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SIAM J. COMPUT. Vol. 17, No. 2, April 1988 (C) 1988 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0O6 A DIGITAL SIGNATURE SCHEME SECURE AGAINST ADAPTIVE CHOSEN-MESSAGE ATTACKS* SHAFI GOLDWASSER?, SILVIO MICALI? AND RONALD L. RIVEST? Abstract. We present a digital signature scheme based on the computational difficulty of integer factorization. The scheme possesses the novel property of being robust against an adaptive chosen-message attack: an adversary who receives signatures for messages of his choice (where each message may be chosen in a way that depends on the signatures of previously chosen messages) cannot later forge the signature of even a single additional message. This may be somewhat surprising, since in the folklore the properties of having forgery being equivalent to factoring and being invulnerable to an adaptive chosen-message attack were considered to be contradictory. More generally, we show how to construct a signature scheme with such properties based on the existence of a "claw-free" pair of permutations--a potentially weaker assumption than the intractibility of integer factorization. The new scheme is potentially practical: signing and verifying signatures are reasonably fast, and signatures are compact. Key words, cryptography, digital signatures, factoring, chosen-message attacks, authentication, trap-door permutations, randomization AMS(MOS) subject classification. 94A05 1. Introduction. The idea of a "digital signature" first appeared in Diffie and Hellman’s seminal paper, New Directions in Cryptography [DH76]. They propose that each user A publish a "public key" (used for validating signatures), while keeping secret a "secret key" (used for producing signatures). In their scheme user A’s signature for a message M is a value which depends on M and on A’s secret key, such that anyone can verify the validity of A’s signature using A’s public key. However, while knowing A’s public key is sufficient to allow one to validate A’s signatures, it does not allow one to easily forge A’s signatures. They also proposed a way of implementing signatures based on "trap-door functions" (see 2.1.1). The notion of a digital signature is useful and is a legal replacement for handwritten signatures [LM78], [MAT9]. However, a number of technical problems arise if digital signatures are implemented using trap-door functions as suggested by Diffie and Hellman [DH76]; these problems have been addressed and solved in part elsewhere. For example, [GMY83] showed how to handle arbitrary or sparse message sets and how to ensure that if an enemy sees previous signatures (for messages that he has not chosen) it does not help him to forge new signatures (this is a "nonadaptive chosen- message attack"; see 2.2). The signature scheme presented here, using fundamentally different ideas than those presented by Diffie and Hellman, advances the state of the art of signature schemes with provable security properties even further; it has the following important characteristics: What we prove to be difficult is forgery, and not merely obtaining the secret key used by the signing algorithm (or obtaining an efficient equivalent algorithm). Received by the editors August 26, 1985; accepted for publication (in revised form) June 12, 1987. This research was supported by National Science Foundation grants MCS-80-06938, DCR-8607494 and DCR-8413577, an IBM/MIT Faculty Development Award and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency contract N00014-85-K-0125. ? Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. 281

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Page 1: AND - People | MIT Scientific Papers... · 2008. 12. 4. · Generic chosen-message attack. Here the enemy is allowed to obtain from A valid

SIAM J. COMPUT.Vol. 17, No. 2, April 1988

(C) 1988 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics




Abstract. We present a digital signature scheme based on the computational difficulty of integerfactorization.

The scheme possesses the novel property of being robust against an adaptive chosen-message attack:an adversary who receives signatures for messages of his choice (where each message may be chosen in a

way that depends on the signatures of previously chosen messages) cannot later forge the signature of evena single additional message. This may be somewhat surprising, since in the folklore the properties of havingforgery being equivalent to factoring and being invulnerable to an adaptive chosen-message attack wereconsidered to be contradictory.

More generally, we show how to construct a signature scheme with such properties based on theexistence of a "claw-free" pair of permutations--a potentially weaker assumption than the intractibility ofinteger factorization.

The new scheme is potentially practical: signing and verifying signatures are reasonably fast, andsignatures are compact.

Key words, cryptography, digital signatures, factoring, chosen-message attacks, authentication, trap-doorpermutations, randomization

AMS(MOS) subject classification. 94A05

1. Introduction. The idea of a "digital signature" first appeared in Diffie andHellman’s seminal paper, New Directions in Cryptography [DH76]. They propose thateach user A publish a "public key" (used for validating signatures), while keepingsecret a "secret key" (used for producing signatures). In their scheme user A’s signaturefor a message M is a value which depends on M and on A’s secret key, such thatanyone can verify the validity of A’s signature using A’s public key. However, whileknowing A’s public key is sufficient to allow one to validate A’s signatures, it doesnot allow one to easily forge A’s signatures. They also proposed a way of implementingsignatures based on "trap-door functions" (see 2.1.1).

The notion of a digital signature is useful and is a legal replacement for handwrittensignatures [LM78], [MAT9]. However, a number of technical problems arise if digitalsignatures are implemented using trap-door functions as suggested by Diffie andHellman [DH76]; these problems have been addressed and solved in part elsewhere.For example, [GMY83] showed how to handle arbitrary or sparse message sets andhow to ensure that if an enemy sees previous signatures (for messages that he has notchosen) it does not help him to forge new signatures (this is a "nonadaptive chosen-message attack"; see 2.2).

The signature scheme presented here, using fundamentally different ideas thanthose presented by Diffie and Hellman, advances the state of the art of signatureschemes with provable security properties even further; it has the following importantcharacteristics:

What we prove to be difficult is forgery, and not merely obtaining the secretkey used by the signing algorithm (or obtaining an efficient equivalent algorithm).

Received by the editors August 26, 1985; accepted for publication (in revised form) June 12, 1987.This research was supported by National Science Foundation grants MCS-80-06938, DCR-8607494 andDCR-8413577, an IBM/MIT Faculty Development Award and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencycontract N00014-85-K-0125.

? Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts02139.


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Forgery is proven to be difficult for a "most general" enemy who can mountan adaptive chosen-message attack. (An enemy who can use the real signer as "anoracle" cannot in time polynomial in the size of the public key forge a signature forany message whose signature was not obtained from the real signer.) In contrast toall previous published work on this problem, we prove the scheme invulnerable againstsuch an adaptive attack where each message whose signature is requested may dependon all signatures previously obtained from the real signer. We believe that an adaptivechosen-message attack is the most powerful attack possible for an enemy who isrestricted to using the signature scheme in a natural manner.

The properties we prove about the new signature scheme do not depend in anyway on the set of messages to be signed or on any assumptions about a probabilitydistribution on the message set.

Our scheme can be generalized so that it can be based on "hard" problemsother than factoring whenever one can create claw-free trap-door pair generators.

Our scheme can be based on any family of pairs of claw-free permutations, yieldinga signature scheme that is invulnerable to a chosen-message attack even if the claw-freepermutations are vulnerable to a chosen-message attack when used to make a trap-doorsignature scheme (see 2.1.1).

Fundamental ideas in the construction are the use of randomization, signing byusing two authentication steps (the first step authenticates a random value which isused in the second step to authenticate the message), and the use of a treelike branchingauthentication structure to produce short signatures.

We note that our signature scheme is not of the simple Diffie-Hellman "trap-door"type. For example, a given message can have many signatures.

Our signature scheme is seemingly "paradoxical," in that we prove that forgeryis equivalent to factoring even if the enemy uses an adaptive chosen-message attack.We can restate the paradox as follows:

Any general technique for forging signatures can be used as a "black box" ina construction that enables the enemy to factor one of the signer’s public moduli (hehas two in our scheme), but

The technique of "forging" signatures by getting the real signer to play the roleof the "black box" (i.e., getting the real signer to produce some desired genuinesignatures) does not help the enemy to factor either of the signer’s moduli.

Resolving this paradox was previously believed to be impossible and contradictory([Wi80] misled by Rivest).

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In 2 we present definitions ofwhat it means to "break" a signature scheme and what it means to "attack" a signaturescheme. In 3 we review previously proposed signature schemes. In 4 we reviewmore closely the nature of the "paradox," and discuss how it can be resolved. Section5 defines some useful conventions and notation, and 6 describes the complexity-theoretic foundations of our scheme. In 7 we give some of the fundamental notionsfor our signature scheme, and in 8 we give the details. In 9 we prove that it hasthe desired properties. In the last section we discuss some ways to improve the runningtime and memory requirements of this scheme.

2. Fundamental notions. To properly characterize the results of this paper, it ishelpful to answer the following questions:

What is a digital signature scheme?What kinds of attacks can the enemy mount against a digital signature scheme?What is meant by "breaking" the signature scheme?

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Little attention has been devoted so far to precisely answering these questions.For instance, signature schemes have been generically called "secure" without specify-ing against what kind of attack. This way, it would not be surprising that "secure"signature schemes were later broken by an unforseen attack. We hope that theclassification we propose in this section may prove useful in resolving unpleasantambiguities.

2.1. What is a digital signature scheme? A digital signature scheme contains thefollowing components:

A security parameter k, which is chosen by the user when he creates his publicand secret keys. The parameter k determines a number of quantities (length ofsignatures, length of signable messages, running time of the signing algorithm, overallsecurity, etc).

A message space, which is the set of messages to which the signature algorithmmay be applied. Without loss of generality, we assume in this paper that all messagesare represented as binary strings, that is, {0, 1}/. To ensure that the entire signingprocess is polynomial in the security parameter, we assume that the length of themessages to be signed is bounded by kc, for some constant c > 0.

A signature bound B, which is an integer bounding the total number of signaturesthat can be produced with an instance of the signature scheme. This value is typicallybounded above by a low-degree polynomial in k, but may be infinite.

A key generation algorithm G, which any user A can use on input 1 k (i.e., k inunary) to generate in polynomial time a pair (PA, S) of matching public and secretkeys. The secret key is sometimes called the trap-door information.

A signature algorithm r, which produces a signature r(M, SA) for a messageM using the secret key SA. Here o- may receive other inputs as well. For example, inthe scheme we propose first, o- has an additional input which is the number of previouslysigned messages.

A verification algorithm V, which tests whether S is a valid signature for messageM using the public key PA. (That is, V(S, M, PA) will be true if and only if it is valid.)Any of the above algorithms may be "randomized" algorithms that make use of auxili-ary random bit stream inputs. We note that G must be a randomized algorithm, sincepart of its output is the secret key, which must be unpredictable to an adversary. Thesigning algorithm r may be randomized--we note in particular that our signing algor-ithm is randomized and is capable of producing many different signatures for the samemessage. In general, the verification algorithm need not be randomized, and ours is not.

We note that there are other kinds of "signature" problems that are not dealt withhere; the most notable being the "contract-signing problem" where two parties wishto exchange their signatures to an agreed-upon contract simultaneously (for example,see [B183], [EGL82], [BGMR85]).

2.1.1. A classical example: trap-door signatures. To create a signature scheme,Diffie and Hellman proposed that A use a "trap-door function" f: informally, a functionfor which it is easy to evaluate f(x) for any argument x but for which, given only f(x),it is computationally infeasible to find any y with f(y)=f(x) without the secret"trap-door" information. According to their suggestion, A publishes f and any onecan validate a signature by checking that f(signature)= message. Only A possesses the"trap-door" information allowing him to invertf: f-(message) signature. (Trap-doorfunctions will be formally defined in 6.) We call any signature scheme that fits intothis model (i.e., uses trap-door functions and signs by applying f- to the message) atrap-door signature scheme.

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We note that not all signature schemes are trap-door schemes, although most ofthe ones proposed in the literature are of this type.

2.2. Kinds of attacks. We distinguish two basic kinds of attacks:Key-only attacks in which the enemy knows only the real signer’s public key, andMessage attacks where the enemy is able to examine some signatures correspond-

ing to either known or chosen-messages before his attempt to break the scheme.We identify the following four kinds of message attacks, which are characterized

by how the messages whose signatures the enemy sees are chosen. Here A denotes theuser whose signature method is being attacked.

Known-message attack. The enemy is given access to signatures for a set ofmessages ml, , mr. The messages are known to the enemy but are not chosen by him.

Generic chosen-message attack. Here the enemy is allowed to obtain from Avalid signatures for a chosen list of messages ml," ", mt before he attempts to breakA’s signature scheme. These messages are chosen by the enemy, but they are fixed andindependent of A’s public key (for example the mi’s may be chosen at random). Thisattack is nonadaptive: the entire message list is constructed before any signatures areseen. This attack is "generic" since it does not depend on the A’s public key; the sameattack is used against everyone.

Directed chosen-message attack. This is similar to the generic chosen-messageattack, except that the list of messages to be signed may be created after seeing A’spublic key but before any signatures are seen. (The attack is still nonadaptive.) Thisattack is "directed" against a particular user A.

Adaptive chosen-message attack. This is more general yet: here the enemy is alsoallowed to use A as an "oracle"; not only may he request from A signatures of messageswhich depend on A’s public key but he may also request signatures of messages whichdepend additionally on previously obtained signatures.

The above attacks are listed in order of increasing severity, with the adaptivechosen-message attack being the most severe natural attack an enemy can mount. Thatthe adaptive chosen-message attack is a natural one can be seen by considering thecase of a notary public who must sign more-or-less arbitrary documents on demand.In general, the user of a signature scheme would like to feel that he may sign arbitrarydocuments prepared by others without fear of compromising his security.

2.3. What does it mean to "break" a signature scheme? One might say that theenemy has "broken" user A’s signature scheme if his attack allows him to do any ofthe following with a nonnegligible probability:

A total break. Compute A’s secret trap-door information.Universalforgery. Find an efficient signing algorithm functionally equivalent to

A’s signing algorithm (based on possibly different but equivalent trap-door infor-mation).

Selective forgery. Forge a signature for a particular message chosen a priori bythe enemy.

Existential forgery. Forge a signature for at least one message. The enemy hasno control over the message whose signature he obtains, so. it may be random ornonsensical. Consequently this forgery may only be a minor nuisance to A.

Note that to forge a signature means to produce a new signature; it is not forgeryto obtain from A a valid signature for a message and then claim that he has now"forged" that signature, any more than passing around an authentic handwrittensignature is an instance of forgery. For example, in a chosen-message attack it does

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not constitute selective forgery to obtain from the real signer a signature for the targetmessage M.

Clearly, the kinds of "breaks" are listed above in order of decreasing severity;the least the enemy might hope for is to succeed with an existential forgery.

We say that a scheme is respectively totally breakable, universally forgeable, selec-tively forgeable or existentially forgeable if it is breakable in one of the above senses.Note that it is more desirable to prove that a scheme is not even existentially forgeablethan to prove that it is not totally breakable. The above list is not exhaustive; theremay be other ways of "breaking" a signature scheme which fit in between those listed,or are somehow different in character.

We utilize here the most realistic notion of forgery, in which we say that a forgeryalgorithm succeeds if it succeeds probabilistically with a nonnegligible probability. Tomake this notion precise, we say that the forgery algorithm succeeds if its chance ofsuccess is at least as large as one over a polynomial in the security parameter k.

To say that the scheme is "broken," we not only insist that the forgery algorithmsucceed with a nonnegligible probability, but also that it must run in probabilisticpolynomial time.

We note here that the characteristics of the signature scheme may depend on itsmessage space in subtle ways. For example, a scheme may be existentially forgeablefor a message space but not existentially forgeable if restricted to a message spacewhich is a sufficiently small subset of .

The next section exemplifies these notions by reviewing previously proposedsignature schemes.

3. Previous signature schemes and their security. In this section we list a numberof previously proposed signature schemes and briefly review some facts about theirsecurity.

(1) Trap-door signature schemes [DH76]. Any trap-door signature scheme isexistentially forgeable with a key-only attack since a valid (message, signature) paircan be created by beginning with a random "signature" and applying the publicverification algorithm to obtain the corresponding "message." A common heuristic forhandling this problem in practice is to require that the message space be sparse (i.e.,requiring that very few strings actually represent messagesmfor example this can beenforced by having each message contain a reasonably long checksum). In this casethis specific attack is not likely to result in a successful existential forgery.

(2) Rivest-Shamir-Adleman [RSA78]. The RSA scheme is selectively forgeableusing a directed chosen-message attack, since RSA is multiplicative: the signature ofa product is the product of the signatures. (This can be handled in practice as aboveusing a sparse message space.)

(3) Merkle-Hellman [MH78]. Shamir showed the basic Merkle-Hellman "knap-sack" scheme to be universally forgeable using just a key-only attack [Sh82]. (Thisscheme was perhaps more an encryption scheme than a signature scheme, but hadbeen proposed for use as a signature scheme as well.)

(4) Rabin IRa79]. Rabin’s signature scheme is totally breakable if the enemy usesa directed chosen-message attack (see 4). However, for nonsparse message spacesselective forgery is as hard as factoring if the enemy is restricted to a known-messageattack.

(5) Williams [Wi80]. This scheme is similar to Rabin’s. The proof that selectiveforgery is as hard as factoring is slightly stronger, since here only a single instance ofselective forgery guarantees factoring (Rabin neeeded a probabilistic argument).

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Williams uses effectively (as we do) the properties of numbers which are the productof a prime p=-3 (mod 8) and a prime q=-7 (mod 8). Again, this scheme is totallybreakable with a directed chosen-message attack.

(6) Lieberherr [LiS1]. This scheme is similar to Rabin’s and Williams’, and istotally breakable with a directed chosen-message attack.

(7) Shamir [Sh78]. This knapsack-type signature scheme has recently been shownby Tulpan [Tu84] to be universally forgeable with a key-only attack for any practicalvalues of the security parameter.

(8) Goldwasser-Micali-Yao [GMY83]. This paper presents for the first timesignature schemes which are not of the trap-door type, and which have the interestingproperty that their security characteristics hold for any message space. The firstsignature scheme presented in [GMY83] was proven not to be even existentiallyforgeable against a generic chosen-message attack unless factoring is easy. However,it is not known to what extent directed chosen-message attacks or adaptive chosen-message attacks might aid an enemy in "breaking" the scheme.

The second scheme presented there (based on the RSA function) was also provennot to be even existentially forgeable against a generic chosen-message attack. Thisscheme may also resist existential forgery against an adaptive chosen-message attack,although this has not been proved. (A proof would require showing certain propertiesabout the density of prime numbers and making a stronger intractability assumptionabout inverting RSA.) We might note that, by comparison, the scheme presented hereis much faster, produces much more compact signatures, and is based on much simplerassumptions (only the difficulty of factoring or more generally the existence of claw-freepermutation pair generators).

Several of the ideas and techniques presented in [GMY83], such as bit-by-bitauthentication, are used in the present paper.

(9) Ong-Schnorr-Shamir [OSS84a]. Totally breaking this scheme using an adap-tive chosen-message attack has been shown to be as hard as factoring. However, Pollard[Po84] has recently been able to show that the "OSS" signature scheme is universallyforgeable in practice using just a key-only attack; he developed an algorithm to forgea signature for any given message without obtaining the secret trap-door information.A more recent "cubic" version has recently been shown to be universally forgeable inpractice using just a key-only attack (also by Pollard). An even more recent version[OSS84b] based on polynomial equations was similarly broken by Estes, Adleman,Kompella, McCurley and Miller [EAKMM85] for quadratic number fields.

(10) tH-Gamal [EG84]. This scheme, based on the difficulty of computing discretelogarithms, is existentially forgeable with a generic message attack and selectivelyforgeable using a directed chosen-message attack.

(11) Okamoto-Shiraishi [OS85]. This scheme, based on the difficulty of solvingquadratic inequalities modulo a composite modulus, was shown to be universallyforgeable by Brickell and DeLaurentis [BD85].

4. The paradox of proving signature schemes secure. The paradoxical nature ofsignature schemes which are provably secure against chosen-message attacks made itsfirst appearance in Rabin’s paper, Digitalized Signatures as Intractable as FactorizationIRa79]. The signature scheme proposed there works as follows. User A publishes anumber n which is the product of two large primes. To sign a message M, A computesas M’s signature one of M’s square roots modulo n. (When M is not a square modulon, A modifies a few bits of M to find a "nearby" square.) Here signing is essentiallyjust extracting square roots modulo n. Using the fact that extracting square roots

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modulo n enables one to factor n, it follows that selective forgery in Rabin’s schemeis equivalent to factoring if the enemy is restricted to at most a known-message attack.

However, it is true (and was noticed by Rabin) that an enemy might totally breakthe scheme using a directed chosen-message attack. By asking A to sign a value x2 mod nwhere x was picked at random, the enemy would obtain with probability anothersquare root y of x2 such that gcd (x + y, n) was a prime factor of n.

Rabin suggested that one could overcome this problem by, for example, havingthe signer concatenate a fairly long randomly chosen pad U to the message beforesigning it. In this way the enemy cannot force A to extract a square root of anyparticular number.

However, the reader may now observe that the proof of the equivalence of selectiveforgery to factoring no longer works for the modified scheme. That is, being able toselectively forge no longer enables the enemy to directly extract square roots and thusto factor. Of course, breaking this equivalence was really the whole point of makingthe modification.

4.1. The paradox. We now "prove" that it is impossible to have a signature schemefor which it is both true that forgery is provably equivalent to factoring, and yet thescheme is invulnerable to adaptive chosen-message attacks. The argument is essentiallythe same as the one given in [Wi80]. Byforgery we mean in this section any of universal,selective, or existential forgery; we assume that we are given a proof that forgery ofthe specified type is equivalent to factoring.

Let us begin by considering this given proof. The main part ofthe proofpresumablygoes as follows: given a subroutine for forging signatures, a constructive method isspecified for factoring. (The other part of the equivalence, which shows that factoringenables forgery, is usually easy, since factoring usually enables the enemy to totallybreak the scheme.)

But it is trivial then to show that an adaptive chosen-message attack enables anenemy to totally break the scheme. The enemy merely executes the constructive methodfor factoring given in the proof, using the real signer instead of the forgery subroutine!That is, whenever he needs to execute the forgery subroutine to obtain the signatureof a message, he merely performs an "adaptive chosen-message attack" step--gettingthe real user to sign the desired message. In the end the unwary user has enabled theenemy to factor his modulus! (If the proof reduces factoring to universal or selectiveforgery, the enemy has to get the real user to sign a particular message. If the proofreduces factoring to existential forgery, the enemy need only get him to sign anythingat all.)

4.2. Breaking the paradox. How can one hope to get around the apparent contra-dictory natures of equivalence to factoring and invulnerability to an adaptive chosen-message attack?

The key idea in resolving the paradox is to have the constructive proof that forgeryis as hard as factoring be a uniform proof which makes essential use of the fact thatthe forger can forge for arbitrary public keys with a nonnegligible probability of success.However, in "real life" a signer will only produce signatures for a particular publickey. Thus the constructive proof cannot be applied in "real life" (by asking the realsigner to unwittingly play the role of the forger) to factor.

In our scheme this concept is implemented using the notion of "random rooting."Each user publishes not only his two composite moduli nl and n2, but also a "randomroot" r. This value r is used when validating the user’s signatures. The paradox isresolved in our case as follows:

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It is provably equivalent to factoring for an enemy to have a uniform algorithmfor forging; uniform in the sense that if for all pairs of composite numbers n and n2if the enemy can randomly forge signatures for a significant fraction of the possiblerandom roots r, then he can factor either n or n2.

* The above proof requires that the enemy be able to pick r himself--the forgerysubroutine is fed triples (n, n, r), where the r part is chosen by the enemy accordingto the procedure specified in the constructive proof. However, in "real life" the userhas picked a fixed r at random to put in his public key, so an adaptive chosen-messageattack will not enable the enemy to "forge" signatures corresponding to any othervalues of r. Thus the constructive method given in the proof cannot be applied! Moredetails can be found in 9.

5. General notation and conventions.5.1. Notation and conventions for strings. Let a Co(ll.. "x be a binary string,

then c will denote the integer Yk=o ak2x- (Note that a given integer may have severaldenotations, but only one of a given length.) The strings in {0, 1}* are ordered asfollows: if a and/3 are binary strings, we write a </3 if there exists a string y suchthat a is a prefix of y, y has exactly the same length as/3, and </</3.

If is a /c-bit string, we let DFS (i)= {/3[/3 <-i}. (Imagine a full binary tree ofdepth /c whose root is labelled e, and the left (right) son of a node labelled a is a0(a l) and let DFS be the Depth First Search algorithm that starts at the root andexplores the left son of any node before the right son of that node. Then DFS (i)represents the set of nodes visited by DFS up to and including the time when it reachesnode i.) Note that DFS (i) contains the empty string.

5.2. Notation and conventions for probabilistic algorithms. We introduce somegenerally useful notation and conventions for discussing probabilistic algorithms. (Wemake the natural assumption that all parties, including the enemy, may make use ofprobabilistic methods.)

We emphasize the number of inputs received by an algorithm as follows. Ifalgorithm A receives only one input we write "A(. )," if it receives two inputs we write"A(.,. )," and so on.

We write "PS" for "probability space;" in this paper we only consider countableprobability spaces. In fact, we only deal with probability spaces arising from probabilis-tic algorithms.

If A(. is a probabilistic algorithm then, for any input i, the notation A(i) refersto the PS which assigns to the string o- the probability that A, on input i, outputs o-.

We point out the special case that A takes no inputs; in this case the notation A refersto the algorithm itself, whereas the notation A( refers to the PS defined by runningA with no input. If S is a PS, we denote by Ps(e) the probability that S associateswith element e. Also, we denote by [S] the set of elements which S gives positiveprobability. In the case that [S] is a singleton set {e} we will use S to denote the valuee; this is in agreement with traditional notation. (For instance, if A(. is an algorithmthat, on input i, outputs 3, then we may write A(2)= 8 instead of [A(2)] {8}.)

Iff(. and g(., .) are probabilistic algorithms thenf(g(., .)) is the probabilis-tic algorithm obtained by composing f and g (i.e., running f on g’s output). For anyinputs x, y,... the associated probability space is denoted f(g(x, y,...)).

If S is a PS, then x-S denotes the algorithm which assigns to x an elementrandomly selected according to S; that is, x is assigned the value e with probabilityPs(e).

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The notation P(p(x,y,...)lxS; y T;...) will then denote the probabilitythat the predicate p(x, y, .) will be true, after the (ordered) execution ofthe algorithmsx -S, y - T, etc.

We let t denote the set of probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms. We assumethat a natural representation of these algorithms as binary strings is used. By 1 k wedenote the binary representation of integer k, i.e.,


6. The complexity theoretic basis of the new scheme. A particular instance of ourscheme can be constructed if integer factorization is computationally difficult. However,we will present our scheme in a general manner without assuming any particularproblem to be intractable. This clarifies the exposition, and helps to establish the truegenerality of the proposed scheme. We do this by introducing the notion of a "claw-freepermutation pair," and by showing the existence of such objects under the assumptionthat integer factorization is difficult.

This section builds up the relevant concepts and definitions in stages. In 6.1 wegive a careful definition of the notions of a trap-door permutation and a trap-doorpermutation generator. These notions are not directly used in this paper, but serve asa simple example of the use of our notation. (Furthermore, no previous definition inthe literature was quite so comprehensive.) The reader may, if he wishes, skip 6.1without great loss.

In 6.2 we define claw-free permutation pairs and claw-free permutation pairgenerators.

In 6.3 we show how to construct claw-free permutation pair generators underthe assumption that factoring is difficult.

Finally, in 6.4 we show how to construct an infinite family of pairwise claw-freepermutations, given a generating pair fo, fl, of claw-free permutations.

Altogether, then, this section provides the underlying definitions and assumptionsrequired for constructing our signature scheme. The actual construction of our signaturescheme will be given in 7 and 8.

6.1. Trap-door permutations. Informally, a family of trap-door permutations is afamily of permutations f possessing the following properties:

It is easy, given an integer k, to randomly select permutations f in the familywhich have /c as their security parameter, together with some extra "trap-door"information allowing easy inversion of the permutations chosen.

It is hard to invert f without knowing f’s trapdoor.We can interpret the two properties above by saying that any user A can easily

randomly select a pair of permutations, (f, f-l), inverses of each other. This will enableA to easily evaluate and invert f; if now A publicizes f and keeps secret f-l, theninverting f will be hard for all other users.

In the informal discussion above, we used the terms "easy" and "hard." The term"easy" can be interpreted as "in polynomial time"; "hard," however, is of more difficultinterpretation. By saying that f is hard to invert we cannot possibly mean that f-cannot be easily evaluated at any of its arguments. We mean, instead, that f- is hardto evaluate at a random argument. Thus, if one wants (as we do) to use trap-doorfunctions to generate problems computationally hard for an "adversary," he must be

For example, any f can be easily inverted at the image of a fixed argument, say 0. In fact, we mayconsider inverting algorithms that, on inputs x and f, first check whether x =f(0).

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able to randomly select a point in the domain off and f-1. This operation is easy forall currently known candidates of a trap-door permutation, and we explicitly assumeit to be easy in our formal treatment.

DEFINiTiON. Let G be an algorithm in Yt that on input 1 k, outputs an orderedtriple (d,f,f-) of algorithms. (Here D [d( )] will denote the domain of the trap-doorpermutation f and its inverse f-.) We say that G is a trap-door permutation generatorif there is a polynomial p such that

(1) Algorithm d always halts within p(k) steps and defines a uniform probabilitydistribution over the finite set D [d )]. (That is, running d with no inputs uniformlyselects an element from D.)

(2) Algorithms f and f- halt within p(k) steps on any input x D. (For inputsx not in D, the algorithms f and f-1 either loop forever or halt and print an errormessage that the input is not in the appropriate domain.) Furthermore, the functionsxf(x) and xf-(x) are permutations of D which are inverses of each other.

(3) For all (inverting) algorithms I(.,.,., Ytsg, for all c and sufficiently largek:

P(y=f-l(z)l(d, ff-1)-G(l’); z <- d(); y<- 1(1 ’, d,f, z))<k-.We make the following informal remarks corresponding to parts of the above

definition.(1) This condition makes it explicit that it is possible to sample the domain of f

in a uniform manner.(3) This part of the definition states that if we run the experiment of generating

(d, f, f-l) using the generator G and security parameter k, and then randomly generatingan element z in the range of f, and then running the "inverting" algorithm I (forpolynomially in k many steps) on inputs d, f, and z, the chance that I will successfullyinvert f at the point z is vanishingly small as a function of k.

DEFINITION. If G is a trap-door permutation generator, we say that [G(I)] isa family of trap-door permutations. We say that f and f-1 are trap-door permutations if(d,f,f-1)[G(l)] for some k and trap-door permutation generator G.

6.2. "Claw-free" permutation pairs. The signature scheme we propose is basedon the existence of "claw-free" permutation pairs; informally, these are permutationsfo and fl over a common domain for which it is computationally infeasible to find atriple x, y, and z such that fo(x)=f(y)= z (a "claw" or "f-claw"--see Fig. 1).

DEFINITION. Let G be an algorithm in that, on input 1, outputs an orderedquintuple (d, fo, f-l, fl, f-) of algorithms. We say that G is a claw-free permutationpair generator if there is a polynomial p such that:

(1) Algorithm d always halts within p(k) steps and defines a uniform probabilitydistribution over the finite set D [d )].

FIG. 1. A claw.

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(2) Algorithms fo, f-l, fl and f-l halt within p(k) steps on any input x D. (Forinputs x not in D, these algorithms either loop forever or halt with an error messagethat the input is not in the necessary domain.) Furthermore, the functions xfo(x)and xfl(x) are permutations of D which are inverses of each other, as are xfl(x)and X"f?l(x).

(3) For all (claw-making) algorithms I(.,., .,.) s4, for all c and sufficientlylarge k:

P(fo(x) =fl(Y)= zl(d, fo,f,fl,fCl) +- G(lk); (x, y, z) I(1 k, d, fo,fl))< k-c.Note. It would be possible to use a variant of the above definition, in which the

functionfmay actually return answers for inputs outside of D as long as it is understoodthat the difficulty of creating a "claw" applies to all x, y for which the function freturns an answer. Thus, it should be hard to find any triplet (x,y, z) such thatfo(x) =fl(Y)= z even when x, y are not in D. We do not pursue this variation furtherin this paper.

DEFINITION. We say that f= (d, fo,fl) is a claw-free permutation pair (or claw-freepair for short) if (d, fo,fl,fl,f?l)[G(lk)] for some k and claw-free permutationpair generator G. In this case, f-1 will denote the pair of permutations

6.2.1. Claw-free permutation pairs versus trap-door permutations. In this subsectionwe clarify the relation between the notions of claw-free permutation pairs and trap-doorpermutations, by showing that the existence of the former ones implies the existenceof the latter ones. (Since trap-door permutations are not used in our signature scheme,this subsection can be skipped by the reader without loss of clarity.)

CLAIM. Let G sd be a claw-free permutation generator. Then there exists aG sd which is a trap-door permutation generator.

Proof The algorithm ( is defined as follows on input 1 k" Run G on input 1 k.Say, G outputs the ordered tuple (d, fo,fl,fl,fl). Then, ( outputs (d, fo,fl).

We now show that G is a trap-door permutation generator. Assume for contradic-tion that it is not the case. Namely, there exists a constant c> 0 and an invertingalgorithm I(.,., .,. )s such that for infinitely many k:

P(fo(y) zl(d, fo,fffl) t(lk); z <-- d( ); y [(1 k, d, fo, z)) k-c.Note now, that since fl is a permutation, algorithms fl(d (.)) and d (.) both define

the uniform probability distribution over [d( )]. Thus, for infinitely many k,

P(f(x) fo(Y)

zl(d, fo,f’,fl,f) G(lk); x +- d( ); z -fl(x); y- [(1 k, d, fo, z))>= k-c.Let I(.,., .,.) be the following inverting algorithm" On input 1 k, d, fo and

compute x-d( ), zf(x), y-[(1 k, d, fo, z) and output (x, y,z).Then, I is in s and for infinitely many k,

P(fo(x) =fl(Y)= z[(d, fo,fl,fl,f;-1) - G(lk); (x, y, z) I(1 k, d, fo,fl)) >- k-.This contradicts G being a claw-free permutation generator and thus G must be

a trap-door permutation generator.We note, however, that the converse to the above claim may be false. For example,

the pair of ("RSA") permutations over Z,*= {1 <-x <- n" gcd (x, n)= 1}, defined by

fo(x) x (mod n) and f(x)-- x (mod n)

(where gcd (b(n), 15)= 1) is not claw-free" since the two functions commute it is easy

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to create a claw by choosing w at random and then defining x-=fa(w), y =-fo(w), and

z =fo(x)=-fa(Y) =- w as (mod n).However, it is likely that fo and fa are trap-door permutations.

In practice, one may want to relax the definition of a claw-free permutation pairgenerator slightly, to allow the generator to have a very small chance of outputtingfunctions fo and fl which are not permutations. We do not pursue this line of develop-ment in this paper.

6.3. Claw-free permutations exist if factoring is hard. The assumption of theexistence of claw-free pairs is made in this paper in a general manner, independentof any particular number-theoretic assumptions. Thus, instances of our scheme maybe secure even if factoring integers turns out to be easy. However, for concretelyimplementing our scheme the following is suggested.

We first make an assumption about the intractability of factoring, and then exhibita claw-free permutation pair generator based on the difficulty of factoring.

Notation. Let

Hk:{n:p" q[ipl=lql=k,p=-3 (mod8), q=-7(mod8)}(the set of composite numbers which are the product of two k-bit primes which areboth congruent to 3 modulo 4 but not congruent to each other modulo 8), and letH=UkH.

Remark One way to choose "hard" instances for all known factoring algorithmsseems to be to choose k to be large enough and then to choose n randomly from Hk.

These numbers were used in [Wi80] and their wide applicability to cryptographywas demonstrated by Blum in [B182]; hence, they are commonly referred to as "Blumintegers."

Let Qn denote the set of quadratic residues (mod n). We note that for n H:-1 has Jacobi symbol +1 but is not in Qn;2 has Jacobi symbol -1 (and is not in Qn).

We also note that every x Qn has exactly one square root y Q,, but has foursquare roots y, -y, w, -w altogether (see [B182] for proof). Roots w and -w haveJacobi symbol -1, while y and -y have Jacobi symbol +1.

The following assumption about the intractability of factoring is made throughoutthis section.

Intractability Assumption for Factoring (IAF). Let A be a probabilistic polynomial-time (factoring) algorithm. Then for all constants c > 0 and sufficiently large k

1P(x is a nontrivial divisor of n[n Hk( ); x-A(n))<--77.


(Here we have used the notation n H() to denote the operation of selecting anelement of H uniformly at random.)

Define fo,, and fl,, as follows:

x (mod n)fo,, (x) _x2 (mod n

4x (mod n)fl,,(x) _4x2 (mod n)

if x2 (mod n) < n/ 2,if x (mod n) >= n/2,if4x: (mod n) < n/2,if 4x2 (mod n) >= n/2.

The common domain of these functions is

()=1 and 0<x < n/2};

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it is easy to see that the range of these functions is included in Dn for n H. Notealso that it is easy to test whether or not a given element x is a member of Dn, sinceJacobi symbols can be evaluated in polynomial time.

We now show that fo.. and fl.. are actually permutations of D. for n H. Supposefo,n is not a permutation of Dn; then there exist distinct elements x, y in Dn suchthat fo,.(x) =fo..(Y). This can only happen if x2= y2 (mod n), which would imply thatx= +y (mod n). But this is impossible if x and y are both in Dn, thus proving thatfo,. is a permutation. The proof for fl.. is similar.

Not only are fo.. and f.. permutations of D. when n H, but their inverses areeasily computed, given knowledge ofp and q. Given p and q, it is easy to distinguishquadratic residues (mod n) from nonresidues with Jacobi symbol equal to 1; this abilityenables one to negate the input to the inverse function if necessary in order to obtaina quadratic residue (mod n). Of course, dividing by 4 is easymthis step is needed onlyfor inverting fl.n. Next, taking square roots (mod n) is easy, since we can take squareroots modulo p and q separately (making sure to pick the square root which is itselfa quadratic residue) and combine the results using the Chinese Remainder Theorem.Finally, the result can be negated (mod n) as necessary in order to obtain a result in

D.. Since all of these steps are computable in polynomial time, each of the inversefunctions f( and fl-,ln is computable in polynomial time, given p and q as additionalinputs.

THEOREM 1. Under the IAF, the following algorithm G is a claw-free permutationpair generator. On input 1 k, G.

(1) Generates two random primes p and q of length k, where p---3 (mod 8) andq 7 (mod 8),

(2) Outputs the quintuple

(d, fo,,,f(-,,,f,,,fwhere

(a) Algorithm d generates elements uniformly at random in(b) Algorithms f0,n and f, are as described in the above equations,(c) Algorithmsfff,, andf, are algorithmsfor the inversefunctions (these algorithms

make use ofp and q).Proof. We first note that uniformly selecting k-bit guaranteed primes can be

accomplished in expected polynomial (in k) time (by the recent work of Goldwasserand Kilian [GK86]) and that asymptotically one-quarter of these will be congruent to3 (mod 8) (similarly for those congruent to 7 (mod 8)). (In practice, one would use afaster probabilistic primality test such as the one proposed by Solovay and Strassen[SS77] or Rabin [RaS0].)

Let n H and (d, fo,,f(-,,f,n,f,-,)[G(lk)]. First, fo, andf, are permutationsof D, [d )]. Then, we need only show that if there exists a fast algorithm that findsx and y in Dn such that fo,(x)=fl,n(y) (mod n) (i.e., a claw-creating algorithm) thenfactoring is easy. Suppose such an x and y have been found. Then x2 4y2 (mod n).(Note that xe--- -4y2 (mod n) is impossible: since 4ye is a quadratic residue (mod n),-4y2 cannot be a quadratic residue (mod n), for n H.) This implies that (x +2y)(x-2y)-=0 (mod n). Moreover, we also know that x +2y (mod n), since (x/n)= 1and (2y/n)=-1. Thus gcd (x+2y, n) will produce a nontrivial factor of n.

6.4. An infinite set of pairwise claw-free permutations. For our scheme we neednot only claw-free pairs of permutations, but an infinite family of permutations whichare pairwise claw-free and generated by a single claw-free pair f= (d, fo,f).

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We define the function f(. for any string 6 {0, 1}+ by the equation:

f(X) "--f/0(fl ( (fid_l(fid(X))’"

if i= ioil"’" ia_lia. (Also, read f-l as (f)- so that f[l(f(x))= x.)Each f is a trap-door permutation: it is easy to compute fi(x) given fo, fl, i, and

x, and to compute f[(x) if f6- and f- are available. However, given only fo andit should be hard to invert f/ on a random input z, or else fo and fi are not trap-doorpermutations. (By inverting f on a random input we also effectively invert fo on arandom input, where io is the first bit of i.)

This way of generating an infinite family of trap-door permutations was also usedin [GMY83].

Looking ahead, we shall see that a user A of our scheme can use the f’s to performbasic authentication steps as follows. Let us presume that A has published fo and fas part of his public key, and has kept their inverses f- and f- secret. If user A isknown to have authenticated a string y, then by publishing strings and x such that


he authenticates the new strings and x.For this to work, when the signer A reveals f-(y), he should not enable anyone

else to compute f-(y) for any other j.The signer achieves this in our scheme by coding using a prefix-free mapping

(.). This prevents an enemy from computing f(x) from f,(x) in an obvious waysince (j) is never a prefix of (i). The following Lemma 1 shows that this approach isnot only necessary but sufficient.

Note. Actually, the mapping (.) that we use is a one-to-one mapping from tuplesof strings of bits to strings of bits. The mapping (.) is prefix-free in the sense that(al," ", an) is never a prefix of (bl,. ., b,,) unless n rn and a b,...,Any prefix-free mapping is usable if it and its (partial) inverses are polynomial-timecomputable and the lengths of a,..., an and (a,- , a,) are polynomially related.For concreteness, we suggest the following encoding scheme for the tuple of stringsa,. ., a,. Each string ai is encoded by changing each 0 to 00 and each 1 to 11, andthe encoding is followed by 01. The encodings of al,..., an are concatenated andfollowed by 10.

Lemma 1 essentially says that if (d, fo, fi) is a claw-free pair, then it will be hardto find two different tuples of strings and j, and elements x and y such thatf(i)(x ---f(j)(y).

LEMMA 1. Let f= (d, fo, f) be a claw-free pair, x and y be elements of d and i, jtwo different tuples ofbinary strings such that there exists a string z such that zf(j>(y). Then there exists an f-claw (x, x2, x3) where x3 f[ (z) for some prefix c of (i).

Proof Let c {0, 1}* be the longest common prefix of (i) and (j). Such a c mustexist since (.) is a prefix-free encoding scheme. Thus, setting x3 <--f-(z), x <-f-o(Z),and x<-f(z), we obtain an f-claw (x, x2, x3). (If c is the empty string then f-denotes the identity function, so x3 z.) Note that the f-claw is easily computed fromf x, and y. [:]

7. Building blocks for signing. In this section we define the basic building blocksneeded for describing our signature scheme. In 8, we will define what a signature isand how to sign, using the objects and data structures introduced here.

Assumption. We assume from here on that all claw-free functions used are definedover domains which do not include the empty string e.

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This assumption is necessary since we use e as a "marker" in our construction;note that it is easy, via simple recodings, to enforce this construction if necessary.

We begin by defining the essential notion of an f-item.DEFINITION. Let f=(ds, fo,f) be a claw-free pair. A tuple of strings

(t, r; c,..., e,,) is an f-item if


DEFINITION. In an f-item (t, r; c,. ., Cm),is called the tag of the item,

r is called the root of the item, andthe ci’s are the children of the item. We note that the children are ordered, so

that we can speak of the first child or the second child of the item.Note that given a claw free pair f and a tuple it is easy to check if the tuple is

an f-item by applying the appropriate ji> to the tag, and checking if the correct rootis obtained.

Figure 2 gives our graphic representation ofanf-item (t, r; Cl, c2) with two children.DEFINITION. We say that a sequence of f-items L1, L2,’’’, Lb is an f-chain

starting at y if, for 1, , b- 1, the root of Li+ is one of the children of Li and yis the root of L1. We say the chain ends at x if x is one of the children of the item Lb.




FIG. 2. An f-item with two children.

For efficiency considerations, our signature scheme will organize a collection ofa special-type of f-chains in the treelike structure defined below.

DEFINITION. Let be a binary string of length b and f a claw-free pair. An f-i-treeis a bijection T between DFS (i) and a set of f-items such that:

(1) if string j has length b, then T(j) is an f-item with exactly two children,exactly one of which is e, the empty string. These f-items are called bridge items.

(2) if string j has length less than b, then T(j) is an f-item with exactly twochildren, Co and Cl, both of which are nonempty strings. Moreover, Co, the Oth child,is the root of T(jO) and Cl, the 1st child, the root of T(jl).

The f-item T(j) is said to be of depth b if string j has length d. (The bridge itemsare thus the items of depth b.) The root of T is the root of the f-item T(e). The internalnodes of T are the root and the children of the f-items of depth less than b. The leavesof T are the nonempty children of the bridge items. Thus the internal nodes and theleaves of an f-i-tree are actual values and not f-items. Leaves possess binary names oflength b; leaf j is the nonempty child of bridge item T(j). The path to leafj =jo’"jbis the f-chain T(e), T(jo), ", T(jo’" "jb).

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f fr0


r f r fOl II



MIO0FIG. 3. An f- lO0-tree.

Binary f-items

Bridge f-items


Figure 3 gives our graphic representation of an f-100-tree, as it would be used inour signature scheme. In this figure we denote by r[ the root of f-item T(i), and byrg the leaf (nonempty) child of bridge item T(i). (Also present in Fig. 3 are a numberof "g-items," which are not part of the f-100 tree but are attached to it in a mannerto be described.)

There are two reasons for letting the bridge items of an f-i-tree have the emptystring as one of their children. First, it makes them de facto f-items with only onechild, a subtle point in our proof of security that is pointed out in Remark 1. Second,it makes them distinguishable from items with two children, a simple point used, forinstance, in Lemma 2.

8. Description of our signature scheme.8.1. Message spaces. The security properties of the new signatures scheme hold

for any nonempty message space M c {0, 1}+.8.2. How to generate keys. We assume the existence of a claw-free permutation

pair generator G and, without loss of generality, that the bound B on the number ofsignatures that can be produced is a power of 2: B 2b.

The key-generation algorithm K runs as follows on inputs 1 k and 2b:(1) K runs G twice on input 1 k to secretly and randomly select two quintuples

(dr, fo,f’,f,,f?’ and (dg, go, gl,g,,g-(’)6[G(lk)].

(2) K then randomly selects r{ in Dr [dr( )].(3) K outputs the public key PK =(f, rf, g, 2b) where f is the claw-free pair

(dr, fo,f,) and g is the claw-free pair (dg, go, gl).(4) K outputs the secret key SK (f-’, g-’).

The PK and SK so produced are said to be (matching) keys of size k.

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8.3. What is a signature? A signature of a message m with respect to a public key(f, r{, g, 2b) consists of the following:

(1) An f-chain of length b + 1 starting at a string r{ and ending at rg, and(2) A g-item with rg as its root and m as its only child.

8.4. How to sign. In the remainder of this section we shall presuppose that userA’s public key is PK (f,, r{, g, 2b) where f= (dy, fo,fl) and g= (dg, go, gl). User A’ssecret key is SK (f-, g-i). We denote by Ds the domain [df( )], and denote by Dgthe domain [dg( )] similarly.

Conceptually, user A creates an f-lb-tree T, which has 2b leaves. The root of Twill be rf. The other internal nodes of T are randomly selected elements of Dy. Theleaves of T are randomly selected elements of Dg.

To sign mi, the ith message in the chronological order, user A computes a g-itemGi whose root r Dg is the ith leaf of T, and whose only child is the message mi. Hethen outputs, as the signature of mi, G and the f-chain in T starting at root ry andending at leaf r.

In practice, it will be undesirable for user A to precompute and store all of T. Hewill instead "grow" T as needed and try to optimize his use of storage and time. Thisis taken into account by our signing procedure. In what follows, we describe a variationof our signing method that requires the signer to remember just his secret key and hismost recently produced signature, in order to produce his next signature. The readermay find it helpful to refer to Fig. 3 while reading this description.

The signing procedure (also called ff’9). We presume that the procedure is initial-ized with the values of the public key PK and the corresponding secret key SK in itslocal private storage, that has already signed messages mo, m,..., m_ and kepttrack of the number of previous messages signed (i.e., the variable i= io" ib-, whichis a b-long bit string, which may contain leading O’s), and the most recent signatureproduced.

To compute a signature for message mi, the ith message, user A performs thefollowing steps.

(1) Output f-chain.)(1.1) (Output f-items in common with previous signature.) If 0b this substep is

skipped, and control passes to step (1.2). Otherwise, for each string j whichis a common prefix of and i- 1, he outputs the f-item (tf, rf; rfo, rfl) whichwas part of the signature for message mi_, in order of increasing length of j.

(1.2) (Output new f-items in f-tree.) For each string j (if any) which is a properprefix of i, but not a prefix of i-1, user A creates and outputs an f-itemT(j), in order of increasing length ofj. The f-item T(j)= (tf, rf; rfo, r) iscreated as follows" Ifj e its root rf is the r{ from the public key; otherwiseit is the kth child of the most recently output f-item, where k is the last bitof the string j. The children rfo and ri of the f-item with root rf are chosenat random from D-. The tag tf=fio,r>(rf) is computed using f- and f-from the secret key. Note that the last item output (by either step (1.1) or(1.2)) has r{ as one of its children.

(1.3) (Output bridge f-item.) User A next outputs a single f-item with root r( andgwhose children are e and r, a randomly chosen element from Dg. The tag

t{ for this item is again computed using the secret trap-door informationfor inverting fo and f.

(2) (Output g-item.) Finally, user A outputs the g-item G (t, r; rn). The tagt for this item is computed using the g- from the secret key.

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The items output by the above procedure constitute a signature for mi. Noticethat there are many possible signatures (among which A chooses one at random) foreach occurrence of each message, but only one signature is actually output.

The reader may verify that the above procedure for producing a signature willhave a total running time which is bounded by a polynomial in k and b.

Notice that if A has signed messages, the function T mapping each stringj DFS(i) to f-item T(j) is an f-i-tree as defined in 7.

8.5. How to verify a signature. Given A’s public key (f rs, g, 2b), anyone caneasily verify that the first b + 1 elements in the signature of mi are f-items forming an

f-chain starting at r and ending at r, and that the g-item in the signature has r/g asits root and mi as its only child. If these checks are all satisfied, the given sequenceof items is accepted as an authentic signature by A of the message mi.

It is easy to confirm that these operations take time proportional to b times somepolynomial in k, the size of the public key.

8.6. Efficiency of the proposed signature scheme. Assume that if f (dy, fo, f) is aclaw-free pair of size k, then an element of D/is specified by a k-bit string. Then thetime to compute a signature for a message m of length is O(bk) f-inversions (i.e.,inversions of fo or f) and O(l) g-inversions.

Another relevant measure of efficiency is "amortized" time. That is, the time usedfor producing all possible 2b signatures divided by 2. In our scheme, the amortized

"f-inversion" cost is O(k). The amortized "g-inversion" cost is 0(I) if the averagelength of a message is 1.

The length of the signature for rn is O(bk+ 1), where is the length of m, as mis included in rn’s signature as the child of the g-item. Clearly, if m is known to thesignature recipient, the g-item need not include m: it suffices to give its root and itstag. This way the length of the signature can be only O(bk) long, which is independentof the length of m and possibly much shorter.

The memory required by the signing algorithm is O(bk), since it consists of storing(the f-items in) the most recently produced signature.

9. Proof of security. Let us start by establishing a convenient terminology.DEFINITION. We call signature corpus the first (for some > 0) signatures output

by our signing procedure 6e. We shall generally use the symbol b to denote a signaturecorpus.

We define the following quantities relative to a signature corpus b, consisting ofsignatures relative to a public key PK (f, rye, g, 2).

(1) The set of items of S, denoted by (5e), is the set of the items in the signaturesof Ae.

(2) The set of f-items of 6e, denoted by f(b), is the set off-items in (6e).(3) The set of g-items of 6e, denoted by g(Ae), is the set of g-items in(4) The set of messages of b, denoted M(6e), is the set of messages signed by

i.e., the set of children of the g-items of(5) The f-tree of 6e, denoted by -Y(Ae), is the f-i-tree having root ry and, as path

to leaf j (j 0,..., i), the f-chain of the jth signature of(6) The set of internal nodes of b, denoted by (b), is the set of the internal

nodes of -f(s).(7) The set of nonroots of , denoted by (ow), is the set of those internal nodes

of 3-f(5e) that are not the root of any f-item of ow. We may think of these nodes as"hooks" from which additional f-items will be grown as new signatures are created.

(8) The set of leaves of 0, denoted (Sf), is the set of leaves of

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Notice that all the above sets are unambiguously defined. For instance, an itemin f(3) has exactly two children while an item in g(Se) only one, the bridge elementsof (6e) have exactly one empty child and thus are distinguishable from other itemsin f(Sf), and so on.

Some of these definitions can be observed in Fig. 3. For example, the leaves off rofol rof rofl rlfoo and its nonroots are rlfol and r.the f-100-tree in Fig. 3 are rooo, o, 1,

Let us now see how the signature of a message never signed before relates to a

given signature corpus.LEMMA 2. Let 3 be a signature corpus relative to a public key PK (f, rye, g, 2b)

and let (r be a signature (relative to the same public key) of a message m not belongingto M(3). Denote by (tr) the set of items in r. Then (or) (6f) the set ofnew items)contains either

(1) a g-item with root r (6f), or

(2) an f-item with root r

Proof First notice that (cr)-(3) is not empty as it contains G, the g-item ofo-. In fact, G cannot belong to f(3), as it is a g-item, and cannot belong to g(Se), asm is its only child and all items in g(Se) have elements of M(3) as their children.Assume (r)-(Se) also contains an f-item. Then this f-item belongs to F, the f-chainof o- whose first item has r{ as root, one of the internal nodes of 5f. Thus, for someitem in F, (2) holds. Assume now that (o-)-(Se)--G. Then the root of G is thenonempty child of B, the bridge f-item of o-. By hypothesis, B is in (Se); thus, theroot of G belongs to (Se) and (1) holds.

Recall Lemma 1 from 6.4:LEMMA 1. Let f--(d, fo,f) be a claw-free pair, x and y be elements of d and i, j

be two different tuples of binary strings such that there exists a string z such thatz=f(i>(x) =f(>(y). Then there exists an f-claw (x, x2, x3) where x3=fl(z) for some

prefix c of i).We can now prove Lemma 3:LEMMA 3. There exists a polynomial-time algorithm A that, on input, a corpus 3

relative to a public key PK (f rYe, g, 2b) and the signature (r of message not belongingto M 3) finds either

(1) a g-claw, or

(2a) an f-claw, or

(2b) an f-item whose root belongs to f(3).Proof (The cases are numbered according to the corresponding cases in Lemma

2.) If ease (1) of Lemma 2 holds for 5f and o-, then we have two g-items with the sameroot r in (Se). Namely, an i, j, x and y such that g<i>(x)--g<>(y)= r and we get ag-claw by Lemma 1. Otherwise, if case (2) of Lemma 2 holds, let F be the f-item thatsatisfies condition (2) of Lemma 2. If F has the same root as some F’f(Se), thenagain by Lemma 1, we get an f-claw; otherwise, we get an f-item whose root belongsto Af(6e). [3

Remark 1. Notice that if o- is generated by the legal signer (i.e., the 5e procedure)then, with very high probability, case (2b) will hold in Lemma 3.

In the proof of the main theorem we will assume that there exists a successfuladaptive chosen-message attack, and derive a contradiction by showing that this attackwould enable an enemy to easily create either an f-claw or a g-claw with sufficientlyhigh probability. Recall that in an adaptive chosen-message attack the enemy canrepeatedly use the real signer as an "oracle" before attempting to forge a new signature.The next lemma, Lemma 4, essentially states that the signing process can be simulatedperfectly by an efficient algorithm that knows the public key and only half of the secret

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key: the inverses of the first claw-free pair. (That is, in some sense, this algorithm isa forger.)

To state Lemma 4, additional notation regarding "interactive" probabilisticalgorithms, needs to be introduced. The notion of an adaptive, chosen-message attackinvolves the interaction of two algorithms: 5e9 (the signer) and 5e (the signaturerequestor). These algorithms "take turns": 5e requests a signature of a given message,owow signs it, 5e requests a second signature, 5eSe signs it, and so on. We might viewthe two routines as "co-routines" that pass control back and forth while preservingtheir own state. We formalize this interaction by means of the combining algorithmthat defines a composite algorithm from two auxiliary ones. The combining algorithmc will invoke repeatedly 5eSe and ow in alternation, corresponding to their takingturns. The algorithms 5eSe and 9 have private-state variables (denoted V and V)that are preserved from invocation to invocation. Algorithm Scow (which producessignatures) takes as input a public key PK, an auxiliary input X (which for the momentis unspecified but will later denote either the corresponding secret key SK or part ofit), a new message to sign, and its private-state variable. It produces as output asignature for the new message and an updated version of its private-state variable.Similarly, 9 is a probabilisitic algorithm which takes as input a public key, a sequenceof previous signatures relative to that public key, and its private-state variable, andproduces as output a message to be signed and an updated version of its private-statevariable.

The following algorithm makes specific the process of combining owSe andALGORITHM ((oq)oqa, 5e; PK, X, i)SetSet E and E to .for j--0 to do:

mj, V 9 PK, {9 , 9_}, V (Request signaturefor message(, Ve) 9(PK, mj, Vze, X). (Produce signature for messageOutput .

Here denotes the signature of the jth message.We extend our notation of probabilistic algorithm in a natural way by letting

c(99, 9; PK, X, i) represent the probability space that assigns the sequence tr theprobability that c outputs tr after invoking alternatively (for times) owow (with initialinput PK and X) and 9 (with initial inputs PK).

We can now state Lemma 4, stating that the signing process can be simulatedeffectively if the f/’s inverses are known but the gi inverses are not.

LEMMA 4. There exists an algorithm 4 in4 such thatfor all requestors5 4,for all public keys PK (f, rf, g, 2b) and for all nonnegative integers < 2b,

c(4, 9; PK, {f-l}, i)= c(9, 9; PK, SK, i)(where 9 is the legal signing process of 8, and SK is the corresponding secret key toPK).

Proof. Consider the following algorithm . We inductively assume that

(, 9; PK, {f-l}, i- 1)= c(9, 9; PK, SK, i- 1).Thus the f-chains in the first i-1 signatures output by c uniquely define an f-(i-1)-tree T. Algorithm stores i-1 and the f-chain of the last produced signatureand executes the following instructions to sign m, the ith message, where io" lb.

(1) (Authenticate mi with a g-item.) Pick an element t at random in D andcompute r g<mi>(tg) SO as to generate the g-item (t, rg; mi).

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(2) (Build thef-chainfrom r{ to rYi to the extent that it is not already done.) Computeioi i, the longest proper prefix of that is also a prefix of i- 1. For x 1to b-j, generate T(io’’’i/x), an f-item whose root is the ij/xth child ofT(io...i/_), and whose two children are independently and randomlyselected elements of Ds. (Algorithm easily computes the tag of this new

f-item by using f-.)(3) (Create the bridge item authenticating r;.) Using f-i and f-l, create an f-item

with children e and rg and having as root the ibth child of T(io’’" ib-).(4) (Outputsignature ofmi) Output T(e), T(io), ", T(io ib-), the newbridge

item T(io,.’’, ib) and the new g-item. [3-1In Lemma 6 we show a similar result: the signing process can be simulated if g

is known, but f- is not. The proof of Lemma 6 makes essential use of the fact thatthere is a known upper bound on the number of signatures to be produced. (The boundprovides a limit on the amount of a preprocessing step that is the subject of Lemma 5.)

There is, however, a very important difference between the signing simulationprocedure described in Lemma 4 (which uses f- but not g-) and that of Lemma 6(which uses g- but not f-). The proof of Lemma 4 works with any fixed root r,which can be fixed arbitrarily before the simulation procedure is invoked.

By contrast, the signing simulation procedure of Lemmas 5 and 6 actually producesthe necessary root r{ to be part of the public key in its preprocessing step. The rootproduced is uniformly distributed over Ds. Thus, from the point of view of an observerthat monitors the behaviour of the signer when he publishes his public key, thepreprocessing step is indistinguishable from a genuine key generation step. Moreover,by monitoring the signing process, the observer cannot tell whether the signer reallyknowsf- or if he has first applied the preprocessing procedure of Lemma 5 to producehis public file and only then applied the simulation procedure of Lemma 6.

DEFINITION. For all strings ml,..., mi, let sequence(m,..., mi) denote thetrivial interactive algorithm that, no matter what inputs it gets, when invoked for thejth time (j 1,..., i) outputs the string m.

Let us define two probability spaces over the f-i-trees which are crucial to ouranalysis.

DEFINITION. Let PK (f, r{, g, 2b) and SK (f-, g-) be a pair of matchingpublic and secret key, where f= (dy, fo,fl). Recall that c is the combining algorithm.Define two probability spaces, -,p: and -,y,g, as follows:

-i,pl is generated by randomly selecting ow in (5, sequence(ml, , m);PK, SK, i) and then computing -Y(). (Note that -,p/ does not depend onthe values of the messages m,. ., mi but it does depend on i, the number ofmessages.)-,y,g,2 is generated by randomly selecting in c(, sequence(ml,..., mi);(f, dy(), g, 2b), SK, i) and then computing -Y().

Informally, -i,pl is the probability space obtained from -,y,g,2 by randomly pickingrY Dy and fixing it in PK.

Notice that both probability spaces are easily generated if the secret key SK(f-, g-i) is among the available inputs. However, both probability spaces remaineasy to generate on a more restricted set of inputs. It has been implicitly proved inLemma 2 that -,p: can be generated in probabilistic polynomial-time on inputs i, PKand f-1 alone. The following lemma shows that -,.r,g2 is easily generated on inputsi, f g, 2b alone.

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LEMMA 5. There exists - Rag such that for all claw-free pairs f= (dr, fo, fl) andg (dg, go, gl) and for all integers < 2b,

-( i, f g, 2b) -i,y,g,2

Proof Consider the following algorithm that constructs an f-i-tree T in "reverseorder"; that is, it constructs f-item T(x) before f-item T(y) if y < x. (This is necessarysince - does not have access to f-1.) The construction goes as follows.

If string j DFS(i) has length b, - selects the nonempty child of T(j) at randomin Dg. Otherwise (if j has length shorter than b), - selects, as 0th child of T(j), theroot of T(jO) and, as 1st child, the root of T(jl). In case jl does not belong to DFS(i),- selects the second child of T(j) at random in Ds.

Having selected the two children Co and c of T(j), - selects its tag at randomin Ds. Then it computes the prefix-free encoding ((Co, c)) and selects as the root ofT(j) the element f<c>(t), which - easily computes using fo and f.

Notice that each T(j) so computed is a proper f-item and that the resulting T isa proper f-i-tree belonging to -i,y,g,2 ]. Let us now analyze the probability distributionaccording to which T has been selected.

First notice that the leaves of T (that is the nonempty children of the items ofdepth b) have the same distribution of the leaves of an f-i-tree randomly selected in-i,,g,2. In fact, in both cases, all leaves are uniformly and independently selectedelements of Dg. Then notice that the roots of the items of T of depth k (that is, thechildren of the items of T of depth k-1) are selected uniformly and independentlyin Dg. In fact, the root of each item is obtained by applying f<,>, a permutation of Drandomly selected from some probability space, to an element (the tag) independentlyand uniformly selected in D. From this it easily follows that - selects T at randomin -,y,g. It is easily seen that -a and thus satisfies all the required propertiesof our lemma.

LEMMA 6. There exists an algorithm ag Ygag such that for all signature requestors5t’Y Rag,for all claw-freepairsf d, fo, f) andg dg, go, gl), andfor all nonnegativeintegers < 2b,

cg(sd, 5F; (f ds(), g, 2b), {g-l}, i)= (5, oc’; (f dr(), g, 2b), {f-l, g-l}, i).

Proof Consider the following algorithm ag. In a preprocessing step, a runsalgorithm - of Lemma 5 to randomly select an f-i-tree T from T,,g,2. Let r{ be theroot of T. This root is used to construct the public file PK (f, r{, g, 2b), with respectto which all subsequent signatures will be produced as follows, ag starts the signaturerequestor owS on input PK. Then it simulates the signing procedure with initial inputsPK and the corresponding secret key SK (f-, g-) without usingf-1 in the followingway. When outputs mj, the jth message to be signed, a retrieves the f-chain T,the path from the root of T to leaf j. Then a computes the necessary g-item by usingg

Before stating and proving our Main Theorem, let us single out a simple lemmastating that one cannot invert a claw-free pair on a randomly selected input of its domain.

LEMMA 7. Let G be a claw-free permutation pair generator. Then, for any invertingalgorithm I Rag, any c > 0 and sufficiently large k,

P(h0(z) x or hi(z) xl(d, ho, h’, hi, h-’)+- G(I’);

x -- dh( ); z - I(1 k, d, ho, hi)) % k-c.

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Proof Otherwise the following algorithm would find a claw with too high aprobability: randomly select y in dh, randomly select between 1 and 2, computex= hi(y) and run I to get z such that h(z)---x for j

We are now ready to formally state and prove our Main Theorem. We start bystrengthening the definition of existentially forgeable to include probabilistic successon the part of the forger.

DEFINITION. We say that a signature scheme is e-existentially forgeable if it isexistentially forgeable with probability e where the probability space includes therandom choices of the adaptive chosen-message attack, the random choices made bythe legal signer in the creation of the public key, and the random choice made by thelegal signer in producing signatures.

It is very important to note that the random choices made in creating the publickey are included in the probability space; our proof depends critically on this definition.The Main Theorem of this paper is the following.

MAIN THEOREM. Assuming that claw-free permutation pair generators exist, thesignature scheme described in 8 is not even 1/Q(k)-existentially forgeable under anadaptive chosen-message attack, for all polynomials Q and for all sufficiently large k.

Proof of the Main Theorem. The proof proceeds by contradiction. We assume, forthe sake of contradiction, that for some polynomial Q and for infinitely many k oursignature scheme is 1/Q(k)-existentially forgeable under an adaptive chosen-messageattack by an algorithm ff in .

By definition, the forging algorithm ff consists oftwo algorithms in: a signaturerequestor ff, which is active in a first phase when it adaptively asks and receivessignatures of messages of its choice, and a signature finder ffff, which is active in asecond phase when it attempts to forge a signature of a message not asked about by ff.

Let PK (f, r(, g, 2b) and SK be a public/secret-key pair of size k, randomlyselected by our key generator using a claw-free permutation pair generator G. In thefirst phase a signature corpus b -c(9,; PK, SK, i) is generated, where i< 2b.Then o%ff is run on input 0 and PK. Let ek denote the probability that o%ff outputsor, a legal signature, with respect to PK, for a message m M(ow). (This probability istaken over all the coin tosses of G, ff, o and

What we have assumed is that, for infinitely many k,

1ek >=

Q( k)"

By Lemma 3, given O and tr, it is now easy to compute either(1) a g-claw (i.e., a claw for the second claw-free pair in PK), or(2) an f-claw (i.e., a claw for the first claw-free pair in PK), or(3) an f-item whose root belongs toDenote the probability that case (1), (2) or (3) hold, respectively, by 61, t2 and

63. Then, for infinitely many k, we have

tl(k) + t2(k) + 83(k)=> ek>

Thus either(1’) there is an infinite set K1 so that for k K1(2’) there is an infinite set K2 so that for k K2(3’) there is an infinite set K so that for k K3


6l(k) > 1/3Q(k), or62(k) > 1/3Q(k), or33(k) > 1/3Q(k).

We will show that either case leads to a contradiction.

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Assume case (1’) holds. Then consider the following algorithm in that, oninput 1 k and a claw-free pair h (dh, ho, h,) of size k, randomly selected by G, findsan h-claw with sufficiently high probability.

ALGORITHM 1. Pun G on input 1 k to randomly select a quintuple(df, fo,fl,fl,f?’). Select rfDf at random and construct the public key PK=(df, fo,f,, rf, dh, ho, h,, 2b). (Notice that PK is a random public key of size k of oursignature scheme.) Randomly select the signature corpus (6e, o; PK, SK, i).Though PK’s matching secret key SK is not totally known, this random selection canbe efficiently done as, by Lemma 4, there exists an ss such thatc(b,; PK, SK, i)= c(sd, ; PK, f-’, i). Now run ffff on input b and PK tosign a new message. From this last signature and 6e, try to compute an h-claw.

Notice that, for k K1, Algorithm 1 will successfully compute an h-claw withprobability 6,(k)> 1/3Q(k). This contradicts the claw-freeness of G.

Assume now that either (2’) or (3’) holds. Consider the following algorithm insg, whose input is 1 k and a claw-free pair h (dh, ho, h,) of size k randomly selectedby G.

ALGORITHM 2. Run G on input 1 to randomly select a quintuple(dg, go, g, g,, gT1) Randomly select the signature corpus

t c(t, t); (h, dh( ), g, 2b), {h -1, g-l}, i),

which can be done as by Lemma 6 there exists an algorithm s such that

cg(Se, g; (h, dh( ), g, 2b), {h-’, g-’t, i)= cg(ag,; (h, dh( ), g, 2b), g-l, i).

Then run oo on input 6e and PK.Assume that case (2’) holds. Then, for k e K2, from the output of Algorithm 2 an

h-claw can be computed with sufficiently high probability to violate the claw-freenessof G.

Finally, assume that case (3’) holds and k K3. Then, given a random x dh(),the following algorithm will invert h on x with nonnegligible probability (contradict-ing Lemma 7). 5 runs Algorithm 2 except that, when constructing -h (Oo) as in Lemma5, it makes x the value of a randomly selected nonroot of 5. Notice that this operationdoes not change the probability distribution of 5e. (Recall that the preprocessingprocedure of Lemma 5 just picks at random all the internal nodes of ow.) Thus ow is arandom signature corpus with respect to a randomly selected public key of size k.Thus, from the output of Algorithm 2, 5 computes an h-item with root r

with probability 63(k)> 1/3Q(k). When this happens, with probability 1/IA/’ (Se)l, wehave r= x. Now, given the h-item computed, 5 can easily compute either h’(x) orh-(’(x), and Lemma 7 is contradicted. This completes the proof of the MainTheorem.

10. Variations and improvements. In this section we describe ways to improve theefficiency of the proposed signature scheme without affecting its security.

10.1. Using &’s to sign rather than gT"s. This variation is of interest if it issubstantially easier to compute go or g, than to compute their inverses. In this casesteps (3) and (4) in the signing procedure can be replaced by:

(3) (Output g-item.) User A selects a random tDg, and (using go andcomputes the root r of the g-item (t, r; m), and outputs this item.

(4) (Output bridge f-item.) Using his knowledge of f-’ and f-’, user A outputsan f-item with root r( and an only child rg.

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Now each usage of gff or g-i has been replaced by a usage of go or gl.

Although one might be tempted to use this variation using one-way permutationsinstead of trap-door permutations for the gi’s, this temptation should be resisted, sinceour proof of security does not hold if this change is made.

10.2. Fast iterated square roots. As we saw in 6.3, if factoring is computationallyhard, a particular family oftrap-door permutations is claw-free. By using these permuta-tions in a straightforward manner, we obtain a particular instance of our signaturescheme. Let us discuss the efficiency of this instance. The computation of f(x)consists of computing the square root which has Jacobi symbol 1 and is less than n/2,modulo a Blum-integer n. We can compute f?(x) as f(x/4). Computing g(x) andg-((x) is the same, except for using the appropriate n. If n is k-bits long, this can bedone in O(k3) steps. Thus the signature of a k-bit message can be computed in timeO(b" k4), or in O(k4) amortized time.

This particular instance of our scheme can be improved in a manner suggestedin discussions with Oded Goldreich (see [Go86]--we appreciate his permission toquote these results here). The improvement relates to the computation of f(x) (or

We note first of all that taking square roots modulo n is equivalent to taking uthpowers modulo n, where u. 2-- 1 (mod 4(n)), and where 4(n) is Euler’s phi function.More generally, to find a 2th root of x modulo n one can raise x to the vth powermodulo n, where v-= u (mod 4(n)). Computing by first computing v and thenraising x to the vth power is substantially faster than repeatedly taking square roots.

To apply this observation, we note that the functions defined in 6.3 satisfy


where "rev" is the operation which reverses strings and interprets the result as aninteger, where m is the length of (y), where all operations are performed modulo n,and where the final sign is chosen to make the result less than n/2. The only computa-tionally difficult portion here is computing a 2"th root. Using the observation of theprevious paragraph, the computation of such an f-inverse can be performed in timeproportional to the cube of the length of n, in the case that messages have the samelength k as n. Using these ideas, the signature of a k-bit message can be computed intime O(b. k3), or in O(k3) amortized time.

10.3. "Memoryless" version of the proposed signature scheme. The concept of arandom function was introduced by Goldreich, Goldwasser and Micali in [GGM84].

Let Ik denote the set of k-bit integers. Let Wk denote the set of all functions fromI to I, and let F W be a set of functions from Ik to I. We say that F-- t_J F isa polyrandom collection if:

(1) Each function in F has a unique k-bit index associated with it. Furthermore,picking such an index at random (thereby picking an f e Fk at random) is easy.

(2) There exists a deterministic polynomial time algorithm that given as input anindex of a function f Fk and an argument x computes f(x).

(3) No probabilistic polynomial in k-time algorithm can "distinguish" betweenW and F. Formally, let T be a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm, that on inputk and access to an oracle Oy for a function f: Ik I outputs 0 or 1. Then, for all T,

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for all polynomials Q, for all sufficiently large k, the difference between the probabilitythat T outputs 1 on access to an oracle Os when f was randomly picked in Fk andthe probability that T outputs 1 on access to an oracle Oy whenf was randomly pickedin Wk is less than 1/Q(k).

In [GGM84] it was shown how to construct a polyrandom collection assumingthe existence of one-way functions. The existence of claw-free permutation pairs is astronger assumption, and thus implies the existence of a polyrandom collection. See5.4 for an implementation of a claw-free family of functions based on factoring and

[GGM84] for details on how to construct a polyrandom collection.Leonid Levin suggested the following use of a polyrandom collection in order to

reduce the amount of storage that a signer must keep from O(bk) to O(b) bits. Hissuggestion also eliminates the need to generate new random numbers (e.g., rg) duringthe signing process.

Let k denote the security parameter. In the secret key generation phase, in additionto computing the secret trap-door pairs (fl,f?l), (g, g-() user A also picks a randomfunction h in a polyrandom collection Fk, and keeps h secret. (We assume that k > b.)During the signing process, A keeps a counter to denote the number of times thesigning algorithm has been invoked. To sign message mi, A signs as before, exceptthat (using m to denote the length of j)"

Instead of picking values rf at random from D, he computes them as rh(0-mj).

Instead of picking values rff at random from Dg, he computes them as rfh(l-mj).

We claim that the "memoryless" version of the signature scheme described aboveenjoys the same security properties as our orignal scheme. The proof (which we shallnot give in detail) is based on the observation that if the memoryless scheme wasvulnerable to an adaptive chosen-message attack, then it would be possible to efficientlydistinguish pseudorandom functions from truly random functions.

A further improvement (due to Oded Goldreich Go86)] removes even the necessityof remembering the number of previous signatures by picking the index for a messageM as a random b-bit string. To make this work, the maximum number of signaturesthat can be produced by an instance of this scheme is limited to 2"/g, so that it isextremely unlikely that two messages would have the same index chosen for them.The security proof can be modified to accommodate these changes. (Note that in thepreprocessing step that builds an f-tree, we would now only build a portion of it

,/5-consisting of 2 randomly chosen paths of length b.)

ll. Ope problems.It is an open question whether the RSA scheme is universally forgeable under

an adaptive chosen-message attack.Can an encryption scheme be developed for which decryption is provably

equivalent to factoring yet for which an adaptive chosen ciphertext attack is of nohelp to the enemy?

Acknowledgments. We are most grateful to Leonid Levin for his suggestion ofhow to use random functions in our scheme, in order to (almost) completely eliminatethe need for storage in our signature scheme. We are also very grateful to OdedGoldreich for many valuable suggestions concerning the presentation of these results,and for suggesting the speedup described in 10.3. We are also thankful to AviWigderson for helpful suggestions on the presentation of this research. Special thanksgo to an anonymous referee for his very careful reading of our paper and suggestedimprovements.

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