animal life june e-edition

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  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    e 2013 C

    Thank Heaven

    for our


    Debbie Elov

    and Margaret Calla

  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    this side of purradise

    When I visited Purradise on May

    25, I met a new adoptee whose

    ns of arrival put me in mind of me-

    al foundling wheels, whereby un-

    ted infants were deposited in a

    ial swiveling compartment in the

    r wall of a church, so whoever

    ght them would not be seen by

    e on the inside.

    uring the previous week, as a

    adise volunteer arrived for work,

    discovered a pretty female tortie

    been left on the doorstep in a car-

    along with a brief, unsigned note

    ng, We give her up now due toehold and health issues. Included

    only part of an old medical print-

    whose owner/vet contact details had

    cut away. This minimal, outdated

    mation was less than helpful: she

    terribly thin, had sores on several

    s of her body, and had been chew-

    t her fur (a sign of stress or perhaps


    hough her former family is to be

    mended for not abandoning her to

    streets or wilds, please take note

    a cat that needs a home should be

    ght in person not to Purradise buts mother shelter, the Berkshire

    mane Societyand not left in a box

    deso that the animal is protected

    the elements and predators. Please

    long enough to answer any ques-

    the BHS staff may have about the

    social and medical history. There

    is no fee for bringing in a cat.

    Despite her not arriving there by the

    usual route, the Purradise staff admitted

    the now renamed Buttercup and

    brought her to a local vet for a physical.

    By the 25th, treatment had already

    begun to fill her out and soothe what-

    ever mystery condition had caused

    those sores, though she still had someways to go to become healthy enough

    to adopt out. When I first met her, she

    was not ravenously yet determinedly

    working her way through a large bowl

    of wet food, clearly savoring every


    Once she had eaten her fill, with per-

    mission of the staff I brought Buttercup

    in my arms from her condo at one side

    of the building to the Sunshine Spa on

    the other, for some intensive one-on-

    one. She leaned into me trustingly as I

    walked, and on the porch settled on my

    lap for a full-body petting session,

    switched up every so often with my in-

    troducing her to perching on this or thatcat tree so she could appreciate the view

    outside and understand that she was

    free to go wherever she wished to sit or

    climb. Toward the end of our hour or so

    together, she was wagging her tail

    cheerfully while on my lap; brushing

    against my legs while exploring the

    floor; and when high o

    only looking with inte

    outside but turning to s

    connect with this hu

    spending this time with

    little Buttercup she ha

    sweet little Buttercup

    ing she had indeed a


    Age ten is considered

    not old. Once Buttercu

    tle more progress in he

    out from whatever situ

    there, she will likely

    companion, ideally forindividual, who woul

    under BHSs Senior


    This series follows the

    feline bond at Purradi

    Humane Society Cat A

    at 301 Stockbridge R

    rington, MA 01230 (

    Open Wed.Fri. noon

    a.m.4 p.m.; and Sun.

    Iris Bass, coauthor of

    Daily Companion, shawith five shelter cats.

    On the DoorstepButtercup.Photo 2013

    Sheila Heflin.

    simple, direct and personal banking



    Animal Lifer

  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal Lifer June 2013


    Lisa Betkoski, [email protected]

    Contributing Writers

    Iris Bass Kayla Fuller

    Yvonne Borsody Carol Lew

    Yoanna Maitre Donna Riley

    Mary Koncel

    Kim Arre-Gerber, Graphic Designer/Artist

    [email protected]

    Leila DiGirolamo, Online Graphic Designer/Artist

    For advertising rates or information call 413-212-9445

    [email protected]

    Mail: PO Box 804, Pittsfield, MA 01201

    Where Your Pet

    Is King












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  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    mpressed? So are weand

    immensely grateful too!

    re a nonprofit, and without them,

    shelter wouldnt be open, says

    y Bissallion, Volunteer Coordinatorhe last four years at Berkshire Hu-

    e Society (BHS). We exist be-

    e of the volunteers. To emphasize

    oint, Terry explains that BHS and

    adise Cat Adoption Center have

    22 employees, many of whom are

    time. We try to keep our staffing

    n, so we can give the animals as

    h as our resources as possible.

    no wonder then that volunteers are

    an integral part of BHS and

    adise. Take, for example, the 45

    walkers assigned to the kennel.

    des making it possible for dogs on

    doption floor to be walked four to

    times a day, volunteers also pro-

    essential socialization for them.

    t having the dogs see that many

    le each week, notes Terry, is so

    able. Equally important is that the

    of dog walkers free up staff so that

    can work with the dogs on training

    enrichment activities.

    lunteers also offer an extra set of

    for the staff a necessity given the

    of the facilities and the number of

    als cared for at BHS and Purradise.have volunteers in all areas. They

    give us a wealth of knowledge, so

    an follow-up on something, ex-

    s Terry, whether its letting staff

    w that a cat, dog, or small animal

    n't seem themselves or sending out

    minder that donations are needed

    he pet food bank.

    r the volunteers, the reasons for

    commitment to BHS and

    Purradise are as varied as the rewards.

    After she adopted her dog Ava in 1993,

    Barb Boucher of Pittsfield began her

    stint at the shelter helping at fundrais-

    ers and adoption events, collecting can-

    isters, walking dogs, to name a few of

    her many jobs. I enjoy being here,

    she says. The staff is great, and Ive

    gotten a wonderful education since

    coming here. For Barb, BHSs focus

    on community outreach is also an im-

    portant draw. So many people think

    that its just an animal shelter. I like to

    tell them that its so much morethe

    pet food pantry, the birthday parties, the

    humane education in the schools.

    Debbie Elovirta of Becket and Mar-

    garet Callahan of Dalton began volun-

    teering seven years ago. Both came be

    found sitting behind the front desk at

    BHS every Friday afternoon. Like

    Barb, Debbie came to BHS after an

    adoption. I got the best cat in the

    world here, and after that I started vol-

    unteering, she says, adding that she

    now has first dibs on any new cats

    here! Before BHS, Margaret had a

    long career as a school teacher. I

    taught teenagers for over 30 years, and

    compared to that, this is fun! she

    laughs. Actually, they were fun too,

    but I love it here. Its like a vacation

    being with the animals, the staff, andthe visitors.

    To acknowledge the volunteers, the

    staff selects a Volunteer of the Month as

    well as a Volunteer of the Year. In fact,

    this Thursday, June 13, BHS and

    Purradise will be celebrating its volun-

    teers with a special Volunteer Appreci-

    ation Picnic at the shelter as well as

    announcing the Volunteer of the Year

    for 2013. Its a great chance for vol-

    unteers to meet

    each other as well

    as staff members,

    explains Terry.

    And staff who

    dont get to see

    some of the volun-

    teers have an op-

    portunity to thank

    them for all their

    time and work.

    BHS and Purradise

    offer two volunteer

    programs. The first

    is open to younger

    volunteers who are

    between 12 and 16

    years old; when

    working at the shel-

    ter, they must be ac-

    companied by a

    parent or guardian.

    The second is for

    volunteers over 17

    years old. After

    completing an ap-

    plication, which is

    available on-line or

    at the shelter, potential volunteers meet

    with Terry to discuss their interests and

    availability. For more information

    about volunteering at BHS or Purradise,

    please visit


    Mary A. Koncel is the Humane Educa-

    tor at Berkshire Humane Society.

    Thank HeavenBHS Volunteers!!!for

    by Ma

    Theyre 161 strong, and they range in age from 12 years old to

    89 years old. They greet visitors at the front desk, walk dogs,ff outreach and adoption events, transport animals to veterinary

    appointments, clean litter boxes, tend the grounds around the

    shelter, and so much more.

    Last year, they logged in almost 14,000 hours.

    Animal Lifer

  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal Lifer June 2013

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    Julie Shanahan, D.V.M.

    Laura Aylesworth, D.V.M.

    VCA All Caring Animal Ho

    Conventional & Holistic Veterinary M440 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington,



  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal Lifer

    When Lady arrived at the shelter in February, she was in a sorra severe case of sarcoptic mange, a highly contagious condwith skin and ear infections, open wounds, and the loss of a lot of

    was clear that her owner wasn't coming to claim her, the staff went

    her get better. Her daily life included regular trips to Pittsfield Vete

    medicated baths and a host of other medications and treatments, all a

    her recovery. Because of sensitivities to food, she was fed high-qugredient food.

    Right from the start, we knew she was something special. Though

    handled much because of her contagious skin condition, she never

    to catch the attention of anyone who walked by her kennel and wag

    time her condition was determined to be non-contagious, Lady ha

    who were happy to be able to finally give her all the hugs and belly r

    One of those people was Nancy Racine, a long-time shelter volunte

    at the shelter, Lady was adopted by Nancy.

    Now Lady's life is filled with love and routine, just the way she lik

    almost every hour of the day with Nancy, her new best friend. On F

    when Nancy volunteers at the Sonsini Shelter, Lady gets to visit wit

    who takes her for long walks in the neighborhood. On a strict diet th

    sues at bay, she has grown a beautiful new coat and is now a heacouldn't be happier for Lady and Nancy who are the perfect match

    Carol Lew

    Friends ofEleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter

    She had a severe case of sarcopticmange, a highly contagious condition that

    came with skin and ear infections,

    open wounds, and the loss of a

    lot of her fur.

    Lucky Lady

    Lady when she first arrived

    Lady Sm

    Lady withNancy Racine

  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition
















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  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal Lifer

    he expansion of the program started

    en Jean Dupre and I offered to over-

    e the program. As Jean explains it,

    Carol Lew and I had both been foster-g for many years, and we knew what

    ster volunteers needed in the way of

    pport. We both had gained a lot of

    owledge of kitten care too, so we felt

    e as a team, we could take on the or-

    nizational tasks required. "

    t was late February when we got the

    few current foster volunteers to-

    ther to meet and discuss the upcom-

    g spring. "I felt it was important that

    e find a way for foster volunteers to

    el connected with each other and sup-

    rted," Jean says. "Fostering can be an

    olated volunteer job."When we started, there was only one

    er of kittens in foster care. But spring

    generally when kitten season gears

    , and this spring was no exception! It

    ems like every week brings several

    ore kitten families that need a place

    be cared for until they are ready to

    spayed or neutered and ultimately

    opted. Fortunately, along with cat

    lls came calls from people who

    anted to help foster them. These vol-

    teers are outstanding, and include

    ngle men, single women, couples and

    milies with kids.

    Chantal Leven is one of our new vol-

    teers. Her life is more than busy with

    ork, family, and four pets of her own.

    ut when she wanted to find some way

    be of service in the world, she called

    e shelter to ask about fostering.

    ithin a day, she was caring for a

    other cat and four rambunctious little

    tens. "The mother is very calm and

    friendly and the kittens are just a riot!

    They have crazy spells," Chantal says,

    "like they are on caffeine. They run

    around and jump, bolt, sprint, climb,scare and attack each other while the

    mom looks from a distance ready to in-

    tervene if necessary. Nothing can beat

    this live show. I enrolled one of my

    friends and we created a "tunnel" out of

    boxes with different side doors. They

    spend countless hours running around,

    and now that they are big enough they

    jump over the boxes surprising each

    other. I feel good about being able to

    provide them with the love and atten-

    tion they need to be great pets for other


    Jean and I are daily inspired by thesuccess stories that the foster volun-

    teers make possible. For me, one of the

    most important aspects of the program

    is that every feline who leaves for a

    new home has been spayed or neutered.

    It's one more animal who isn't con-

    tributing to the cat overpopulation

    problem that causes so much suffering.

    If you're interested in joining Son-

    sini's feline foster team, let us know.

    We'd love to tell you want it entails

    and how you can help. It's a short-

    term commitment that can make a

    big difference in the world.

    Jean Dupre [email protected]


    Carol Lew - [email protected]


    By Carol Lew

    Friends of Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter

    Can ICrash AtYour Pad?

    e Sonsini Shelter's feline foster program is going gang-

    ters! A group of more than 20 foster volunteers are mak-

    it their mission to help cats and kittens who need a place

    and until they're ready for adoption. At the moment, 67

    ens, along with some of their mother cats, are enjoying

    in the homes of caring cat lovers who are helping them

    w into healthy, friendly, well-adjusted kitties.

    Chantal Leven w

    foster k

    Kittens playing in their foster home

    Kittens resting after playing hard

    To Advertise In

    Animal LifeTri-State Berkshires Pet NewsCall



  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal Lifer June 2013


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  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal Lifer



  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition



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    RIP SherpaYou were part of our family.

  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal LiferJ

    Can I have bright, fun,

    youthful furniture andhave everyone think I

    t let my pets on the sofa?

    Yes. For many years con-

    sumers have been able to get

    outdoor fabrics and stain

    ctionon living room furniture.

    has always been a good solution

    households with pets. However,

    fabrics were only available on

    high quality furniture and never on

    reclining furniture. So your pet

    t not be able to stain the sofa butwallet had a real bruise and your

    y wasn't all that comfortable while

    watch the TV.

    Great news! Recently furniture mak-

    ers have developed fabrics that are nicerand more durable to suit our new Amer-

    ican lifestyle. This almost seems like

    the impossible project: Americans said

    Make me furniture that doesn't fade,

    doesn't stain, barely needs to be cleaned

    and is super comfy. Well, the furni-

    ture industry responded! So now con-

    sumers can get stylish, comfortable and

    even reclining furniture in bold prints

    and colorful, bright solids. These are

    often outdoor ready fabrics that are fade

    resistant and inherently stain resistant.

    Virtually worry free, these performance

    fabrics allow you to enjoy your yourlife without the worry of life's little

    mistakes. The best part is that these

    fabrics are now totally affordable.

    So the next time you wish you could

    have fun, relaxed furniture with a bril-

    liant beauty that brings sunshine in to

    your home, you can. Just ask for So-

    larium Fabrics or Sunbrella Fabrics and

    watch your home turn in to the dream

    home for you and your furry friends.

    Donna Riley, LSHC,

    manager for Simmons F

    Allendale Shopping C

    and in Adams, MA. Sim

    tail sales division as we

    design department. Sh

    censed Spiritual Heal

    Biofeedback Specialist

    decorating with petsD


    Q. Make me furniture that doesnt fade,stain, barely needs to be cleaned and is


    Bright & Durable

  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal Lifer

    la Fuller,

    nteer for Pet Partners

    As many of you know I do not at-tend a traditional college. Unityege has a live animal room with

    rent types of animals for students

    ork with, and some of our courses

    ude Animal Training, Marine Biol-

    Intro to Captive Wildlife Care and

    cation, and Enrichment and Exhibit


    r classes prepare us to be success-

    n the world of animal care, we are

    ht how to identify animals, how to

    animals, the proper steps to anes-

    zing or tranquilizing animals. I am

    to preform live reptile shows at

    schools because of the teachings

    my school provides.

    m currently enrolled in the Enrich-

    t and Exhibit design and our final

    ect this year was to design an ex-

    for a specific animal that encom-

    es proper animal care, off-exhibit

    and keeper facilities. I chose toe an exhibit for a Komodo dragon,

    eacher provided me with an imag-

    y budget of one million dollars (a

    generous amount) and a total use-

    space of 500 meters squared.

    e Komodo dragon is the worlds

    iest lizard. It is a reptile in the an-

    guimorpha superfamily. The An-

    guimorphs include the largest species

    of lizard and is also the only superfam-

    ily that contains venomous species of

    lizard. Komodo dragons are Monitor

    lizards and therefore have a long neck,

    short but powerful legs, a narrow head

    and a snout that is pointed, as well as a

    very powerful tail.

    Komodo dragons can weigh around

    155lb, but this weight sometimes dou-

    bles in captivity. They are capable of

    eating up to half their own body weight

    in one meal; but despite this large mass

    they are capable of reaching 11mph for

    short periods of time. Males can reach

    three meters in length while females

    are around two.

    Like other monitor lizards the Ko-

    modo dragon has a long forked tongue

    that it uses to help find food by flicking

    it out and bringing it back in over the

    Jacobsons organ. The preferred hunt-

    ing method of these lizards is ambush-

    ing prey, which can vary in size from

    rodents to water buffalo depending onthe size of the dragon.

    I began by drawing out a design on

    graph paper and then drew that design

    on my foam board by multiplying my

    original scale by 2, my final scale was

    1 inch=1meter. My group decided that

    we would keep two female dragons as

    female grow to only 2 meters, com-

    pared to a males 3 and they are often

    less aggressive.

    We provided each animal with a 3-

    meter den, a large pool with a current

    provided by a waterfall, and plenty of

    plant life so that they felt safe and pro-

    tected from the visitors view. At night

    the dragons are kept off exhibit in

    smaller holding areas, also with a small

    pool and den so that the animals are

    comfortable an receiving the same

    quality as when they are on exhibit.

    We provided visitors with the immer-

    sive ability to see inside of one of the

    dens in a special darkened section of

    the hallway so that they could get a

    look at the Komodo dragon without

    disturbing her. We also provided a wall

    of interpretation, which is where peo-

    ple can look at images and information

    and play learning games to further their

    knowledge on the Komodo dragon.

    This wall includes a general informa-

    tion poster, a how do you compare

    size chart (the Komodo dragon canstand straight up and reach a height of

    6-feet), and a poster on how Komodos

    are being used in science. Currently

    scientists are using the saliva and blood

    of the Komodo dragons to help make

    medicines that will boost human im-

    mune systems. The importance of an

    interpretive wall is that

    tors to connect an anima

    and form a better opinio

    which in turn makes the

    to aid in the animals sur

    This project is a wond

    tation on what I do

    College and will aid i

    when I enter the job forc

    understand the work

    making an exhibit for b

    and the public to enjoy.

    type of hands on educa

    constantly amazed at ho

    and how I can connect it t

    own animals.

    Kayla Fuller can be re


    [email protected]


    Exhibit Design&

    I will give attentive loving care togiving you peace of mind during you

    D ExerciseD Walks in D Special Needs pets welcomeDT

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    Claudine BogomolowD 41claudinebogomolow@

    ClaudinesPet Sitting Serv

    Dog Walks of CanaanYear-Round Dog Walking Service in Columbia County


    [email protected]

  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal Lifer June 2013

    Full Line Pet Supply Store

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    Rachel ClarkeABC Certified Dog Train

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  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Walk In The ParkDog Walking/Pet Sitting Services In e Be

    Member Pet Sitters InternationalAmerican Red Cross Pet First Aid CertiedMember Berkshire Chamber of Commerce

    Certied Professional Pet Sitter

    Insured & Bonded Lynn Pfeiler @ 4References [email protected] 4

    GO TO

    GUIDE!e Berkshire County Pet Sitters Network (BCPSN) is a group of inde-

    ndently owned pet sitting businesses and individuals who provide

    fessional pet sitting services to residents of Berkshire County. We

    vide professional and educational support for pet sitters and serve

    a valuable resource for pet owners and animal lovers. We partici-

    e in local community events and hold fundraisers for local pet-re-ed charities. We are an all-volunteer, membership-based non-profit

    anization. Our members are committed to providing exceptional

    fessional pet sitting services, community outreach and promoting

    ponsible pet ownership in our community.

    To Advertise In

    Animal LifeTri-State Berkshires Pet NewsCall



    Animal Lifer June 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal Lifer

    Friendsof Eleanor Sonsini Animal S

    Keith Williams, LMT152 North St., Pittsfield

    413-442-7446A great massage at a wonderful price


    370 Pecks Rd., Pittsfield

    413-395-9550Joe Nichols, Owner

    Meet Rocky, an 8 year old Lhasa Apso.He is charm-

    ing and very handsome. Loves to go on walks too!

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    392 Merrill RoadPittsfield, MA 01201

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    [email protected]

    Biscotti loves to show off her manners. Shes

    not great with other dogs but is fabulous with

    people. She needs help with some

    separation anxiety.Sponsored by:


    He is a 4 year old yorkie. He is about the most adorable t

    on at the shelter. He has an issue with seizures, which we

    on controlling with medications.

    Sponsored by:

    Animal Laughter StudioWhimsical Pet Portraits


    She is an adorable little kitten who was raised

    in foster care. She is healthy and mellow and

    quiet by nature.Sponsored by:











    We invite you to come visit and meet ourwonderfuldogs and cats available foradoption. We arePittsfields municipal shelter and are dedicated to giving

    animals who have been abandoned, neglected or abused

    a second chance to find a loving new home.


  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal Lifer June 2013

    in the tri-state areaAdoptions

    Each weekwill be sponsoring aIf that dog's adopted during that week,

    Haddad Subaru will pay $50 towards the adoption fee!

    L u c i aTHIS WEEKS DOG IS:vorite Things: Playtime, Walks, Attention, likes to jump in your

    p, snacks!

    ast Favorite Things: Loud/sudden noises, men that dont gow & take some time for me to adjust can be scary.

    hat I'm Learning at BHS: to walk on a loose lead with the helpan easy-walk body harness, sit for greetings.

    ts I've lived with: None

    214 Barker Rd., Pittsfield, MA 314-447-7878

    Hi my name is Ben and Im 4 yrs. old. I lokinds, getting my belly rubbed and being outhe sunshine! I came to Second Chance bous guardian was moving and could no lwould prefer to be in a home with adults antoo; preferably teenagers. I would like to bthe family but may get along with female duction. I would be OK with cats, too! If I sof guy you are looking for, call Second Chformation and come visit me!

    Second ChanceAnimal Shelter

    Route 7A, Shaftsbury, VT [email protected]


    Hi there! Im Tippy and Im an 8yr. old would very much like to find my foreverI came to Second Chance because my pcould no longer take care of me. Im aonce I get to know you. Id love to snuwith you and be a forever companion. a home with children 12 or older and s

    not too sure about dogs. If I sound likeplease stop by and visit me!

    Second ChanceAnimal Shelter

    Route 7A, Shaftsbury, VT secondch@sover



    d gets jealous of other dogs stealing her

    ner's affection. She would do best in an

    ult caring experienced home with a

    ced backyard and no competion (dogs

    other pets) so she could give and get all

    affection and attention. Julie loves to

    y with toys and people. She likes some

    le dogs but is "too bossy"


    If you are interested in adopting or fostering Julie, Please contactHarriet 917-670-3892 email: [email protected]

    PETEY is a beautiful 3-4 year old neutered male mix

    of dalmatian and staffordshire terrier. He is the most

    lovable affectionate boy to people and especially

    children. The only thing he loves more than people is

    his favorite toy . . . A red ball. Petey would do best as

    the only dog in a loving home with a backyard and

    some humans who like to throw that red ball.


    If you are interested in adopting or fostering Petey, Please contactHarriet 917-670-3892

    email: [email protected]

    Pablo is 9 years old, and a Australian Cattle Dog showing off how smart he is. Loves playing with te

    squeaky toys and being around humans. Come in

    Please call

    Berkshire Humane Society413-447-7878

    Sponsored by:

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  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Animal LiferJ


    Ginas K-9Bed & Breakfast

    Quality care pet sitting in my safe, comfortable home.

    o cages or kennels. Dogs participate in family activi-es. There is a one-half acre chainlink-fenced yard tolay in, a room of their own to mess around in, andamily and friends to play with. It is like staying at

    Grandmas house. Watch television at night with theamily, help with the gardening outside, or relax andhew a bone!

    349 Farm Road, Copake, NY 12516


    Bow Meow RegencyA Boarding Facility for Dogs

    A Grooming facility for dogs and cats. East & westwings, outdoor dog runs, playtime three times a day.

    92 Cook Road, Sheffield, MA 01257

    Honor S. Blume


    Barking BeautiesSalon for Dogs & Cats

    10 years experience, 5 years at Blue Moon KennelStaci A. Barrett, Owner

    163 Water Street, Lee, MA 01238


    Allen Heights Veterinary Hospital

    Dog and Cat GroomingAmanda Bevens

    289 Dalton Ave., Pittsfield, MA


    Ultimate Dog Spa & BoutiqueFull service dog grooming-All breeds

    Self Serve bathing Section!Boutique filled with unique items for dogs and

    the people who love them!Chris & Jennifer Tompkins, Owners/Groomers

    9 Academy Street, Salisbury, CT 06068

    CLOSED SUNDAYS 860-435-8353

    Pretty Pawsolistic and Organic Pet Foods and treats, Unique toysnd accessories. All breed dog grooming. 14 years ex-erience. Salon quality shampoos and conditioners forll skin types. Environmentally and pet friendly prod-cts. Walk in nail clipping.

    765 Tyler Street, Pittsfield, MA


    For SalePeacocks $150 413-528-2527


    Dunking DoggiesBerkshire Countys first fully loaded, self-service dogwash. All supplies provided. Unique boutique for youand your canine friend. Canidae, Wysong, Omas PrideRaw Dog Food. Hours: Tues.-Sat. 9:30-5:00

    636 West Housatonic St., Pittsfield, MA 413-448-8240

    Shamrock ProfessionalDog Grooming

    All breeds full service, 28 years experience, treatment for allskin types, environmentally & pet friendly productsLimited pick-up & drop off ser vice Senior citizen discountAnal gland excreted Less stress for you and your dog.

    Paula & Tom Phillips, Proprietors1050 South Street, Pittsfield, MA

    Call for an appointment 413-443-9700

    Dog Training

    Taize Shepherd KennelPositive Reinforcement Dog Training

    All Breeds, All Ages.Since 1972 Specializing in the behavior & transition prob-lems of shelter & rescue dogs. Training andcertification for Therapy Dogs International. CertificationEvaluator for AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and AKC S.T.A.R.Star puppy programs for purebred & mixed breeds. Homeof: Select AKC champions and K-9 Service Dogs.

    Charlene Marchand, North Chatham, NY518-766-3804

    Foranimals, LLC

    Positive Reinforcement Training,Private Behavior Consultations/Training.Classes: Kindergarten, Beginners, Advanced, CGC,

    Tricks, Agility, Rally-O, TTouch.Leea Foran, CDBC, CPDT

    Certified Professional Dog Behavior, Consultant/Trainer



    Private Training, New puppy, basic obedience,problem solving & basic manners. Group lessons.

    Dog walking, Doggy day care & Dog sitting.Rachel Clarke, CPDT

    Certified Professional Dog [email protected]


    Breezy Nook Pet CrematoriumEstablished in 1997 Where your feelings are under-

    stood & your presence is always welcome.Georgi Beebe

    452 Presbyterian Hill Rd., Stephentown, NY


    Pet Sitting

    Camp WagalotBoarding, Daycare & Grooming for Dogs

    Dogs can play, run and hike, 20,000 sq. f t. of out-door space to play. 24 hour supervision.

    Serving Berkshire County Bonded and InsuredRed Cross Pet First Aid Certified

    21 East Street, Stockbridge MA 01262Email: [email protected]


    Berkshire Pet Pals, LLCCertified Professional Pet Sitters

    Providing Tender Loving Care When You Cant Be There!Bonded & Insured. Cer tified Pet Tech Instructor #1497

    email: [email protected]


    Walk in the ParkDog walking/Pet SittingInsured & Bonded, References

    Lynn Pfeiler, [email protected]

    413-655-8721 413-446-0684

    Reliable Pet SittingServing Berkshire County Since 1997

    PET SITTING IN YOUR HOMEMaryann Hyatt-Owner, Insured & Bonded

    [email protected]

    413-443-0443 413-329-5127413-229-8486

    Dog Walks of CanaanYear-Round dog walking service in Columbia

    [email protected]


    Claudines Pet Sitting ServiceExercise Walks in the park C.I.A .T.

    Special Needs Pets Welcome Therapeutic TouchC.S.T. Reiki

    Claudine Bogomolow [email protected]



    Dog Walking Daily & Overnight Pet SitsPet Taxi Services & other services as requested.

    Bonded and InsuredCertified Professional Pet Sitter

    Serving Central Berkshire [email protected]


    Waste Remov

    Shamrock Dog Waste#1 Dog Waste Removal Service in

    We pick up your dogs waste and takYear round service Residentia

    Weekly or one time cleaPaula & Tom Phillips, Prop

    1050 South Street, Pittsfield,

    Call for an appointme


    Pet Stores

    Pretty PawsCanidae, Natures Variety, Chicken S

    Evo, Innova, California Natural, PChewys. Healthy all natura

    We take special orde765 Tyler Street, Pittsfie


    BensDotters PQuality Foods & Supplies, Raw D

    Open Mon.-Fri.10-6pm, Sat. 10-4pClosed Memorial, Independenc

    Thanksgiving Days & December 2940 Main Street, Great Barri



    Meow GrowAll organic-Natural Dog & C

    Self Serve Dog Wash StaToys, Cards, Unique Gifts, Leas

    Nail clipping availabAsk about our Delivery se

    59 Main St., Lee, MA www.Meo


    Chez PetPremium foods and treats. A neig

    supply store with everything you nepet. Special orders welc

    Open Mon. - Fri. 10am - 5:30pm & SLenox Commons, 55 Pittsfield R


    HorsesH.O.R.S.E. of Conn

    Humane Organization Reprsuffering equines

    43 Wilbur Rd., Washington, C


    animal life-o-pe iaa compendium d

  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


    Pet StoresBark NCat

    Food, Supplies, GiftsCanidae, Wellness, Chicken Soup for the Dog & CatLovers Soul, Taste of the Wild, Innova, California

    Natural, Evo, Merrick (canned). Eco-friendlytoys & accessories, Natural chews & treats,

    Specialty Products & gifts.Open daily Mon.-Sat. 10-6pm

    28 Holden Street, North Adams, MA 413-664-7777

    PetpourriCatering to the needs of the well loved pet.

    Super Premium Foods Quality ToysNow featuring Bravo & Abadi Raw Diets

    Bedding & Clothing333 Main Street, Lakeville, CT

    Hours--M-F, 9:00 - 5:30, Sat.,9:00-5:00


    Dunking DoggiesBerkshire Counties first fully loaded, self-serve dogwash. All supplies provided. Unique boutique. ChickenSoup for the Cat & Dog lovers soul. Canidae, Wysong,Omas Pride, Bravo & Natures Variety Raw Dog Foods.Tues.-Sat. 9:30-5:00

    636 West Housatonic St., Pittsfield, MA


    Quality American Made Pet food & TreatsFrozen Raw Diets

    Unique Toys and Gifts67 State Rd., Great Barrington, MA


    Veterinarians in MAAllen Heights Veterinary HospitalGeneral Practice: medicine, surgery & dentistry

    Preventive medicine for all stages of your pets life.Small animal acupuncture.

    Elizabeth Tullett, DVM, Claire Blanchard, DVM,Yoanna Mairtre, DVM, Dip. ABVP

    289 Dalton Ave., Pittsfield, MA 01201Mon. - Fri. 8am-5pm, Sat. 8am-12pm


    Animal ER of The BerkshiresThe primary goal of the ER is to treat andstabilize sick and injured pets until they can be seen

    by their regular veterinarian for definitivefollow-up care.

    Fri. 5pm-8am Mon., Holidays-24 [email protected]

    1634 West Housatonic St., Pittsfield, MA


    Valley Veterinary ServicesJulie Shanahan, DVM, Laura Aylesworth, DVM

    920 Pleasant St., Lee, MA

    413-243-2414 or 413-243-0757

    Bilmar Small Animal HospitalClaire Blanchard, V.M.D., Donald Gulick, V.M.D.,Hanan Caine, D.V.M.

    Full service hospital, drop off service,housecalls, early evening hours.

    776 South Main St., Great Barrington, MA

    Fax 413-528-1763

    Call for appointment 413-528-1180

    Hilltowns Veterinary ClinicDr. Sharon Lynch, Veterinarian

    Fred Davis III, CVTComprehensive Veterinary Services

    Individual Attention Caring & CompassionateWashingon State Road, Washington, MA 01223


    VCA All Caring Animal HospitalBarbara C. Phillips, D.V.M.

    Vicki June, D.V.M.Full service veterinary hopsital offering traditional

    medicine integrated with alternative veterinary care.Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Homeopathy.

    Open 7 Days a week!440 Stockbridge Rd., Great Barrington, MA


    Family Veterinary CenterBud Allen, M.S., DVM & Robin Karlin, DVM

    Large & small animal care, house calls, farm calls,chiropractic care, acupuncture & homepathy,

    boarding & grooming.99 Main St., Haydenville, MA


    Pittsfield Veterinary Hospital24 Hour Emergency care, animal chiropractic and dental care.

    John C. Reynolds, DVM, Laura A. Eiszler, DVM,Michelle P. Looney, DVM, Melinda M. Payson, DVM,

    Carmen A. Swinson, DVM,Lindsay M. Cermak, DVM, Erika S. OMara, DVM.

    Hours: Daily Mon-Sat. Evenings:


    North County Veterinary HDr. John C. Reynolds, Dr. Laura A. E

    & Dr. Erika S. Teutsch, DVMs838 Curran Memorial Hwy, North Ada


    Veterinarians in NHillsdale Animal ClinA Complete Veterinary Hospita

    24-Hour Emergency Services.Dr. Gary Cane, Route 23, Hillsdale


    Large Animal VeterinBerkshire AmbulatoVeterinary Services

    Yoanna Y. Maitre, DVMMobile practice providing quality medical

    ical care for horses and farm animals. Vdeworming, health certificates. Coggin

    dentistry (hand & powerfloat). castradehorning & more. Serving MA & NY, b

    ment & emergencies.



    Boundaries for PetsInvisible Fence

    Steve Gomez, dealer. Veterinarian approfessional installation & training, ou

    customer service, over 17 years exp.containment guarantee, free on-site e

    860-435-0064 800-732-3

    289 Dalton Avenue

    Pittsfield, MA 01201



    Veterinary Acu


    Mon-Fri 8-5, S

    Open: M-F: 7am-7pm and Sat. 7am-6pm

    174 South St., Pittsfield, MA 01201-6806

    (413) 443-9196

    Get Ready for Summer!

    DUELER PRIMEWELLFIREHAWK your tire, your price.

    Animal Lifer June 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition


  • 7/28/2019 Animal Life June E-Edition



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