analysis of student blogs

ANALYSIS OF STUDENT BLOGS Analysis of Alfie Green blog

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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ANALYSIS OF STUDENT BLOGSAnalysis of Alfie Green blog

Looking at Alfies blog the first thing that catches my attention is how he has customised his blog with the choice certain aspects of his blog like the background, header section and. On the above picture of his blog we can see that he has clearly made the extra effort to personalise his blog. On his header section he has a photo from a shot in his music video with the title of his blog on the right, this is something that I will take into consideration when making my blog as it makes his blog look more aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore below his header section he has incorporated a menu/navigation method on his blog this was something that I felt helped a lot when browsing through his website, this will be something that I will be sure to incorporate in my magazine as its a simple function that will be much appreciated by the reader of the blog. The next thing that I noticed on the home page of Alfies blog was that all his work was in order so his final video was the first post on the blog and then as you went lower older posts will appear. Looking on the right of his blog we can see that the he has got a short paragraph about him, I felt this was a good feature to have in the blog as it gives a short introduction to who Alifie is for those who don't know him. Below the about me section he has a label section this section consists of labels that when pressed redirect the page to to a list of Alfies posts that relate to that label. Looking further into his blog another thing that I noticed was the variety of media formats that he used during his posts, the media formats he used includes videos, prezies, powerpoint and voice overs.

Blog address ;

Looking further into Alfies blog I can see that he has added short paragraphs on all of his posts that give a short introduction into what's on the post, he has done this on all his posts as it gives readers an insight into what on the post without having to read the whole post. Furthermore looking into his blog I can see that he has consistently made production logs and when doing so he has made them in a verity of media formats so some are videos others may be text to help the reader stay interested when reading the blog and also showing that he knows how to use different technology's in his work. The video logs that Alfie has posted all look very professional he has added a header on the bottom of them and recorded them with a clear camera. Another thing that I noticed about his production logs were that he listed things that he could improve on and also had feedback on his work by his classmates in his production logs, these gave someone else's opinions as well as Alfie’s to his posts.