ancillary task media

Media- Ancillary Task By Sophie Jones

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Media- Ancillary Task

By Sophie Jones

Page 2: Ancillary task media


Plain, dull colours used on poster to show that it’s a drama/thriller

Bold, mysterious title to catch audiences attention and grip them

Cinema release date included to inform the target audience

Mysterious picture of eyes in the background to give a more dramatic feel to the poster- as if the main actor in the centre of the poster is being watched

Main actor in the centre of the poster- typical convention

Main actors names at the top of the poster to inform the audience who is in the film

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POSTER- CHLOEClose up shot of the main character ‘Chloe’

Serious looking picture to show that it’s a dramatic film

Big, red coloured title to represent danger and drama which is conventional

Main actors names in a clear font that stands out and grips the audiences attention

The picture of ‘Chloe’ takes up the whole background of the poster which will attract peoples attention

Includes information and details about the film to inform the target audience

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White, bold writing used for the title

Main actors names at the very top of the poster over the actors faces which shows the audience who is in the film

The actors aren’t smiling- they look very serious which is a convention of dramas

A catch line is included on this poster to make the film more memorable to the target audience

A soft, dull colour scheme is used- there are no bright colours which shows that its not going to be a happy, light-hearted film

Information/names are included at the very bottom of the poster

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POSTER- WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVINVery dark, dull colours are used on this poster to inform the audience of the genre of the film

A short quoted sentence about the film to attract the audience and make them want to watch it

Title of the film is in the middle of the poster to grip the audience

Actors name included to show who is in the film

Actors on this poster aren’t smiling and look like they’re worried or in trouble which is a typical convention of dramas

No bright colours are used at all which suggests that bad things happen in this film

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MAGAZINE COVER-GONE GIRLStrange, scary looking picture of the actors to attract the audience- makes them want to watch the film more and find out what happens

Bold, white headlines and titles which are typical conventions of magazine covers

Information on the front of the magazine cover to make the target audience interested and look at the picture

Includes the name of the film in big, bold writing

The picture of the main actors suggest that the film is going to be dramatic and interesting

The only bright colours used is the writing to give information to the audience about the film which will attract them

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MAGAZINE COVER- BLACK SWANBig, bold name of magazine to attract target audience

White, plain background makes the magazine cover seem interesting and will make the audience wonder about what the film is about

“Black swan takes Ballet to the edge” – used to promote the film by taking something pure and nice like ballet and mixing it up by suggesting that something dramatic is going to happen

By including it in a dance magazine, it will attract the right audience

Includes the main actor of the film on the front of this magazine

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MAGAZINE COVER- TWLIGHTBoth main actors in the film are shown on the front of the magazine cover which is a typical convention when promoting a film

Dark, mysterious colours are used to give an interesting dramatic feel to the film

Information about the author of Twilight is included to interest the target audience

Big, bold titles and headings to grip people so they read the magazine- typical convention of magazine covers

Actors have serious facial expressions on their faces to give away the genre

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Black, bold writing is used for the title of the film to grip the audience

Main actors included on the front cover which is a typical convention when promoting a film on a magazine cover

Includes other things which are included inside the magazine to encourage people to buy it and read what’s inside

Interesting colour scheme, suggesting the film is action packed with lots of drama included within the plot

Actors have a dramatic look suggesting what genre the film is