angus pym tenses

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Post on 03-Mar-2016




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Verb Tenses


Angus Pym _________ (wake) up on the dot of six o'clock, as he always ________ (do), no matter where he ________ (be) or what he________ (do) the previous day. His first thought was the realization that he __________ (wear) still shirt and trousers, and when his eyes__________(fall) on the reports piled up around him on the bed, the events of the previous evening _________(come) back to him. He _________(go) to his club for supper, ___________(finish) just his steak tartare and _________(look) forward to a splendid zabaglione when his meal __________(interrupt) rudely by a call from M, his controller. After an ice-cold shower, Pym _________(think) carefully about which suit to put on. He _________(see) M at nine o'clock that morning, and he _________(want) to make a good impression. Glancing at himself in the mirror , he ________(notice) that he ________(put) on weight recently. He __________(have) to pay more attention to his diet in the future. An hour later, as he _________(drive) through the rush-hour traffic on his way to meet M, Pym ____________(consider) carefully the contents of the files. So Zircon, the organization which sought to control the free western world, was back in business? Its founder, Leon Biarrowitz, was dead. Pym ________(know)this , because he ___________________(arrange) personally his death. But who _____________(control) Zircon now? Doubtless M ___________(tell) him.