angels in history

_________________________________ Angels in History Talking more about the Unseen Excerpts from The Blessed Angels: A Monograph by Manly P. Hall The word angel, from the Greek angelos, means ‘messenger’, and the angelic orders of life inhabit qualitative distances between divinity and humanity. 1 All the angelic hierarchies are manifestations of divine love and mercy. 2 The belief in angelic beings was held by many ancient peoples; each cultural group developed its own explanations and interpretations of these mysterious creatures. It is 3 generally accepted that the veneration of angels originated in pre-Christian times and has gradually become involved in the beliefs of mankind regardless of sect or creed. 4 It must be understood in all aspects of angelology that the forms in which these beings are generally represented are artistic contrivances. The actual bodies of angels or archangels are fields of light from which they are able to project temporary appearances. They belong in dimensions of existence beyond the sensory perception of the human being, but he must embody them with forms created in his own mind if he wishes to have awareness of their presence. 5 It should be noted that not even the Encyclopaedia Britannica assumes these mysterious beings to be figments of the imagination. 6 Western & Eastern Christianity References to angels occur throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Only three are actually named in the sacred canon - the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 14 1 Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 43 2 Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 13 3 Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 42 4 Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 45 5 Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 9 6 Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin +44 7380 607980

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Page 1: Angels in History

_________________________________ Angels in History

Talking more about the Unseen Excerpts from The Blessed Angels: A Monograph by Manly P. Hall

The word angel, from the Greek angelos, means ‘messenger’, and the angelic orders of life inhabit qualitative distances between divinity and humanity. 1

All the angelic hierarchies are manifestations of divine love and mercy. 2

The belief in angelic beings was held by many ancient peoples; each cultural group developed its own explanations and interpretations of these mysterious creatures. It is 3

generally accepted that the veneration of angels originated in pre-Christian times and has gradually become involved in the beliefs of mankind regardless of sect or creed. 4

It must be understood in all aspects of angelology that the forms in which these beings are generally represented are artistic contrivances. The actual bodies of angels or archangels are fields of light from which they are able to project temporary appearances. They belong in dimensions of existence beyond the sensory perception of the human being, but he must embody them with forms created in his own mind if he wishes to have awareness of their presence. 5

It should be noted that not even the Encyclopaedia Britannica assumes these mysterious beings to be figments of the imagination. 6

Western & Eastern Christianity

References to angels occur throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Only three are actually named in the sacred canon - the Archangels Michael, Raphael and

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 141

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 432

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 133

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 424

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 455

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 96

Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin [email protected] +44 7380 607980

Page 2: Angels in History

Gabriel. A fourth Archangel, Uriel, is named in the apocryphal Second Book of Esdras and the Book of Enoch. 7

The Judeo-Christian Bible indicates that angels are capable of taking on a physical appearance and functioning in the material world. This is certainly implied in the account of Jacob wrestling with the angel. In other cases the descriptions suggest that angels appear in visions, dreams or mystical experiences. 8

According to scriptural testimony both angels and archangels have appeared in human form with or without wings. They are androgynous creatures, and artists in depicting them have required to call heavily upon inspiration or intuition. These supernatural beings which Dante called ‘Birds of God’ are shown as youthful, handsome persons

with quiet and benign expressions, variously robed and garmented according to prevailing customs. Archangels may wear elegant vestments, elaborately embroidered and bejewelled. Each carries symbolic attributes bearing witness to his station and mission. They are never represented as aged and, while they are not actually considered immortal, they endure as long as they are sustained by the will of God. 9

Image above: Church of Immaculate Conception, Rome. This painting represents the Archangel Michael killing the devil. Painted by Guido Reni in 1636.

Figures of angels and archangels are numerous in Christian art after the fourth century A.D. Both the Eastern and Western Churches have venerated especially the archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. 10

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 97

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 108

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 13-149

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1010

Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin [email protected] +44 7380 607980

Page 3: Angels in History

Image on the left: Greek Orthodox image of Archangel Raphael

Image on the right: Greek Orthodox image of Archangel Gabriel

In Christian art, certain attributes came to be associated with angels and archangels, and these were elaborated and refined in later centuries. They were shown in human form and were traditionally of the masculine sex but were feminised in the works of many great artists. They were usually, but not always, shown as winged to emphasise their power to ascend or descend through the various levels of the space dimension. In Christian art they inherited these wings from pre-Christian sources [see Etruscan & Roman references below]. Prior to the 7th century their robes were white and of a Grecian style. Later their garments were coloured red or blue, often magnificently ornamented. Angels and archangels have a halo about the head. This halo is usually gold and in the Eastern Church may be ornately decorated. Originally these super physical beings wore no hair ornaments but, in more recent times, a chaplet, circlet or coronet has been introduced. Gradually other attributes have been added and both angels and archangels may carry symbolic objects such as swords, lances, and sprays of flowers. 11

In Christian art, angel wings are an adornment and are not to be taken literally. These wings are of various sizes, and artists have devoted much time and talent to this subject. They are almost invariably derived from the natural wings of birds and may be varicoloured with the iridescence of peacock feathers and other rare plumage. 12

The Christianising of the beliefs expressed in the Old Testament resulted in considerable confusion. Various lists of archangels are not always consistent. 13

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 16-1711

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1412

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1213

Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin [email protected] +44 7380 607980

Page 4: Angels in History

The Etruscans & Romans

In pre-Christian art winged figures also occur in the designs which adorn Etruscan vases. Image below: is an etching of an Etruscan vase by Gregorio Carloni (1742-96) 14

In Roman times the guardian spirits of communities and illustrious persons were winged and resemble very closely the angels of Christian art. 15

Image below right: Fresco fragment with winged female on black background, Roman, about A.D. 70. This could be a representation of the Goddess Nike or perhaps an angel.

The Essenes

According to The Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia the sect of the Essenes had an independent angelology, the secret and mysteries of which were entrusted only to the initiated. Members of the sect were required to be under oath never to disclose the secret teachings of the community. 16

Judaism & Kabbalah

Hebrew mal’akh (ְָמַלְא) is the standard word for messenger, both human and divine. In modern Hebrew, mal’akh is the general word for angel. It is also related to the words for angel in Arabic (malak ملاك), Aramaic and the Ethiopic languages. 17

Kabbalah describes the angels at length. Angels are described in Kabbalah literature as forces that send information and feelings between mankind and God. They are analogised to atoms, wavelengths or channels that help God in his creation. They are

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1014

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1015

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1116

From wikipedia: Angels in Judaism17

Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin [email protected] +44 7380 607980

Page 5: Angels in History

not physical in nature but spiritual beings, like spiritual atoms. Therefore, the Kabbalah reasons, when they appear in the Hebrew Bible their description is from the viewpoint of the person that received the vision, prophesy or occurrence, which will be anthropomorphic. 18

In the study of the Kabbalah, there are 10 orders of angels including the Chaioth ha-Qadesh, Auphanim, Aralim, Chasmalim, Seraphim, Malachim, Elohim, Bene Elohim, Kerubim and the Ishim.

The Talmud names the angels surrounding God's throne as Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. 19

Image on the left: From a Judeo-Persian manuscript [See below references to Persia]. Angels uproot trees in Ahashverush’s garden, 'Goodly words take root like a good tree, and evil words must be uprooted like a bad tree'. Persia, 2nd half of the 17th century (Berlin, Staatbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz).

Zoroastrians, Persians & Islam

Angels are also prominent in the scriptural writings of the Zoroastrians and in Persian art. 20

In Islam angels accompanied Muhammad on his night journey to heaven and the angel Jibril (Gabriel) appeared to the Prophet in the cave on Mt. Hira to announce his ministry. It is obvious therefore that Asia recognised the reality of the blessed angels. 21

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human form, characteristics, traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human 18

entities. From wikipedia: Angels in Judaism.

From wikipedia: Angels in Judaism19

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1320

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 18-1921

Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin [email protected] +44 7380 607980

Page 6: Angels in History

Image on the previous page: The Prophet Muhammad on his horse Buraq (upper right) visiting Paradise with the Angel Gabriel (upper left). Persia 15th c.

Image on the left: The Prophet Muhammad receiving his first revelation from the Angel Gabriel, Tabriz 1307, Edinburgh University library

Image on the left: Islamic portrayal of the angel Metatron (Arabic: ميططرون) depicted in

the Daqa’iq al-Haqa’iq (دقائق الحقایق "Degrees

of Truths") by Nasir ad-Din Rammal in the 14th century CE.

Image below: Illustration of Buraq from Yusuf and Zulaykha, a 19th-century Judeo-Persian manuscript held at The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary, MS 1534

Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin [email protected] +44 7380 607980

Page 7: Angels in History


Angelic beings frequently appear in Buddhist art. They are usually shown attending Buddhas or Bodhisattvas. In paradise scenes they float among clouds, scatter flowers or fill the air with their music. One of the few surviving paintings [after a fire at the Horyuji Temple with a series of mural paintings of Buddhist divinities], depicts a Buddhist angel. These radiant beings, often called tennin, are usually represented in motion. They do not have wings but their flowing garments stream from their bodies in graceful folds. The hair is arranged in a high chignon and the head is coroneted. Dark tresses hang upon the shoulders and it would appear that the imagery is based upon traditional likenesses of Kannon (also known as Quan Yin), the Bodhisattva of Compassion and Mercy. In Buddhism angels are always feminine whereas in the West they are traditionally masculine. 22

There is a class of paintings referred to as Raigo-Zu, or vision scenes. In these the Buddha Amida floats through the air on luminous clouds to conduct the souls of true believers to the Pure Land. Amida is often accompanied by a glory of angels. There is a

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 17-1822

Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin [email protected] +44 7380 607980

Page 8: Angels in History

famous vision scene at Mt. Koya in which Buddha is attended by bodhisattvas and twenty-five radiant beings playing various musical instruments, singing the songs of paradise, or carrying sacred banners. 23

In Buddhist woodcarvings angels are often included in elaborately carved and gilded nimbuses placed directly behind the images. In a few instances these are shown as 24

human-headed birds and carry musical instruments. 25

Both images above are illustrations of tennin or ‘Buddhist angels’.

Siam (Thailand)

Siamese paintings of the life of Buddha often show him accompanied by guardian spirits from the unseen worlds. 26

Korea & India

Angels appear among the temple paintings of Korea and the sacred art of India. 27

In the Hindu system in India, there are mainly three kinds of mythical beings mentioned in Hindu scriptures that may be considered as angels by some. These are 1. Angiras / Angiris 2. Gandharvas, Yakshas, Kinnaras etc. 3. Devas

The Angiras or Angiris are a class of beings that could be related to the western angels.

The Greek word ángelos from which we get the English word angel could well be an Indo-European derivation of the Sanskrit word Angiras. These are believed to be celestial beings that watch over Yajnas (fire sacrifice). Not many modern day Hindus know about them. The Gandharvas are described in the Vedas as heavenly musicians

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1823

A nimbus is a luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint.24

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1825

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 18-1926

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 18-1927

Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin [email protected] +44 7380 607980

Page 9: Angels in History

that live in upper planetary systems. Most Hindus would consider the Devas like Shiva and Ganesha to be gods. Some Hindu sects would call them angels or demigods. 28

The celestial musicians and heavenly chorus within the Christian tradition are analogous to one or more of the three kinds of mythical beings within the Hindu tradition. The angels from the Christian tradition are depicted playing terrestrial musical instruments including harps, violins and trumpets. Note that in the tradition of Buddhism, angels 29

are considered to fill the air with music. 30

The images shown above are suggestive of some sort of angelic being in Hinduism.

Closing notes

Angels have touched many cultures and similar threads appear throughout.

Some will probably feel that the concept of angels is incompatible with the progress of modern science. So long as science has no satisfactory explanation for the intelligence everywhere present in the natural world, it actually has no valid hypothesis with which to refute the belief in hierarchies of ministering spirits regulating cosmic affairs. A genuine vision by which a person becomes aware of a super physical presence cannot be discredited simply because the majority of human beings has not had such experiences. 31


Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels: A Monograph 1980. Published by the Philosophical Research Society, Inc., Los Angeles, USA

From quora,com28

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1429

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 1830

Hall, Manly P. The Blessed Angels p. 4631

Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin [email protected] +44 7380 607980

Page 10: Angels in History


This information is collated information mostly from one reputable author with additional information from other sources. A few linguistic updates have been made to clarify meaning in line with contemporary usage. This is not presented as the absolute truth but intends to expand the reader’s current understanding of the influence angels have had in history within a variety of cultures. Any supporting & additional information is welcomed.

Support materials for Your Personal Angel Reading. Compiled by Julia Tiffin [email protected] +44 7380 607980