analysing film opening of iron man 3 - rahel

Analysing Film Opening of “Iron Man 3” Rahel 12S

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Analysing Film Opening of “Iron Man 3”Rahel 12S

Page 2: Analysing film opening of Iron Man 3 - Rahel


As we watch the opening title sequence of Iron Man 3, we see that there is a repetition of colours red and blue which could be signifying subjective colouring, which could mean that the colours link to character.

We also see close ups of the “iron man” costume and repeated shots of the main character known as Tony Stark and other characters which are important to the film such as the villains and friends of Tony Stark are Introduced with close ups. As we see the close ups of characters and then the camera freezes, in a weird angle.

We also see quick cuts also known as jump cuts which moves scene to scene really fast, to match the tempo of the music and also keep audience interested and to hint the audience context about the film, which also shows a repeat of the previous Iron man for example Iron man one and two, which reminds the audience about iron man and his journey. The edits also show the power of the character Iron Man because he’s the main character and it should signify to the audience that the main character is Tony Stark(Iron Man).

The fact that we se this hero character and new technology, it signifies that it is a sci-fi film, and as we watch the opening we see more action of the character which also shows that it is not only a science fiction film but also a action packed.

Sound- The sound used is non-diagetic because we hear the sound but do not see the source, for example background music or even a voice over is non diagetic.

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Subjective Colouring

Close up of character introduction.

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Genre Signifier – Science fiction because of high tec. Equipment and artificial intelligence.

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Narrative TheoryWhen watching the title sequence, we see that there is examples of Vladimir Propp's theory. For example the film Iron man 3 consists of protagonists and antagonists.

There is also use of Binary opposition (good vs. bad) in this case if there is Binary Opposition there will all ways be Protagonists and Antagonists.

In the opening there is also use of enigma code because we see the character hurt and also fighting something.

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Protagonist Antagonist

Good Bad

Vladimir Propp

Binary Opposition

Use of Enigma Code – shows character is injured but audience do not know who the character was fighting with or against.

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Character exposition Iron Man is presented in many ways throughout the opening sequence, as we watch the title sequence we see the struggle Iron Man faces and also his personality. We also see repeated shots of the icon action of the hand being raised.

Struggle creating new model

Personality – likes music – shown by dance moves.

Betting man, shows off wealth and fame for stark industries.


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More On Character Exp.Subjective colour – red, showing bad, and the fact she has a gun and she’s scoping through it shows that she is one of the villains in the film, you can also see from her facial expression. She looks happy to be evil.

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The Title Is Bold, and the producer use’s the effect of the title coming towards the audience creates a effect of tension and the colours are also linked to subjective colouring because the colours link to the iron man itself.

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Use of products to promote

As we watch the title sequence we see that there is use of a sports car made by Audi and that shows that Audi has used a successful movie to promote their brand and advertise their new product which is the sports car in this case. Some companies such as Apple use their laptops/computers as a way to promote their products. This helps sales of the product and market their product to people from various wealth. There’s also use of other cars which are used in the background of the film to show many things such as wealth of Tony Stark, it also shows his personality that he’s interested in cars.