anger management powerpoint presentation


Upload: ahmad-khalid-nikbin

Post on 20-Oct-2015




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  • ANGER MANAGEMENTSkills needed in dealing with your anger:Identify a range of feelings including angerIdentify aggressive acts by self and othersIdentify the potential consequences to self and other from these aggressive actsIdentify self-destructive behaviorIdentify thoughts prior to aggressive actsIdentify internal cues to feelings of angerDevelop coping mechanisms for dealing with angerExpress anger without loss of control

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTIdentify a range of feelings including anger:EmbarrassmentExcitementDisappointmentJealousyFearHelplessSadnessLeft-out

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTI am in charge of my own feelings:I own my feelings.It is okay to feel angry.Anger is part of being human.I learn how to express my anger in helpful ways.

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTIdentify aggressive acts shown by self and others:Throw somethingKick someone or somethingGet in someones faceShoving, grabbing, hittingBreak somethingCall someone namesGive someone a dirty lookSilent treatmentGet others to gang upSpread rumors

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTI choose to feel good about myself through expressing my feelings.I express angry feelings in ways that are fair to others and me.I use fair wordse.g. I feel when you

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTThe more I learn to take care of my anger the more powerful I become.I need to control what I do with my anger.I control how I let my anger out.I practice cooling off.I watch my thoughts.

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTKnow the difference between anger and aggression.Anger is an emotion. It is ok to be angry.Aggression is acting out inappropriately and is not ok. Learn to check your aggression and express your anger appropriately.

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTWays to Keep Cool:Get exercise every day.Eat right.Get enough sleep.Learn to relax.Know your feelings.Write about those feelings.

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTWays to Keep Cool:Find a quiet place.Take a time out.Find fun distractions.Make good decisions about what you see and hear.Choose friends who make you feel good.Learn to forgive and forget.

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTIdentify potential consequences of your anger to others and yourselfwhat can that mean for you?Physical harm to someone or selfDestruction of propertyLoss of family/friendsLoss of jobLoss of social privilegesGoing to jailGetting a bad reputation

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTIdentify self-destructive behaviorHow does that help or hurt you?Negative self-talkBlaming everyone elseTaking everything personallyAssumingOvereating, drinkingDriving recklesslyTaking drugsLooking for fightsFeeling outraged

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTI stop blaming others and myself.Blaming only keeps people upset.Blaming is a way of not respecting people.I express my feelings and then try to work things out.

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTIdentify thoughts prior to aggressive acts:You did that on purposeYou wanted to hurt meYou deserve thisYou never even asked meYoure being unreasonableYou think youre so goodIll show youYou started itTheres no justice

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTIdentify internal cues to feelings of anger:Stomach gets tight/upsetHeart is beating fasterClenching fistsFeel myself getting flushedPressure on my templesSweaty palmsClenched jaw

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTI dont have to hold on to my anger.I find ways to let it goI talk about hurt and angry feelings.I look for someone to discuss my anger.I discuss my words and actions that hurt others.

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTSteps to taming angerKnow what pushes your buttons.Know your bodys anger signs.Stop and think!Cage your rageits your choice.Decide what to do.

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTI take power.I stand up for myself and others being hurt.I learn to defeat negative self-talk.I feel good about learning about myself.I am strong when I use fair and firm words instead of fists.

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTI remember that people are precious.I watch my thoughts, words, and actions.I stop hurting people with my words and actions.I take ownership of the hurtful things I do and say.Bullying hurts everyone.

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTCalm downName the problemFind solutionsPick the best solutionCongratulate yourselfEvaluate the solutionMake changes if necessary

  • ANGER MANAGEMENTCan you identify any of the steps in resolving conflict, controlling your anger and avoiding aggressive behavior?

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  • ANGER MANAGEMENTCalm downShow mutual respectName the problemFind solutionsChoose the best solutionCongratulate yourselfReview the solution that was picked