analytics toolbox

Analytics Toolbox What can Analytics do for me?

Upload: douglas-cohen

Post on 23-Jan-2015




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Description of some data mining, visualization & machine learning techniques applied to game business intelligence.


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Analytics Toolbox

What can Analytics do for me?

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Retention Engineering

● How can we better understand Retention?○ Survival Analysis

■ Well understood branch of analysis■ Used heavily in social and life sciences

○ Survival vs Returns■ Returns - return frequency per cohort■ Survival - active users per cohort

○ Hazard Ratios■ Relative risk of an event■ Helps us decide which events are correlated with

survival and which are correlated with churn■ Used in biomedical field to understand drug risks

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Retention Engineering

Survival Curves - better resolution for cohort differences

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Retention Engineering

● How can this be applied to games?○ Hazard Ratio by Level○ Hazard Ratio for New User Flow

■ Identify drop off steps for dynamic user funnels■ Find key steps in users first session

○ Monetization Funnel■ Pivot our point of origin from the days since install to

the days since first purchase■ Active users are defined by their last purchase date

○ Interpret AB test results■ Understand impact of AB test changes by observing

differences in Hazard Ratios○ Expected User Lifetime

■ Build expectations using user level, days since install, activity within game, etc.

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Retention Engineering

Key Points: First Gate Level 7, Second Gate Level 25

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User Surveys

● Why do people play our games? Let's ask...○ Orthogonal Data Source

■ Independent method to characterize users■ Even more powerful when used with behavior data

○ Net Promoter Score (NPS)■ How likely are you to recommend Product X to a

friend or colleague? - Response [0-10]■ Simple way to track customer satisfaction

○ Gamer Profiles■ Break users into groups based on their motives■ Bartle Test :Killer, Socializer, Explorer, Achiever

○ Addiction versus Engagement■ Are our Whales addicted or highly engaged?

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User SurveysCalculated Net Promoter Scores

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User Surveys

● Advancement○ Acquiring rare items that most players will never have.

● Escapism○ How often do you play to relax from the day's work?

● Addiction vs Engagement (Yes or No)○ I often feel that I spend more money than I can afford on

Game X.○ I would hate to go without playing Game X for more than

a few days.○ I often fail to get enough sleep because of playing Game

X.○ I feel happy at the thought of playing Game X.

● Role-Playing○ How often do you make up stories and histories for

your characters?

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User Surveys

We interpret results using Principal Components Analysis. Breaks the survey results into simple, interpretable pieces.

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User SurveysMy Bartle Profile

Motivations of Play in MMORPGs

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User SurveysAsheron's Call Survey Results

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● Why segment users? The Flaw of Averages.○ Purchase Behavior

■ Whales, Sharks, Minnows, Guppies○ Retention

■ First Day Drops versus Sticky Users○ Engagement

■ Number of Clicks as a proxy for Activity Level○ Game Behavior

■ Affinities to particular Game Components○ Facebook Profiles

■ Break up users based on keywords from profiles○ Prizm Codes

■ Marketing Segments defined by Nielsen

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Segmentation Example Prizm Codes

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● We segmented them ... so what?○ Valuable way to interpret AB test results

■ Not all groups react the same to changes■ An average would leave that uncovered

○ Logistic Regression■ Identify factors that are predictive for each group■ Odds ratio

■ Relative measure of group probability ○ Clustering (similar to PCA)

■ Algorithmically detect patterns among segments○ Bayes Networks�

■ Network of IF-THEN/ELSE conditions■ Understand connections between segments

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Discover what variables best separate our user segments

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Economy Balancing

● How do detect economy imbalances?○ Sources & Sinks

■ Basic Accounting track debits and credits■ Segment by relevant time measures

○ Fluid Dynamics■ Analogy: Water flowing in & out of a bucket■ Track the velocity of flow

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Economy Balancing Fluid Mechanics Analogy● Segment by progression

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Economy Balancing

Segment by Level, Days Since Install, Minutes of Gameplay, ...

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Economy Balancing Tune specific sources & sinks

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Everything Else

● Troubleshooting (Game Change Log)● Taxonomies

○ Qualitative way to compare intra & inter game○ Item Sales Classification○ Viral Message Classification

● Path Analysis○ State Space Models

■ Each user has a unique sequence of events, DNA■ Compress the event sequence to know probabilities■ Know what the probability of a buy event at a given

point in time given a user's DNA

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Path Analysis

Uses well understood mathematics to reduce user event sequences to event probabilities, very actionable data.

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El Fin.

Analytics is insight.