android listview custom filter and filterable interface

Android developer blog. Tutorial for android development that helps you to become an android developer Android developer blog. Tutorial for android development that helps you to become an android developer Surviving W/ Android Surviving W/ Android by JFrankie, Android ListView : Custom Filter And Filterable Interface October 18, 2012 5 Like 1 In the previous post we showed the way we can programming a custom adapter and a custom layout. One aspect we didn’t cover by now, is how we can filter the items in the ListView. In this post we describe how we can filter items inside a ListView while the user writes words inside an input field. We can use the example shown in the last post and modify it. What do we need to do it? Modify the custom adapter, PlanetAdapter so that it will be able to filter the items Add an input field where the user can insert the keys to filter the ListView Let’s start then. If we didn’t use a custom adapter with custom object inside the ListView, the things would be much easier. For example if we used just String as item content we simply could add a few lines of code to make our list filterable; but we have a custom layout that uses not a simply String but a complex object (i.e. Planet). So we need first modify our custom adapter (PlanetAdapter) so that it implements the android.widget.Filter interface. This interface requires we implement just only one method called getFilter() that returns a android.widget.Filter object. The problem is the way we can create this filter. Very easy! We create a private class called PlanetFilter that extends the android.widget.Filter. This class has two abstract methods: FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) : invoked in worker thread, that has the task to filter the results according to the constraint void publishResults(CharSequence constraint,FilterResults results): that has the task to show the result set created by performingFiltering method Let’s suppose we want to filter the planet list using the name attribute. In our case, then, the constraint can be the initial letters of the planet name, so that if the planet starts with those letters we show it otherwise we hide it. MODIFY THE CUSTOM ADAPTER SO THAT IT IMPLEMENTS THE FILTERABLE INTERFACE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 private class PlanetFilter extends Filter { @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) { .... } @Override protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint,FilterResults results) { ..... } } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) { FilterResults results = new FilterResults(); // We implement here the filter logic if (constraint == null || constraint.length() == 0) { // No filter implemented we return all the list results.values = planetList; results.count = planetList.size(); } else { // We perform filtering operation List<Planet> nPlanetList = new ArrayList<Planet>(); for (Planet p : planetList) { if (p.getName().toUpperCase().startsWith(constraint.toString().toUpperCase())) nPlanetList.add(p); Follow SwA 123 My App on Google Play Android app development :weather app with f orecast Android Detect Face Android HTTP Client : Network error and ConnectivityManager Android UML : Design an App – Part 2 Android UML: Design an App – Part 1 Recent Posts Widget by Helplogger Recent Posts Android ListView – Tutorial and basic example Android ListView : Custom Adapter and Layout Android ListView : Custom Filter and Filterable interf ace Add a sliding menu with animation to an Activity Android HTTP Client: GET, POST, Download, Upload, Multipart Request Popular Posts ? ? converted by

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Tutorial on using android listview with a custom filter. It helps to filter a listview while user inserts key in the text box. It uses android filterable interface. You can download the code at github.


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Android developer blog. Tutorial for android development that helps you to become an android developerAndroid developer blog. Tutorial for android development that helps you to become an android developer

Surviving W/ AndroidSurviving W/ Android

by JFrankie,

Android ListView : Custom Filter And Filterable InterfaceOctober 18, 2012

5 Like 1

In the previous post we showed the way we can programming a custom adapter and a custom layout. Oneaspect we didn’t cover by now, is how we can filter the items in the ListView. In this post we describe how wecan filter items inside a ListView while the user writes words inside an input field. We can use the exampleshown in the last post and modify it. What do we need to do it?

Modify the custom adapter, PlanetAdapter so that it will be able to filter the itemsAdd an input field where the user can insert the keys to filter the ListView

Let’s start then.

If we didn’t use a custom adapter with custom object inside the ListView, the things would be much easier.For example if we used just String as item content we simply could add a few lines of code to make our listfilterable; but we have a custom layout that uses not a simply String but a complex object (i.e. Planet). So weneed first modify our custom adapter (PlanetAdapter) so that it implements the android.widget.Filterinterface. This interface requires we implement just only one method called getFilter() that returns aandroid.widget.Filter object. The problem is the way we can create this filter. Very easy!

We create a private class called PlanetFilter that extends the android.widget.Filter. This class has twoabstract methods:

FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) : invoked in worker thread, that hasthe task to filter the results according to the constraintvoid publishResults(CharSequence constraint,FilterResults results): that has the task toshow the result set created by performingFiltering method

Let’s suppose we want to filter the planet list using the name attribute. In our case, then, the constraint canbe the initial letters of the planet name, so that if the planet starts with those letters we show it otherwise wehide it.




private class PlanetFilter extends Filter { @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) { .... } @Override protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint,FilterResults results) { ..... } }



@Overrideprotected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) { FilterResults results = new FilterResults(); // We implement here the filter logic if (constraint == null || constraint.length() == 0) { // No filter implemented we return all the list results.values = planetList; results.count = planetList.size(); } else { // We perform filtering operation List<Planet> nPlanetList = new ArrayList<Planet>(); for (Planet p : planetList) { if (p.getName().toUpperCase().startsWith(constraint.toString().toUpperCase())) nPlanetList.add(p);

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In this method we have to return a FilterResults that has two static attributes called values and count.Values is a list of values to be shown while count is the number of these values. The first thing we do in thismethod is to verify if the constraint is null or empty, in this case we don’t have to filter the result and simply

In other words all the list. If the constraints aren’t null or empty we simply select the planet with its namestarting with the constraint, as shown below.

The next step is publishing the result.

We said before that the PlanetAdapter has to implement Filterable interface and it has to implementgetFilter() method:

This is code is quite trivial, we simply invalidate the result set if the result list is empty or we notify that theresult set is changed.

It is done!….quite done!…We need now adding just an input field where user can insert the keyword to filterthe result. The new layout becomes:


} results.values = nPlanetList; results.count = nPlanetList.size(); } return results;}


results.values = planetList;results.count = planetList.size();


List<Planet> nPlanetList = new ArrayList<Planet>(); for (Planet p : planetList) { if (p.getName().toUpperCase().startsWith(constraint.toString().toUpperCase())) nPlanetList.add(p);} results.values = nPlanetList;results.count = nPlanetList.size();



@Overrideprotected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) { // Now we have to inform the adapter about the new list filtered if (results.count == 0) notifyDataSetInvalidated(); else { planetList = (List<Planet>) results.values; notifyDataSetChanged(); } }


@Overridepublic Filter getFilter() { if (planetFilter == null) planetFilter = new PlanetFilter(); return planetFilter;}



<LinearLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical" android:focusable="true" android:focusableInTouchMode="true"> <EditText android:id="@+id/editTxt" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginTop="5dp" android:maxLines="1" /> <ListView android:id="@+id/listView" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_weight="1"/> <Button android:id="@+id/addBtn" android:text="Add planet" android:onClick="addPlanet" android:layout_weight="0.5" android:layout_height="80dp"






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Etichette: Filter, ListView, UI

In the main activity we have to add some listener attached to EditText so that when user writes inside it wecan filter the list items.

Running the code we have:

One simple trick we have to use is to make soft keyboard hidden at the app startup. As soon as the appstarts the EditText gains the focus and the OS shows the keyboard covering the list items. If we don’t wantthis we can simply “move” the focus somewhere else:

Source code here

You might be interested on:Android ListView – Tutorial And Basic ExampleAndroid ListView : Custom Adapter And LayoutMore On ListView Filterable Interface


android:layout_width="match_parent"/> </LinearLayout>



editTxt.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { System.out.println("Text ["+s+"]"); aAdpt.getFilter().filter(s.toString()); } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { }});





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Rohit • 2 months



Thanks a lot for this awesome tutorial.. I have successfully implemented it...

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Thanks a lot for this awesome tutorial.. I have successfully implemented it...

But one question how do i implement in search widget and not using edit text

I am going through also made the search widget... but how do i get edit text like id from it because search widget don't have any method asaddTextChangedListener i suppose.. I am unable to make it through... can you help ?


survivingwithandroid • 2 months

agoMod > Rohit

I guess the approch is different. I will try to analyze your problem. Thank you


Rohit • 2 months

ago> survivingwithandroid

Thanks! pls give me some hint as to how to proceed .. I am really stuck :/


dentex • 3 months


Ciao, ho provato il codice da gitHub e funziona.Ma applicandolo al mio progetto, in cui ho implementato una mia versione di "Pianeta", il filtro non funziona.

Il mio codice per la lista è basato sul custom adapter del tuo esempio "SimpleList".

Non riesco a capire cosa può essere. In pratica quello che scrivo nell' EditText viene ignorato.

Ho controllato tutto più volte... Qualche idea?

Il codice del mio progetto è su

ciao e grazie comunque per gli ottimi tutorial.


survivingwithandroid • 3 months

agoMod > dentex

Adesso provo a scaricare il tuo progetto per vedere se riesco a capire xchè il filtro non va.1


dentex • 3 months

ago> survivingwithandroid

Grazie mille! non potevo sperare in niente di meglio.


dentex • 3 months

ago> dentex

ho appena constatato che sull'emulatore questa implementazione funziona anche nella mia app, così come l'avevoadattata. Quindi adesso devo cercare di capire perchè non funziona sul dispositivo reale...

Spero di non averti fatto perdere tempo.

dentex • 3 months

ago> dentex

Per la miseria funziona pure sul cellulare!Non ho toccato il codice, ho solo disinstallato la versione con la firma di Eclipse del portatile, e installato la versione daldesktop.

Ieri ho perso una giornata... boh.

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survivingwithandroid • 3 months

agoMod > dentex

Probabilmente non aveva installato il codice corretto. Avevo dato un'occhiata al codice e mi sembrava corretto e nonvedevo errori, quindi doveva funzionare! :)


dentex • 3 months

ago> survivingwithandroid

Forse ho capito perchè non mi ero accorto che funzionava: in pratica se digiti un carattere che dovrebbe escludere tuttigli elementi della lista (cioè con cui nessun elemento inizia) non succede niente.Il filtro funziona solo se digiti qualcosa con cui effettivamente qualche elemento della lista inizia:

es:- banana- mela- ciliegia

se digito "d" la lista non viene modificata (o "x", o "y", ecc);

se digito "m" vedo solo "mela" ecc.

Inoltre ho riscontrato lo stesso problema del commento successivo riguardante i "listener": ritornano la posizione dellalista non filtrata.

(nell'esempio sopra, cliccando su mela "filtrata", si avrebbe comunque il riferimento a "banana").



survivingwithandroid • 3 months

agoMod > dentex

Per quanto riguarda il filtro con la lettera iniziale che non esiste e quindi la lista dovrebbe essere vuota mi sembra diaverlo provato questo caso e funzionava. Per il secondo problema trovi qualche info sui commenti al post cmq ilproblema è che vai a prendere la posizione nella lista originale e non in quella filtrata.


dentex • 8 days

ago> survivingwithandroid

Per avere una lista "vuota" (cioè interamente filtrata) quando si inserisce un carattere con cui nessun elemento inizia,ho cambiato:

public void publishResults(CharSequence constraint,FilterResults results) {

if (results.count == 0) {

not ifyDataSetInvalidated();

} else {

itemsList = (List<dashboardlist item>) results.values;

not ifyDataSetChanged();




public void publishResults(CharSequence constraint,FilterResults results) {

itemsList = (List<dashboardlist item>) results.values;

not ifyDataSetChanged();


</dashboardlist item></dashboardlist item>


dentex • 3 months

ago> survivingwithandroid

Grazie mille, sto cercando di risolvere! Ti faccio sapere.

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dentex • 3 months

ago> dentex

Ho risolto su come fare riferimento alla lista filtrata.(ho risposto alla discussione in basso) :D


Mick Hearne • 4 months


Great Tutorial. Well explained. I used your code from Github and it filters my list fine. However, when I select a listItem it only shows me thefirst item in the list [0], even if it that item was filtered out. I am using onListItemClick, where you use onItemClick. from SQLite database and using Parcelable to send the data from the listview to a detail view. This is a project that's due in next week so areply would be real nice. Thanks.


survivingwithandroid • 4 months

agoMod > Mick Hearne

If i get correctly when you use a filtered list and select one item of this list you get always the first one. If so i think you are using theoriginal arraylist instead of the filtered array.


Mick Hearne • 4 months

ago> survivingwithandroid

Correct. I can't seem to select from the filtered list. Can you recommend a solution or is there a way I can get the sourcecode to you? This is the Activity that uses the list ***

And this is the adapter ***

Thanks for the reply and hope to hear from you....


survivingwithandroid • 4 months

agoMod > Mick Hearne

Well i noticed two things in onListItemClick:

1. You shouldn't call super.onList... because you are handling the event by yourself

2. You get the bird information from original birds list and not from the filtered one. So you should ask to the adapterthe new birds array (the filtered one) and then get the bird data from it.


Mick Hearne • 4 months

ago> survivingwithandroid

Great, Thanks. I'll give it a go now. This is my first app and I'm just getting used to Android.Thanks again and I'll let you know how I got on...1


Mick Hearne • 4 months

ago> Mick Hearne

I've removed the super call and set the updated bird list in publishResults with notifyDataSetChanged. Still not workinghowever. What am I missing here?

I think I'm looking at this too long today, the answer is probably staring back at me..1

dentex • 3 months

ago> Mick Hearne

I found a solution on how to refer to the filtered list.

Before calling any method on a list element, you have to take a reference to the modified list (using the names fromthe example given on this site):

Planet currentPlanet = aAdpt.getItem(position);

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where "position" is a parameter from, i.e.:

public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView parent, View view, final int position, long id) { ... }


Anonymous • 6 months


great tutorial..


imran khan • 6 months


Nice post.Give it up. Thanks for share this article. For more visit:android development


jfrankie • 8 months


I posted how to solve the problem. Bye


Anonymous2 • 4 months

ago> jfrankie

thanks for this great tutorial but where did you post the solution?


survivingwithandroid • 4 months

agoMod > Anonymous2

Look here http://www.survivingwithandroi...


Anonymous • 9 months


Hi, code provided by you has been a great help while working on filtering custom list.

Could you please also tell how to get back the names in the list as the user deletes characters in the search bar to return to the actual list.

Any help would be appreciated.


Anonymous • 9 months


Ok,thank you veru much ,I try with autocompletetextview and that's not working too.


jfrankie • 9 months


Since you are populating your list using a JSON URL it could be wise to use an async adapter. It could be that your list isnt still populated whenyou filter it. I suggest to you to try with a "static" items and verify that everything works then you move on and try to populate the list usingJSON.It could be useful to verify if item ids are stable there's a method to verify it.Anyway i will try to set up an example code that populates the list using a JSON and i will verify the result.Reading your code it seems everything is fine so the only one thing that is different from my example is the JSON URL.

Anonymous • 9 months


public void afficher_liste_gares(){

if(results!=null && results.size() > 0){

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see more

adapter=new item_com_Choice(this, results);list4.setAdapter(adapter);//Teliste_vide_label.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);list4.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);list4.setTextFilterEnabled(true);

filterText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {

@Overridepublic void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {System.out.println("Text ["+s+"]");adapter.getFilter().filter(s.toString());


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Anonymous • 9 months


public class item_com_Choice extends ArrayAdapter implements Filterable {

private List planetList;private Context context;private Filter planetFilter;private List origPlanetList;

public item_com_Choice(Context ctx,List planetList ) {super(ctx, R.layout.item4, planetList);this.planetList = planetList;this.context = ctx;this.origPlanetList = planetList;}@Override public int getCount() {return planetList.size();}@Override


Anonymous • 9 months


Thanks a lot ,but it still not working,when I write a letter in the EditText nothing happens...and I dont know why :(


Frankie JFrankie • 9 months


The source code is available

Anonymous • 9 months


That still not working...I also override the toString method in the class "gare"...but it still not working :(

@Overrideprotected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) {

item_com_list = (List) results.values;

//Now we have to inform the adapter about the new list filteredif (results.count == 0)notifyDataSetInvalidated();else {item_com_list = (List) results.values;

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item_com_list = (List) results.values;notifyDataSetChanged();



Frankie JFrankie • 9 months


In the else part in the publish method you've to replace your code with:else {planetList = (List) results.values;notifyDataSetChanged();}and remove it from the method.


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Anonymous • 9 months


public void afficher_liste_gares(){

if(results!=null && results.size() > 0){

final item_com_Choice adapter=new item_com_Choice(gare_choix_depart_activity.this, results);list4.setAdapter(adapter);//Teliste_vide_label.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);list4.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);list4.setTextFilterEnabled(true);filterText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {

@Overridepublic void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubSystem.out.println("Text ["+s+"]");adapter.getFilter().filter(s.toString());


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Anonymous • 9 months


Ok; Thank you very much.

But the letter that I wrote is the first letter of a name of a "Station" in the data base

This is the code source :

private class gareFilter extends Filter {

@Overrideprotected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {FilterResults results = new FilterResults();// We implement here the filter logicif (constraint == null || constraint.length() == 0) {// No filter implemented we return all the listresults.values = item_com_list;results.count = item_com_list.size();

• 9 months

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Frankie JFrankie ago

The filter works comparing the first letter so if you entered a letter that doens't match any items the result is empty.In a few hours i will add to github the entire source code so if you are patient you can try again.


Anonymous • 9 months


Hi ;I tried this code but I had an empty result when I wrote a character and I dont know why


jfrankie • 10 months


Well in this case you should replate startsWith with indexOf and verify that that letter is present so indexOf result is != -1


Anonymous • 10 months


I am using custom list Adapter in code.The listview is having indexbar.I need to show items whose words start with letters entered insearchbox i.e. if item is having 3 words and second word start with A and we enter A in searchbox then that item also should get searched.


jfrankie • 10 months


You can find me in g+ with survivingwithandroid. My email add is [email protected]. Btw i downloaded your app and it looksgreat and i didn't find the error even if i filtered the list in the bus line option very very fast (I'm using Gingerbread). Anyway if you like youcan send me the code so i can have an idea more detailed. The error seems caused by the fact you try to update the view from anexternal thread in that case you should somehow implements something like a queue.I'd really like to investigate more about it.


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Ederson Schmidt • 10 months


Hi, Thanks for ur answer. Well, this bug that u found I already fix some months ago. I fix with this code:

@Overrideprotected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint,FilterResults results) {

planetList = (List) results.values;

// Now we have to inform the adapter about the new list filteredif (results.count == 0)notifyDataSetInvalidated();else {notifyDataSetChanged();}


jfrankie • 10 months


I tried to reproduce the error you told me...but even if i tried very fast with "a" and delete it the app didn't crash.I used 4.0.3 emulator. The only one bug i found is that the code doesn't show the complete list after you delete the filter in the edit view.This is caused by a mistake in the source code. You should create a copy of the original array showed in the listView and when the filter isempty set the value to this copy array.I will update the code.If you can repeat the error please send me the stack trace so i can have some clues.

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Android Face Detect1 comment • 13 days ago

Gabriel Pozoz — It's a topic on which there is not much written,thanks!

Android app development :weather app with forecast1 comment • 5 days ago

AndroidDev101 — Thank you so much, this is amazing!

Android Async ListView–JEE and RestFul7 comments • 5 months ago

survivingwithandroid — Ok. i will do it. Sorry for the delay

Android ListView context menu: ActionMode.CallBack1 comment • 5 months ago

pavan — very nice tutorial



jfrankie • 10 months


Thanks for you comment. I will try to reproduce this bug and fix it and i will release a new source code version.


Ederson Schmidt • 10 months


Nice work! I used it on my project, but I found a bug on this code. And it just found now, after I change my project android version to workfor 4.0.3 If I press "a" and delete.. repeat it very fast.. the app closes.. ListView need to be notified, that's the error message. But how to notify itagain ? or how to avoid this bug ?

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