anatoliy pavlenko elektrosmog

Anatoliy Pavlenko "Computer TV and health" Problem solution Fourth Edition, Corrected and Updated Kyiv «Osnova» 2002 Today’s world, and moreover, tomorrow’s, is difficult to imagine without computers, TV and other electronic equipment. The above mentioned modem devices and equipment produce weak Electrical and Magnetic variable fields in wide frequency range . As these fields are considerably smaller than Static Magnetic field of Earth and it’s Electrical field, it was difficult to assume that these fields are harmful for health. Due to this reason, the research in this field did not get much support. Investigation in the last few years showed, that Electromagnetic Irradiation from above mentioned electronic devices are accompanied by the torsion component, carrying information about the processes which have taken place in itself or in other electronic device. Torsion fields possess high penetrating quality and cannot be stopped by any kind of screening. Their influence on the users is dangerous for health and constant influence can lead to various diseases. Accessible in the book is laid conception of protection from negative influence of Geopathogenic Zones Natural Torsion Fields, Monitors of Personal Gonputers, Televisions, other electronic devices and also the results of tests and trials of the device “FORPOST -1”. (BIOGUARD 1). This monograph is aimed for wide circle of people with the aim of warning users of Personal Computers, Televisions and other Electronic Technology, that ignorance of already known simple methods of protection from negative influence of above mentioned technology threatens and is non-beneficial consequence for health. Content Introduction Chapter 1. Torsion fields - the second coming into science. 1.1.Torsion fields, what is waiting for us in them? 1.2. The main items of torsion fields conception. A short review of scientific literature which. Chapter 2. The work with a computer.

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Anatoliy Pavlenko "Computer TV and health"

Problem solution Fourth Edition, Corrected and Updated

Kyiv «Osnova» 2002

Today’s world, and moreover, tomorrow’s, is difficult to imagine without computers, TV and other electronic equipment. The above mentioned modem devices and equipment produce weak Electrical and Magnetic variable fields in wide frequency range . As these fields are considerably smaller than Static Magnetic field of Earth and it’s Electrical field, it was difficult to assume that these fields are harmful for health. Due to this reason, the research in this field did not get much support. Investigation in the last few years showed, that Electromagnetic Irradiation from above mentioned electronic devices are accompanied by the torsion component, carrying information about the processes which have taken place in itself or in other electronic device. Torsion fields possess high penetrating quality and cannot be stopped by any kind of screening. Their influence on the users is dangerous for health and constant influence can lead to various diseases. Accessible in the book is laid conception of protection from negative influence of Geopathogenic Zones Natural Torsion Fields, Monitors of Personal Gonputers, Televisions, other electronic devices and also the results of tests and trials of the device “FORPOST -1”. (BIOGUARD 1). This monograph is aimed for wide circle of people with the aim of warning users of Personal Computers, Televisions and other Electronic Technology, that ignorance of already known simple methods of protection from negative influence of above mentioned technology threatens and is non-beneficial consequence for health.



Chapter 1. Torsion fields - the second coming into science.

1.1.Torsion fields, what is waiting for us in them? 1.2. The main items of torsion fields conception. A short review of scientific literature which.

Chapter 2. The work with a computer.

2.1.The main known factors of risk and health disturbances. 2.2. The factors of computer influence on human. 2.3. The computer stress syndrome. 2.4. Computer and children health.

Chapter 3. PC displays, TV sets, other electronic equipment - generators of electromagnetic and torsion fields.

3.1. Display as a source of electromagnetic radiation. Computer electromagnetic radiation. 3.2. Safe levels of radiation.

Chapter 4. The position and problems of computer safety in different countries.

4.1. Sweden 4.2. The USA 4.3. Germany and Austria 4.4. Switzerland 4.5. Australia 4.6. China 4.7. England 4.8. Russia 4.9. Uzbekistan 4.10. Ukraine 4.11. France

Chapter 5. PC monitors, TV sets and other electronic equipment - the generators of torsion fields.

Chapter 6. The experimental investigation of the manifestations of PC displays, TV sets torsion field negative impact on human.

Chapter 7. The possible mechanisms of negative influence of left torsion fields on a human.

Chapter 8. The protection of PC displays and TV sets users from a negative impact of torsion component of electromagnetic radiation.

8.1. Individual protection. 8.2. The methods of collective protection against PC displays torsion fields negative influence.

Chapter 9. The main practical aims of the study of torsion fields influence on a human.

Chapter 10. Conclusions

Chapter 11. Some practical recommendations.

Chapter 12. In place of epilogue.

The list of abbreviations

The list of the literature.

Chapter 1. Torsion fields - the second coming into science.

1.1.Torsion fields, what is waiting for us in them? �The naturalism and materialism of mind took root into a human accepting only the facts existing in the reality. This mind respects solely the phenomenon called �science�. The supporters of this idol are recognized by the preference given to the term �scientific�. Any opinion they do not agree with is rejected as non-scientific. However, they have a lot of explanations for this. The science has made such striking steps that its admirers have what to lose their heads from. Our science is a drop of water while our ignorance is an ocean. If we have something we can be sure about then this is the fact that the world of our physical knowledge is surrounded by much bigger world we can�t form any definite conception about� (William James, 1895). The mankind lived all the time without science; nothing threatened it except the wars, epidemics, and some natural factors. But with the appearance and development of science the danger of its self-destruction appeared. In the era of scientific and technical revolution, when it seems that technology and science are to prevail on the entire life, the science directed its interests mainly at the learning of the external world without learning human aspects within the confines of scientific and technical revolution seeing it only as biological object or an element of sociological research. Thus, it is turning the main value orientation- on a human- upside down. Thanks to scientific and technical revolution the modern society reached the high technologic level of the main human activity branches resulting in the appearance of new condition of objective reality. The learning of its regularities including human problems is the top-priority aim of the science. The results of scientific and technical revolution called to serve to the human become aggressive towards its creator. Some scientists think that ecological man-caused disbalance assumed so deep character that at the present development speed and available technology it threatens the very human existence. The destructive side of scientific and technical revolution causing the present ecological situation on the Earth is the basis for more critical attitude towards the science; however, traditional practical aspirations of the science are intensively encouraged. But the mankind should die neither in the name of the science nor because of the thoughtless scientific and technical progress, no matter however quick it is. The search for a way-out from the present critical situation connected with ecological man-caused disbalance led the modern scientists to the possible efficient decisions of this problem. Thanks to the ideas of French mathematician E.Cartane who in 1913 showed the existence of the fields created by the tightness of angular moment of rotation, we now have the possibility to overcome the above-mentioned ecological man-caused disbalance. So-called torsion fields are meant, they are created by any rotating object which is familiar to the phenomenon when any object having mass creates gravitation field.

It was the first mention about torsion fields that was their first coming into the science. To be just, the author should mention that some scientists intuitively felt the presence of such fields. The great surgeon and scientist N. I. Pirogov wrote in his book �The questions of life�: �My weak mind producing its analysis of a matter, dividing it on the atoms can�t stop on them and in the end imperceptibly, unwillingly moves from them to something else what has all the negative features of a matter. My intellectual analysis fatally comes to the necessity to accept something permeable OUT of atoms, everywhere penetrating, undivided, amorphous, constantly moving and by these features providing the motion which amasses, unpastes atoms, organizing that or another kind depending on in which and through which form of matter it penetrates.� The characteristics �of something penetrating� are related to a great extent to the characteristics of torsion fields. Mendeleev D. I. - a supporter of the ether - said that he had recognized the matter of ether by the ability to penetrate into all matters, and �by the inability to make any stable chemical compound with ordinary atoms. Therefore, the world ether can be presented (like helium or argon) as unable to produce chemical compounds�. He even kept the space in the Table for zero elements, giving it the name �newtonium�. At the same time Mendeleev set a concrete aim - �to enclose the real periodical system by a limit or border of lower size of atoms�. The science collided with the manifestation of different torsion fields� features quite often and the existent variety of approaches to the formation of torsion fields theory shows that the theory is very far from the perfection. The interest to the torsion fields has especially increased for the last time; this can be proved by the numerous publications, conferences and public lectures. At the first decade of July 1998 The First International Congress �Bioenergetic informatics (Mountain Altai)� was hold; the participants heard the reports and information on physics, technology and application of torsion fields. Torsion technologies - the technologies of XXI century - are based on the application of torsion fields of rotation - a new, although always existing in the nature, but scantily explored type of torsion fields. Torsion fields carry information about processes taking place in the physical objects. They are not absorped by mediums because they have nonelectromagnetic nature, although they appear, for example, together with electromagnetic radiation. Their energy is approaching to zero while the speed of spreading can vary from 0 to 109 km/s depending on a kind of torsion field source. Among the programs basing on the torsion fields theory, which can be seen fulfilled in the nearest future, there are: • the research programs of the creation technique of ecologically pure, resources preserving technologies, systems and means of non-traditional highly effective energy supply; • the programs of the study of torsion fields influence on the properties of materials with the aim of development of production technologies of materials with given properties; • the programs of production of torsion equipment for other branches of national economy; • the programs of increasing of crop capacity and cattle breeding production; • the programs of foodstuff shelf life extension and other technologies, systems and facilities which provide the preserving of biotope and rational use of natural resources. The reliable results of the experiments and their realization in some branches of technology and production (for example, the experiments which showed a significant

influence of torsion fields on the increase of steel, silumin solidity and flexibility) prove the possibility to use torsion fields in different branches of practical activity. However, one of the main directions of torsion fields research is medico-biologic, as torsion technologies display some degree of aggression towards the human. The notion �torsion field� has a wide range of application: this is the fields caused by geometrical shape of an object (the field inside of an item, object), as well as radiation of geopathogenic zones, as well as torsion components of electromagnetic radiation from TV-sets, displays, and other equipment. It is advisable to begin the examination of the problem of negative impact of these fields on the human from the natural torsion fields - geopathogenic zones. There are a number of publications that connect long stay of a human in a geopathogenic zones with a threat to his health. �Geopathogenic zones� - is the appellation for local region of the surface where some species of animals as well as humans experience insensible stressful influence which leads to the appearance of different functional disorders, decrease of immunity [17,39,40,55,59,60]. In other words, geopathogenic zones are the regions of the surface where we can observe an abnormal radiation, which causes pathological condition of animate organisms, particularly of a human one. The Earth is a complex dynamic structure which peculiarities are studied in a fuller measure only now. It is influenced by space forces as well as by factors of terrestrial origin: hydrodynamic phenomena, geological fissures, etc. This complex interaction creates an energy-power frame - the system of lines, strips, zones and nets. The most stretched in area and most hazardous for the human zones is so-called geobiological net (the net of geopathogenic zones), which covers entirely the Earth. Moreover, the sources of geopathogenic zones are fissures in the earth's crust, karst vacuums and in many cases subterranean waters. On a fundamental scientific level the nature of geopathogenic zones is connected with a classical spin, i.e. these zones are the variant of torsion fields [2]. At the same time researchers of torsion fields pay attention to the fact that mentioned fields are produced by the angular moment of rotation or by classical spin and not by magnetic moment. The human is under a negative impact of geopathogenic zones in the result of the fact that he or she has to stay for a long time at a working place or in a dwelling which are situated directly at geopathogenic zones. As it was said above, the nature of geopathogenic zones is torsion; therefore, it is advisable to examine more minutely what the torsion fields are.

1.2. The main items of torsion fields conception.

A short review of scientific literature which. V. de Sabbata and K. Vivaran at the journals �Nuevo Chimento�(1989) and �International Journal of Theoretical Physics� (1990) present the observation of powerful spin-torsion interaction during the dispersion of polarized proton beam and about the discovery of torsion interactions as the fifth force. In 1976 A. Tam and V. Happer discovered that during the passing of two polarized laser beams through the pairs of natrium atoms these beams gravitate, provided they are polarized equally, or repel if they are opposite polarized. P. Nike and T. Pradan explained this fact by axial-vector torsion interaction. M. Leduk and B. Kasten observed the spin interaction of atom nuclei in quantum liquid - polarized helium-3. (�The Research�, 1988). H.

Hayasaka and S. Takeuchi discovered the alteration in masses of rotating gyroscopes (�Physical Review Letters�, 1989). The effect was observed only in the case of right rotation of gyroscopes. This gyroscope effect was observed as well by other authors (N. A. Kozirev, S. M. Polyakov and O.S. Polyakov, I. Akira, etc.). There is the way of experimental investigation conducted according to the Atvesh�s methodology with the aim to prove the existence of the fifth force. (A. Fishman, �Annals of Physics�, 1988). The list of experimental works where the convincing evidences of the existence of the fifth fundamental interaction were obtained can be prolonged. At the Institute of Material Authority Problems (Kyiv, Ukraine) scientists conducted the researches of spinor radiation influence on the crystallization process during the cooling of metal melt that showed neatly expressed structural changes of metals, the alteration of their physical qualities. It is stated at the report of State University of Telecommunication called after prof. M. A. Bonch - Bruevich (Saint Petersburg) that the scientists discovered the response of microcrystal forming in a powerful electric field on torsion radiation. At the Chernovitskiy State University the scientists researched the problems of torsion radiation registrars creation and the influence of these radiation on the objects with changing conditions of magnetic subsystem. At all cases the positive results were obtained. And one more report on the work fulfilled at the Institute of Medical Problems of the North (Krasnoyarsk, Russia). The authors came to the following conclusions: �It is determined that the influence of torsion field on a human organism and the dredge of lymphocytes of peripheral blood evokes the alteration in the intracellular exchange processes depending on the individual qualities of organism regulation�. The models of polarized conditions of Physical Vacuum and torsion field. At the modern science different models of Physical Vacuum (for example, Urnu�s vacuum, Bulvar�s vacuum, etc.) and conception connected with its polarization are used. Hypotheses are numerous and each has the right to exist as all of them try to highlight if not the entire problem then its part. That is the value of scientific search. So, the work [71] deals with the problems of polarization of Physical Vacuum under the influence of the waves with longitudinal component of electric field and appearance of these waves during so-called plasma-vacuum effect. It should be mentioned about the model of space (Physical Vacuum) proposed by Vladimir Leonov, a candidate of technical science, a winner of Prize of Russian Federation in the sphere of science and technology. If we talk about a structure of any physical object, about how it is organized, then we have to define its elementary particle. For material objects this is an atom - the smallest part of a matter that preserves its qualities. For a unit cell of space now no generally accepted name exists. The Leonov�s mathematical model of a unit cell of space is characterized by four physical rows - two electric (plus-minus), and two magnetic (north-south). These charges are in the form of tetrahedron where electric and magnetic axes are perpendicular. Thus, the model includes physical as well as geometrical senses. Leonov called it �geometrical quadrupole� where the electricity and magnetism are joined into one particle. A reservation have to be made: a mathematical modeling of any phenomenon does not obviously guarantee that such phenomenon actually exists, but it makes other scientists search arguments �for� and �against� and thus objectively widens the bounds of known. According to Leonov, during the collapse of two oppositely charged elementary particles, for example, an electron and positron, there is not only annihilation explosion giving birth to a photon, but also a new particle is generated which later �impregnated� by any another particle with biggest energy will produce - materialize -

an electron and a positron. It can be supposed that during the collapse of two oppositely charged elementary particles a new-formed particle serves as �plan�, �matrix� of materialization from vacuum (i.e. this particle carries information in non-displayed form, i.e. this information is �in potential�, in encoded form which meaning is concealed from a human consciousness). Leonov considers this information as power-informational binary unit. This information is peculiar a priori to all elements of the World as its developing potential level. The investigations connected with the study of sole physical space - micro time - and macrocosm allowed V. S. Smirnov (S. -Petersburg) to put forward the hypothesis according to which a photon is a pair of an electron and positron joined into one space (as a photon is generated during the annihilation of an electron and positron). The circular renewable processes constantly occur between an electron and positron. The calculations show that Compton wavelength of an electron is equal to photon wavelength because an electron is a half of a single particle - photon. The appearance of torsion fields can be explained with the help of Physical Vacuum model proposed by A. E. Akimov, which is P. Dirac�s electron-positron model of Physical Vacuum in an altered interpretation [1]. Lets make some preliminary remarks. In the experimental nuclear plant a high-energy photon going near a heavy atom nucleus leaves a print on film - track - in such a way as if it spontaneously became a pair �particle-antiparticle� (electron and positron), i.e. a photon is transformed into a pair of mirror-image particles. This process is opposite to the process of annihilation when particle and antiparticle during the interaction �destroy� each other freeing a great quantity of energy. As a result of annihilation of electron-positron pair the rest mass turns into electromagnetic radiation accompanied by torsion component. It is known that electron and positron possess spin �S as well as electric and dipole moments �M and �D which are definitely oriented relatively to each other; there where the annihilation took place an element of a material space with the structure of Physical Vacuum stays, it includes a pair of enclosed in each other wave packets of particles with oppositely directed spins. This material space constitutes some matrix of a possible birth of electron and positron from Physical Vacuum in the case of their interaction with particles with high energy. At that the birth of real matter from Physical Vacuum occurs, i.e. matter comes from virtual to real condition. It is possible that the origin of matrix is connected with the phenomenon of forms generation from initial movement and with the process of created forms self-preservation. In the mentioned matrix there is an informational component providing corresponding characteristics of an electron and positron in the case of their materialization. In accordance with [28] the neutral electromagnetic field remains there where the annihilation took place, it has the dimensionality of energy flow tightness that conforms well to above-mentioned information. Furthermore, it was defined that electron and positron at the magnetic field rotate on a spiral in the opposite directions. These and other facts allow to choose the A. E. Akimov�s model as the base model of Physical Vacuum. In accordance with this model Physical Vacuum is defined as material environment isotropicly filling all the space (the matter as well as free space), unobserved (on average and in time) in imperturbable condition. The mentioned space consists of the elements formed by the pairs of particles and antiparticles (according to P. Dirak - elecron-positron pairs).

Depending on the only demand - the fact of �inobservability� of Physical Vacuum in imperturbable condition the system particle-antiparticle has to satisfy following conditions: • if voluminal dispensing of charges in a particle and corresponding antiparticle is the same than the genuine charge neutrality will be provided only in the case when in the present system the particle and antiparticle will be enclosed into each other while the system will be genuinely electro-neutral. • taking into account the demand of �unobservability� in the presented system there is a need to have as well the spins compensated and the system itself can be presented as a pair of enclosed into each other particles with oppositely directed spins (SR and SL); as a result of genuine electro-neutrality and contradiction of spins such system will not possess the magnetic moment; • the system particle-antiparticle have to possess a set of quantum energy levels as there is an experimentally proved fact of a particle and antiparticle pair birth from Physical Vacuum at the corresponding choice of stream energy - quanta. The system of particles and antiparticles with stated qualities is called phyton (Fig.1), while the space formed by the compact arrangement of phytons is called Physical Vacuum (Fig.2). It should be underlined that with the help of presented approach we obtain a convenient, although different from modern conceptions, simple model of Physical Vacuum that allows to explain many phenomena unexplainable from the position of the traditional approach. Let�s consider the situation connected with Physical Vacuum disturbance by a charge +Q. In this case in the surrounding space there will be the charge polarization schematically shown on Fig.3. For an external observer a charge polarized Physical Vacuum will be interpreted as electrostatic field. In the case when the source of disturbance is classic spin or the tightness of angular moment of rotation on microscopical level then the polarization of Physical Vacuum goes in such a way: if the source of disturbance has the spin shown on the Fig.4, a, b, then every phyton�s spin oriented oppositely to the spin of the source experiences inversion in the plane which is transversal to normal on the source of disturbance. As a result, at some space surrounding the source of disturbance Physical Vacuum will be in the condition of spin transversal polarization, at the same time the size of polarized space is connected in a definite way with the value of disturbance factor. The space orientation of a remanent spin field is shown on the Fig.5. Taking into account the fact that torsion fields have a spin nature in the proposed model, one should expect that qualities of these fields essentially differ from qualities of other fields. Indeed, torsion field is screened by artificial materials, which have orthonormalized topology of structure, and not by nature environments. On the level of matter nuclear spins as well as full atom moment can serve as initial sources of torsion field. It is obvious that all matters have some initial spin ordering. Thus all the substances of abiocoen have own torsion fields, which are the collective manifestation of ordered atomic, and nucleus spins on the microscopic level. For this it is needed that nucleus and/or atomic spins would be parallel and monodirectional. Taking this into account the collective torsion field of an object will have the space orientation shown on the Fig.6. As charge polarization leads to charge and spin nonequilibrium, torsion field always appears at all space where electrostatic field appears and simultaneously with it. Thus, any permanent magnet possesses torsion field aside from magnetic field. On the Fig.7 there is the diagram of permanent magnet collective torsion field directedness comparatively to its magnetic field. During the magnetization of a

ferromagnet there is the ordering of space orientation of molecular current which creates the initial magnetic fields that leads as well to ordering of classic spins generated by electrons movement at the annular molecular currents. The torsion field of water occupies the special place in the variety of torsion fields. According to the hydro-magnetic conception of bioinformational exchange [30] the water of atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere being in the geomagnetic field is also a source of right and left torsion fields of spin nature. As magnetic field and water are everywhere on the Earth and in the universe, torsion field of water has a global background character and is one of the reasons of geomagnetic anomalies formation and manifestation. The authors of the hydro-magnetic conception think that during the study of torsion fields the problems of their coherent radiation and absorption are of a great interest. Thus, the sources of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields are the sources of torsion fields as well. The deduction that torsion fields always accompany electromagnetic manifestations is extremely important for a big number of applied problems; particularly, this deductions will be used while describing the mechanism of negative impact of displays, TV sets and other electronic equipment on the human. One more class of fields natural sources is formed by geometrical shapes of different matters, i.e. produced by local features of topology of that or another object of space [18]. In accordance with the mentioned models one can suppose that a reaction on the topological disturbance of Physical Vacuum is such redistribution of torsion fields about this object that compensates this disturbance. The examples of space configuration of torsion fields generated by the effect of shapes are presented on the Fig.8: a- the torsion field of a cone, b- the torsion field of a cylinder which altitude is less then its radius. Besides, physical objects are known to have the �field� activity (structures, devices, matters, objects, physical fields, etc.), for example laser beam - highly coherent electromagnetic fields in the visible spectral range; it is also have informational influence upon the human. A fundamental conception in the problem being examined is the scientific category of information. For more than two thousand years information was understood as message transmission and only with the appearance of cybernetics and later informatics it is considered as independent fundamental category. Nowadays information along with the notion of matter and energy is considered as the most important characteristics of human activity. The notion of information is polysemantic and has many definitions opening that or another detail of this notion. The understanding of information as reflected variety appeared to be the widest. In the broad sense by information the main part or side of such attribute of matter, as reflection is understood. Its peculiar feature is that it can be realized, transferred and it can participate in other forms of movement which are incarnated in nature and society as well as in created informational - cybernetic equipment, particularly in a computer [68]. Such understanding of information allows to say that information is a feature of not only the highest forms of matter organization but as well of the fundamental universe itself (along with matter and energy). The modern level of scientific knowledge allows connecting the development of matter from inanimate to animate with the processes of reflection and with accumulation of valuable information. As an attribute of the matter, information participated in the processes of its self-organization and appearance of the animate organisms. The majority of scientists recognize information as a fundamental scientific (and many - as philosophic) category. Information is a factor of development from elementary to the

highest, from simple to complex aspects in nature and society that during the perception of an objective world allows to single out the informational layer of knowledge, to incarnate an informational approach during the perception of natural phenomena. At the evolving conception of informational - energetic space and bioinformatics we consider information as a fundamental manifestation of the universe (Physical Vacuum) along with matter-energy. Depending on the sphere of knowledge there are different definitions: information is communication and connection, which destroys uncertainty, information is a measure of structural variety, etc. In the contemporary literature the definition proposed by A.D. Ursul took a stable position: information is a reflected variety of the world. In this definition any attention is not accentuated upon an impartially existing characteristic of information as itself. The conception of bioinformatics allowed V. N. Volchenko to propose the following variant of definition: information is a structural and notional variety and its measure. This definition allowed to specify the notion of information concerning its manifestation on material level. At this scientists proceed from the postulate that every material phenomenon is preceded by corresponding information about it. This concealed information (for example, some encoded image, project, information �in potential�) stays as if �poste restante�, its sense is hidden from a human mind. The concealed information of such world (Physical Vacuum) for an observer from the external world can be called �imaginary information�. It is appropriate to remind that in physics the notion �imaginary� applied to energy and mass was initially proposed and then developed by Y. P. Terletskiy (1973) and then by G. I. Shipov (1996). The expansion of this notion applied to information seems to be acceptable. The developed information is considered to be the information intrinsic to all forms of material being. The reflected information supposes an object of perception, i.e. the fulfilment of informational or informational-energetic interaction. It can be already considered as an element of consciousness, including the human one. The creating information stimulates the process of creative work in all its manifestations in the nature. This is the highest form of information; it can be presented as the ability of complex systems to informational or informational-energetic interactions. Such approach - informational - becomes especially urgent in the study process of possible mechanisms of torsion fields negative impact on the human. The notion of information, as it was mentioned above, is various. A deep comprehension of information allows to represent it as a general, extremely aninted process of fundamental relations, connections, interactions and interdependency of energy, movement, mass and antimass of all presented in the universe micro- and macrostructures. Our entire world is informational. In the considered concrete case the information should be understood as the measure of phyton symmetry distortion in comparison with the unpolarized condition of Physical Vacuum. The measure of phyton symmetry distortion characterizes the physical processes, which occur in computer displays, and depends on the value of high voltage applied to the first anode of cathode-ray tube (CRT), on the processes proceeding during the deviation of electron ray, on the processes proceeding in a luminophor, etc. The approach considered at this book is based on the thesis of supremacy of general geometric principles in the Nature. The concrete physical objects always have materially existing forms. In the physical sense the notion �forms� can be interpreted as an informational structure, whose limits of performance depend on space features

of a concrete object. And as information is non-physical then we can think about its transmission at any speed and at any distances. At the same time considering it as a quality of the continual structure of the world, today it is impossible to define the registration of influence of geometrical relations change in a local region of total continuum on the conditions of geometrical relations in another local region. Depending on this, we can say that change of geometrical relations and rules according to which relations are built (informational measure) may lead to energetic changes. By energetic changes one should understand the alteration of cofiguration of variety, interpreted by us as the matter and field in all their variants and combinations. Thus, information can cause alterations of power. However, information is not only an aim but also the game rules by which energy distribution in a system happens. A game without rules is not a game, but rules without a game are nothing as well. That is the interconnection between information and energy. If energy is the qualities of geometrical continuum, then information is the rules of changes and transmission of qualities with the aim to obtain new information. The authors of publications [15,16], who examined the influence of forms of closed spaces of different configuration on the physiological condition of animate organisms, traced the way of formation, functioning and the processes of transmission of morphogenetic information. Examining the space formation in animate and inanimate nature, they discovered that the speed and quality of metabolism processes essentially depend on the form of external screen, which creates �the effect of forms�. This led them to the thought about the possibility to find a source of morphogenetic information outside an organism. There is a significant need to describe the processes of transmission, storage and exchange of torsion information between a PC user and a display, between a cell nucleus and cytoplasm in terms and notions of the theory of information. To be continued…

Chapter 2. The work with a computer.

2.1.The main known factors of risk and health disturbances. The problem of computer influence on human health was solved in two alternative directions. This is not a false problem as a lot of collected data prove that computer displays, a keyboard have a negative influence on a user. Therefore, let�s first examine the influence of computer displays radiation on plants and animate organisms. In Fig.9, a there is the photograph of the plants that were under the influence of computer displays radiation during 10 days, 24 hours a day without any protection from torsion fields impact (on the left) and under protection (on the right). In Fig.9, b you can see the deviation of palm branches from the normal vertical position under the influence of computer displays radiation influence during 14 days. On the photograph on the left the oppressive influence of computer displays radiation on the plants growth is vividly visualized. In the materials of First congress of the European Bioelectromagnetics Association, January 23-25, 1992, Brussels, Belgium there are the facts affirming a negative influence of computer displays on the animate world. A-M. Laverdure (France) conducted the experiments on fruit-flies (Drosophilia melanogaster) with the aim to define a biological effect of the impact on the

mentioned species. They were at a distance of 50 centimeters in front of the display screen during the embryonic growth period (2) and all period of their development. In the number of tests, conducted on the groups of 500 eggs in each, the death-rate among adult species rouse from 14 % in the control group to 31.9 % in the groups that were under the impact of computer displays radiation (Fig.10, where: 1- the control group; 2- the death-rate of the fruit-flies which were under the influence of computer displays radiation during the embryonic growth period; 3- the death-rate of the fruit-flies which were under the influence of computer displays radiation during entire period of their development; 4- the fruit-flies under protection). The process of development and behavior of white rats after their stay in the zone of computer displays influence is discussed in the materials by P.le Ruz and G. Colin (France). The animals accommodated at the boxes from organic glass were in front of a computer display during 15 days at a distance of 60 cm from its center. It was discovered that the irradiated animals of both sexes had significantly less mass since the birth moment in comparison with the control ones. �The shock tests� were conducted with adult species. The method of electric shock was used for the determination of the threshold of sensitivity. It appeared to be that the threshold of sensitivity significantly increased in the irradiated groups while their mobility decreased (Fig, 11, where: 1- the death-rate of the males in the control group; 2- the death-rate of the males which were under the computer displays; 3- the males under protection; 4,5,6- for the females respectively). The radiation causes the problems with mentality and behavior among rats. The influence of computer displays radiation on developing embryos of chickens was examined by Bettty F. Sisken and other (the USA). The tests were conducted in three incubators made from wood and plastic. During 5 days chicken eggs were at a distance of 20 cm from computer displays. The preliminary results of the tests are presented in Fig.12, where: 1- the control group, 2- the embryos of chickens were under the influence of computer displays radiation during the embryonic growth period; 3- the embryos were under protection from the a negative impact of torsion fields. It follows from the diagram that the number of embryos with deviations in development is 1.5 times more in the irradiated groups in comparison with the radiation-free ones; a slowed evolution of foetus or its absence was observer; the embryos became breakable and biologically weak.

2.2. The factors of computer influence on a human. There are convincing evidences of negative complex influence of computer displays radiation on an organism. As numerous scientific works made with up-to-date domestic and foreign measuring equipment showed, a computer display is a source of some kinds of fields and radiations: - X-radiation; - ultra-violet (315-400 nm); - visible (400-700 nm) ; - near infrared (700-1050 nm); - far infrared (1050 nm - 1 mm); - EHF - VHF ranges (300 GHz - 300 MHz); - VHF - MF ranges (300 MHz - 3 MHz);

- MF - VLF ranges (3 MHz - 3 kHz); - infralow frequency - extremely-low frequency ranges (3 kHz - 3Hz); - electrostatic and torsion fields. Computer displays radiate electromagnetic fields in very wide range. In the radio-frequency region these fields are produced by a cathode-ray tube of a computer display. While their main sources are the horizontal and vertical diverting coils that scan electron ray and work in the range 15-35 kHz. At a distance of 50 cm from a screen usual electric fields intensity - 1 -10 V/m, while magnetic flux density - 0.1- 1 mT. Video terminals also produce electric and magnetic fields with frequency 50 or 60 Hz and their harmonics. But they are not alone. The first reports about a negative impact of video terminals are connected with diseases of face skin discovered among employees in Norway [86; 87], Sweden [88] and Great Britain [89]. The checkups of more than 300 people discovered rashes on faces appearing in couple hours of work with a computer. Initially there was itch, then erythema turning sometimes into papulae with characteristic localization on cheeks and particularly on cheekbones. Even at that time Nilsen [87], rejecting allergic contact and photo dermatitis, suggested a possible role of display electrostatic field in these phenomena, while Stenberg [89] was against this theory. The attempts to decrease electrostatic potential by installing the eath, a screen of metal net or liquid (a glass container with electrolytic solution) sometimes brought successful results [86]. About the same result was produced by the increase (to 50%) of air moisture indoors and elimination of electrifiable floor covering. However, none was absolutely sure, and there was the possibility that other unfavorable factors acted in combination with the mentioned ones. Swanbeck also inclined to the version of electrostatic and not electromagnetic fields in combination with psycho-emotional stress experienced by employees in the process of official duties fulfillment [90]. At the same time many scientists shared this opinion [91-93], nevertheless, Wedberg supposed a possible participation of aerosol particles precipitated on the face from the air in the manifestations of skin reactions among users during the work with a computer [95]. While the researches conducted in Finland discovered that electrostatic field of a video terminal significantly changes the proportion between positive and negative aeroions in indoors air, they did not success in providing any significant addition to the problem of skin diseases [96]. Basing on the statements of many patients about the disappearance of skin manifestations after cessation of work with video displays, Swanbeck and Bleeker conducted the number of provocative tests that, however, did not provide any single-valued results [97]. According to the Akimmenko�s data [4], static electric field with intension more than 1000 V/cm changes the activity of exchange processes in skin decreasing its bactericidal activity, however, the electrostatic displays from cathode-ray tube can be much eliminated by increasing the relative air humidity to 70% [4]. Thus, now people pay much more attention to the above-mentioned toxicological aspects of offices [99, 100], especially in connection with the use of fire-retardants in computers and other electronic equipment. Skin manifestations are considered as a form of general somatovegetative disorders that appear among personnel as a result of socio-psychological stress effects [102-104]. The attention to spontaneous abortions among women working with video display terminals appeared after the mention about such phenomena in the number of publications in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Australia and Poland [105, 21]. Moreover, there was the information about the defects of development among children born by these women, which were considered as teratogenic influence of electromagnetic fields irradiated by computer displays, although observation time was insufficient for this conclusion.

McDonald with co-authors after checking up 56 thousand women in Canada from 1982 to 1984 determined some risk of spontaneous abortions and defects of children development among women who worked with video terminals during their pregnancy [110, 111]. According to the results of the research conducted in the USA among a big group of women who spend 20 and more hours a week at a computer, the frequency of spontaneous abortions was high, although the authors of the article do not connect this with electromagnetic radiation from video terminals [112]. The 191 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 394 successful accouchement used as a control group were examined, the comparison beign conducted as well among the groups of women who were under the influence of video display magnetic fields of conditionally high and low intensities. During the evaluation of research results there was the opinion that the influence of changing magnetic fields (with magnetic flux density > 0.9 ?T) during the early period of pregnancy can contribute to the increase of further risk of spontaneous abortions. In 1979 the article by two Americans Werth-Eimer and Leeper [116] published in fairly respectable journal disturbed the scientific community of developed countries. Basing on the results of own investigation, conducted in Denver (the USA), they claimed about the increased risk of tumor appearance, particularly leucosis, among children living in immediate proximity to high-voltage power lines and thus experiencing the radiation of electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency (in the USA 60 Hz). We can claim with certainty that this article in some sense broke the record of quoting for such publications. The reports by Tomenins [117], Savitz with co-authors [118], Nasca with co-authors [119], which provided the results of similar researches, proved the seriousness of this problem. Research laboratories and professionals collectives also participated in the discussion of the problem. Delgado in the tests with chicken embryos showed a teratogenic influence of low-frequency magnetic fields with intensity 0.12, 1.2 and 12 ?T [120]. Simulating radiation influence from video terminals by the impact of impulse magnetic fields (40 ?T) with frequency 15.6 kHz, Chiang with co-authors obtained the acceleration of teratogenic effects provoked among mice, although the imitation was not fulfilled in corpore - the irradiation was conducted in Helmholts rings [121]. The most correct in the context of experiment performance must be recognized the researches conducted recently by Anisimov with co-authors, when the influence on experimental animals was directly at the display that allowed to simulate all aspects of its influence with the maximum identity. In these experiments scientists marked the increase of frequency of the tumors induced by urethane among mice irradiated during an hour every day five times a week by electromagnetic fields from video terminals which fact was the evidence of a stimulating influence of display radiation on tumors development [5]. Then it is advisable to pay attention on those sides of electromagnetic fields influence on visual function that, judging from published works, were somehow avoided by the researchers of safety at work with PC displays. The existing possibility of great epileptic seizures provoked by watching TV programs [122] could not be set aside during the investigation of video display terminals safety. Although an insignificant number of people suffer from photogenic epilepsy, according to the data provided by Jeavons with co-authors, work with video terminals can cause seizures among photosensitive individuals, especially if they use a TV set as a display [123]. However, as video display terminals are characterized by a lower level of blinking, absence of raster graphics and line interlacing, they can in a lesser degree cause seizures in comparison with TV sets [124].

Another phenomenon, at the same time of no lesser importance, connected with straight perception of changing magnetic fields by a human obtained the name magnetophosphene. This phenomenon known relatively long ago (it was discovered by D�Arsonval in 1896) lies in the fact that people with covered eyes have the feeling of light flashes during the head irradiation by the field with frequency more than 10 Hz and intensity of dozens mT [105]. At the definite period it was considered that the appearance of magnetophosphene is connected with the influence of a magnetic field on excitable structures of an encephalon. Later the phenomenon of electrophosphene was discovered. It resembles the feelings from magnetophosphene and occurs during the passing of a low frequency alternating current through the head. Researching afterwards these phenomena, Lovsund with co-authors defined that the optimum of sensitivity lies in the range of 20-30 Hz for electro-, as well as for magnetophosphene with magnetic field intensity 10-12 mT [126: 127]. Later with the help of the experiments with isolated retina of a frog�s eye they showed that electromagnetic fields influence a photoreceptor apparatus and not the structure of an encephalon [128]. This fact has a significant importance in connection with recently accepted role of main epiphysis neurohormone - melathonin- in the influence of low frequency electromagnetic fields [5]. In the organisms of people and animals melathonin is synthesized directly in retina and plays admittedly an important role in transmission of a signal from the eye to the epiphysis. Olcese with co-authors have recently experimentally determined that alteration of the magnetic field with density about 30 ?T, which is in the measures of geomagnetic field of the Earth, changes for sure melathonin content in the retina of a rat�s eye [129]. Thus, Olcese with co-authors think that retina of mammals participates in magnetic field information transmission to the central nervous system. In addition to that Prato with co-authors in their recent investigations showed that the influence effects of a low frequency magnetic field wiht low magnetic flux density (141 ?T) could be simulated by the light, the realization of this influence being fulfilled through the opioid system [130]. Analyzing the results of the researches presented in these works, one can suppose that �left� from animals human�s similar system of magnetic field perception by retina receptor structure, which functions as electro- and magnetophosphene in impulse low frequency electromagnetic fields, sends signals to the brain during the work with a video terminal which is one more reason of stress and disorders in normal functioning of a vision organ. Numerous home equipment and electricity supply network in our houses produce light electric and magnetic changing fields with frequency 50-60 Hz. Since these fields are significantly lower than the static magnetic field of the Earth (about 400-500 mT) or its electric fields, it was difficult to suspect that they can be dangerous for health and it is naturally that researches in this sphere did not get a proper attention. Where are the dangers for a user? From our point of view, torsion fields theory allows to approach to the understanding of the nature of a possible electromagnetic fields negative influence for human health. In accordance with this theory, torsion fields are a component of any electromagnetic radiation. Torsion fields and their characteristics are examined more minutely in the following chapters. While the computer and informatics symbolize the latest period of civilization, the era of electricity began and continues from the end of the XIX century. High-voltage power lines are an indispensable element of industrial landscape. In 1979 American researches N. Wertheimer and A. Leeper disturbed the world with the report about double increase of risk to die from cancer among children who live in immediate proximity to high-voltage power lines [85].

After them D. Savits and a number of other researches obtained similar results in observations over children [81, 83,84]. Moreover, it was found out that people who work in electrotechnical industry (electricians, electric engineers, personnel operating telephone and high-voltage lines) fall ill and die from leucosis and some other kinds of malignant tumors, including brain, prostate and mamma tumors, more often than employees of other specialities. In the monograph [19] there is the similar data about disease rate among machinists of locomotives and their assistants who occupy the first place. A a negative impact of radiotelephones should be mentioned as well. The investigations in the sphere of radiotelephone radiation biological influence affirmed that the most sensitive systems of a human organism are nervous, immune, endocrine and genital ones. Reaction of these systems defines the consequences of a negative influence on a human organism in general. As in the case with a PC display, the field of investigation is mainly brain and peripheral receptors of vestibular, visual, auditory analyzers, at the same time it is evident that different parts of a brain and receptors are responsible for functioning of above-mentioned crucial organism systems. During the use of cellular telephones with carrier frequency 450-900 MHz wavelength is slightly exceeds linear dimension of a human head and in this case radiation influences non-uniformly, i.e. so-called �hot spots� can be generated, particularly in the head center. Experiments with animals do not give reliable information, as none of them has a skull similar in shape and dimension to a human one. Therefore, in recent times a lot of attention is paid to the researches that use complex model phantoms, calculation methods of analysis of energy absorption by different structures of cerebrum. The calculation of absorbed electromagnetic field energy by a human brain shows that during the use of telephones with on-peak power=2 W and working frequency=900 MHz magnetic field intensity in cerebrum (hypothalamus area) is 20-30 V/m or 120-230 ?W/cm2 (the allowance in Russia for cellular telephones users = 100 ?W/cm2 ). Taking into account an important role of cerebral hemispheres and hypothalamus in the fulfillment of human mental functions, one can expect that a prolonged repeated impact of maximum permissible doses of electromagnetic radiation and accompanying informational torsion component can lead to mental disorders, including the alteration of conditioned reflexes, behavioral reactions, condition of short-term and long-term memory, to changes of bioelectric activity of different brain structures. Influence of electromagnetic radiation and accompanying informational torsion component on an organism is not enough studied; however, it is evident that it affects an organism (the numerous experiments with laboratory animals conducted in France, USA, Switzerland, Ukraine, Russia prove the possibility of influence of weak ultralow and low frequency electromagnetic fields and their torsion components on biological objects, especially on a brain). Moreover, still tense pose of an operator, who is chained for a long period to a display, leads to tiredness and pain in the spine, neck, shoulder joints, while intensive work with a keyboard causes pain feelings in elbow joints, forearms, wrists, hands and fingers. Operator activity includes first of all a visual perception of information reflected on a display; therefore, a visual apparatus experiences a significant tension. The factors that affect significantly eyesight are:

1. The imperfection of methods of images creation on a display. This group of factors includes: - non-optimal parameters of cathode-ray sweep circuit; - incompatibility of display and graphic adapter parameters; - insufficient display resolution, defocusing, beam non-convergence and low level of its other technical characteristics; - redundant or insufficient display brightness; - torsion component of electromagnetic radiation. 2. Insufficiently considered organization of a working place that leads to: - presence of flashes on a front display panel; - absence of required level of working places illuminance; - nonobservance of a distance between operator�s eyes and a display. In addition to all mentioned facts, the work of a computer is accompanied by acoustic noises, including ultrasound. A possible worsening of computer operator�s health is the object of research programs of the National Academy of Sciences, National Institute of Labor Protection and Skin Diseases Prophylaxis of the USA, scientific-medical institutions of Sweden, France, Austria, Japan, and, what is a pleasant fact, of Ukraine. Although the picture of computer influence on a human organism described above is rather gloomy, one should remember that such consequences are possible in the case of full neglect of the problem. Each user should know the problem �by sight� to be able to defeat it. Thus, a special significance is acquired by the problem of protection and creation of convenient conditions for human existence in professio nal and domestic spheres with the help of the search of means for prevention from professional aptitude loss.

2.3. Computer stress syndrome. Medical authorities are disturbed with the fact that among PC users a new kind of disease was discovered -computer stress syndrome of a PC user (CSS) which is accompanied by headache, eyes inflammation, allergy, irritability, languor and depression [29]. The symptoms of the disease are numerous and various. In our review they are grouped under the principle of influence on that or another area of an organism. As a rule, the presence of only one symptom is unlikely, as all functional organs of a human are interconnected. 1. Physical indispositions: drowse, fatiguability, constant tiredness (even after a rest); headaches after work; headaches in eyes area (eye pain); headaches in frontal bones and forehead areas; headaches in cervical, side and perietal parts of a head; pain in lower part of the back, in hips area, in legs; the feeling of pricking, numb sensations, pain in hands, wrists; tension of muscles of upper part of a body (neck, back, shoulders, hands). 2. Eyes diseases: quick fatiguability, feelings of sharp pain, burning, itch, tearfulness; often winking, the feeling of rubbed eyes. 3. Disfunction of a visual perception: the vagueness of eyesight at a long distance immediately after work at a computer (�the scales on eyes�); the vagueness of eyesight at a long distance (screen picture is badly focused by the visual system); the vagueness of eyesight increases during the day; the appearance of double eyesight

(screen picture is doubled); spectacles become �weak� (the need to change spectacles); headaches; slow refocusing; strabismus. 4. The worsening of concentration and capacity for work (very often as a result of visual disfunctions): concentration is reached with difficulty (it is impossible to maintain attentiveness during a long period of time); irritability during and after work; loss of working spot on a display, omission of lines, words, typing of repeated lines; mistakes during the filling of columns (�missing�), changing of words and figures. According to the doctors� opinion, the reasons of various symptoms of computer stress syndrome are five main factors: - wrong work of eyes and wrong position of a body; - use of discordant spectacles or contact lenses; - wrong organization of working place; - summation of physical, mental and visual work; - low level of visual readiness to the work with a computer. However, according to the author�s opinion, the main reason of a negative influence of PC displays, TV sets and other home equipment on users is a torsion component of electromagnetic radiation. There is a reliable opinion that the possibility of CSS appearance can be decreased to minimum by excluding the negative factors of influence. The Russian Research Institute of Labor Protection also conducted biomedical investigations of computer impact on users. The presented Table 1 illustrates the obtained results. To be just, it should be noted that there is as well the opinion about absence of computer influence on the health. But all above-said earnestly proves the existence of CSS. This opinion is held as well by A. V. Bobrov who claims that torsion fields - is the basis of informational interactions in biology. Table 1. The results of PC influence on users

The percentage of operators who reported The work at the display (months) Up to 12 non-full Up to 12 full more more

Headache and eye pain 8 35 51 76 Tiredness, dizziness 5 32 41 69 Disorders of night sleep 8 15 50 Drowse during working day 11 22 48 76 Changes in mood 8 24 27 50 Increased irritability 3 11 22 51 Depression 3 16 22 50 Decrease of intellectual capabilities, worsening of memory 3 12 40

Tension of forehead and head skin 3 5 13 19 Shedding of hair 3 5 Pain in muscles 11 14 21 32 Pain in heart area, uneven palpitation, shortness of breath 5 7 32

2.4. Computer and children health. We should especially note the problem: computer and children. Nowadays in the world there is a powerful industry of computer games. A huge number of companies compete for the superiority (and subsequently for significant profits) on the market, creating beautiful and fascinating, cunning and intricate, aggressive and bloodthirsty games for boys and girls of all ages. Owing to their anatomic and physiological features, children are the most sensitive to external influences. They devote all their free time to games with a great pleasure. In this connection we should remember about a great danger. Children are in much lesser degree than adults capable to control their conduct and being carried away they can�t tear themselves away from a display, where thrilling events are taking place. But their mentality is very unstable; therefore, exorbitant passion for computer games can become a reason of very severe consequences: exaggerated excitability, decrease in school results, a child becomes capricious, uncontrollable, ceases to be interested in anything except a computer. In its influence on a child organism a computer game resembles a drug. In Japan and England doctors discovered a disease of a new kind among some children who were keen on computer games since early age - video game epilepsy syndrome. The symptomes of this disease are headaches, prolonged spasms of face muscles, and disfunctions of eyesight. The syndrome, although not leading to the fading of mental capabilities, contributes to the forming of typical to epilepsy negative character features, such as suspiciousness, hypochondria, hostile and aggressive attitude towards relatives, impetuosity and irascibility. It does not follow from all said above that a child can�t be allowed to use a computer at any chance, but parents should very strongly measure out computer time, especially in the case when there are no devices for protection against a negative impact of torsion fields. It should be noted that in recent times there was the appearance of religious literature about a negative impact of TV sets and computer equipment [65]. The author of the book, an Orthodox priest, noting expansion of spiritual diseases and declining of morality among children, connects this with a negative influence of urban �computer and television� sphere. Using the materials of periodicals, he explains how exactly the surrounding world provokes child soul into negative emotions, cultivates idle reverie and passions destructive for a soul, he explains how it causes a definite damage to a physical and mental health of children. Children psychologies and psychiatrist consider that the main children diseases in the XXI century will be the diseases connected with a negative impact of TV sets and computers. Television encodes the behavior of a child or teenager by different means, voluntarily and not,, making him or her live according to the laws of screen world. Psychogenic influence on a human can be produced by different means, for example, with the help of color. Many scientists researched the influence of colors on mentality. Lusher�s test - one of the most widespread and reliable tests. An examnee is proposed to choose a favorite color from a variety, then - from the rest again the favourite color and so on. Making the comparative analysis, scientists obtain conclusions about psycho-emotional condition of a human and about his or her health. The same Lusher solved one more task: presenting colors to a human according to the specific program, he changed his or her emotional and physical condition. Thus, if a special color spectrum is used for a game, then a lot can be obtained� �It seems like computerization gave rise to one more misfortune - passion for the Internet�, - is announced in �Canadian Medical Association Journal�. Doctor Yang

observed 496 patients, 396 of them had unhealthy passion for the Internet. She noted that in its nature this phenomenon resembles alcoholism or irresistible craving for gambling. In the journal it is underlined that those who have a computer at home are under the greatest risks. As experience shows, the ideas of protection against a negative influence of torsion fields of PC displays and other electronic equipment are accepted with difficulty. However, one should not forget that there are the numerous proofs of a negative influence of PC displays on users even in the presence of protective devices in the form of filters of different modification. The science should deal with explanation of the mentioned facts, because, as I. I. Pavlov said, �facts are the air of science�. Even if they are beyond the conceptions worked out by science. The traditional reasons are conditioned by the conceptions formed in the science and relate not only to the problems of users� protection against PC displays negative impact but as well to practically all incipient branches of scientific knowledge. The american scientific sociologist Kun in his book �The structure of scientific revolutions� shows that wide scientific community begins to accept experimental results which are beyond the generally accepted theoretical concepts, as a rule, after appearance of hypotheses, concepts, theories, in whose framework their scientific interpretation is possible. Until this, paradoxical facts are ignored; scientists do not take them into account in their activity. The spread of new ideas goes, as a rule, simultaneously with the appearance of a new generation of scientists who are free from the burden of past, obsolescent concepts, and they become thus the bearers of the ideas of a new paradigm.

Chapter 3. PC displays, TV sets, other electronic equipment - generators of electromagnetic and torsion fields.

3.1. Display as a source of electromagnetic radiation. Computer

electromagnetic radiation. As it was stated before, displays constructed on the basis of a cathode-ray tube are the sources of an electrostatic field, soft X-radiation, ultraviolet, infrared, visible, low-frequency, ultralow frequency, and high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. The question about a possible role of electromagnetic radiation or its separate components in the appearance of different diseases was posed long ago. As early as by the end of 50s the first standards limiting radiofrequency influence were introduced. At the end of 60s the soviet scientists defined the influence of electromagnetic fields, even very low ones, on the nervous system of a human. In 70s this problem became a subject of widespread discussions and researches. X-radiation appears as a result of a collision of an electron bunch with internal surface of a cathode-ray tube display. Usually the glass of a display is opaque for X-radiation. The level of radiation of a normally working display does not exceed the level of the usual background radiation - less than a half of mRem per hour- much less than the allowable level. As one moves away, radiation decreases in geometrical series. The mountaineers experience much greater level of radiation than those who work with computers. The source of an electromagnetic field is the positive potential supplied on the internal surface of a screen for speeding up of the cathode ray. Field intensity for color displays can reach 18 kV. From external side negative particles are gravitated

from the air to a display. They have some conductivity under normal humidity. If display external surface is grounded, than negative charge on it decreases intensity of electrostatic field on 40-50% for dry air and on more than 50% for wet air. The sources of electromagnetic radiation are supply-line power sources (frequency 50 Hz), line scanning system (2-400 kHz), cathode ray modulation bloc (5-10 mHz). Electromagnetic field has electric (E) and magnetic (H) components, their interconnection being rather complex. The estimation of influence of field E and H components is made separately. Electromagnetic fields near a computer (especially) have some influence on a human. What is the level of danger of these influences? The scientists defined that low-frequency radiation affects first of all the central nervous system, causes headaches, dizziness, nausea, depression, insomnia, absence of appetite, appearance of stress syndrome, the nervous system reacting even on short impacts of relatively weak fields: organism hormonal condition changes, brain biocurrents are violated. The processes of studying and remembering especially suffer from this. A low-frequency electromagnetic field can cause skin diseases (rashes, seborrhea eczema, pink lichen, etc.), diseases of cardiovascular system and intestinal tract; it affects white corpuscles that leads to the appearance of tumors including malignant ones. Researches pay a special attention to the influence of electromagnetic fields on women in the pregnancy period. Statistics show that work with a computer disturbs normal pregnancy development, increases the possibility of miscarriages, often leads to children being born with congenital defects, the most significant of which are the defects of cerebrum development. Therefore, it is necessery that pregnant women or those who intend to conceive would ask authority to transfer them to another job not connected with the use of displays. The electromagnetic field of great intensity can change and cease the development of cells and also cause the cataract with further dimness of lens.

3.2. Safe levels of radiation. Levels of display electromagnetic radiation, which are considered safe for health, are regulated by the norms MPR II 1990:10 of the Swedish National Measurement and Investigation Committee and by tougher norms TCO 92, 95 of the Swedish Trade Unions Confederation. The Russian normative document of the State Committee of Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspection �Sanitary requisitions to video display terminals and computers and work organization. Sanitary rules and norms�, come into effect since January 1997, completely coincide with MPR II requisitions concerning electromagnetic radiation. In Russia until recently there were several documents containing electromagnetic radiation norms. They were much less tougher than MPR II concerning requisitions. It is earnestly illustrated by the data presented in the Table 2.

Table 2. The permissible levels of PC display radiation. Field TCO MPR II Russian norms Electrostatic field ±500 ±500 15000-20000 V/m

on a working place

Changing electric field 5 Hz - 2 kHz 2 - 400 kHz

10 V/m 1 V/m at a distance of 0.3 m from a screen and 0.5 m around a display

25 V/m 2.5 V/m at a distance of 0.5m around a display

5000 V/m 50 V/m on a working place

Changing magnetic field 5 Hz - 2 kHz 2 - 400 kHz

250 nT, 200 mA/m 25 nT, 20 mA/m at a distance of 0.3 m from a screen and 0.5 m around a display

250 nT, 200 mA/m 25 nT, 20 mA/m at a distance of 0.5m around a display

1.4 kA/m 5000 mA/m on a working place

Electromagnetic radiation level norms became the laws for many producers of displays. As a rule, such companies certificate voluntarily their products in laboratories of Sweden or according to the Swedish methods. Therefore, in modern commercial, scientific, educational institutions, in home use one can meet displays of high class, satisfying the toughest requisitions, as well as displays rather hazardous for health (they were bought at the times when no significant attention was paid to the problem of health). On the modern market the overwhelming majority of displays have the marking Low Radiation. The displays with installed protection by the method of closed metal screen are considered to be the safest. Creating the additional internal metal framework closed on a built-in protective screen incarnates this physical principle. As a result of such measures, electric and electrostatic fields can be decreased to the background value at a distance of 5-7 cm from a display, while in combination with magnetic field compensation system such construction provides the maximum protection for users. One of such displays was used in the experiments of examining a physiological condition of an operator. The experiments showed the minimum level of hormonal changes and conformity of physiological indicators to a normal condition. Similar displays cost $200-400 more than the usual ones. However, Low Radiation displays do not have protection against a negative influence of electromagnetic radiation torsion component on a user.

It is unsafe to work with a computer Notebook in laps. The problem of portable computers electromagnetic radiation deserves very serious attention [38]. It is true that Liquid Crystal Dispalys have no electrostatic field and X-radiation, but it is early to state about safety of portable computers, when it concerns changing electromagnetic fields. One can often hear the opinion that portable computers Notebook are safe for users and do not require such additional protective measures as screen filters, that they can be considered authentically �green� devices preserving human health and consuming much less energy in comparison with their cathode-ray confreres. At the heart of such notions there is the fact that in portable computers producers use screens on the basis of liquid crystals that do not generate the entire �bunch� of danger radiations peculiar to the monitors with a cathode-ray tube. However, the results of the experiments, conducted at the testing center of information reflection facilities �Elita� and at the testing center �TSIKLON-TEST� (Moscow), showed that electromagnetic radiation of portable computers Notebook significantly exceeds ecological standards. Taking into account the result of the

experiments of Notebook electromagnetic radiation quantity, one can conclude that an informational torsion component does not differ from that of displays with a cathode-ray tube in the level of a negative impact on users. The norms of Swedish standard MPR II, recommended by the European Economic Community Council for the countries of the EC, apply to the displays with a cathode-ray tube. However, if radiation levels from displays with a CRT are standardized basing on safety demands, than it is logically to estimate the conformity of devices with LCD to these norms. After all, this PCs are usually situated closer to a user and therefore the sources of radiation will affect with greater possibility the areas of vitally important organs, especially when some Notebook user have the habit to place their computer in their laps. A cathode-ray tube is not the single source of electromagnetic fields. Fields can be generated as well by a commutator (during the work from network), control and information formation circuits on LCDs and other elements of equipment. The testing centers �Elita� and �TSIKLON-TEST� examined 5 types of portable computers Notebooks produced by well-known foreign companies. The measuring was conducted at a distances calculated from the center of a keyboard because, as a rule, it is inseparable from a display. Taking into account peculiarities of the portable PC use, scientists additionally estimated radiation level at shorter distances than it is specified by MPR II. Radiation was estimated at 8 directions from a portable computer. The results showed that in the first frequency range with PC power supply both from network and from an accumulator the norms of MPR II are not kept in the majority of tested models in any direction. Only one Notebook (EPSON) with PC power supply from an accumulator conformed to the norms. In the high frequency range the user�s state was slightly better, although only one computer (Samsung) conformed to the ecological standard with both power supply modes. We see that not only a Notebook user but those who are near in the plane or car salon also have the information to consider. A person sitting at the front and on the right from a PC user should especially care about his or her health. Exactly in that direction all tested models irradiated with the greatest activity. We should note that levels of portable computers electromagnetic radiation exceed the norms for many cathode-ray tube computers. It is understood as companies take special measures for increasing the electromagnetic safety of CRT computers, and it is very difficult to sell such computer without safety certificate on visual and emission parameters. What concerns portable computers, on all proposals to conduct examinations trading organizations respond: �They are bought even without tests!� The long-term investigations of health condition of hardware and software package (HSP) users, conducted by the scientists of the Kharkov Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Professional Diseases, allowed to determine the discoordination of hormonal, immune status and processes of peroxide oxidation of lipids whose expressness degree depends on total work. The results of HSP users hormonal status analysis totally agrees with the experts� opinion that the work, connected with the use of HSP, must be considered as a stress factor. The condition of HSP users� adrenocortical system is the evidence of the fact that its activation takes place among young people (students of technical institutes of higher education), and among people with seniority more than 5 years, irrespective of the sex, cortisone content is significantly decreased which fact indicates fall in capabilities to adaptation of their organisms. Scientists determined an exaggerated sensitivity of sexual steroids metabolism system to a professional job: men using

HSP have the marked changes of content and proportion of sexual steroids - decrease of testosterone level and increase of estradiol. The revealed disbalance of hormonal status, the inclination of hormonal status to the development of anti-immune processes, exhaustion of endogenous antioxidants system in blood serum of HSP users during the influence of physical factors of low intensity (electromagnetic radiation, static electricity, low x-radiation, etc.) leading to the reinforcement of free radical processes with the growing up (1.5-2 times more than control values) is the evidence of early consenescence of their organisms, whose reason is considered to be a damaging influence of peroxides of lipids on synthesis, structure and function of DNA. All above-said substantiate the necessity of development and introduction of preventive measures complex for software and hardware package users.

Chapter 4. The position and problems of computer safety in different countries.

4.1. Sweden Sweden is a leading country in the sphere of creation of standards regulating work with personal computers. In the first half of 80s a serious discussion of work conditions with a computer ws initiated in this country. Not only the questions of monotony and tension of work but also the problems of visual ergonomics and electromagnetic radiation were considered. There were not sufficient scientific proofs of display negative impact on users� health, but as an answer on total disturbance and affirmations of the National Council of Safety Measures and Occupational Hygiene Sweden government proposed to work up the system of voluntary tests of displays to SWEDAC (the former name - MPR - the Swedish National Measurement and Investigation Committee) in cooperation with the National Council of Safety Measures and Occupational Hygiene and Swedish Institute of Protection against Radiation. A competent group was established for the fulfillment of this work. It included the experts in different spheres and representatives of different public organizations. As a result of team-work the methods of overall investigations of displays in the area of mechanical, visual and emission characteristics were originated. When in 1987 the first edition of the methods was being introduced in action, it was decided to re-examine the investigation system after three years of testing. In 1990 on the basis of the experiment the team that included specialists from more than 20 Sweden institutions and also representatives of IBM and Hewlett Packard edited the methods of investigations. Nowadays these documents are presented in two editions. One of them - MPR 1990:8 - is the textbook with investigation methods. It is intended for personnel dealing with display tests. Another edition - MPR 1990:10 - is the manual for users. It will help them to understand the results of investigations and includes the Table of permissible parameters. The MPR methods include the testing of two types of display characteristics: visual ergonomic (color, brightness, clearness, non-linearity, non-orthogonality, reflection coefficient, image vibration, calculated blinking frequency) and emission ones (X-radiation, electrostatic potential, intensity of changing magnetic field at the ranges 5 Hz - 2 kHz and 2 - 400 kHz, magnetic flux density at the same ranges). The procedure of voluntary experiments, according to MPR methods, is intended to provide help to users during the estimation of ergonomic and emission characteristics

of displays. During the purchase of equipment the protocols of experiments add to the information given by a producer and, therefore, a user can himself estimate the quality of working conditions. The tougher demands to display quality are made by the standards of the Swedish Trade Unions Confederation TCO 92 and TCO 95. TCO 95 regulates not only display characteristics but also production process (it limits emissions of detrimental chemical and poisonous substances in the environment), conditions of work. The standard NUTEK included in TCO deals with economic consumption of electricity. Practically all display producers operate in conformity with the Swedish standards. It should be underlined that in the mentioned methods of displays testing of compliance with standard requirements the participation of a human in this tests is not stipulated by the regulations, i.e. experimentalists do not conduct a test of influence of all existing radiation components, including the torsion one, which is, according to the author�s opinion, the reason of indispositions or complains of PC users (see, for example, Table 1).

4.2. The USA The USA is one of the most active participants in the sphere of computer ergonomics. American specialists from different scientific and public institutions conduct large-scale researches with the aim of detailed investigation of the problem. The institutions, which are responsible for creation of the national standards (IEEE, NEMA), co-ordinated their standards with those of the EC countries, which, in their turn, include Swedish standards. The most prescient company authorities take special preventive measures to avoid professional diseases among computer operators. For example, the company �Blue Cross� developed a special program of intensive teaching of all its personnel. During the eight-hour teaching program the company authority got the knowledge how to define the symptoms of diseases. The directors were charged with the task to create such conditions so that employees immediately informed about their problems. In their turn, the employees during one-hour talk obtained the initial information about the danger. As in the case with directors, they were taught to define first signs of diseases, they also were given the information on the organization of a working place. The specialists of the company examined some models of �ergonomic� armchairs and chose one that can be regulated and adjusted to the dimensions of every employee�s body. 3500 employees went through the teaching program; their working places were newly equipped. In 1993 the biggest computer producers - �Apple Computer�, �Compaq Computer� and �IBM Corporation� - granted $ 2.5 mil. for the creation of the Center of investigation of video terminals and their influence on health, attached to John Hopkins University. In the USA on the market one can find G-33 - Electronic smog buster - a dielectric resonator that decreases harmful radiation accompanying normal electromagnetic radiation of video displays, TV set screens. G-33 uses neither electric nor magnetic fields. Its operation is based on the energy of another kind that can be measured by biological, chemical, photographic or other methods (the quotation from an advertisement). In the mentioned advertisement it is stated that the author did not patent his invention to not reveal its essence. It is probably that the reason lies in the impossibility to

describe the mechanism of G-33 without recruiting torsion fields theory, particularly the mechanisms of static form torsion fields formation.

4.3. Germany and Austria It was mentioned before about psychological difficulties experienced by operators of production processes. The scientists of the Hamburg University searching for means of estimation of such difficulties suggested that they could be qualitatively described by the characteristics of eyes movements. The premises for such conclusions were the following reasoning. The process of screen picture scanning and the point of eyes fixation on any object are defined by the essence, content and dynamics of the processes, targeted for control, and also by the mechanism of peripheral eyesight and by a priori knowledge of visual kind of the structure depicted on a screen. The scientists of the University constructed the device that allowed recording simultaneously the positions of a head and eyes. On the grounds of this data one could define the position of sight on the screen. During the experiment the trained people were asked to control a modulated complex process by corresponding transference of the cursor. On a color display with high resolution four separate processes were depicted. Temperature and liquid level have to be controlled in each. Visual movements and all manipulations on the graphic console were immediately registered. The analysis of eyes movements showed the existence of some dependence between total allocation of the fixation duration and the dynamics of the process. German and Australian scientists conducted as well research of influence of work with computer on eyesight. Two groups were examined: one included 642 operators who were in front of a display during minimum one hour a day; the second group consisted of 673 employees who did not use a computer at work. The sex and age in both groups were adjusted. Those who carried out the research did not know to which group every examinee belonged. The accurate checkups of eyes characteristics were fulfilled every year during 6 years. As early as during the first checkup it was found that the symptoms of eyesight deterioration (such as exaggerated sensitivity to bright light, eye pain, burning and �moist eyes") occur more often in the group of operators in comparison with the control group. In the group of operators the acuity of vision was lower without the use of additional measures and short sight occurred more frequently than in the control group. A reliable German group of experts generalized the experience of work with children of about 6 thousand doctors who worked throughout all Germany. According to the doctors� calculation, 22% of young patients had headache because of the long stay at a TV set. Thus, TV sets, PCs threatens greatly the health of modern society.

4.4. Switzerland In Switzerland scientists conduct researches connected with the investigation of cathode-ray tube electromagnetic radiation influence on animate species (seaweeds, fruit-flies, rats, chicken embryos, people).

S.E.I.C. sa. Company (Switzerland, Geneva) produces the device A_NOX/Computer - A_NOX/ Television that consists of two miniball made from neutral plastic and filled with concentrated salts of rare-earth metals. Miniballs, placed diagonally near a display or a TV set, work as passive resonators generating the fields antiphase to the main field of a display, which affects a user. Thus, a harmful biological effect of a display is decreased (from an advertisement of S.E.I.C.). According to the author�s opinion, the presented explanation of the A_NOX mechanism is not convincing and has something in common with the principle of operation of a device �Gamma - 7�, produced in Russia. The general view of a device is presented in Fig. 14 In some degree an exotic device protecting, as the author claims, from radiation of TV sets and similar equipment, for example, computer displays, is the subject to invention in the Swiss patent 680 477, MPK H01J 35/16. Its general view is presented in Fig. 15. The device itself is the complex in the form of cones or truncated cones made from metal. Its each component consists of four elements (11; 12; 13; 14). The elements are fastened vertically in grounded metal bearing (15) and positioned under a display or a TV set screen. According to the affirmations of the author, the device can provide protection from radiation in two or three-dimensional space.

4.5. Australia In similar Australian researches 43 % of examinees used spectacles and there were no significant differences between groups. During the checkup spectacles were recommended to 6.2 % and existing spectacles were changed for 11.4 %. Eyesight deterioration rate in the group of operators was slightly higher but the differences were insignificant. There were no noticeable differences between two groups in the prevalence of external eye diseases; however, in the group of operators deviations found with the help of ophthalmoscope were observed more often (10.3 % to 7.8 %). However, in 6 years in the control group there were more examinees with new signs (1%) in comparison with the group of operators (0.4%). The work with displays was considered to cause cataract of the lens. However, in the control group there were more people with lens turbidity, although it is not thought to be cataract in clinical sense, than during the first checkup (1.7 % and 1.3 %). In 6 years cataract was discovered among 0.7 % of people in the control group and 1.8 % in the group of operators. Such difference is not statistically important.

4.6. China One of the most important directions of research work in China is the development of the national ergonomic standards and manuals of construction and use of computers. In 1980 the Chinese Ergonomic Standardization Committee was found. Since then more than 20 national ergonomic standards were worked up and introduced. In recent years some educational ergonomic programs were created for popularization of knowledge and increase of qualification of operators and managers working with a computer. These teaching programs usually include the courses of industrial

psychology, computers standardization, management informational systems and programming. The psychological effects of computer influence on users were investigated. Scientists considered correlation between exertion during the fulfillment of works of different complexity, quantity of tasks, requirements, behavior style, type of interaction between people, on the one hand, and resulting psychosomatic reactions, visual and physical exhaustion, on the other hand. On the grounds of obtained results the number of systems of hygienic, protective, medical, preventive support for users of banknotes and other sources of radiation were created.

4.7. England The ergonomic institutions in England in the framework of the program �Health and Safety on a Working Place� examine computer equipment on the spot with the help of a professional ergonomist. The examination includes: 1. Ergonomic estimation of display screens and work surroundings. 2. Instruction on the legislature about health protection and safety of work with a computer. 3. Determination of a teaching method, information about organization and necessary measures of health protection. The program �Health and Safety on a Working Place� pays attention of all who work with a computer on the necessity to provide health protection actions on a working place. The programs of video studying for directors include practical information about new developments in the sphere of organization, design and equipping of a working place, premises, including computer equipment.

4.8. Russia For along time in Russia there was not any standard regulating work with a computer that would conform to the generally accepted European and world standards. But in 1997 a normative document approved by the State Committee of Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspection �Video display terminals and personal computers. Hygienic requirements to video display terminals and personal computers and work organization�, which standardizes displays and PC radiation characteristics, came into effect. The level of these radiations is brought into accordance with MPR II. The solution of computers safety problem has also advanced. In the Center of electromagnetic safety scientists work up protective measures from electromagnetic radiation, study a functional condition of a computers operator, analyze radiation level of different computers. Specialists of the Center on demand of institutions estimate and compile the maps of indoor electromagnetic fields, give recommendations on the optimal position of working places and conditions of work with a computer. The work connected with investigation of guard filters characteristics is fulfilled in the Institute of Eye Microsurgery. The Research Institute of Labor Protection, Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radiotechnical Measurements intensively deal with the problem.

Specialists of the company �Russkiy Tchit� work a lot in the sphere of creation of technical protectants for users. On their credit side there are three models of guard filters, software �Oftalm-Profilactika�, the indicator of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation. The work is fulfilled with the support of the New Medical Equipment Committee of Ministry of Health and Ministry of Industry of Russian Federation, the Department of research of flight safety medical problems of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation, the chair of eye diseases of medical faculty of the Russian State Medical Institute. Scientists came to the conclusion that there is a necessity in a wide range of researches aimed at the use of physical training facilities for preventive and sanitary purposes, as exactly physical exercises could play a key role in the preserving of PC users� health. The researches by E. A. Geltischev and G. N. Selekhov from the Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene named after F. Erisman proved that making exercises during the work with a computer is favorable and useful. They invented the exercises complexes (three variants) that help to decrease the fatiguability of eyes [29]. The Center of informatics �Gamma-7 � (Moscow) developed the devices �Neutralizer� and �Activator�. Neutralizer As the authors of the device consider, neutralizer is a passive wideband auto-oscillator of thin physical fields that begins to operate only under the influence of internal abnormal radiations. It is aimed to protect a human, bio-objects and equipment from harmful energetic abnormalities. A neutralizer is made in the form of rectangular flat plastic box of black or white color, packed in a leather case with a zero-card (a card-switch) containing an element of auto-oscillation, and must be kept separately - not more than 30-50 cm from a device. A box dimensions: 80x50x12 mm. Mass - up to 50-70 g. Range - up to 120 cm. Service life - 10 years. An external view of a device is presented in Fig. 16. What are the constituent parts of a device? The working element is made of two mirror-like positioned multiphase spirals of Archimedes with the use of thin-film technology. The spirals are made of gold-silver-copper alloy. How the spirals are situated, what the relation of axes is, thickness of the layers - all this is the secret of the scientists-authors [66]. The spirals are incorporated into a compound of a special structure with 6 protection levels. Neutralizer is assigned for: 1. Protection of human biofield from a negative influence of all medical (physical-therapeutic, X-radiation, radiochemical, etc.) equipment and technical devices (TV sets, computers, copying machines, laser printers, microwave ovens, daylight lamps, fire-prevention sensors, radiotelephones and pagers) and many other irradiating devices. 2. Neutralization of indoor geopathogenic zones. 3. Protection from technical devices and home equipment. 4. Preventive measures against the disfunction of a balanced condition of energy-informational system and its harmonization. 5. Neutralization of negative influences of banknotes and other sources of harmful radiation. Who needs a neutralizer? First of all they are the people who work in extremely �stressful� conditions and those who take crucial decisions. They are:

1. those working in mass media (radio and television), reporters and persons who work with or near a computer; 2. doctors and medical staff, teachers, biologists, pilots, scientists, those working in subways, banks, currency exchange, miners, rescuers, sellers cashiers; 3. young women, particularly the pregnant ones; 4. children. The description of the device mechanism presented in [66] is somewhat indefinably, and used theoretic model does not make it clearer. According to the opinion of this book�s author, �Neutralizer� and �Activator� are the generators of torsion fields. V. N. Anisimov, M. A. Zabizhinskiy, E. I. Muratov, I. G. Popovich, A. V. Arutunyan, T. I. Oparina, V. M. Prokopenko (Research Institute of oncology named after prof. N. N. Petrov of Ministry of Heath and Medical Industry of RF, Saint-Petersburg) reckon that one of the urgent hygienic problems of the last time is the study of possible harmful consequences of a wide introduction of personal computers [5]. It is connected with the fact that there are a lot of data about disfunction in neuroendocrine and immune systems, also about increase of the risk to have some tumors having industrial exposition to electromagnetic fields of different frequency and intensity. In the experiment it is shown that static electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic fields of low frequency can stimulate chemical carcinogenesis in mammae and skin. Concerning PC users, there appeared separate, but always proved, reports about increase of the risk of cerebrum tumors development, increase of miscarriage frequency among women-operators, and among their children -frequency of deformities. Experimental researches of possible harmful video terminals radiation influence were not conducted previously. The fulfilled experiments give possibility to estimate the exposition to radiation, created by video terminals, as a modifying factor of low intensity with a wide range of biological influence. The greatest effect was observed after a prolonged exposition to video terminals radiation. One can suppose that video terminals radiation affects an organism primarily on system level violating humoral link of homeostasis. The research of torsion fields influence on blood was conducted in October 1996 in the Center of Energy-Informational Technologies attached to the Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics under scientific leadership of Doctor of Science, prof. G. N. Dul�nev [27]. It consisted of two series of experiments of torsion generator influence on blood. In the first preliminary series specialists examined torsion radiation influence on the indices of clinic blood test: hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leucocytes, rod-nucleus and segment-nucleus neutrophiles, eosinophiles, lymphocytes, monocytes, erythrocytes sink speed (ESS). In the second series features of fields were examined with the help of the index of erythrocytes sink speed that is the most sensitive to their influence. Scientists examined as well the index of clinic test of the blood taken from the fingers of two volunteers into glass cap tubules that were afterwards irradiated with the help of torsion generator. The research was conducted in cycles. Each cycle consisted of the following phases: a) taking a sample from every of two volunteers (altogether two glass tubules with blood); b) irradiated of the tubules with the help of torsion generator (except the control first cycle); c) fulfillment of clinic test of the blood from the tubules. There were five cycles: 1 - the control one, without irradiation, 2-5 - with different operating modes of the torsion generator (left and right polarization during minimum and maximum voltage of the torsion generator). Irradiation cycle duration was 20

minutes. The results of this research are presented in the Table 3. The data for two examinees is given through the slash. Table 3. Changes of the indices of clinic blood test before and after irradiation by a torsion field.

Parameter Before irradia-tion

Right min

Right max

Left min

Left max

Hemoglobin, g/l 124/131 122/124 120/124 122/129 127/124 Erythrocytes, g/l 3.6/4.6 3.6/4.6 3.6/4.6 3.6/4.6 3.6/4.6 Leucocytes, g/l 3.6/8.8 3.6/8.4 4.8/6.4 4.2/8.0 3.8/8.8 Rod-nucleus neutrophiles, % 2/2 1/2 2/3 0/2 2/2 Segment-nucleus neutrophiles, % 55/66 66/69 70/66 70/64 54/69

Eosinophiles, % 1/1 1/1 0/0.5 1/1 1/2 Lymphocytes, % 30/27 24/25 28/35 32/39 26/39 Monocytes, % 4/4 4/4 3/2 3.5/3 2/4 Erythrocytes sink speed, mm/h 4/15 15/20 20/15 15/20 20/4 The analysis of the obtained data allows to conclude that among the indices of clinic blood test the most sensitive to torsion radiation is the index of erythrocytes sink speed (ESS). The values of ESS of both examinees changed in four-five times depending on irradiation parameters. The changes of other indices of clinic blood test are in the limits of the inaccuracy of their definition methods. For the further investigations the index of ESS was used as the most informative, i. e. the ESS index can be used for registration and estimation of torsion generator irradiation features. The increase of ESS to 35-40 mm/h confirms the fact of a negative influence of powerful torsion fields produced by explotable generators on a human organism. Important data of the research of right torsion field negative impact on laboratory rats is published in [46]. For the investigation of torsion field influence on animals� physiological reactions scientists conducted the experiments with the use of the generator from the Interindustry Scientific-and-Technical Center of Venture and Non-traditional Technologies (ISTC �VENT�, Moscow). It is known that weakened animals react on external weak influences while healthy ones easily adapt to them. In the developed method for weakening of animals they were previously irradiated by lethal and sublethal dozes of caesium 137. Radiation sickness course after critical irradiation is fairly well studied. The main tests for the examination of animals� condition are their survival and average lifetime of the deceased ones. Placing the mice in the right field of static torsion radiation, scientists observed the increase of their survival in comparison with the control animals on 17-33 %, while there were not any differences in lifetime of the irradiated animals. In the further researches scientists used a torsion field generator of V. Panov�s design, which produces a dynamic torsion field of a wide range. Under the influence of this field radiation sickness of the animals proceeded much easier, at the same time less loss of live weight and increase of animals� survival and lifetime were observed.

Thus, the results of the researches showed that right torsion field evokes reply reaction of warm-blooded animals and that it could be used for improvement of weakened (sick) organisms condition. It follows from this that application of right torsion field generators is promising in atom power engineering, medicine - for improvement of condition of patients who were exposed to actinotherapy.

4.9. Uzbekistan The scientists of Uzbekistan conduct investigations of bio-energy-informational influence of display radiation. In [6] it is stated that animate systems function on the basis of constant exchange of energy and information with environment. Information exchange is fulfilled with the help of electromagnetic fields from visible to sound range. As a graphic example one can use a mirror cytopatic effect in distant intercellular cooperations fulfilled in optic range of electromagnetic fields and experiments of congenital features (genetical information) transmission with the help of electromagnetic fields of ultrahigh frequency range. Moreover, it was defined that management with the help of electromagnetic fields in animate systems from gene level to level of whole organism is fulfilled in ultrahigh frequency (UHF) and extremely-high frequency (EHF) ranges. Scientists conducted purposeful heritable alterations in genotype of plants and animals by influencing on elementary cells with the electromagnetic field of the entire organisms with the help of special radiophysical devices of these range. By the coherent radiation of millimeter range one can selectively influence the course of biochemical reactions, restore the activity of immune system as well as influence the consciousness of a human and animals, i.e. to create �biorobots�. Purposeful researches aimed at finding the mechanism of bioinfluence of electromagnetic fields and other kinds of radiation will lead to the creation of methods and means of protection and neutralization of energy-informational aggression on animate nature and prevention of uncontrollable animate systems appearance as well. The most urgent task in this sphere is to develop the methods of neutralization of a bioinformational influence of computer radiation. This is due to the computer possibility to manage (control) and purposefully influence a human and animal organism in particular and whole nature in general. Besides, a computer under the definite conditions can work in the mode of data reading from an operator (brain drain) and also it can become a local source (intermediary) of a psychotropic influence. In connection with the above-said, investigation of the mechanism of bio-energy-informational computer radiation influence allows to develop methods of neutralization as well as methods of their exploitation with creative and sanitary aims. At present the following preliminary results are obtained. The first variant of the method of computer radiation negative influence neutralization was developed. The preliminary results of the tests show that the heath condition of operators before and after installation of neutralization significantly differs. For example, the operator with 7 years seniority had languor, increased fatiguability, irritability and other typical symptoms. During one month after the installation of neutralization the mentioned symptoms become less apparent and capacity for work increased. The observations are being continued.

The sientists completed the first stage of the researches in the development of bio-energy-informational methods of control for harvest and protection of plants on the basis of purposeful selective programs of neutralization and use of negative computer radiation. The experiments in laboratories showed the possibility to accelerate germination periods of cotton-plant, wheat and also the possibility of their growth and development under computer influence. The experimenters obtained as well the encouraging results in the sphere of protection of plants against vermin, particularly against web tick, without the use of pesticides.

4.10. Ukraine In Ukraine (Kharkiv, Kiev, Dnipropetrovs�k, Simpheropol�) large-scale researches with the aim of thorough examination of the problems of a negative impact of PC monitors, TV sets, other electronic equipment on users are conducted. Also the corresponding protectants are developed. These researches are conducted on the basis of previous experience of research work during which both positive and negative influences of torsion fields on animate species were defined. For example, the group of research officers headed by Litvinov N. Ya. developed the method of mosquito ovums reactivation: with the aim to increase the percentage of mosquito birth, the insects� ovums are exposed during 45-90 s under the top of a metal cone at a distance of 8-12 centimeters from the top, the cone surface being preliminarily treated with monochromatic coherent radiation with wavelength 6328 A . The percentage of mosquito birth increases up to 90-92 % in comparison with 51 % under the normal conditions, i.e. without the use of activating factors of right torsion field generated by a cone. This and other researches promoted the development of devices for protection against a negative influence of left torsion fields generated by PC monitors, TV sets, other electronic equipment and geopathogenic zones. �FORPOST-1� is the most well-known and widely exploited in Kiev device. It is a generator of static torsion field. This device guarantees the protection of a user�s organism from a negative influence of informational component of display electromagnetic radiation (torsion fields). The device was invented in the National Technical University of Ukraine �KPI� with the participation of the specialists from the joint venture �Gulf International Corporation� which made small-lot production of these devices. The external view of this device is presented in Fig. 17. In September 1998 Semiglazov V. V. and Voitkevich A. N. conducted an experimental research of PC displays torsion fields influence on the processes of NaCl crystallization. The photographs illustrate the results of the experiment. In this experiment one of the Petri dishes was at a distance of 25-30 cm in front of a display along the current of its torsion field (Fig.18), another one - similarly on a device �FORPOST-1� (Fig.19). In the Petri dish, which was without «FORPOST-1» during the experiment, one can observe a distinct influence of PC monitor left torsion field on the processes of NaCl crystallization that is illustrated by �creeping-out� of crystallizing NaCl outside the Petri dish, reaching the bottom level from the external side (Fig. 18). In the Petri dish, placed on «FORPOST-1» during the experiment, scientists registered, as it is in normal geoenergetic zones, the polycrystalline structure, with

comparatively homogeneous and monotonous allocation of various granules that proves the effect of removal of left torsion fields influence on the processes of NaCl crystallization by �FORPOST-1�(Fig. 19). Later the author of this book in co-operation with Kurik M. V., Agnihotri S., and Ivanov L. A. conducted similar experiment but somewhat more modernized. While Semiglazov V. V. and Voitkevich A. N. positiond Petri dishes with NaCl solution in display torsion field and exposed until the end of crystallization, the author and co-operators exploited not only the Petri dishes, producing weak right form static torsion field, but also the containers in the form of a long cylinder generating weak left torsion field (Fig. 20). The aim of the experiment was to define the peculiarities of the dynamics of crystallization process in the containers with different own torsion fields. It appeared to be that the initiation of the process in the Petri dish was observed along the eddy flow of PC display left torsion field (Fig. 21), while in the container in the form of a long cylinder crystallization processes commenced in the plane perpendicular to the stream of display left torsion field (Fig. 20). These results require further consideration and explanation, however it is obvious even now that initial phases of molecule aggregation can fix the influence of weak form static torsion fields, formed by the nuclei in which crystallization occurs. It should be noted that these results point on the possibility to create one more way of experimental methods for the work with torsion fields. Their essence lies in the fact that we can judge about qualities of torsion interaction depending on parameters of structures formed in torsion fields. Furthermore, the Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems of the National Academy of Science and Ministry of Education created an indicator of computer radiation. A short description of a device is presented below. An indicator of electromagnetic radiation defines values of electric and magnetic components of field and their conformity with established norms and also calculates a permissible time of irradiation on a working place. A device has two ranges of measurement. Using the indications of a device one can choose such technical equipment and working time so that radiation would minimally affect health. The indicator is a device of a directional action. The indications constitute the measured magnetic flux density (nT) and calculated field intensity (V/m) multiplied by cosine of the angle between the direction on radiation source and the longitudinal axis of a device. The service program allows to see the characteristics of display radiation of the most widespread displays for the comparison with the established norms and the display being tested. Main performance specification: Definition limits: 0-750 nT, 0-200 V/m; Frequency range: 0.3-80 Hz; Miscalculation: 5 %; Integration time: 70 ms; Range of working temperatures: +10°-+30°C; Radiation parameters At the moment of device output the most excepted norms for computers in a controlled range are the following ones. According to the standard MPR II (MPR 1990:8), magnetic flux density is 25 nT, electric changing field intensity is 2.2 V/m, according to the standard TCO�91 - 25 nT and 1.0 V/m respectively (N. B. Aizenberg - Защита пользователей ЭВМ от негативных воздействий слабых электромагнитных полей//Прикладная эргономика: -М.,-1992, №7). According to the standard MPR II, radiation control is

conducted at a distance of 0.5 m from the surface of a display front and on the surface of imaginary cylinder with corresponding radius and longitudinal axis in the display center (Gert Ander and Lars-Erik Paulsson Measure-incrit of electric and magnetic fields from VDU in Sweden//Swedish Radiation Protection Institute SSI). According to the medical instructions for schools, intensity of electric component at a distance of 0.1 m from all surfaces of a display should not exceed 25 V/m (Hygienic and ergonomic conditions for organization of working places and regimen of lessons with the use of computers in secondary school// Ministry of Health: K., 1990). Work with a device A device is connected to a computer through a port COM1 or COM2. An adapter is used if needed. For calculations the program DOSIMETR.EXE is launched in DOS. The program finds the port of connection. Control keys are shown in the foot of a screen. At one side of a device there is a sensor, at another one - the cutoff point of a connecting cable. To guarantee accuracy one should hold a device with a hand at the side with the cutoff point on the maximum distance from a sensor. During the measurement one should place a device in a chosen point and orient it on the maximum indication. Having connected to one computer, one can measure radiation of other nearby computers and TV sets. For measurement of radiation at a distances stipulated by the standards a straightedge is used. Let�s consider some results of the examinations of a device �FORPOST-1� The tests conducted in the Ukrainian Scientific and Hygienic Center of Ministry of Health of Ukraine and in the Center of Voluntary Certification �MIRA� show that there were not any changes of health among the people working with a protective device. The experiments were conducted on the foreign displays with the same protection rate from well-known harmful irradiations. Before the beginning of the experiments the health condition of every examinee was defined (according to Foll method). Foll method made a good showing in the world and has the definite scientific grounds [63]. The participants of the experiment: - from Minskiy district diagnostics center of Kiev - a therapeutist, specialist in electroacupunctural diagnostics and therapy according to Foll method A. N. Sokolenko; - from the National Technical Institute of Ukraine �KPI� - head of applied ecology department, candidate of science, assistant professor A. R. Pavlenko. The aim of the experiments To determine a harmful influence of PC display screen torsion radiation and to determine the effectiveness of users protection from it with the help of �A device for human protection against negative impact of video terminal, TV sets and other home equipment�. The program and methods of experiments The experiments lasted 2 hours in three chosen rooms. The working places were situated so that PCs and users were not in geopathogenic zones. A. R. Pavlenko fulfilled the arrangement of working places with the help of the complex of bioaffinor by the method of biolocation. Before the beginning of the experiments a therapeutist A. N. Sokolenko according to Foll method, taking into account three indices, examines health conditions of 6 person and chose 4 of them, who were to work with a device for protection against torsion component of PC display radiation. Level of health condition was determined by three indices: - total (total indices of organism condition) parameters of electroacupunctural

diagnostics (TPED); - immune system condition (IS); - nervous system condition (NS). The examinees: Elena Anatolievna, Nikolay Andreevich, Tatyana Ivanovna and Sergey Ivanovich - work on a computer without a protective device. Tatyana Nikolaevna and Viktor Andreevich - work on a computer with a protective device. The experiment began on February 5, 1997 at 10-00. Parameters measurement was conducted at 5(10)-minutes intervals, in the process of experiments a protective device was set (see Notice in the Tables 1-6). The data obtained during the experiments is presented in the Tables 1-6. It was discovered that risk factors, connected with PC displays left torsion fields influence, including those affecting the general organism condition and capacity for work, are defined, on the one hand, by individual characteristics of an organism and mentality of a person and, on the other hand, by a specific �spectrum� of left torsion fields. The results of the health condition analysis of the examinees (PC users), protected from negative influence of PC display radiation torsion component, are the evidence of a significant decrease of this influence. The indices of health condition did not change significantly during all time of experiments. At the same time indices of organism health condition of the non-protected users had the downtrend with time. Their indices of health condition became worse on 20-40 % in comparison with the initial data. Conclusions: 1. The results of the research showed that a device for human protection from a negative influence of video terminals �FORPOST-1� decreases considerably the effect of torsion component of PC monitors electromagnetic radiation. 2. The mentioned device may be recommended as a preventive measure for removal of a negative influence of torsion component of PC monitors, TV-sets, other electronic equipment electromagnetic radiation. The experiments were conducted by V. Pereveziy Chief of the laboratory N. Voyta Table 1. The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Elena Anatolievna Time, minutes TPED IS NS Notice 10-00 Initial data 40/50 50/42 40/40 5 25/22 40/30 38/40 10 25/20 30/25 30/30

A protective device is set

10 30/25 35/35 30/30 Table 2. The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Nikolay Andreevich Time, minutes TPED IS NS Notice Initial data 45/50 40/35 40/35 10 35/40 38/30 30/30

A protective device is set

15 45/50 40/40 30/30

Table 3. The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Tatiyana Ivanovna Time, minutes TPED IS NS Notice Initial data 45/50 50/55 45/45 5 30/30 45/40 45/42

A protective device is set

10 32/32 45/50 42/40 Table 4. The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Sergey Ivanovich Time, minutes TPED IS NS Notice Initial data 50/50 58/6 55/55 5 45/40 55/55 55/55 Table 5. The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Tatiyana Nikolaevna - work with a protective device Time, minutes TPED IS NS Notice Initial data 45/50 50/50 40/40 5 48/50 50/50 40/40 10 48/50 50/50 42/42 Table 6.The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Time, minutes TPED IS NS Notice Initial data 45/45 45/45 35/35 5 50/45 45/45 45/40 10 45/45 50/50 45/45 During the more minute investigation of the results of interaction between the left torsion field of the monitor and right torsion field of the protective device by the biolocation method it was discovered that part of the left torsion field changed its direction in circular arc almost on 180 degrees, i.e. as if it reflected and got into right field which was located behind the display. As a result of interaction between opposite twisted swirls of the torsion field both of them significantly weaken, and total torsion field behind the display is practically equal to the background level. For more efficient understanding of the results of the examination of a device �FORPOST-1� we present more detailed description of Foll method, as a reader may be unacquainted with it. In the course of conducted examinations of different acupunctural points Foll defined the indices corresponding to the �norms�. An EAF device (�electroacupuncture according to Foll�) is used not for revelation of electric symmetry of points of paired meridians but for the examination of single points parameters. The level of electric potential of a definite acupuntural point reflects the energy level of the organ (organs) connected with the corresponding meridian. The deviation of potential value from the norm carries important information about existing organ disfunctions. For example, decreased current in acupunctural point can be connected with pathology of corresponding organs or with definite external conditions that reduce general vitality of an organism. And on the contrary, increased current probably points at inflammatory process. The examination of acupunctural point reaction on electric stimulation gives additional information about the form of disease (acute or chronic). Switching a Foll device on mode of treatment, one can influence with low current on

weakened acupunctural point and connected meridian, whose possibility to absorb currents coming from the outside depends on the seriousness of disease. In the case of slow disease course or a little weakening of organism vitality it is possible to �recharge� it through electroprobe - the stimulation of the point with reduced potential takes place. It will be difficult to restore parameters of this point for a short period of time if disfunction is caused by more difficult (chronic) form of disease. An EAF device allows to obtain more detailed information about the type of existing organ disfunction. Researchers claim that they managed to discover a close connection between parameters of acupunctural points, arranged along the meridian of a corresponding organ, and definite features of organ. One can obtain detailed information about organ functioning analyzing electric potentials of the definite acupunctural points, arranged along a definite meridian. An EAF device can help to carry out rather detailed energy �inventory� of different organs functions. Deviation (in this or that side) of electric parameters of a corresponding meridian from normal level serves as a sign of existing degenerate of inflammatory processes in an examined organ. One can work out data in detail measuring parameters of acupunctural points arranged along a meridian. Examination of a patient with the help of a Foll device requires much more time than in the case with other devices, nevertheless, it is fully compensated by a more detailed elaboration of data obtained. A Foll device not just can diagnose presence of these or those disfuctions in definite organism systems but also often gives a possibility to find genuine reasons of energy disfunction and outline potential ways of treatment. The phenomenon of biological resonance prevailing in the nature is used. As we know, electrons in atom rotate around a nucleus in definite orbits. An electron has to absorb energy quantum of a definite frequency to proceed to a higher orbit from a lower one. In the case of transition of an electron from a higher orbit on a lower one it irradiates energy quantum of the same frequency called �resonance frequency�. Atoms and molecules have special resonance frequencies, however resonance can be generated only by the energy with strictly defined vibrational characteristics. For example, a singer sustaining a high note can fully broke a glass to pieces - on condition that this note precisely corresponds to the resonance characteristics of this glass. One more examination of �FORPOST-1� influence on health condition of a user who is located near a computer display was conducted by V. I. Stavitskiy, a candidate of science, chief research officer of biofields laboratory of the Fundamental Researches Center of the Academy of Natural Science in February 2000. In the protocol of the tests of �FORPOST-1" it is stated that as a result of scientific and technological progress we observe the importance to prevent a human from the possibility of dangerous man-caused influence. There is also a possibility of danger from implicit influences on a human, which are not accessible to the control in actual time but can cause irreversible disfunctions of health afterwards. In connection with this possible measures for human protection from implicit impacts are already being taken. �FORPOST-1� is proposed as one of protective means in particular from torsion component of display radiation. But revelation of protection effect in the process of influence is complicated in this case by the fact that the factors of both the influence on a human and his protection are not accessible for direct observation. As a result of this a registering apparatus of new generation �ELECTROPSYCHOGRAPH� [60] was used for the solution of this problem. The known methods of examination of human processes and conditions with the help of electric signals allow to measure solely energy of information carrier. In contrast to

them the operation of �ELECTROPSYCHOGRAPH� is based on qualitatively new method and system patented in the Russian Federation. The informational capabilities of this device are extended by the registration of wave qualities of an information carrier. For this a known for a long time electrovacuum device �politron� is used. �Psychograph� assumes a possibility of emanation of additional information about an examined object. It is useful in those cases when quantum nature of charges interaction is important. The regularities of quantum charges interaction as a physical phenomenon are known to the fundamental science as Aaronov-Bom effect. But manifestation of these regularities in an abnormal regulation of registered electric signal was obtained, as we know, for the first time with the help of psychograph. With the help of psychograph it is possible to discover the dependence of a human on different external factors including those non-measurable. If these factors are controllable during experiments then satisfactory statistic reliability of experiments can be obtained. Exactly this capability was used during the examinations of a device �FORPOST-1�. Scientists conducted ten sessions of device influence on a human, a device being placed at a distance of 40-50 cm from a display screen. During every session lasting 1000 s an examinee was in front of a display, his condition being registered by psychograph. With the aim to define the dependence of human condition on device influence it was periodic: in the first and third phases of a session (Fig. 22 and 23) the device was absent, while in the second and fourth it was placed under a display screen in accordance with instructions. Every session consisted of four equal in time phases. The results are presented by the change of parameter of human condition (the diagrams 2 in Fig. 22 and 23). With the aim to check influence of a device on a psychograph, apart from a human, scientists registered the indications of the psychograph during the placement of the device in the same order but without connection of the psychograph to a human (the diagrams 1 in Fig. 22 and 23). In Fig. 22 there are the characteristics of one session and in Fig. 23 - the characteristics generalized through entire database. As qualitative parameters for the evaluation of dependence (or its absence) of a human condition on the presence of a device, scientists used: �the proportion signal/ interference� (r, Fig. 24) and �the coefficient of correlation� (k, Fig. 25). These parameters characterize the correspondence between human reaction and phase of device influence (these parameters are presented more detailed in [60]). For the check of statistical authenticity of accumulated database scientists conducted the qualitative estimation for every session as well as for total quantity in the process of data accumulation from the first to tenth session. The nature of the obtained dependences and stable increase of the differences between the indications of the diagrams 1 and 2 in the process of data accumulation are the evidence of �Forpost-1� influemce on the condition of a human located in front of a display. The nature of the diagrams 1 also shows that the dependences presented on the diagrams 2 are not conditioned by the direct influence of a device �FORPOST-1� on the indications of the psychograph. Taking into account the accumulated statistics of a psychograph use [60], we may consider the significant equating of characteristics in the phases of (Fig. 22, 23) to be a favorable feature of human conditions stabilization. The more overall judgment about the nature of �FORPOST-1� influence is possible during the parallel observation of physical parameters. The monitoring of some physical indications, energy of internal organs and psychosomatic condition can be conducted with the use of the hardware complex �GDV-Camera� produced in the Russian Federation.

With the help of special programs ("CDV PROCESSOR", "CDV AURA", and "CDV DIAGRAM") the mathematical processing of obtained bioenergograms is carried out, which allows on the basis of quantitative estimation of image parameters to conduct express-diagnosis and monitoring of psychosomatic condition of a human in general and energy of his internal organs as well. The complex �GDV-Camera�, based on Gas-Discharge Visualization method, is successfully applied in the research sphere in medicine for estimation of different influences on a human organism, including allopathic and homeopathic remedies, psyco- and physiotherapy. The research of effectiveness of user�s protection from a negative influence of PC displays by the device �FORPOST-1� was carried out on 14 persons in daytime in February-March 2000. Their age varied between 17 and 70, mainly they were 35-50 years old. The research was carried out on three foreign computers, produced in 1999. The degree of user�s protection against known harmful radiation is the same. Before the beginning of the research the workplaces were arranged in the way that a PC user was not in geopathogenic (biopathogenic) zones. The research lasted 4 hours. The experiment consisted of 4 parts. On the first phase before the beginning of research the level of health condition was defined by the data obtained after the shooting of examinees� ten fingers fluorescence by the standard method on �GDV-Camera� in background mode. On the second phase the examinees were proposed to work without a protective device during 10 minutes. After this the repeated shooting was carried out on �GDV-Camera». On the third phase the examinees were proposed to get out of left torsion zone and to hold in the hands FORPOST-1 during 10 minutes. After this the repeated shooting was carried out on �GDV-Camera� once more. On the fourth phase the examinees were proposed to work with a computer during 2 hours while FORPOST-1 was placed under a display in accordance with user instruction. During the information registration by �GDV-Camera� an examinee puts in succession his fingers on the electrode made of optical glass and on short impulse of current (10 µs) on the electrode surface the creepage appears and it is recorded by the optical system of the device. During the shooting corresponding rules of work with �GDV-Camera� connected with fingers inclination angle from vertical line and placing of fingers axis relatively to the axis of the device were observed. After fixation in the program �CDV GRABBER� the information is processed in �CDV-DIAGRAM�. This program in graphic form on 16 rays of ring diagram for left and right hands separately represents the normalized area of light striking of corresponding sectors connected with a definite human organ or system. The points on rays build the closed graph. (Fig.26) The external ring of the diagram corresponds to the redundant energy of a human organ or system, internal ring - insufficient energy, middle ring - normal condition. Insufficiency and redundancy of energy defines hyper- or hypofunction of a human organ. Influence on human organism energy was estimated by semi-qualitative method taking into account the existence of the difference between check diagram and diagram after corresponding influence. The trend of the influence of FORPOST-1 was taken into account (whether it provokes improvement or worsening of human organs or systems energetic condition)

Results On the diagram of �CDV-DIAGRAM� each of 16 rays corresponds to a definite human body organ (system). The diagram is double - for left and right hands separately. We present here the diagrams and auras of one examinee - N9. According to �energy� the examinees formed some groups. Within the norm - 3 persons. The norm but some organs experienced lack of energy - 4 persons. Prevalent hypofunction or frontier condition - 2 persons. Mixed type - 5 persons. The health condition parameters of PC users non-protected by FORPOST-1 tended to decrease with time (Fig. 28,29). In course of experiment we recorded 48 (12% of total number of changes) biggest influences of torsion field of a PC on human organs (systems) condition. The �targets� appeared to be the urino-genital system - 12% and also spleen, liver, endocrine system, kidneys that totaled in more than half of all maximum changes. Other organs experienced less a negative impact of display radiation leading to the changes of their �energy�, especially it responds to heart and colons. It is necessary to note the difference between right and left hands in the number of recorded changes in this or that organ. The number of changes on the right hand approximately twice more often exceeded the corresponding value on the left hand. We discovered some selectivity in the influence on a number of organs of men and women. The maximum influence on women organisms was recorded in the area of spleen (90%), and the most sensitive organs of a man appeared to be kidneys (80%). Except this the degree of PC display influence on a user depends on psychophysical condition of an examinee in the moment of influence as well. Data obtained in the research were brought together in the tables. Skewness between left and right hands was not observed as well in both samples. As a result of the carried out analysis (the 3rd phase, the users held FORPOST-1 in the hands during 10-15 min.) we discovered the trend of the device to the harmonious condition, i.e. the device fulfilled a compensatory function. In the majority of cases the changes of organs �energy� had a harmonious character with the tendency to �norm�, i.e. the positive influence of the device on men as well as on women was observed (Fig. 30,31). The results of parameters analysis of health condition of PC users who were protected from the a negative influence of the torsion components of PC displays electromagnetic radiation by FORPOST-1 show that this harmful influence is considerably decreased as the parameters of these PC users� health condition did not changed considerably during all the period of the research. Conclusions: 1.The results of the research showed that FORPOST-1 decreases considerably the effect of torsion component of PC displays electromagnetic radiation and its use may be connected with a favorable sign of PC users� health condition stabilization. 2.The mentioned device may be recommended as a preventive means for the removal of a negative influence of torsion component of PC displays, TV-sets, other electronic equipment electromagnetic radiation. Except �FORPOST-1� on the markets of Ukraine and Russia one can purchase a device �Antor� invented by the firm �Erva� from Simpheropol� (Ukraine). As it follows from the promotional materials, �Antor� - is a device for human protection from a harmful influence of the radiation of computer displays, TV set screens, electric copying equipment, lasers and other sources of radiation. The principle of operation of the device is not described yet anywhere.

4.11. France In France scientists conduct intensive researches devoted to the determination of PC displays electromagnetic radiation negative influence on users, examine the level of a psychotropic influence, experienced by operators of industrial processes. The team-work with the Swedish company S.E.I.C. (Geneva) in mentioned directions also takes place. The subject of the invention, described in the patent pending of France 2 692 155, MPK A61N 1/16, is the device for protection against electromagnetic radiation of computer displays, cellular and radiotelephones, TV sets, etc. The device (Fig. 32) consists of two hollow tubes (1) filled with liquid (6) whose ends (2) are closed with steel balls (3). The tubes (1) are fastened on the mutual bearing (4) whose base is provided with two-side adhesive tape (5). The device is fastened on the display body in the position shown in Fig. 33 and provides protection in the radius of 35-50 cm. One of the latest developments is an electromagnetic oscillator (by prof. Guy Thieux and Allan Fouquet). It is a variant of �space harmonizes� (Fig. 34). Nowadays one can observe the tendency to the realization of joint researches between French and Ukrainian scientists.

Chapter 5. PC displays, TV sets and other electronic equipment - the generators of torsion fields.

It is known that an electromagnetic field generates a torsion field [1, 2, 76]. Thus, the overwhelming majority of electric, electrotechnical and electronic equipment are the sources of torsion radiation with a definite degree of aggressiveness towards people. It is scientifically proved that they affect people. PC displays, TV sets undoubtedly belong to the above-mentioned devices and serve as powerful generators of torsion fields. There are apparently some components creating total left torsion field of a PC display and TV set. High accelerating current (~27 kV) supplied on the first anode of a cathode-ray tube (CRT) fulfils the charge polarization of Physical Vacuum in the way shown in Fig. 3 (see Chapter 1.1) that leads to the appearance of left torsion field in front of a display and right torsion field behind a display. In other words, a display is a generator of the torsion field with symmetrical torsion radiation in opposite sides. The deflecting system of a CRT, fulfilling reaming of cathode ray over a screen, is the ring structure, i.e. there are organized ring electromagnetic processes that contribute to the total torsion field of a PC display, TV set. Moreover, cathode ray itself can be represented as a cylinder that also produces conic left torsion fields in both sides (Fig. 35). Scientists experimentally discovered formation of left torsion field during the bombardment of a CRT luminophor by the electrons that occurs in the presence of high accelerating current on the first CRT anode in the process of reaming of images over a screen. However, the field of a luminophor becomes right field during its use in high-voltage bloc of a PC display, TV set, Tesla coil. The reason of such change is to be found in the future during the development of displays exerting minimal influence on a human.

From physical point of view electroluminescence is the luminescence of a luminophor when excited by accelerated cathode ray electrons of the latter emit a quantum of light passing from one orbit on another, i.e. change their energy condition in the side of energy decrease and change of space orientation of spins. This dynamic process is a factor that generates wave left torsion field exerting negative influence on a human. During switching off a PC display, TV set and other similar devices space-cleaved particle and antiparticle in phytons automatically returns in symmetrically enclosed condition (see Fig. 1) because the above-mentioned sources of disturbance disappear, i.e. space-cleaved condition is unstable and can remain only in the presence of sources of disturbance. However, it should be noted that form static torsion field created by a CRT luminophor remains even after a display is switched off, and if it influences a human for a long time (for example, rest place in an apartment is located in front of a TV set, PC display), the negative consequences can occur because of the accumulation effect. Chapter 6. The experimental investigation of the manifestations of PC displays,

TV sets torsion field negative impact on a human. The information presented below has a debatable nature and is mainly intended to try to exceed the traditional bounds of the understanding of influence mechanism of PC displays, other electronic equipment on a user. The analysis of animate systems reactions on different factors of the environment shows that together with known contact (specific) kinds of perception there is a general, unspecific kind of perception and connection in animate organisms called by A. P. Dubrov as resonance-field interaction (RFI). The indicated kind of interaction and connection on all levels of hierarchic structure of animate structures and animate systems as a whole, from a population of organisms to single cells, being this way a total biological rule. However, all this requires potent proofs. The basis of RFI is the mechanism of resonance phenomena connected solely with field interaction, i.e. with reception and transmission of wave informational characteristics of a field, and not transportation and interaction between physical structures in the form of molecules, ions, protones, electrons. Field as such is a hyperstructural formation of animate matter with its peculiar features. In particular, during RFI there is the occurrence of the interaction between the fields of structures and formations, made of receptor or acceptor molecules of cells, tissues, and organs. These interactions are afterwards mediated as wave changes of structures, which interact with field signals. Exactly this mechanism is the main one during the influence on a human of weak and extremely weak electromagnetic fields and radiation accompanied by torsion radiation. An animate system, which a human is, possess rather definite, ordered structural organisation of numerous parts, which are also structured. Let�s make some preliminary remarks. Any geometrical arrangement of a complex object is defined by interarrangement of its structural elements and by their mutual transferences relatively to each other. Nobody will dispute with the fact that any object of the animate nature - from a bacteria to a human - has its own structure of electromagnetic fields and consequently torsion fields which is defined by directed movement of ions in cellular organelles, by movement of cells themselves and their big agglomerations in the form

of blood or lymph, for example. This movement occurs under the conditions of constant presence of electromagnetic and torsion influences and other factors as well. As in the result of existent interactions the changes of charge movement speed occur and the charges themselves move not chaotically but in accordance with already existing geometric arrangement of field lines, we can consider animate objects to be the most complex collectors and generators of torsion radiation. The diagram of directional thrust of such collector - any object of animate nature and its subsystems - has very complex form. To reproduce it one will have to create another similar animate object. However, it can be affirmed that some characteristics of torsion field of bioobjects, which have the hierarchy of their geometrical structure, will repeat. All this will lead to the similarity of torsion fields radiation from various organs and their subsystems. Therefore, each cell of a human organism has its torsion field and contiguous cells have common torsion field that orientates them in the space in a definite position creating unique stable combination of cells, etc. Let�s take the idea of a complex torsion image in the role of the basic notion, taking into account [38]. By a complex image we will understand a geometrical model with definite mass, charge and torsion configuration that has the hierarchy with inheritance of geometrical forms and complication of qualities. It should be underlined once more that during the reducing of geometrical sizes of a system its complexity increases, while a system itself inherits all features of a system with larger dimensions. It does not mean that a system evolves towards the simplification of features of objects with larder dimensions. Features of larger things repeat in smaller ones or features of smaller things reflect in larger ones. The objects like iterative geometrical images can serve as a classical model of such relation among geometrical objects. They are also called iterative geometrical fractals. Let�s formulate some basic concepts that we will use hereinafter: 1. All biological objects possess the structure similar to geometrical fractals. 2.Geometrical arrangement of a biological object allows it to participate in complex resonance interactions with external wide-band electromagnetic influences and torsion components generated by them. 3. The main information carriers in a bioobject and about a bioobject are wide-band oscillation of various natures including electromagnetic, acoustic, torsion fields of very complex configuration. 4. The facts of resonance absorption and/or energy irradiation and also inheritance of resonance qualities allow conducting the control acts in a bioobject by small signals or informational torsion fields. During that spectrums and diagrams of directional thrust of such signals or fields are important. 5. Encoding and meaning of information are the essence of forming of definite influences successions in different frequency ranges with the aim to put into resonance a system or this or that part of an organism. Medical homeostatics occurred in the process of examination of the processes happening in animate organisms. As any science about complex systems management, homeostatics is formed at the turn of such disciplines like biology, system analysis, medicine, psychology, ecology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, sociology, etc. An elementary unit of the structure of homeostatic system is homeostat [28, 58]. Management system of an organism consists of elementary functional units that create highly specialized management structures, which in their turn provide the given level of permanence of optimal conditions of animate system functioning. Homeostats of different organism systems are fundamentally one-type when it

concerns information processing, however, morphologically and energy-wise they can be built from different tissues and biochemical components. Any animate system can be considered as purposeful coordinated informational and energy process managed by the hierarchy of homeostatic systems. This coordination becomes vividly apparent during the reaction of an animate system on external influence and change of internal conditions. Let�s consider the variant of electromagnetic model of an animate cell [38]. It is not difficult to notice the contradiction between very limited number of parent elements, which form organic molecules, for example, amino acids, and interminable variety of animate nature objects, which differ from each other by micromolecules structure. This contradiction can be explained by the fact that form and content of any biological object depends on strictly given picture of its electromagnetic and torsion (not shown in Fig. 36) fields which change with time in accordance to the program characteristic only to this object. With the help of this common for all bioobjects electromagnetic-torsion picture one can, on the one hand, explain similarity in structure, functions and content of molecules in cells and, on the other hand, one can show: the more molecules participate in the organization and functioning of a cell, the more there are combinations of electromagnetic and torsion interactions, programs in architectonics of animate organisms. Such constant complication of electromagnetic-torsion fundamental principle of life is actually the reflection of its evolution. The intracellular material possesses the qualities of liquid crystals, i.e. complex molecules and polymers have an ordered structure and at the same time they can flow forming drops just like liquids. And as you know, formation of ordered interatomic connections among crystals is explained with the help of mechanism of interaction between their atoms. In the same way intracellular structures have to be formed, at the same time they are significantly influenced both by the external electromagnetic fields and by the torsion fields generated by the latter. Any not divided animate cell that has rather powerful electromagnetic and torsion fields creates a matrix for the development of a complex organism under combined influence of magnetic and torsion fields of the Earth. Therefore, as we think, it can be claimed that life descended from biogenetic material only once and now it is repeated through spores, seed and cells. It is quite probably that now in the Nature the same processes that led to the appearance of life take place, however, they are difficult to discover because of great variety of biomass on the planet. An animate cell, unlike multicellular organisms, is skew. If one assumes that symmetric organisms are stable owing to the coherent effect of electromagnetic-torsion framework, then formation of an electromagnetic field and its torsion component among skew cells have to precede the division. At the same time the cell is growing due to external replenishment by organic molecules, but balance between its mass and cohesion forces in cell is broken - the division occurs. It is known from electrotechnics: if there is a membrane from a conductive material (albumen in a cell) in electric field, then the direction of field lines will change as if there was a �mirror� opposite charge behind this membrane. If this membrane is dielectric (lipids in a cell) - charge sign changes. It is known as well that in resonators of ultrahigh frequency (UHF) and extremely-high frequency (EHF) devices, as klystrons, generating electromagnetic waves from decimeter to some centimeters, and also in p-i-ndiode of stripline conductors electric, magnetic and torsion fields spread over all volume of hollows of their resonators. In an atom we can see almost the same process. Therefore, it can be considered as very small resonator capable to generate and absorb electromagnetic waves, at this

change of torsion field occurs. Evidently, resonance system of an atom is capable to �remember� information available in them which can be recorded as electron orbital form change. After all it (form) directly depends on how electric and magnetic fields inside and around an atom are arranged. The torsion field of an atom changes during magnetic orbital form change. As an example let�s consider the structure of electromagnetic field of a lipid - the main structural component of cell membrane - without its torsion component. In Fig.36 there is the organization of a biological membrane, and in Fig. 37 - a simplified electromagnetic model of lipid molecule top (torsion fields are not depicted, we should remind that north magnetic pole generates right torsion field, while south - left). The top has six longitudinal contours connected in sole electromagnetic mechanism, and joining of molecules in monomolecular layer occurs mainly due to magnetic connections. Do not these hexahedrons remind honeycombs made from wax, which is a sort of lipids (Fig. 38)? For other structures of biological molecules such joining can be volumetric, while biological molecules themselves can have very various informational honeycomb structures. It is well known that organic combinations with close resonance frequencies of own oscillation tend to approach in liquid environment. Taking everything into account, it can be said that associations of identical molecules occur exactly because of this. Complex structure of the electric field inside a cell generates the corresponding torsion field that influences the trajectories of component molecules. As it was mentioned, torsion information can be recorded in a biomolecule in the change of electron orbital form. At that the more complex a molecule, the more electron orbital it has and the more information it can �record�. Atoms of different elements and also more complex systems of joined elementary particles, including living matter, can exchange this information. The most easily such exchange takes place between identical atoms and molecules. In the surrounding environment there are always material objects consisting of such identical systems, and it is not excluded that �traces� of information from animate organisms, including superior ones, stay on various objects. It is apparently that due to fractal features in the geometrical arrangement of fields there can exist both the short-term (operating) and long-term memory. In particular in animate organisms such stable formations as bones can serve as reliable banks of long-term memory. They contain enough of all biogenic elements capable to assimilate operating information transmitted by torsion fields about biochemical processes that take place, for example, in brain. Blood, containing atoms of iron in hemes, can transmit this information to all �parts� of an organism. In [38] the author examines resonance electromagnetic phenomena in organs and tissues. As early as in the beginning of 60s A. G. Telegina had been attracted by the conception of the founder of space biology, an academician V. V. Parin - development of fundamental schemes of management processes, which occur in animate nature, by analogy with technical devices. By that time in biology and physiology there were enough works that unambiguously proved: together with neural and humoral systems of information transmission the same functions are fulfilled in animate organism with the help of electromagnetic fields as well. In the process of experiments scientists discovered a remarkable regularity. The effects connected with periodically changing electromagnetic fields almost do not depend on radiation energy. Moreover, corresponding regularities often have

paradoxical nature - influence of the field with lower energy appears to be greater! Therefore, the idea about highly selective nature of interaction occurred. It means that in a human body, in its vitals there must be generators of periodically changing energy with quite definite frequencies. And the physical phenomenon of resonance (amplification of weak oscillation) is connected with frequency characteristics. Radio engineering is based on this phenomenon. Which system of a human body can serve as radioregulator of an organism? Solving this problem, Telegina made rather unexpected choice: she paid attention to the main system of all haemathermal species - cardiovascular one. And she set the aim for herself - to create its model, let it be a simplicated one, but displaying exactly radio features of this system. Because we got used to consider it to be some bifurcate hydraulic net, for example, a diagnostic method in hospitals is pressure measurement. Transport function of circulatory system is well known - it delivers atoms of oxygen, nutrients to all parts of an organism. In new model mechanical functions are not reflected as it is �interlaced� from other essences. The conceptions of a polarizing generator, waveguides and dielectric environment were necessary for its construction. Physiologists determined long ago that so-called automatism of a heart is not only mechanical but also electric process. Alternate contraction and relaxation of a heart muscle is accompanied by extremely quick alternation of positive and negative charges in its tissues. On electrocardiogram (EKG) not these high-frequency oscillations themselves are reflected but their envelope curves: prong P reflects spreading of exitaion (depolarization) over the auricles, Q.R.S. - over ventricles and T- the process of excitation extinction (repolarization) in the latter. The nature of polarization, i.e. of quick alternation of positive and negative charges, is not fully understood. One can suppose that alternation of positive and negative charges leading to the appearance of alternate right and left torsion fields serves as some signals of control over the main process of cell adaptation - peroxide oxidation of lipids, namely unsaturated phospholipids capable to quickly oxidate on their double bond. However it is, a heart appeared in the form of a polarizing generator in the Telegina model. After all, quickly oscillating charges, as it is known, serve as sources of electromagnetic and torsion fields. The picture of electromagnetic excitation in a human organism can be defined taking into account the features of the environment where it takes place. Blood, muscles, nerves and other structures are dielectrics. The electrons of such substances do not lose contact with molecules so easily as it happens with conductors. The particles possessing opposite charges are �spread�, connected in dielectrics and form doublets capable to turn along electromagnetic energy current. Inevitable companions of this process -forces similar to frictional force - appear in a molecule. And a portion of work fulfilled by an electromagnetic field during its spreading in a dielectric turns into heat, i.e. turns into dielectric losses. Together with redox process they contribute to the maintenance of body temperature on rather high level. Torsion signals are spread almost instantly. The examination of human tissues on ultrahigh frequencies, conducted recently in some countries, showed that tissues could be divided in two parts concerning their electromagnetic features. The first one, including muscles, brain, blood, is similar to the physiological solution in their characteristics (high inductivity - 60-80 and strong wave attenuation). The second one (including adipose and bone tissues, their inductivity -5-6, wave attenuation much weaker) is similar with distilled water. Wave attenuation is characterized by so-called penetration depth on which radiation is 2.73

times less. Wave attenuation is usually measured in a laboratory with the use of a generator. It appears to be that in muscular tissue for waves less than 0.3 m it makes up approximately 1/20, while in adipose tissue - ? of wavelength. The investigations showed as well that radiowaves irradiated by internal organs can be located placing a dielectric with the same inductivity as those of the body against the skin. An aerial is put inside of a dielectric. As an aerial is inside of a dielectric and it has to react on wave some times shorter than in the air, the sizes of an aerial are lessened respectively. Minimal size of the area (this size is called resolution capability over the surface), which an aerial can occupy and under which there is a source of the registered electromagnetic radiation, amounts only 4 cm for the registered wave with l=30 cm. From the information presented above the following conclusions can be drawn: - control on all levels of bioobject organization is fulfilled by weak electromagnetic and torsion fields that activate or deactivate these or those processes; - irradiators can be used for the interference in control processes, including the passive ones with a definite geometrical structure and corresponding diagram of directional thrust, whose operation is based on torsion field radiation. Various symbols drawn on metal or dielectric can serve as such irradiators generating weak but determined torsion control signals on the level of organs, tissues and cells. Any symbols carry information. However, almost in all natural processes information is present with noise. A feature of information about animate objects - is the presence of symmetry with a big number of directions of axes of symmetry. Conscious or unconscious creations of animate beings also, as a rule, possess definite symmetry. Symmetry is an essential of biogeometrical models, small skewness being a condition for the existence of the complex, including animate, in the dynamic equilibrium [38]. The influence of weak skew and low-level skew fields on an organism can cause definite processes and changes in it. Such effects are more strongly pronounced after prolonged influence or during the introduction of biogeometrical semantics recorded on liquid carriers, for example on water or another associates. We will call low power electromagnetic signals accompanied by corresponding torsion components, possessing symmetry, as �biogeometrical manager of influences�. Such signals are generated by PC displays, TV sets, microwave ovens, etc. Different runic symbols can be considered to be generators of low power torsion influences. If signal form of such generator has characteristics coinciding with organism characteristics on various levels of complexity, the influence of such interaction will be rather notable. In this case this phenomenon can be considered as nonlinear response of an open nonequilibrium system on external low torsion disturbance. The influence of such biogeometrical generators is proved by the experience of generations. But not every sign or rune suits a definite human due to the difference of generator and organism characteristics. The quality of a generator should be defined individually for each human. In the examined case among known methods of control carriers organization in homeostats [63] it is advisable to single out informational-energy field formation (torsion-spin), whose energy is significantly low in comparison with the energy of transformations in a homeostat occurring under the influence of information itself. A direct detector of information in an organism is bound water that under the influence of space complexes of information carrier rebuilds its own structure. This in the end changes the qualities of chemical molecules surrounded by water-jacket.

Part of molecular substratum of animate systems is constantly in the excited high-energy nonequilibrium condition. Owing to this they are constantly ready to work and fulfill it with maximum effectiveness. Stability of their nonequilibrium condition is provided, on the one hand, by the specific structure and form of individual molecules, and, on the other hand, by the interaction between the excited molecules that create peculiar ensembles. This energy is called �structural� or �free� [18]. The interaction between ensembles and created interconnected super systems is admittedly the torsion one. In 30s A. G. Gurvich discovered that any animate organisms are able to emit photons in ultraviolet range of spectrum. Photons play the role of necessary factor of cell division induction that resulted in this radiation being called �mitogenetic�. Moreover, all animate systems are capable to emit significant current of photons as well in visible spectrum region in the form of flashes. Flashes are sometimes initiated by very weak in energy equivalent influences on cells which fact is the evidence of a predominant informational mechanism of the starting of these radiations. Spectrum analysis of spontaneous and degradation radiation is the evidence that molecular substratum of animate organisms is in the condition rather distant from thermodynamic equilibrium owing to high occupancy of upper electronic levels [18]. This conclusion agrees with the results obtained earlier. It is cleared up that many fermentative oxidizing processes result in the products in excited triplet condition. In this case energy is not dissipated through a heat channel but is used for the fulfillment of biological functions [18]. Life time of such conditions would not be so big if excited molecules did not join in ensembles that in their turn would not organize interconnected systems. In such ensembles electron transitions have to be fulfilled co-operatively. Indeed, it was discovered that radiation of biosystems is coherent, i.e. it represents electromagnetic waves, whose phases are coordinated in time and space [18]. The man is a complex torsion system of strictly individual type characterized by the unique information also defining condition of his or her health. By health one can understand the harmony of informational-energy interrelations between an individual and the Nature (the environment). This harmony is expressed through the homeostasis of an organism in physical, mental and spiritual aspects. One of the components of a human torsion field is that created by the natural radioactive background (the NRB); the human and all biota on the Earth live under its constant influence. In different spots of the globe intensity of this influence may vary almost on exponent part, but everywhere animate organisms constantly absorb high-energy quanta of this radiation, whose sources are the radionuclids U, Th, Ra and radioactive products of their decay, which are spread in rocks, ground, water and air. This external irradiation increases due to the cosmic rays that also constantly affect the biota. Radioisotopes of some elements, which form animate organisms, for example, 14C, 3H, 40K constitute a constant source of internal irradiation supplemented with the radioisotopes taken by the biota from the environment (U, Th, etc.). In total these external and internal irradiations constitute so-called the natural radioactive background (the NRB) for the surface biota (microorganisms, plants, animals). The NRB includes: 49.5 % of radiation from radon and products of its decay, 15 % - from potassium radioisotope - 40K - the main component of internal irradiation of an organism, 15.3 % fall at cosmic radiations, 12.2 % - from radium row of uranium and 8 % - from thorium row of uranium. It should be underlined that this radiation intensity is extremely low, as a rule, it is some exponent parts lower in comparison with the radiations under whose influence scientists experimentally discover a harmfully affecting impact of radioactive radiation on the biota. It was experimentally shown

that addition of potassium chloride in plenty to the animals� food leads to the extrusion of potassium radioisotope from an organism thus decreasing the internal irradiation from 40K - a significant component of the internal NRB. Scientists conducted the experiment with young quickly growing mice during the simultaneous decreasing of the external NRB, accompanied by torsion radiation, with the help of the lead screen, air purification from radon and products of its decay, decrease of 40K content in the animal body, i.e. decrease of the internal irradiation from the NRB. The control group was in the chamber of the same size but under the irradiation from the external NRB, ventilated with the air with normal radon content, and with addition to food of the same quantity of potassium chloride as in the experiment but containing as usually radioisotope 40K. The growth, increase in weight rates have significant individual fluctuations even in the same conditions, therefore, the experiments were conducted with 11 pares of mice. It appeared to be that in eight days disastrous changes of development [about 50 % of the control] occurred among the mice in the decreased NRB [internal and external]. The similar experiments with three species of higher plants growing in the nutrient medium, where usual potassium was substituted with the potassium free from 40K, while the external NRB was decreased by the lead screen - also revealed double oppression of their development. Thus, only by 1994 scientists proved undoubtedly the pantobiological positive significance for the biota [therefore, for the human] of the natural radioactive background, accompanied by torsion radiation, essential for normal existence and development of the life on the Earth. The complexity of a human torsion field is caused by the coordinated interaction between torsion ensembles of organs and systems, milliards of the cells constituting them. The torsion field of every cell is defined in its turn by the complex organization of molecular-biological and biochemical processes. As the main hypothesis about controlled negative influences on users of display radiation we assume the hypothesis about transmission of torsion information both due to the shape of a cathode-ray tube (form torsion field - a CRT resembles a pyramid in its form, where, as we know, torsion fields occur) and due to the processes of image formation on a display screen (high voltage on the anode of a CRT, influence of focus-and-scanning system, etc.). The geometrical arrangement of a cathode-ray tube - more precisely, irradiated by this object as a complex system torsion field - is a key to the control over the negative processes in an organism of a user. The torsion radiation redistributed in the space is a �trigger� activating negative processes on the level of systems, organs, and cellular tissues of an organism. Irrespective of its scanty intensity, it possesses nevertheless accurate space distribution. Though very weak but geometrically accurate torsion field current constantly passes through a human organism. It passes without extinction interacting with the torsion fields of an organism and with external disturbances, density and configuration of torsion field distribution inside of a user�s organism being constantly influenced by a display. At the same time it is striking that exactly this �torsion whisper� is the most comprehensible and perceptible signal for organism cells. First of all, we will consider that the process of interaction between a display torsion field and an animate organism makes the latter produce some controlling influences. These influences have internal character and appear in the change of the processes occurring on the level of cellular organisms, cells, tissues and systems of the entire organism. Left torsion field that inhibits the regulator processes can�t be considered as some energy source. Its intensity is too low to be used by an organism as energy replenishment. It

has another purpose. In this case it is appropriate to talk about controlling information transmission. The process of the transmission of this information can be interpreted as introduction in antiresonance condition of some molecules, molecular structures, for example, cellular membranes, also cells, in the role of the structures with their own torsion fields. Antiresonance is a phenomenon of strong response during the interaction between mutually exclusive semantic structures (the systems with the same nature of images and notions but different semantic filling) [38]. In the considered case the nature of the fields - is the torsion one, while the semantic filling is different - left field of a display and right field of the molecular structure of a body. Owing to the geometrical complexity of the considered fields they have wide and complex ranges of torsion resonance frequencies. Their interaction with torsion components of a user�s organism radiation leads to the development of wide sets of controlling torsion interactions. The net torsion fields of complex form activate the processes of energy redistribution in organism systems. Thus, strongly definite torsion influence of small intensity on a user�s organism leads to the activation of processes with big significances of energy content. We assume that semantically modulated display torsion field causes the antiresonance of organism systems torsion fields that leads generally to the deceleration of big energy internal processes. Such processes of energy redistribution can be considered as chain reactions caused but the first initiation in a definite spot. Different parts of a biosystem will react in different ways on the same torsion disturbance due to their different torsion-biogeometrical structure. This will lead to the appearance of antiresonance processes selectively but not everywhere in an organism. All these assumptions lead to the necessity to build a model of torsion geometrical structures appearance in liquid environment under the influence of weak signals generated by torsion generators. We will take as an assumption the fact that some geometrical structures called associates occur in such liquids as water and in colloidal solutions. The theory of associates appearance is based on the notion of hydrogen bonds between molecules of water. This bond allows molecules to join in similitudes of crystals of tetrahedral structure because in every case of associative link there are two atoms of hydrogen bound with oxygen atom covalently and two more atoms bound by hydrogen bonds. The space direction of hydrogen bonds defines the form of geometrical structure and consequently the configuration of generated torsion field. As in any crystal, in a hydroassociate there is a possibility of space transmission of geometrical form of an embryonic monocrystal. The size of a granule nascent at that is not too large, as the estimations show, about 100 molecules. However, the forms of such associates, built of tetrahedron sets, are various. If one also takes into account a possibility of the generation of more complex forms conditioned by the existence of these or those ions of various elements dissolved in water, then it becomes clear that there is a great variety of geometrical structures that occur in liquid. Liquid temperature and diffusion processes limit the time of existence of hydroassociates. It is naturally that with the increase of temperature speed of diffusion processes and own oscillations increases that leads in the end to the corruption of hydrogene bonds and destruction of associates geometrical arrangement. However, one should consider that in the long run the process of destruction has probabilistic nature. By this fact one can explain a possibility to preserve some quantity of associates both at rather high temperatures and after prolonged diffusion processes [38].

Let�s proceed with the examination of interaction process of a user with PC display radiation. The bulb of a CRT, electrons of modulated cathode beam, electromagnetic radiation of deflection system of a tube generate so-called left torsion field, in which a user is located. In this field there are the information about change of spin of electrons, their transfer on lower energy orbits, increase of their speed, i.e. minimization of electrons and atoms energy. In such polarized informational space the gradual minimization of electrons and atoms energy apparantly occurs that leads to the deceleration of chemical processes causing the appearance of different disfunctions in an organism, which depend on the torsion field intensity and time of a contact. Unfortunatly, accumulated scientific knowledge is not sufficient for the explaination of the majory of objectively existing biological phenomena connected with the influence of torsion fields on a human, therefore, we can only express some assumptions on the phenomenological level. From the standpoint of modern conceptions about possible mechanisms of torsion fields influence on a human one can assume that left torsion fields have direct impact on brain nerve cells, their cellular membranes, their polarization through the polarization of Physical Vacuum phytons. The information about the change of homeostasis can enter the brain directly through some space factors, leading with time to the creation of dominant place of excitement responsible for the mobilization of protective forces of an organism. It is not excepted that stable in time informational-energy formation (torsion-spin formation, i.e. left torsion field as a component of PC display electromagnetic radiation) changes characteristics of control signals in a system through the regulation of either incoming coefficient or incoming signals parameters, or excitation of additional control loop over the function. In particular, it causes coherent oscillation in the cellular elements of an organism through internal liquid environments and bound water. In other words, there is a possibility of frequency-bioresonance or form-bioresonance effect directly in control circuits. As until recently in scientific community there is no common opinion about what the bioresonance is, we will use the definition given in [38] and presented below. Biological systems that have numerous circuits of internal feedbacks possess the active form of search of the most biologically expedient conditions. The feedbacks serve to the information of control centers about the quality of accommodation to the conditions of the external and internal environments and also they serve the purpose of obtaining the energy for the realization of the search. Reliability degree of feedbacks functioning has a decisive influence on stability and adaptive qualities of an organism. One can assume that under the influence of PC display radiation there is the irregularity in the operation of both algorithms of starting factors of specific activity and modulating factors that underlie adaptation processes. Probably, under the influence of left torsion field torsion structures occur in a user�s brain. They replicate space-frequency structure of the affecting internal torsion field. These new torsion structures - the result of the interaction between an individual torsion field of a user and a display torsion field - are reflected as control signals by these or those physiological functions that leads to the certain disfunctions in an organism. Among some users the interaction between the mentioned above torsion fields together with disfunctions in an organism can result in unpredictable behavioral reactions, whose mechanisms can rightfully be the concealed centers of excitation forming on the level of consciousness. Besides, some psychogenic (psychotropic) influence on a PC user is not excluded. It reveals through stopped reactions, appearance of the feeling of unsureness, fear, joy, malice, etc.

Thus, under the influence of display left torsion field organism cells and systems are exposed to the definite structural and physiological reorganizations that leads to the appearance of psychogenic tension, to the decrease of the ability to react adequately on internal influences including the influences of surrounding people. It is not excluded that there is the problem of maintenance of torsion-field homeostasis of a human organism and any animate organisms. The influence of various factors of PC impact leads an organism to the formation of complex system response reactions which fact fully agrees with the conclusion of the experts from the WPHO about the necessity to consider the work with a computer as a stress factor. Let�s introduce the notion of bioresonance [38]. Unfortunately, now in the scientific community there is no a common opinion about what the bioresonance is. Therefore, at the beginning we would like to determine distinctly our understanding of this notion. Firstly, as it follows from the name itself, bioresonance - is a resonance phenomenon in biological objects. Secondly, resonance phenomena in animate and inanimate nature have to define similar processes. Therefore, we will define the main qualities of resonance phenomena using the examples from physics. In physics by the resonance we understand the phenomenon of sudden increase of vibrational amplitude in the cases when frequency of external force approaches to the proper frequency of a system. It follows from this definition that the following conditions have to be fulfilled for the appearance of the resonance: - a system must have a possibility to perform oscillations (in it there must be wave processes peculiar to it); - existence of external source of vibrations (waves) similar in its parameters to a resonant system; - characteristics of wave processes of a system and external source must coincide. Let�s consider the mentioned conditions as applied to biological objects. As we know, the majority of them have cellular structure, i.e. they consist of huge number of similar elements repeating the structure (thus, the characteristics as well) of each other with high accuracy, and all collagens and many blood plasma proteins are the spiral fibrous structures capable to transmit instantly informational component of electromagnetic oscillations. One can assume that extracellular elements of connective tissue fulfill informational rather than support function, because they form specific channels connecting all organs and tissues with each other and going out at periphery possibly in the form of acupunctural points. Extracellular elements of connective tissue can serve as retransmitters, signal amplifiers. The process of cells vital activity on all levels (mechanical, electric, chemical, informational) can be considered as periodical, i.e. oscillatory or wave process. In particular, it is proved that a cell serves as a source of electromagnetic radiation in wide frequency range and thus as a source of torsion radiation. Therefore, cells are both the sources of oscillations for resonance and resonant systems. At the same time one should take into account that in biological systems self-oscillating processes are observed on all levels of animate matter organization and play very important role in the processes of encoding, transmission and converting of information. Thus, the majority of receptor cells are self-oscillating systems encoding the information about measuring parameters of environment in the form of self-oscillation of membrane potential with corresponding amplitude and frequency. All kinds of self-regulation are capable to fulfill their functions only in a definite range of condition parameters. Spillover of these parameters under the influence of exo- or

endogenous factors can cause change of internal environment not compensated by homeostatic mechanisms. Shift of self-regulation systems can be incompatible with normal functioning of an organism that leads to the development of pathologic condition. A fundamental distinction of resonant biological objects from elementary oscillating systems examined in physics is defined by a significant complexity of their structure (complex chemical compounds, double spiral of DNA, etc.). Therefore, in their case it would be more correct to speak not about coincidence of proper frequencies (they just do not have them - they never oscillate as a single whole) but about complex resonance when there is the coincidence of complex wave processes consisting of great number of elementary oscillations with various amplitudes and frequencies. Moreover, as a biological object exists in a real world where simultaneously all range of wave influences is present (with different intensity for every frequency), the corresponding wave process respondent to this set of influences occurs in it. Depending on what external wave processes are amplified at the moment, a corresponding part of a biological object having the resonance on this frequency responses (of course, if such element exists in an object). This phenomenon of weak wave response on all frequency range can be called as phenomenon of weak background resonance of structural elements of a complex biological object. The more external influence approaches to the full set of proper frequencies of all system elements, the more considerable it is. At that by the element in this case one should understand not only elementary components of a biological object but also any their combinations right up to an object as a single whole! This is defined by a huge complexity of the wave process in any biological object in comparison with elementary oscillating systems examined in physics. At the same time the reliability of self-regulation system in an organism is ensured by the following components: - plurality (duplication) of regulating bonds controlling the same function; - plurality and relative autonomy of simultaneously functioning elements; - repeated reservation of energy sources; - substitution or restoration of disabled elements and bonds; - ability to self-clear from alien elements; - protection from overload and ability to adapt to frequent overloads. What are the frequencies when a real resonance in a system with a complex internal structure can occur? Only those corresponding to its internal structure! In fact, for the resonance there is a necessity of wave process amplification (i.e. amplification of external signal). But one can�t obtain a signal of the definite frequency if in a system there is no an element able to generate it! It follows that a biological object possessing own set of internal frequencies of wave processes, which can occur in it, can participate in the phenomenon of bioresonance only on these frequencies. Basing on the above presented material we can introduce the notion for oscillating systems with complex structure similar to the notion of proper frequency of elementary physical oscillating system - the proper torsion-wave process. In biological objects the phenomena of bioresonance take place on various levels and are defined by various processes. Therefore, to denote the community of these phenomena we will use the notion of proper informational torsion-wave process. For the explanation of this notion we will use the following analogy: just as oscillations with proper frequency can occur in an elementary physical system without external source (i.e. this condition is natural for physical system), the proper informational torsion-wave process is a natural condition of a biological object corresponding to the normal vital activity and absence of external influences.

This process itself can be arbitrarily complex. Its parts can subside and again increase. The number of conditions through which a biological object goes in this process can be arbitrarily big, so they even can be never repeated. Therefore, the process can be called oscillating or periodical very conventionally. At the same time it possesses some characteristics (for example, exactly repeating from a cell to a cell) and marked wave nature. From this we have an assumed name. So, a singe cellular structure provides the fulfillment of all necessary conditions for the existence of bioresonance. But similar to cells one can consider other parts of a biological object as participant of resonance phenomena. This is possible due to the well-known quality of biological objects structure - self-similarity. Even during complete absence of external influences (which is impossible in a real world) various parts of animate organism (organs, tissues, cells, cells structure elements, DNA, complex chemical compounds) anyway constantly resonate between each other. The conclusion: the bioresonance is an integral quality of all animate organisms; it constantly occurs in them and provides their vital activity. In a biological object itself one its parts resonates with other. That is we can speak about the fact that in complex biological objects there is the phenomenon of internal bioresonance (self-bioresonance) that of course does not exclude the bioresonance determined by internal influences. At the same time the internal bioresonance determines all informational torsion-wave processes of an animate organism. Therefore, it develops much more often than the external one. To be more precise, it takes place constantly and continuously. Probably, exactly because of this it is natural, and we do not consider it to be a significant phenomenon accompanying some phenomena of the external resonance (we do not feel it like we do not feel, for example, respiration processes, although during an inhalation left torsion field is generated, and during an exhalation - right field, if we breath with the air containing big quantity of aeroions with both polarity). At the same time the external resonance, although not having such significance in organism vital activity, can be used as the method of control over a biological object, processes of its vital activity (for example, for cure of pathologies). All interactions both inside and outside of a biological object are believed to be divided in two classes: energy and informational ones. It should be noted that the mentioned two classes of interactions are very close to the generally accepted classification for external influences on an animate organism. Thus, by the informational level of influence (weak signals) one should understand the level of signals that does not cause changes in main processes of vital activity of cells but only controls the course of these processes. By destroying (strong) signals scientists understand the signals causing destruction or principal changes of vital activity processes. Energy and destroying signals are fundamentally different: energy signals for resonance do not belong to the destroying ones; its level is closer to the informational one. It is most likely that the nature gave the corresponding roles in biological objects to both these influences that determine the appearance of the bioresonance. But as in biological objects all elements (cells) are similar (i.e. have approximately the same possibilities in accumulating and expending energy), informational resonance seems to be much more effective process concerning energy exchange. It seems to be the most plausible model of a system inside of biological objects, because the nature usually takes the best decisions. One more argument in favor of informational model is the fact that in this case bioresonance result is put in a biological object itself. And thus it is easily controlled,

more predictable, limited in its parameters. Thus, it is simpler to use it in the further process of information exchange or control of vital activity processes. Besides, effectiveness of any influence can be considered through the value of response on it. In this sense whatever kind of influence we consider, for the appearance of bioresonance the value of response must exceed the influence itself. In this sense the informational resonance is much more effective than the energy one, and consequently the perspective to use informational influences during various pathological conditions is significantly higher in comparison with now customary energy influences in any their manifestations. Thus, the bioresonance - is the phenomenon of amplification of informational torsion-wave process influencing on a biological object in those cases when this process approaches in its parameters to the proper informational torsion-wave process of a biological object. Moreover, the bioresonance can be considered as the information-wave phenomenon. Any biological object is saturated with informational streams accompanying its vital activity. Due to the fact that a source and a receptor of informational signals in an organism are biological objects, the phenomenon of bioresonance obviously plays very important role in organism processes. Informational streams in animate organisms can be divided in two classes. To the first one we will relate proper process of controlling influences transmission. Such influences make a receptor of information definitely change its condition. For example, a controlling impulse from the central nervous system determines movement process (periodical clonus and relaxation of muscles); correspondingly the processes of blood circulation, respiration, etc. take place. To the second class we will relate informational streams that appear due to the fact that in natural condition any biological object and any of its parts possess the proper informational torsion-wave process and consequently they are the sources of background wave processes. The influence of these processes on other parts can be defined as natural internal information-wave background of a biological object. Let�s proceed to the examination of the class of informational torsion-wave streams in biological objects connected with the transmission of information contained in the proper information-wave processes from one parts of an organism to other. These informational streams are the most natural for all structural components of a biological object because each of them is in the condition of proper wave process. They (streams) are similar to each other and influence their surrounding (through mechanical, wave, electric, laser, chemical interactions) in the same frequency range in which wave process of this surrounding takes place. As a result of the bioresonance these informational streams as if support each other, creating stable uniformity of torsion-wave process, which is individual for this concrete biological object (or its part). Let�s consider bioresonance interactions in an animate organism in various conditions. If all parts of an organism are normal, they maintain and control condition of each other within the limits of this condition. If value of external influence corresponding to the condition of pathology is lower than a definite level, it does not cause the resonance and can�t change over the internal condition of biological object parts in the condition of pathology. This is the first level of information-wave protective system of an organism from negative external influences operating during their low values. Let�s assume that external influence exceeded first level of protection and brought some small part of structural elements of a biological object in the condition of

pathology. In this case the second level of protection based on self-treatment of an organism or on the process of correction of informational torsion-wave process begins to operate. At the same time normal parts of an organism influence the affected ones. And consequently the process of back changeover of the affected parts to the normal condition will proceed. At the same time the reverse influence exists. The affected parts influence the normal ones with the negative informational torsion-wave field, but as they are not numerous, they can�t significantly affect and change over their surrounding in the condition of pathology. Such condition of an animate object is considered to be not illness but protective reaction of biological object immune system. In a definite degree these two conditions reflect two main principles of self-regulation in an organism - they are the regulation on the basis of deflection of regulated value and the regulation on the basis of disturbance. Forward and back transition of a system from one stable stationary state in another is fulfilled under different disturbances and in different ways, therefore, a system depending on initial conditions can appear in one of two stable alternative stationary states. In this case a system appears to be able to store the memory about the change in environment that can lead to the change of its stationary states. With the increase of the number of the negatively affected parts of a user�s organism the situation changes. Firstly, the big number of elements with similar structure causes the bioresonance between them. At the same time more stable formation in the condition of pathology occurs. It not only maintains its condition, but as well gradually begins to rebuild neighboring parts of a biological object in the similar to it condition of pathology. At this moment one can speak about sickness of an organism. The usual reactions of an organism are not sufficient for returning the situation in normal condition. External influences, usually called information-wave therapy, are needed. The analyzed informational torsion-wave model of transition from normal condition to pathology allows to explain easily why sickness course on different phases happens at different speed. So, in the initial phase total value of information-wave process corresponding to pathology is low concerning occupied part of an organism as well as its value. At the same time the rest of an organism in the normal condition can actively oppose this change due to the fact it is more numerous. Such condition can be prolonged and rather stable (sometimes it can last for years). But the presence of negatively influencing information-wave process for a long period of time leads to its gradual and steady rearrangement towards pathology. This can also explain appearance of different secondary pathologies due to prolonged passive treatment. The appearance of new mass speciality of a PC user roused a complex problem that includes rationalization of working places, optimization of production activity of programmers and employees of other specialities fulfilling their work at a PC, estimation of industrial factors complex influence on their health condition with the aim to develop measures for prevention of disfunctions in an organism. With the help of hygienic, physiological, ophthalmo-ergonomic and clinic research methods scientists examined labor conditions and health condition of PC users (800 persons) who fulfilled their work with the use of domestic and foreign PC displays of different type [32]. Disfunctions that occur due to fulfillment of specific visual tasks during work at a display are significantly spread among users. Scientists defined the regularities of short-term and long-term adaptation to this kind of activity during different period of work with displays, the effect of interaddition of tension of some organism systems (cardiovascular, central nervous system, including visual analyzer), and also a

definite mutual dependence of two adequate to the industrial process functions: accommodation and contrast sensitivity of eyes. The results of a profound clinic-functional examination of other systems condition are the evidence of significant spread of vegetative-vascular diseases among display users, especially programmers with the inclination to the increase of arterial pressure, this is connected with prolonged work with displays. A forced pose of a PC user is accompanied by the development of radicular syndromes caused by osteochondrosis of jugular or lumbar and femoral sections of the spine, whose frequency, according to the indices, was more than in the control group of the examined employees of the same age. Rather often display users experienced chronic cholecystitis, chronic gastritis that developed due to a forced working pose, hypokinesia during work. The Ukrainian sanitarians discovered some disfunctions among people working with PC displays. So, for example, in the work [72] change in the immune system of people working with displays is shown. Scientists examined 295 persons working with displays; a group for comparison included 52 persons. The research was conducted with the use of the method of spontaneous cellular chain and indices of humoral immunity - immunoglobulin (Ig) of A, M, G class and antibodies to antigens of thyroid gland by the method of immunoenzymatic analysis. It appeared to be that changes in cellular chain reveal through decrease of the quality of T-lymphocytes (T-l), in big degree of the disbalance of their regulatory subpopulations and activation of B-system of immunity. The degree of their expressiveness increases together with the increase of work difficulty giving the biggest deviations in comparison with the group for comparison working at displays during 140-160 h/month. So, with work duration 160 h/month the quantity of B-lymphocytes increases 54.1 %, while the correlation of the quantity of T-lymphocytes, which have helperic and suppressive activity, increases 84.1 %. Such significant increase of these indices points out the activation of humoral chain and auto-processes in an organism. More and more wider use of computers in different branches of human activity attracts attention of the specialists who examine the influence of the complex of industrial sphere negative factors on an organism of people working with displays. So, they were found having disfunctions and pathological conditions. Taking into account that change of intensity of peroxide oxidation of lipids (POL) is an important pathogenic factor and serves as diagnostic test of many pathological conditions, researchers conducted an examination of these processes as possible criteria of initial manifestations of the influence of harmful factors complex on an organism of a display user. In the result of biochemical investigations with the help of chemiluminescent and spectrophotometric methods researchers determined a significant increase (2-3 times) of intensity of POL processes due to the activation of primary (diene conjugates), intermediate (hydroperoxide of lipids) and final (malonic dialdehyde) conditions of POL. The intensification of free radical processes is caused by the decrease of antiradical and antioxidative systems of protection. Their conditions were judged by the increase of quick inflammation and total light sum of the chemiluminescence induced by hydrogen peroxide. It should be underlined that breakdown of correlation of POL processes and antioxidant system of the people working with displays are observed as early as in the age of 25 years, and also on the early stage of contact (seniority - up to 2 years) and, what is the most important, at the minimal period of work with a display (up to 20 h/month) that is the substantiation of the possibility to use these indices as sensible

criteria of the estimation of early manifestation of the influence of industrial sphere factors complex on the organism of people working with displays [31]. The wide use of computers led to the quick increase of people working with displays. Together with the wide use of displays there is the increase in reports about their negative impact on users� health (pathology of visual analyzer, disfunction of nervous, cardiovascular systems, miscarriages and congenial anomalies of foetus development). The specialists from Kharkov [7] discovered the following disfunctions among display users: significant activity of POL processes, progressing decrease of antioxidant system, of hormonal and immune status (auto-immune processes). The deviations in immune status such as immunodeficiency and auto-immunity are the decisive in discoordination of the processes that support homeostasis in an organism in general. The results of many years researches of the Institute of Labor Hygiene Problems during the work with displays dictate the necessity to conduct further researches in the following directions: - examination of the formation mechanisms of the discovered disfunctions (condition of neurohumoral regulation) of immunological reactivity, biochemical processes, hormonal and genetic factors with the aim of hygienic regulation of total working time with displays; - development of the grounds for the use of preventive and medical measures complex for the normalization of immunological and hormonal indices of people working with displays. Ionic content of the air in working zone has a significant influence on capacity for work and health of displays users. The change of this balance caused by the increase of positive ions quantity leads to the negative consequences, in particular in the activity of cardiovascular system, bronchial-pulmonary apparatus, sanguification, vegetative nervous system. It is defined that background spectrum of ions in a room with displays is characterized by the negative ions excess. At the same time the concentration of light negative aeroions is 350-620 in 1 cm3. The structure of air ion content spectrum of working zone significantly changes in the process of terminal work. During 5 min of display work the concentration of light negative aeroions decreased 8 times, and in 8 hours it decreased to the level close to zero. The quantity of medium and heavy negative particles significantly decreased. At the same time the concentration of positive ions increased and in 3 hours of display work the positive particles of all sizes predominated in the air of working zone [14]. It should be noted that in geopathogenic zones devices also register quick decrease of negative oxygen ions that underlines the fact of similar physical nature of the Earth torsion fields and the torsion fields generated by displays, TV sets and other electronic equipment [41]. The experiments conducted by the British scientists are the evidence of favorable influence of negative ions in the air on human health. This confirms the ideas put forward by the famous biologist, one of the founders of heliobiology A. L. Chizhevskiy. The scientist presented the proofs that small quantities of negative ions cause the intensification of a biological reaction. The next steps in this direction were made in the USA with the aim to understand the physiological mechanisms that could explain the changes in an organism induced by ions. The first examined substance was a neurochemical substance serotonin, whose disbalance is connected, as considered, with hyperactivity and aggression. The experiments showed that high concentration of positive ions decreased the level of serotonin in the blood that was accompanied by headaches, insomnia, increase of accidents among examinees. According to the data of numerous foreign researches, there is a significant

worsening of heath condition among display users. First of all, the brain is affected. The endocrine, immune and reproductive human systems are under a negative influence. There is a possibility of negative genetic consequences among people working at a display from 2 to 6 hours a day, disfunctions of nervous system are observed on average 4.6 times more, diseases of cardiovascular system - twice more, diseases of upper respiratory tract 1.9 more often than in the control groups. Display radiation is especially dangerous for pregnant women. The risk of birth of children with congenital defects increases 25 times; the possibility of miscarriages is 3.5 times higher. All above-mentioned is conformed by the researches conducted with the use of Foll method [63], EKG, television examinations, rheoencephalogram, etc.

Chapter 7. The possible mechanisms of negative influence of left torsion fields

on a human. �What we know is insignificant in comparison with what we do not�, wrote a famous French scientist P. S. Laplace. These words fully relate to the understanding of the mechanisms of left torsion fields influence on a human. It was earlier considered that the main negative influence on a human visual analyzer is produced by shot flashing of TV set or PC display image with the frequency 50 Hz. Now it is defined that left torsion fields probably produce the most significant impact. There are all the reasons to claim that nowadays the accumulated scientific knowledge is not sufficient to explain the majority of objectively existing biological phenomena connected with the torsion fields influence on a human, therefore we can only make some assumptions on the phenomenological level. The conceptions formulated below require deep developmental work and can be considered only concerning task posing especially taking into account how limited are the brain functioning mechanisms description models. Irrespective of the definite achievements of modern science, fundamental aspects of animate organisms functioning are not yet exhaustively explained on the basis of modern physics laws. Even the operation of a powerful torsion field generator - the sun - is not fully examined. Nevertheless, we can hope that such explanation will be found in the nearest future with the help of torsion interactions theory that is now in the beginning of its formation. One of the branches of supreme importance is the research of PC displays and TV set screens torsion fields influence on a human. Personal computers, permanent companions of a businessperson, and television become the part of everyday life. As a result of this a huge part of the Earth population (80 %) experience a negative influence of PC and TV set left torsion fields. Although the use of special measures such as various built-in protective devices, the use of protective screens, the decreased voltage on the anodes of a cathode-ray tube allow to weaken almost completely ultraviolet and low X-radiation of the field (on 98-99 %), it can�t be claimed that the most modern computers and so-called biological TV sets are biologically safe systems. Scientists connect the attempts to scientifically explain the reasons of such influence on a user of a PC, equipped with modern protective devices, with the influence of

torsion fields, to be more exact, with a torsion component of video terminal electromagnetic radiation. It is proved that any electromagnetic field has a torsion component or torsion field that can be defined as informational, transferring �torsion� information about the processes that occur in physical objects. Now there is no at least tentative but generally accepted conception of possible ways of realization of a negative impact of left informational torsion-wave fields, generated by various electronic equipment, on a user - a complex biological system with its apparatus of self-regulation, ability to adaptation, complex internal energy-informational interactions. Therefore, we will use the notion of semantic bioresonance [38]. This term is to be used for the denotation of resonance informational torsion-wave interactions in the case when physical or chemical essence of processes does not play any longer a decisive role for their appearance and it is only a subsidiary transmission environment for their exceptionally informational essence. Semantic bioresonance is a superior form of resonance interactions in biological objects. A proposed notion is rather new, so we will begin with the definition of �semantic�. By the semantic information we will understand the set of notions, more precisely, images, through which a biological object perceive the surrounding world [38]. This system of images is the basis of memory (or in the elementary case of instincts system) and allows a biological object to exist in the surrounding world more �deliberately�. It should be remarked that semantic information is formed in all biological objects in different degree (often unconsciously and even without control), but this process is mostly marked in the supreme nervous activity of animals, first of all, of a human. Examining further the phenomenon of semantic resonance on the example of a human, we will show that these phenomena can play a significant role for animals as well. So, the phenomena of bioresonance will be semantic for us because they touch upon information in the form of notions, images and fancies formed and stored in the human brain, and also informational torsion-wave interactions in an organism, used by the apparatus of self-regulation, adaptation, etc. Thus, semantic information and informational influence will play the role of information-wave process in the semantic bioresonance. While the sense of semantic information transmitted almost instantly within the entire organism lies in the fact that it is the commands for the control over functioning of biotissues and consequently over the entire organism. The process of semantic information resonance appearance is qualitatively described in [38]. Let�s examine the possible mechanisms of negative influence of electronic devices on a user in the limits of new conception of semantic antibioresonance. Semantic antibioresonance is the process of informational torsion-wave influence on a biological object when the mentioned informational influence is semantically dissimilar to the internal semantic structure of an object. This phenomenon is intrinsic exceptionally to highly developed biological systems and is characterized by potent response during the interaction between mutually exclusive semantic systems. A display of any PC irradiating left torsion field in the user�s zone can be a source of external informational influence. While for the appearance of semantic bioresonance used in traditional and alternative medicine there must be the likeness of the signals of informational torsion-wave influence and biological system, the phenomenon of semantic

antibioresonance is characterized by the interaction of mutually exclusive semantic systems - a computer and a user. We will try to reveal the mechanism of display radiation negative influence on a user, for that we will examine more minutely the consecution of events during this. Firstly, informational torsion-wave image is formed on the external semantic system - a display; it is mutually exclusive towards another semantic biosystem - a user. Then the semantic informational torsion-wave process of a display interacts with the internal information-wave process of a user regulating it in the direction of the condition of pathology. Let�s examine more minutely the process of formation of semantic informational torsion-wave influence by a PC display. We know �information-field� activity of physical objects (�the effect of form� of constructions, devices, matters, objects, physical fields, etc.) that appears as informational impact on a human. The specific physical objects always have really existing forms, and in physical sense the notion of form can be interpreted as informational semantic structure whose operation limits depend on space features of a specific object. The topological forms create strictly definite informational structures, i.e. around these forms there are the zones where there is a possibility for an informational contact based not on influence of an irritant on known senses organs but on the interaction with informational torsion-wave structures of a human, its brain. Informational semantic structures created by topological forms are called form static torsion fields. A display is an information-field structure formed by the interface of material objects with different substantial content that fulfils processing of information contained in modulated cathode beam in visual information. The bulb of a CRT generates a definite geometrical structure of an informational field, whose contours repeat its form. This field is called background static torsion field. It is not intensive but its prolonged influence has a negative impact on PC and TV set users due to the effect of accumulation. When a computer, a TV set is switched off, a particle and antiparticle (space-wave pack of an electron an positron respectively) are in the symmetrically enclosed condition (see Fig. 4), although there is a background static torsion field generated by the bulb of a CRT. During the switching on of a display the polarization of Physical Vacuum occurs, as it is described previously, i.e. a display is, as a matter of fact, a generator of the torsion field with symmetric informational torsion radiation in opposite sides (Fig. 39). High accelerating voltage supplied on one of CRT anodes, electrons of modulated cathode beam, electromagnetic radiation of tube deflection system polarize Physical Vacuum, i.e. during the switching on of a display the polarization of Physical Vacuum takes place in such a way that space configuration of torsion fields repeats the form of a CRT bulb with some approximation, at the same time the space in front of a display has the left polarization, while behind a display - the right (Fig. 49). So, when a display is switched on, Physical Vacuum will be in the condition of spin in some surrounding space transversal polarization, zones of polarization being spatially balanced by the sign - SR and SL (right and left fields respectively). The notions �right� and �left� are the opposite manifestations of the symmetry. It is known that under normal conditions human molecular substrate is in the condition of high occupancy of upper electron levels. Life time of such conditions would be small if excited molecules did not join in ensembles forming interconnected super systems with definite spin ordering, i.e. the

mentioned above super systems are the source of proper strongly individual torsion field of an animate system with definite semantic information. The complexity of torsion field of an animate system - a human - is defined by a huge set of chemical substances in his or her organism, by the complex dynamics of many fermentative oxidizing processes and the dynamics of biochemical conversions in the process of vital activity, etc. It should be reminded that Physical Vacuum is determined as the material environment that fills with isotropies free space and matter. In left polarized space, where a human is located, each phyton oriented back to the direction of Physical Vacuum polarization experiences inversion of its spin that apparently leads to electron transitions on the orbits with lower energy and spontaneous and degradation radiation in molecular substrate of animate systems. In other words, under the influence of left torsion field the cooperative transitions of electrons on the orbits with lower energy in the ensembles of excited molecules take place, - highly coherent radiation is initiated instead of this energy would go on biological functions of organism homeostasis regulation [79]. In such polarized informational space all animate organisms probably experience gradual minimization of electrons, atoms energy that leads to the deceleration of all biochemical processes causing the appearance of these or those known disfunctions of an organism, which depend on torsion field intensity and contact duration. Any objectively existing biophenomena according to their informational influence come to the disruption of biofrequency and semantic torsion homeostasis of an organism. As it was stated above, these influences can possess resonance character in the form of semantic antibioresonance; therefore, biologically significant mismatches in organism occur under the influences that are much less then the introduced hygienic norms. Display electromagnetic radiation torsion component negative influence on a human organism can be connected with the disruption of characteristic frequencies of work of definite organs. It is known that every human organ work on a definite frequency, for example, the heart - about 700 HZ, brain during sleep - 10 Hz, wake - 50 Hz and so on. A video signal modulating cathode ray of a television tube during the formation of images shot is a wide-band signal, in its spectrum there are analogous or multiple frequencies corresponding to the torsion characteristic frequencies of functioning of definite human organs or systems. The change of normal frequency of organ functioning towards increase or decrease, i.e. the synchronization of its functioning by an external source leads to the disruption of normal organism operation. In such a way the increase of heart operation frequency 1.5 times - is the threat of stenocardia, etc. Nervous impulses generation frequency can as well change, the effects of frequency encoded influence can develop, direct interaction of nervous impulses with display radiation is possible under the influence of these signals. In other words, the organism cells experience definite structural and physiological rearrangement under the influence of display left torsion field. It is not excluded that there is a problem of the maintenance of torsion-field homeostasis of an organism of a human and any animate organisms [42]. In [20] scientists analyze the latest unique experimental data concerning memory of a genome, information interchange of biosystems on molecular level, spoken language of DNA molecules. They substantiate the conception of holographic technique of storage, transmission and restoration of morphogenetic information. The biological sense of the processes similar to laser accompanied by torsion component that take place in an organism is first of all the possibility of long-range action (quick) of some biosystem parts on other, the possibility of biochemical events synchronization within

the entire organism, the possibility of interference as the basis of holography. Field images read and recorded from chromosomes and on chromosomes are the regulator, key elements of field self-organization of animate systems, the elements determined not only by mesomorphic but as well by special oscillatory and quantum-mechanical qualities of DNA and other cell components. The existing connection between the effects of phantoms creation by DNA molecules and so-called �phantom leaf effect� provokes fierce disputes. The recognition of this connection is equal, at least for official genetics and embryology, to the agreement with the fact that a material gene - is a fiction. To overcome the genetic deadlock in biology scientists must do the step done in its time by quantum electrodynamics that recognized the facts seeming incompatible - the idea of combination of qualities of the wave and the particle, the field and the substance. The same is in biology: gene is material but it can also exist as the wave that has corresponding torsion field. The known one-dimensional genes (DNA sections) produce their form static torsion field in the space. It is not excluded that during the interaction between display left torsion field and genes torsion field there is the breakdown of the mentioned synchronization of biochemical events within the entire organism. Let�s consider one more approach aimed to explain a possible nature of left torsion fields influence on an organism with the help of unusual qualities of water. We know that water structure is a dynamic net of hydrogen bond, i.e. it is pseudocrystal. One of particular qualities of such structure is the presence of spontaneous protons transitions between two stable positions in hydrogen bond. Each position variant is defined by definite conditions resulting in protons movement in the limits of pseudocrystal formation being synchronized in a sense. Protons condition in such ordered region can be described by the common wave function, which is the superposition of all wave functions corresponding to various position variants. The intersection of wave functions in the neighboring pseudocrystal formations causes the transportation of protons from one region to another that fulfils the informational function towards water structure. Taking into account the fact that 60-70 % of a human organism is water, let�s consider one of possible mechanisms of the development of controlling negative informational torsion-wave influences on a display user�s organism. We assume that the carriers of controlling semantics of cellular and tissue level are the purely water associates or the associates in aqueous solutions with other molecules. An aqueous solution is a system of molecules combined due to the hydrogen bonds in some stable geometrical form creating corresponding informational structures. The forms of associates are rather various and conditioned not only by admixtures molecule but by the conditions of their formation as well. In general any anthropogenic substance can be called semantically determined. The main hypothesis explaining operation of display semantic information-torsion influences on a user�s organism can be the recognition of the effect of water associates destruction or their geometrical arrangement change. At the same time it is assumed that a complex geometrical form of an associate is the controlling information perceived by cells and cellular organelles. Exactly the most complex form is the part that determines structure of informational torsion fields peculiar to the associate. Associates geometrical arrangement change under the influence of display left torsion field leads to the change of the structure of information that controls organelles and cells that in its turn decelerates intercellular processes or influence them in that or another way. The phenomenon of quantum teleportation proved by two groups of physicists from Austria and Italy can be used as the hypothesis for the explanation of negative

influence mechanism of PC displays and other electronic equipment on a user. The authors of the discovery give such definition to this phenomenon: �Quantum teleportation - the instant transmission and restoration of quantum system condition on any given distance�. The authors believe that quantum teleportation can take place also during information transfer from quickly disappearing carriers (for example, photons) on the particles that are more convenient for long-term information storage (for example, ions). In the process of teleportation the initial photon, whose polarization must be transferred, and one of the pair of the auxiliary photons experience such alteration that the second from the pair of entangled photons acquires the polarization of the initial one. Teleportation is not in the least limited to the transference of polarization condition from one photon to another. Aside from the pairs of �entangled� photons or atoms one can imagine the entangling of photons with atoms, photons with ions, etc. Then teleportation would allow to transfer the condition of short-living particles on other more stable systems. Apparently, conditions for quantum teleportation can be created also in the operation process of many electronic devices, for example, PC displays, TV sets, daylight lamps. Let�s examine more minutely one of the versions of the mentioned devices negative impact mechanisms on a user. It should be reminded once more that Physical Vacuum, according to the A. Akimov�s model, is a material Environment that fills by isotropes the space as well as the matter. A user�s substrate suffers from spontaneous and degradation radiation in a wide frequency range owing to the quantum teleportation of PC display CRT luminophor atom condition. From the physical standpoint the luminescence is the fluorescence of a luminophor when its excited atoms emit energy quanta - photons, more precisely, photons are emitted when electrons of excited atoms of a luminophor transfer from one allowed orbit on another. If an electron passes through two allowed orbits the so-called �entangled� photons occur that can participate in the quantum teleportation of luminophor atoms condition. In other words, through the quantum teleportation of luminophor atoms condition the cooperative transitions of electrons on the orbits with lower energy in the ensembles of substrate excited molecules are initiated in a luminophor on molecular substrate of a user that leads to highly coherent radiation instead of this energy would go on the maintenance of vitally important biological functions of an organism and its homeostasis. Nowadays there is no any description of the precise mechanisms of left torsion fields influence on a human organism, the researches are in the initial phase. Scientists unambiguously determined only their negative influence even with the use of special measures such as built-in protective means, the use of protective filters, decreased voltage on CRT anodes. Thus, we should immediately direct huge facilities on overall research of the human, his reserve capabilities, whose mobilization will guarantee the survival in the conditions of global ecological crisis. The scientific-and-technical progress must be reoriented on the protection of the environment and the human, development of new systems that would increase the protective possibilities of the human. The first steps in this direction are already done.

Chapter 8. The protection of PC displays and TV sets users from a negative impact of torsion component of electromagnetic radiation.

8.1. Individual protection

The specialists of the National Technical University �Kiev Polytechnic Institute�, �Spinor International� Lmt., the International Academy of Bioenergotechnology worked up the devices for elimination of negative influence of electromagnetic radiation from displays, TV sets and other electronic equipment. In their work scientists used the ideas of partial diffusion and deflection of left torsion fields, generated by displays, TV sets and other electronic equipment, during their interaction with right torsion fields of protective devices. This process is similar to the phenomenon when proper torsion fields of buildings and constructions influence the lines of geopathogenic zones changing their direction in such a way that they become parallel walls. These facts were determined by the specialists in biolocation from Riga (Latvia) [17]. The principle of interaction between torsion fields of a display, TV set and proper torsion field of a protective device is laid in the basis of the development. A device for the protection of a PC and TV set user from PC electromagnetic radiation torsion component negative influence is a generator of static form torsion field [47, 48]. This generator can be referred to the third class of natural sources of torsion fields with a wide range of various geometrical structures created by these or those substances [1]. Each geometrical structure has a peculiar to it certain semantic fullness. What is understood by this geometrical structure? A precise definition does not exist yet, so we will use a general definition presented in [38]: geometrical structure - is a spatial dynamic configuration of interacting objects with the self-similarity on different levels of geometrical scales. The objects, which constitute the world, include at least two equally real components - matter and geometrical form due to which a part of a definite matter becomes an object. In the recent time the problems of form began to attract a rapt attention of the scientists connected with researches in holography, Physical Vacuum. The form can be a subject of specifically scientific investigation due to the fact that specified material structures always have really existing forms. In the physical sense the notion of form can be interpreted as wave (field) structure, whose contours depend on spatial features of a specific object. A device for human protection from video displays electromagnetic radiation torsion component negative influence consists at least of two coaxially allocated in each other concentric cylinders of equal height, the space between them being filled with polymer (Fig. 40), where: 1 - upper cover of a device; 2, 3 - concentric cylinders of equal height; 4 - polymer. In literature there is no any description of the mechanisms of form static torsion field formation, however, one can assume that one of its sources is the double electric layer occurring during the contacting of two phases. The appearance of interface potential difference is closely connected with the formation of the double electric layer, i.e. unsymmetrical allocation of charged particles near the surface of division: positive charges excess from one phase charges it positively, while negative charges excess from another phase charges it negatively. Apparently, interface potential difference occurring on the borders of two phases is actually a source of Physical Vacuum polarization or a source of form torsion field resulting in the appearance of torsion phantoms. Some processes occurring during the formation of the double electric layer are still not fully understood

because owing to the operation of more subtle and complex mechanisms. It is experimentally determined that the cylinders of a neutralizing element 2 and 3 (Fig. 40) together with biopolymer 4 generate the right torsion field SR (Fig. 41), while the torsion component of display electromagnetic field is the left torsion field. As a torsion component of display electromagnetic field is the left torsion field and the torsion field of a neutralizing element is the right field, they partially compensate each other with the aid of semantic resonance during their interaction. A polymeric material allocated in the space between cylinders is previously exposed to the influence of the definite torsion field generator during the time of its polarization that allows to fulfill spin polarization of the polymer. This process is a decisive moment in imparting protective qualities to a device, although proper fields of coaxially allocated cylinders are partially used as well. As a result, form static torsion field of a protective device significantly intensifies that increases the protection effectiveness. A protective device is placed in the zone of display left torsion field influence, preferably in front of a display face so that one of device end-wall was directed perpendicularly athwart to optic axis of a CRT (Fig. 42). As it was stated above, video display left torsion field and protective device right torsion field partially compensate each other, while the uncompensated part of video display left torsion field is deflected virtually on 180?, i.e. in the region of the right torsion field SR generated by a display. As a result of the interaction of two oppositely sswirling swirls of the left SL and right SR torsion fields, both are significantly decreased and total field behind a display approaches to the background level (Fig. 42). A device for users protection from negative impact of PC displays, other electronic equipment - is a material object representing coordinated set of regular geometrical figures with corresponding geometrical arrangement of the surface that generates form static polarization of Physical Vacuum, at the same time the latter is significantly increased owing to the ordering of the spin of particles of polymer or another filler in the internal free space of a device. A device for users protection from a negative impact of PC displays, other electronic equipment generates two right static form torsion fields that spread in the form of symmetric cones at some distance depending on the quantity of creative polyforms (creators) of material objects with corresponding geometrical arrangement of the surface. The left field of a device for users protection from a negative impact of PC displays is inside of a device; similar fields occur if one put together two cones or two pyramids with their bases. The above described device for human protection against negative impact of PC displays and a rug for human protection from geopathogenic zones impact developed by the Ukrainian scientists provide medico-biologic protection from torsion radiation of displays and TV sets, Liquid Crystal Displays, control equipment and geopathogenic zones radiation. This is proved by the results of medico-biologic experiments conducted in the number of medical institutions of Kiev and Dnipropetrovs�k.

8.2. The methods of collective protection against PC displays torsion fields negative influence.

The local computer networks become more and more spread in Ukraine. Together with them multiuser (multiterminal or multiconsole) systems on the base of one powerful computer are used [61]. They are completely justified in educational establishments, offices, banks, etc. Let�s consider some variants of system construction for educational computer classrooms. A multiterminal computer classroom. On a working place the character or graphical terminals connected to the successive port of a computer with the help of multiport plate are installed. A multiconsole computer classroom. A working place in such system is not terminals but remote displays with a keyboard and a mouse that are connected to a common computer data bus through a multiport multifunctional graphic video adapter. In the work [62] it is stated: �It is obvious that it is impossible to completely avoid a harmful impact of a computer, however, it is possible and we should reduce it to minimum. And first of all it should be done during the creation of modern educational computer classrooms in educational institution of all levels�. Not denying various minor measures - grounding, practical working places position - two main ways for the solution of this problem are proposed: - a minimum number of irradiating devices is put on working places of students; - to achieve a maximum decrease of the devices radiation level on a working place. The second way lies in the decrease of radiation level of a display as well as of a keyboard of a working place. Agreeing in principle with the authors� opinion [62] about possible ways of the solution for the mentioned problem, the author of this book would like to note that the most effective means of protection against displays negative influence on a user is the use of the described above device [47, 48]. The collective protection of PC users against display negative impact comes in general to the obligatory use of individual protective means with corresponding working places arrangement and protective devices arrangement in such a way so that there were not sections through which a negative impact would influence. In Fig. 43 there is a recommended scheme of PC displays arrangement in a display classroom, computing centers, banks, etc. As we can see from the figure, during such working places arrangement the overall left torsion field negatively influencing users will be generated in the space between displays screens, while on the opposite side - the right field will be generated. When individual protective devices are placed in the zone of users� working places, the left torsion field is absent, it is deflected and dispersed by the protective devices. In conclusion it should be noted that aside from obligatory use of one of the enumerated protective means it is advisable to conduct the examination of working rooms by the radiolocation method to determine geopathogenic zones or other negative places (for example, Artushkov spots). The computers should be arranged in the way that operators were not under the influence of geopathogenic zones. Chapter 9. The main practical aims of the study of torsion fields influence on a

human. The main practical aims of the study of torsion fields influence on a human and his response can be considered to be:

- research of possible channels of interaction between computers, computer networks and a human organism, possible negative and positive aspects of such interaction; - creation of the technology of highly reliable estimations and prognosis of consequences of the left and right torsion fields influence on an organism and mentality of a definite human after a prolonged period in a given sphere (i.e. from the positions of functional reliability of a human during the fulfillment of definite tasks); - development of new protection technologies from torsion fields negative influence (with the use of special untraditional technical means and bioprotectants), technologies of useful use of left and right torsion fields for therapeutic, rehabilitation and other aims through the dosated stay of a human in the mentioned zones; - realization of normalization technologies of risk factors (not of the influences themselves) connected with torsion fields negative influence on a given human in a given sphere of work. The fulfillment of the following basic tasks must be ensured for the achievement of these aims on the stage of experimental works fulfillment and technologies application: 1. Control over the influence of left and right torsion fields on a human that includes: - determination of space limits of torsion fields, time and character of influence (identification by sources and their characteristics in a working zone for a given object); - determination of the characteristics of �intensities� according to the space and time in examined zones; 2. Control over an object of the influence (human) that includes: - monitoring of human bioenergy system condition (for example, �biofield� topology) with the help of �aura diagnostics�, condition of �sacral system�, meridians and biologically active points, control over electric characteristics of biologically active points, etc.; - monitoring of organism physiological systems condition (the complex of physiological parameters measurement); - monitoring of mental condition of a human (the psychological diagnostic complex); - current valuation of a given work fulfillment effectiveness (test complex specialized for a specific kind of work). Besides, we should reinterpret the experience of ancient civilizations from the positions of modern science; we should create modern analogues of ancient devices and methods on the basis of the latest technologies. The nearest perspective in the direction of PC users protection from display negative influence is the development of protectants with built-in protective means from torsion component of electromagnetic radiation. Similar developments are also possible for other radio, electronic and electromechanical apparatus and devices. With the help of new technical means we should increase protective abilities of our genetic apparatus by introducing new informational programs in it. The very fact of artificially created torsion influence on a human from PC displays, TV sets, X-ray apparatus, copying and various electronic equipment requires the introduction of new regulations providing the guaranteed qualities of environment of working and rest place. The requirements of International Standards Organization (ISO) are directed at such approach. Ukraine could be one of the first states in the world where the standards would include the permissible norms of influence level of a torsion field on a human at least for some products (PC, TV sets). These norms would be the guarantee of health and safety for our population.

The International Academy of Bioenergytechnologies (Kiev regional department), some departments of the National Technical University �KPI� are ready to begin the creation of normative documents system concerning certification of PC users� working places, permissible torsion radiation level of displays, TV sets and other home equipment. It will be developed in agreement with the acting normative systems.

Chapter 10. Conclusions A short review of the main results of researches published in this book can be presented in such form: 1. There is the deduction that control on all levels of biological object organization is fulfilled by dynamic and static informational torsion fields of complex semantic filling that activate or deactivate definite biological processes. Dynamic torsion fields are the component of an electromagnetic radiation of bioobject cells and organelles, while static torsion fields are generated by geometrical forms of bioobject components (the effect of �forms�). 2. The fact of the existence of electromagnetic radiation torsion component negatively influencing a user in front of a PC display, TV set and during the work of any radio, electronic devices and facilities was experimentally determined. 3. The hypothesis that the phenomenon of informational antibioresonance plays a leading role in the processes negatively influencing a user in front of the mentioned equipment was put forward. 4. There is the notion of antibioresonance as the phenomenon of weakening of torsion information-wave process in a user�s organism under the influence of electromagnetic radiation torsion component of the mentioned equipment because this component by its parameters approaches to the proper information-wave process in a user�s organism. It is noted that the phenomenon of semantic antibioresonance - a powerful response during the interaction between mutually exclusive semantic systems - is peculiar solely to highly developed biological systems. 5. There is the explanation of negative influence of left torsion fields generated by electronic equipment on a user on the basis of the semantic antibioresonance hypothesis and the phenomenon of �quantum teleportation�. 6. The approach to the development of new direction of fundamental and applied researches, called �Biosafe electronics� is specified. 7. There is the need to certificate all exploited PC displays, TV sets, other electronic equipment taking into account negative a influence of electromagnetic radiation torsion component of the mentioned equipment. 8. The comparative analysis of practically identical research results concerning a negative influence of the radiation of geopathogenic zones and displays, other electronic equipment allows to make a conclusion that the nature of geopathogenic zones and above mentioned radiation from electronic and radio devices is the torsion one. 9. In geopathogenic zones as well as in working zone of displays, TV sets, other electronic equipment there is a quick decrease in light negative ions concentration, increase in the concentration of positive particles of any sizes that underlines the fact of the same physical nature - torsion - of geopathogenic zones and component of electromagnetic radiation generated by displays, TV sets, other electronic equipment.

10. The Ukrainian scientists developed the devices for human protection against a negative influence of geopathogenic zones - rugs that are torsion polaroid. 11. The Ukrainian scientists developed a protective device that effectively guards PC displays, TV sets, and other equipment users against negative influence of torsion fields. The effectiveness of the invented devices is confirmed by: - the researches conducted in the Ukrainian Scientific Hygienic Center; - the researches conducted in the Organ of Voluntary certification �MIRA�; - the quality certificate of the Organ �MIRA� - СДС № 04-034 K.; - the conclusion of the State Sanitary Examination of Normative Documentation № 5.04.03 /1601 of 08.26.1997; - the patents of Ukraine on inventions № 18009 of 06.17.1997 and № 23759 of 06.16.98; - the protocol of clinic examination of a device in the scientific methodic center of the Main Military Hospital of Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation named after N. N. Burdenko №8/393 of October 12, 1999; - the European Quality certificate EC declaration of conformity Directive 93/42/EEC of November 2, 1999; - the conclusion of the State Sanitary Examination of Normative Documentation of Bulgaria №01505/ year 2000. 12. A device represents a generator of right form static torsion field with corresponding semantic filling that during the interaction with the left torsion field generated in a user�s working zone by a display deflects it from initial position practically on 180? in the zone of display right torsion field located at its back surface. As a result of the interaction between two opposite torsion fields swirls both of them significantly decrease, and total field behind a display is practically equal to the background level. In such a way the protection of a user against display electromagnetic radiation torsion component negative influence is carried out, at the same time the levels of torsion impact behind a display are almost harmless. 13. The scientists carried out the analysis of the results of the observations conducted during 10-12 years over the people working with specially developed active generators of right torsion field of small intensity in the regime of low effect. According to the analysis results, we can conclude that the latter is a powerful improving factor based on the semantic bioresonance phenomenon. The people working with the generators practically did not consult doctors and endured much easier infectious diseases and diseases connected with overcooling. 14. A protective device has the influence on a human similar to the influence of a right torsion field generator in the regime of low effect, i.e. a human staying in the right form static torsion field generated by a device experiences the factor that improves health. To that conclusion one can come analyzing the results presented in the Tables 1-6. These general conceptions require a minute study that will allow to understand the essence of the observed phenomena from the point of semantic bioresonance. 15. It is claimed that various symbols drawn on metal or dielectric, passive pictographic resonators producing weak form torsion fields with definite semantic content can activate or deactivate definite biological processes with the help of bioresonance or antibioresonance respectively. 16. Taking into account a negative influence of PC displays electromagnetic radiation torsion component on a human, we should note that all diagnostic systems with the use of a computer give inaccurate diagnosis, worse in comparison with the really existing and thus it requires immediate check-up.

17. The quantity production of protectants against a negative influence of geopathogenic zones and protective devices from a negative impact of displays, TV sets, other electronic equipment - �FORPOST-1� defended by the patents of Ukraine was begun. 18. The paragraphs №13, 14 are confirmed by the results of the researches conducted by the scientists from Moscow [46]. In accordance with these results right weak torsion field rouses a response reaction of warm-blooded animals and it can be used for the improvement of the condition of weakened (sick) organisms. Thus, the use of right torsion fields generators like �FORPOST-1� is perspective in nuclear power, in medicine - for the improvement of the condition of patients experiencing radiotherapy. The solution of the mentioned problem due to its complexity and specific character must stipulate the participation of a wide circle of specialists - from oncologists and physicist to biologists and linguists with the aim to create the hardware and software package including an intellectual component for the determination of optimal variants of the use of bioresonance phenomena in the process of elimination of violations in energy-informational interactions.

Chapter 11. Some practical recommendations. People, especially children, are the most vulnerable during their sleep. So, we must pay the most rapt attention to a bedroom. Theoretically, there must not be any sources of electromagnetic radiation, whose torsion component could have a negative influence on a sleeping person. As it is impossible to completely isolate oneself from electrical household appliances, one should at least keep to the following rules following from the presented information: - do not put in no circumstances a TV set, PC, radiotelephone �base� in a bedroom; - to disconnect a TV set, PC, radiotelephone, music center, other sources of electromagnetic radiation that can be on duty from the network system before doing to bed; - do not put an electronic watch at one's bed-side; - do not keep in a bedroom any recharging devices; - to control periodically the radiation power of a microwave ovens; - to place protectants (rugs) under a bed, sofa ensuring absence of geopathogenic zones in rest places; - do not put above beds sconces, lamps with shades directed downwards - the light must be directed only upwards; - do not sleep with one�s head in a corner of a room.

The list of abbreviations: LCD - Liquid Crystal Dysplay CRT - a cathode-ray tube HSP - hardware and software packedge RFI - resonance-field interaction NRB - natural radiactive background

POL - peroxide oxidation of lipids CSS - Computer stress syndrome ESS - erythrocytes sink speed EKG - electrocardiogram EAF - electroacupuncture according to Foll WPHO - World Public Health Organization EHF - extremely-high frequency VHF - very high frequency MF - medium frequency VLF - very low frequency

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