anakin skywalker - · of skill, however he was kept as a slave on tatooine. the jedi...

Anakin Skywalker Anakin was a young boy who was powerfully connected to the Force, even as a young boy. He was only nine-years-old and the only human brave enough to be podracing. He demonstrated a lot of skill, however he was kept as a slave on Tatooine. The Jedi Master Qui-Gon discovered him as a slave-boy and brought him before the Jedi Council, hoping to train him. Qui-Gon believed Anakin to be the Chosen One spoken of in prophecies. The Chosen One someone very powerful and said to bring balance to the Force. Anakin was excited to leave with Jedi Master Qui-Gon, however he missed his mother terribly. The Jedi Council felt troubled that he had strong attachments and emotions towards his mother and worried it would bring trouble to his training, so they declared him too old to train. However, Anakin accompanied Qui-Gon to Naboo and ended up trapped in a starfighter where he was able to fight in the space battle and helped destroy the enemy’s battleship. Yes, the force was strong with him. Unfortunately, Qui-Gon was killed during the battle and Anakin was finally allowed to be trained as a Padawan learner by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. Over the next ten years, Anakin’s power continued to grow. He became good friends with Obi-Wan Kenobi and also developed a strong relationship with Chancellor Palpatine. Also growing was his friendship and love for Padme Amidala, who he’d known since he first left with the Jedis. However, it was not allowed for Jedis to develop romantic relationships because it could cloud their fair judgement. This didn’t stop Anakin from falling in love. One of Anakin’s strongest passions was love. He loved his mother and because he loved her, he missed her, and worried about her often. After ten years, he began having nightmares about her safety. He traveled home to check on her but discovered her dead. Rage filled his body. Fueled by his anger, and encouraged by the dark side, he wiped out the entire village. Fearful that their time together may be short, Anakin and Padme were secretly married. They had to keep their marriage a secret. Over the next years, Anakin fought in the Clone Wars, and was promoted to Jedi Knight and General. He led battalions through intense fighting and became known as the Hero of the Republic. Even with all of Anakin’s success, the Jedi Council could sense that he was still fighting strong emotions and this worried them.

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Post on 22-Jun-2018




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Page 1: Anakin Skywalker - · of skill, however he was kept as a slave on Tatooine. The Jedi ... Anakin Skywalker died after injuries from the Emperor

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin was a young boy who was powerfully connected to the Force, even as a young boy. He was only nine-years-old and the only human brave enough to be podracing. He demonstrated a lot of skill, however he was kept as a slave on Tatooine. The Jedi Master Qui-Gon discovered him as a slave-boy and brought him before the Jedi Council, hoping to train him. Qui-Gon believed Anakin to be the Chosen One spoken of in prophecies. The Chosen One someone very powerful and said to bring balance to the Force. Anakin was excited to leave with Jedi Master Qui-Gon, however he missed his mother terribly. The Jedi Council felt troubled that he had strong attachments and emotions towards his mother and worried it would bring trouble to his training, so they declared him too old to train. However, Anakin accompanied Qui-Gon to Naboo and ended up

trapped in a starfighter where he was able to fight in the space battle and helped destroy the enemy’s battleship. Yes, the force was strong with him. Unfortunately, Qui-Gon was killed during the battle and Anakin was finally allowed to be trained as a Padawan learner by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. Over the next ten years, Anakin’s power continued to grow. He became good friends with Obi-Wan Kenobi and also developed a strong relationship with Chancellor Palpatine. Also growing was his friendship and love for Padme Amidala, who he’d known since he first left with the Jedis. However, it was not allowed for Jedis to develop romantic relationships because it could cloud their fair judgement. This didn’t stop Anakin from falling in love. One of Anakin’s strongest passions was love. He loved his mother and because he loved her, he missed her, and worried about her often. After ten years, he began having nightmares about her safety. He traveled home to check on her but discovered her dead. Rage filled his body. Fueled by his anger, and encouraged by the dark side, he wiped out the entire village. Fearful that their time together may be short, Anakin and Padme were secretly married. They had to keep their marriage a secret. Over the next years, Anakin fought in the Clone Wars, and was promoted to Jedi Knight and General. He led battalions through intense fighting and became known as the Hero of the Republic. Even with all of Anakin’s success, the Jedi Council could sense that he was still fighting strong emotions and this worried them.

Page 2: Anakin Skywalker - · of skill, however he was kept as a slave on Tatooine. The Jedi ... Anakin Skywalker died after injuries from the Emperor

Chancellor Palpatine was captured near the war’s end. Anakin and Obi-Wan were sent to lead the rescue mission of their friend. Anakin won the battle against Dooku, but killed him in cold blood when Chancellor Palpatine encouraged him to. The Chancellor then tried to get Anakin, the Hero of the Republic, put on the Jedi Council, however, they still felt uneasy about him and refused. Anakin felt betrayed and hurt that they didn’t trust him. Instead, the Council wanted Anakin to spy on his friend, the Chancellor. Anakin began to lose trust of the Jedis. Again, Anakin began having nightmares about losing a loved one. Instead of nightmares about his mom, he now began having nightmares about his wife, Padme, who was pregnant. The idea of losing Padme or his child terrified him. Chancellor Palpatine, who was secretly Darth Sidious, a dark lord, promised to show Anakin ways to use the force to cheat death. Because he was so fearful of losing Padme, he agreed to learn more. When the Jedi Council found out about Chancellor Palpatine’s true identity, they tried to kill him. Anakin intervened and protected the dark Lord because he needed him alive in order to save Padme. However, in doing this, he turned completely away from the Jedis and adopted life with the dark side. He became Darth Vader, and felt himself growing more powerful. Soon, Padme and Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered what Anakin, now Darth Vader, had done. They confronted him. This angered him and he lashed out against Padme, injuring her. He dueled against Obi-Wan, but lost. Obi-Wan removed his arms and legs while battling. Darth Sidious recovered what was left of his body and took him away to complete his transformation into Darth Vader. Before Padme died, she gave birth to twins: Luke and Leia. For a generation, they lived without knowing who their father was. Darth Vader ruled the Dark Side, causing much death and evil acts. He even killed Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Luke and Leia both fought against the dark side. When Darth Sidious tried to kill Luke, however, Darth Vader intervened to save his son’s life. With this, he rejected the Sith and returned again to living honestly through the Jedi ways. Anakin Skywalker died after injuries from the Emperor. His dying wish was to see his son without his mask on. When he died, his spirit was preserved in the force by his mentors Yoda and Obi-Wan.

Page 3: Anakin Skywalker - · of skill, however he was kept as a slave on Tatooine. The Jedi ... Anakin Skywalker died after injuries from the Emperor
Page 4: Anakin Skywalker - · of skill, however he was kept as a slave on Tatooine. The Jedi ... Anakin Skywalker died after injuries from the Emperor