ancient wisdom tamil proverbs

Ancient Wisdom - Tamil Proverbs Some Tamil proverbs or ancient wisdom ‘பழெமாழி’ . Though not a written literature of the highly educated, these proverbs very well represent the wisdom of the common people of the Tamil country over the years. Proverbs and presented it along with the English Translations. ª மல¢ கட¢, வா விr¢ கட¢ . Blossoms open and die, your mouth opens and destroys you. Explanation: Blossoms fade away after opening fully , when the mouth opens , it blurts out things that should not be said, and brings misery. rகிற விேல பிகிற¢ லாப. Whatever you are able to secure from a burning house is a gain. Explanation: This proverb is typically aimed at people who typically take advantage of some thing that’s not theirs. A typical example would be the middlemen who loot things which are donated for the disaster victims. காªைன சிவராr விரதமா ? Will a wild cat observe the fast of Sivaratri ? Explanation: There is no special occasion for wicked people to strike. உழ மிள காபாேன , ஒளிதி¯¢ மிள சா¯ பாேன ? Why should he give a measure of pepper and drink the pepperbroth in secret ? Explanation: A cup of black pepper is huge quantity of pepper which is enough to prepare a feast and even after supplying so much pepper u get only pepper water to drink , means after all the hardwork you have done you have not been recogonized. This can be typically said when one person

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Ancient Wisdom - Tamil Proverbs

Some Tamil proverbs or ancient wisdom ‘பழெமாழி’ . Though not a written literature of the highly educated, these proverbs very well represent the wisdom of the common people of the Tamil country over the years. Proverbs and presented it along with the English Translations.

மலர்ந் ெகட்ட , வாய் விrந் ெகட்ட .

Blossoms open and die, your mouth opens and destroys you.


Blossoms fade away after opening fully , when the mouth opens , it blurts out things that should not be said, and brings misery.

எrகிற விட்டிேல பி ங்கிற லாபம்.

Whatever you are able to secure from a burning house is a gain.


This proverb is typically aimed at people who typically take advantage of some thing that’s not theirs. A typical example would be the middlemen who loot things which are donated for the disaster victims.

கா ப் ைனகுச் சிவராத்r விரதமா ?

Will a wild cat observe the fast of Sivaratri ?


There is no special occasion for wicked people to strike.

உழக்கு மிளகு ெகா ப்பாேனன் , ஒளிந்தி ந் மிளகு சா குடிப்பாேனன் ?

Why should he give a measure of pepper and drink the pepperbroth in secret ?


A cup of black pepper is huge quantity of pepper which is enough to prepare a feast and even after supplying so much pepper u get only pepper water to drink , means after all the hardwork you have done you have not been recogonized. This can be typically said when one person

does all the work to organize an event and some one else takes credit for it.

சா rயப் ைன மீன் இ க்க, ளியங்காயத் திங்கிறதாம்.

The artful cat ate tamarind when there was fish.


The cat in the house ate tamarind when there was fish so that the owner would leave the fish exposed without suspicion. This proverb is typically used for people who have some thing in the mind but pretend to do something else.

பங்குனி என் ப க்கிற மில்ைல, சித்திைர என் ம் சி க்கி மில்ைல.

Neither does he expand in March nor does he get lean in April.


Panguni(around March) in Tamil calendar is the month of big harvest. Sithirai(April ) is a month where there is little profit. The proverb is used of a man who dont change their behaviour with change in seasons.

“A wise man is he who knows that prosperity and adversity are alike”

” He swells not in prosperity, and shrinks not in adversity .”

குைறயச் ெசால்லி , நிைறய அள.

Give more quantity with a lesser price.


Typically people who purchase with street vendors will have this experience. The example I give is of Masala Sundal you get in the beach. You will ask Sundal for Rs.5 and vendor will measure some quantity and put it in the paper cone and after doing that before giving it to you for your statisfaction, he would add very very little quantity of Sundal in paper cone to show that he has given more than the customer asked for. So this proverb is to say that what ever you do, give the quality and quantity right.

” Cheat me in the price, but not in the goods*”

“It is not a sin to sell dear, but it is to make ill measure.”

அஞ்சும் ன் ம் உண்டானால் , அறியாப்ெபண் ம் சைமக்கும்.

If the five and the three are at hand, even an ignorant girl can cook.


It is easy to do a thing when one has all the help required.

The ‘five’ are pepper, salt, mustard, cumin and tamarind. The ‘three’

are water, fire and fuel.

அைறக்காைச ஆயிரம் ெபான்னக்குகிறவ ம் ெபண்சாதி , ஆயிரம்

ெபான்ைன அைறக்காசு ஆக்கு கிறவ ம் ெபண்சாதி.

The one who is capable of converting half a coin into a thousand gold coins is a wife, and the one who is capable of reducing a thousand gold coins to half a coin is also a wife.


This why people say marriage is made in heaven. If you have a good wife you have agood fortune, if you have a bad one you are doomed.

” All women are good : good for something or good for nothing.”

ஒ நா ம் சிrக்காதவன் தி நாளில் சிrத்தான் , தி நா ம் ேவ

நாளாச்சு .

When one who had never smiled, smiled on a sacred day, even the sacred day became an ordinary day.

Or better :

ஒ நா மில்லாமல் தி நா க்குப் ேபானால் , தி நா ம் ேவ

நாளாச்சு .

When a man, who never attended a festival, attends one, even the festival day becomes a common day.


This just goes to show how unluckly people are or how last minute events spoils a long awaited day.

ெவ ம் வாய் ெமல் கிற அம்ைமயா க்கு அவல் அகப்பட்ட ேபால .

It is like a bowl of Aval(Rice obtained from fried paddy by pestling it) given to a woman who has been chewing her empty mouth.


A proverb which describes sarcastically the joy that a woman finds in a gossip.

” Arthur could not tame a woman s tongue.”

பந்தியிேல ேவண்டாம் ேவண்டாம் என்றா ம் , இைல ேபாத்தல் இைல

ேபாத்தல் என்கிறான்.

Though I repeatedly refuse to take him to place where food was served, he is constatly saying that there is holes in the Ilai (leaf plate).


This proverb is typically said of people who are not wanted at a particular place, but they still don’t care when others give a hint he isn’t wanted and go about criticising things around. Especially in joint family there would be person who isn’t good at anything but will show of to every one as if he is a big person in the family to other visitors in any function. This trend can be seen in lot of movies esp where the hero’s bother in law or heroines mom’s brother is a good for nothing character(Most of the times Vadivelu ends up in this role).

உ கிற நாளில் ஊ க்குப் ேபாய், அ க்கிற நாளில் அrவாள் ெகாண்

வந்த ேபால.

During the ploughing season he goes about visiting places, but returns on time with his sickle for the harvest season.


This experience most of us would have had. Typically when people work in group, say four people work for a project, there will be two who work hard, one though he dosent work hard would always be with the group and help them in any possible way and finally there will be a person who is never present during the project. But that person would be knocking the doors of the group members right before the project submission to learn what he has to present the next day. The people who dont share the hardwork but share the benifit of the hardwork.

கஞ்சி கண்ட இடம் ைகலாசம் , ேசா கண்ட இடம் ெசார்க்கம் .

Any place which gives him rice-gruel is his Kailash, and whatever place which gives him rice is his Heaven.


This proverb is directed at people who have no aim in their life. Kailash or Siva Logam is place people reach after death. It is a great boon to see Shiva. Heaven or Sorgam is place ruled by Indra and is filled with pleasures. To attain Kailah or Heaven is a life time goal or the highest aim of many people. But the lazy people consider its heaven to get free food and never work hard.

சூ கண்ட ைன அ ப்பங்கைரயில் ேசரா .

The cat that has got fire burns will never go near the kitchen.


When you have any bad experience at all cost you will try to avoid going through it once again.

“A burnt child dreads the Jire.”

“Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.”

குமrக்கு ஒ பிள்ைள , ேகாடிக்கு ஒ ெவள்ைள .

One child for a young girl and one white for a clothesline.


It just takes a little time for a change. Young girl is considered young and innocent till the day she bears a child. From that day she becomes a responsible mother. Similarly a clothes line with many clothes will seem to look dull when one white cloth is put on it for drying. The transient nature of all our lives.

வடீ் க்கு ெசல்வம் மா , ேதாட்டச் ெசல்வம் ங்ைக.

The treasure of a house is a cow and treasure of a garden is Murungai tree.


The cow gives milk which is used as milk,curd,ghee. The cow dung is disinfectent and used to clean the floor. The cow dung was also used as a combustion material and also for sacred ash. Similarly Murungai gives

Murungakai (drum stick), Murungai Keerai(edible green leaves) and has various other medicinal properties. It is basically used to show utilities of various kinds of a single source. Another very good example is Vaalai maram(banana tree).

ெபண்ணின் ேகாணல் , ெபான்னிேல நிமி ம்

Unprettiness of a girl will be shielded by her gold ornaments.


Though a dig at most women, the proverb actually means if you dont have substance it still can be adjusted with other things. In most cases money is the other thing which sets most things right. The proverb is set in negative tone meaning that people who have influence have their way.

ேதேராட ேபாச்சு தி நா , தாேயாட ேபாச்சு பிறந்த அகம்

When the procession of Temple car ends the festival ends, the support from home ends with death of the mother.


Its usually addressed to a daughter in law. Usually Mother in laws acts tough towards the young daughter in laws and the girl seeks the solace of her mother often. But this support last nly as long as her mother lives. So its better to adjust with the hardship rather than finding solace else where.

உயிேரா இ க்கும்ேபா ஒ கரண்டி ெநய்க்கு வழி இல்ைல, ஓமத் க்கு

ஒன்ப கரண்டி ெநய் விட்ட ேபால .

While he was alive they couldn’t not afford one spoonful of ghee, now they spend nine spoons of ghee for the cermonial fire.


Addressed to people who cant afford thing but still do it to please others. Here a family which couldnt afford a spoon of ghee now spends nine spoons for the death cermony just to put a show to others and please others who come for the cermony. Most marraiges in India are done this way. When family cant afford much money they get loans and arrange a grand marraige.

ெசல்லம் ெச க்குகிறதா ? வாசல் படி வ க்கிறதா ?

Chellam serukkirathaa ? vaasal padi valukkirathaa?

Was it the unbound affection or the entrance to the house that made you slip?


Addressed to people who usually dont accept their mistake and put the blame on others. Happens typically with everyone, when we try to put blame on some other person so that we can escape from the mistakes we committed.

க கு கள ம் கள தான் , கற் ரம் கள ம் கள தான்.

Kadugu kalavum kalavuthaan, Karpooram kalavum kalavu thaan.

Theft is a theft ,be it stealing a mustard or acamphor.


You cannot justify a crime by saying its very small crime.

” Sin is sin whether big or small.”

இன்ைறக்கு இைல அ த்தவன் நாைளக்கு குைல அ க்கமாட்டானா?

Indraikku ilai aruthavan naaliku kulai arukkamaattaanaa?

Won’t the person who cut the leaves today , would cut the fruits tomorrow?


The idea is to cut down a mistake/crime in the beginning stage itself. One crime leads to another.

” He who hath done ill once will do it again.”

கூத்தாடி கிழக்ேக பார்த்தான் , கூலிக்காரன் ேமற்ேக பார்த்தான்.

Koothadi kilake parthaan , koolikaran merke parthaan.

The dancer watched the east, the labourer watched the west.


The dancers perform all night long in festivals and wait for the sunrise(east) so that their payments will be made and can return home. The labourer works all day long and see the west all the time since he would get his pay only at the sunset. The whole world works in the direction of money.

பாம்பாடிக்குப் பாம்பிேல சா , கள்ள க்கு களவிேல சா .

Paambatikku pambile saavu, kallanukku kalavile saavu.

Death of snake charmer would be caused by his snake, death of a thief will be caused by his theft.


If you do a sin you cannot escape from it, it will follow you. This theme is explored by so many movies these days like Bheema and Pattiyal.

Retribution follows a person from his own wickedness.

ெகாள் ம் வைரக்கும் ெகாண்டாட்டம் , ெகாண்ட பிறகு திண்டாட்டம் .

Kollum varaikkum kondatam, konda piragu thindaatam.

It’s enjoyment till the marriage and its misery from then.


Relationship with girl will look sweet and attractive till marriage but once that happens, everything changes and you end having nothing but misery. Vice versa too!

ட் வந் ேபாட்டியிேல வி ந்தேதா , திட் வந் ெபாடியிேல

வி ந்தேதா?

Thuttu vanthu potiyile vilunthatho, thitu vanthu potiyile vilunthatho.

Is it the money or the scoldings , that go into the savings box?


At the end of the day the money earned is more important than the pains you go through to secure the money.

” Account not that work-slavery that brings in penny savory.”

தி வாக்குக்கு எதிர்வாக்குக்கு உண்டா?

Thiruvaakkuku ethirvaakku unda?

Are there any words which can go against God’s words.


You cant stand against gods wish. This proverb is usually used to address powerful and influential men, whose word are usually the final one. No body would dare to go against it.

ஓட்ைட பாைனயி ம் சர்க்கைர இ க்கும்.

Ottai pannaiyilum sakarai erukkum.

Even a broken pot might contain sugar.


Dont ignore anything without thoroughly understanding it. Even the worst possible thing might have something good in it. Don’t under estimate any one or any thing.

அ ப் க்காலத்தில் எலிக்கு ஐந் ெபண்சாதி .

Arupukalathil elikku aainthu pensathi.

During the harvest time a rat keeps five wives.


When a person who lives in poverty for most of his life , gets money he doesn’t know how to handle it and would extravagantly spend it. In Tamil people usually say ‘Parambarai Panakaran’- man who is wealthy for generations, just say he is born rich and not made rich. So there seems to be a difference between born rich and other rich people! On the other hand this proverb can also be used against people who uses others property. Typically watchmen in guest/holiday house , use the house like their own when the owner is not there.

ைகய பிடித் கள்ைள வார்த் , மயிைர பிடித் பணம் வாங்குறதா ?

Kai pidithu kallai varthu, maiyirai pidithu panam vanguratha?

Is it right to offer toddy first in a friendly way and then hold the hair and take away all the money?


When help comes out of way be aware of it, it might end up in trouble. Typically like the Nigerian scam where people get mails sayings you have won lottery please send your bank account so that we can deposit money. When people give the account number each and every penny from their bank account is taken away. So if you get tempting offer out of the way, refuse it!

ஆம் ைடயான் ெசத் அவதி ப ம் ேபா , அண்ைட வடீ் க்காரன்

அக்குளிேல பாய்ச்சுகிறான் !

Aambudayan sethu avathi padum ppthu, andai veetykkaran akkulile paaichukiraan!

While the wife was sorrowing seeing her husband in deathbed, her neighbour thrust his hand into her armpit arm-pit.


The man tries to took advantage of a women in an unprotected state. Said about persons who take a mean advantage of another’s misfortunes.

சீைல இல்ைல என் சித்தி வடீ் க்கு ேபானாளாம் , அவள் இச்சம் பாைய

கட்டிெகாண் எதிேர வந்தாளாம் .

Seelai illai endru sithi veetuku ponalaam, aval icham paaiyai kattikondu vanthalam.

She went to her aunt’s house since she had no saree but her aunt came out wearing a rug!


From bad to worse, when you think you are in a bad state and wish to live from mercy of some other person, you face the harsh reality that every one is living in a bad state!

பள்ளத்திேல இ ந்தா ெபாண்டாட்டி , ேமட்டிேல இ ந்தா அக்கா !

Palathilae eruntha pondati, metile iruntha akka!

While they are in the valley he treats her as his wife, while on the hill he treats her as his sister.


Said of People who have no moral values and take advantage of every situation they can be undetected.

“Do in the hole as thou wouldn’t do in the hall.”

ஊரார் வடீ் ெநய்ேய , என் ெபாண்சாதி ைகேய.

Urar veetu neiye, en pondati kaiye.

Though the ghee belonged to the village, it is my wife’s hand that is serving the ghee.


A couple went to a village feast. The wife was helping out by serving the ghee, when she was serving the ghee to her husband she poured more amount that she has served any one else since its her husband and the ghee is not theirs! Typically said to people who take advantage of the power given to them and make most of it.

கட்டி ைவத்த பணத்ைதத் தட்டிப் பறித்தார்ேபால.

Kattivaitha panathai thatti paritharpola.

It is as if the money tied up in the small bag, getting snatched away .


Women usually save the money in small bag called ’surukku pai’ which has a thread around it in the top to tie a knot . Tight knot is a safe way to keep the money. Even after all this saftey some one sntaches it away. So when bad times come , it hits you badly even if you take safety measures before hand.

ஆற்றிேல ேபாகு தண்ணைீர , அப்பா குடி , ஆத்தாள் குடி.

Aatrile poguthu thanneeru, appa kudi,aathal kudi.

The water is running in the river, father drink it, mother drink it.


When there is a chance to get some thing free, people try to utilise it shamelessly in a maximum possible way.

மதில் ேமல் ைன ேபால .

Mathil mel poonai pol.

Like a cat standing on the wall.


It is proverb directed at people who are indecisive or who change the decisions very often. When a cat is on the wall you never know which direction it is going to jump.

பிள்ைள ெபறப் ெபறப் ஆைச , பணம் ேசரச் ேசர ஆைச .

Pillai pera pera aasai, panam sera sera aasai.

After every child your desire for children increases, after every penny saved your desire for money increases.


I should confess its an outdate proverb, no one can have more than two children these days due to economy!

Desire never stops , it increases even after satisfaction.

” The more one has, the more one wants.”

ைன ெகான்ற பாவம் உன்ேனா , ெவல்லம் தின்ற பாவம் என்ேனா .

Poondai kondra pavam unnodu, vellam thindra paavam ennodu.

Let the sin of killing the cat be with you, and let the sin of eating the jaggery stay with me.


A greedy merchent went to a priest after killing a cat, he brought a some jaggery so that the priest using the jaggery can do some remmedy (parigaram) for his sin. The priest ate the jaggery and said the following proverb!

தன் விைன தன்ைனச் சு ம் , ஓட்டப்பம் வடீ்ைட சு ம் .

Than vinai thannais sudum, ottappam veetai sudum.

One’s deed will burn him, pan cake with evil intention will burn the house.


Patinathar or Pattina Pillayar is very famous Tamil Shidda poet. One of the legends say he was big merchant in Kaveri Pattinam and his original name was Vekata Chetti and one of the most influential people of his age. Then there are various legends either his ships returned with gold or his son brought cow dung back when questioned it changed to gold.While he was happy to get the gold, a saint visited his house and delivered a package to his wife. When he returned to his house and opened the package he saw a needle without hole and with a message even this needle wont come with you when you are dead. This made him understand he was greedy with material possessions and became a naked saint. He begged for alms. His Sister was so ashamed of him she invited him to his house and gave him appam with poison. Patinathar with his siddic powers understood it and placed it in her roof and went away. The house due to his meditative powers burnt. So the proverb means your deed will burn you and if you do harm to others that will also burn you.

அடி நாக்கிேல நஞ்சும் , னி நாக்கிேல அமிர்தமா ?

Adinaakile nanjum, nuni naakile amirthama?

When you have poison in the bottom of your tounge ,can there be elixir at the tip of the tongue ?


Said at people who have bad intentions and yet speak good words to make you believe them.

” A honey tongue, a heart of gall.”

ஆ நைனகிற என் ஓநாய் அ கிறதாம்

Aadu nanikirathenu oonai alugiratham.

The wolf cried when the sheep got drenched in rain.


Said to people who want to destroy but still make you believe they care for you.

” Crocodiles tears.”

” Crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them.”

” Beware of the geese when the fox preaches”

கண்டால் காமாச்சி நாயகர் , காணவிட்டால் காமாட்டி நாயகர்.

Kandal kaamachi nayagar, kaanavittal kamaatti nayagar.

In front of you they would praise you like a lord. When you are away they would ridicule you as a fool.

Explanation: Kamatchi nayagan means the hero of Kamatchi that is lord Shiva. Kamaatti Nayagan means hero of fools.

” He that speaks me fair and loves me not, Til speak him fair and

trust him not.”

” He that praise publicly will slander privately.”

காமாட்டி kāmāṭṭi : Fool, idiot, dunce; டன்.

ஒட்ைடக்கூதன் பாட்ைடக் ேகட் இரட்ைட தாழ்பாள் ேபாட்ட ேபால.

Ottaikoothan paatai kettu irattai thalpal pottathu pola.

She Bolted her door twice after hearing Ottaikoothan’s song.


The story that illustrates this proverb is found in”Vinodarasamanjari,” the king’s favorite court poet was Ottaikoothan and queens favorite was another poet. The king there fore put the other poet in the prison. This angered the queen and she bolted the door of her room. The King couldnt enter her room in the night and asked her to open it. The queen replied only if her favorite poet was release she would open her door. The king said okay and asked Ottakoothan to sing a poem in front of the door to make her belive the king had release her favorite poet. But when Ottakoothan sang the song, the queen realised it was not her favorite poet and bolted her door one more time. Thus the effort of the king to soothe her ended as an futile attempt and infuriating her even more. This is said at person who try to soothe some one else but end up infuriating them more.

” As water in a smith’s forge, that serves rather to kindle than quench.”

ஏறச்ெசான்னால் எ க்குக் ேகாபம், இறங்கச்ெசான்னால் ேநான்டிக்குக்

ேகாபம் .

Eraschonnal eruthukku kobam, eranga chonal nondikku kobam.

The bull gets angry when a physically challenged man is asked to mount on it; if the man is asked to get down then he would get angry.


This typically said to people who get into troubled water if they support either side of the fighting parties.

எ ைம வாங்கும் ன் ெநய் விைல கூ கிறதா ?

Erumai vangum mun nei villai koorukiratha?

Can you ask price for you ghee before buying buffalo?


Like student assuming he will get so much marks and starts deciding the colleges and place to stay near the college.

“Don’t count on the chicken before they hatch.”

உட்சுவர் இ க்க, றச்சுவர் சலாமா ?

Utssuvar irukka , velissuvar poosalama?

Can you paint the outer wall neglecting the inner wall.


One has to keep one’s inner self pure. A mock at people who keep themselves clean and neat in their outward behaviour but are not pure in their heart. Outward morality and inward depravity. Also can be said of situation where you need to take care of urself first before helping others.

எ கிற ெபrதல்ல , இன் ம் அறிந் ேசர்க்கிற ெபr

Eluthukirathu perithala, innum arinthu serkirathu perithu.

Its not a big thing to write but its a great thing to understand and accumulate knowledge.


Probably aimed at current day bloggers like me! Its more important that you undertsand what you read and implement that rather than simply write superficial articles. A proverb close to one of my Fav. kurals

‘கற்க கசடற கற்றைவ கற்ற பின்

நிற்க அதற்கு தக’.

உடல் ஒ வ க்கு பிறந்த , நாக்கு பல க்கு பிறந்த .

Utal oruvanukku piranthathu, naakku palarukku piranthathu.

One’s body is born for himself and his tounge is born for many.


One’s body will decide the doom or boon for himself. But one’s tounge can change lives of so many other people.

The word uttered by the mouth in anger is too dangerous.

” Birds are entangled by their feet, and men by their tongues.”

Tamil proverbs

Ainthil Valayaathathu Aimbathil Valayaathu

ஐந்தில் வைளயாத ஐம்பதில் வைளயா What won't bend at five will not bend at fifty (literal) You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Sudum varai neruppu, sutrum varai boomi, poradum varai manithan. Nee manithan.

சு ம் வைர ெந ப் , சுற் ம் வைர மி,் ேபாரா ம் வைர மனிதன். நீ

மனிதன். Fire lasts only as long as it heats. The earth lasts only as long as it

revolves. Man lasts only as long as he tries. You are man (literal) To be human is to strive.

Mayirai katti malayai izhu - vanthal malai ponal mayir

மயிைரக் கட்டி மைலைய இ . வந்தால் மைல ேபானால் மயிர் Pull a mountain by tying a hair to it. If you succeed you will get a

mountain, if you lose you will lose a hair (literal). There is no harm in trying, especially if it is a low-hanging fruit.

Maamiyaar udaithaal mann kudam. Marumagal udaithaal pon kudam

மாமிய்ார் உைடத்தால் மண் குடம். ம மகள் உைடத்தால் ெபான் குடம் If the mother-in-law breaks it, it is a mud pot. If the daughter-in-law

breaks it, it is a golden pot.

Kudigaran Pechchu Vidinja pochu

குடிகாரன் ேபச்சு விடிஞ்சா ேபாச்சு A drunkard's words are gone by the next dawn.

Nirai Kudam Neer Thalumbaadhu kurai kudam Koothadum

நிைற குடம் நீர் த ம்பா . குைர குடம் கூத்தா ம் Fully Filled pot does not spill (literal) Empty vessels make the most noise.

Thani Maram Thopu aagadhu

தனி மரம் ேதாப் ஆகா A single tree doesn't make an orchard.

Mullai Mullal thaan edukka vendum

ள்ைள ள்ளால் தான் எ க்க ேவண் ம் A thorn can only be removed with another thorn (literal) Fight fire with fire.

Agathin Azhagu Mugathil Theriyum

அகத்தின் அழகு கத்தில் ெதr ம் The beauty of the soul is in known in the face (literal) Meaning: Face is the index of the mind.

Aazham paakamal kaalai vidadhe

ஆழம் பார்க்காமல் காைல விடாேத Don't step in the river without knowing its depth. Look before you leap.

Yaanaikkum Adi Sarukkum

யாைனக்கும் அடி ச க்கும் Even elephants do slip. Even the mighty do slip.

Erumbu ora kallum theiyum

எ ம் ஊரக் கல் ம் ேத ம் Even ants can wear out a rock (literal) Persistence never fails

Kaakaikum tan kunju pon kunju

காக்ைகக்கும் தன் குஞ்சு ெபான் குஞ்சு Even a crow thinks its child is golden.

Aatril pottaalum alandhu podu

ஆற்றில் ேபாட்டா ம் அளந் ேபா Even when throwing in the river, measure what you throw

InnA seitharai oRuththal avar naana nannayam seithu vidal

இன்னா ெசய்தாைர ஒ த்தல் அவர் நாண நன்னயம் ெசய் விடல்

(தி க்குறள்) Make a wrong doer feel shy, by doing him a favour. (Source:


Nizhalin arumai veiyilil thaan theriyum

நிழலின் அ ைம ெவயிலில் தான் ெதr ம் Only when in the sun do you miss the shade.

Kadugu ciruththaalum kaaram kuraiyaathu

க கு சி த்தா ம் காரம் குைறயா The mustard its small, but it is still too spicy (literal)

o Don't measure the worth of a person by their size/shape o Size does not matter.

Moorthy chinnathaanalum keerthi periyathu

ர்த்தி சின்னதானா ம் கீர்த்தி ெபrய The idol may be small, its fame is big.

o Don't judge the worth of a person by their size. o Size does not matter.

Puli Pasitthalum Pullai Thinnadhu

லி பசித்தா ம் ல்ைலத் தின்னா Even hunger wont make tiger eat grass (literal) A person never loses his nature no matter how hard-pressed.

CiRu nunalum than vaayaal kedum

சி ண ம் தன் வாயால் ெக ம் The frog that talks is soon dead (literal) Know when to keep quiet.

Kattrathu Kai Man Alavu, Kallaathathu Ulagalavu

கற்ற ைகமண் அள , கல்லாத உலகள (ஔைவயார்) Alternatively "Known is a drop, unknown is an Ocean". (Source:


Theeyinal sutta punn ullaarum aaraathe naavinaal sutta vadu

தீயினால் சுட்ட ண் உள்ளா ம் ஆறாேத நாவினால் சுட்ட வ

(தி க்குறள்) The wounds of fire would vanish with time but the wounds caused by

words never (Source: Thiruk-kural)

Paambin kaal paambariyum

பாம்பின் கால் பாம்பறி ம் Only a snake will know the tracks left by another snake. (literal) The persons involved in similar activities know each other better

than others do.

Tholvi unnai thòrkadikkum mun tholviyai nee thorkadithu vidu

ேதால்வி உன்ைனத் ேதாற்க்கடிக்கும் ன் ேதால்விைய நீ ேதாற்க்கடித்

வி (விேவகானன்தர்) Defeat defeat before defeat defeats you. (Source: Swami


Aalaakku arisi, moolaakkup paanai, mudhaliyar varugira veeraappap paarum

Half an ounce of rice, a quarter ounce pot. But look at the false pride of the mudhaliyar.

arai koththarisi anna dhaanam. Vidiya vidiya maela thaalam.

Half a pot of rice is given as charity. but the announcing drumming is done all night.

Minnuvathellam ponnu alla.

மி்ன் வெதல்லாம் ெபான்னல்ல All that glitters is not gold.

Verumkai enbathu moodathanam,un viralgal pathum mooladhanam.

ெவ ம் ைக என்ப டத்தனம் உன் விரல்கள் பத் ம் லதனம் There is nothing called empty hands. You always have 10 fingers in it Your effort is what all you have got.

Veetai kattipaar,kalyanathai senjuppar

வடீ்ைடக் கட்டிப்பார், கல்யாணத்ைதப் பண்ணிப்பார். Build a home, organize a wedding (literal) If you think daily life is painful, try building a home or organizing a


Muyarchi udayar igalchi adayar.

யற்சி உைடயார் இகழ்ச்சி அைடயார் There is no downward journey for those who keep trying.

Paavam seiyadhu iru maname, naalai gopam seithe yeman kondodippovan.

Desist from sinning, for, tomorrow an angry god of death may deprive you of applying the corrective by taking you into his fold.

Thannirai kooda salladail allalam, athu panikati agum varai poruthal

தண்ணைீரக் கூட சல்லைடயில் அள்ளலாம், அ பனிக்கட்டி ஆகும் வைர

ெபா த்தால். Even water can be held in a sieve, if you wait till it turns to ice.

AAdath thireyathaval medaii konal enralaam

ஆடத் ெதrயாதவள் ேமைட ேகாணல் என்றாளாம் She who cannot dance says the stage is imperfect.(Literal) A bad workman blames his tools.

Adi mel adi vaithal ammium nagarum

அடி ேமல் அடி ைவத்தால் அம்மி் ம் நக ம் If you keep hitting it, even the ammi will move. (Ammi is a large

grind stone usually not moved from its position) (Literal) Try and try till you succeed.

Arukamataathan keil 58 aruvaalam

A person who does not know to cut has 58 sickles in his hand. (Sarcasm)

Theedhum nandrum pirar thara vaara

தீ ம் நன் ம் பிறர் தர வாரா Good or bad, it doesn't come from others. You are responsible for

what you get/face.

Kaatrullapothe thootrikol

காற் ள்ள ேபாேத ற்றிக்ெகாள் Make hay while the sun shines.

Poruththaar Boomi Aazhvaar

ெபா த்தார் மி ்ஆள்வார் The patient will rule the world.

Pudichhalum puliam Komba Pudichitaru

He has taken a strong position (in the activity he is engaged in)

Saathi irundoliya verilai (Source: Avvaiyar)

சாதி இரண்ெடாழிய ேவறில்ைல. There are only two castes in this world: ones that give, and ones that


Ettuchchuraikkai kootukku uthavathu

ஏட் ச் சுைரக்காய் கூட் க்கு உதவா A picture of a vegetable can't be used in a kottu('koottu' is a sort of

stew made with vegetables and lentils). A recipe is not the dish.

Kattikkodotha chaappaadum chollikkodutha vaarthaiyum pala naaal thaangathu

கட்டிக்ெகா த்த சாப்பா ம் ெசால்லிக்ெகா த்த வார்த்ைத ம் பல நாள்

தாஙா Packed food and words of wisdom from others don't last more than a

few days. Self-reliance lasts longer than depending on others.

Koozhukkum aasai meesaikkum aasai

கூ க்கும் ஆைச மீைசக்கும் ஆைச You can't drink thick porridge if you want to keep your mustache


Kuppura vizhunthaalum meesaiyil man ottavillai

குப் ர வி ந்தா ம் மீைசயில் மண் ஒட்டவில்ைல. I fell flat on my face, but there is no dust on my mustache (literal) Make sure your lies are believable.

Aakkapporthuavanukku aaraporukkavillai'

ஆக்கப்ெபா த்தவ க்கு ஆறப்ெபா க்கவில்ைல He could wait for the food to be cooked, but couldn't wait for it cool

down (literal) You waited this much, wait just a bit more.

Paalukkum kaaval poonaikkum thozan

பா க்கும் காவல், ைனக்கும் ேதாழன் Guardian of milk, as well as friend of the cat (literal) Beware of those that get a commission from both parties.

Naai vaalai nimirtha mudiyathu

நாய் வாைல நிமிர்த்த டியா A dog's tail can't be straightened (literal) It is difficult to change one's nature (similar to 'a leopard can't

change its spots').

Naai vedam pottal kuraiththuthaan aagavendum

நாய் ேவடம் ேபாட்டால் குைரத் த்தான் ஆகேவண் ம் When (you) dress up as a dog, be prepared to bark (literal) If you take on a role, be prepared to do whatever the role demands

(think before you decide).

Aarellaam paalai ponaalum naai nakkiththaan kudikkum

ஆெறல்லாம் பாலாய்ப்ேபானா ம் நாய் நக்கித்தான் குடிக்கும் Even if a river flows with milk, a dog can take in only one lick at a

time (literal) What one learns is limited by ones capacity to take in (understand).

Naai vitra kaasu kurakkaadhu

நாய் விற்ற காசு குைரக்கா The money from selling a dog doesn't bark (literal) All money looks the same (no matter what was sold) (also known as

the Money-launderer's Manifesto!)

Malayai kelli eliyai pidiththaanaam

மைலையக் ெகல்லி எலிையப் பிடித்தானாம் (He) uprooted a mountain to catch a mouse (literal) (He) wastes a lot of effort to do simple jobs

Sundaikkaai kaal panam sumaikkooli mukkaal panam

சுண்ைடக்காய் கால் பணம் சுைமக்கூலி க்கால் ப்ணம் A quarter (money) for the berry, three quarters (money) to deliver it


தமிழ் உறவுகளுக்கு வணக்கம்.

பழைய தமிழ் நூல்களில் காணப்படும் தமிழ் இலக்கங்கழளத் தங்களுக்குத் ததரியப்படுத்தலாம் என, இழணயப் பக்கங்களில் இருந்து பதிவிறக்கியழதச் சான்றுகளுடன் ததாகுத்துள்ளளன்.

உலகதமங்கும் தூயதமிழ் ளபணுளவாம்.


உங்கள் யாழ்பாவாணன்

தமிழ் இலக்கங்கள்

ஏறுமுக இலக்கங்கள்

1 = ஒன்று -one

10 = பத்து -ten

100 = நூறு -hundred

1000 = ஆயிரம் -thouand

10000 = பத்தாயிரம் -ten thousand

100000 = நூறாயிரம் -hundred thousand

1000000 = பத்துநூறாயிரம் – one million

10000000 = ளகாடி -ten million

100000000 = அற்புதம் -hundred million

1000000000 = நிகர்புதம் – one billion

10000000000 = கும்பம் -ten billion

100000000000 = கணம் -hundred billion

1000000000000 = கற்பம் -one trillion

10000000000000 = நிகற்பம் -ten trillion

100000000000000 = பதுமம் -hundred trillion

1000000000000000 = சங்கம் -one zillion

10000000000000000 = தவல்லம் -ten zillion

100000000000000000 = அன்னியம் -hundred zillion

1000000000000000000 = அர்த்தம் -?

10000000000000000000 = பரார்த்தம் —?

100000000000000000000 = பூரியம் -?

1000000000000000000000 = முக்ளகாடி -?

10000000000000000000000 = மஹாயுகம்

இறங்குமுக இலக்கங்கள்

1 – ஒன்று

3/4 – முக்கால்

1/2 – அழர கால்

1/4 – கால்

1/5 – நாலுமா

3/16 – மூன்று வசீம்

3/20 – மூன்றுமா

1/8 – அழரக்கால்

1/10 – இருமா

1/16 – மாகாணி(வசீம்)

1/20 – ஒருமா

3/64 – முக்கால்வசீம்

3/80 – முக்காணி

1/32 – அழரவசீம்

1/40 – அழரமா

1/64 – கால் வசீம்

1/80 – காணி

3/320 – அழரக்காணி முந்திரி

1/160 – அழரக்காணி

1/320 – முந்திரி

1/102400 – கீழ்முந்திரி

1/2150400 – இம்மி

1/23654400 – மும்மி

1/165580800 – அணு

1/1490227200 – குணம்

1/7451136000 – பந்தம்

1/44706816000 – பாகம்

1/312947712000 – விந்தம்

1/5320111104000 – நாகவிந்தம்

1/74481555456000 – சிந்ழத

1/489631109120000 – கதிர்முழன

1/9585244364800000 – குரல்வழளப்படி

1/575114661888000000 – தவள்ளம்

1/57511466188800000000 – நுண்மணல்

1/2323824530227200000000 – ளதர்த்துகள்


தமிழ் இலக்கம் - எண் எழுத்துக்கள் கட்டற்ற கழலக்களஞ்சியமான விக்கிப்படீியாவில் இருந்து.

இப்பட்டியல் முழுழமயானத்தல்ல. நீங்கள் அறிந்தவற்ழற இதில் ளசர்த்து இதழன விரிவாக்க உதவுங்கள்.

தமிழ் இலக்கம் பெயர் எண் அளவு

௨ந முந்திரி 1/320

அழரக்காணி 1/160

அழரக்காணி முந்திரி 3/320

காணி 1/80

கால் வசீம் 1/64

அழரமா 1/40

அழர வசீம் 1/32

முக்காணி 3/80

முக்கால் வசீம் 3/64

ஒருமா 1/20

மாகாணி (வசீம்) 1/16

இருமா 1/10

அழரக்கால் 1/8

மூன்றுமா 3/20

மூன்று வசீம் 3/16

நாலுமா 1/5

கால் 1/4

அழர 1/2

முக்கால் 3/4

க ஒன்று 1

௨ இரண்டு 2

௩ மூன்று 3

௪ நான்கு 4

௫ ஐந்து 5

௬ ஆறு 6

௭ ஏழு 7

௮ எட்டு 8

௯ ஒன்பது 9

௰ பத்து 10

௨௰ இருபது 20

௩௰ முப்பது 30

௪௰ நாற்பது 40

௫௰ ஐம்பது 50

௬௰ அறுபது 60

௭௰ எழுபது 70

௮௰ எண்பது 80

௯௰ ததாண்ணூறு 90

௱ நூறு 100

௲ ஆயிரம் 1000

௰௲ பதினாயிரம் 10,000

௱௲ நூறாயிரம் (இலக்கம்) 100,000

௰௱௲ பத்து நூறாயிரம் (பத்திலக்கம்) 10, 00, 000

௱௱௲ நூறு நூறாயிரம் (ளகாடி) 1, 00, 00, 000


முழனவர் தமிைப்பன் எழுதிய தமிழ் இலக்கியத்தில் எண்ணும் எழுத்தும் (நூல்) அட்டவழண1

இந்தக் குறுங்கட்டுழரழயத் ததாகுத்து விரிவாக்குவதன் மூலம் நீங்களும் இதன் வளர்ச்சியில் பங்களிக்கலாம்.

Unicode Technical Note #21: Tamil Numbers - Michael Kaplan

Originally, Tamils did not use zero, nor did they use positional digits (having separate symbols for the

numbers 10, 100 and 1000). Symbols for the numbers are similar to other Tamil letters, with some minor


For example, the number 3782 is not written as ௩௭௮௨ as in modern usage. Instead it is written as ௩ ௲ ௭ ௱ ௮ ௰ ௨. This would be read as they are written as Three Thousands, Seven Hundreds, Eight Tens, Two; or in Tamil


மூன்று-ஆயிரத்து-எழு-நூற்று-எண்-பத்து-இரண்டு. [1]

Reference [1] uses Tamil numerals for Chapter numbers. This usage is based on modern practice, using both

positional digits and zero.

Reference [2] gives a list of numerals in the ancient format, with some equivalents in modern format, some

in Arabic numerals, and a few in words. The list is reproduced below with Arabic equivalents, and a few

modern word equivalents.

௧ = 1

௨ = 2

௩ = 3

௪ = 4

௫ = 5

௬ = 6

௭ = 7

௮ = 8

௯ = 9

௰ = 10

௰௧ = 11

௰௨ = 12

௰௩ = 13

௰௪ = 14

௰௫ = 15

௰௬ = 16

௰௭ = 17

௰௮ = 18

௰௯ = 19

௨௰ = 20

௱ = 100

௨௱ = 200

௩௱ = 300

௱௫௰௬ = 156

௲ = 1000

௲௧ = 1001

௲௪௰ = 1040

௮௲ = 8000

௰௲ = 10,000

௭௰௲ = 70,000

௯௰௲ = 90,000

௱௲ = 100,000 (lakh)

௮௱௲ = 800,000

௰௱௲ = 1,000,000 (10 lakhs)

௯௰௱௲ = 9,000,000

௱௱௲ = 10,000,000 (crore)

௰௱௱௲ = 100,000,000 (10 crore)

௱௱௱௲ = 1,000,000,000 (100 crore)

௲௱௱௲ = 10,000,000,000 (thousand crore)

௰௲௱௱௲ = 100,000,000,000 (10 thousand crore)

௱௲௱௱௲ = 1,000,000,000,000 (lakh crore)

௱௱௲௱௱௲ = 100,000,000,000,000 (crore crore)

[1] mozi varalARu, by munucAmi varatarAcan, published by The South India Saiva

Siddhanta Works Publishing Society, Tinnevelly, Limited, November 1954, p. 357-358

(page numbers from 14th Edition, December 1996).

[2] iniya tamiz ilakkaNam by yokisri cuttAnan~ta pAratiyAr, published by Kavitha

Publications, p. 201-204. Scanned source from URL:

இறுதியாகச் ளசர்க்கப்பட்டது இழணயத்தில் பதிவிறக்கப்பட்ட நூல்.