analysis of news cast questionaires

ANALYSIS of news/radio casts I asked twenty people , both male and female 10 questions about what they enjoy and like about radio and news casts. I ensured I asked 10 males and 10 females, all around the same age(15 to early thirties) order to get mixed views and opinions.

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Page 1: Analysis of news cast questionaires

ANALYSISof news/radio casts

I asked twenty

people , both male

and female 10 questions about

what they enjoy and

like about radio and

news casts.

I ensured I asked 10

males and 10

females, all around

the same age(15 to

early thirties) order

to get mixed views

and opinions.

Page 2: Analysis of news cast questionaires

How often do you listen to the news?

Our results show that the highest percentage of people said they listen to the news weekly. (47.34%) This shows that our target audience are regularly listen to the news and will tune in daily. Also regular listeners to the news are usually loyal to one company radio show.

Page 3: Analysis of news cast questionaires

What news topics would interest you?

The results showed 10.00% people enjoy listening to sports news, 15.00% people answered political news and the remainder of people said celebrity news. (70.00%) This clearly illustrates that celebrity news is the most popular. We will apply this in our news cast by broadcasting the latest news about celebrities as that’s what are audience supposedly enjoy the most. However we will also air other types of news to appeal to different audiences.

Page 4: Analysis of news cast questionaires

What is the ideal length of each news story?

55.0 % of people said they prefer news casts being five minutes. This was majority of the people we asked. This conveys our target audience prefers short, to the point news compared to lengthy casts. Perhaps this is because long news casts can be boring. Therefore we will keep our news casts short to maintain our audiences attention.

Page 5: Analysis of news cast questionaires

Do you prefer a male or female news reporter and why?

16.67% of people we asked said they would prefer a male news reporter rather than a women, 22.22% said they’d prefer a women than a man and most people said both. (61.11%). This suggests that people like to hear a range of voices rather then just one as it keeps it more exciting and keeps them more engaged. This has helped us as now we will try to get a male voice too, though this may be a bit difficult as we go to an all girls school.

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What radio stations do you listen to?

We asked people what radio stations they listen to, in order to get a understanding of what our viewers like. The highest percentage (65.00%) of people said capital fm. According to our research capital FM is most known for music and celebrity news. We will try to apply this to our radio station but show how were unique to other radio stations at the same time.

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Do you think it's more important the news entertains or informs a audience?

We wanted to know why people watch the news, to inform or entertain? 65.00% of people said a mix of both. This showed us we have to have a balance of serious and fun news in our radio cast. So, we decided were going to add serious news such as political news as well as celebrity news.

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How do you listen to the radio?

A question that we thought was vital was how people listen to the radio. 45% of people said with their family. 25.00% of people said alone, 25.00% also said with their friends and the remainder of the people said all of the above. We wanted to gain a feel of the atmosphere when people watch the news. Who you watch the news is important on the atmosphere created.

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What kind of news reporter do you like?

All these results were quite close. This showed us that all of these are important in presenting. 50.00% people said clear, 55.00% said confident and the highest percentage (60.00%)was for enthusiasm. We are going to use this information to help us present out news cast. We will try to balance out all of them in order to keep our audience interested.

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What kind of music do you like in a news cast?

We wanted to know what kind of music people enjoy listening to at the introduction of a news cast. We left the answers as quite broad instead of leaving them as genres of music as we didn’t want to limit our choices. 15.00% said soothing, 30.00% said calming, 35.00% said dramatic and 45.00% said fun music. The fact that the highest percentage was for fun illustrated that exciting, fun music is the most likely to grab the attention of our listeners creating a joyful atmosphere.

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Do you enjoy listening to the news?

We asked this question to gain an understanding of how many people of our target audience actually like watching the news and watch it because they want to. 25.00% said no and 75.00% said yes. This gave us an insight of the percentage of people who will go out of their way to watch our news casts.