android libs - retrofit

Android Libs: Retrofit

Upload: daniel-costa-gimenes

Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Android Libs:


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● 20 minutos! (run, Forest, RUN!)

● Objetivo: mostrar uma lib útil e simples p/ desenv Android

● Problema → Retrofit → Vantagens → Ex → The End


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● Desenvolvedor de Software há 8 anos

● formado no

Daniel Gimenes

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O Problema

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O Problema

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O ProblemaPadrão REST(like)

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URL url;HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;try { url = new URL(""); urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isw = new InputStreamReader(in);

int data =; while (data != -1) { char current = (char) data; data =; System.out.print(current); }} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();} finally { try { urlConnection.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}

O Problema

HTTP Request

- Código grande

- Muito técnico

- Muito longe do

problema da aplicação ISSO SEM TRATAR OS ERROS!

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O Problema


- String?

- Listas, Dicionários

Eu queria objetos do

meu domínio!

{ "updated_at": "Sat, 04 Jul 2015 01:09:12 +0000", "books": [ { "title": "Foundation", "author": "Isaac Asimov", "publisher": "Spectra Books", "isbn10": "0553293354", "user_rating": 4, "read_status": "read", "read_date": "01/01/2001" }, { "title": "Snow Crash", "author": "Neal Stephenson", "publisher": "Spectra", "ISBN-10": "0553380958", "user_rating": 5, "read_status": "read", "read_date": "14/05/2011" }, [...] ]}

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● A type-safe REST* client for Android and Java

○ menos código, mais focado no seu modelo de domínio

● Criada pela Square, Inc.

● Open-Source e gratuita


Retrofit - uma mão na roda!

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Endpoints e Parâmetros

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Retrofit - mapeando endpoints

public interface GitHubService {

@GET("/users/{user}/repos")List<Repo> listRepos(@Path("user") String user);



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Retrofit - configurando parâmetros

public interface userBooksService {

@GET("/users/{user_id}/favorite-books")FavoriteBooks listFavBooks(

@Path("user_id") String userId,@Query("language") String languageFilter);



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Retrofit - configurando parâmetros




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Retrofit - resultado das chamadas{ "updated": "Sat, 04 Jul 2015 01:09:12", "books": [ { "title": "Foundation", "author": "Isaac Asimov", "publisher": "Spectra Books", "isbn10": "0553293354", "user_rating": 4, "read_status": "read", "read_date": "01/01/2001" }, { "title": "Snow Crash", "author": "Neal Stephenson", "publisher": "Spectra", "isbn10": "0553380958", [...] }, [...]

public class FavoriteBooks { private String updated; private List<Book> books;



public class Book { private String title; private String author; private String publisher; private String isbn10; private Integer user_rating; private String status; [...]}

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Retrofit - resultado das chamadas

● Síncrono

public interface GitHubService {

@GET("/users/{user}/repos")List<Repo> listRepos(@Path("user") String user);



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Retrofit - resultado das chamadas

● Assíncrono

public interface GitHubService {

@GET("/users/{user}/repos")void listRepos(

@Path("user") String user,Callback<Repo> callback);



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Retrofit - objeto “webservice”

RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder().setEndpoint("" ).build();

GitHubService service = restAdapter.create(GitHubService. class);

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Retrofit - configuração

compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:1.9.0'

● build.gradle:

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Vantagens e outras features

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● comunicação com webservices HTTP+JSON facilitada● parsing JSON <-> POJO automática● simplicidade de código

○ + fácil de entender e manter○ - chance de bugs

● pode ser extendido facilmente● e mais…

Retrofit - vantagens!

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● Outras features:○ logging automático de todas as requests○ manipulação de headers (cache, autorização, etc)○ conversores personalizados com GsonConverter○ tratamento de erros facilitado○ integração com RxJava.

Retrofit - vantagens!

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Retrofit - exemplo rapidinho!

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Retrofit - exemplo rapidinho!

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Retrofit - exemplo rapidinho!

{ "url": "", "media_type": "image", "explanation": "On June 30 Venus and Jupiter were actually far apart, but both appeared close in western skies at dusk. Near the culmination of this year's gorgeous conjunction, the two bright evening planets are captured in the same telescopic field of view in this sharp digital stack of images taken after sunset from Pozna&nacute; in west-central Poland. In fact, banded gas giant [...]", "concepts": null, "title": "Venus and Jupiter are Far"}


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Retrofit - exemplo rapidinho!

public interface NasaWebservice {

@GET("/apod") void getAPOD(@Query("api_key") String nasaApiKey , @Query("concept_tags") boolean conceptTags, Callback<ApodDTO> callback) ;}

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Retrofit - exemplo rapidinho!

public class ApodDTO { private String url; private String mediaType; private String explanation; private List<String> concepts; private String title;


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Retrofit - exemplo rapidinho!

public class ApodInteractor { private static final String NASA_API_KEY = "DEMO_KEY"; private static final String NASA_API_BASE_URL = ""; private final NasaWebservice nasaWebservice;

public ApodInteractor() { RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder() .setLogLevel(RestAdapter.LogLevel.FULL) .setEndpoint(NASA_API_BASE_URL) .build(); this.nasaWebservice = restAdapter.create(NasaWebservice.class); }

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Retrofit - exemplo rapidinho!

public class ApodInteractor { [...]

public void getNasaApodURI(final OnFinishListener<String> onFinishListener) {

nasaWebservice.getAPOD(NASA_API_KEY, false, new Callback<ApodDTO>() {

@Override public void success(ApodDTO apodDTO, Response response) { onFinishListener.onSuccess(apodDTO.getUrl()); }

@Override public void failure(RetrofitError error) { onFinishListener.onError(error.getCause()); } }); }}

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Retrofit - exemplo rapidinho!

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Daniel Costa Gimenes

[email protected]