analysis of advert 1


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of advert 1

Main imagine. Although only one main image there are 4

images combined showing all the band members. The

band is quite unique and individual and I think this image

stand out a lot which relates to the band. And by the

image being in black and white (sepia effect) it makes the

writing stand out more, while still catching your attention

with the uniqueness in which it has been laid out.

I think there are two main

mastheads. However, I think this

one is more outstanding. The reason

for this is because the big contrast

of black and white. By having this

contrast it makes it stand out quite a


This is what I think the other

main masthead is. However,

the reason I think it is slightly

less important than the other

one is because of the use of

colour and positioning. The

yellow used for this

masthead is not quite as

outstanding as the white,

and by having this slightly

lower on the page it does not

stand out quite as much.

However, you know it is

important because of the

size (same as the other

masthead) and although not

a bright eye catching colour

it the small amount of colour

on the page making it seem

more important than other

parts on the page.

Although not that eye catching or

bright I think this is quite a subtlety

important part of the page. It allows

your eyes to take in everything on

the page, and then gives you some

information to make your (as the

audience) more interested to buy

the album.

Although small these signs are in the

corners to advertise the record

company of the band or musician.

This is to help

advertise the release

date of the album.

And by having these

bit of text in a

completely different

colour to the rest of

the advert it makes it

really stand out.