analysis of advert 3


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of advert 3

The bright pink background is very vibrant. And also

shows a lot of personality through it. As the colour is

so bright your eyes are automatically drawn to the

advert allowing you to them read and understand the

rest of the advert. The reason I also think the colour

pink was chosen is because the album is called ‘hard

candy’ and I think they chose this to link in with the

album name.

The main image is a lot like the

bright colour in the background.

Very eye catching, and you could say

slightly inappropriate, which is also

linking with her whole personality.

Madonna is known to be quite

provocative sometimes, and this

image is definitely showing this part

of her. And by doing this she has put

a provocative version of the album

name, also giving you a slightly hint

on the type of music it will be, and

what it could be about

The writing is written in a baby blue.

And I think the pink and baby blue is

used to give a slight binary

opposition on the whole advert. Of

the typically innocent colours of

baby blue and pink against the very

seductive image in the middle. I

think the idea is to contradict each


The font is also quite childlike,

linking in with the whole binary

oppositions. However, I think it also

stands out quite a lot, especially

with the pink and blue against each

other. And by it being in capital

letters in makes it stand out a lot.

The part ‘Hard Candy’ stands out the

most because of the font size, and

the white against the very vibrant


I think the theory ‘The Male

Gaze’ by Laura Mulvey is

used here. Madonna is sat in

a very seductive way, fitting

with the whole theme of this

theory. And she is using it to

her advantage to gain a

wider audience. She wants to

be viewed like this to show

beauty and sexuality. To aim

it at both sexes. For example,

women would say ‘I want to

be like that’ while men enjoy

the view they are being

given. It is keeping all of her

audience happy.