analytic families of multilinear operatorsanalytic families of multilinear operators ......

Analytic families of multilinear operators Mieczyslaw Mastylo Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Nonlinar Functional Analysis Valencia 17-20 October 2017 Based on a joint work with Loukas Grafakos M. Mastylo (UAM) Analytic families of multilinear operators 1 / 39

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Page 1: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Analytic families of multilinear operators

Mieczysław Mastyło

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Nonlinar Functional AnalysisValencia 17-20 October 2017

Based on a joint work with Loukas Grafakos

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Page 2: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical


1 Introduction

2 Analytic families of multilinear operators

3 Main results

4 Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

5 An application to the bilinear Bochner-Riesz operators

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Page 3: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical


IntroductionA bounded measurable function σ on Rn × Rn (called a multiplier) leads to a bilinearoperator Wσ defined by

Wσ(f , g)(x) =∫Rn

∫Rnσ(ξ, η)f (ξ)g(η)e2πi〈x,ξ+η〉dξdη

for every f , g in the Schwartz space S(Rn), where 〈·, ·〉 denotes the inner product in Rn

and f is its Fourier transform of f defined by

f (ξ) =∫Rn

f (x)e−2πi〈x,ξ〉dx , ξ ∈ Rn.

• The study of such bilinear multiplier operators was initiated by Coifman and Meyer(1978). They proved that if 1 < p, q <∞, 1/r = 1/p + 1/q and σ satisfies

|∂αξ ∂βη σ(ξ, η)| ¬ Cα,β(|ξ|+ |η|)−|α|−|β|

for sufficiently large multi-indices α and β, then Wσ extends to a bilinear operatorfrom Lp(Rn)× Lq(Rn) into Lr,∞(Rn) whenever r > 1.

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• This result was later extended to the range 1 > r > 1/2 by Grafakos and Torres(1996) and Kenig and Stein (1999).

• Multipliers that satisfy the Marcinkiewicz condition were studied by Grafakos andKalton (2001).

• The first significant boundedness results concerning non-smooth symbols wereproved by Lacey and Thiele (1997, 1999) who established that Wσ withσ(ξ, η) = sign(ξ + αη), α ∈ R \ 0, 1 has a bounded extension fromLp(Rn)× Lq(Rn) to Lr (Rn) if 2/3 < r <∞, 1 < p, q ¬ ∞, and 1/r = 1/p + 1/q.

• The bilinear Hilbert transform Hθ is defined for a parameter θ ∈ R by

Hθ(f , g)(x) := limε→0


f (x − t)g(x + θt) 1t dt, x ∈ R

for functions f , g from the Schwartz class S(R). The family Hθ was introducedby Calderón in his study of the first commutator, an operator arising in a seriesdecomposition of the Cauchy integral along Lipschitz curves. In 1977 Calderónposed the question whether Hθ satisfies any Lp estimates.

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• In their fundamental work (Ann. of Math. 149 (1999), 475-496) Lacey and Thieleproved that if θ 6= −1, then the bilinear Hilbert transform Hθ extends to a bilinearoperator from Lp × Lq into Lr whenever 1 < p, q ¬ ∞ and 1/p + 1/q = 1/r < 3/2.

• The bilinear Hilbert transforms arise in a variety of other related known problems inbilinear Fourier analysis, e.g., in the study of the convergence of the mixed Fourierseries of the form



∑f (m)g(n)e2πi(m+n)x

for functions f , g defined on [0, 2π].• Fan and Sato in 2001 were able to show the boundedness of the bilinear Hilbert

transform H on the torus T

H(f , g)(x) :=∫T

f (x − t)g(x + t) ctg(πt) dt, x ∈ T

by transferring the result from R. Their proof relies upon some DeLeeuw (1969)type transference methods for multilinear multipliers.

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• Stein’s interpolation theorem [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (1956)] for analyticfamilies of operators between Lp spaces (p ­ 1) has found several significantapplications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization ofthe classical single-operator Riesz -Thorin interpolation theorem to a familyTz of operators that depend analytically on a complex variable z .

• In the framework of Banach spaces, interpolation for analytic families ofmultilinear operators can be obtained via duality in a way similar to that usedin the linear case. For instance, one may adapt the proofs in Zygmund bookand Berg and Lofstrom for a single multilinear operator to a family ofmultilinear operators. However, this duality-based approach is not applicableto quasi-Banach spaces since their topological dual spaces may be trivial.

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The open strip z ; 0 < Re z < 1 in the complex plane is denoted by S, itsclosure by S and its boundary by ∂S.

Definition Let A(S) be the space of scalar-valued functions, analytic in S andcontinuous and bounded in S. For a given couple (A0,A1) of quasi-Banachspaces and A another quasi-Banach space satisfying A ⊂ A0 ∩ A1, we denoteby F(A) the space of all functions f : S → A that can be written as finitesums of the form

f (z) =N∑

k=1ϕk(z)ak , z ∈ S,

where ak ∈ A and ϕk ∈ A(S). For every f ∈ F(A) we set

‖f ‖F(A) = max

supt∈R‖f (it)‖A0 , sup

t∈R‖f (1 + it)‖A1


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Definition A quasi-Banach couple is said to be admissible whenever ‖ · ‖θis a quasi-norm on A0 ∩ A1, and in this case, the quasi-normed space(A0 ∩ A1, ‖ · ‖θ) is denoted by (A0,A1)θ.

Remark If A is dense in A0 ∩ A1, then for every a ∈ A we have

‖a‖θ = inf‖f ‖F(A); f ∈ F(A), f (θ) = a.

Definition If there is a completion of (A0,A1)θ which is set-theoretically containedin A0 + A1, then it is denoted by [A0,A1]θ.

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Theorem [A. P. Calderón, Studia Math. (1964)] If (A0,A1) is a Banachcouple, then for every f ∈ F(A0 ∩ A1), and 0 < θ < 1,

log ‖f (θ)‖θ ¬∫ ∞−∞

log ‖f (it)‖A0P0(θ, t) dt +∫ ∞−∞

log ‖f (1 + it)‖A1P1(θ, t) dt,

where P0 and P1 are the Poisson kernels for the strip defined for j ∈ 0, 1 by

Pj(x + iy , t) = e−π(t−y) sinπxsin2 πx + (cos πx − (−1)je−π(t−y))2 , x + iy ∈ S.

Remark The same estimate holds in the case of quasi-Banach spaces; theproof is similar as in the Banach case.

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Using the fact that the Poisson kernels satisfy∫R

P0(θ, t) dt = 1− θ,∫R

P1(θ, t) dt = θ

together with Calderón’s inequality and Jensen’s inequality, and the concavity ofthe logarithmic function, we obtain the following result:

Lemma Let (A0,A1) be a couple of complex quasi-Banach spaces. For every f inF(A0 ∩ A1), 0 < p0, p1 <∞, and 0 < θ < 1 we have

‖f (θ)‖θ ¬( 1

1− θ

∫ ∞−∞‖f (it)‖p0

A0P0(θ, t) dt

) 1−θp0(1θ

∫ ∞−∞‖f (1 + it)‖p1

A1P1(θ, t) dt

) θp1.

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Analytic families of multilinear operators

Analytic families of multilinear operators

Definition A continuous function F : S → C which is analytic in S is said tobe of admissible growth if there is 0 ¬ α < π such that


log |F (z)|eα|Im z| <∞.

Lemma [I. I. Hirchman, J. Analyse Math. (1953)] If a function F : S → C isanalytic in S, continuous on S, and is of admissible growth, then

log |F (θ)| ¬∫ ∞−∞

log |F (it)|P0(θ, t) dt +∫ ∞−∞

log |F (1 + it)|P1(θ, t) dt.

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Page 12: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Analytic families of multilinear operators

Definition Let (Ω,Σ, µ) be a measure space and let X1,...,Xm be linearspaces. The family Tzz∈S of multilinear operators

T : X1 × · · · × Xm → L0(µ)

is said to be analytic if for every (x1, ..., xm) ∈ X1 × · · · × Xm and for almostevery ω ∈ Ω the function

z 7→ Tz (x1, ..., xm)(ω), z ∈ S (∗)

is analytic in S and continuous on S. Additionally, if for j = 0 and j = 1 thefunction

(t, ω) 7→ Tj+it(x1, ..., xm)(ω), (t, ω) ∈ R× Ω

is (L × Σ)-measurable for every (x1, ..., xm) ∈ X1 × · · · × Xm, and for almostevery ω ∈ Ω the function given by formula (∗) is of admissible growth, thenthe family Tzz∈S is said to be an admissible analytic family. Here L is theσ-algebra of Lebesgue’s measurable sets in R.

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Analytic families of multilinear operators

• A quasi-Banach lattice X is said to be maximal whenever 0 ¬ fn ↑ f a.e.,fn ∈ X , and supn­1 ‖fn‖X <∞ implies that f ∈ X and ‖fn‖X → ‖f ‖X .

• A quasi-Banach lattice X is said to be p-convex (0 < p <∞) if there existsa constant C > 0 such that for any f1,...,fn ∈ X we have∥∥∥( n∑

k=1|fk |p

)1/p∥∥∥X¬ C

( n∑k=1‖fk‖p



The optimal constant C in this inequality is called the p-convexity constantof X , and is denoted, by M(p)(X ).

• A quasi-Banach lattice is said to have nontrivial convexity whenever it isp-convex for some 0 < p <∞.

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Page 14: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Analytic families of multilinear operators

• If X0 and X1 are quasi-Banach lattices on a given measure space (Ω,Σ, µ)and 0 < θ < 1, we define the quasi-Banach lattice Xθ = X 1−θ

0 X θ1 to be the

space of all f ∈ L0(µ) such that |f | ¬ |f0|1−θ|f1|θ µ-a.e. for some fi ∈ Xi(i = 0, 1) and equipped with the quasi-norm

‖f ‖Xθ = inf‖f0‖1−θ


; |f | ¬ |f0|1−θ|f1|θ µ-a.e..

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Page 15: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Main results

Main results

Theorem For each 1 ¬ i ¬ m, let X i = (X0i ,X1i ) be admissible couples ofquasi-Banach spaces, and let (Y0,Y1) be a couple of maximal quasi-Banachlattices on a measure space (Ω,Σ, µ) such that each Yj is pj -convex forj = 0, 1. Assume that Xi is a dense linear subspace of X0i ∩ X1i for each1 ¬ i ¬ m, and that Tzz∈S is an admissible analytic family of multilinearoperators Tz : X1 × · · · × Xm → Y0 ∩ Y1. Suppose that for every(x1, ..., xm) ∈ X1 × · · · × Xm, t ∈ R and j = 0, 1,

‖Tj+it(x1, ..., xm)‖Yj ¬ Kj(t)‖x1‖Xj1 · · · ‖xm‖Xjm

where Kj are Lebesgue measurable functions such that Kj ∈ Lpj (Pj(θ, ·) dt)for all θ ∈ (0, 1). Then for all (x1, ..., xm) ∈ X1 × · · · × Xm, all s ∈ R, and all0 < θ < 1 we have

‖Tθ+is(x1, ..., xm)‖Y 1−θ0 Y θ1

¬ (M(p0)(Y0))1−θ(M(p1)(Y1))θKθ(s)m∏

i=1‖xi‖(X0i ,X1i )θ ,


log Kθ(s) =∫R

P0(θ, t) log K0(t + s) dt +∫R

P1(θ, t) log K1(t + s) dt.M. Mastyło (UAM) Analytic families of multilinear operators 18 / 39

Page 16: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Main results

Lemma Let (X0,X1) be a couple of complex quasi-Banach lattices ona measure space (Ω,Σ, µ) such that X0 is p0-convex and X1 is p1-convex.Then for every 0 < θ < 1 we have

‖x‖X 1−θ0 Xθ1

¬ (M(p0)(X0))1−θ(M(p1)(X1))θ ‖x‖(X0,X1)θ , x ∈ X0 ∩ X1.

In particular (X0,X1) is an admissible quasi-Banach couple.

Lemma Let (X0,X1) be a couple of complex quasi-Banach lattices ona measure (Ω,Σ, µ). If xj ∈ Xj are such that |xj | (j = 0, 1) are boundedabove and their non-zero values have positive lower bounds, then

|x0|1−θ|x1|θ ∈ (X0,X1)θ

and ∥∥|x0|1−θ|x1|θ∥∥

(X0,X1)θ¬ ‖x0‖1−θ



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Page 17: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Main results

Corollary Let (X0,X1) be a couple of complex quasi-Banach lattices ona measure space (Ω,Σ, µ). If x ∈ X0 ∩ X1 has an order continuous norm inX 1−θ

0 X θ1 , then for every 0 < θ < 1,

‖x‖(X0,X1)θ ¬ ‖x‖X 1−θ0 Xθ1


Theorem Let (X0,X1) be a couple of complex quasi-Banach lattices ona measure space with nontrivial lattice convexity constants. If the spaceX 1−θ

0 X θ1 has order continuous quasi-norm, then

[X0,X1]θ = X 1−θ0 X θ


up equivalences of norms (isometrically, provided that lattice convexityconstants are equal to 1). In particular this holds if at least one of the spacesX0 or X1 is order continuous.

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Page 18: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Main results

Theorem For each 1 ¬ i ¬ m, let (X0i ,X1i ) be complex quasi-Banachfunction lattices and let Yj be complex pj -convex maximal quasi-Banachfunction lattices with pj -convexity constants equal 1 for j = 0, 1. Supposethat either X0i or X1i is order continuous for each 1 ¬ i ¬ m. Let T bea multilinear operator defined on (X01 + X11)× · · · × (X0m + X1m) andtaking values in Y0 + Y1 such that

T : Xi1 × · · · × Xim → Yi

is bounded with quasi-norm Mi for i = 0, 1. Then for 0 < θ < 1,

T : (X01)1−θ(X11)θ × · · · × (X0m)1−θ(X1m)θ → Y 1−θ0 Y θ


is bounded with the quasi-norm

‖T‖ ¬ M1−θ0 Mθ

1 .

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Page 19: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Main results

As an application we obtain the following interpolation theorem for operatorsproved by Kalton (1990), which was applied to study a problem in uniquenessof structure in quasi-Banach lattices (Kalton’s proof uses a deep theorem byNikishin and the theory of Hardy Hp-spaces on the unit disc).

Theorem Let (Ω1,Σ1, µ1) and (Ω2,Σ2, µ2) be measures spaces. Let Xi ,i = 0, 1, be complex pi -convex quasi-Banach lattices on (Ω1,Σ1, µ1) and letYi be complex pi -convex maximal quasi-Banach lattices on (Ω2,Σ2, µ2) withpi -convexity constants equal 1. Suppose that either X0 or X1 is ordercontinuous. Let T : X0 + X1 → L0(µ2) be a continuous operator such thatT (X0) ⊂ Y0 and T (X1) ⊂ Y1. Then for 0 < θ < 1,

T : X 1−θ0 X θ

1 → Y 1−θ0 Y θ


and‖T‖X 1−θ

0 Xθ1→Y 1−θ0 Y θ1

¬ ‖T‖1−θX0→Y0


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Page 20: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

The Lorentz space Lp,q := Lp,q(Ω) on a measure space (Ω,Σ, µ),0 < p <∞, 0 < q ¬ ∞ consists of all f ∈ L0(µ) such that

‖f ‖Lp,q :=

(∫ ∞


(t1/pf ∗(t)

)q dtt

)1/qif 0 < q <∞

supt>0 t1/pf ∗(t) if q =∞ .

• The decreasing rearrangement f ∗ of f with respect to µ is defined by

f ∗(t) = infs > 0; µf (s) ¬ t, t ­ 0,

whereµf (s) = µ(ω ∈ Ω; |f (ω)| > s), s > 0.

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Page 21: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

Lemma Let 0 < pj , qj <∞ and let Lpj ,qj for j = 0, 1 be Lorentz spaces on aninfinite nonatomic measure space (Ω,Σ, µ). Then for 0 < θ < 1 thequasi-norm of

Xθ := (Lp0,q0 )1−θ(Lp1,q1 )θ

is equivalent to that of Lp,q, where 1/p = (1− θ)/p0 + θ/p1 and1/q = (1− θ)/q0 + θ/q1. Moreover for all f ∈ Xθ we have

2−1/p ‖f ‖Lp,q ¬ ‖f ‖Xθ ¬21/p

(log 2)s ss(p1−θ0 pθ1 )s ‖f ‖Lp,q ,

where s = 1 whenever 1 < p0, p1 <∞ and 1 ¬ q0, q1 <∞ ands > max1/p0, 1/q0, 1/p1, 1/q1 otherwise.

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Page 22: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

Theorem Let (Ω1,Σ1, µ1) and (Ω2,Σ2, µ2) be measure spaces. For1 ¬ i ¬ m, fix 0 < q0, q1, q0i , q1i <∞, 0 < r0, r1, r0i , r1i ¬ ∞ and for0 < θ < 1, define q, r , qi , ri by setting


= 1− θq0i

+ θ



= 1− θr0i

+ θ


1q = 1− θ

q0+ θ


1r = 1− θ

r0+ θ


Assume that Xi is a dense linear subspace of Lq0i ,r0i (Ω1) ∩ Lq1i ,r1i (Ω1) andthat Tzz∈S is an admissible analytic family of multilinear operatorsTz : X1 × · · · × Xm → Lq0,r0 (Ω2) ∩ Lq1,r1 (Ω2). Suppose that for every(h1, ..., hm) ∈ X1 × · · · × Xm, t ∈ R and j = 0, 1, we have

‖Tj+it(h1, ..., hm)‖Lqj ,rj (Ω2) ¬ Kj(t)‖h1‖Lqj1,rj1 (Ω1) · · · ‖hm‖Lqjm,rjm (Ω1)

where Kj are Lebesgue measurable functions such that Kj ∈ Lpj (Pj(θ, ·) dt)for all θ ∈ (0, 1), where pj is chosen so that 0 < pj < qj and pj ¬ rj for eachj = 0, 1.

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Page 23: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

Then for all (f1, ..., fm) ∈ X1 × · · · × Xm, 0 < θ < 1, and s ∈ R we have

‖Tθ+is(f1, ..., fm)‖(Lq0,r0 ,Lq1,r1 )θ ¬ Cθ Kθ(s)m∏

i=1‖fi‖(Lq0,r0 ,Lq1,r1 )θ ,

whereC(θ) :=

( q0q0 − p0

) 1−θp0( q1

q1 − p1

) θp1,

log Kθ(s) =∫R

P0(θ, t) log K0(t + s) dt +∫R

P1(θ, t) log K1(t + s) dt.

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Page 24: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

If in addition the measures spaces are infinite and nonatomic, then for all(f1, ..., fm) in X1 × · · · × Xm and s ∈ R, and 0 < θ < 1 we have

‖Tθ+is(f1, ..., fm)‖Lq,r (Ω2) ¬ C( q0

q0 − p0

) 1−θp0( q1

q1 − p1

) θp1 Kθ(s)

m∏i=1‖fi‖Lqi ,ri (Ω1),

whereC = 2

1q +∑m


(u q1−θ

0 qθ1log 2


with u = 1 if 1 < q0, q1 <∞ and 1 ¬ r0, r1 ¬ ∞, whileu > max1/q0, 1/q1, 1/r0, 1/r1 otherwise.

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Page 25: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

Suppose that there is an operator M defined on a linear subspace of L0(Ω,Σ, µ)taking values in L0(Ω,Σ, µ) such that:

(a) For j = 0 and j = 1 the function (t, x) 7→ M(h(j + it, ·))(x), (t, x) ∈ R× Ωis L × Σ-measurable for any function h : ∂S × Ω→ C such thatω 7→ h(j + it, ω) is Σ-measurable for almost all t ∈ R.

(b) M(λh)(ω) = |λ|M(h)(ω) for all λ ∈ C.(c) For every function h as in above there is an exceptional set Eh ∈ Σ with

µ(Eh) = 0 such that for j ∈ 0, 1

M(∫ ∞−∞

h(j + it, ·)Pj(θ, t) dt)

(ω) ¬∫ ∞−∞M(h(t, ·))(ω)Pj(θ, t) dt

for all θ ∈ (0, 1), and all ω /∈ Eh. Moreover, Eψh = Eh for every analyticfunction ψ on S which is bounded on S.

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Page 26: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

For each 1 ¬ i ¬ m, let X i = (X0i ,X1i ) be admissible couples ofquasi-Banach spaces, and let (Y0,Y1) be a couple of complex maximalquasi-Banach lattices on a measure space (Ω,Σ, µ) such that each Yj ispj -convex for j = 0, 1. Assume that Xi is a dense linear subspace of X0i ∩ X1ifor each 1 ¬ i ¬ m, and that Tzz∈S is an admissible analytic family ofmultilinear operators Tz : X1 × · · · × Xm → Y0 ∩ Y1. Assume that M isdefined on the range of Tz , takes values in L0(Ω,Σ, µ), and satisfiesconditions (a), (b) and (c).

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Page 27: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

Theorem Suppose that for every (x1, ..., xm) ∈ X1 × · · · × Xm, t ∈ R and

‖M(Tj+it(x1, ..., xm))‖Yj ¬ Kj(t)‖x1‖Xj1 · · · ‖xm‖Xjm , j = 0, 1,

where Kj are Lebesgue measurable functions such that Kj ∈ Lpj (Pj(θ, ·) dt)for all θ ∈ (0, 1). Then for all (x1, ..., xm) ∈ X1 × · · · × Xm, s ∈ R, and0 < θ < 1,

‖M(Tθ+is(x1, ..., xm))‖Y 1−θ0 Y θ1

¬ Cθ Kθ(s)m∏

i=1‖xi‖(X0i ,X1i )θ ,

whereCθ = (M(p0)(Y0))1−θ(M(p1)(Y1))θ,

log Kθ(s) =∫R

P0(θ, t) log K0(t + s) dt +∫R

P1(θ, t) log K1(t + s) dt.

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Page 28: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

• If φ is a C∞(Rn) function with a compact support, φδ(x) = δ−nϕ(x/δ) forall x ∈ Rn.

Mh(x) := supδ>0|(φδ ∗ h)(x)|, x ∈ Rn.

• Y0 = Lp0 , Y1 = Lp1 , in which case Y 1−θ0 Y θ

1 = Lp, 1/p = (1− θ)/p0 + θ/p1.

Definition The classical Hardy space Hp of Fefferman and Stein is defined by

‖h‖Hp := ‖M(h)‖Lp .

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Page 29: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

Applications to Lorentz and Hardy spaces

Corollary If Tz is an admissible analytic family is such that

‖Tj+it(x1, ..., xm)‖Hpj ¬ Kj(t)‖x1‖Xj1 · · · ‖xm‖Xjm , j = 0, 1,


‖Tθ+s(x1, ..., xm)‖Hp ¬ Kθ(s)m∏

i=1‖xi‖(X0i ,X1i )θ

for 0 < p0, p1 <∞, s ∈ R, and 0 < θ < 1. Analogous estimates hold for theHardy-Lorentz spaces Hq,r where estimates of the form

‖Tj+it(x1, ..., xm)‖Hqj ,rj ¬ Kj(t)‖x1‖Xj1 · · · ‖xm‖Xjm

for admissible analytic families Tz when j = 0, 1 imply

‖Tθ+is(x1, ..., xm)‖Hq,r ¬ C Kθ(s)m∏

i=1‖xi‖(X0i ,X1i )θ ,

where 0 < pj < qj <∞, pj ¬ rj ¬ ∞ and 1/q = (1− θ)/q0 + θ/q1,1/r = (1− θ)/r0 + θ/r1 while u = 1 if 1 < q0, q1 <∞ and 1 ¬ r0, r1 ¬ ∞and u > max1/q0, 1/q1, 1/r0, 1/r1 otherwise.

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Page 30: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

An application to the bilinear Bochner-Riesz operators

An application to the bilinear Bochner-Rieszoperators

Stein’s motivation to study analytic families of operators might have been thestudy of the Bochner-Riesz operators

Bδ(f )(x) :=∫|ξ|¬1

(1− |ξ|2

)δ f (ξ)e2πi〈x ,ξ〉 dξ, f ∈ S(Rn).

in which the “smoothness” variable δ affects the degree p of integrability ofBδ(f ) on Lp(Rn).

Remark Using interpolation for analytic families of operators, Stein showedthat whenever δ > (n − 1)

∣∣ 1p −

12∣∣, then

Bδ : Lp(Rn)→ Lp(Rn)

is bounded for every 1 ¬ p ¬ ∞.

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Page 31: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

An application to the bilinear Bochner-Riesz operators

• The bilinear Bochner-Riesz operators are defined on S × S by

Sδ(f , g)(x) :=∫∫|ξ|2+|η|2¬1

(1− |ξ|2 − |η|2

)δ f (ξ)g(η)e2πi〈x ,ξ+η〉 dξdη

for every f , g ∈ S.

• The bilinear Bochner-Riesz means Sz is defined by

Sz (f , g)(x) =∫ ∫

Kz (x − y1, x − y2)f (y1)g(y2)dy1 dy2,

where that the kernel of Kδ+it is given by

Kδ+it(x1, x2) = Γ(δ + 1 + it)πδ+it

Jδ+it+n(2π|x |)|x |δ+it+n , x = (x1, x2).

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Page 32: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

An application to the bilinear Bochner-Riesz operators

If δ > n − 1/2, then using known asymptotics for Bessel functions we havethat this kernel satisfies an estimate of the form:

|Kδ+it(x1, x2)| ¬ C(n + δ + it)(1 + |x |)δ+n+1/2 ,

where C(n + δ + it) is a constant that satisfies

C(n + δ + it) ¬ Cn+δeB |t|2

for some B > 0 and so we have

|Kδ+it(x1, x2)| ¬ Cn+δ eB|t|2 1(1 + |x1|)n+ε

1(1 + |x2|)n+ε ,

with ε = 12 (δ − n − 1/2). It follows that the bilinear operator Sδ+it is

bounded by a product of two linear operators, each of which has a goodintegrable kernel. It follows that

Sδ+it : L1 × L1 → L1/2

with constant K1(t) ¬ C ′n+δeB|t|2 whenever δ > n − 1/2.M. Mastyło (UAM) Analytic families of multilinear operators 37 / 39

Page 33: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

An application to the bilinear Bochner-Riesz operators

Theorem Let 1 < p < 2. For any λ > (2n − 1)( 1

p −12)

Sλ : Lp(Rn)× Lp(Rn)→ Lp/2(Rn) is bounded .

Proof. We apply the main Theorem with (X01,X11) = (X02,X12) := (L2, L1),(Y0,Y1) := (L1, L1/2) and X1 = X2 the space of Schwartz functions on Rn,which is dense in L1 and L2. We fix δ > 0 and we consider the bilinearanalytic family Tzz∈S , where Tz := S(n− 1

2 )z+δ for all z ∈ S. We claim thatthis family is admissible. Indeed, for f , g Schwartz functions we have

Tz (f , g)(x) =∫∫|ξ|2+|η|2¬1

(1− |ξ|2 − |η|2

)(n− 12 )z+δ f (ξ)g(η)e2πi〈x ,ξ+η〉 dξdη, x ∈ Rn,

and the map z 7→ Tz (f , g) is analytic in S, continuous and bounded on S,and jointly measurable in (t, x) when z = it or z = 1 + it. Moreover, for allx ∈ Rn we have


log |Tz (f , g)(x)|eα|Im z| <∞, f , g ∈ S

with α = 0 < π; in fact |Tz (f , g)(x)| ¬ ‖f ‖L1‖g ‖L1 .M. Mastyło (UAM) Analytic families of multilinear operators 38 / 39

Page 34: Analytic families of multilinear operatorsAnalytic families of multilinear operators ... applications in harmonic analysis. This theorem provides a generalization of the classical

An application to the bilinear Bochner-Riesz operators

Based on the preceding discussion, we have that when Re z = 0, Tz mapsL2 × L2 to L1 with constant K0(t) ¬ Cn,δec |t|2 for some Cn,δ, c > 0. We alsohave that when Re z = 1, Tz maps L1 × L1 to L1/2 with constantK1(t) ¬ C ′n,δeB |t|2 for some C ′n,δ, B > 0. We notice that for these functionsKi (t) we have that the constant K (θ, 1, 1/2) <∞; in this case θ = 2( 1

p −12 ).

An application of the main Theorem yields that

Sλ : Lp(Rn)× Lp(Rn)→ Lp/2(Rn)

provided λ = 2(n − 12 ) ( 1

p −12 ) + δ > (2n − 1)( 1

p −12 ).

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