analysing magazine adverts

Analysing Magazine Adverts

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Post on 22-May-2015




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Page 1: Analysing magazine adverts

Analysing Magazine Adverts

Page 2: Analysing magazine adverts

There is clear relationship between this magazine advert and other material by this artist. The use of Serif font style is consistent for his name. The colour scheme of the advert uses dark colours which is seen through out his work on albums. There is also an image of the artist, directly addressing the audience, which is also common of this artist.

The choice of image of the artist- up close with half of his face showing is effective, suggesting to the audience that going to the concert they will see the whole artist , a form of promoting . The font colours used contrast well against the image, for clear reading by the audience. The artist name is in large font to ensure that the audience don't miss his name. The font style for his name appears the same in the artist other material creating a clear brand identity. The image includes the artist wearing a pricey watch showing genre characteristics.

The layout of the magazine advert is simple with the information about the artist and the date of the concert aligned to the right separate to the centred information at the bottom, so that most important details stand out. The image takes up the whole of the advert so there is no white space, which makes the advert look professional.

The designer makes this advert eye catching through the use of a close up of the artist , which instantly drag the attention of the audience to the face of the artist. The use of contrasting colours is also essential in drawing attention of the audience, as the colours clearly distinguish the information from the image. The information is short but detailed enough for the audience to know what the advert is about, helping promote the artist effectively. The use of blue on the advert stands out alone, so the audience instant look in that direction and realise its the brand identity of the artist, due to the consistent font style.

There is suggestion of genre characteristic in this advert is restricted compared to other material of the artist. Wealth is shown through the expensive watch. But due to the close up of the image, the designer has not included much genre characteristics of the artist as a way of getting the audience come and see him live.

The star image is created through the close up shot of the artist and his consistent font style for his name, these two aspects appear over and over again in his material creating a brand identity.

On this advert there is no information about the music industry, it seems that this advert only promotes the place the concert of this artist will be held.

Page 3: Analysing magazine adverts

There is relationship between the magazine advert and other materials, as shown below. The colour scheme of red, white and grey is consistent creating a house style. the use of large font size for his name appears in all his material. There is a theme to his advert which seems quiet abstract for a rap artist.

The choice of image for the advert is abstract which doesn't really show characteristics of the genre of music the artist is from. This style of imagery would appear with a different genre of music, which maybe implicates that artist wants to be distinguished as his own.

There is use of Serif font style which has a very masculine feel to it, and is in large writing to draw attention of the audience.

The use of colours, really helps this advert stand out as the colours are strongly contrasting against each other causing it to draw the audiences attention.

The choice of abstract image is effective in drawing and holding the audiences attention as it question the characteristics of rap music.

The layout of this magazine advert , has the image centred in the middle, with the name of the artist in bold Serif font style, isolated to emphasise the name of the artist. Below the image is the name of the album and the date of release. This layout makes the information clear, the visual appearance of the advert is not cluttered, there is good use of white space, which lets of little if nothing about the artist, which intrigues the audience to find out more.

As this is a commercial product to promote the release of the new album by the artist it is clear that the designer has purposely used a abstract image to attract attention of the audience, and then to see the artists name in bold, makes the audience question how the abstract image relates to the artist, which holds the audiences attention long enough to read the bold date for the release of the album.

This design does not resemble or link with genre characteristics of rap, such as wealth, baggy clothing, females portrayed in a certain way. This imagery consists of musical equipment which does not define this artist in a certain genre of music.

The name of the artist is consistent though his material accept the magazine cover which was obviously created by the magazine team so is not relevant to the creation of a brand identity of Jay- z. However this magazine advert shows very little relevance to creating a brand identity other than the consistent colour scheme.

There is information about the record label the artist owns and the website address, so the audience can get more information about the artist, this is a form of further promotion of the artist and his material.