animal physiology – osmoregulation & excretion chapter 44

Animal Physiology – Osmoregulation & Excretion Chapter 44

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Animal Physiology – Osmoregulation &


Chapter 44

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Osmoregulation Def – MGT of body’s water & solute concentration

Osmoregulation depends on the environment the organisms lives in

Marine Vertebrates (Fish) – face dehydration pressures from the sea (salt H2O) So they are in a hypertonic solution What happens to H2O inside the fish? – Exits Fish lose great amounts of water via gills & skin To combat this loss, fish produce little urine & consume large

amounts of sea H2O combined with active transport of salts

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Osmoregulation (Page 2)

Freshwater vertebrates (fish) Environment is hypotonic, so need to counter osmotic

pressure Active transport of salts into body Excrete substantial amounts of dilute urine

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Excretory Systems

Terrestrial Organisms Evolved mechanisms that expel wastes into the

environment & retain water as well Different organisms = different mechanisms

Protista = Contractile vacuole Platyhelminths = Protonephridia/Flame-bulb system Annelids (Earthworm) = Metanephridia Insects & Terrestrial Arthropods = Malpighian Tubules Humans = Nephrons (Kidneys)

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Excretion (Page 2)

Def – removal of metabolic wastes Wastes include:

CO2 & H2O (Respiration wastes) Nitrogenous waste (from protein metabolism)

Ammonia, urea, or uric acid

Excretion Organs (Humans) Skin, lungs, kidneys, & liver (site of urea production)

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Nitrogenous Wastes Ammonia

Highly toxic, but water soluble Generally excreted by waterborne organisms

Urea Not as toxic as ammonia Humans & Earthworms excrete In mammals, ammonia is decomposed into urea in liver

Uric Acid Pastelike substance that you have seen on the outside of your car NOT water soluble; Least toxic form Deposited by birds (and reptiles) – minimum of H2O loss

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Urine Production in 4 Easy Steps

1. Filtration Pressure-filtering of body fluids Removal of water & solutes Cells, proteins, & large particles remain

2. Reabsorption Reclaims valuable substances from the filtrate Glucose, vitamins, & hormones

3. Secretion Adds other substances (toxins & excess ions)

to the filtrate

4. Excretion Altered filtrate leaves the body

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Human Kidney Dual functionality: Osmoregulation & Excretion

Renal = kidney Renal vein, renal artery, renal nerve, renal failure

Kidneys are the body’s filters

Kidneys filter 1,000 – 2,000 L blood per day

Produce 1.5 L urine per day

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Human Kidney (Page 2)

Humans need to conserve water, but also remove toxins

Kidney adjusts volume & concentration of urine due to animal’s intake of water & salt Fluid intake is high & salt intake low = dilute (hyposmotic) urine Fluid intake low & salt intake high = concentrated (hyperosmotic)


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Blood: Renal artery (afferent & efferent) aterioles

peritubular capillaries renal vein

Filtrate (urine): Glomerulus OR tubule OR Loop of Henle ureters

Bladder urethra

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The Nephron

Functional unit of the kidney

Each kidney contains ~1 million nephrons

Vocab: 1. Tubule (Proximal & Distal) 2. Glomerulus – Ball of capillaries 3. Bowman’s capsule – End of tubule that surrounds the glomerulus 4. Loop of Henle – Descending & Ascending limbs

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Nephron Particulars

Renal Cortex Glomerulus – tightly packed ball of capillaries Bowman’s Capsule – encapsulates the glomerulus

Actual site of blood filtration Proximal Tubule – site of substantial secretion & absorption Distal Tubule – another important site of secretion & absorption

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6 Main Steps in the Nephron

1. Filtration from glomerulus in Bowman’s Capsule

2. Proximal (near) tubule – secretion & reabsorption Changes the volume & composition of the filtrate

3. Descending Loop of Henle – reabsorption of H2O continues

4. Ascending Loop of Henle – Reabsorption of salt (NaCl) w/o giving up H2O = dilution of urine

5. Distal (far) tubule – K+ and NaCl levels are regulated

6. Collecting Duct – filtrate becomes more concentrated as more water is reabsorbed

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Nephron Steps Filtration

Passive (diffusion) & nonselective Blood pressure forces fluid from the glomerulus into the Bowman’s Capsule Bowman’s Capsule contains specialized cells which increase the rate of filtration Anything small enough to filter out does so

Glucose, salts, vitamins, wastes such as urea, other small molecules From Bowman’s Capsule, the filtrate travels to the proximal tubule, the loop of

Henle, distal tubule, then to the collecting duct or tubule From the collecting tubule, filtrate trickles into the ureter

& finally the urinary bladder (temp storage) Urethra out

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Nephron Steps (Page 2)

Secretion Active & Selective Uptake of molecules that did not get filtered into Bowman’s Capsule Occurs in Proximal tubule

Reabsorption Water & solutes (glucose, amino acids, & vitamins) that entered the tubule

during filtration are returned to peritubular capillaries then to the body Proximal tubule, Loop of Henle, and to collecting tubule

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Nephron (Page 3)

Loop of Henle – Acts as a countercurrent exchange mechanism Maintains a steep salt gradient surrounding the loop This gradient ensures that water will continue flowing out of

collecting tubule of the nephron Creates hypertonic urine Conserves water Longer Loop of Henle = More water reabsorption

Excretion Removal of metabolic wastes (nitrogenous wastes) Everything that passed into the collecting tubule is excreted from

the body

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Kidney Dialysis-- When the kidney(s) fail, patients must undergo dialysis (artificial mechanical filtration)

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Nephron Particulars (Page 2) Renal Medulla

Loop of Henle Descending limb – Impermeable to Salt, but permeable to water

Filtrate becomes increasingly concentrated Ascending limb – Impermeable to water, but permeable to Salt

NaCl diffuses out of the lower part, increasing salt concentration of the surrounding tissue

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Nephron Particulars (Page 3)

Collecting Duct Carries the remaining filtrate through tissue that has high

osmolarity (salt concentration) ADH (Anti-Duretic Hormone) – Determines whether water

is removed here or not If ADH is present, collecting ducts become permeable to

water & filtrate = hypertonic urine If ADH is NOT present, collecting ducts’ walls remain

impermeable to water = hypotonic urine

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Hormonal Control of Kidneys

Under the control of Nervous & Endocrine systems

Hence, kidney can quickly respond to the changing requirements of the body

ADH (Anti-Diuretic Hormone) Produced by the hypothalamus Stored in the Posterior Pituitary Targets the collecting tubule of the nephron Hypothalamus has osmoreceptor cells that monitor blood

concentrations of salts On a feedback loop to maintain homeostasis of fluid


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ADH @ Work

When body’s salt concentration is too HIGH, ADH is released into the blood ADH increases permeability of the collecting tubule

So more water is collected from the urine, and urine volume is decreased

When body’s salt concentration is too LOW (dilute), due to water intake being too high or salt intake too low, ADH is reduced = more urine production

EtOH = ADH inhibition = excessive urine production May lead to dehydration