analysis of narrations quoted in shia encyclopedia

Analysis of narrations quoted in Shia Encyclopedia Hadith - 1 1. On tracing the source of this report of Abu Huraira which states "Quran and Sunnah," we found out that it has NOT been record ed in any of the six authentic Sunni coections of the traditions !Sihah Sittah.  Not ony that, but a so a#$u%hari, a#Ni sa&i, and a#'hahab i and (any others ra ted this re port !Quran and Sunnah as wea% because of its wea% )snad. Takhreej Note: - GF Haddad has presented a good Ta khreej on this hadeeth. I’ve benifitted from that. This narration has come through several chains, from atleast four of the companions. However, all of them are weak. ecorded in !"u#atta Imam "alik$ without an% sanad &I mam "alik said' it has reached us that (rophet &)*+ said-. However, Imam Ibn *bdul arr narrates it with his sanad in his )harh of "u’atta through two companions/ *bu Hurairah and 0*mr bin *wf, and he declare it to be preserve and famous among scholars. &*t1Tamheed 23456678 This narration has been narrated through Ibn 0*bbas, 0*mr bin * wf, * bu Hurairah and *nas bin "alik. Ibn ‘Abbas: - 9arrated through Ibn *bbas b% Imam *l1a%ha:i in !)unan *l1;ubra$ 27<577 48 and in !=alaa’il *n19ubu wwah$ 2>5>4?8, *l1Hakim in !*l1"ustadrak$ 267@8, and *bu akr *l1*ajuri in !*sh1 )haree’ah$ 2>5333<8. *l l of them narrate it through the route of Isma’eel bin *bi Awais from his father from Thawr bin Baid *d1=ailee from Ikrimah from Ibn *bbas. This narration describe the speech of the (rophet 2)*+8 during his farewell pilgrimage. *bdullah bin *bdullah bin *bi 0*amir *bu Awais *l1"adani, the father of Isma’eel bin *bi Awais, was close to weakness. Cah%a and *hmed said he was weak in hadith. *nother time Cah%a bin "u’een said, there is no problem with him. In another narration, he said' )adoo:, but not Hujjah. 9asai and Ibn "adeeni also considered him weak. *bu =awud said' )aleh *l1Hadith. "uslim relied on *bu Awais in his )ahih. &"eeDan *l1E’etidal 2354><8 Isma’eel bin *bi Awais was disagreed upon. The correct ruling on him is that he was truthful but made mistakes while narrating from his memor%. ukhari and "uslim narrated from him in their )ahih. & efer to al1;ashif 275348, Ta:reeb 275?8, "eeDan 27533313368 etc In the report of *l1*ajurri, the father of Ibn *bi Awais narrates from *bdullah bin *bi *bdullah *l1 asari also along with Thawr bin Baid *d1=ailee. *l1*lbani declared the sanad in "ustadrak *l1Hakim from Ibn 0*bbas to be hasan &!*t1Ta wassul$ 2pg.78, and declared the hadith to be )ahih in !)ahih *l1ami’$ 263638. * l1Hakim said, !The command to stick with )unnah is Ghareeb 2odd8 in this speech 2farewell speech8.$ However, the meaning of the hadith is true and ur’ an itself testifies for its meaning. ‘Amr bin ‘Awf: - 9arrated b% Ibn *bdul arr in !*t1Tamheed$ 23456678 and in !ami’ a%an *l10Ilm$

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Analysis of narrations quoted in Shia Encyclopedia

Hadith - 1

1. On tracing the source of this report of Abu Huraira which states "Quran and Sunnah," we found outthat it has NOT been recorded in any of the six authentic Sunni coections of the traditions !Sihah Sittah.

 Not ony that, but aso a#$u%hari, a#Nisa&i, and a#'hahabi and (any others rated this report !Quran

and Sunnah as wea% because of its wea% )snad.


Note: - GF Haddad has presented a good Takhreej on this hadeeth. I’ve benifitted from that.

This narration has come through several chains, from atleast four of the companions. However, all ofthem are weak.

ecorded in !"u#atta Imam "alik$ without an% sanad &Imam "alik said' it has reached us that (rophet&)*+ said-. However, Imam Ibn *bdul arr narrates it with his sanad in his )harh of "u’atta throughtwo companions/ *bu Hurairah and 0*mr bin *wf, and he declare it to be preserve and famous amongscholars. &*t1Tamheed 23456678

This narration has been narrated through Ibn 0*bbas, 0*mr bin *wf, *bu Hurairah and *nas bin "alik.

Ibn ‘Abbas: - 9arrated through Ibn *bbas b% Imam *l1a%ha:i in !)unan *l1;ubra$ 27<57748 and in!=alaa’il *n19ubuwwah$ 2>5>4?8, *l1Hakim in !*l1"ustadrak$ 267@8, and *bu akr *l1*ajuri in !*sh1)haree’ah$ 2>5333<8. *ll of them narrate it through the route of Isma’eel bin *bi Awais from his fatherfrom Thawr bin Baid *d1=ailee from Ikrimah from Ibn *bbas. This narration describe the speech of the

(rophet 2)*+8 during his farewell pilgrimage.*bdullah bin *bdullah bin *bi 0*amir *bu Awais *l1"adani, the father of Isma’eel bin *bi Awais, wasclose to weakness. Cah%a and *hmed said he was weak in hadith. *nother time Cah%a bin "u’een said,there is no problem with him. In another narration, he said' )adoo:, but not Hujjah. 9asai and Ibn"adeeni also considered him weak. *bu =awud said' )aleh *l1Hadith. "uslim relied on *bu Awais inhis )ahih. &"eeDan *l1E’etidal 2354><8Isma’eel bin *bi Awais was disagreed upon. The correct ruling on him is that he was truthful but mademistakes while narrating from his memor%. ukhari and "uslim narrated from him in their )ahih. &eferto al1;ashif 275348, Ta:reeb 275?8, "eeDan 27533313368 etcIn the report of *l1*ajurri, the father of Ibn *bi Awais narrates from *bdullah bin *bi *bdullah *l1asari also along with Thawr bin Baid *d1=ailee.

*l1*lbani declared the sanad in "ustadrak *l1Hakim from Ibn 0*bbas to be hasan &!*t1Tawassul$2pg.78, and declared the hadith to be )ahih in !)ahih *l1ami’$ 263638. *l1Hakim said, !The commandto stick with )unnah is Ghareeb 2odd8 in this speech 2farewell speech8.$However, the meaning of the hadith is true and ur’an itself testifies for its meaning.

‘Amr bin ‘Awf: - 9arrated b% Ibn *bdul arr in !*t1Tamheed$ 23456678 and in !ami’ a%an *l10Ilm$

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275>>, 35??8 through the wa% of ;atheer bin *bdullah from his father from his grand1father-;atheer bin *bdullah was weak. Ta:reeb 2356?8

Abu Hurairah: - Through *bu Hura%rah b% al1aDDaar in his "usnad 2@??68, *l1Hakim in !*l1"ustadrak$ 275738, Imam *l1a%ha:i 27<5744, =aaru Fikr8, Ibn *bdul arr in !*t1Tamheed$ 23456678

and in !ami’ a%an al10Ilm$ 2hadith. 7@, =aar Ibn al1awDi8, through the route )alih bin "usa *t1Talhifrom *bdul *DiD bin ufai’ from *bu )aleh from *bu Hurairah.egarding )aleh bin "usa, Ibn Hajar said' He was matrook.

Anas bin Malik: - *bu *sh1)ha%kh *l1*sbahani narrates as a hadith of *nas bin "alik in his !Taba:atal1"uhadditheen$ 2458.In this, CaDeed bin *baan *r1a::ashi narrates from *nas. CaDeed was weak in hadith, as said b% Ibn"u’een, *hmed, Ibn )a’d, =aar:utni etc. &Tahdheeb 27753<8

This has also been narrated through 0Arwah and "usa bin 0A:bah in "ursal form.

‘Urwah bin Zubair: - This was reported b% *l1a%ha:i in J*d1=ala#ilJ 2>544144@8 from Arwah binBubair from (rophet 2)*+8 as a "ursal tradition. The isnad contains Ibn Kahee#ah who was weak inhadeeth.

Musa bin ‘Ubah: - *l1a%ha:i reports it also as a "ursal report of "usa bin #A:bah 2d.747 *H8 in thesame book 2>544@8.

Hadith - !

*. The (essenger of Aah !+$H-H said/ ") a( ea0ing for you two precious and weighty Sy(bos

that if you adhere to $OTH of the( you sha not go astray after (e. They are, the $oo% of Aah, and (y

 progeny, that is (y Ahu#$ayt. The ercifu has infor(ed (e that These two sha not separate fro( eachother ti they co(e to (e by the +oo !of +aradise." 

TakhreejTakhreej of this hadeeth could be read here' http'55alsonnah.wordpress.com53<735<...rent1wordings5 

Hadith - "

2. Narrated (( Saa(a/

The essenger of Aah said/ "Ai is with Quran, and Quran is with Ai. They sha not separate fro( each

other ti they both return to (e by the +oo !of +aradise."

Sunni references/

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34 a#ustadra%, by a#Ha%i(, 02, p1*5 on the authority of (( Saa(a 4 a#Sawa&i6 a#uhri6ah, by

 )bn Ha7ar, 8h. 9, section *, pp 191,195 4 a#Awsat, by a#Tabarani: aso in a#Saghir 4 Tari%h a#

 ;huafaa, by <aauddin a#Suyuti, p1=2>


elated b% Imam *l1Hakim in his !*l1"ustadrak$ 243@8 and declared its sanad to be authentic, likewiseTabarani relates it in !*l1*wsat$ 2@@@<8 and in 0’*s1)agheer$ 23<8, through *bu )a’eed at1Taimi from&*bu Thabit mawla *bu =harr who narrates it from Ammul "u’mineen Amm )alamah &ra.*l1Haithami said, !9arrated b% Tabarani in *l1*wsat and *s1)agheer. *nd among its narrators is )aleh bin *bil *swad, and he is weak.$ &"ajma’ *D1Bawaa’id 2?56>8, =aarul Fikr eirut

*llamah "u:bil bin Haadi *l1+adi’ee states in his notes on !*l1"ustadarak$, commenting on thestatement of *l1Hakim that the sanad is )aheeh and *bu )a’eed *l1Tamimee is *l10A:aisaa, and isThi:ah 2trustworth%8. He states' *nd in 0Tarteeb Tarikh ibn "u’een’ 2vol.3, page <8 &Ibn "u’een was

asked, !=id *bu )a’eed *l1A:aisa heard from *liL He said, 0%es’. *nd he did not state an% arh orTa’deel regarding him 2*t1Tamimee8. )o from where *l1Hakim got that he was Thi:ah "a’moon. *nd Idid not find an% biograph% of *bu Thaabit.$ &"ustadrak with notes b% *llama "u:bil, 6576> =aarulHaramain

egarding *bu )a’eed at1Tameemi al1A:aisa, Imam =hahabi records in al1"eeDan 2356<8' 9asai said,!He was not strong$. =aar:utni said, !"atrook al1Hadeeth$. *s1)a’di said, !He wasn’t trustworth%$.HafiD Ibn Hajar further added in Kisan al1"eeDan 2354668' 9asai said, in the tradition of Ibn 0*di, !Hewas not trustworth%$. ukhari said, !2)cholars8 speak against him$. Ibn "u’een said, !He was nothing.He was worse than asheed al1Hijri, Habbah al10*rni and *sbagh bin 9abatah$. *bu Hatim said, !Hewas Ka%%in 2soft8, and he is more beloved to me than *sbagh bin 9abatah$. Ibn Hibban included him in

Thi:aat and al1Hakim said he was Thi:ah "a’moon$.)o there remain two problems with this tradition of al1Hakim'7. *l1A:aisa, *bu )a’eed was weak according to majorit%, viD. Ibn "u’een, 9asai, *s1)a’di, *bu Hatim,ad1=aar:utni. The% were opposed b% Ibn Hibban and al1Haakim.3. &*bu Thabit was "ajhool al10*%n. 9o one narrates from him eMcept A:aisa, and there is no criticismor praised mentioned regarding him.+*llahu *#alam

Hadith - #

"$ehod? y Ahu#$ayt are i%e the Ar% of Noah. @hoe0er e(bar%ed in it was SAB', and whoe0erturned away fro( it was +BC)SHB'." 

Sunni references/

31. a#ustadra%, by a#Ha%i(, 0*, p252, 02, pp 1DE#1D1 on the authority of Abu 'har. a#Ha%i( said this

tradition is authentic !Sahih.*. adha&i a#Sahaba, by Ah(ad )bn Hanba, 0*, p=FG 2. Tafsir a#;abir, by

 a%hr a#Cai, under the co((entary of 0erse 5*/*2, +art *=, p1G=, 5. a#$aar, on the authority of )bn

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 Abbas and )bn Iubair with the wording "drowned" instead of "perished". D. a#Sawa&i6 a#uhri6ah, by

 )bn Ha7ar Haytha(i, 8h. 11, section 1, p*25 under erse F/22. Aso in section *, p*F*. He said this

 Hadith has been trans(itted 0ia nu(erous authorities. G. Tari%h a#;huafaa and <a(i& a#Saghir, by a#

Suyuti, =. a#;abir, by a#Tabarani, 02, pp 2=,2F, F. a#Saghir, by a#Tabarani, 0*, p**, 9. Hiyatu

 Awiyaa, by Abu Nu&ay(, 05, p2EG, 1E. a#;una wa As(aa, by a#'uabi, 01, p=G, 11. Janabi a#

 awaddah, by a#Qundooi a#Hanafi, pp 2E,2=E,1*. )s&af a#Caghibeen, by a#Saban>



Hadith - $

5. The +rophet !+$H-H said about Ahu#$ayt/

"'o not be ahead of the( for you wi perish, do not turn away fro( the( for you wi perish, and do not

try to teach the( since they %now (ore than you do?"

Sunni references/

31. a#'urr a#anthoor, by a#Suyuti, 0*, pGE, *. a#Sawa&i6 a#uhri6ah, by )bn Ha7ar a#Haytha(i, 8h.

11, section 1, p*2E, 6uoted fro( a#Tabarani, aso in section *, p25*, 2. sdu Khabah, by )bn a#Athir,

02, p12=, 5. Janabi& a#awaddah, by a#Qundooi a#Hanafi, p51, and +22D, D. ;an a#((a, by a#

 utta6i a#Hindi, 01, p1GF, G. a7(a& a#Iawa&id, by a#Haytha(i, 09, p1G2, =. A6abat a#Anwar, 01,

 p1F5, F. A&aa( a#@ara, pp 12*#122, 9. Tadh%irat a#;hawas a#((ah, Sibt )bn a#<awi a#Hanafi, pp

*F#22,1E. a#Sirah a#Haabiyyah, by Noor a#'in a#Haabi, 02, p*=2>


This has been discussed briefl% under Hadith Tha:alain. ecorded b% Tabarani in !*l1;abeer$ &2658 N2>578, through *bdullah bin ukair *l1Ghanawi from Hakeem bin ubair from *bu Tufail from Baid

 bin *r:am 2ra8.

HafiD *l1Ha%thami, after mentioning this narration, said'!9arrated b% Tabrani, and in its first and second sanad eMists Hakeem bin ubair, who is weak.$ &"ajma’*D1Bawa’id 2?53>?8, =aarul Fikr eirut*l1*lbani declared the hadith to be 0weak’. &)ilsilah *d1dha’eefah 24?748egarding the narrator 0Hakeem ibn ubair’, Imam *hmed said, !He was weak, "unkarul Hadith$. =aarutni said, !He was "atrook$. 9asai said, !He was not strong 2in hadith8$. &)ee !"eeDan *l1E’itedal$275>@68+allahu *#alam 

Hadith - %

The essenger of Aah !+$H-H said/ "y Ahu#$ayt are i%e the Kate of Cepentance of the

8hidren of )srae: whoe0er entered therein was forgi0en."

4 a7(a& a#Iawa&id, by a#Haytha(i, 09, p1GF

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4 a#Awsat, by a#Tabarani, Tradition L1F

4 Arba&in, by a#Nabahani, p*1G 

4 a#Sawa&i6 a#uhri6ah, by )bn Ha7ar a#Haytha(i, 8h. 11, section 1, pp *2E,*25

4 Another fairy si(iar tradition was recorded by a#'ar6unti as we as )bn Ha7ar in his a#Sawa&i6 a#

 uhri6ah, 8h. 9, section *, p192 where the +rophet !+$H-H said/ "Ai is the Kate of Cepentance,

whoe0er entered therein was a beie0er and whoe0er went out was an unbeie0er." 


This tradition comes through *bu )a’eed and *bu =harr *l1Ghifari.*t1Tabarani relates it in !*l1;abeer$ 2654>8, !*l1*wsat$ 245?8 and in !*s1)agheer$ 27534<8 throughHusain bin *hmed bin "ansur )ajjadah *l1aghdadi from *bdullah bin =aahir from *bdullah bin *bduluddus from *’amash from *bu Isha: from Hanash bin *l1"u’tamir from *bu =harr.This is fabricated. oth *bdullah bin =aahir and *bdullah bin *bdul uddus were unreliable. There isdisconnection between *bu Isha: and Hanash. )ee the Takhreej of Hadith no.14 &Hadeeth )afeenah.

Note: - In the aticle on Hadith )afinah I said that I could not find an% information regarding Husain bin

*hmad bin "ansur )ajjadah, and now I found it, wa lillahil hamd. ;hateeb said, !There is no problemwith him$. =hahabi said, !Truthful 2)adoo:8$. &Irshad al1asi wa ad1=aani 2753@13?8

From *bu )a’eed *l1;hudri, as recorded b% Tabarani in !*l1*wsat$ 25@>8 N in !*l1)agheer$ 235@48,through "uhammad bin O*bdul O*DiD bin abi’ah *l1;ilabi from his father from *bdur1ahman binHammad *l1"a:ri’, from *bu )alamah *s1)a’igh from O*ti%%a from *bu )a’eed.

This contains *ti%%ah al1*wfi and he was weak. The three narrators below him were unidentified. eferto Takhreej on Hadith )afeenah &Hadith no.4.

Hadith - &

"O fo%? ) a( soon going to depart fro( here, and athough ) ha0e aready tod you, ) repeat once (orethat ) a( ea0ing with you two things, na(ey, the $oo% of Aah and (y descendants, that is, (y Ahu#

 $ayt." Then he ifted Ai by the hand and said/ "$ehod? This Ai is with the Quran and the Quran is with

hi(. These two sha ne0er separate fro( each other unti they co(e to (e at the +oo of ;awthar."

Sunni reference/ a#Sawa&i6 a#uhri6ah, by )bn Ha7ar, 8h. 9, section *

TakhreejI am not able to find its source and *l1Ha%tami recorded it without indicating to its source. 

Hadith - '

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(ther similar traditions

!+hosoever wishes to to live like me and die like me, and that he like to hold the stick made of Ca:ootwhich *llah created with His own hand and said !be$, so it was, then he should befriend *li after me$.

This has been related b% *bu 9u’aim 275@, 45748 through the route of "uhammad bin Bakari%%ah al1

Ghalabi from' narrated to us ishr bin "ihran' 9arrated to us )hareek from *’amash from Baid bin +ahbfrom Hudhaifa.*bu 9u’aim said' ishr alone narrates it from )hareek.)hareek bin *bdullah al1adhi was weak due to his bad memor%.egarding ishr bin 0*bdullah, Ibn *bi Hatim said, !m% father abandoned his narrations$. Ibn Hibbanlisted him among trustworth% narrators. &al1"eeDan 27563>8"uhammad bin Bakari%%ah al1Ghulabi al1asari was accused of l%ing. Ibn Hibban listed him amongThi:aat but added, !his hadith should be written for backup when narrate from reliable narrators$. This isobviousl% rejected. =aar:utni said, !He used to fabricate hadith$. *l1Haakim said in his Tareekh, afterrelating a hadith through al1Ghalabi, !Its narrators are trustworth% eMcept for al1Ghalabi, and he was the problem 2*afah8 of this tradition$. =hahabi also accused him of l%ing. &Kisan al1"eeDan 2>57@8

Ibn al1awDi included this narration in "awdhu’aat and affirmed b% as1)u%uti in !al1Kaali$. )ha%kh 9aasir al1*lbani declared it fabricated.)ee' )ilsila ad1=a’eefa 2@?68.

Ibn 0*sakir 24353438 related another route through ishr bin "ihran. The problem with the narratorsabove ishr is same as previous. elow ishr, it contains Husain bin Isma’eel al1"ahdi. HafiD al1=hahabi enlisted him in his massive Tarikh al1Islam 256?8 and said that al1;haleeli mentioned him in!"asheekhah *bil Hasan al1attaan$, and Ibrahim ar1ammadi and Hudbah heard from him. ut he didnot mention an% criticism or praise regarding him. *nother narrator *hmad bin Cusuf bin ;hallaad was

trustworth% from the )hu%ukh of =aar:utni and *bu 9u’aim. &Tarikh al1Islam 2@57648 I could not findan% information regarding "uhammad bin Amar bin )uleiman. +allahu *’lam

!+hoever wishes to live like me and die like me and enter the paradise which m% Kord has preparedshould befriend 0*li after me, and befriend his relatives, and follow the Imams after me, for the% are m% progen%. The% are created through m% soil &the soil through which I am created. The% have been givenintellect and knowledge. +oe to those, from m% Ammah, who den% their virtues. Those are the one whodisconnect m% relationship with them. "a% *llah not make m% intercession available for them.$

It was related b% *bu 9u’aim 275@8 through the wa% of "uhammad a’far bin *bdur1aheem' 9arratedto us *hmad bin "uhammad bin Baid bin )aleem' 9arrated to us *bdur1ahman bin 0Imran bin *bi

Kailah' 9arrated to Ca’:oob bin "usa fro Ibn *bi awwad from Isma’eel bin Ama%%ah from 0Ikramahfrom Ibn 0*bbas.)ha%kh al1*lbani said' The Isnad of this narration is muDlam 2in darkness8. Each narrator below Ibn *biawwaad is unknown. &*d1=a’eefah 2@?48Ibn 0*sakir said, !This hadeeth is "unkar, and in its chain are more than one unknown narrators$. &Tarikh=amish: 24353478

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Hadith - )

The essenger of Aah said/ "Cegard the Ahu#$ayt a(ong you as the head to the body or the eyes to the

 face, for the face is ony guided by the eyes."

Sunni references/4 )s&af a#Caghibeen, by a#Saban

4 A#Sharaf a#ua&abbad, by Shai%h Jusuf a#Nabahani, p21, by (ore than one authority

TakhreejIt was related b% at1Tabarani in !*l1;abeer$ 26548 through the route of Bi%ad bin al1"andhir from*bdur1ahman bin "as’ud al10*bdi from 0*leem from )alman in maw:oof form.HafiD al1Ha%thami said, !In it eMists Bi%ad bin al1"andhir, and he was "atrook$. &"ajma’ aD1Bawa’id2?5738*l1*lbani declared this hadith to be fabricated in !*d1=a’eefah$ 24?7>8.

 9ote' 1 The compiler of )hia enc%clopedia took it from Is’aaf ar1aghibeen, and after checking it I found

that as1)abaan attributed that wording to a version of Hadeeth as1)afeenah through *bu =harr al1Ghifari.&)ee, Is’aaf ar1aghibeen 2pg.73<8 with 9oor as1)abaahI could not find its Isnad an%where, +*llah *’alam. For the versions of hadith )afeenah through *bu=harr, see the Takhreej under hadith no.4.

Hadith - 1*

The essenger of Aah said/ "y Ahu#$ayt are the protected pace of refuge about the dispute in

reigion." !ustadra% Ha%i(


eported b% Hakim in !*l1"ustadrak$ 247>8, who declared it 0sahih’, with the wording'!)tars are source of protection from destruction for the people of earth, and m% *hlul a%t are protectionfrom the Ikhtilaf 2disagreement8. Hence if a tribe from *rab will disobe% him, the%’ll be included into theforce of Iblees.$Imam =hahabi comments' !ather this is fabricated, Ibn *rkoon was declared weak, and likewise;hulaid bin =a’laj was declared weak b% *hmed and others.$

Hence there are two problems in the isnad of this report,

7. Isha: bin )a’eed bin *rkoon' =aar utni said, "unkirul Hadith. *bu Hatim said' He was nottrustworth%. &*l1"eeDan 2757?383. ;hulaid bin =a’laj' *hmed and Cah%a declared him weak. 9asai said, !He was not trustworth%$. IbnHibban said, !He has eMcessive mistake$. =aar utni listed him amongst weak and rejected narrators inhis book !*dh1=hu’afa wal "atrookeen$. &*l1"eeDan 754

There are shawahid for this hadith from the narration reported through *li and )alama bin *l1*kwa’ withsomewhat similar wordings.

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This was related b% *l1atee’ee in his additions on !Fadha’il *s1)ahaba$ 2774>8 of Imam *hmed throughthe wa% of 0*bdul "alik bin Harun bin 0*ntarah from his father from his grand1father from 0*li that the"essenger of *llah 2sallallahu 0alaihi wa sallam8 said'!)tars are the cause for refuge of people of heaven, so when stars are gone the inhabitants of heaven shall

cease to eMist. )imilarl%, m% *hlul a%t are cause for the refuge of the people of earth, so when m% *hlula%t are gone the people of earth shall cease to eMist.$This was also related b% *bdur1ahman bin Athman at1Tameemi in !"usnad 0*li$, as :uoted b% al1*lbani.*bdul "alik bin Harun bin 0*ntirah was abandoned, accused of fabricating hadeeth. Ibn "u’een said,0kadhdhab’. *bu Hatim said, 0matrook, =haahibul Hadith’. *s1)a’adi said, !He was liar =ajjaal$. *hmedand =aar:utni said, !He was weak$. &"eeDan 2358

)omewhat similar wording has also been related b% *bu 0*bdullah al1Hakim in !al1"ustadrak$ 2>?38' 9arrated to us *bul aasim *bdur1ahman bin al1Hasan adhi at Hamdhan' 9arrated to us "uhammad bin "ugheerah al1Cashkuri' 9arrated to us aasim bin Hakam al10Arani' 9arrated to us 0*bdullah bin

0*mr bin "urrah' 9arrated to me "uhammad bin )oo:ah from "uhammad bin al1"unkadir from hisfather from the (rophet 2)allallahu 0alaihi wa sallam8.*bul aasim *bdur1ahman bin Hasan, the )ha%kh of Haakim, was unreliable. aasim bin *bi )alehaccused him of l%ing. )aleh bin *hmad al1Hamdhani said, !He was weak$. =aar:utni said that he hasseen takhleet 2miM up between narrations8 in his book. &Tarikh al1Islam 2@548, Kisan al1"eeDan 2654778There are some dispute regardin asim bin Hakam and *bdullah bin 0*mr as well. )ee, *d1=a’eefa27<536>8This has been reported through chains but that doesn’t have the part in praise of *hlul a%t. )ee, *d1=a’eefa 27<536>1368 for detail.

Kikewise, this was also related b% *bdur1ahman bin Athman at1Tameemi in !"usnad 0*li$, as :uoted b% al1*lbani, through the route of "a’moon 20*bbasi caliph8 from ar1asheed' 9arrated to me al1"ahdifrom al1"ansoor' narrated to me m% father from m% grand1father, he said' I heard Ibn 0*bbas sa%ing, !*li bin *bi Talib said--alhadith$.)ha%kh *lbani said' This Isnad several% weak, having continuous link of *bbasid caliphs from al1"ansoor. Their condition in hadith is not known. *d1=a’eefa 24??8

This has been reported briefl% as a hadith of )alamah bin *kwa’. Hence, Tabarani relates it in !al1;abeer$25338 and Ibn 0*sakir in Tarikh 24<53<8 through "usa bin 0Abaidah from I%as bin )alamah bin *kwa’from his father from the (rophet 2sallallahu 0alaihi wa sallam8 that he said, !)tars are made to be a causefor the safet% 2*maan8 for the people of heaven, and m% *hlul ba%t are the cause for safet% of m%

Ammah$.*l1Ha%thami after recording it states, !"usa bin 0Abaidah was abandoned.$ &"ajma’ aD1Bawaid 2?5748

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Hadith - 11

The "essenger of *llah said' J*cknowledgment of *ale1"uhammad 2the famil% of "uhammad8 meanssalvation from the fire, and love for them is a passport for crossing the bridge of the )iraat, and obedienceto them is a protection from divine wrath.J)unni references'P ;itab al1)hafa, b% adhi #*%adh, published in 763@ *H, v3, p4<P Canabi al1"awaddah, al1undooDi al1Hanafi, section >, p6<


)uleiman *l1unduDi 2pg.6<8 :outed it from !9awadirul Asul$ of Hakeem Tirmidhi, through the routeof Aba%d bin ;halid' 9arrated to us "uhammad bin Athman *l1asari' 9arrated to us "uhammad binFudhail &sic from "uhammad bin )a’d bin *bi Teeba from "i:dad bin *l1*swad-.alhadith. 9ote' 1 adhi 0I%adh mentioned it without Isnad.

*l1*lbani declared it Fabricated, and said' !It was reported b% *l1;alabadhi in !"iftah *l1"a’ani$

235748, through the route of "uhammad bin Fadhl from "uhammad bin )a’d *bi Teebah from "i:dad bin *swad marfoo’.I 2*lbani8 sa%' This is fabricated and its problem is "uhammad bin Fadhl Q he was Ibn *ti%%a *l1;albi Qand he was "atrook. *l1Falas and others declared him a liar. *hmad said, !His narrations were likenarrations of liars$. *nd that is wh% Ibn Hajar in !Ta:reeb$ said, !The% declared him liar$.*nd the )ha%kh of "uhammad bin Fudhail is "uhammad bin )a’d *bu Teebah whom I do not know, and*d1=awlabi did not mention him in !*l1;una$R &)ilsilah *d1=a’eefa 24?78 

Hadith - 1!


Sriginall% (osted b% +hia ,n. The essenger of Aah addressed us at <uhfa saying/ "'o ) not ha0e authority o0er you (ore than

 yourse0esM" They a said, "Jes of course." Then he said/ ") sha hod you answerabe for two things,

na(ey, the $oo% of Aah and (y descendants."

Sunni reference/

4 )hyaa a#ayyit, by a#Hafidh <aauddin a#Suyuti

4 Arba&in a#&Arbain, by Aa(ah a#Nabahani

Takhreej*l1Ha%thami in his J"ajma# *D1Bawa#idJ 2>57?>8 said that it was reported b% Tabrani and in it’s Isnadwere those narrators whom he could not identif%.I could not find it in Tabarani’s "a’aajim.+*llahu *’alamIt was also recorded b% *bu 9u#a%m in J*l1Hil%ahJ 2?541>8 through the wa% of Ibrahim bin *l1Casa#*l1"aliki who said, narrated to us a#far bin "uhammad from his father from his grandfather from *li.*li *l1"utta:i also attributed it to *l1Hil%ah and said that it contained Ibrahim bin *l1Casa# who wasver% weak 2+**H8.

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Hadith - 1"


In the tradition of al1Hakim the wording the last :uestion and answer is as follows'

Amm )alama said' JS (rophet of *llahR *m I not one of the members of %our famil%LJ The Hol% (rophetreplied' JCou have a good future but onl% these are the members of m% famil%. S KordR The members ofm% famil% are more deserving.J

)unni reference' al1"ustadrak, b% al1Hakim, v3, p47


ecorded b% *l1Hakim in !*l1"ustadrak$ 26>>@8 and declared it authentic on the condition of ukhari.=hahabi said' Sn the condition of "uslim. The more appropriate translation would be, !Cou are m% *hland these are m% *hlul a%t$. This tradition differentiates between *hl and *hlul a%t. 9o other traditionsupports this statement. +*llah *’alam

+hile it was narrated b% *l1a%ha:i in !*l1I’ete:ad$ 2pg. 638 and in !*s1)unan *l1;ubra$ 2357><8through the same Isnad as of *l1Hakim with the wording' I 2Amm )alama8 asked, !S "essenger of*llahR *m I not from *hlul a%tL$ He replied, +h% not, Insha *llah.*bu *bdullah *l1Hakim said, !The sanad of this hadith is )ahih and all of its narrators are trustworth%$.oth these Isnad contain *bdur1ahman bin *bdullah bin =eenar and he was not that strong. Ibn "u’eensaid, !There is some weakness in his hadeeth according to me$. *bu Hatim said, !There is someweakness 2Ka%in8 in him. His narrations should be written without taking it as hujjah$. ukhari relied onhim in his )ahih. Ibn 0*di said, !)ome of his traditions are "unkar, no one support him in that$. IbnHajar summariDed, !He was truthful but used to make mistakes$. &Ta:reeb 275>8, Tahdheeb 257@8 

Hadeeth - 1#


Sriginall% (osted b% +hia ,n.  Aso the wording reported by a#Suyuti and )bn a#Athir is as foows/

(( Saa(a said to the Hoy +rophet/ "A( ) aso one of the(M" He repied/ "No. Jou ha0e your own

 specia position and your future is good."

Sunni reference/

4 sdu Khabah, by )bn a#Athir, 0*, p*F9

4 Tafsir a#'urr a#anthoor, by a#Suyuti, 0D, p19F


I have never seen an% such versin of this incident. Hopefull%, this is another deceptiion of the author.+allahu *’alam* narration near to it could be found in Tafseer Tabari 23<538, )unan Tirmidhi 263<>, 6@8 AsudulGhabah 2754?<8 as a hadith of Amar bin *bi )alamah. This was also :uoted b% *s1)u%uti but this doesnot contain the repl% !9o$ in it, rather it has the wording !%ou are at %our position 2makan8, and %ou areon al1;ha%r 2good8$. This narration contain "uhammad bin )uleiman al1*sbahani who nUrrate it from

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%ah%a bin 0Abaid al1"akki from 0*taa from Amar bin *bu )alamah. *l1*sbahani had weakness in him.&Tahdheeb 2?57@17?8. Imam Tirmidhi mentioned its weakness b% sa%ing, !This hadeeth is Ghareebfrom the narrations of 0*taa from 0Amar bin *bi )alamah$.

Hadeeth - 1$


*lso al1Tabari :uotes Amm )alama sa%ing'

I said, JS (rophet of *llahR *m I not also one of %our *hlul1a%tLJ I swear b% the *lmight% that the Hol%(rophet did 9ST grant me an% distinction and said' JCou have a good future.J

)unni reference' Tafsir al1Tabari, v33, p under the commentar% of verse 66'66


eported b% Tabari 23<538 through *bdullah bin *bdul uddus from *l1*’amash from Hakeem bin

)a’d from Am )alamah-alhadith.*bdullah bin *bdul uddus was untrustworth and a afidhi, hence not to be taken as proof. Ibn "u’eensaid, !He is nothing, and he was an evil afidhi$. 9asai said, !He was not reliable$. =aar:utni said, !Hewas weak$. &"eeDan 2354>8Ibn Humaid, )ha%kh of at1Tabari, was unreliable aswell. ukhari said, !Feehi naDar$. Ca’:oob al1Fasawisaid, !He has munkar traditions in eMcess$. 9asai said, !He was not reliable$. Sther scholars declared himliar. &"eeDan 265>6<8*nother thing which testifies to the weakness of this tradition is that it sa%s that (rophet 2pbuh8commanded Amm )alamah 2ra8 to not allow an%one, but she couldn’t stop Fatimah 2ra8 when she came/similarl% she could not stop Hasan 2ra8 and Husain 2ra8 from their grandfather. This is obviousl% not truein the light of other established traditions according to which (rophet 2saw8 himself called *li, Fatimahand their two sons. +*llahu *’alam 

Hadeeth -1%


a#far Ibn *bi Talib narrated'

+hen the "essenger of *llah noticed that a blessing from *llah was to descent, he told )afi%%a 2one ofhis wives8' JVall for meR Vall for meRJ )afi%%a said' JVall who, S the "essenger of *llahLJ He said' JVallfor me m% *hlul1a%t who are *li, Fatimah, al1Hasan, and al1Husain.J Thus we sent for them and the%came to him. Then the (rophet 2(AHNHF8 spread his cloak over them, and raised his hand 2toward sk%8sa%ing' JS *llahR These are m% famil% 2*alee8, so bless "uhammad and the famil% 2*al8 of "uhammad.J*nd *llah, to whom belong "ight and "ajest%, revealed' JWeril% *llah intends to keep off from %ou ever%kind of uncleanness S# (eople of the House 2*hlul1a%t8, and purif% %ou a thorough purification 2uran,the last sentence of Werse 66'668J.

)unni references'P al1"ustadrak b% al1Hakim, Vhapter of JAnderstanding 2the virtues8 of Vompanions, v6, p74@. The

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author then wrote' JThis tradition is authentic 2)ahih8 based on the criteria of the two )haikhs 2al1ukhariand "uslim8.JP Talkhis of al1"ustadrak, b% al1=hahabi, v6, p74@P Asdul Ghabah, b% Ibn al1*thir, v6, p66


eported b% *l1Hakim 24<?8 through the wa% of *bdur1ahman bin *bu akr *l1"ulaiki from Isma’eel bin *bdullah bin a’far from his father, i.e., *bdullah bin a’far bin *bu Talib &and not a’far 2r.a.8himself, as the shia author thinks, because a’far died during the lifetime of (rophet 2s8 from Amm)alamah 2ra8-alhadith.*l1"ulaiki in the isnad is eMtremel% weak/ rather some have declared him abandoned. &"eeDan 2>5>><8,Talkhees al1"ustadrak 2h.4<?8The teMt of this hadith also testifies that it is not authentic. It sa%s that the incident happened while)afi%%ah was with the (rophet 2saw8, while the authentic traditions state that Amm )alamah was with prophet 2pbuh8 in her house. 

Hadeeth - 1&


*nas Ibn "alik narrated'

The "essenger of *llah 2(AHNHF8, from the time the revelation of JWeril% *llah intends to... 2the last part of Werse 66'668J and for siM 28 months thereafter, stood b% the door of the House of Fatimah andsaid' JTime for (ra%er *hlul1a%t/ 9o doubtR *llah wished to remove all abomination from %ou and make%ou pure and spotless.J

)unni references'P )ahih al1Tirmidhi, v73, p@> P "usnad *hmad Ibn Hanbal, v6, p3>@ P "ustadrak, b% al1Hakim, v6, p7>@who wrote this tradition is authentic as per the criteria of "uslim and ukhari P Tafsir al1=urr al1"anthoor, b% al1)u%uti, v>, pp 7?,7?? P Tafsir Ibn arir al1Tabari, v33, pp >, 2sa%ing seven month8 PTafsir Ibn ;athir, v6, p4@6 P "usnad, b% al1Ti%alasi, v@, p34 P Asdul Ghabah, b% Ibn al1*thir, v>, p74


It was reported b% *hmad 2763@, 74<4<8, Ibn *bi )haiba 263338, at1Tirmidhi 263<8, Ibn areer in hisTafsir 23<5368, al1Hakim in !al1"ustadrak$ 244@8 and others through the wa% of Hammad bin )alamahfrom *li bin Baid from *nas bin "alik.*li bin Baid bin ud’aan was weak. ut in the chain of al1Hakim, Hammaad narrates from Humaid aswell alongwith *li bin Baid. This was most probabl% a mistake from Husain bin Fadhl, the narrator fromHammad in this case. He was opposed b% *hmad bin Hanbal, *bd bin Humaid and man% other thi:ah

narrators. &)hu’ab al1*rna’ut, "usnad *hmad 274<4<8

*lso narrated through *bu arDah, as mentioned b% *l1Ha%thami in J*l1"ajma#J 2?57?8 who attributedit to *t1Tabrani. He further states, J Amar bin )habeeb *l1"usli eMists in it, and he was weakJ.  

Hadeeth - 1'

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*bu al1Hamra narrated'

JThe "essenger of God continued eight 2@8 months in "edina, coming to the door of *li at ever% morning pra%er, putting his two hands on the two sides of the door and eMclaiming ' J*ssalatR *ssalatR 2pra%erR pra%erR8 Vertainl% God ward off all uncleanness from %ou, S "embers of the House of "uhammad, andto make %ou pure and spotless.J

)unni references'P Tafsir al1=urr al1"anthoor, b% al1)u%uti, v>, pp 7?@17??P Tafsir Ibn arir al1Tabari, v33, pP Tafsir Ibn ;athir, v6, p4@6P =hakha#ir al1A:ba, b% "uhibbuddin al1Tabari, p34 on the authorit% of *nas Ibn "alik P Isti#ab, b% Ibn *bd al1arr, v>, p6P Asdul Ghabah, b% Ibn al1*thir, v>, p74P "ajma# al1Bawa#id, b% al1Ha%thami, v?, pp 737,7@P "ushkil al1*thar, b% al1Tahawi, p66@


It was reported b% *t1Tabari 23<5348, *bu a#far *t1Tahawi in J)harh *l1"ushkilJ 2>8 and *t1Tabaraniin J*l1;abeerJ 265>8 through the wa% of *bu =awud *l1*#ama from *bul Hamraa. The tradition in!"ushkil al1*athaar sa%s !nine months$, while others sa% !seven months$. I don’t know where it sa%seight months as :uoted b% the author. However, it is present in a relation through *bu )a’eed al1;hudri.It contains *bu =awud al1*’ama &9ufai’ bin Harith. *fter recording this tradition Ibn ;atheer said,!9ufai’ bin Haarith was ;adhhaab$. HafiD al1=hahabi said in al1"eeDan 245338 in the entr% of 9ufai’'Cah%a bin "u’een said, !He was nothing$. 9asai said, !He is abandoned$. *d1=aar:utni and others said,!He was abandoned$. *bu Bar’ah said, !He was nothing$. 

Hadeeth - 1)


*lso Ibn *bbas 2*8 narrated'

J+e have witnessed the "essenger of God for nine 2?8 months coming to the door of *li, son of *buTalib, at the time of each pra%er and sa%ing' #*ssalamu *la%kum +a ahmatullah *hlul1a%t 2(eace and"erc% of God be upon %ou, S "embers of the House8. Vertainl% God wants onl% to keep awa% all the evilfrom %ou, "embers of the House, and purif% %ou with a thorough purification.# He did this seven times ada%.J

)unni reference' al1=urr al1"anthoor, b% al1Hafidh al1)u%uti, v>, p7?@


*s1)u%uti attributed it to tafsir of Ibn "ardawa%h which is unavailable now. +*llahu *#alam 

Hadeeth - !*

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In "ajma# al1Bawa#id and eMegesis of )u%uti it has been :uoted from *bu )aid ;hudri with a variation inwords that'

For fort% da%s the Hol% (rophet approached the house of Fatimah Bahra ever% morning and used to sa%'#(eace be upon %ou S people of the HouseR The time for the pra%ers has come#. *nd thereafter he used torecite this verse' S people of the (rophet#s House.... *nd then said' #I am in a state of war with him whofights with %ou and am in a state of peace with him who is at peace with %ou#.

)unni references'P Tafsir al1=urr al1"anthoor, b% al1Hafidh al1)u%uti, v>, p7??P "ajma# al1Bawa#id, b% al1Ha%thami, v?, pp 737,7@


It was narrated b% at1Tabarani in J*l1*wsatJ 2@57778 through the wa% of *bdullah bin "uslim *l1"ula#Ifrom *bul ihaf from *ti%%a *l1*wfi from *bu )a#eed *l1;hudri.*ti%%ah al10*wfi was weak, while Ibraheem bin Habib and *bdullah bin "uslim were unidentified.

It has another route which mentions !eight months$ instead of !fourt% da%s$. Hence, it has been related b% ;hateeb in !al1"uttafi: wa al1"uftari:$ 23577>@8 and Ibn 0*saakir 2435768 through the route ofIsha: bin Ibrahim' 9arrated to us al1;irmani bin 0*mr' 9arrated to us )alim bin *bdullah *buHammaad' 9arrated to us 0*ti%%ah al10*wfi from *bu )a’eed.This route, again, contains 0*ti%%ah and he was weak. )alim bin 0*bdullah *bu Hammaad was notknown. ;hateeb aghdadi said in !al1"uttafi: wa al1"uftari:$, !He narrates from 0*ti%%ah. *l1;irmani bin 0*mr, the brother of "u’awi%ah bin 0*mr al1*Ddi, narrates from him$. HafiD "ughalta% also listedhim in !Ikmal Tahdheeb al1;amaal$ 2>57?38 but did not provide an% further information.*s for al1;irmani bin 0*mr, then I could not find an% information regarding him eMcept that he was the brother of "u’awi%ah bin 0*mr al1*Ddi. 

Hadeeth - !1


al1Hakim 2in al1"ustadrak8 in connection with the attainments of Imam al1Hasan, and al1Ha%thami 2inconnection with the eMcellence of the Hol% Famil%8 have narrated that Imam al1Hasan 2*)8 addressed the people after the mart%rdom of his father Imam *li Ibn *bi Talib 2*)8 and said during his speech'

S (eopleR +hoever knows me, knows me and whoever doesn#t know me should know that I am al1HasanIbn *li/ I am the son of the Hol% (rophet and of his eMecutor 2+asi8. I am the son him who invited peopleto *llah and warned them of the torture of His Hell1fire. I am the son of the luminous Kamp. I belong to

the famil% upon whom Gabriel used to descend and from there ascend to heavens. I belong to the famil%from whom *llah has ward off all filth and made them pure.

)unni references'

P al1"ustadrak, b% al1Hakim, v6, p73P "ajma# al1Bawa#id, b% al1Ha%thami, v?, p73

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eported b% *bu *bdullah *l1Hakim 24@<38, he said narrated to us *bu "uhammad Hasan bin"uhammad bin Cah%a 2known as8 Ibn *khi Tahir *l1#*:ee:i *l1Husaini, he said narrated to us Isma#eel bin "uhammad bin Isha: bin a#far bin "uhammad bin #*li bin Husain, narrated to me m% uncle *li bina#far bin "uhammad, narrated to me Husain bin Baid, from Amar bin *li from his father *li bin Husain

that Hasan gave a congregational speech the time when *li was mart%red. Hence he praised *llah andglorified him, and then he said, JIn this night, a person has been taken awa% from %ou. Sne whom noearlier people preceded nor does the later people could find him. The "essenger of *llah, sallallahu#alaihi wa sallam, used to give him the flag and he would fight with ibreel on his right and "ikaeel on hisleft. *nd, therefore, he would not come back without winning the battle. He did not left behind an% Goldor silver, eMcept seven hundred =irham of his income, through which he wanted to bu% a servant for hisfamil%-alhadith.+ith regards to the narrator *bu "uhammad *l1*:ee:i, known as Ibn akhi Tahir, Imam =hahabi said,JHe narrated the hadith from *d1=abari from *bdur1aDDa: with an unblamish isnad that *li was the best of human being, and from *d1=abari from *bdur1aDDa: from "a#mar from "uhammad from*bdullah bin )aamit in a marfoo# form that #*li and his progen% would seal 2the chain of8 inheritors 2ar.

*wsi%a8 till the da% of udgement. These two 2reports8 are evidence for his lie and his afdhJ. Ibn Hajaraffirmed *dh1=hahabi#s words. &*l1"eeDan 275>378, Kisan al1"eeDan 2353>38*lso, *li bin Husain 2Bain *l1#*abideen8 couldn#t have heard it directl% as this speech, as per the teMt ofthis report, was given just after the mart%rdom of *li bin *bi Talib in the %ear 4<*H, and Bainal1#*abideen was about two %ears old at that time.)cholar who declared this narration to be unreliable includes *l1=hahabi in his Talkhees of *l1"astadrak2no.4@<38 and *l1*lbani in J*s1)aheehaJ 234?8.* similar tradition has been recorded b% *t1Tabrani in J*l1*wsatJ 235668 through )alam bin *bi Amrahfrom "a#roof bin ;harboodh from *bu at1Tufail that he heard Hasan bin *li during a congregationalspeech-alhadith.

+ith regards to )alaam bin *bi #Amrah, Imam Cah%a bin "u#een said that his narrations were not of an%value. Ibn Hibban said, JIt is not permitted to take him as evidenceJ, while *l1*Ddi said that he was+aahi al1Hadeeth 2worse in hadith8. &*t1Tahdheeb 2453>78

This same incident has been reported in other narrations with brief wording without having the speech:uoted b% the author of )hia enc%clopedia.It was reported b% *hmed 277?8 through the route of )hareek from *bu Isha: from Hubairah bin"ar%am. ecorded b% Ibn *bi )haiba 26377<8, *hmad 273<8 through Isra#eel from *bu Isha: from #*mr  bin Hubshi%%.ecorded b% Ibn *bi )haiba 263<?48 through )hareek from *bu Isha: from #*asim bin =hamrah.eported b% *hmad in Jal1FadhailJ 27<38 through )hareek from #*asim bin =hamrah from *bi aDeen.

Hubairah, #*mr, #*asim and *bu aDeen relate this through Hasan bin *li 2ra8.

Hadeeth - !!


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It has been narrated in "ajma# al1Bawa#id and Tafsir Ibn ;athir that'

*fter his father#s mart%rdom when 2Imam8 al1Hasan attained the Valiphate, one da% while he was performing his pra%ers, a man attacked him and thrust a sword in his thigh. He remained confined to bedfor some months. Thereafter, he recovered and delivered a sermon and said' JS (eople of Ira:R Fear *llah.

+e are %our *mirs 2leaders8 and %our guests and belong to the famil% about whom *lmight% *llah hassaid' #S (eople of the (rophet#s House..# Imam al1Hasan dwelt on this subject so much that all those present in the "os:ue began to cr%.J

)unni references'

P "ajma# al1Bawa#id, b% al1Ha%thami, v?, p73P Tafsir Ibn ;athir, v6, p4@P This tradition has also been :uoted b% al1Tabarani and others


ecorded b% Ibn *bi Hatim, as :uoted b% Ibn ;atheer in his Tafsir 256<, al1#Ilmi%%a ed.8, and *t1

Tabrani in Jal1"u#jam al1;abeerJ 265?68 through Husain bin *bdur1ahman from *bu ameela fromHasan bin *li.*l1Ha%thami said in Jal1"ajma#J 2?5738 that all of its narrators were trustworth%.This was also related b% Ibn 0*sakir in Tarikh =amish: 27653<8 through the wa% of CaDid bin Harun' 9arrated to us al10*wwaam bin Hawshab from Hilal bin Casaaf that he heard Hasan bin *li while he wason pulpit-alhadith*ll of its narrators are reliable. Imam =hahabi cited both these routes in !)i%ar$ 2653?13<8.

Hadeeth - !"


In "ushkil al1*thar, al1Tahawi has :uoted Amrah al1Hamdani%%ah as sa%ing'

I went to Amm )alama and greeted her. )he in:uired' J+ho are %ouLJ I replied' JI am AmrahHamdani%%ah.J Amrah sa%s, JI said S mother of the FaithfulR )a% something about the man who has beenkilled among us toda%. Sne group of the people like him and another group is inimical towards him,J 2Hemeant Imam *li Ibn *bi Talib8. Amm )alama said, J=o %ou like him or are %ou hostile to himLJ I replied,JI neither like him nor I am hostile to him.J &Here the narrative is defective and thereafter it is like this'Amm )alama began to tell about the revelation of the verse of Tat#hir and said in this behalf' J*llahrevealed the verse' S (eople of the (rophet#s House... There was none in the room at that time, eMceptGabriel, the Hol% (rophet, *li, Fatimah, al1Hasan and al1Husain. I said' #S (rophet of *llahR *m I too oneof the people of the HouseL# He replied' #*llah will reward %ou and recompense %ou.# I wished that hemight have said #Ces# and would have valued such a repl% much more than an%thing else in the world.#J

)unni reference' "ushkil al1*thar, b% al1Tahawi, v7, p66

ecorded b% *bu a#far at1Tahawi in J)harh "ushkil al1*atharJ 2353448 through Ibn Kahee#ah from *bu)akhr from *bu "u#awi%ah al1ajali%% from #*mrah al1Hamdani%%ah. Ibn Kahee#ah was weak asdiscussed under hadith )afeenah.*s for 0*mrah al1Hamdani%%ah, she is 0*mrah bint *f’i%%. )hu’aib al1*rna’ut said that no one narrates

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from her eMcept *bu "u’awi%ah al1ajali%% 20*mmaar ad1=uhni8. )he is listed in !*th1Thi:aat$ 2>53@@8of Ibn Hibban as 0*mrah bint *sh1)hafi’. &*l1*rnaut, "ushkil al1*athar 23536?8 

Hadeeth - !#uote'

*hmad in "usnad/ Tabari in his eMegesis and al1Tahawi in "ushkil al1*thar have :uoted )hahr IbnHaushab, to have said'

+hen the news of the mart%rdom of al1Husain reached "edina I heard Amm )alama, wife of the Hol%(rophet, sa%ing' JThe% have killed al1Husain. I m%self observed that the Hol% (rophet spread his ;haibaricloak on them and said' #S *llahR These are the members of m% famil%R +ard off an% uncleanness fromthem and keep them clean and pureR#J

)unni references'

P "usnad, b% *hmad Ibn Hanbal, v, p3?@P Tafsir al1;abir, b% Ibn arir al1Tabari, v33, pP "ushkil al1*thar, b% al1Tahawi, v7, p66>

elated b% *hmad 23>><8, *t1Tahawi in !)harh al1"ushkil$ 2353438 and at1Tabari 23<53>8 through theroute of *bdul Hameed bin ahram from )hahr bin Hawshab. )hahr bin Hawshab is disputed upon, butthe actuall content is almost established through other narrations. *t the end of this narration Amm)alamah asked the (rophet 2)*+8 whether she is among his household or not. The "essenger of *llah2)*+8 replied in affirmation and commanded her to enter into the cloak.This tradition was also related b% Imam Tabarani in !al1;abeer$ 265>48 as the narration of same Ibn

ahran, but conversation at the end is different. *nd *llah knows best.

Hadeeth - !$


*hmad, al19isa#i, "uhibbuddin, and al1Ha%thami have reported 2the wording being of *hmad#s "usnad8'

#*mr Ibn "aimoon said' JI was with Ibn *bbas when nine persons came to him and said' #Ibn *bbasREither come out with us or provide us privac%.# He said' #I shall go out with %ou.# In those da%s the e%es ofIbn *bbas were all right and he could see. The% had mutual conversation and I am not aware as to what

the% talked about. *fter some time Ibn *bbas returned to us. He was then shaking off his dress sa%ing' #Fie be upon themR The% are talking about the man who enjo%s ten eMcellences.# &Kater in the narration Ibn*bbas details the virtues of the Imam till he sa%s' #The Hol% (rophet spread his cloak upon *li, al1Hasanand al1Husain and said' S (eople of the (rophet#s HouseR *llah intends to keep %ou pure from all sorts ofuncleanness and blemish and to purif% %ou with a thorough purification.#J

)unni references'

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P "usnad, b% *hmad Ibn Hanbal, v7, p667 2First edition8P al1i%adh al19adhirah, b% "uhibbuddin al1Tabari, v3, p3?P "ajma# al1Bawa#id, b% al1Ha%thami, v?, p77?

This tradition as a whole is "unkar, although some of its content is established in other traditions. Thistradition was related b% *hmad bin Hanbal 2no.6<78, 9asai in !al1;hasais$ 2348, al1Haakim in !al1"ustadrak$ 24>38 and others through the route of *bu ulj' 9arrated to us 0*mr bin "a%moon.The most balance view regarding *bu ulj, as stated b% )haikh )hu’aib al1*rna’oot, was that of IbnHibban as mentioned in !al1"ajruheen$ 2657768. He said, !He 2*bu ulj8 has narrated from "uhammad bin Hatib and 0*mr bin "aimoon. )hu’bah and Hushaim have narrated from him. He was from thosewho used to commit mistakes.$ Ibn Hibban continues, !)o I believe that he is not to be taken as Hujjah inthose traditions in which he was alone in narrating.$The content of this hadith is "unkar and someone like *bu ulj is not eMpected to have heard this hugecontent from 0*mr with eMception to other students of 0*mr.In brief, this narration in this form is "unkar but the part :uoted here in the )hia Enc%clopedia, which isthe hadith of ;isa, is established through other traditions.

Hadeeth - !%


*lso al1Tabari, Ibn ;athir, al1Hakim, and al1Tahawi have :uoted from )a#d Ibn *bi +a::as that'*t the time of the revelation of the verse, the Hol% (rophet called *li along with his two sons and Fatimahand accommodated them under his own cloak and said' #S KordR These are the members of m% famil%#.

)unni references'P Tafsir al1;abir, b% Ibn arir al1Tabari, v33, p

P Tafsir Ibn ;athir, v6, p4@>P al1"ustadrak, b% al1Hakim, v6, p74P "ushkil al1*thar, b% al1Tahawi, v7, p66/ v3, p66P Histor% of al1Tabari, *rabic version, v>, p67

This is basicall% the same narration present in )ahih "uslim and other books through )a’d bin *bi+a::aas.

Hadeeth - !&


It narrated on that'*bu )a#id al1;hudri' I heard the "essenger of *llah sa%ing' JThis verse has been revealed about fiveindividuals' "%self, *li, al1Hasan, al1Husain, and Fatimah.J

)unni references'P Tafsir Ibn arir al1Tabari, v33, p>, under the verse 66'66P =hakha#ir al1A:ba, "uhibbuddin al1Tabari, p34

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P al1)awa#i: al1"uhri:ah, b% Ibn Hajar, Vh. 77, section 7, p337P "ajma# al1Bawa#id, b% al1Ha%thami

This has been recorded b% Ibn areer at1Tabari in his Tafseer 23<5368 through *#amash from #*ti%%ahal1#*wfi from *bu )a#eed that the "essenger of *llah, sallallahu #alaihi wa sallam, said-alhadith.

*bul asim at1Tabrani relates it in J"u#ajam al1*wsatJ 2656@<8, J*l1;abeerJ 265>8 and J*s1)agheerJ2753678 through *bul ihaf, and Ibn *bi Hatim, as :uoted b% Ibn ;atheer 256?8, through Harun bin )a#dal1#Ijli%%. oth *bul ihaf and al1#Ijli%% narrate it from #*ti%%a al1#*wfi from *bu )a#eed al1;hudri as amaw:oof tradition.

Sn the other hand at1Tabari relates it in his tafseer 23<53>8 and *t1Tabarani in al1;abeer 265>3,>8,through Fudhail bin "arDoo: from #*ti%%a al1#*wfi from *bu )a#eed from Amm )alamah 2ra8 inmaw:oof form.

It was also related b% *bu a’far at1Tahawi in !"ushkil al1*athar$ 268, ukhari in !*t1Tareekh al1;abeer$ in summariDed form, and Ibn 0*sakir in Tarikh =amish: 27457468 through the route of areerfrom *’amash from a’far bin *bdur ahman al1ajali%% from Hukaim bin )a’d from Amm )alamah as

her statement.*l1ukhari and Ibn *bi Hatim listed a’far bin *bdur ahman al1ajali%% in !*t1Tareekh al1;abeer$2357?8 and !*l1arh wa at1Ta’deel$ 2354@68 respectivel%, but the% did not mention an% praise or criticismrelated to him. *bu Hatim said that he was the )ha%kh of *’amash. Ibn Hibbas listed him in !*th1Thi:aat$ 257648, as eMpected from his odd methodolog% in these cases. *nd *llah knows best.This was also related with more detail, with significant differences in the wording, b% Ibn areer *t1Tabari23<538 through *bdullah bin *bdul uddus from *’amash from Hukaim directl%, as discussed underhadeeth no.7>. 

Hadeeth - !'uote'

al1Tabari while commenting on the verse 66'66, *hmad Ibn Hanbal, al1 Hakim who considers the traditionto be authentic according to the criteria of "uslim and al1ukhari, also a%ha:i, al1Tahawi, and Ha%thami:uote *bu *mmar as having said 2the wording is of al1Tabari8'

I was sitting with +athilah Ibn *s:a# when a discussion took place about *li and the people abused him.+hen those present rose to leave he said to me' #;eep sitting so that I ma% talk with %ou about the manwhom the% have been abusing. I was with the Hol% (rophet when *li, Fatimah, al1Hasan and al1Husainapproached him and the Hol% (rophet spread his cloak on them and said' JS *llahR These are themembers of m% famil%. +ard off ever% uncleanness from them and keep them clean and pure.J

)unni references'P Tafsir al1;abir, b% Ibn arir al1Tabari, v33, pP al1"ustadrak, b% al1Hakim, v3, p47/ v6, p47P "usnad, b% *hmad Ibn Hanbal, v, p7<P "ajma# al1Bawa#id, b% al1Ha%thami, v?, p7P "ushkil al1*thar, b% al1Tahawi, v7, p64P )unan, al1a%ha:i, v3, p7>3

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It was related b% Ibn areer 23<5348 through *bdus1)alam bin Harb from ;ulthoom al1"uharibi from*bu 0*mmar )haddaad bin *bdullah from +athilah. ;ulthoom bin Bi%ad al1"uharibi was weakened b% 9asai, while Ibn Hibban listed him among reliable narrators. &Kisan 2454@?8This has been narrated, without mention of abuse, b% Ibn *bi )haibah 2637<68, *hmad 27?@@8, IbnHibban in his !)aheeh$ 2?8, Ibn areer 23<5348, Tahawi in )harh al1"ushkil 268 and others through*wDa’i from *bu 0*mmar )haddad from +athilah. This was authenticated b% )hu’aib *rna’ut in hisanal%sis of "usnad.

Hadeeth 1 3?uote'

*lso Ibn al1*thir :uoted )haddad Ibn *bdullah sa%ing'

I heard from +athilah Ibn *s:a# that when the head of 2Imam8 al1Husain was brought, one of the )%riansabused 2Imam8 al1Husain and his father, +athilah stood up and said' JI swear b% *llah that ever since Iheard the Hol% (rophet sa% about them' #S (eople of the (rophet#s HouseR *llah intends to keep %ou purefrom uncleanness and blemish and to purif% %ou with a thorough purification,# I have alwa%s loved *li,Fatimah, al1Hasan and al1Husain 2(eace be upon them8.#J

)unni reference' Asdul Ghabah, b% Ibn al1*thir, v3, p3<

This was recorded b% al1aDari in Asd al1Ghabah 2754?@8 where he said, !and *wDa’i related it from)haddad bin *bdullah 2*bu 0*mmar8-$ He did not mention full chain for this.

This was related b% *bu akr al1atee’i in his additions to !Fadha’il as1)ahaba$ 277><8 and *bu *hmadal1Haakim in !al1*saami wa al1;una$ 23568 through a ver% weak chain. This contain *hmad bin"uhammad bin Amar al1Camami who was abandoned. )uleiman bin *bi )uleiman was ver% weak.&+asi%ullah 0*bbas, Fadhail as1)ahabah 2fn.353168This hadith is established without mention of the head of Husain, as discussed under previous hadith.

Hadeeth - "*

+hile commenting on the verse 66'66, al1Tabari, Ibn ;athir and al1)u%uti have stated in their eMegesis'*li Ibn Husain said to a )%rian' JHave %ou read this verse in )urah al1*hDab, S people of the HouseR

*llah intends to keep %ou pure from blemish and to purif% %ou with a thorough purification 2uran66'668LJThe )%rian said' J=oes this verse pertain to %ouLJ The Imam replied' JCes, it pertains to us.J

)unni references'P Tafsir al1;abir, b% Ibn arir al1Tabari, v33, pP Tafsir Ibn ;athir, v6, p4@P Tafsir al1=urr al1"anthoor, b% al1Hafidh al1)u%uti, v>, p7??

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ecorded b% *t1Tabari 23<538 through )abaah bin Cah%a from *s1)uddi from *bu al1=a%lam from *li bin al1Husain.)abaah bin Cah%a was unreliable. Imam ukhari said, !feehi naDar$. Imam =hahabi said, !He wasabandoned and even accused$. &Kisan 2657@<8)haikh *hmad )hakir said, !This Isnad is Haalik as %ou can see$. &Tafsir Tabari fn.2765>>48

Hadeeth -"1

Sn the da% of consultation, *li argued with the committee members sa%ing' JI adjure %ou in the name of*llah, is there an%one amongst %ou closer in relationship to the "essenger of *llah than meL Is there an%other man whom the (rophet made him #his 2own8 soul# 29afs8, and that he made his children #his 2own8children#, and his women #his 2own8 women#LJ The% replied' J9o, b% GodRJ

)unni reference'

P al1=ar:unti, as per'P al1)awa#i: al1"uhri:ah, b% Ibn Hajar al1Ha%thami, Vh. 77, section 7, p36?

ecorded b% Ibn #*sakir 24354678 through the wa% of *bul Hasan *d1=aar:utni, narrated to us *hmad bin "uhammad bin )a#eed, narrated to us Cah%a bin Bakari%%a bin )haiban, narrated to us C#a:ub bin"a#bad, narrated to me al1"uthanna *bu #*bdullah from )uf%an *th1Thawri from *bu Isha: *s1)abee#ifrom #*asim bin =hamrah and Hubairah, and from al1#*laa bin )aleh from "inhal bin #*mr from *bbad bin *bdullah al1*sadi, and from #*mr &#*amir bin +athila. *ll of them narrate it from *li.*l1*lbani said in !*d1=a’eefah$ 24?4?8, !The atrocit% of this narration is probabl% due to al1"uthanna,for I could not find an% biograph% of him$.

elated b% *l1A:aili in J*dh1=hu#afaJ 275>>8, and through him Ibn *sakir 24354668, *l1#A:aili said,"uhammad bin *hmad al1+aramini narrated to us, he said Cah%a bin "ughirah ar1aDi narrated to us, hesaid Baafir &bin )uleiman reported to us from a person from Harith bin "uhammad from *bu Tufail#*amir bin +athilah al1;inani.*l10A:aili said, !This is how "uhammad bin *hmad narrated it to us, from Cah%a bin "ughirah fromBaafir from a person from Harith bin "uhammad from *bu Tufa%l. In this, two narrators are unknown,first who was not named b% Baafir, and second Harith bin "uhammad$.

It was also related, in brief, b% Ibn *bd al1arr in !al1Istai’aab$ 2657<?@8 through the wa% of Bi%ad bin al1

"undhir from )a’eed bin "uhammad al1*Ddi from *bu Tufail.*lbaani said, !This is fabricated, and its problem is Bi%ad bin "undhir. HafiD said' !He was a afidhi andIbn "u’een declared a liar$. *nd I could not find an%one who has mentioned )a’eed bin "uhammad al1*Ddi. I doubt he could be "uhammad bin )a’eed al1*sadi Q also referred to as al1*Ddi Q and he is the onewho was eMecuted due to his heres%. This is because it is said that the% had changed his name in hundreddifferent forms, so this could be one of those distorted forms.$ &)ilsila ad1=a’eefa 27<5>41>>8

+ith regard to hadith as a whole, Ibn 0*sakir 2435468 said, !There is no realit% of this hadeeth from *li.

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*nd in its teMt is that which prove that this is fabricated. That is his 2*li’s8 sa%ing that 2who else besideshim8 pra%ed towards both the ibla, while all of the members of )hura had pra%ed towards both theibla-..$=hahabi said, !This report is "unkar.$ He also said, !)o this is not authentic, and someone like *meer al1"u’mineen is not eMpected to have uttered it.$ &"eeDan 27544714438 Ibn Hajar said, !*nd there is no

realit% of this from *li.$ &Kisan 2357>8 *l1*lbani also declared this narration to be fabricated. *nd *llahknows best.

Hadeeth - "!

It is also narrated that'The (rophet 2(AHNHF8 said' JWeril%, *llah, to whom belong "ight and "ajest%, has placed the progen% of each prophet into his backbone 2)ulb8, and He, EMalted, has placed m% progen% into the backbone of *li Ibn *bi Talib.J

)unni references'P al1TabaraniP *bul1;hair al1Haakimi, on the authorit% of al1*bbasP al1)awa#i: al1"uhri:ah, b% Ibn Hajar al1Ha%thami, Vh. 77, section 7, p36?P al1;unooD al1"ataalib

It was recorded b% Tabarani in Jal1;abeerJ 265468 through Cah%a bin al1#*la *r1aDi from #afar bin"uhammad from his father from abir bin *bdullah.*l1Ha%thami said in J"ajma# *D1Bawa#idJ2?5738, J9arrated b% at1Tabrani and in it eMists Cah%a binal1#*la who was "atrookJ. *lso refer to al1"eeDan 2456?16?@8 b% =hahabi.

ecorded b% ;hateeb aghdadi 275671678 through the wa% of *bdullah bin *bdur1ahman bin"uhammad *l1Hasib, m% father narrated to me, ;huDaima bin ;haDim narrated to me, he said *meer ul1"u#mineen *l1"ansur narrated to me, he said m% father "uhammad bin *li narrated to me, he said m%father *li bin *bdullah narrated to me, he said m% father *bdullah bin *bbas narrated to me-alhadith,with the stor% not present in Tabarani#s narration.+ith regards to *bdur1ahman bin "uhammad al1Hasib, adh1=hahabi said, JIt is not known who was he,and his narration &the one mentioned above from al1;hateeb is a lieJ. Ibn Hajar agreed with him. &*l1"eeDan 235>@8, Kisan al1"eeDan 26543?8Ibn *l1awDi said, J9arrators above al1"irDban &al1"irDbani until al1"ansur are between unknown anduntrustworth%J. &al1#Ilal al1"utanahi%ah 27537<8

*l1*lbani declared this hadith with this wording to be fabricated in J*dh1=ha#eefaJ 2no.@<78. Ibn al1awDi said this is not proven from the "essenger of *llah, sallallahu #alaihi wa sallam.)ee also Takhreej of hadith no.6>.

Hadeeth 1 66

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The "essenger of *llah 2(AHNHF8 said' J"e and *li are from one tree, and the rest of people are fromdifferent trees.J)unni references'P al1)awa#i: al1"uhri:ah, b% Ibn Hajar al1Ha%thami, Vh. ?, section 3, p7?<P Tarikh al1;hulafaa, b% alaluddin al1)u%uti, p77

P al1*wsat, b% al1Tabarani, from abir Ibn *bdillah al1*nsari

ecorded b% *l1Hakim 2no.3?4?8 and Ibn *sakir 243548 through Harun bin Hatim he said, *bdur1ahman bin *bi Hammad informed us, narrated to us Isha: bin Cunus from *bdullah bin "uhammad bin*:eel from abir.Haakim declared this chain authentic. =hahabi contradicted him b% sa%ing, J9o, b% *llah. Harun wasHaalik.$ egarding him, 9asai said Jhe was not reliableJ, and *bu Hatim and *bu Bar#ah abandoned hishadith.

elated b% *bul asim *t1Tabrani in Jal1*wsatJ 245361348 through *mr bin *bdul Ghaffar, narrated to

us "uhammad bin *li *s1)ulami from *bdullah bin "uhammad bin #*:eel from abir bin *bdullah-alhadith.*l1Fu:aimi, #*mr bin *bdul Ghaffar, was matrook al1Hadeeth and a afidhi.

ecorded b% Ibn *di in Jal1;amilJ 2>57@8 and through his ruote Ibn *sakir in JTarikh =amish:J 24354,4358 through the route of Athman bin *bdullah ash1)hami that Ibn Kahee#ah informed him, from *buD1Bubair from abir in marfoo# form with the wording JS *liR Cou and I are from a tree, whose root is me,while %ou are its branch, and Hasan N Husain are its 2small8 twigs-J. Athman bin *bdullah ash1)hamial1Amavi was attributed to l%ing and fabricating hadith. His narrations are rejected with the agreement ofscholars. &efer to al1"eeDan 265471438, Kisan al1"eeDan 2457461748

eported b% Ibn *sakir 247566>, 435 etc.8 through Talut bin #*bbad, narrated to us Fadhalah bin ubairnarrated to us *bu Amamah al1ahili%%-alhadith. Ibn *sakir said tha this hadith is "unkar and that hehad found a treatise 2uD’8 of Talut bin *bbad and this hadith doesn#t eMist there.Husain bin Idrees at1Tusturi was "ajhool al1Haal, as there has not been reported an% arh or Ta#deelregarding him 2Irshad al1aasi wa ad1=aani 2753@<88. +ith regards to Fadhalah bin ubair, Ibn *di saidJhis narrations are not preserved.$ Ibn Hibban said, he narrates from *bu Amamah that which is not fromhis 2*bu Amamah’s8 hadeeth, 2therefore8 it is not permitted to take him as HujjahJ. *bu Hatim aD1aDiweakened him. &*l1"eeDan 26564164@8, *l1"ajruheen 2353<48

elated b% *l1A:aili in J*dh1=hu#afaJ 2353738 through the wa% of *li bin Hashim from )abbah bin

Cah%a from Harith bin Haseerah from umai# bin #*ffan from *bdullah bin Amar.egarding )abbah bin Cah%a, al1ukhari said Jfeehi naDrJ. *l1=hahabi said, matrook and even accused.&*l1"eeDan 2356<8, *t1Tarikh al1;abeer 245674167>8 b% ukhari. esides that, *li bin Hashim, )abbahand Harith bin Haseerah were all from shi#a.

It was also recorded b% Ibn *sakir 2435>8 through *bu Harun al1#*bdi from *bu )a#eed.*bu Harun al1#*bdi was a shi’i matrook and was also accused of l%ing. efer to Takhreej of Hadith as1

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)afeenah, under Jother Isnad of the hadith from *bu =harrJ. &)ee, Hadith no.>

)imilar, but somewhat contradictor% to these, is the narration recorded b% ;hateeb in JTarikh aghdadJ25>@8 and through him Ibn *sakir 243548 through the wa% of "uhammad bin ;half al1"arwaDi,narrated to us "usa bin Ibrahim al1"arwaDi, narrated to us "usa bin #afar bin "uhammad 2al1;aDim8

from his father from his grandfather in disconnected wa% that the "essenger of *llah, sallallahu #alaihi wasallam, said, J"e, Harun bin Imran, Cah%a bin Bakari%%ah and *li bin *bi Talib were all created from thesame soilJ."uhammad bin ;half al1"arwaDi and "usa bin Ibrahim al1"arwaDi were both abandoned and accusedof l%ing. &efer to al1"eeDan 265>6@8 and 2457??8. Ibn al1awDi declared this to be fabricated in Jal1"awdhu#atJ, similarl% *s1)u%uti declared it to be fabricated due to "uhammad bin ;half, in J*l1Ka#alial1"asnu#ahJ, likewise *sh1)hawkani in J*l1Fawa#id al1"ajmu#ahJ 2pg.6438.

Spposite to it is the narration related through Ibn "as#ud, Ibn *bbas and *bu Hurairah which has thewording JI and *bu akr and Amar were created from the same soilJ. This narration is atil. efer toJ)ilsila *hadeeth adh1=ha#eefaJ 27756@?16?7, under hadith no,>34<8.

Hadeeth 1 64

In another )unni commentar% of uran, it is narrated on the authorit% of *bdullah Ibn Amar that'

The "essenger of *llah 2(AHNHF8 said' JHad there been an% soul on the whole earth better than *li,Fatimah, al1Hasan and al1Husain, *llah would have commanded me to take them along with me to"ubahala. ut as the% were superior in dignit% and respect to all human be beings, *llah confined Hischoice on them onl% for participation in "ubahala.J

)unni reference' Tafsir al1aidhawi, under the commentar% of Werse 6'7

I couldn#t found this under the given reference/ neither do *l1"unawi mention an% such hadith in his book J*l1Fath *s1)amawiJ which is book regarding the Takhreej of narrations present in the Tafseer of*l1a%dhawi.

Hadeeth - "$

It is narrated that'

The "essenger of *llah said' J*n% relation will end on the da% of udgment eMcept m% relation. *nd theroot 2identification8 of ever% one is his father, eMcept the progen% of Fatimah, since I am their father andtheir root 2identification8.J

)unni references'P Ibn al1awDi, al1a%ha:i, and al1=ar:unti, al1=hahabi on the authorities of Amar Ibn al1;hattab, Ibn*bbas, Ibn Bubair, and Ibn Amar.P al1)awa#i: al1"uhri:ah, b% Ibn Hajar al1Ha%thami, Vh. 77, section 7, p36?

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P )imilar tradition has been narrated b% *bu Ca#la, al1Tabarani on the authorit% of Fatimah 2*)8 and IbnAmar

This was reported b% *bu akr *l1atee#i in his additions to JFadha#il *s1)ahabaJ 2no. 7<<8 and *bu

 9u#aim in J"a#rifah *s1)ahabahJ 275>8 through the wa% "uhammad bin Cunus al1;udaimi from)hareek from )habeeb bin Ghar:ada from "ustaDill bin Husain in which there is mention of Amar#smarriage proposal towards *li for his daughter Amm ;ulthoom, ma% *llah be well pleased with them."ustaDill was a Taba’i as stated b% Ibn Hajar. Ibn Hibban listed him among Thi:at &*l1Isabah 253?<8.This isnad is ver% weak due to reasons as follow'7. )hareek *l1adhi who used to commit eMcessive mistakes &Ta:reeb 7547.3. The narrator from )hareek is ishr bin "ihran and he was abandoned b% *bu Hatim, although IbnHibban listed him among trustworth% narrators &Kisan *l1"eeDan 235648.6. "uhammad bin Cunus al1 ;udaimi was abandoned &"eeDan 245418.

This has also been narrated b% Tabarani in J*l1;abeerJ 265448 without having the first part of hadithwhich states that the relations will end in the =a% of udgment eMcept the relationship of (rophet 2)*+8.The Isnad is same as above from ishr, however the )ha%kh of *t1Tabrani "uhammad bin Bakari%%ah*l1Ghalaabi was accused of fabricating Hadith and he was a afidhi. &*l1"eeDan 265>><8

+ith regards to the content of hadith then it has two parts which has been narrated separatel% withdifferent routes.1. The first part is that which states that all the relations will end on the da% of udgement eMcept therelation of (rophet 2pbuh8.!. *nd the second one is J*nd the root 2identification8 of ever% one is his father-until endJ.

/irst 0art

Hence, it has been narrated b% *hmad in "usnad 27@?<8 and through his wa% *l1Hakim in J*l1"ustadrakJ 2448, and through his wa% *l1a%ha:i 2548 but *l1a%ha:i did not mention the stor% ofHasan bin Hasan’s marriage proposal for the daughter of "iswar. Imam *hmad said narrated to us *bu)a#eed mawla ani Hashim, narrated to us, *bdullah bin a#far, narrated to us Amm akr bint "iswar bin"akhrama, from #Abaidullah bin *bi afe# from "iswar that Hasan bin Hasan sent him marriage proposal for his daughter-until he "iswar narrated from the "essenger of *llah, !Indeed ever% relationwill end on the da% of judgment eMcept m% 9asab, m% )abab and m% )ihrJ. 9ote'1 !9asab$ means close retionship like son and daughter. !)abab$ is connection. !)ihr$ is relation

established though marriage like father1in1law and mother1in1law. &Faidh al1adeer b% al1"unawiAmm akr bint "iswar was not known. Snl% *bdullah bin a#far narrates from her. &*l1"eeDan 245778,Kisan *l1"eeDan 25>678*bdullah bin Imam *hmed reported in his addition to "usnad 27@?6<8 where he reported this through"uhammad bin #*bbad *l1"akki, instead of *hmed, with the same sanad onwards, but in it *bdullah bina#far narrates from a#far 2*s1)adi:8 as well, along with Amm akr. +allahu *#alamIt was also narrated b% *t1Tabrani in J*l1;abeerJ 27753468 and ;hateeb *l1aghdadi 27<5378 throughthe wa% of "usa bin *bdul #*DiD from Hakam bin *baan from #Ikrimah from Ibn #*bbas. "usa bin *bdul

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*DiD *l1#*dani was truthful with some softness, while Hakam bin *baan was truthful who had some*whaam 2mistakes8. &Ta:reeb 23533>1338 and 27536<8ecorded b% )a#eed bin "ansur in his )unan, as said b% *l1*lbani, and Ibn )a#d in Taba:at 2@5468through a#far bin "uhammad from his father 2*l1a:ir8 who mention the incident of marriage of Amm;ulthum from Amar. In it Amar reports from the (rophet 2saw8 the statement under consideration. Its

narrators were trustworth% scholars, eMcept that this is disconnected between *l1a:ir and Amar bin *l1;hattab.*l1Hakim also reports this in his J*l1"ustadrakJ 24@48, and through his wa% *l1a%ha:i in J*s1)unan*l1;ubraJ 256148 and in it *l1a:ir reports from *li bin *l1Husain who mentioned the incident. *l1Hakim declared it authentic, while =hahabi contradicted b% sa%ing that it is disconnected. Thedisconnection is due to the fact that *li bin Husain did not find the time of Amar bin ;hattaab.Imam Tabarani reported in J*l1;abeerJ 2654>8 through Hasan bin )ahl *l1Hannaat who relates it from)uf%an bin A%ainah from a#far bin "uhammad from his father from abir as a sa%ing of the (rophet2asws8. *l1*lbaani said that its narrators were all Thi:aat eMcept this *l1Hannaat, and *s1)am#aanimentioned him in J*l1*nsaabJ but did not mention an% praise or criticism on him. Kater on he 2*lbaani8found that this narrator was listed in J*th1Thi:atJ of Ibn Hibban where it is mention, J*l1Hasan bin )ahl

*l1;ha%%at 2actuall% al1Hannaat8. He narrates from *bu Asama and people of ;ufa. *l1Hadhrami2"uhammad bin *bdullah8 narrates from himJ. &*s1)aheeha 23<68, *th1Thi:at 2@57@78*t1Tabarani reported in J*l1;abeerJ 2654>, no.3648 through the wa% of Cunus bin *bi Ca#fur from hisfather from *bdullah bin Amar who heard from Amar bin *l1;hattab who relates it from (rophet 2asws8.Cunus bin *bi Ca#fur is from the narrators of !)ahih "uslim$, but Cah%a bin "u#een, *hmed bin Hanbal, 9asai and others declared him to be weak. Ibn Hibban listed him amongst trustworth% narrators but thenalso mentioned him among weak narrators. *bu Hatim said, )adu:. =aar utni said Thi:ah, while *l1#Ijlisaid there is no problem with him &*t1Tahdheeb 27756?8. Ibn Hajar said, he was truthful 2)adu:8 whoused to make a lot of mistakes. &Ta:reeb 2356>78*t1Tabarani reported in !*l1;abeer$ 265448 where he said, narrated to us a#far bin "uhammad bin

)uleiman *n19awfali *l1"adeeni, narrated to us Ibrahim bin HamDa *D1Bubairi, narrated to us *bdul*DiD bin "uhammad *d1=arawardi from Baid bin *slam from his father. He relates a stor% related tomarriage of Amar bin *l1;hattab with Amm ;ulthum. In it *li bin Taalib relates from Amar who relatesit from (rophet 2saw8. )ha%kh *l1*lbani said, its narrators are all trustworth% from the narrators of )ahih,with the eMception of *n19awfali, the sheikh of *t1Tabrani.It is mentioned in JIrshad *l1asi wa *d1=aaniJ 2pg.36, 368 b% 9aif *l1"ansuri that he 2*n19awfali8narrated from *bdul *DiD bin *bdullah *l1Awaisi and Ibrahim bin *l1"undhir *l1HiDami. *nd *bulasim *t1Tabrani narrated from him. =hahabi and *s1)akhawi mentioned him but the% did not mentionan%thing else besides what has alread% been mentioned. *bu 9u#aim relates from him in J*l1"ustakhrajJ,and *l1#Ira:i said he was trustworth%. *l1*lbani said, he did not find biograph% of him. 9arrated b% Ibn )haheen in J*l1*fradJ 27538, as said b% *l1*lbani 2)). >538, through )alama bin

)habeeb who said Husain bin "uhammad bin *#%un informed us, *bdullah bin Baid bin *slam informedus, from his father similar to the previous. *l1*lbani said, JI do not know who is Husain bin "uhammad bin *#%unJ. I sa%, he could be Hasan bin "uhammad bin *#%un documented in Tahdheeb *l1;amal256<8, and he was from the narrator of two )ahih. That is because )alamah bin )habeeb narrates from*l1Hasan, and there is no mention of Husain an%where according m% knowledge and that of )ha%kh*lbaani. *nd it is highl% possible that it was a mistake of some scribe. +allahu *#alam.ecorded b% HafiD *s1)ilafi in J"u#ajam *s1)afarJ, as said b% *l1*lbaani, through *hmed bin )inan bin

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*sad bin Hibban *l1ittaan, narrated to us CaDeed bin Harun he said, Hammad informed us, narrated tome Ibn *bi afe# that Amar bin *l1;hattab said, I heard the "essenger of *llah 2)8-alhadith. *l1*lbanisaid, JIts narrators are all trustworth% HuffaaD with the eMception of Ibn *bi afe# and his name was*bdur1ahman. 9o one narrates from him eMcept Hammad bin )alama. Ibn "u#een said that he was)aleh. HafiD said, "a:bool from the fourth categor%. )o he was a Taba#i who did not meet Amar.

*l1*lbani said, JIt is also narrated b% Hasan bin Hasan from his father from Amar similarl%. *l1a%ha:irelates it with weak disconnected isnadJ.It was narrated b% *bu "usa al1"adeeni in J*l1Kata#if fi =a:a#i: *l1"a#arifJ, as :uoted b% *l1*lbani,through *li bin *bi Talib who narrates it from Amar. In its Isnad, #*laa bin #*mr *l1Hanafi was a liar, and 9adhr bin "ansoor was weak.onlusion: *s a whole this report is authentic based on several shawahid it has. This was declared to be)ahih b% )ha%kh *l1*lbani in J*s1)aheehaJ 23<68 and )ahih ame# *s1)agheer 24>38. )hu#aib *l1*rna#ut also declared Hasan based on )hawahid. *lso those who declared this authentic include *bu*bdullah *l1Hakim and Ibn *s1)ukan as in JTalkhis as HabeerJ 2656<48.

+eond 2art

JThe root of ever%one in his father, eMcept the progen% of Fatimah since I am their fatherJ)ome of its routes have alread% been mentioned and the problems of it have been discussed there &)ee,under hadeeth no.63. There are some other similar traditions, but none of them are worth% to be used forsupport.Hence *bul aasim *t1Tabrani relates in J*l1;abeerJ 265448 and ;hateeb in JTareekh aghdadJ27753@>8. Kikewise *bu Ca#la narrates it in his "usnad, as in *l1"a:sad *l1#Ala 2653<38 b% *l1Ha%thami.*ll of them narrate it through areer from )haibah bin 9a#aamah from Fatimah bint Husain from)a%%idah Fatimah 2ra8, she heard from her father-.alhadith. )haibah bin 9a#amah was declared to beweak b% Cah%a bin "u#een and Ibn Hibban said that it is not permitted to take him as Hujjah, although hecontradicted himself b% mentioning him in *th1Thi:aat. Ibn arood also listed him among weak narrators

and *l1aDDar said he was soft in hadith 2la%%in al1hadith8. )ee *l1"eeDan 2353@8, Kisan *l1"eeDan2657>?8. esides that Fatimah bint Husain bin *li did not hear an%thing from her grandmother Fatimah bint "uhammad 2)*+8, as in ami# *t1Tahseel 2pg.67@8 b% *l1#*laai, hence this report is "ursal as wellas weak.Ibn *l1awDi weakened this hadith. *l1Ha%thami 2?5768 said after recording it, Jelated b% *t1Tabraniand *bu Ca#la. )haibah bin 9a#amah eMists in it and it is not permitted to take him as evidence.J *hmed bin Hanbal denied this hadith as in Tareekh aghdad 27753@48.

Hadeeth - "%

Ibn *bbas 9arrated that'

The "essenger of *llah recited JWeril% *llah intends to keep off from %ou ever% kind of uncleanness S#(eople of the House 2*hlul1a%t8, and purif% %ou a perfect purificationJ. 2uran, the last sentence ofWerse 66'668 and then the "essenger of *llah said' JThus "e and m% *hlul1a%t are clear from the sins.J

)ahih al1Tirmidhi, as :uoted in'al1=urr al1"anthoor, b% alaluddin al1)u%uti, v>, pp <>1<,7?@ under the commentar% of Werse 66'66 of 

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uran=ala#il al19abawi%%ah, b% al1a%ha:iSthers such as al1Tabarani, Ibn "ardawa%h, *bu 9u#a%m, etc.

There is no such hadeeth in )unan Tirmidhi, and HafiD )u%uti attributed it to Hakeem Tirmidhi the authorof 9awadir al1Asool but somehow it was printed as !al1Hakeem wa at1Tirmidhi$. +allahu *’alamIt has been relatated b% *l1Fasawi in !al1"a’rifah wa at1Tareekh$ 2754?@8 and through his wa% a%ha:i in!=alaa’il an19ubuwwah$ 2757<1778 through the wa% of Cah%a al1Himmaani from ais bin abee’ from*’amash from 0Iba%ah bin ib’i%% from Ibn 0*bbas.It was also related b% Tabarani in !al1;abeer$ 265>1>8 with this same chain,but it does not have the last part of the narration, !"e and m% *hlul1a%t are clear from the sins.$

Imam *bu Hatim ar1aDi declared this hadith to be falsehood 2aatil8. &0Ilal al1Hadeeth 254?<8Ibn ;atheer, after recording it, said, !In this hadeeth there is weakness 2gharabah8 and oddness2nakarah8.$ &al1ida%ah 265680*ba%ah bin ib’i%% was unreliable. &Kisan al1"eeDan 265348 

Hadeeth - "&

The "essenger of *llah 2(AHNHF8 said' JThe most eMcellent of the women of all worlds whom *llahchose over all women are' *si%a the wife of (haraoh, "ar% the daughter of Imran, ;hadija the daughter of ;huwa%lid, and Fatimah the daughter of "uhammad.J

)ahih al1Tirmidhi, v>, p<3. al1"ustadrak, b% al1Hakim, v6, p7>, who said this tradition is authentic based on the criteria of two )haikhs 2al1ukhari and "uslim8. "usnad *hmad Ibn Hanbal, v6, p76>.Fadha#il al1)ahaba, b% *hmad Ibn Hanbal, v3, p>>, Tradition X763>. Hil%atul *wli%aa, b% *bu 9u#a%m,v3, p644. "ajma# al1Bawa#id, b% al1Ha%thami, v?, p333 . al1Isti#ab, b% Ibn *bd al1arr, v4, p6. *l1*wsat

 b% al1Tabarani, as well as Ibn Habban, etc.

ecorded b% *hmed bin Hanbal in his !"usnad$ 2no.734748, Tirmidhi in his !*l1ami’$ 2no.6@@8, *bu*bdullah *l1Hakim in !*l1"ustadrak$ 2no.44>8 through atadah from *nas bin "alik, he said that the"essenger of *llah 2pbuh8 said, !*mong the women of the worlds, these must suffice for %ou' "ar%am bint 0Imran, ;hadeejah bint ;huwailid, Fatimah bint "uhammad and *asi%ah the wife of (haraoh.$ 11 Itsnarrator are all trustworth%. Tirmidhi said this is Hasan )aheeh, Ibn Hibban included it in his )aheeh. Thereport in "usnad *hmed, Fadha’il *s1)ahaba, Hil%ah *l1*wli%a referenced b% shia author, eMists withthis wording.

*s for the wording mentioned b% the )hia author then it was recorded b% *hmed 2no.3@, 3??<6"u’assas urtuba8, Tahawi in !)harh "ushkil *l1*athar$ 2no.74@, *r1isala8, *l1Hakim in !*l1

"ustadrak$ 2no.6@6, 4>4, 4@>38 and said its Isnad is )ahih and =hahabi agreed, through the route of=awud b. *bil Furat from 0*lba b. *hmar *l1Cashkuri from 0Ikrimah from Ibn *bbas-alhadith. Q*llamah *l1*lbani said, !Its narrators are all trustworth%, narrators of ukhari, eMcept 0*lba b. *hmarwho was from the narrators of "uslim$.

*lso recorded b% Tabarani in !*l1;abeer$ 277547>, no.737?8 and in !*l1*wsat$ 2no.77<, T*wadhullah8 through the wa% of ;uraib from Ibn 0*bbas, he said' The "essenger of *llah 2pbuh8 said,!Keaders of the women of (aradise, after "ar%am bint 0Imran, are Fatimah bint "uhammad, ;hadijah

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 bint ;huwailid and *asi%a the wife of (haraoh$. *nd in the the narration of !*l1*wsat$, !-..Fatimahand ;hadijah, and then *asi%a the wife of (haraoh$. Q )ha%kh *l1*lbani said, !Its narrators aretrustworth%, and *l1Ha%thami 2?53368 mentioned it with different wording and said, !9arrated b%Tabarani, and in it eMist "uhammad bin Hasan bin Bubalah who was "atrook$. I &*lbani sa% thenarration of ;uraib is free from him$. &*s1)aheehah 2no.7><@8

ecorded b% *l1Hakim 2no.4@>68, *hmed in !Fadha’il *s1)ahaba$ 2no.766,7>8 through the wa% of)aleh b. ;aisan, and in !Fadhail *s1)ahaba$ he narrates it directl% through *’isha with the words !it issaid that *’isha said..$, which is disconnected. In the report of !*l1"ustadrak$ it has been narratedthrough same chain going back to )aleh bin ;aisan from Ibn )hihab from 0Arwah from *’isha, she said toFatima 2ra8' )hould I not inform %ou that I heard the "essenger of *llah 2pbuh8 sa%ing, !Keaders of thewomen of (aradise are four, 2the% are8 "ar%am bint 0Imran, Fatima bint asulullah 2)*+8, ;hadija bint;huwailid and *asi%a. Isnad of this report is )ahih on the condition of ukhari and "uslim just as said b% =hahabi and *l1*lbani agreed.

ecorded b% ukhari 2no.634?, 6<48, "uslim 2no.346<8, *bdur aDDa: in !"usannaf$ 254?3,no.74<<8 etc through the wa% of Hisham bin 0Arwah from his father from *bdullah bin afar from *li bin *bi Talib who said' I heard the "essenger of *llah 2pbuh8 sa%ing, !est woman of it is "ar%am, and

the best woman of it is ;hadijah the daughter of ;huwailid$. This is the wording present in Tirmidhi2>5<3 *lbani8, referenced b% shia author. This, however, doesn’t contain the names Fatimah 2ra8 and*asi%a 2as8. ut Ibn Hajar mentioned it in !*l1"utalib *l10*ali%ah$ 27578, attributing it to "usnad*l1Harith, as a "ursal narration from Arwah bin Bubair who said, the "essenger of *llah 2pbuh8 said,!;hadijah 2ra8 was the best woman of her time, "ar%am 2as8 was the best woman of her time andFatimah 2ra8 was the best woman of her time$. This narration is "ursal )ahih from Arwah, as said b% IbnHajar *l1*s:alani. This mursal tradition eMplains the marfoo’ 2connected8 tradition present in the two)ahihs, Tirmidhi etc. Ibn Hajar, at the same place attributed the "arfoo’ tradition to Tirmidhi with thewords having the name of Fatimah in place of ;hadija. This is, however, a mistake as clear from abovedetail. +*llahu *#alam 

Hadeeth - "'

Ibn *bbas 2*8 narrated'

The "essenger of *llah 2(AHNHF8 said' Four women are the mistress of the worlds' "ar%, *si%a 2thewife of (haraoh8, ;hadija, and Fatimah. *nd the most eMcellent one among them in the world is Fatimah.J

)unni references' Ibn *sakir, as :uoted in Tafsir al1=urr al1"anthoor

elated b% Ibn *sakir 2<57<8 through the wa% of *dh1=hahhak from Ibn 0*bbas. This is disconnectedas *dh1=hahhaak did not hear from Ibn 0*bbas.

There are other traditions which contradict this. Sne of them has alread% preceded from Ibn 0*bbas under the previous hadeeth. *lso, Ibn *bi )haibah relates in !al1"usannaf$ 2633<8 through 0*ishah and Ibnareer at1Tabari in his Tafseer 256?@16??8 through Fatimah bint Husain bin *li 2ra8 through the (rophet2saw8 that she was the leader of the women of paradise eMcept "ar%am.

)imilarl% in Tareekh =amish: 2<57<8 through "uhammad bin Hasan from *bdul 0*DeeD bin

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"uhammad from "usa bin 0A:bah from ;uraib from Ibn 0*bbas that the "essenger of *llah 2pbuh8said, !Keader of the women of (aradise is "ar%am bint 0Imran, then Fatimah then ;hadeejah then*asi%ah.$ Ibn Hajar said this is not proven. &Fath al1ari 25768

Hadeeth - ")

"oreover, after the demise of ;hadija 2*8 when the (rophet 2(AHNHF8 married *isha and others, heeMplicitl% preferred some of them over *isha and said the% are better than *isha 2see )ahih al1Tirmidhi/al1Isti#ab b% Ibn *bd al1arr/ and al1Isabah, b% Ibn Hajar al1*s:alani, in the biograph% of )afi%%a8.

ecorded b% Tirmidhi 2no.6@?38 through the wa% of Hashim bin )a’eed *l1;ufi who said, narrated to us;inanah who said narrated to us )afi%%ah bint Hu%ai, she said' (rophet &pbuh entered in 2m% room8, andsomething has reached me from the sa%ings of Hafsa and *isha. I mentioned it to (rophet &pbuh, so he

said, !+h% did not %ou replied them, !how could %ou both be better than me, while m% husband is"uhammad, m% father is Harun and m% uncle is "usaL$ *nd that 2sa%ing8 which had reached her2)afi%a8 was that the% both were claiming that the% were more virtuous near (rophet &pbuh than her, andthe% sa% that the% were his 2pbuh8 wives as well as daughters of his uncle.

YZ[ \]^_ `Z '` \`Z `Z '` ]q [ ` `Z '` xy [ z{ xy `Z '` `|[ [ z}~ `Z  •`€ ] 'Y‚ ƒ„ J '`… † ‡ˆ ‰Š‹ Œ \|Ž`y \{^ y Z‚[ ‚q †]‚y ‘ ‚_ ‘ q ‚y “” 'Y` ]  `–Z~ ‚q †]‚y ‘ ‚_ ‘ q ‚y ŒŠ„ } '` –„ `–‚[ —‹ •` ˜J q~ zy •` [„ z}~ ™š Z~ Š]”  ›œ ~ ƒ \]^_ ›œ ~ †Š ƒ žœŠŸ ›œ ‹ „ y ¡`x †zy ‰`Z[ ‚q †]‚y ‘ ‚_ xZ ¢š„ } '` £‹[ ¤`Zq ] `

Tirmidhi said, !and related to this is a narration of *nas$, and he also said, !this Hadith is Ghareeb, we doknow of eMcept from Hadith of )afi%%ah, eMcept through Hashim *l1;ufi, and this chain is not strong$.Hashim bin )a’eed al1kufi was declared weak b% Ibn "u’een, *hmad, *bu Hatim and others. &Tahdheeb277578 Imam Tirmidhi declared this to be weak as :uoted above. 9ote that this tradition doesn’t necessitate superiorit% of )afi%%ah over *ishah and Hafsah, ma% *llah be pleased with them. ather this tradition den% the superiorit% of them over )afi%%ah in those matters whichwere mentioned b% them against her, i.e. nearness to the (rophet through lineage as both the group weresomehow related with prophets. *nd *llah knows best.The tradition of *nas is authentic and clearer. It was reported b% *hmad 2736?38, Tirmidhi 26@?48 andothers. *ccording to this tradition the incident took place between )afi%%ah and Hafsah as the latter called

her the daughter of ew 2bint al1Cahudi8. This tradition doesn’t speak regarding superiorit%.

Hadeeth - #*

*isha said' J)afi%%a, the wife of the (rophet 2(AHNHF8, sent a dish she had made for him when he waswith me. +hen I saw the maidservant, I trembled with rage and fur%, and I took the bowl and hurled itawa%. The (rophet of *llah 2(AHNHF8 then looked at me/ I saw the anger in his face and I said to him'

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#I seek refuge from *llah#s *postle cursing me toda%.# The (rophet said' #Ando it#. I said' #+hat is itscompensation, S (rophet of *llahL# He said' #The food like her food, and a bowl like her bowl.#J¥ "usnad, b% *hmad Ibn Hanbal, v, p33¥ )ahih al19isa#i, v3, p74@

It was related b% *hmad 2368 in this form through Fulait from asrah bin =ajajah from 0*ishah. +hile*hmad at another place and 9asai related it in brief form through the same Isnad.Ha%thami said, !It was related briefl% b% *bu =awud and Sthers. This 2narration8 was related b% *hmadand its narrators were Thi:aat.$ )ha%kh )hu’aib declared this to be Hasan.  

Hadeeth - #1

*isha said' JI said to the (rophet 2(AHNHF8 #Enough for %ou about )afi%%a is such and such.# The(rophet of *llah 2(AHNHF8 said to me' #Cou have uttered words which, if the% were miMed with thewaters of the sea, would color it.#J)unni reference' )ahih al1Tirmidhi, and al1Bamakhshari has related it from him on, p6

It was related b% *hmad 23>><, 3><4?, 3><@8, *bu =awud 24@>8, Tirmidhi 23><38 and others through)uf%an from *li bin *:mar from *bu Hudhaifa from *’isha. )ha%kh al1*lbani authenticated this traditionin his rulings on narrations of )unan Tirmidhi. )imilarl%, )ha%kh *rna’ut declared the isnad to be )aheehon the condition of "uslim. 

Hadeeth - #!

*isha said'

JI have never been as jealous of an% woman as I have been of "ari%a. That was because she had beautifulringlets. )he used to sta% in the house of Haritha Ibn al19uman. +e frightened her and I becameconcerned. The (rophet of *llah 2(AHNHF8 sent her to a higher place and he would visit her there. Thatwas ver% hard upon us, and then *llah blessed him with a bo% through her and we shunned himJ.¥ al1Taba:at, b% Ibn )a#d, v@, p373¥ al1*nsab al1*shraf, b% al1aladhuri, v7, p66?

elated b% Ibn )a’d 2@53738 through his )ha%kh al1+a:idi, and he was abandoned. aladhuri mentionedit without Isnad. 

Hadeeth - #"

*isha said' J+hen Ibrahim was born, the (rophet of *llah 2(AHNHF8 brought him to me and said'#Kook how much he resembles me.# I said' #I do not see an% resemblance.# The (rophet of *llah2(AHNHF8 said' #=on#t %ou see how robust and fair he isLJ# *isha said' JI said' #+hoever is fed with themilk of sheep becomes fair and robust.#J¥ al1Taba:at, b% Ibn )a#d, v7, p6¥ also in al1*nsab al1*shraf, b% al1aladhuri

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Ibn )a’d in !*t1Taba:at al1;ubra$ 275768 through the chain of al1+a:idi, "uhammad bin Amar.aladhuri did not mention an% chain for it. &*nsaab 2754><8

Hadeeth - ##

she said'JI lost track of the (rophet of *llah 2(AHNHF8, and I suspected that he had gone to another of hiswives. I went looking for him and I found him in prostration, sa%ing. JS "% KordR Forgive meJ)unni reference' "usnad, b% *hmad Ibn Hanbal, v, p74

It was related b% *hmad 23>74<8, 9asai 2773>8 and others through )hu’ba from "ansur from Hilal binCasaf from 0*isha. *lbani and *rna’ut declared it authentic.The more appropriate translation would be' !*nd I thought that he had gone to another of his wife.$ *nd*llah knows best. 

Hadeeth - #$

*isha said' JSne night, when he was with me, the "essenger of *llah 2(AHNHF8 went outJ. )he said'JI became jealous. +hen he came and saw what I had done, he said' #+hat is the matter, S *ishaL *re %ou jealousL# I replied' #*nd wh% should not those like me be jealous of those like %ouL# The (rophet of *llah2(AHNHF8 then said' #Has %our devil taken possession of %ouL#J.)unni reference' "usnad, b% *hmad Ibn Hanbal, v, p77>

It was related b% *hmad 234@4>8, "uslim 23738 and others. The narrations further states' )he 2*isha8asked, !Is there a devil with me, S "essenger of *llahL$ He replied, !Ces.$ I said, !*nd with ever%

human beingL$ He said, !Ces.$ I then asked, !*nd with %ou, S "essenger of *llahL$ He said, !Ces, butm% lord has aided me over him until he became "uslim 2or he came under m% control8.$

Hadeeth - #%

Snce the (rophet asked *isha to collect certain information about a particular woman, namel%, )harraf,the sister of =ih%a al1;albi. The information that she conve%ed to him was not the information she hadgathered, but wrong information prompted b% selfish motives. +hen the (rophet 2(AHNHF8 informedher of the truth of what she had observed, *isha replied' JS (rophet of *llahR 9o secret is unknown to%ou. +ho is able to hide an%thing from %ouLJ¥ ;anD al1Ammal, b% al1"utta:i al1Hindi, v, p3?4

¥ al1Taba:at, b% Ibn )a#d, v@, p77>

Ibn )a’d 2@57<8 relates it through a chain which contains *l1+aa:idi as well as aabir al1u’fi both ofwhom were abandoned. ;hateeb 2756<78 and Ibn 0*sakir 2>7568 relate it with other chains which do notcontain *l1+aa:idi but aabir is still there. 

Hadeeth - #&

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Sne da%, in the presence of her father, she started a :uarrel with the (rophet and told him' Je just.J Herfather punished her for the impudence b% giving a powerful a slap on her face so that she bled profusel%and the blood ran onto her clothes.¥ ;anD al1Ammal, b% al1"utta:i al1Hindi, v, p77, Tradition X7<3<¥ Ih%aa al1Alum, b% al1GhaDDali, Vhapter 6, ab al19ikah, v3, p6>

¥ "ukashifat al1ulub, b% al1GhaDDali, Vhapter ?4, p36@

It was related b% ;hateeb 277536?8 and Ibn 0*sakir 26<537>8.It was also related b% =a%lami, as mentioned in ;anD al10Ammaal 2765?8.HafiD 0Ira:i said' It was related b% Tabarani in !al1*wsat$ and ;hateeb in his Tareekh from the narrationof *isha with a weak sanad. &!Takhreej *hadeeth al1Ih%aa$ 235?8 =aar al10*asimah)ha%kh *lbani also declared it to be weak in !*d1=a’eefa$ 24?8. 

Hadeeth - #'

Snce she angril% said to the "essenger of *llah 2(AHNHF8'JIt is %ou who pretend to be a prophet from *llah.J)unni references'¥ 1 Ih%aa al1Alum, b% al1GhaDDali, Vhapter 6, v3, p3?, The ook on the Eti:uettes of "arriage¥ 1 "ukashifat al1ulub, b% al1GhaDDali, Vhapter ?4

HafiD 0Ira:i said, !*bu Ca’ala and *bu )ha%kh in !;itab al1*mthaal$ narrated it with a weak chain.&Takhreej *hadeeth al1Ih%aa 235?8It was related b% *bu Ca’la in his "usnad 24<8 and *bu )ha%kh in !;itab al1*mthaal$ 2>8 through

)alamah bin Fadhl from Ibn Isha: from Cah%a bin 0*bbad bin *bdullah bin Bubair from his father from0*ishah. Ibn Isha: was well known mudallis who would do tadlees through weak narrators.HafiD Ha%thami said, !It was narrated b% *bu Ca’la and in it eMists "uhammad bin Isha: and he was amudallis. *s for )alamah bin Fadhl then a group considered him Thi:ah like Ibn "u’een, Ibn HIbban and*bu Hatim. *nd some other considered him weak. *ll other narrators of this were narrators of )ahih.$&"ajma’ aD1Bawaaid 2456338

Hadeeth - #)

The (rophet 2(AHNHF8 married "alika int ;a#b who was known for her outstanding beaut%. *isha

went to see her and said to her' J*ren#t %ou ashamed to marr% %our father#s killerLJ )he then sought refugeagainst the (rophet of *llah 2(AHNHF8, whereupon he divorced her. Her people came to him and said'JS (rophet of *llah, she is %oung and lacking in perception. )he was deceived, so take her backJ. The(rophet 2(AHNHF8 refused to do so. Her father was killed on the da% of the con:uest of "ecca, and hiskiller was ;halid Ibn al1+alid al1;handama.J)unni references'¥ al1Taba:at, b% Ibn )a#d, v@, p74@¥ Ibn ;athir, v>, p3??

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*l1+a:idi mentioned it from *bu "i’shar, as in Taba:at of Ibn )a’d 2@574@8. *l1+a:idi was abandonedwhile *bu "i’shar 9ajeeh bin *bdur1ahman was weak in memor%. esides, this report is disconnectedas *bu "i’shar was from those who met Taba’een.*lso, +a:idi himself declared this weak. He said, !*nd that which weaken this hadeeth is the mentioningof *isha and that she said to her 2"aleekah8, !*ren’t %ou ashamed-L$ *nd *isha was not with the

(rophet 2)*+8 in that journe%.$ &Ibid.HafiD =hahabi denied such narrations in )i%ar 2356><17, =ar al1Hadeeth8. 

Hadeeth - $*

It has been reported that'+hen *sma int 9u#man was being led as a bride to her groom 2i.e., the (rophet8, *isha told her that the(rophet was highl% pleased with the woman who, when he approaches her, sa%s to him' J"a% *llah saveme from %ou.J)unni references'¥ al1"ustadrak, b% al1Hakim, v4, p6, on the account of *sma

¥ al1Isabah, b% Ibn Hajar al1*s:alani, v4, p366¥ al1Taba:at, b% Ibn )a#d, v3, p7<4, v@, p74>¥ Tarikh al1Ca#:ubi, v3, p?

It was related b% Ibn )a’d 2@574>8 through Hisham al1;albi from his father "uhammad bin )aa’ib al1;albi from *bu )aleh from Ibn *bbas. oth Hisham and his father were abandoned as it is well known.This narration doesn’t specif% an% of the wives of the (rophet 2saw8.It was also narrated b% Ibn )a’d 2@574>18 through the same Hisham al1;albi from Ibn al1Ghaseel fromHamDah bin *bu Asaid from his father. This also doesn’t specif% *ishah although it sa%s that she was oneof the two from *isha 2ra8 and Hafsa 2ra8. 9ote' 1 The narration in *l1"ustadrak is different and doesn’t have an%thing for shi’ites to take evidence


Ibn )a#d, in his al1Taba:at, v@, p74>, on the authorit% of Ibn *bbas said' JThe (rophet of *llah2(AHNHF8 married *sma int al19u#man, and she was among the most beautiful and complete womenof her timeJ

)ee the previous hadeeth.

Hadeeth - $1

JTake half %our religion from this Huma%raJ

HafiD )akhawi said in !*l1"a:asid al1Hasanah$ 2pg.6378' Sur )ha%kh said in Takhreej Ibn al1Haajib, !Ido not know of its Isnad neither do I find it in an% book of hadeeth eMcept for *n19iha%ah of Ibn *theerwho mentioned this under the root word of !Ha mim ra$, and he did not mention who has narrated it. Ialso found it in ;itab al1Firdaus but with a different wording and its author mentioned it without an%Isnad from the hadith of *nas. Its wording is' !Take one third of %our religion from the house ofHumaira$. The author of "usnad al1Firdaus left it as such and did not relate an% isnad of it. HafiD Ibn;atheer mentioned that he asked the two HafiD, al1"iDDi and al1=hahabi, regarding this, so the% did not

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recogniDe it. 1 End 1This narration was also declared to be a fabricated one b% Ibn al1a%%im and *lbani. 

Hadeeth - $!

Snce she went to Athman and asked for her share of inheritance from the (rophet 2after so man% %ears passed from the demise of the (rophet8. Athman refrained to give *isha an% mone%, and reminded her thatshe was one of those who counseled *bu akr not to pa% the share of inheritance of Fatimah al1Bahra2*)8. )o if Fatimah does not have an% share, then wh% should sheL Hearing this, *isha became ver% angr%at Athman, and came out and said to the people'J;ill this old fool 29a#thal8, for he is unbeliever.J)unni references'¥ Histor% of Ibn al1*thir, v6, p3<¥ Kisan al1*rab, v74, p747¥ al1I:d al1Farid, v4, p3?<¥ )harh Ibn *bil Hadid, v7, pp 33<1336.

*s for the conteMt of the statement :uoted b% the compiler of the Enc%clopedia, that is *isha 2ra8 askingof her share of inheritance from Athman 2ra8, then I do not know the source of it. 9one of the referencedsources mention the background provided b% the author, as far as I can see. +allahu *’alam.The particular statement, i.e. !;ill this 9a’thal-,$ was attributed to )a%%idah 0*aisha 2ra8 b% some sunnihistorians and linguists who were not eMpert in hadith criticism like Ibn *theer, Ibn "anDoor etc. Thiswas attributed to *isha 2ra8, in a narration, b% Abaid bin *bi )alamah, who was one of her relatives, inher presence and she did not den%. ut this was reported b% )aif bin Amar who was abandoned and therewas sufficient gap between the incident and the narrator. &Tabari 2454>@1?8This has also been mentioned b% *bu "ikhnaf. *nd some sa% the first one to call Athman a 9a’thal was*isha 2ra8 as mentioned b% Ibn *bil Hadeed in )harh 9ahj al1alaghah 2537>8 from some unknown people, but none of these are proven. These are onl% claims which some authors inherited from others.+hile there could be some indication that she was critical of Athman’s 2ra8 policies and actions but thereis no proof in that to suggest that she wanted to kill him. These kinds of reports are unreliable because ofthree main reasons/7. The% were reported b% unreliable authors like *bu "ikhnaf, al1+a:idi, )aif bin Amar, Ibn al1;albi etc.3. Even the% did not connect their chain to the e%ewitnesses of the incident, hence the report in most casesremain disconnected.6. The established facts indicate otherwise. *mong those is the fact that *isha alwa%s denied thisaccusation just as *li bin *bi Talib denied it.It has been narrated b% ukhari in ;hal: *f’aal al10Ibaad and *l1aladhuri in *nsab al1*shraf through

Ibn )hihaab aD1Buhri from 0Arwah from *isha that she said, 0If I wanted to kill Athman I would have been killed too.’ In other traditions she said, 0% *llah, Athaman was killed unjustl%.’ *nd there are othertraditions suggesting the same.It could be that some people might have falsel% attributed these kinds of things to 0*isha. This issuggested from the tradition related b% Ibn )a’d 265<8 and *l1aladhuri 2>5>?8 through the route of*’amash from ;haithama from "asroo: that after hearing the criticism of *isha against those who killedAthman he said to her, 0This has been done b% %ou. Cou wrote to the people to revolt against him.’ )hereplied, 09o, b% the Sne in whom believed the believers and disbelieved the disbelievers, I did not write

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to them with the black 2i.e. ink8 on the white 2i.e. paper8 until this sitting of mine. *’mash said, 0)o the%used to believe that it was fabricated over her.’This also clarified another tradition present in *nsab al1*shraf 2>5>?8 through the route of +akee’ fromais bin "uslim from Amm al1Hajjaj al10*wfi%%ah that on the en:uir% of *shtar an19akha’I regardingAthman she replied, 0"a’adh*llah if I command to shed the blood of muslims and to murder their leader

2Imam8 and to legitimate 2to downgrade8 their sanctit%.’ )o *l1*shtar said, 0Cou wrote to us and nowwhen the fight has initiated %ou have started to forbid us.’)ee also the traditions coming forth. 9ote'1 )ome )hia ma% claim that since it was :uoted b% some sunni scholars like Ibn "anDoor al1*free:iand Ibn al1*theer, so it should be accepted. I sa%' The% :uoted it just for linguistic purpose and to eMplainthe wording not necessaril% the% considered it authentic. esides that the% were not specialist in hadithcriticism. The narration !Take half of %our religion from Huma%ra 2*isha8,$ which has been discussed previousl%, was also :uoted b% Ibn "anDoor and Ibn al1*theer in their same books, but shia due to theirhatred of )a%%idah *isha declare that to be fabricated and consider this one to be acceptable.

Hadeeth - $"'

+hile Ibn *bbas was setting out for "ecca, he found *isha in al1)ulsul 2seven miles south of "edina8.*isha said' JS# Ibn *bbas, I appeal to %ou b% God, to abandon this man 2Athman8 and sow doubt abouthim among the people, for %ou have been given a sharp tongue. 2% the current siege over Athman8 people have shown their understanding, and light is raised to guide them. I have seen Talha has taken the possession of the ke%s to the public treasuries and storehouses. If he becomes Valiph 2after Athman8, hewill follow in the path of his parental cousin *bu1akr.J Ibn *bbas said' JS# "other 2of believers8, ifsomething happens to that man 2i.e., Athman8, people would seek as%lum onl% with our companion2namel%, *li8.J *isha replied' Je :uietR I have no desire to def% or :uarrel with %ou.Jeference' Histor% of al1Tabari, English version, v7>, pp 36@136?

This contains al1+a:idi and *bu akr bin *bi )abrah both of whom were abandoned. &)ee Tarikh at1Tabari 2454<8, "eeDan al1E’itedal 245><6148 

Hadeeth - $#

J+e pra% that %ou sta% in "edina, and that *llah ma% save this man 2Athman8 through %ou.J *isha said'JI have prepared m% means of transportation and vowed to perform the pilgrimage. % God, I shall nothonor %our re:uest... I wish he 2Athman8 could fit to one of m% sacks so that I could carr% him. I wouldthen through him into the sea.Jeference' Jal1*nsab al1*shrafJ, b% al1aladhuri, v4, part 7, p>

This was mentioned b% Ibn )a’d in Taba:at 23538 and al1aladhuri in *nsab al1*shraaf 2>5>>8 withoutrelating an% Isnad to it rather Ibn )a’d, who was :uoted b% al1aladhuri and Ibn 0*sakir, attributed it tosome unknown people with the phrase !The% sa%$. From )harh 9ahj al1alaghah 2658 it appears that theactual source of this report is al1+a:idi who narrated this in ;itab ad1=aar. +*llahu *’alam

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Hadeeth - $$

JCour )atan has confused %ou, S *isha.J

It is narrated b% "uslim in his )ahih 23@7>8. The complete narration is as follows' *ishah said that the"essenger of *llah 2)*+8 left her house one night. )he said' !I felt jealous about him, then he came andsaw what I was doing.$ He said' +hat is the matter with %ou S *ishaL *re %ou jealousL$ I said, !+h%wouldn’t one such as me feel jealous about one such as %ouL$ The "essenger of *llah 2)allallahu 0alaihiwa sallam8 said !Has %our devil come to %ouL$ I said, !S "essenger of *llah, Is there a devil with meL$He said, !Ces.$ I said, !Is there a devil with ever% personL$ He said, !Ces.$ I said, !Even with %ou S"essenger of *llahL$ He said, !Ces, but m% Kord helped me with him until he became muslim.$ Q &)ahih"uslim, English translation 2=arussalam8, vol., no.77<