques that they wouldn’t change them. “Men used to see their bodies as functional objects—to lift things, to play sports, to do something,” says Roberto Olivardia, PhD, a clinical psychologist at Harvard Medical School and coauthor


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of The Adonis Complex. “Over the past 20 years, the tide has changed. The idea of men’s bodies as sexual objects has intensified.”

The body obsessed male can be seen in your local gym, in popular magazines, or perhaps right in the mirror looking back at you.

And it’s no wonder!

Chiseled 6 packs are staring at you everywhere you look. From the media, your favorite athlete, and maybe even your best friend.

I for one have no problem admitting that in the past I’ve struggle with body image. It was a pretty rough time in my life actually. I finally realized that all of the extreme things I was doing (over exercising, caloric restriction, diet pills, chronic cardio, you name it, I did it) was actually making my body rebel!

I had chronic fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, moodiness, odd infections and of course low sex drive (bummer!!)!

It sucked!

Fortunately, those days are long gone and I’ve been educated as to how to build a strong physique while keeping my sanity and my sex life healthy and thriving!

Here’s one thing you need to know, our bodies were created perfectly!

They were created to be strong, vibrant, and energetic.


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Our bodies were meant to handle acute stress, digest real food, and keep us healthy and active.

There is no magic pill, special diet, or mysterious potion that will do for your body what nature can do for it, nothing!

By nature I mean, balance.

Balance within your inner physiology, particularly your hormones (more on that in a bit) and balance between catabolic tension (breakdown) and anabolic release (healing).

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The Catabolic/Anabolic Balancing ActFor the purpose of this book, when I refer to catabolic or a catabolic state, I mean stress. Anabolic or an anabolic state will mean rest and repair.

Our bodies need BOTH to function properly.

This is very similar to the concept of YIN and YANG.

BOTH energies are complimentary to one another. However, when one of them becomes more dominate, an imbalance occurs and you become either too passive and soft (Yin) or aggressive and hard (Yang).

Yang = catabolicYin = anabolic.

The catabolic state of exercise, learning something new, or overcoming an extreme life challenge are all important as they make us grow stronger and provide us with the ability to adapt to daily struggles.

Without this stress, we would be weak, feeble, with the inability to evolve.

However, it’s when stress becomes chronic that it creates a potentially harmful effect within the body.


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We start to experience increased infections and illnesses, poor recovery from a workout, weight gain (fat), fatigue, insomnia, degenerative diseases, low testosterone and sexual dysfunction (just to name a few).

We basically begin to breakdown from the inside out!

One particular reason this takes place is because we never give the body a chance to heal. We never return back to an anabolic state of rest and repair.

It’s this imbalance between stressing and healing that is lost within our modern day society.

There is a constant call to work harder, faster, and more intense without giving the body a chance to literally catch up. We run ourselves to exhaustion at the expense of our health and happiness.

We stay at jobs we can’t stand, in relationships we hate, eat foods that cause harm then spend hours at the gym trying to burn it off.

When our bodies ability to handle these stressors becomes overwhelmed, the functions meant to keep us healthy become compromised.

These functions are heavily influenced by our network of hormones. Mainly our stress hormones and our healing hormones.

I’m going to take you back a few million years to in order to paint a clearer picture.


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The Fight or Flight Dilemma

Back in the day, our biggest stressors came from the occasional run in with a saber tooth tiger and periods of famine.

These stressful periods latest for a brief time followed by a period of rest.

So if a tiger snuck up on your cave and threatened to eat your first born, you’d hightail it out of there or man up and fight the beast off.

Once that episode was over, you returned to a state of calm, hanging with your family around the watering hole, hunting and gathering, and relaxing in the sun.

The body was able to rest, repair, and regenerate.

Stress was brief and calm, relaxation was the norm.

So naturally, our bodies evolved to handle stress (acute stress) appropriately with the expectation to return to a place of healing.


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Some know this as the fight or flight response.

When faced with a stressful situation, our reaction is either to fight the stressor or run away (flight) from it. This was followed by the rest and digest response where the body had adequate time to heal from the damage caused by stress.

However, today we experience stress, not so much from wild animals but rather from annoying bosses, financial struggles, traffic jams, family issues, etc., without that time of relaxation.

We are chronically stressed 24/7 and we don’t allow the body to heal.

This consistent stress (breakdown) is causing us to age faster, leaving us wide open for disease and illnesses.

So what exactly is happening within our physiology when we are overwhelmed by stress?

Let’s take a look.

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The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Response

One of the major systems governing the functions within our body is the autonomic nervous system.

This branch of the nervous system is responsible for all of the functions we basically forget about. Digestion, circulation, detoxification, hormonal responses, these are all part of the autonomic nervous system.

It’s pretty awesome that we don’t have to think about our heart beating every second or digesting that grass fed steak you just devoured!

Furthermore, the autonomic nervous system is split into two branches: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

These two branches are both extremely important and function as complete opposites.

The sympathetic branch becomes dominant whenever we experience a stressful situation.

The response is to place the body in a state of high alert in order to handle the stress with focus and energy.

Have you ever almost rear ended someone or come face to face with a hungry grizzly bear?

The response you experienced afterwards was the sympathetic nervous system doing its job.

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Your heart rate increases, pupils dilate, the lungs open up, blood sugar increases. Your body is setting you up for the “fight or flight” response we spoke about earlier. This is the body systems working together in order to keep you alert and alive!

There is also a hormonal response that is associated with the sympathetic branch. The hormones adrenaline and cortisol are released basically kick starting the entire stress reaction.

The release of adrenaline (aka epinephrine) and cortisol (both through the adrenal glands) basically instructs the body to conserve energy away from all non-survival activities (i.e. digestion, sex, immunity) in order to keep you alert and able to handle the stressful situation.

Normally, cortisol is released in the morning, gradually getting higher throughout the day, tapering as the evening rolls around so we can get to sleep. At this this, our healing hormones are released where they do their job of repairing and helping the body grow.

However, that is no longer the case.

With high amounts of stress comes high, unnatural cortisol production.

So if you’re stressed from the time your alarm clock buzzes in the morning until the time you step foot in the door after work and then some, your body responds accordingly!

The increased, steady release of cortisol keeps us in a chronic “fight or flight” mode. This response is extremely catabolic and was meant to last for only a short span of time.

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To magnify the issue, when high levels of cortisol levels are detected in the body, all of the other hormones responsible for helping us grow and repair (sex hormones, human growth hormone, melatonin) are all suppressed! As I’ve mentioned before, there is an opposite branch to the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system.

The parasympathetic branch is responsible for placing the body in an anabolic state of repair and regrowth.

Both of these systems cannot function at the same time. You are either is a state of stress or a state of repair.


The black line represents a healthy cortisol responce. The white line expresses growth and repair.

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This helps to explain why so many of us experience digestive issues, trouble sleeping, increased illnesses and disease, and of course low sex drive!We have become so chronically stressed that our healing hormones have either become extremely weak or just about shut off!

Also, high cortisol levels are linked to thyroid dysfunction. One of the main jobs of the thyroid is metabolic function. When the thyroid is unable to do its job properly, we can experience low metabolic activity leading to dry skin, thinning hair, and of course, weight gain!

Needless to say, getting a handle on stress and cortisol regulation is going to be key in building a stronger body and amazing sex life!


This grapth represents a highly stressed (typical) individual. Cortisol dysregulation with very little time for healing.

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Hormones Every Guy Needs To Know About

Taking control of your hormones is NOT just for post menopausal women anymore.

As guys, we need to grasp a full understanding of how our hormonal network functions and why, when it’s out of balance, we develop tubby, aging bodies and loose our mojo!

Let’s begin with a quick summery.

When we are in a chronic state of stress (catabolic = breakdown) due to a rise in cortisol production, we suppress our hormonal system responsible for repair and recovery (anabolic = healing).

Today, it is “normal” to be stressed all day without giving the body proper time to grow and become stronger.

All of our anabolic hormones (sex hormones, melatonin, HGH, DHEA) are “turned down” as cortisol runs ramped in the body.

We begin to loose our hair, get fat, become constipated, and our Johnson’s stop working properly!

That is not the life I want to live as I sit here in my early 30s and I’m sure it’s not the one you’ve imagined no matter what age you are!


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And honestly, you can have a hot, thriving, healthy body, having mind blowing sex at any stage in your life. It’s all about how you treat you body, through diet and lifestyle, and knowing how it functions.

So here’s a quick breakdown of several important hormones every guy needs to know about. While you’re reading this, keep in mind that:



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Cortisol: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

The main focus of this guide is to help you understand the catabolic effects of cortisol when it remains at chronically high levels in the body for an extended period of time.

It’s extremely important to get these levels under control for the sake of your health and well being. However, cortisol if not ALL bad.


When cortisol levels are acute and responding normally is helpful with:

• Keeping inflammation down (anti-inflammatory)• Keeping us alert, safe, and alive • Metabolizing minerals from bones for muscle function

But since we are living during a time of high stress and little down/repair time, cortisol levels are high and chronic!


• Brain disorders - depression/ADHD• Heart disease and stroke - fueling pump too many times• Lower immunity


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• Fatigue• Disrupt sex hormones• Increase fat storage • CATABOLIC - breakdown• Chronic high blood sugar - insulin resistance • Pulling too much calcium from bones• Amino Acids are used for fuel instead of repair

Common Malfunctions Include:• Chronic Fatigue• Autoimmune disorders• Insomnia• Weight Gain• Stress/Anxiety• IBS• Low Sex Drive• Food Addiction• Hormone dysregulation

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Master hormone, made from dietary fat and cholesterol, that all other steroid hormones are derived from (DHEA/Sex hormones/Cortisol).

When stress levels are chronically elevated, pregnenolone is “stolen” in order to produce more cortisol to keep up with the high demand of stress. When this “pregnenolone steal” takes place, sex hormones, along with DHEA are lowered causing a decrease is libido, immunity, and muscle growth.


A steroidal hormone made in the adrenal cortex (as well as the gonads and brain) which acts as a counter-regulatory agent to cortisol. Basically, DHEA is responsible for cleaning up any of the mess that cortisol may have caused.

It promotes growth and repair of muscle tissue and serves as a precursor to male (and female) sex hormones.

Low levels of DHEA are a clear sign that the body is releasing unnatural levels of cortisol. This leads to a drop in sex hormones, immunity, as well as brain and cardiovascular function.


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Primary male sex hormone and anabolic (growth) steroid secreted in the testicles as well as the adrenal glands. Healthy amounts of testosterone are needed for the proper growth and maintenance of the male sex organs, increased muscle, bone mass, growth of body hair as well as a strong sex drive.

In a nut shell (see what I did there?), without adequate amounts of testosterone, one will be unsuccessful at developing a muscular, lean body while having great sex! Muy importante!

Low T is also associated with the onset of andropause aka male menopuse. “Andro” refers to the gradual decrease in male sex hormones, androgens. By the time most guys reach 65, there will be a decrease in testosterone in as much as 50-60%. Along with andropause come an increase in anxiety, depression, and body fat!


High body fat in men is also a cause for increasing levels of estrogen as adipose tissue stores excess estradiol and estrone (two forms of estrogen). On top of that, low T decreases lean muscle mass which increases your chances of developing a sagging gut and the dreaded man boobs (“moobs”), i.e., your man breasts are hoarding excess lady hormones turing you into a girl-man whether you like it or not!


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High estrogen in males have also been linked to heart disease, prostate cancer, and of course erectile dysfunction.


Hormone made in the gastrointestinal tract as well as the pineal gland. It is involved with regulation the sleep/wake, aids in digestion and elimination and is also a powerful antioxidant. High levels of cortisol cause melatonin dysregulation. This may lead open uneven sleep/wake patterns and gut dysfunction (i.e. diarrhea, constipation, parasite/fungal infection).


A peptide (proteins that have endocrine functions) hormone that has an anabolic effect on the body. It stimulates growth as well as reproduction and regeneration of the cells. Low levels of HGH decreases bone density, muscle mass, as well as recovery time from a workout.

Although HGH naturally decreases with age, high levels of stress and cortisol


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will prematurely decrease its production.

In summary, without a good handle on cortisol production, you will slowly turn into a weak, man-lady suffering from insomnia who can’t get laid!

All joking aside, when cortisol is at chronically high levels, you are left vulnerable to disease, infections, auto immune disorders, and gut dysfunction.

Who cares about how much you can lift or how good you are in bed when you’re suffering from chronic illnesses and barely have the energy to move!

Let’s see how else stress if affecting your body particularly the 3 body systems.

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Stress and the Three Body SystemsAs I’ve mentioned before, our bodies were designed perfectly!

We have several systems that operate together in order to keep us healthy, vibrant, focused, and strong. Most of the time we don’t even think about these systems until one of them breaks down. The thing about that is, when ONE of them breaks down, they ALL break down.

Our bodies are machines, when one of its working parts malfunctions, they all suffer!

There are 3 body systems that I’d like to discuss for the purpose of this guide:

• The Hormonal System/Stress (Cortisol vs. Sex/Healing Hormones) • The Gastrointestinal System• The Detoxification System

While restoring these three systems makes up the brunt of my work as a functional diagnostic practitioner, I won’t bore you with all of the fancy details (although I like to geek out talking about them!).

Let’s take a brief look at how these three body systems interact with one another and what happens when one (if not more) has a dysfunction.


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The diagram above shows how the three systems are connected. Although those arrows are pointing in only one direction, in actuality, the flow of interactions works BOTH ways.

The hormonal system (body system #1) is made up of both the stress hormones (mainly cortisol) as well as the sex/healing hormones.

High stress in the body ----> more cortisol production ---> lowered immunity.

The majority of our immune system is located within our gut (body system #2). We have a protective mucosal lining within the intestine called secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA). When we experience high levels of stress, SIgA is suppressed lowering our immune function.


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Low SIgA may lead to chronic illnesses, bacterial and yeast overgrowths, parasite infections, and leaky gut syndrome.

Chronic infections/infestations within the gut leads to high levels a toxicity throughout the body. Sometimes toxic levels are so high, the liver (body system #3) becomes overwhelmed and can not do its job of detoxifying the body correctly. Toxics then overflow into the blood stress causing more stress and the cycle repeats.

No matter which system is being compromised, the other two are sure to follow.

When there’s gut dysfunction, high amounts of bacteria and yeasts over burden the liver (and sometimes directly enter the blood stream) causing stress. Healthy gut function is also important for the absorption of the vitamins and mineral (vitamin D and zinc) needed for increasing testosterone levels.

When the liver, isn’t functioning properly, it places tremendous amounts of stress on the body, lowering gut function and increasing infection. The liver must also be functioning properly in order to eliminate estrogens (remember the “man boobs”!).

Your body is like a symphony, when one of the sections is out of tune, the whole orchestra suffers!

Building a strong, healthy body goes beyond the work you do in the gym. It’s how you live your life, manage stress, sleep, treat your gut, and help your body detox. Without these lifestyle factors, along with


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some dietary guidelines, you will always have a weak body that’s prone to illness, high stress, and a low libido!

In the next section, we will cover several protocols you can follow to help build your health from the inside out!

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How to Get Your Mojo Back!In this section, I’m going to outline several things you can do in order to strengthen your inner physiology which will naturally lower stress increasing your sex drive.

All of these suggestions will promote a more anabolic state within the body.


When it comes to diet, the BEST thing you can do is to decrease inflammation.

Inflammation causes gut dysfunction and cortisol dysregulation (stress).

Processed foods, refined sugars, grains containing gluten, and alcohol are all extremely inflammatory to the body and known to have negative effects on testosterone production.

You may also want to try eliminating all grains and dairy from your diet as most people have a hard time digesting them properly.

Avoiding high estrogen foods like soy will also be very beneficial. Soy has been know to mimic the effects of estrogen within the body causing low T, compromised semen count and quality as well as erectile dysfunction.

Buying organic will also help lower inflammation and decrease toxic exposure while providing you with more nutrient dense fruits, vegetables, and meats.



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Try incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods into your diet like kelp, turmeric, wild-caught salmon, blueberries, and broccoli.

As you’ve already learned, our hormones, including testosterone, are created from dietary fats and cholesterol. Avoid low fat diets while increasing your intake of fats from grass fed meats, coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, cold water wild caught fish, and eggs.

Foods high in the mineral zinc such as oysters and pumpkin seeds are also important for the production of testosterone.

Furthermore, your food should leave you feeling satisfied, focused, in a positive mood, with stable blood sugar.

Since we all have different bio-individual needs, finding the correct portion of fats, carbs, and proteins for your particular body will be key.

Use this form to help find out which ratio of marco nutrients is right for you.

I’d also look into Metabolic Typing.


Returning your body to its optimal state of rest is going to be very important to regulating cortisol levels and anabolic growth.

It’s best to sleep between the hours of 10 pm - 6 am to allow the most about of physiological/nervous system repair and regeneration.

Normal cortisol production rises and falls with


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the sun (circadian rhythm). Once this pattern is disrupted (high stress), we have a hard time getting to sleep giving our body less time to repair and grow.

Factors leading to poor sleep, besides daily stress, may come from bright lights (computers, TV’s, electronics), coffee, high intensity exercise close to bed, sweet desserts. Alcohol and sugar both lead to a drop in blood sugar and you may find yourself tossing and turning in the middle of the night looking for a late night snack!

You mainly want to turn down cortisol and turn up melatonin as the evening progresses.

Here are some tips to do just that:

• A hot, relaxing bath• Dim the lights• Candles• Massages (wink, wink)• Deep diaphragmatic breathing• Meditations• Soft music• Positive reading• a healthy snack (fat and protein)


We all know that exercise is great for overall health, lower body fat, and testosterone regulation.

However, it’s HOW MUCH exercise that’s the issue.


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Most of us are in the mindset that more is better when it comes to how we view exercise.

This is not always the case.

If your body is already under a tremendous amount of stress as it is, constant, intense exercising will only add to the problem.

Overexercising can lead to increased cortisol production lowering testosterone, increasing body fat, and compromising immunity.

If you are completely wiped out after a session and have trouble recuperating before the next, that may be a sign you need to slow it down.

Start by replacing one or two of your workout days with a “work in” day.

This can be anything from taking walks, yoga, tai chi, stretching, anything that will take you from a catabolic state into a anabolic state of recovery.

Your body can only grow when you give it time to rest and recover!

Stress Management

This has got to be one of the most important things you can do for yourself

The way you manage stress is the way you manage your health.

Throughout this guide, I’ve shown you just how high levels of stress are causing you to gain weight, loose muscle,


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increase your risk of chronic infection, and lower your sex drive.

High levels of stress have also been linked to anxiety, depression, migraines, and poor relationships.

Getting a handle on stress will help you to become stronger, more alert and focused, and of course get you a rock hard.....libido!

Now you don’t have to sit on a mountain top, in all white, meditating like the dude above however, getting connected with your breathe is very important.

Low, deep breathing initiates the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system to take over. It takes you from a a stressed, catabolic state to a relaxed, anabolic state lowering cortisol production, increasing sex/growth hormones.

When you find yourself getting tense and agitated, try to remove yourself from the situation and focus on several deep, mindful breaths. It only takes those few moments to prevent a problem from escalating.

You may also need to do some investigative work and find out where the majority of your stress is coming from. What can you do to minimize/control it?

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Final Thought So there you have it gentlemen!

Building a strong body and increasing your libido is more about giving yourself time to chill out, rest, and regenerate then constant aggression and intensity.

You must balance out your YANG energy (catabolic) with YIN energy (anabolic).

It’s time to abandon the “NO PAIN, NO GAIN” mentality that’s gotten you into this mess in the first place.

Respect yourself, the food you eat and how you treat your body.

This will give you the proper channels to grow STRONGER, HEALTHIER, and SEXIER!


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Quick Guide Check List Here’s a list of things you can do on a daily/weekly basis to help get your cortisol levels back to a health range. Although, for more serious cases, it’s important to connect a skilled practitioner who can set you up with a tailored diet, lifestyle and supplement protocol.

¨ Get to bed by 10 pm ¨ Have a snack of protein/fat before bed (to keep blood sugar stable) ¨ Develop a mediation/breathing practice ¨ Add several “work-ins” to your current exercise routine (yoga/tai chi) ¨ Figure out your Metabolic Type ¨ Eat 3 meals a day (snack if needed) ¨ Stay away from inflammatory processed foods especially gluten, sugar, and alcohol.

¨ Eliminate “Energy Robbers” (Things in your life that drain your energy) ¨ Do something pleasurable each day ¨ Start a reflective/gratitude journal ¨ Exercise wisely ¨ Increase your water intake ¨ Eat ONLY whole, real foods ¨ Get a variety of fruits and vegetables ¨ Chew your foods well ¨ Avoid caffeine ¨ Do not eat foods that adversely affect you in any way, no matter how good they taste or how much you crave them.

¨ Quit feeling sorry for yourself and take responsibility of your health


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About the AuthorEric Hulse is a CHEK certified Holistic Health Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner.

He understands that our modern day lives have drawn us away, and out of balance with nature. This shift has caused massive dysfunctions within our bodies and health.

Eric’s integrative approach to health and wellness teaches his clients how to heal the ROOT issues causing specific malfunctions instead of on the surface symptoms.

Common Malfunctions Include:

• Chronic Fatigue• Autoimmune disorders• Insomnia• Weight Gain• Stress/Anxiety• IBS• Low Sex Drive• Food Addiction• Hormone dysregulation

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To schedule a consultation with Eric, please visit his website at

Here are some other social media links I’m going to add to this page as well.

Eric’s Website

Facebook page

Youtube Channel