
ERP - is business management software—usually a suite of integrated applications—that a company can use to store and manage data from every stage of business Discretionary – dooly, swobodny sole trader – osoba fizyczna sole prioprietorship – firma jednoosobowa Comprehensive – całościowy Core – rdzeń Payroll – lista płac fixed assets – środki trwałe Expansion -> Boom -> Recession -> Depression -> Expansion Investment cycle Trough – koryto Slump – zapaść się EBITDA – Evidence before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization) Set-up

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Post on 21-May-2017




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ERP - is business management software—usually a suite of integrated applications—that a company

can use to store and manage data from every stage of business

Discretionary – dooly, swobodny

sole trader – osoba fizyczna

sole prioprietorship – firma jednoosobowa

Comprehensive – całościowy

Core – rdzeń

Payroll – lista płac

fixed assets – środki trwałe

Expansion -> Boom -> Recession -> Depression -> Expansion

Investment cycle

Trough – koryto

Slump – zapaść się

EBITDA – Evidence before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization)


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Appraisal – wycena

Megabucks – góra pieniędzy

Able – zdolny, kompetentny

Bold – śmiały, zuchwały

Complex – złożony

Dignified – dostojny

Modest – skromny

Tense – nerwowy, napięty

Witty – dowcipny

Transition – przejście

The Johari window

The Johari window is a tool used to illustrate and improve self-awareness. It relies on disclosure and feedback, from the individual and from others around them.

Amortization - value lost on vehicles as they get older

Balance of payments – difference between the funds a country receives and those it pays for all

international transactions

Casual work - temporary employment that is not regular or fixed

Consumption – purchasing and using good and services

Contract work - temporary employment by an organization to do a specific project or piece of work

Cost of sales - the cost of advertising the product

Deficit – an amount of money that is smaller than is needed

Delayering - removing unproductive parts of the management hierarchy to make organizations more

flexible and efficient

Demand – the willingness and ability of consumers to purchase

Depreciation - value lost on patents as they get older

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Dividends - money paid to shareholders

Downturn – a decline in economic activity

Downsizing - decreasing the number of permanent employees working for an organization

Equilibrium – a state of balance, for example when supply is the same as demand

Expectations – beliefs about what will happen in the future

Fiscal policy – government actions concerning taxation and public expenditure

Flexible labor market - a situation in which it is easy for companies to hire non-permanent staff

GDP – the total market value of all the goods and services produced in a country during a given


Interest - the cost of loans from the bank

Job sharing - employing two or more people on a part time basis to perform a job normally available

to one person working full time

Keynesianism – the economic theory that government monetary and fiscal policy should stimulate

business activity and increase employment in a recession

Monetary policy – government or central bank actions concerning the rate of growth of the money

in circulation

Money supply – the total amount of money available in an economy at the particular time

Outsourcing - using other businesses as subcontractors to supply components or services

Rationalization/restructuring - reorganizing a company, business or system in a new way to reduce

costs and improve efficiency and effectiveness

Relocation - moving some of business's activities to another place or country

Revenue - payments received from customers

Save – to put money aside to spend in the future

Supply – the willingness and ability of producers to offer

Surplus – an excess, a quantity that is larger than needed

Taxes - money paid to the government

Upturn – an increase in economic activity